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Outline of Popular Cosmetic Treatments

The popularity of cosmetic clinics and procedures shows that the general public will take action when they want to correct a perceived imperfection.

Some cosmetic treatments have been around for ages and some are relatively new, but all of them add something or take something away that alters the patient’s self confidence for the better.

Here is an outline of some of the more popular cosmetic treatments.

Face Lift The face lift is a classic cosmetic

treatment that can shave years off your face in one procedure. A face lift is also known as a ‘rhytidectomy’ and it is a surgical procedure that helps restore elasticity, smooth contours and remove wrinkles caused by general aging.

The first step to getting the face lift you want is a consultation with the doctor. There he will explain precisely what will happen as part of the surgery, and will prepare you mentally and physically.

A face lift takes longer than most other cosmetic procedures, but once it’s over your face will be restored to its former glory. No more sagging, no more wrinkles and no more damage.

Your doctor will let you know if you are a candidate, and what other procedures may be better suited to your problem if you’re not a candidate. Face lifts are generally reserved for more dramatic results, so if you’re just looking to remove some finer lines, you may be sent in another direction.

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Rhinoplasty Many people, both male and female are unhappy with

the way their noses look. Nose surgery or a ‘nose job’ is technically called Rhinoplasty, and it can completely re-contour your nose. Whether you feel your nose is too bumpy, too pointy or just too big overall, rhinoplasty can make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Your nose is one of the things you just can’t hide, no matter how self-conscious you are of it. It’s right there in the middle of your face all the time, and it got that way through genetics or an accident, neither of which were your fault at all.

Rhinoplasty will help balance out your facial features and take the focus away from your nose. You will finally have the profile that you’ve always wanted, and your original issue will be fixed.

Whether you had a problem with the nostrils, bridge, tip or all of the above, you may look like a completely different person depending on how much you had corrected. In some cases, breathing difficulties might also be corrected, but that’s something you need to discuss with the doctor.

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Most people have probably heard of Botox by now. Botox is an injection that some people get to help smooth out facial wrinkles and similar imperfections. Botox is a chemical that works to block receptors that make muscles contract. It effectively paralyzes the muscles in question, but without any nerve damage having been done.

This blockage of the muscle receptors usually starts within 48 hours of the injection and it is irreversible. Patients will typically notice the clinical effects of a Botox injection within 10 days. The paralyzed muscle is usually able to contract again in 3 to 5 months time as the muscle develops new receptor sites.

Each potential Botox patient will receive a consultation to determine whether they are eligible for Botox and the best way to proceed.

Breast Augmentation

Finding a woman who is perfectly satisfied with her natural breasts can be a pretty tall order. Whether a woman feels like nature didn’t provide enough, or gravity has taken what she did get and changed it, breast augmentation is a common and popular surgery. Many women have designs on that hourglass figure they never fully achieved, and breast augmentation can help.

Breast augmentation helps increase the size of the breasts, and the symmetry of the overall look and body contour. The surgery is elective and uses breast implants to get the desired look. Implants have changes and evolved over the years, and your surgeon will discuss which type are the best ones to use when you have a consultation before the surgery. Silicone and saline are the primary products used for breast augmentation today.

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Laser Hair Removal Unwanted hair can be just as troublesome as small

breasts, a big nose or an abundance of wrinkles. Most people have episodes of unwanted hair to some degree, and there are many different methods to get rid of it. Temporary methods like shaving, creams and waxing take time and are often uncomfortable.

A method like electrolysis is a permanent solution, but it literally consists of needles being inserted into your hair follicles. That’s why so many people opt for lasers to remove hair. Laser hair removal is relatively painless when compared to other methods and it is very quick.

Once you’re accepted for the treatment, computer guided, long-pulse laser light is sent directly into the hair follicles, inhibiting their ability to grow. There is typically no pain medication or anesthesia used, as the discomfort is only mild.
