Page 1: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14



5 .4*11 •.95t.

, Ater


i4t tin* ,440'44 .'4,44...gavs '014 tt.14 .4.UXI

sito,to Ai re': db ' .0,1•U$. *ea Ott 49,44.t . Part I le

*lotto. . .

,eNtrt1 of c. •Eaugl• telttoe4 olo,10t)or, vIc 7,'Art .X/ ef 0

Ft I ef 0-1 ors #10 ?vatIfo.rt I-of a./ oi,-0 *Ay.-Or PI rt:

cutt ei AlAt404 rmAktorterti C

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1,* ktia*teil beteettU *levalte of AA:001=s**.4 .0*1.1-114 oirtareett. te,y C. Dfte irt*.0 ottiva)4414 rOora..IN-:Otte tba ittormtlext obtalved 4.wriAtt thitt -itelittitriegoegmeeed attgOkasiisitt 1941100 :0444 40t44,V10.44Si *Mt the wait

.4W 1305810•X 4.4 VOit 4MZt. .1.0 .14404. eto.• to'bta4,404.tree itA,Malrati•

tte ttiet. tklo a eget.. ite47--det*tat49asik.e4 c 94:49eAleVitet.-04.aagiulet

Warmeti gia 1440 east: Iiie.#karktittay lt,;1434494 Watge tiwur •Olortt4eotkait4 . ilt otOli, • xitivx . ritto• 01 tact* Ot:tit& ettainotte tar. te*Overi.W10414 . #0tia, 04 04:.O rroitrkort 441111i0.0.4,41 elitte1.4045: .4:140942=0* . tt*.Nr.****0.474,V449.0, i10***it. hia.a.. • 'feet* IX10* ..tly4140 4.:414.mitattgt veeld: 14e• ,10 .91*- witixt Ot4 .434v1 U -te 9400-him, 40 *94_14:. eatotta414, ttft - Trt'Ulto tre 4,41r* 'tut 000estapazettoz4 Oft4i * t to.,*431 loortt. it* ,0140404: pertiere*Towlz ettee ti,ate 100 truztvw ellettroAtiotteei Ittg 0:0-4 0444.otrozs tziit-lototziotka tbget 49-Jok4 .V.94ot rikipgiktegt tbe .41111eeit . orPt • riew . etolt tOS,94, .% 0*W' 9941tvol.4

3. .41.tkcmgh voitree 01.1 1,44 4,04 14 to Pratkturt49t, Surther 44494444004 0:410i1 041. 1* totervtoftvill.Ue ype44.atix*. from ow potat ef 'ftt Wm** 4441100:04to14 it 141,0 Uwe. t*ot oweeatiark to; aos.b44 404144 V:9in get la. teuett vitt . kixi

Page 2: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14



Attachment A to



Scuret was born on :larch 20, 1911, in Schoenfeld, nearAaehen. It 1934 ecuree.gra4usted from the Hotelschnle, aschool giving instrUction in hotel management, in Zurich,Switzerland, and subsequently returned to 00boenefe1d, flermatIf

van.Sohosnefeld he came into contact with a certain jose021.i.9111A1, who gave• !OUTGO the assignment to join the Forkign .• Legion and there .find Oerman . Oitisens who had

it 1933.

In August 1935 source loft for Franoe, joined the 'ForeignLegion in Marseille at a private, and was g•nt to Banda, Algiersand Marakesh, Morocco.

, In the summer of 193.6, through a "lady" qerman intelligeneewoman source was .ordered to leave the Foreign Legion under Anypretext and return to France. At that time, source was sufferingfrom an inflamMation of the ears. He bribed the medical etaffof the hospital to operate on him, and as a result was relievedfrog his Foreign Legion duty. In garoll 1957 he received permiteion to leave for Prance.

Beginning April 1.957 source lived in Paris, where he wasin contaq, with an unofficial member of German intelligence,a certaIi*DEMELBURG who also lived in Paris. Souree underthe name of_AaMp Orrganited with DEMILWRO o s assistance anioe.cream fadTary'in Paris, and used it for their agents' net-work. Source does not remsmber the namcs of the French agents,and maintains that this network had assignments in counsotionwith military mattere.

