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Page 2: Our cover picture this issue shows Ted (with Alison) from ... 2007 Aug.pdf · for scrapping me off the gym floor at Selby and driving me to hospital despite me screaming and being


Our cover picture this issue shows Ted (with Alison) from the Maple Leafs who has competed in flyball for twelve years – the longest serving dog in the


TED Jack Russell Terrier Owned by Alison O'Rourke

Ted came to me having been with the RSPCA for about a year after he was found tied up on the M27 and by that time he was a complete nutcase.

His release was and still is flyball and at 15 years of age he is still running with the Maple Leafs, after having been retired twice. It amazes me that he continues to single stride the jumps and although his catching skills aren't always that good, there is nothing wrong with his nose, as Doreen Smith found out when he raided the secret stash of chocolates in her T-shirt tent near the ring at Anglesey!

Ted was the first small height dog that could run 4.50 seconds and took the Jets to new levels back in the early days. One highlight was at Longleat when the Jets were the first team to go sub 18.00 seconds.

He has been running since 1995 and in 2006 after 11 years in the sport, he received his Jade Award being the first non Border Collie/WSD or Cross-Breed to reach that level.

I feel that Ted has been and still is an Ambassador for Flyball for many years. Who knows, maybe one day the BFA will honour him with a Lifetime Achievement Award named after him.

Alison O’Rourke(Maple Leafs)

[Food for thought for the Committee regarding annual awards? Ed] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Top Tips

1. Home, garden & visitors a. Wait until your person has made their bed before going upstairs for a bounce.

b. Don’t just wait until the garden has been cleared of your previous deposits before going again – wait until the lawn has been mowed too before making a fresh deposit. Better still, wait until everything’s been tidied up and the visitors have arrived and are admiring the garden.

c. Treat your people to a great game of ‘hide and seek’ by getting yourself locked in the spare room/garage/shed etc.

d. Always beg from visitors. They’ll think you always do it and either you’ll get something or the visitors will just think you’ve been badly brought up (and may tell your people, so watch out for any backlash from this – such as being shut away while they eat).

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2 Ted/Top tips 4 Crazies awards/New Head Judges 5 There is no I in team 6 Committee news 7 Committee news/Thanks/Best weight loss 8 Briscoe’s diary 9 Judge’s report Drax/Duckboard etiquette 10 Dog ASBO’s 11 Magnets awards 12 Seed lists 13 Seed lists 14 Seed lists/Advantage of being clean 15 Sutton Fields starters etc/Dog House awards 16 European Championship 17 European Championship 18 Welcome to new members 19 NW veterans’ league/ 20 Diary dates 21 Judge’s report Cantley/Smell/Valley congratulations 22 Thank you/I am the start dog 23 Regional Representatives/Mucky wellies 24 BFA Addresses

Items for the next Issue of the Flyball Record must be received by

1st October 2007 Editor’s Address:

Val Currie 41 High Street

Silverstone Towcester Northants NN12 8US

Tel. 01327 857604

Email –[email protected]

Greetings Flyballers

First of all my apologies to those members who are eagerly awaiting the receipt of their FR by e-mail. This method will be starting with the November issue. I now have a list of members who have opted for electronic delivery but some have not supplied e-mail addresses. I shall do an e-mailing test following the delivery of this issue. Those of you who opted for this method but who don’t receive an e-mail please get in touch with me so that I can complete my list.

As you will be aware, the ‘summer’ issues tend to get clogged up with results. Last year we tried an issue without any results but reinstated them due to members’ wishes. I’m trying something different this time by doing a results’ supplement. This solves the problem of too many pages in the issue itself while still being able to keep to the cheapest postage. The format is more compact but still takes up ten pages! Your views will be appreciated. (Yes, really)

This issue is twenty-four pages but it’s been quite a struggle to fill. Some of my regular contributors seem to have fallen by the wayside, perhaps they feel it’s time other members had a go. Your contributions really are welcome. I can only produce each issue from what I receive.

It has been such a joy going to tournaments recently. All the old spirit of Flyball seems to have returned. The competitiveness is still there of course, it wouldn’t be racing without it but the friendliness and banter have resurged and it’s fun again. Handlers have become more tolerant of mistakes made by a few dogs and have even been willing to joke about these errant souls. Believe me, if you have a dog that wishes to ‘do it’s own thing’ no matter how hard you have worked to correct it, it’s no fun feeling that other flyballers think you shouldn’t be racing. It simply isn’t possible to re-create racing conditions in training – the dogs do know the difference. Ed.

