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    Augu st 1990

    Topics: Prophecy, RedeemerKinsman

    Volume 8 A Book on Bible Prophecy

    by Ernest An gley

    We learn much about Old Testament redemption in Leviticus 25.

    There we find that people were given the opportunity to redeem

    three things: a close relative, a slave, a possession. When a person

    lost his land, or when a family member was forced into slavery,

    the obligations of redemption were written on two scrolls. Seven

    seals were placed on one scroll, and the scroll was put into a

    private place. The other scroll was kept public in the Tabernacle.

    Later only one scroll was necessary, written on both sides within

    and without, and rolled into a tube sealed with seven seals. On

    the outside one could read the qualifications, the obligations to be

    met. The possessions described in the scroll could not be

    redeemed before the year of Jubilee (every fiftieth year) unless a

    qualified persona redeemer kinsmanwas willing to pay the

    price of redemption and break the seven seals. On the fiftieth year, however, all could receive back

    their property.

    Under the Law, a new owner could not hold onto the land if the original owner came up with either

    the means to redeem it or could find a redeemer kinsman to take it back for him. God had this to

    say about the Holy Land: The land shall not be sold for eve r: for the land is mine; for ye

    are strangers and sojourn ers with me. And in all the land of your possession ye shallgrant a redemption for the land. If thy brother be w axen poor, and hath sold away

    some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to re deem it, then shall he redeem

    that which his brother sold (Leviticus 25:23-25). This was the procedure taken before judges, a

    document prepared which stated that the land had passed from the debtor to the one to whom he

    was in debt. The transfer was not permanent because a redeemer kinsman could reclaim it.

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    God specified three requirements for a redeemer kinsman: The redeemer must be fit, willing and

    able. To be fit meant the person should be closely relatednot a distant cousinto the one in need

    of redemption for himself, his family or his property. Secondly, one could not be forced to be a

    redeemer kinsman; he must meet the obligation willingly. Thirdly, he must have the means with

    which to pay the debt. A person thinking to qualify as a redeemer kinsman could go to the court of

    the Tabernacle, read the terms of the redemption found in the open public scroll. Although he

    could study the outside of the scroll, he could not break the seals. Bringing the price for

    redemption, the prospective redeemer kinsman would then go to the priest or the judge to demand

    that the sealed document be opened, the debtor freed and his property returned to him.

    In the Old Testament we find examples of this redemption. Jeremiah the weeping prophet became

    a redeemer kinsman for his cousin. Jeremiah had received a revelation from God, letting him

    know that although Israel was going to lose the land, they would one day return.And Jeremiah

    said, The word of the Lord came un to me, saying, Behold, Haname el the son ofShallum thine u ncle shall come u nto thee, saying, Buy thee m y field that is in

    Anathoth: for the right of redem ption is thine to buy it. So Hanam eel mine u ncle's

    son came to m e in the cou rt of the prison according to the w ord of the Lord, and said

    un to me, B uy my field, I pray thee, that is in An athoth, which is in the cou ntry of

    Ben jamin: for the right of inheritance is thine, an d the redem ption is thine; b uy it for

    thyself. Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord. And I bought the field of

    Haname el my uncle's son, that was in Anathoth, and we ighed him the mon ey, even

    seventee n shekels of silver. And I subscribed the evidence, and sealed it, and took

    witnesses, and we ighed him the mon ey in the balances. So I took the evidence of thepu rchase, both that which was sealed according to the law an d cu stom, and that

    which was open : And I gave the evidence of the purchase un to Baruch the son of

    Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, in the sight of Haname el mine u ncle's son, and in the

    presence of the witnesses that sub scribed the book of the pu rchase, before all the

    Jews that sat in the court of the prison. And I charged Baruch b efore them, saying,

    Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidence s, this evidence of

    the pu rchase, both which is sealed, and this eviden ce w hich is open; and p ut them in

    an earthen vessel, that they may continu e man y days. For thus saith the Lord of hosts,

    the God of Israel; Houses an d fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this

    land (Jeremiah 32:6-15). Jeremiah's cousin had fallen into bondage and lost his possession. Being

    a first cousin, Jeremiah was related closely enough to be a redeemer kinsman. He was willing to

    redeem, and he had the silver required.

    This is a true picture of what was to come. We are not able to redeem ourselves, but we have a

    Redeemer Kinsman, Jesus, whom God will accept, a Redeemer meeting all the qualifications for

    our redemption.