Source worked in this fashion until 1939 when source leftfor Munich, and was ordered by the Supreme-Command of theGerman Armed Forces to report to the Wiesbaden Iranch (Ast..Leitestelle) PieldPost No. 21476. ording to source, hismain duty there was to transport reports of the agency alongthe Keeln, Luxemburg, Paris T000.

TIOTE; Source refused to give details of hi o work there, etotingthat he will do so at a later date, i.e., after he has establishedcloser contact with us.

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Attachment A toEaA4350Page Teo

I• "

"isSORMSKOotitottomve.6~,,,,,,.. .,- •

ttvqrw-p,'),„"•;•"it op-1,••rt 41 4/ 44,4V

,0110 .

:1,73- Jeno 1104 -40:0iie .:teilbe te Paris ce . A iii00,10, 134)0MiSialiera

.agit Oak tip • Tial . • es* • 1:7 the ' •11 ite to la " • Stittrefigi e indirect004' wo0CdOlOnel . ' " ..,••• • • . 17_1....Q' .trim the iitieehed-en BranCh.source wee giTOn. the -aseignnent to e.Oreen . • Pronehnen ' wile veteWang recruited. by German intelliconOoi . SourCe • -talkeit • to theseVecpXO, and later sub:tatted. hie Cmaelt4tioto . in re/tail .to- the.1100111$Y. 0 . 011)0 orith4Aoitet of-those indiyidnale*.'

..'CI P#Mtlefmt 134'1,44 4- 00rolan_inte4tgenco agent, a: Oortofii ..


iai SSI:1411 gave 44Otitter the atieignnent IC go to Vidlit. vehere * .

14iii ti., l't.4 of PLIAtee gevernnent : !ore locatedf:a.pi„.0.%4AahlAstiefi,contact IscAlh the 4 .,lantee3,1 et the Trench intiff " itei. Mina

, vipeititteelir itireetei tonree t0 izp , ' 02, .. :P4014 wil.lx• Ohlr,PUtri") .• . .-t\BAliitikltr.f:

• Ou Aecentrit .:.16. 14.464 SOUre .e ...v.rai c.rreeted in Yitiht b, . proich

anthcritiee t .Art4-.6 fiit . • to 01$i114 Camp in Algie.r. s . . Theret,..thes•Oitiiiihd1ta sc.oUrt eenteneed...Sonice to death . ter- '• In thesau er of 1942, e1xp . #.4:0 taken .fron Una iet ,7417 00 .t. ttm*.s st;i':tho

effort* "of • Iliroti ..zEll-•.-Chairnan of the *Ftatee4reieian •—aiiuittineateions -44 .4ren4 to 1e 7tita-.117-edi work.for the V.ain s Office German :State Security, tirt..voiltcm:481 /.3te 0 of off erlAg eintee to the - preemie-et 1...oztearid to the soitentersti,

• Ocurce• was alkyd. to, ..gPre . detall g,1 hie .actOities .duringthie . ortodi however, plirce • denied .0,41..r.e.*:t. 4.141storer, e410C14.001that Only . for a. peeled )ie,.:had • been invoilied :in t1e tOAlewing . tn contk.O.tiOn with . the . 'Oote te0e.ile, • •

" " .•13 . ... •4001.4- the end eore 194, the tripiitkel. .ilooetlgatjtfo offiCial•

(trininairet) •RAICYITZ.)-PAITLail o e. .s.r.s.ang Atof •the state .e .eoutity ...Main::-Offie.e. .(Reittiseicherbeiteheuttaltt)-oeste to P4t .ia Pala 4‘..tie,00•14 arcid . -source we,* told by the(S$* jaiOenera!ikil.a.axi. tron „the Oftiee to •gi.**.itnoceceary l or 13 $a to PAVIZ tor. ,; the . Rote lapelle.opeiation. tource fel:1004 . the 'tegtrOt 001 tibwaverti Kailkiai.1011that be knolte 'ne-dett43,* . 4)044 the .Orierati.ozt iteelf. Sourcere4Lietbere that some o the:-*gente h put.. at the .iiinvotal of

