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“LDC program may have had a part in assisting students with disabilities to become meaningfully employed on their quest to achieving greater self-sufficiency and independence.”

DPS: Chaffey Disability Programs and Services

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Chaffey College DPS is a support system designed to help maximize students' success in reaching their academic goals. The main goal of the program is to provide academic support services and/or instruction leading to mainstreaming academically or vocationally.




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Counseling Services:

• Academic / vocational counseling– DPS provides disability-appropriate suggestions for class and career choices.

• Educational evaluations – DPS can evaluate students for inclusion in the learning disability program.

• Liaison and referral service– DPS can assist students in making connections to campus and community services for persons with disabilities.

• Prescriptive learning plans – Students enrolled in the DPS instructional programs will have learning plans created which are designed to assist the student in reaching his/her goals.

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Instructional Services:

• Instructional Services:• Alternate Media (E-text) • Assistive Technology• Campus Orientation – DPS can provide

assistance to students in locating campus facilities independently.

• Video Captioning Service• Sign Language Interpreter Service– DPS

will provide classroom interpreters for hearing impaired DPS students who can communicate using American Sign Language.

• Note Taker Service – When appropriate DPS will provide note taking assistance in classrooms when appropriate.

• Priority Book Buy – A day is set aside to assist students with disabilities purchase their textbooks from the bookstore.

• Priority Registration – Students with disabilities who are part of DPS can qualify for priority registration so that they can register for classes that fit best with their limitations.

• Registration Assistance– DPS will assist students is selecting classes that are most appropriate for the students’ abilities and limitations.

• Reader/Writer Service– DPS can provide readers and/or writers on test for students whose disability causes reading and/or writing difficulties.

• Taping Lectures– You are required to ask the instructor's permission before taping anything in the classroom (lecture or lab).

• Test Taking Facilitation– Students with disabilities may qualify for test accommodations which could include such things as extended time on the test, alternative test formats (Braille, etc.), reading assistance, writing assistance, etc.

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Transportation Services

Adapted Parking– DPS can assist qualified students in getting permission to park in designated parking

spaces reserved for those with mobility issues. • On-Campus Transportation

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Career preparation services

Career Preparation Services:

• Learning Development Center (LDC) • Career Exploration – Students who are enrolled in the

DPS job search program will be assisted in finding career appropriate to their disability.

• Job Seeking Skills – DPS has a program that assists students learn job search techniques.

• Applications – DPS can assist students who are a part of their job search program to complete job applications.

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Career Preparation

• Resume Writing – The DPS job search program assists students with creation of appropriate resumes.

• Interviewing Techniques – The DPS job search program assists students to learn interview techniques for job search.

• Career Preparation – A DPS program assists students in selecting careers appropriate for their disabilities.

• Vocational Skills Training – A limited amount of job training is provided by the DPS job search program.

• Job Club – DPS has a job club where students with disabilities can compare experiences on jobs and search for solutions to problems encountered on jobs.

• Job Retention – When DPS finds students jobs through their job search program, they provide support designed to assist the student to retain that job.

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Disability Programs & Services is proud to report that during 2005-06

• 43 DPS students graduated from Chaffey College with an Associate degree,

• 32 DPS students received certificates, • 27 DPS students transferred to a 4 year

institution and • 23 DPS students were successfully employed

in the community through the efforts of the program.

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Transactional modes of Communication

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VerbalUse: Word choice

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Non verbal

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Leadership Styles

• I believe there is a mix of Autocratic and Democratic leadership in this organization.

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very cohesive, cooperativeVery bondedFriendlyTalkativeSociableInformativeProper communicationPatient

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Does their own work Willing to help each otherVery open to each other about their medical problems among students in the same programGives each other advice

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Student DriversVolunteersStudents in the programAdministrative workersMentor ProctorAssistant

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Computer lab rules: can’t overprint, no cell phone useRESPECTNo vulgar languageNo shoutingNo eating and drinkingNo one can provide medical assistance without proper jurisdiction

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Group Problem Solving

• The DPS program is considered a Secondary group because they exist to accomplish a task and achieve goals.

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Descriptive approach

Is an approach to problem solving thathelps people understand how a group solves a problem, not how they should solve problems.

The DPS program has minimal problems. Most problems are those of a student who has aneed to be met by the services the program offers.

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Cont.Most of the participants of the program @ Chaffey have mobility impairments which are met by the tram service and electric and manual wheelchair use provided by the program. During our observation time we witnessed one student helping another with some problems they were having in math. They talked about it and offered a meeting time to study together. Joe has laid out some ground rules to how a problem should be solved for the staff of the program including student workers. Respect for each other from student to staff and peer to peer is top concern. If respect is shown the problems will be minimal amongst students and staff.

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Functional approach

Emphasizes the performance of certain activities and effective communication to accomplish a group goal.

The DPS programs main

goal is to ensure the students of the program that their individual needs are met.

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Identifies specific agendas and techniques to improve problem solving

A student may not feel their needs are being met or not getting proper assistance can speak to any of the staff members or DPS counselor.

Prescriptive approach

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Prescriptive approach

• A problem student, one abusing privileges of equipment, arguing with staff or another student, or being disruptive using the DPS lab will first be warned verbally, than if problems persist the student will be moved to a more isolated area with another verbal warning, if said student still remains a problem then they will be ejected from the lab which may result in termination of lab privileges.