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    The book of Ruth presents a perfect picture of Earth's mortgage being met by Jesus. The story of

    Boaz and Ruth is a most beautiful love story, with Boaz as a type of Christ and Ruth a type of the

    Gentile Bride on Earth in our day.

    Naomi was Ruth's mother-in-law. Naomi and her husband had left the land of her people and goneinto Moab. While there, Naomi's husband as well as her two sons died, leaving Naomi and her two

    daughters-in-law widows. Naomi decided to return to the land of her people. The daughters-

    in-law started out with her; but one was not dedicated and consecrated to God, one hadn't accepted

    the True and Living God of Israel. When she began to think about the price of giving up her gods

    and serving the True and Living God, she decided she wasn't going. Naomi, wanting to make sure

    that Ruth was serious about serving God, tried to convince her to turn back, too: Behold, thy

    sister in law is gone back un to her people, and u nto her gods: return thou after thy

    sister in law. And Ru th said, Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following

    after thee: for w hither thou goe st, I will go; and w here thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy

    people shall be m y people, and thy God my God (Ruth 1:15,16).

    Naomi saw the love Ruth had for the Lord God of Israel, and they continued the journey together.

    When they arrived in the land of Israel, Naomi's property was gone. Someone had taken it over; it

    was in bondage, and Naomi needed a redeemer kinsman. Naomi had a kinsman of her

    husban d's, a mighty man of we alth (Ruth 2:1). He was Boaz. Boaz was willing to redeem the

    land, but someone was more closely relatedthe nearest of kin, remember, had first choice to

    redeem the possession.

    Boaz went to the closer kinsman, explained the situation: Then said Boaz, W hat day thoubu yest the field of the han d of Naomi, thou mu st bu y it also of Ruth the Moabitess, the

    wife of the dead, to raise u p the nam e of the dead u pon his inheritance (Ruth 4:5). The

    nearest kinsman counted the cost and said he couldn't pay it lest he mar his own inheritance. This

    illustrates the helpless condition of man, wanting to redeem, but unable. But Boaz had the means;

    he was fit, willing and able to be the redeemer kinsman for Naomi and Ruth. He took Ruth, a

    Gentile girl, as his bride.

    Adam lost his inheritance of a perfect Eden when he sinned against God; he forfeited his right as

    head of the creation God had put him in charge of. Turning away from God, Adam fell into sin. No

    longer did he have a right to that place God had given him. He was now under the curse, separated

    from God.

    We read in Genesis 3:17,18 that God said to Adam and Eve: Cursed is the groun d for thy sake;

    in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also an d thistles shall it

    bring forth to thee; an d thou shalt eat the herb of the field. Then in verse 14,And th e

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    Lord God said un to the serpent, Becau se thou hast done this [persuaded Adam and Eve to

    disobey God], thou art cu rsed above all cattle, and ab ove eve ry beast of the field; upon

    thy belly shalt thou go, and d u st shalt thou ea t all the days of thy life.

    The effects of this curse led Paul to write in Romans 8:22,For we know that the whole

    creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together un til now . The whole creation groans

    under great bondage, much sufferingnot just humanity, but also the animals, the ground and the

    vegetation as well. Under a curse from God, the Earth is full of storms, earthquakes, pestilences,

    plagues, famine.

    The Old Testament is a schoolmaster bringing light to the New. You will never understand the New

    Testament without the Old. To rightly divide the Word of truth, you must have both. To

    understand the Earth's redemption from its curse, one must understand both the seven-sealed

    book of Revelation and the Old Testament's Law of redemption involving the redeemer kinsman.

    This mortgaged Earth needs a Redeemer Kinsman in order to enter the Perfect Age of a thousand

    years. No sickness, no disease, no death, not even bugs, thorns or thistles will exist then. Isaiah

    35:1,7 describes the redeemed Earth. The wildern ess and the so litary place shall be glad

    for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. And the parched

    groun d shall becom e a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the hab itation of

    dragons, whe re each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. No more deserts; no more

    poor soil.

    In the South when a patch of ground was infertile we described it as not even being able to growpeas. That meant that life had gone from the land. The Perfect Age will have no lifeless ground.

    Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reape r,

    and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed ; and the mou ntains shall drop sweet

    win e, an d all the hills shall melt (Amos 9:13). Amos through the Spirit of God is saying the

    harvest will be so great that before it can be reaped, planting time will arrive again. This is

    redemption for the Earth. What a pleasure it will be to live during that time!