.•VAN.Y.IZ were Bort to Grenebit, vrhere they 'sore .instuvitental:'inthe ATreat Of oe, certain nue'hei of Comr.finniet agents", and thosewho remained in Pails under ,PANVIZ I e .60:pervision were -pe.r.fOrolinEin a eireilar fashion. : •$'0nreek sainteine that :411.risiir hie inpriiion.-went by the Soviets he had heard frig;a fe.11ow-prisoner named

Page 4: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14



Erk.0,11. . AttachMent A to

1411485 .Tuge Three

NACI11240 0141'70V-it 1144 . 1300n Arrotte4 by the Seviete, am/sectu ntly shot in Lutyanka, tie:scow.. s

. In *tit/pits:44er 1944-oonree wa "m erat the " .V.a" groupof the Tank Division oommnflitet:s 7 4cn. fiXTROELf which at.*tit: time *"...to08404 in IiOWAWnear-StraeihOUr#. In 110Tern*her .4944 . source • WM( ;l ent ktfitli .: ,*? : itii"euP to ,Xt04.1, where hewe *0 0414$0, *Otti1114 ,1640: . il***td' the. re .

*SOW Ita14...t0ii0e*t.VOOPe. : 41;i4f: 40.#' i&s heededone Of the 9-cre;s_A__. 4" int •

.442:6 ,̀..l945.:,.-. .**1044 we '44 '4414 . *.si the A ttcititraowt.frolt -'4-*' •in . the vietpiti . ef: g1,1414• 144C it*.k.44:14-4; -:/3-06ae to..aIntelligenCe- :Senter Ln Foe. Theie,eouree,.;Wa*:interregatstabout . his Past activit40 in • the:‘00Man 14461

. , .:1945*.=.04rce wee tranperred to Camp:AnilOna*

From tore, On. .tecenberles...11454 i4P trO:neforred to the epoOsiel.rttisa O6110. 1# 41444 t414 .P.410100111170491t to h. 14. 1 11Uustal

to ,a hoepitl in % ehesenati0o0HOOhe Winning ,i4 .190 souree.weetraneferred to. ...ivne00'41• Vet41e..: andAht .p.In the.tirstpart of:Ne*ember. 1944.14044i0t00440.0 Germany. via Muenster.

. 4 FebrOlar7 . 1947 :0enree w-ue handed over to thel'renchAutherities, and: Pent'te the French 4:.ottrrOgetAor tenOr ' ir .*ildhad, l$Chwartna1-44 , --Wilifle44 as pouree'claiM04 is under theOoott4O4 of 'the rroneh,.intiWagette organ iglieden‘ljaden, proAhte .err*ve4 . there source thatvlas taMedEeUe.t4r04. .00rete, tegither:iith titteet Other former Der-man. 44.4te11iAenCe agents,- *at. -4600 • Oartled b7 the ProVeharlerio•Or June ,V4 With the hat br t *PAteih,. sonrce lAucteed:p4iv. escaping.the villa,

.During hie French captivity, eoUrce wet perMitted by the

samp authorities to repeatedly Vielt t he TrAite tehone . er A, ...s - _ ..40man'friend ef his, his 'Orteeni vifeg . Diditi iSt.,Dretchen.. v........._.-•-■-.

After hie estigpe frbin tbAD vrench captivity, genree wentillegally to the $cviet zone of German via explains this 14 the fact that he . hed to get to shwerint7ttec1tleiburg, at any Cost in Order to obtain some secret docu-ments that he had at One time hidden in 'Me VendendOrt Castlein Bona., end which, if discovered, would disclose the treacher.ens ef some Preirch tietnte of the •German intelligence.In Shterit source sucoeeded in destroying the ahore-mentiont4docUments, and went thereupon to terlin-Falkensee. rhere he


Page 5: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14



Attachment A to-47)14650-

Page tonr


stayed with somefrionds of his for two days. During this.stey in Berlin,- eomeone lormed oz hie to be 8101:4 *Jour°ewe arrested by a Soviet lieutenatt .colotol)named IVCLOV, andtaken to a military prison in teenithenhaniere.

There source remained in eeutery comfinement from July..14, 1947, UAW: JUVe 19504 Re was interrogated by SeveralSoviets who were interregetori about his pant &OUT/Atlas irtthe German intelligence and about ether agents known to bin,The long tore of imprisoilmart (threelearal)by the fact that he had three difterent.interrogateralthat each Interrogator investigated hi-s ease completely aeev.