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Teko and Lynn Hillary


Alfie and Pete Smith Domino and Sarah Pearson Hope and Debbie Berry Loki and Alan Brazukas

Moi and Lynn Hillary


Alfie and Pete Smith Buster and Sarah Pearson Jerry-Lee and Clair Johnston Kayo and Charlie Berry

Moi and Lynn Hillary


Alfie and Pete Smith Amber and Clair Johnston Buster and Sarah Pearson Jerry-Lee and Clair Johnston Jess and Kevin Mathias Kayo and Charlie Berry

Zac and Clair Johnston

FLYBALL DOG 200 POINTS Alfie and Pete Smith Bouncer and Steven Parker Buster and Sarah Pearson Jake and John Moody Jerry-Lee and Clair Johnston Kayo and Charlie Berry Max and Sue Gargett Mykee and Karen Smailes Tasha and Clair Johnston Zac and Clair Johnston

Congratulations to you all and best of luck for 2007!

Congratulations to

Jason Baker (Shooting Stars) and Tony Cain (Cheshire Set) who have passed their Head Judge tests.



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There is no I in team…

But there is in accidents, twice, hospital, visits and car accident.

I wanted to say a very public thank you to all the members of the Marnick Bytes for literally picking me up again and again and dragging me through the season so far.

To all the people who have picked me up, (literally) offered words of sympathy and hugs of support through the soap opera that my life has become over the last six months I thank you.

To Rachel Child - who missed a day of flyball and came with me to Kettering Hospital when I fell and hurt my knee at Market Harborough. Hugged me, kept my spirits up and put a rocket up the Doctors A**e when necessary. But most of all she held me down and listened to me scream as they stuck the big needle in my knee. Love ya Rachie Babe!!!

To Andy & Rebecca Soloman and Mark Child – who waited at Market Harborough Leisure Centre long into the night for us to return from the hospital. But most of all for making the best cup of tea I have ever had on the camp stove in the back of your van. x

To Rebecca Soloman - for missing a day of Flyball and coming with me to Selby A & E and then York hospital (to see the fit Doctor!!!). For giving me loads of hugs and support while they put my hand back together (as well as swooning over the fit Doctor!!) Love ya Becca x

To Lee of the Bouncers – for scrapping me off the gym floor at Selby and driving me to hospital despite me screaming and being hysterical in the back of the car. In my defence my hand hurt like HELL. Also for rescuing my caravan from just outside Eggborough when I broke down. You are a true Gentleman. x

To Margaret and Steve of the Marnicks - for flying down the motorway to our rescue when we had a very bad accident with our car and caravan. Without your support that day we would never have made it home. You know what you did for us that day you truly are wonderful. xx

To my long-suffering team captain, Doreen - Little did she know that when she invited me to join the Bytes she would spend most of her time waving me off in an ambulance. Your support and hours on the telephone when I thought I could take no more really was priceless. Plus the Byte cure really works in every situation.

To all the Marnick Bytes – that have kept us supplied with Bacon Butties and cups of tea while we had no caravan. You’re all Supa stars!!

But most of all to my Husband Ian – to say we have been through the mill this year is an understatement. I am not an easy person to live with when I am in pain. But you’ve managed it. You are my world.

The moral of this story is that Flyball is not just about having fun with your dogs. It’s about the team work and friendships that you can’t explain to a non Flyballer.

Maureen Hendry (Northern Bytes)

PS. I have been the butt of many jokes over the last few months. To all the people involved - I have your names on a separate list and I’ll get you back when you least expect it. Be afraid be very afraid. ☺

PPS. The bubble wrap suit is on order and should arrive any day now!!

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A few points arising from the Committee Meeting held on 22nd April 2007

Hall of Fame - Chris will get the information from Wayne and make a start on entering dogs up to the year 2000. It was also suggested that a list of teams that have run the fastest time in any one year should be included. This would go back as far as the information is available.

Update on lights – A slight modification may be made to try to stop any faults occurring due to bright sunlight. Steve now has the older style BFA lights and will be modifying them to make them easier to transport. Once they have been tested they should be available to use at some shows.

Summer Championship 2007 – The Nuneaton Flyers have agreed to host the tournament this year. The committee still wish to run this event as a three-day show in the future to enable as many teams as possible to compete. Teams that host these shows on behalf of the BFA will be reimbursed with an appropriate fee.