    And in that day will I make a coven ant for them w ith the beasts of the field, and w ith

    the fowls of heaven, and w ith the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the

    bow and the sw ord and the b attle ou t of the earth, and will make them to lie dow n

    safely(Hosea 2:18). Here the creeping things, the birds and animals receive their redemption.

    God will honor His covenant of deliverance with them.

    And the t ree o f the field shall yield her fruit, and the e arth shall yield her incre ase, and

    they shall be safe in their land (Ezekiel 34:27). The fruit shall be safe from destructive insects.

    The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the b ullock:

    and du st shall be the serpen t's meat. They shall not hu rt nor destroy in all my holy

    mou ntain, saith the Lord (Isaiah 65:25). The lion will eat meat no longer, but dust will be the

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    serpent's meatthe Lord remembers what the serpent did in the Garden.

    The Earth is meant to belong to the saints of God one day. God did not make the Earth for the

    devil, the unholy. Jesus said, Blessed are the mee k: for they shall inherit the earth

    (Matthew 5:5). Many have not understood that promise, but Jesus meant just what He said. The

    Earth will belong to the saints of God who are going to rule with the Lord right here on Earth in the

    Perfect Age. The terms of Earth's redemption are contained in this seven-sealed book of

    Revelation. It is important to understand it.

    In Revelation we find that John in a vision has been taken up to heaven where he saw in the right

    hand of him that sat on the throne a book w ritten w ithin and on the b ackside, sealed

    with seve n seals (Revelation 5:1). God is the One sitting on the throne; He holds a strange-

    looking little book sealed with seven seals. John knows what is in this book, for he knows the Old

    Testament's law of redemption. He is well aware of the importance of a qualified person being able

    to break the seals in order to redeem that which was lost. Can heaven find someone fit, willing and

    able? What qualifications would be expected of a person for the redemption of the whole Earth?

    No human could meet those qualifications; man cannot redeem himself. Man cannot forgive sin.

    And I [John] saw a strong an gel proclaiming w ith a loud voice, Who is wo rthy to open

    the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heave n, nor in earth, neither

    un der the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept mu ch

    (verses 2-4). John wept when it looked as though a redeemer couldn't be found. He knew that

    redemption was promised the Earth, but he saw no one capable of bringing it about. What about

    the Earth? What about the animals? Would the curse ever be lifted so Earth could become like the

    Garden of Eden once again?

    The seven-sealed book of Revelation is a book of redemption for the whole Earth. At the time of

    John's vision, recorded in the fourth chapter of Revelation, John was in heaven, a type of the Bride

    of Christ. The soul and body had been redeemed through the blood of the Lamb, but the Earth had

    not received its redemption yet.

    The Earth's redemption was to begin with the judgments of God in the Tribulation Period so the

    Earth, purified, could then enter the Perfect Age when the Lord would reign with His saints on

    Earth for a thousand years. With great anticipation John looked forward to that Perfect Age.

    In his vision, John saw heaven searching for someone to meet the redemption's qualifications,

    looking not only in heaven and Earth, but under the Earth as well. But now it appeared as though

    no one worthy could be found to open the seven-sealed book.

    John continues:And I wept much, because n o man w as found worthy to open and to

    read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith un to me, We ep

    not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open

    the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of

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    the throne and of the fou r beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it

    had bee n slain, having seven horn s and seven eyes, which are the seven S pirits of God

    sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book ou t of the right hand of

    him that sat upon the thron e. This is Jesus taking the book out of the hand of God. And

    whe n he had taken the b ook, the four beasts and four and tw enty elders fell dow n

    before the Lam b, having every on e of them harp s, and golden vials full of odours,

    which are the prayers of saints. And they sun g a new song, saying, Thou art w orthy to

    take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou w ast slain, and hast redeem ed

    us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongu e, and peop le, and nation; And

    hast made u s unto ou r God kings and priests: and w e shall reign on the earth

    (Revelation 5:4-10).

    Forgiveness for sin comes only through Jesus Christ. He is the only One to be found worthy, able

    and willing to redeem the Earth as well as man and those possessions lost in the fall from grace inEden. Our father, Adam, lost his sinless nature foolishly; and he couldn't buy it back. He wasn't

    able. He didn't have a Redeemer Kinsman. The Redeemer Kinsman was about four thousand

    years away.