In July 1950, tiouree as sentenced by the Soviettary court which was' boated in the building pf the ferkorwemen e s prison in Lichtenberg, Berlin, to a life sentences. OnAugust 1, 1950, source WO sent with e large group of Prisonersto the transfer camp in Taythet, Via Orsha ., Chelyabinsk, Tuyby-ehev, and noVesibirsk.

In themiddle of 0eteber . 1950,.0euree was sent to camp0194 located along the Teysheti.2ratat highway, on.tte 198thkilometer mark, where he 'stayed vein December. 2, 1950. ThereW38 a total or-about 1200 prisozers tber 64 RAZAWIA , CerPAP4o

Poles., Hungarian-O p Czechs, tereare,..lepanese l and thineee, whowerked on timber exploitatiOn, and at the smell . saw.,mill there4

On December 2, AUe to his emaciated etate, source was sentto the "Central Bospittlootted along the same Teyebet.Bretskhighway on the 51st kilometer . mark,..and retained there untilthe first part of January, 19514

. Prom tho heepital, source was transferred to camp go4an invalid camp for . handieapped prisoners doing various typee oflight vork4 located in the vicinity of' the hospital. tonrceretained 10 thie oumpOntil March 29, 19514 r'hen he was egeusent to the.Teyehet transfer camp for further interrogation.'The interrogation lasted. 0104 A day, and in the course of itsource wrig questioned aloUt t Certain OttekSOORZENI, some Of •whose activities were known to eevres. At the same time, sourcewas given a physical examination, and-dat to his emaciated state,was declared an invalid. After this, he was taken to the invalidcamp 021, looated on. the 4th kilometer mark Along the Tayshet-Bratek highway.

Source claims that ehile he vas being registered in the camp,he was able to detect the words "particularly °tangerine" on the

-et'f••;.;" •


Page 6: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14

At "Leihmem A toEOFA-903Page Ftre

folder cOntaining his case* That is why* be further claiet*immediately upon hie arrival in the camp* he was,agala given.a . physicaI enseinettenoard this•timei in spite of his poor'state Of health* declared healthy. After having stayed itthis camp for three days * source was again treneferre4i firetto camp 0244 the location cif which 4;0u/ice. dot* „riot remember*and lmmediately after to tamp On* wheise . location'touree alto

. does net raMeMber * In , cemp 0201 source wag*Othe.• initeseified-regiMe bartac1i4libleit practitillyaisOmted‘to•)*1,1* put into the Camp Orisen* anCtource holder-et the* this

• TA* tipato became*. his Oats Older weeltpri.tkett " artiteti1wrii,a#30.-

Oitiosti, • Mils in thei'harracks* aeurce was interrogated oti*er.p

al times * *tree he was sUepected:Of - haring Made attemOte to _escape. The : iittar,roftatO*; • 1*e • iiiiiAle. source 4&es not

, tried te forceOeurt*te eign ..areport Which Stated that sc*ree..14 the intention to iScaps from the eaMp and had talked other.

, prieeneri-into doing the sane thing.

.Towardthe:enkof Nero 1951 * sourpe WAS transferred tocamp Ol * located. along the .Tayshet-Bratak highway * on the 1244tb.kilometer mark* and again ',placed into Peep PriSon * Jor no reasonsknown to scarce * . Source maintains* ,that during his whole stayin 4AMP8 h he tegased-tO workbesaUee he did-not'-watt his workto serve to strengthen the soviet :legit** And helieret that hisfrequent imprisonment it barracks of intensified regime weredue to hi.e refusal to,work*

On :lib* 13...19514 all the prisoners pf the damp prieonwere transferred to tamp 048 in the town of Tayshot• The Camphad aote 1500 prisoner's who tad -ell Came from CA211,0 lAci*A4.along the TaYshetaBratak highway * and was one of the best-organizedcamps that Seurce had ever been * The food and the general trest.ment bore wasmuch better than in any:of the Other Comps * Notfar from the Camp.wes the Central Automobile Repair Plant * whoreaoUrce has worked as aA:ubeidiary worker for a short time*though most of the time . be had refused any work*