Measuring Hoops – The new hoop was handed to Howard for Head Judges to try out at shows before any more are made.

Head Judges Seminar – Head Judges concerns regarding the logbook were discussed. Howard agreed to write to all Head Judges explaining the Committee’s thoughts on this matter.

Secretary’s correspondence – A letter had been received from a member expressing concerns about tournament organisers extending limited shows. The Committee agreed to change the rules accordingly. In future shows may only be extended by one division (usually six teams). It was also agreed that tournament organisers should be setting more realistic limits for their events.

Membership Secretary’s Report – Membership as of 21st April 2007 is 1312.

Show Secretary’s Report – It was agreed that once the advance notice, informing when show schedules will be available, had been posted on the discussion board, no further reminders will be given before the release date of the schedule. Should tournament organisers wish to they can put on their own reminders.

Matters Arising since the AGM

Rule Changes – It was decided that in future, after the recent rule changes from this year’s AGM have been issued, no more changes would be sent out. Any rule changes agreed either at any future AGM’s or by the Committee during the year would come into effect the following January 1st. The only deviation from this would be due to a safety issue and this change would go out with immediate effect.

Membership Renewals and Financial Year – to be changed to January 1st.

Break-out Rule – this would be reviewed again at the first Committee meeting after the summer months. However, it was decided to reverse the decision that teams that break-out would forfeit their points. The Stats. Officer will be asked to monitor teams submitting times and how many times those teams break-out.

Starters Rules – A set of guidelines would be drawn up but no rules would be enforced.

Annual Awards – a letter is to be sent to all team captains explaining that these would change as agreed at the AGM. Their thoughts would be sought regarding the suggestion that all the Annual Awards should be scrapped, except the Claire Gristwood and Junior Handler awards, and a fastest time of the year award and team of the year award based on consistent times be introduced

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Any Other Business

Next Year’s AGM – the date was confirmed as the 6th April 2008.

Dog’s Running out of the Ring – Following an incident at a recent show, concerns were raised regarding the number of dogs that are intentionally being trained to run out of the ring. It was agreed, for safety reasons, especially at public events that dogs should be encouraged to stay in the ring when they were racing. As this would be difficult to enforce, no new rule would be introduced at this time.

Date of the next meeting – Sunday 15th July or 28th October 2007

Thanks to Graham Nye As you are all aware Graham Nye is standing down from being membership secretary and I would just like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Graham 'my hero' for all the help (and cheek) he has given me over the past couple of years that I have been doing the Stats. Pam and Graham have had to put up with many, many phone calls from myself requesting some information about members and their dogs whilst I’m calculating the points. I personally think he has left some rather large boots to fill and I hope whoever takes over is prepared for the constant emails begging for help!!

Thanks again Graham

Suzzanne Gladstone (Stats. Officer)


BEST WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMME You've seen those ads on TV promising amazing results from all sorts of contraptions. Well, there's no need to invest in fancy equipment. If you have (or can borrow) a dog, you have everything you need to get in shape now!!! The following exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. Balance and Co-ordination, Exercise 1: Remove your puppy from unsuitable tight places. If they're too small for him, they're certainly too small for you. Do it anyway! Balance and Co-ordination, Exercise 2: Practice not falling when your dog bounds across the full length of the room, sails through the air, and slams both front paws into the back of your knees. Balance and Co-ordination, Exercise 3: (for use with multiple dogs) Remove all dogs from lap and answer the phone before it stops ringing. Balance and Co-ordination, Exercise 4: (alternate) For older dogs, attempt to cross a room without tripping over the dog. Get off your couch without crushing any part of a sleeping elderly dog.

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Briscoe’s Diary Or

Tales from an English Springer cont….. April 28th 2007

Well I’m still here. Mum says I must have a guardian angel, whatever that is, as I haven’t improved at all. Cheek! I have grown quite a bit and now I can almost keep up with the others when we go for walks in the forest. It doesn’t bother me when I loose them I just do my own thing. Rabbits have the most wonderful smell and a couple of times I have ‘flushed’ (that’s what Mum calls it) one. You should see the others give chase, they never catch them though. Auntie Rosie, the lurcher, gets nearest but she is so excited that, when she is within grabbing distance, she starts to bark and looses momentum. Plus it makes the poor rabbit run faster! Mum’s glad we enjoy the chase but doesn’t know what she would do if we caught one. At least she doesn’t panic when we are all missing now; she knows we won’t loose her! Mum says when we finish the walk I look as if I am wearing black fisherman’s waders, what are they? With a great stream and lots of mud to plough through - so I get a bit muddy? It dries off in the van on the way home. Uncle Rusty and Auntie Annie get away with it. Just because I’m mostly white! Pretzel looks really funny though, like a ginger, muddy, spiked pom pom on thin sticks!