    Jesus was the only one who met the qualifications of mankind's Redeemer Kinsman. He was fit;

    He had become related to the human race, born of the virgin Mary. When Jesus took on the form

    of flesh, He was eligible, fit to be our Redeemer Kinsman. The Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary;

    that which was conceived within her was of the Holy Ghost. Divine blood, not human blood,

    flowed in Jesus; for the blood of the child comes from the Father. And at the crucifixion, that

    divine blood was taken back to heaven and offered up on the altar of God for our redemption.

    Jesus became our Elder Brother with an Earth mother, closely related. Willingly He said,I

    come to do thy will, O God (Hebrews 10:7). He was able to fill that role because only sinless

    blood could redeem mankind. W ithout shedding of blood is no remission (Hebrews 9:22).

    Without the shedding of blood is no forgiveness for sin.

    The type, the shadow of that sinless blood of Jesus was seen throughout the Old Testament under

    the Law of Moses thousands and thousands of times in the blood sacrifices. The animals slain, a

    type of Jesus; their blood, a type of His blood offered for the sins of the people. What a price

    heaven paid for the redemption of mankind! Sinless blood was offered on the altar of God. Christbecame our High Priest for Earth and heaven,who nee deth n ot daily, as those high priests,

    to offer up sacr ifice, first for his own sins, an d then for the peo ple's: for this he did

    once, when he offered up himself(Hebrews 7:27).

    Since Jesus became our Redeemer Kinsman, we no longer have to offer blood for the forgiveness of

    our sins. He paid the price in blood just like Jeremiah paid the price in silver and gold for his

    cousin's land. Jesus couldn't use silver and gold, only sinless blood that was found nowhere in

    Earth or heaven but in His veins. Redemption had been tried with all kinds of animal sacrifices

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    before our Redeemer Kinsman Jesus came. But thank God, Jesus was willing to pay! Had Jesus

    not met these three qualifications (fit, willing, able), He could not have redeemed us. He didn't

    have to do it; no one under the Law, remember, was forced to be a redeemer kinsman.

    Redemption is exacting; incorporating everything wonderful, great and good for us.

    Because Jesus came, we can live free from sin, we can be holy, pure, clean in the presence of God as

    the eternal ages roll. We can live on Earth one thousand years during the Perfect Age before the

    Earth is renovated. Victory comes through our Redeemer Kinsman Jesus.

    Why did God follow the pattern of the Old Testament redeemer kinsman in providing us with the

    redemption of Christ? Why did John see all heaven searching for someone worthy to be a

    redeemer? God wants to emphasize that Jesus is your only Redeemer, the only one worthy, the

    only one accepted by God the Father to be your sin bearer, your sickness bearer. Neither is there

    salvation in any other: for there is none other nam e un der heaven given among me n,

    whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

    To review briefly, in John's vision God holds the scroll containing the price, the conditions for

    redeeming the Earth and returning it to mankind who lost it. The entire creation lies under a curse

    that must be lifted. The Earth has to be redeemed. God made provisions for a possession to be

    redeemed, and Earth was man's possession. God gave him dominion over the Earth, set up Adam

    as head; but through disobedience Adam lost his possession, fell into bondage, and with him went

    all mankind. John knew that the redeemed saints were supposed to return to the Earth and reign

    there, and he weeps because no one has been found to be Earth's redeemer kinsman.

    The root of David was the beginning of the human race, Jesus Christ. I am Alpha and Omega,

    Jesus said in the first chapter of Revelation. As the beginning of man, He was very God. As the

    Lion of the Tribe of Judah He was related to the human race. Very man and very Godprevailed

    to open the b ook, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Remember, Jesus is the beginning;

    He is the root. He is very God.

    In Isaiah 7:14 we read: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his

    name Immanuel. This verse states the fact that Jesus was very God. Man couldn't redeem us; it

    would take very God.

    In John 1:1-3, Jesus is called the W ord: In the beginning was the W ord, and the W ord

    was with God, and the W ord was God. The same w as in the beginning with God. All

    things we re made b y him; and w ithout him was not any thing made that was made .