. On June 13 1 1952 (as sit:lures put it * "exectl$ a year later")source we sent back to tamp 02 .6 * ard was immed iAte lY put intocaop prison for refusing to work* Subsequently * source was placedin the camp hospital due to his emaciated state. There ileum*Succeeded in persuading a Russian doctor Whose name be does notremember to send him to the boapital in the town of Bratsk*

• 'Jr August 1952 * Source sett to eemp 052 at the Vikharov-skaya station* and from there to the nearby tamp 01$ * wheresource remained for almbst two yssrS ., In December 195$ German

Page 7: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14

• " ""t'

- CPO;t;figa,„

Attachment A toEGFA.,9850Page Six

'MOW . •

prtooners were given the permission to I:terra:Open& with theirrelatives in Germany. $ouroe immediately wrote a letter tohis preeent wife, who Ives then at Wildbad, anctreeilVed areply. liceever, when source was given his . tirst letter fromGermany, he was warned by the clamp a4ministretien that shonithe it the future cootinue refusing work, he would be deprivedof the right to write to anyone in Germany. This warning forcedsource to:.secePt work, and from gay, 1954 until Au,gust 15 4 1954,source worked in .a brigade prancing wooden orates for stringnmnuni tide.-

On August 115, 1954, eoureo its taken to V.4.,—.9„e!A#1.4.-J400-EWL.of the 052 ceSty. Source does pot remember 10 exact'

On March 26, 19$5 ., all Gorman patients at the centralhoapital *Olt to the aeeembly eamp . in aesbetneye settlement(tratslator s e tote, smarm/ is net sure but tams of this eettle-matt, however, it is most probably Resbety)4 1"or no reason14)0110 to source, he and three otter prisoneri bad to remain inthe hospital, and on May 1, 1955, the whole heePital was trans-ferred to camp 040 at the Tukihke (sal/roe is not sure about thename) eettlement, located on tta 360th kilometer mark of theTaystet-pratik highway.

It the middle' of August 1955, source was ordered by thepolitical instructor of the camp to be transferred .to came 040.Locates:1 , 6a, 5 km from the Tukihke settlement. Tram there.,source was transferred to camp prison lie. 04 and on September27, 1955, spurs° was sent to Camp 013, in whiet there were about250 Oormate, Manchurians, Poles and ,4:1paniarda.

Cu October 4. 1955, all Germans were sent to the BeehetYsettlement for final releaet. Before, their departure ' a sovietofficer made a brief speeek in which he expressed the hope that.the released Germans would be grateful to the Seviet governmentfor the generous annestyvand that, when they returned to :Getaway,they would , tell their eountrymen that the Soviet people went tolive in Peace with eVerybody.

At the Sverdlovsk station, 27 g ermane to be gent in thes pacial transport were separated 'from the root for to reasonknown to source. On October 20, the transport arrived it Herlem-haueen, and on Ootober'22, the releaved prisoners arrived incal* Friedlatd.


Page 8: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14

• Attachment B to20PA=985q


Vt'it 7.7.'r.giL

%4)4.T .. 4egA, moimegookemitsca*AmmolakalimWAVAVA~r.,.. 1Wiakt,


Oce it limited amount of tint 000 With source. OlefO11osin4 iatertI does not •ntompess all is life. It 4*voceszarutp: flowtho 50400- :Attopts to Ove 15017 super..fitial data about hitielfi . trking to Onkt dettile whereVer

,poOsible. •§Ourto it 4011,4401."-itteretted : in establithing

-t4S-iti-ng 6611440 v4t-hHtuo.00riehine..**. leoprding.:.10..h44:111,,Pertant aid their Intej.ligene, terviccat preeentilellEr'A.4-sifialaptIy„ . ,amd:therefere'hele notintérested.inWorking)withthen. Source irpreeted 'the':*.teh to . erg41ee.,4 tet11.00: :107 4104and to inpreit the.'oOinters,e0Pioiftie:Offirt,......ZoUroc:added.4that if 'the AveriCen0 vela& OuPPOrt he soilbeable to estiblith plandestine:Ocintacte *ith theyMER."within A =atter of 'a few nonthoinee4 toebrding tosoure04-114...hoccuftieiontly stuOisit tholi.Oesine dur.itg. 1in etay in came,Sure0411..eertain thit - thenajority of4UssiaMaOunist.: poUroo .:said:thilOilo***0 "T,11avef:epent suCh*of myown fineneee iOe t41011101 eittael with several individualswho could be used for:Antelligesee-*Oth in -Metal% .gernany,At .1jr0eelli 07 filieneee nrt-le*. ..Ehould. the AMleitip,A0: help1413 11.*utal.6414 . to Oart *it:44 Z would be able to establish theneSeesiery- Contacts, 110i-tier. L would like t0, "Wie le a:PPC-Oftejob.. For instance, If you would ask rut , to cover: the 'Hamburg.Munich line, .1 weiult :lino* that that ,is skv. particular duty, andwould try to spot all 'isuspitious individuele in that :sectiOnsl.