I can get up the really steep banks now if I take a run at them, and coming down is just easy, I stretch my front legs out and slide. Can’t understand why Mum shakes her head and laughs, she says I look like I’m diving! I use the same method to come downstairs in the mornings; Mum can’t carry me any more.

Pretzel the Pomeranian is still a right bossy boots; mind you give the girl credit. We had a new Jack Russell come to Flyball, nice little thing but so gobby! Marmite her name is, she raced ‘round barking at everyone, all the big dogs looked the other way, except Auntie Annie who shouted back ‘til Mum told her to stop. Pretzel? Well she isn’t a girl to take that, she charged back shouting and showing her impressive set of teeth, Marmite backed down. Don’t blame her I wouldn’t cross Pretzel either.

I am doing restrained recalls now, just a couple. Mum says I am too young to do much, but I am raring to go. I can also jump the very low agility jumps, it’s good fun and I get a treat and lots of praise. Show off Pretzel has to join in. She goes backwards and forwards as if she’s got springs. She is so treat mad Mum says it is difficult to get her doing Flyball training. She doesn’t want the ball if she thinks Mum has treats. I love balls, the treats are a bonus but the ball is the fun thing.

The word ‘NO’ still figures largely but not quite so bad now. I leave the shoes and things alone as it isn’t worth the hassle. But ‘she’ isn’t keen on us bringing lumps of rotting wood and dried grass (complete with loads of lovely dirt) in to play tug with. She says we should stick to the raggies, but they just don’t pull apart the same do they?

Another good game is ‘jump the chickens!’ We have a few hens, they are kept in a great big run but the stupid things like to sunbathe alongside the fence. If we rush up and bark you should see them scatter. When we go to Auntie Lynda’s for Flyball, she has chickens and ducks that are loose! But once the Drake had stretched his neck and hissed at me I decided they weren’t up for playing the same game. Mum says she is glad they are stroppy Muscovies it’ll teach me to leave them alone. Really… all she has to do is shout ‘NO’!! and I stop anyway.

Mum is getting the rest of our Agility equipment out this week; she says I can do ‘bits’. I think I could do the lot - show that Pretzel a thing or two.

June Conway (Carmarthenshire Chargers)

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Judges Report - Drax Tournament – Sunday 6th May 2007

This tournament took place over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend. We were presented with plenty of flyball, including Starters plus the Multibreed on Monday, put on by the ever so obliging Kellington Team.

This is a great venue with everything you could wish for in terms of facilities - bar, food (an excellent carved buffet on Sunday), showers and toilets. The running surface is great and we were blessed with fine weather the whole time.

Unfortunately Saturday’s racing became a little bogged down, mainly due to a lights problem in the morning that cost us an hour. Also two out of the four divisions ran with seven teams and there were also two divisions of starters. Subsequently the presentations finished at 9.00pm. What’s that I hear you say Roger - never again…?

The Tournament Head Judge, Jayne Owen from the Cheshire Set and I did the dog measuring over the weekend. We had the use of a new instrument that was on trial, along with the hoops, and it received some favourable reports.

I Judged Division One on the Sunday, which was quite competitive and produced some excellent racing, the best of which was the ever improving Go Fours against the Cleveland Comets in Race twelve. Go Fours were 2-1 up, but unfortunately the handler of the second dog, trying just a bit too hard, got two lights which gifted it back to the Comets who, although running out eventual winners with a fastest time of 18.19secs., by no means had their own way, with a couple of teams taking legs off them.

There were some great times as well, the Go Fours going sub-18.00secs. with their fastest ever time of 17.91secs. Not far behind were the Dog Friendly Flyers with a 17.95secs., the teams finishing second and third respectively. The Cheshire Chasers (who were always doing just that) came in fourth place, but had a creditable 18.63secs. Fifth were the Barney Owlers with an 18.52secs. A mix up in the last race ended up with a handler on the deck, fortunately not badly injured, after colliding with a dog from their own team. Last but not least were the Crazy Chieftains holding up the pack with a 19.34secs. after a key dog was injured in the first race.