    Verse 14,And the W ord was made flesh, and dwe lt among u s. Very God became flesh, our

    kinsman redeemer. Jesus was both man and God. I Jesus have sen t mine an gel to testify

    un to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and

    the bright and morn ing star (Revelation 22:16). As the offspring of David, Jesus was very man;

    and as the root, very God. As the offspring of David, Jesus qualified to be our kinsman: He had

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    become our Elder Brother. As the root of David, He was very God: that made Him able.

    And on e of the elders saith un to me, W eep n ot: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda.

    Jesus is the Lamb and also the Lion. You will meet Him in one form or the other. If you meet Him

    as the Lamb who died for you, you will not have to face Him as the Lion of the tribe of Judah

    bringing justice and judgment. As unmerciful in judgment as He is merciful in redemption, He will

    be ferocious, destructive.

    Tears in heavenredeeming Earth's mortgage is what John is crying about. He felt great pain to be

    in that wonderful atmosphere and still cry. But Jesus dried those tears. Jesus came, willing, just

    like Boaz. Then said I [Jesus], Lo, I come (in the v olume of the book it is written of me,)

    to do thy w ill, O God (Hebrews 10:7). W ho for the joy that was set before him endu red

    the cross, despising the shame (Hebrews 12:2). What was the joy that sustained Jesus on the

    cross? The joy of being our Redeemer Kinsman to bring us out of bondage, to buy back our

    freedom from sin. Jesus came to set us free for time and eternity so that we could be like the first

    man, the first woman, before the fall, perfect and upright. No sickness, no death, no ill feeling

    everything was wonderful then. God will have that perfect Eden once again. First He will have itfor a thousand years right here on planet Earth, and then for an eternity after He renovates the

    Earth and the new Jerusalem comes down.

    These prophecies are found in the faith Book, messages from the faith God. Without faith we will

    not understand the Word. It's faith in the Word of God that shows us the way from Earth to glory.

    Jesus Christ paid the price for that journey, not with silver and gold, but with His blood.

    The blood of Jesu s Christ his Son clean seth u s from all sin (I John 1:7). What can wash

    away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. The blood is the reason we received redemption for

    our souls. One day our bodies will be redeemed also, and then the Earth. Forasmuch as ye

    know that ye we re not rede eme d with corruptible things, as silver and gold Bu t with

    the preciou s blood of Christ, as of a lamb w ithout blemish and w ithout spot (I Peter

    1:18,19). Jesus, compared to a lamb without spot or blemish, is coming after the Glorious Church

    without spot, blemish, wrinkle or any such thing. We'll be in that place Adam held at the

    beginning: having dominion over the Earth. The Lord will put us in charge of it.

    For the earne st expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons

    of God. For we kn ow that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together

    un til now(Romans 8:19,22). The redemption of the creation. We are redeemed before the

    Tribulation, but creation's redemption will not come until after the great Tribulation when the

    seven seals are broken. Jesus will break one seal at a time, and with each broken seal comes

    dreadful judgment pouring out on the Earth from heaven. God is bringing war upon planet Earth,

    upon His enemies.

    And I saw w hen the Lamb open ed on e of the seals, and I heard, as it we re the noise of

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    thun der, one of the four beasts saying, Come an d see (Revelation 6:1). John sees the

    astonishing revelations of the Tribulation Period's terrifying judgments. Starting with the sixth

    chapter of Revelation, John's vision is marked by the judgments of God. God will rain down

    furious judgments, catastrophes described by using the figures of seven seals, seven lamps, seven

    trumpets, and seven vials or bowls of the wrath of God. As abundantly as God has poured out His

    mercy, He will pour out judgment.

    When the Lamb of God steps forth to break the first seal, John to his amazement sees a rider on a

    white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow ; and a crown w as given u nto him: and he

    wen t forth conqu ering, and to conqu er (Revelation 6:2). John at first must wonder if this

    rider represents peace, for white is a symbol of peace. No, in this passage the rider on the white

    horse represents the Antichrist who will present himself to the world as the Christ of God, bringing

    a false peace. With the Jews he will make a covenant for seven years, as prophesied also in the

    book of Daniel. The rider on the white horse is the false christ coming in all the splendor, all thepower the Jews expect their Messiah to come in. Because Jesus, born as the Babe in Bethlehem,

    was a humble Lamb, the Jews as a whole would not accept Him.

    The second seal is broken and another horseredcomes, plunging nations into the greatest war

    of all times. And there w ent ou t another horse that was red: and pow er was given to

    him that sat thereon to take p eace from the earth, and that they should kill one

    another: and there w as given u nto him a great sword (Revelation 6:4). Never before hasthere been such a war.