Source nade,*.great,effort to Ile aahed to collaboratewith e. 110-deeeribe4 Self ac an . idealist, interested onlyin the :struggle steinst2tammunien. This pote.of peurce ta wAS

obviously discrepant with soiree s * demands for financial4lort,

In tbs course of the interview, the follo*ing oontralliotionscume forth.

1. Source lesimtetted that in:1935 he went to France, andjoinedthe Foreign-Legion there se an assignment of the Germanintelligence. Thit is not Very_litely; source probablyactually waa. there, but not on a job for the German intel-ligences but rather to oover up a grime that he himself hadcommitted, using the german intelligence assignment story 1LS4 cover.

Page 9: OURCESMETHODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI … EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CRIMESD.ISCLOSUREACT DATE 2001 2006 APk 5 1956 5 .411 •.95t., Ater.4Tr91,104i i4t tin , 44044.4 ,44...gavs '014 tt.14


' ',;OW4gtafffiR VIM'SPAMMVAr4

.ait,w0g9wW:404grzw410. 4194 i•*, -"


Attachment B toSOFA.9850

2, Source is reluctant to speak out his work in Francebefore the beginning efthe war, avoids giving.facts anddetails. Several facto source refused to explain, etatingthat that was a "profeseional eecret", However, sourceseems to be afraid to mention certain facts for. fear ofgetting mixed up (be refused to name an French. agents).

3. According to eource he was eonnected with the "RoteKappelle". .However, se-drawees not able to describe theoperation in detail and finally adnittinithat hi was notdirectly connected with it, His Contact amounted to send-ing. eeveral agents en jota in the "Rote KappeUe".

4. Source stated that it February 1947,'he was -takenl* --- • •• ildbad t Schwarzwald, "a French interrogation center",

from which be °soaped on June 30, 1947, in spite . or hievilla being surrounded by guards, ?e'en source's state-ment,' one could condlude that the Frenth probably eon.eidered him to be a "war criminal" (worked with agents inoccupied France and fonght against theeresistanee mote-tent to the eermat oceupation). ER:welter, source eat netimprieoned during- that time, but was rather kept in a.villa by. the French. At he stated himself, he bedright to leave the villa at pleasure. 'So his etateeentsin this connection do not SOOM to be true to fact,

5. sonrce maintains, that after escaping from the French, hewent. to the 20viet tone in Germany * to Seteerin . in Mecklee_burg, since he wanted to :destroy some documents which iffound. wouldcompromise hta agents. in France. This reasonfor going there does mot ring true- either, for it is doubt-ful that seuree oduld be brave and noble to the extent ofgoing to the Soviet Une for that reason only, krrival. ofsource. in Berlin seunde also untrne,as well as oontrary tologic. Otviouely /source had other reasons which forced himto go to the Soviet Zone. •

6. 011 July 14, 1947, source was arrested by the Soviet Lieutenant-Colonel PAVLOV, and was placed' into the eilitary prison inBehenscheentansen t where he remained until June 1950. SourceWail interrogated for this whole period of three years, andexplains this etteneive Interrogation by the fact that inthe procese of questioning, he had three different interro.gators who started his case anew-each time. This part of.