Well done to Sue and Roger and all the Kellington Team for the hard work they put in over the weekend. The announcer on the mike sounded good and kept teams informed about when they were racing. Even Alison got in the mood by judging the Starters Division, and I am sure she will progress to the main divisions in time.

Finally a big thank you to Kate our boxloader in the Multibreed and to Martin with Bailey, our borrowed crossbreed, for standing in at the last minute due to an unforeseen problem.

Howard Campbell (Greetland Grasshoppers)


DUCKBOARD ETIQUETTE Duckboards are placed over particularly boggy patches of ground for the benefit of humans. They are sometimes covered in chicken wire to prevent your human from slipping. Should you catch your nails in this netting, it can be very painful.

The solution is to avoid duckboards at all costs. Just go through the bog instead or jump into your human’s arms.

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Dog ASBO’s. Could your dog become public enemy Number One?

A few weeks ago, a member of the Magnets’ team arrived at training with a petition for us to sign. This was about Local Control Orders regarding dogs in Northampton. Naturally, I, along with the rest of the team, signed up. We took the petition along to our tournament at Daventry and collected some more signatures, then the petition was ready to be handed in to the council. Shortly afterwards I received an e-mail inviting me to join Northants dogs. I visited their web site and have been gathering further information that I feel is worthwhile passing on to all of you. So quoting from Dogs Today June 2007 issue:

Walking down to your local park and letting your dog have a good gallop may soon become a civil offence, as more and more local authorities are implementing dog control orders – banning dogs from public spaces, forcing on-lead restrictions, and enforcing other draconian measures. Other legislation is also eroding dog owners’ rights. It’s time to fight for what is important to you.

The law (Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act [Dog Control Orders]) came into force on 6th April 2006 and basically it applies to:

Fouling of land by dogs and the removal of dog faeces. The keeping of dogs on leads. The exclusion of dogs from land. The number of dogs that a person may take onto any land.

The recommended fine is £75, rising to £1,000 if it goes to court. But the fine is only a recommendation – councils can charge what they like!

As authorities are becoming aware of the new act, an increasing number are implementing the control orders, often with no thought of how dog owners will be affected. One council even proposed an order to keep dogs on leads all the time on all land in the open air! The only place left to run free would have been the dog’s own garden. (Even that’s in the open air! Ed). Other councils are designating ‘exercise zones’ and these could well be very small. It doesn’t take much of a leap to wonder if some of our flyball venues on public land could be affected.

You may enjoy taking your dog for forest walks, at present the Forestry Commission has decided to apply its own bylaws, namely that dogs should be under close control but if it changed its policy the law is there to enforce an on-lead order.

Many people also feel that some authorities will use the act as a money making exercise. (Following on from speed cameras? Ed.)

We all know that dogs need free-running exercise to remain physically and mentally healthy and in fact the Animal Welfare Act makes it your responsibility to ensure that your pet is cared for appropriately according to its specific needs. So the two acts are actually contradictory.

Before any dog control order is introduced, the local authority must have a so-called consultation period (although it is not obliged to take any notice of public reaction!), and the proposals will be advertised in your local newspaper. However, notices are in the back of papers (notices section) and are rarely read by many people. So do be alert!

Take Action

The Kennel Club runs an information network called KC dog where you can find up to date news on dog control orders. The scheme is to help all dog owners protect their rights and freedoms. There is also guidance that includes templates to help you to get started in order to influence public policy.

Dogs trust will also address the relevant authorities and put pressure on them – but they need to be alerted.

Some MPs have signed up to an early day motion welcoming the KC dog and its work. Has yours?

Contact your local councillor/s.


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For the following B.F.A. AWARDS gained from January to May 2007

The DIAMOND AWARD (60,000 points) - Val Currie & MISSY The First Cross-breed to gain this award

The JADE AWARD (35,000 points)

Judy Parker & MILLY Jean Meeking & RIVA

ICE BLUE MOON AWARD (30,000 points) Jean Meeking & TYLER

SILVER AWARD (10,000 points) Catherine Lloyd & BRONTE

FLYBALL DOG ADVANCED (5,000 points) - Olivia Cadman & DASHA

FLYBALL DOG GRADUATE (3,000 points) - Olivia Cadman & MOLLIE

FLYBALL DOG INTERMEDIATE (1,000 points) – Laura Pacey & GIZMO

FLYBALL DOG (200 Points) Claire Evans & SWEEP Simon Scott & JAZMIN Steve James & BENTLEY

Judy Parker & LOTTIE


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Current Seed Times (Open) - as at 23rd July 2007