    At first the Antichrist makes a covenant of peace; but by peace he will destroy many.And

    through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall

    magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many(Daniel 8:25). The rider on

    the red horse reveals himself not as the prince of peace, but as a devilish incarnation in the man of

    sin. What chaos is coming on the face of the Earth! War, war, war! As the second seal is broken the

    world will collapse in total chaos.

    The Lamb of God, Jesus, breaks the third seal; and John sees a black horse. The rider, no doubt, is

    the same on all the horses, but the horses represent different judgments that will take place. The

    rider on the black horse holds a pair of balances. A voice is heard:A measu re of wheat for a

    penn y, and three m easure s of barley for a penn y; and see thou hurt n ot the oil and the

    wine (Revelation 6:6). A measure of wheat is about one quart, or two pounds. A penny was a

    day's wages. On today's market this could mean about $1,000 for just one bushel of wheat. How

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    many will be able to afford food? Not many. A piece of bread will be worth more than gold. Oil

    and wine represent wealthdon't destroy the rich at this time. Now the poor and the middle class

    will suffer; millions will starve. Only as long as the money lasts will people have food. This black

    horse represents famine, inflation and the results of the scourge of war. Everything will be costly

    and scarce. This time will see the worst worldwide famine of all history.

    These multitudes who starved are represented by the pale horse:And I looked, an d behold a

    pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followe d with him. And

    powe r was given u nto them ov er the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and

    with hun ger, and w ith death, and w ith the be asts of the earth (Revelation 6:8). Death

    and hell followed the rider on the pale horse. Think of the multitudes that will be swept from hell

    on Earth to eternal hell! Power was given the rider on the pale horse over a fourth part of the Earth

    to kill. A fourth part of the inhabitants of Earth will die during this famine, millions of people. It's

    hard to imagine such a thing, and yet the Bible spells it out. Terrible war, pestilence, starvation.People dying all around. We have seen horrifying scenes in some of the underprivileged countries,

    but nothing like the carnage when a fourth part of the population of Earth is destroyed.

    And w hen he had open ed the fifth seal, I saw u nder the altar the souls of them that

    we re slain for the w ord of God, and for the testimony w hich they held: And they cried

    with a loud vo ice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true , dost thou n ot judge an d

    avenge ou r blood on them that dwe ll on the earth (Revelation 6:9,10)? These souls are toldto wait to be avenged until their fellow servants die.

    The sixth seal is opened, bringing judgments from heaven:And I beheld when he had opened

    the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthqu ake; and the su n be came b lack as

    sackcloth of hair, and the moon becam e as blood; And the stars of heaven fell un to the

    earth, even as a fig tree casteth her u ntimely figs, whe n she is shaken of a m ighty

    wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll whe n it is rolled together; and everymou ntain and island were m oved ou t of their places. And the kings of the earth, and

    the great men , and the rich men , and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and

    every bond man, and e very free man, hid themselves in the den s and in the rocks of

    the mou ntains; And said to the mou ntains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide u s from the

    face of him that sitteth on the throne, an d from the w rath of the Lamb: For the great

    day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand (Revelation 6:12-17)?

    When the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, such chaos and destruction erupted that Japan

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    with her army of seven million was totally defeated. The land was not even invaded. This was the

    country that produced the Kamikaze pilots, but in terror of those two bombs, people sought

    protection in dens, caves. Many committed suicide. The devastation of atomic bombs will be

    nothing like the destruction when God rains down His judgment.

    Up until the time the sixth seal was ready to be broken, God had allowed the Antichrist control.

    The Earth had been turned over into the hands of the devil. But beginning with the sixth seal, the

    Lord rains judgment Himself, pouring it from the skies. It starts with a great earthquake. The stars

    fall from heaven, the sun blackens, the moon is as blood, and the heavens depart as a scroll in this

    awesome onset of terrible judgments from heaven. Judgment rains down on demons, devils and

    mankind. God may just roll back the sky and let people have a glimpse of an angry God upon His

    throne. Vengean ce belongeth u nto me, I w ill recompen se, saith the LordThe Lord

    shall judge h is peo ple. It is a fearfu l thing to fall into the han ds of the living God

    (Hebrews 10:30,31).