T* f inishsource's statement does not ring true at al.14a case of his kind, a =Zia= of 12.15 menthe are needed, /


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iAtecilment 1.1 tozlaF4.985oPage Three

It is ::06ib1e . that source ie giving false data in regard tohis being under interrocation. It is robeble that so•rce'sarrest took 'ilace at some other time (perhaps much later).It may be that source ras bein used for a cortsi 'erod oftime by the lin as a sctter for individuals who were in con-tact with Oerman intelli4;ence, for !:IS very much interestedin such individuals, Ltd eGurce is now giving false facts tocover up ia real activities in the Soviet Zone.

.7. Source W 4S ailket whether he had been questioned in the Oamp,to which he rezlied affirmatively, saying that. he had. beeninterrogated in several camps.

a. . In cai .p 045 9 Tsyshet, . in Itarch 1951, he hadgate for a whole day in re •ard to .his connections withOtto SCORZENI, by a certain liajor)4LKOVI,EV,


In the Central .: , utc,motile !;(1),-,air Plant camp in Tasshethe w . ls interrogated in 1952 for one day in regard to 4certain Itussian named VIM- Mi t who had been in lkildbadin the French orgenicatiQn. The interrogation was Can..ducted by some Soviet civilians, who introduced to himtwo French officers whom source did swt knew.

c. In oamp 013, source is summoned several times by varioueofficials. This time he se,.r, ;uestioned as to whether hehad ever been in ,-'cland, and whether be had Xnown anyindividuals of Polish natirslity. :3ource had neverbeen to Toland, so his rer!lies,were in the necative.In the campseniorAieutenanOIRTRAVMN questioned sourceseveral times as t&so .Arce rs re.5.4:-ZW-ror refusing towork, to which sourne each ti:ne replied that he wss sick.

/. o f -5. 4Descrip,tion of ZPURAVLRV: Looks '::.otween 30 and 35 years old;is ca. 172 cm tall; hue very )31scit hair,7a--5W1--ra-c4T-gYay oyes;'pn:)re a mustach periodically.

These interogations were the on1y ones to w:Ach source hadto submit.

a. It does not fellow from source's statements that be per-forming heavy work in the ..oviet camps. Source has spent

.muoh time in hosivitale, refused work repeatedly, wad wasofficially recognized se an invalid. ssource states, hehad an oport ynity to learn fivasi4n jr, the camps, and 11-ow_s2eake the language satisfactory. Powever, if source f:epeatedly refused to work, be wTsuld have been placed bycamp authorities in isolation har-aoks (which he wss) andtherefore. would not have had the e .:,;:ortvaity to study Iassinn.

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•• •

ffi'‘ r" r


gi •


AttaehOnt 3 toMA4050Pago Four

When asted why he re e4 Work repeatedly.. source answor,Athat he did not Want to work out of principle, and in ordernot to strengthen the toviet government through hie work.

9. AceOraing to source, in July 1950, wafter three years ofsolitary confinement", he was sentenced by the militarycourt of Berlin.Lichtenbers to a "life sentence", The

*cat eevcre. , 0enteaCe *tithe ttsviat Utica, however. is 257eare Of cap. Therefor*, 0Mu1'os t a stateMent at to a life.sentetce.ebVitusireontaine little truth, rurthermores...Sehree Maintains that.he:notieed en the fatter iontaintnghis . .case.the"Words-partierlat4,deagerons!. Thi# atain isnotvery liIe1y, einoe-eich tabele are ne!ten the outside Of .folders. : Seuree is probably trying. to -build hisSolf up asia fiereeponent of the Oceautiets,

one who waa regarded-by the Soviets az a very importantcriminal.

10, In the course ofthe interview, it became apparent that manyprisoners Considered source to be at informant for the Int.Source explains this by the fact that the "political:.efficer"ef the Can) issued an oTAer to spread such ruMpro abouteource in order to compromise him. Ore of the individualrho used to spread :those rumors about-eenrce was e nerwho was a . foraer Celorel of the German Am', a ce a onT4 AVDTS, who el4rrently rosidee;in Cologne. See attached ropyof a ettor to RANDCN from source.

