
Our Family Tree

Campaign Objectives

• Gecko Ltd. Has developed a concept to promote the new, 50PlusFreedomsavings account that the Cheshire Building Society (CBS) offers to individuals of 50+ years old, in the ABC1 segments, who are residents of the UK.

• The “Our family tree” Campaign has specifically been designed to satisfy the following objectives:

1) Promote the 50PlusFreedom to its target audience

2) Raise the profile and introduce CBS to prospect customers

3) Remind lapsed customers of the increasingly growing strength of CBS

4) Create direct response and positive feedback

Name Origin: Quercus robur (latin) = strength

In England the oak has for centuries been a national symbol of strength and survival.

Oaks produce one of the hardest and most durable timbers on the planet

Oaks support more life forms than any other native tree.

The English Oak Tree

Roots = Heritage

Trunk = Strength

& Establishment

Branches =



Roots = Product

Core Benefits

Cheshire Cat

Forest Trees =

Growing CBS





Media Planning

Media Mix


Banner Facebook

Image and Text Ad


Paid SearchGoogle



The Times

Sunday Telegraph

The Telegraph App

Sales PromotionWeekend Getaway

Direct Marketing

Direct e-mail

50th Birthday

Existing customers

Dimensional mail

Prospective customers

Personal Selling Pop-up Shop

Public Relations

Pop-up Shop

Press Releases

Earned Media


Social Media



Media Mix

Print (Newspapers)

Newspaper Ad Revenue Forecast 2011Year-on-year % change

Adstats: Global Press Trends 2011

Compared to major global markets, the UK is forecasted to have positive growth in press ad revenue.

• National newspapers are 2nd

to TV in achieving mass reach• Ability to drive sales directly

(encouraging sign up to 50PlusFreedom)

• Validity and reliability of content

• Local newspapers are the eyes, ears, hearts of the local communities, what CBS stands proudly for.

Both The Times and Daily Telegraph are the best national newspapers to reach our ABC1 target audience.

Media Readership Adults 45+ ABC1 CPM


The Times Saturday 1,147,000 732,000 987,000 23.70

Sunday Telegraph 1,318,000 1,010,000 1,159,840 33.00

Warrington Guardian 79,884 45,848 47,000 243.05

St. Helens Star 103,679 59,898 50,538 182.20

The 50PlusFreedom target audience are well reached through the 4 newspaper channels selected.

National newspapers will increase awareness both to the new product, 50PlusFreedom, and to CBS nationwide

Regional newspapers will focus on frequency and call to action in the area where CBS has an established presence and where its physical branches are located.

“Our family tree” branded dissolving desktop calendars will be mailed to 30,032 prospective customers from the target market.

Data will be gathered from a database agency.

Direct Marketing

Example of Dissolving Desktop


Dimensional Mail

• Tangibility = Reliability of content & everyday reminder

• Positive attention of potential customers in an non-intrusive & effective way

• About 100% open rate• 8.5% - 30% Response Rate• Dimensional Mail + Personalized URL

Campaign = 24% Response Rate

Direct E-mail

• Measurable and easily personalized• Low cost• Low lead time• Higher effective target reach than

traditional forms of direct marketing cuts off wastage

Personalized “Our family tree” HappyBirthday! e-mails will be sent out to 50+ year old, existing members on their birthday to give a warm wishing and inform them of the service offered.

E-mails will also be sent out to existing customers at the beginning of each month during the campaign to inform and remind them of 50PlusFreedom.

Digital Marketing

Social Media and 50+

• Two-way dialogue with large audience• Inexpensive to target various social and

demographic segments• Measurable & Non-intrusive• 55-64 age-group is the only UK segment with a

significant increase in social networking usage (from 59% to 64% in one year)

• Half of UK adults with social network profile visit it more than once a day

Currently absent, CBS Facebook and Twitter accounts will be created considering the growing usage of social media amongst the target audience.

Banner Ads

• Obtain quality traffic • Know the source of traffic• Convert visitors into customers• Create action that generates revenue• Consistent presence on the web

Diverting the traffic to the microsite ( will measure the effectiveness of the campaign.

“Our family tree” banner ads will have a presence on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and the Telegraph app for the tech savvy newspaper readers.

Experiential Marketing

“Our Family Tree” Tour

Duration: 2 months (Feb- March); weekends onlyTime: 10am – 4pm (6 hours)Employees: 2 PR Brand Ambassadors + 2 CBS Employees

Tour Route*:• Newcastle upon Tyne• Leeds• Manchester• Liverpool

*based on most affluent cities with 50+ residents in the UK

• Leicester• Birmingham• Bristol• Reading

(Zarantonello and Schmitt, 2013)

Pop-up Shop

• Affordability – low rent & maintenance costs, short-term commitment• Earned media - generates buzz & draws attention• Encourage spontaneous purchases – creates a sense of urgency at PoS• Personal contact and interaction• Brand extension – educates customers about new products/services• Strengthens brand equity• Ambient marketing – sensorial stimulation• Provide CBS physical presence to branchless locations

Sales Promotion (Weekend Getaway at the Three Choirs Vineyard for 2)

• Encourage sign-ups• Help build email lists through sign-ups at Pop-up Shop• Create buzz about company and product• Strengthen relationship between company and customer• Encourage people to visit website creating strong motivation

(Zarantonello and Schmitt, 2013)

Media Schedule


Media Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cost


National: The Times Saturday - Full page £163,110

Sunday Telegraph - Half page £180,000

The Telegraph App £60,000

Cheshire Local: Warrington Guardian - Full page £25,200

Saint Helen's Star - Full page £18,900


Facebook Banner £2,000

LinkedIn Image & Text ad £3,000

Social Media (Facebook & Twitter) £0

Microsite £200

AdWords Google £3,000

Direct Marketing

E-mail for existing customers £0

Dimensional Mail for prospectives £32,030

Experential Marketing

Pop-up Shop Weekends & Draw £12,560

February March April

Media Schedule

Expense ReportBudget: 500,000£

Medium Type Size Unit Cost Frequency Total

1) Newspaper

The Times Full page £27,185 6 163,110£

Sunday Telegraph Full page £30,000 6 180,000£

The Telegraph App 24 insertions/ week £20,000 3 60,000£

Warringtom Guardian Full page £700 3x/wk x 12wks 25,200£

Saint Helen's Star Full page £700 3x/wk x 9wks 18,900£

Total Newspaper 447,210£

Balance 52,790£

2) Digital

Facebook Banner Ads 2,000£

LinkedIn Image & Text Ad 3,000£

Google AdWords 3,000£

Microsite 200£

Total Digital 8,200£

Balance 44,590£

3) Direct Mail

Third party database Agency 2,000£

Dimensional Mailing 30,030£

Total Direct Mail 32,030£

Balance 12,560£

4) Experiential Marketing

Pop-up Shop 2,000£

Pop-up Shop Rent 3,000£

Transportation 3,000£

Brand Ambassador 1,680£

CBS Employee Volunteers 2,880£

Weekend Getaway Draw Prize 530£

Total Experiential Marketing 12,560£

Balance -£

10am - 4pm (6 hours) x 2 days x 8 weekends =

96 hours x £8.75/hr = £840 x 2 Brand

96 hours x £15/hr = £1440 x 2 Employees

Advertising & Media Planning 2013 - 2014