    When the sixth seal has been broken and God starts pouring out His judgments, He will stop at

    nothing until every enemy is conquered. This great chaos will end with the battle of Armageddon,with Christ appearing in the sky on a white horse, His Children with Him, coming to end the battle.

    How long He will remain in the air we do not know, but we do know He is coming down to finish

    the battle. When Christ came to Earth before, He brought love; but now He brings fearful

    judgment. People wouldn't accept Jesus as the Lamb, and now He has turned into the Lion of the

    Tribe of Judah. God is raining judgment, using angels to help Him put everything into perspective

    for the remaining mankind.

    And w hen he had ope ned the seve nth seal, there w as silence in heaven ab out the

    space of half an hou r (Revelation 8:1). The judgments to come will be so terrible that heaven is

    silent half an hour. After that silence, God burns up all the green grass and a third of the trees. A

    third of the sea becomes blood, a third part of the creatures in the sea perish and a third of the

    ships are destroyed. The waters become bitter and many die because of it. The sun, moon and

    stars are darkened for a third part of the day. From the bottomless pit, demons in the form of

    locusts are released who torment men for five months, the five months in which men will seek

    death but not find it. Horsemen demons kill a third of the men.

    But the redeemed need not see this terrible period of Tribulation; the redeemed can be gone.

    Even w e ou rselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the

    redemption of our body(Romans 8:23). We are not waiting for the redemption of our souls,

    but for the redemption of our bodies.

    Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, b ut w e shall all be changed , In a

    mome nt, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trum p: for the trumpe t shall sound,

    and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this

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    corru ptible must put on incorru ption, and this mortal must put on immortality(I

    Corinthians 15:51-53). For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, w ith

    the voice of the archangel, and w ith the trump of God: and the de ad in Christ shall rise

    first: Then w e w hich are alive and rem ain shall be caught u p together w ith them in the

    clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we eve r be w ith the Lord (I

    Thessalonians 4:16,17). The Lord shall descend, our Redeemer Kinsman. With the Rapture, our

    bodies will be redeemed; and with judgments He will redeem the Earth. But to be eligible for that

    Rapture redemption, those on Earth at the time of the Rapture must be savedhave Jesus in their

    heartsand baptized in the Holy Ghost.

    All heaven and Earth were searched to find someone worthy to redeem the Earth, but only the

    Lamb of God, Jesus, was found. Only He had sinless blood. Redemption couldn't come through

    the angels, only through very God Himself, Jesus our Redeemer Kinsman. Because of Him, one

    day the obedient will have a new body, one day Earth will be redeemed.

    Be grateful to Him every moment you have left, grateful for all eternity. Adore Him, love Him,

    appreciate Him so much that you would never do anything to bring reflection or shame on His

    name. He gave you the privilege to carry and use His name; He became related to you.

    Many excuses are given today for not living holy, for not following Jesus, but the Bible says there is

    no other name whereby we can be saved. No longer will the sacrifices of animals atone for sin;

    Jesus brought a new and living waya grace way. Redemption comes not through works, but only

    through the blood of Jesus.

    You who are lost and undone without God are in bondage, a slave. If you had been a slave under

    the Law and were told that a redeemer kinsman had come to redeem you from slavery, wouldn't

    you have been foolish to reject freedom? Today Jesus your Redeemer Kinsman has come, and you

    are still a slave to sin, Sinner. Jesus is saying, "I'm your Redeemer Kinsman; through me you can

    be free." Do you want to be free? Man can't deliver youno man couldbut behold the Lamb of

    God who John saw in heaven taking the book of redemption and breaking its seals. He will deliver

    you; He paid the price. He is fit, able, willingso willing that He died to take away your sins. If

    you don't meet Him as your Lamb, you will meet Him as your judge, the Lion without mercy.

    Backslider, come to Jesus. Sinner, Backslider, say this prayer with me:Oh God, I have sinned

    against you. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He is my Redeemer Kinsman. I do

    believe that there is power in His precious blood to wa sh away all of my sins. Come on into my

    heart, Jesus, come on in! If you meant that prayer He has come. Believe Him, love Him, serve

    Him with all your heart. Study the Word of God and let Him direct your path as you pray, fast and

    live in His Word. Seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, for Jesus is coming soon and we must be


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    OUR REDEEMER KINSMAN AND THE SEVEN-SEALED BOOK, All rights reserved. Copyright 1990 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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