Sburce probably was an-agent of Soviet intelligence, end manyet the Prisoners knew that. Now 40,111 is probably attemptingto Cover up this fact With .his clumsy oxPla.nntioni

11. In February. 1955 e ur wrote.% "Red. : 1'ress_postoard from:thecamp- to a Certain ir DAlir, who had13011 ono of the a.r y . over-ant German . intelligemet agents..sottr9e wanted to let him trOw-Of hie Own eXtateseesvaiat.virCto

'him the postcard, ir which he *Ado hints Of the weakening ofthe Sowiet . geltertvebts at110 ,heart . is still working,. but theother organs aro elowly withering away*. In the came Poetcard, source asked Dr. RSAY aboutz,hts. former te-Workere itthe Cermet intelligens-el . "IlhatritECITS end your other boyodoing?". This .,,oeteard was not delivered to the addresses, 'however, and source, (Refer to attachment.)The postcard incident areuses suspicion for tte4ollowingreasons.

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AttaOhitht B toBUlth9650Page Fire


4. raCh prisoner hAd tho right to write °Ali One liostcarda months end it iv doubtful, that an one Of the •nsUalprisoners tonld risk lt;sing a thaVoi to write home,olich source did in vending his poste -ard to Dr. REMY.

be The postcard. iu written in such a.etyle that O*04 themost tedicere individual would be alle-to ..guess thatit oontains a double mieauiag t to that At le not Very .likely that the . 804itt.eerseri yOuld hate let At tb*oUgh4


kpoitterd . addressed' to the 141ti4104i fie agent RE$01, -about wiatil eouree:iad. alre4dy kiveu taete . te'tte WO:1AP,.old have immetat olyfax:643414 thF !t1,01/iOiet Of the • .

Soviet intelagenoe: •Tahing . all above facie. into Consideratit 00 he cons.eluded that the pesie0T4 veto wrAtteu. Velour/at at theinstiwwitl**44S teviet IUtelllgenee, wflo were iiterested in -and*in out moreabout Dr, MEWI l a activities, as Well Se in estab.,llehing A contact betvOeu Dr., REMY #114: Minitte.

OENBild. 00CtWilOV$The sbevetenticted etatotente ' ef source de not deserve our

confidence. Evidently source was :recruited by Soviet Iratelligenceand agreed to collaborate with them. It is quite ossible t hat -source has 44 uealguteut here:in theteat from the Soviet:Inelligeoeviu. :9rder. to check eouree!e etateeteute4. 1J is necessary to get factsas to his asiottvitieo in France, 1 whioh ooure* is not ready to reveaX.un100$ 4 concrete offer Of CoOperatiOn with AIS:le andel.

• W 4* a a sis vise a a


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I. Postcard to Dr. MENY with translation.

2, Copy of lettor tO RANDOW from source, dated UUnich, Feb»ruary 14, 1956. •Letter states that source cannot 1r sitvRANDOW it Colognebefore Larch ; that source visited : Dr 11MEDT-in Wasiburg,and hopes to see RANDVV . in Munich t poste- there.

3. Copy of source's registration. In Camp Friedland, datedOctebor. 20,. 1955, including otatement of physical condi»tiot- of source, and of his! destinations Kunk*,,4. Also record of DM 300.- that source recelired : as - iar-prisoner.

Copy of document from Landoevereorgungoamt, dated Feb.21, 1956, Zo. 1543, listing the financial ild source has•received since entering the Federal Republic of Germany.

54 Copy of document recognizing source as Heimkehrer under.Article 1, pare 3 of the-Heimkehrer Lew; trim Landesvor-sorgungsamt Bayern, dated February 214 1956.

6. Copy of source's letter to the.Red Cross in Hamburg,asking Red Croon to discontinue search of Dr. MEM, sincesource was returning home to Germany; dated Rimating,October 22, 1955.

.. -0Part I of' Att&ohment 6 ft,:14


7. garriage certificate of source and Gretchen Didie ZINSER,dated Wildbad..Mareh 7, 1956.

8. Copy of a partner0ip contract (Gesellschafteivertrag)between Xorbinian .%3TER and source, to accept sourceinto the Liquor StorsNWeingrosshandlung) as a partner.

9. Copy of a statement of Willie ;gCRMIDT, a friend and co-prisoner of source, doing with'iTillel s life as a pri-soner in Soviet comps. Also translation.

10. Copy of deecription of souTos e s visit to Munich, whore. 110,.. vinliteda certain(FralIEUAn, and was introduced toa(Mri .VOVAX, a Russian working for Radio Liberation.ArscrVi7iistion.
