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There was a boy and a man. There was a lighthouse. The girls were building a sand castle.

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There was a man who was wind surfing. And a mother who was paddling with her child.

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There was a man on a yacht. And a lady was reading a book. A 5 year old girl was swimming on a plastic duck.

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A 3 year old boy was swimming with his sister. There were many people swimming.

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The man was wind surfing . A man was on a boat. Two children were playing with a ball. There was a funny crab. Two other

children were building a sand castle. It was a big one.

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A boy was sunbathing . The other woman was his mum.

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The End

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The big battle

Story by Cherise Liam

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Once there were two aliens calledJimmy and Timmy.

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They were not friends. They were enemies.

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The two friends came .And they were called Cherise and Liam. They joined the battle

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Everyone came to join the battle.

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Everyone left but Cherise and Liam stayed. And the captains said “go home or I will arrest you for a year.

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Cherise and Liam put the fire off.

The End

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The Miracle Game Between Malta v England

Story by Ritianne, Tristan and Ethan

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One day we went to see the Football Game between Malta and England. It was at 17:00 O’clock .

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We supported Malta and they scored a goal.

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An England player made a foul and the referee showed a yellow card to the England player

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Malta had a penalty and they scored. Now they were Malta 2 – 0 England

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And now it was half time.

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Now they began the second half and England were powerful.

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And England scored. Now the score was 2 – 1.And the second half ended and the winners were Malta

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The End

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The Pirate Adventure

Pascal and Kayleigh

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One day there were three Pirates.They were looking for a treasure.

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They saw another ship. It’s name was Germany Pirates.

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Germany Pirates anchored their ship on the island.

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The Pirates that were on the Germany ship, got off and they were going to steal the treasure.

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The other Pirates saw them.

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The other Pirates were going to share the treasure.

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The other Pirates went back to the ship.

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Under the sea

By Mikela, Josef, Jean Claude

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One day there was a boy named Josef who went diving.

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There were many fish under the water. There was a red fish, a green, fish a yellow fish and a dolphin.

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There was a very big blue whale and two crabs.

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There was an octopus and a red star fish.

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The boy took many photos of a hammer shark and a shrimp.

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There were a puffer fish and two snails.

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There was so many grass and fish.

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The End

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Liverpool vs Fulham

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One day there were two teams.

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The teams’ name was Fulham and Liverpool.

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Than Fulham scored two goals.

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In the half time Liverpool scored one goal.

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Fulham scored 3 goals.

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The referee sent two players out and Liverpool had a penalty

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Fulham scored 1 goal.

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The End