Seed Team TRN Time Seed Team TRN Time 1 Jolly Jumpers 991B 17.38 48 Bassett Hotdogs 011B 19.16 2 Cleveland Comets 140 17.46 49 Ball Amazonen 991A 19.20 3 Maple Leafs 049 17.50 50 Podlets 015A 19.21 4 Mansfield Marnicks 124 17.52 51 Northants Eagles 151A 19.22 5 Cheshire Chasers 120A 17.56 52 Greedy Grasshoppers 055A 19.25 6 Live Wires 069 17.67 53 Melton Foxes 035B 19.30 7 Shooting Stars 001 17.74 54 Marsh Cheetahs 123 19.31 8 Dog Friendly Flyers 098 17.75 55 Molten Marvels 107C 19.31 9 Barkshire Bandits 017 17.79 56 Nuneaton Dodgers 051C 19.34 10 Gofours 110 17.80 57 West Riding Wizards 118 19.40 11 Running 4 Mutts 054A 17.84 58 Wires A-Live 069F 19.42 12 Pods 015 17.86 59 Fylde Coasters 038 19.44 13 Yorkshire Runners 052F 17.95 60 Leamington Royals 139 19.52 14 Clatto Clangers 073 17.99 61 Ace's Dominos 094E 19.55 15 Mix Brains 991D 18.02 62 Extrabuccs 025A 19.55 16 Barney Owlers 119A 18.02 63 Snatch 'n' Grab 083 19.65 17 Molten Magnets 107 18.05 64 Ace's Rapids 094B 19.67 18 Red Rose Rebels 093A 18.06 65 Quickstep 991E 19.72 19 Bad Dog Racers 053 18.07 66 Barkshire Bandidos 017D 19.73 20 Doncaster Belle Stars 096 18.14 67 Shooting Star Comets 001E 19.73 21 Northants Falcons 151 18.23 68 Lucky Jumpers 991C 19.81 22 Nuneaton Flyers 051 18.25 69 Racing Herts 134 19.83 23 Greetland Grasshoppers 055 18.38 70 Kiddy Monsters 145 19.83 24 Nuneaton Bees 051A 18.45 71 Four Bad Dogs 053B 19.83 25 Molten Muzzles 107D 18.46 72 Ball Busters 043 19.85 26 Delinquent Dolphins 122D 18.48 73 Kellington Sapphire Blue 105D 19.86 27 Yorkshire Racers 052B 18.48 74 Barkshire Bambinos 017E 19.86 28 Red Rose Rockets 093 18.50 75 Cleveland Arrows 140C 19.88 29 Cleveland Hurricanes 140B 18.55 76 The Swifts 048 19.88 30 Sheffield Speeders 058 18.69 77 Maple Leaf Stampede 049D 19.91 31 Barkshire Bullets 017C 18.70 78 Spanish Rapidz 082B 19.92 32 Doncaster Northern Stars 096A 18.70 79 Nuneaton Kestrels 051F 19.92 33 Crazy Chieftains 081E 18.72 80 Bassett Allsorts 011 19.95 34 Mansfield Tricks 124A 18.81 81 The Knights 036 19.97 35 Wire Flash 069G 18.83 82 Molten Metals 107E 19.97 36 Hampshire Harriers 132 18.85 83 Valley Dog Squad 129C 19.97 37 Grasshopper Gems 055H 18.86 84 Brimblecombe Barkers 113 19.98 38 Molten Monarchs 107A 18.88 85 Hotshots 153 20.03 39 Podlings 015D 18.92 86 Valley Hot Dogs 129B 20.04 40 Mansfield Formula One 124F 18.93 87 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 154A 20.04 41 Molten Meteors 107B 18.93 88 Doncaster Arctic Stars 096I 20.05 42 Bristol Ball-istics 018 18.98 89 Maple Leaf Swingers 049E 20.06 43 Crazy Cannons 081 18.99 90 Mansfield Tantrumz 124B 20.09 44 Ramsey Runners 130 18.99 91 Barking Owlers 119B 20.11 45 Wire Sparks 069H 19.02 92 Cleveland Whirlwinds 140A 20.17 46 Hilltop Dare Devils 101 19.02 93 Leaping Dolphins 122A 20.19 47 Maple Leaf Raggers 049A 19.12 94 Travelling Tearaways 162 20.19

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Current Seed Times (Open) - as at 23rd July 2007

Seed Team TRN Time Seed Team TRN Time 95 Tayside Roadrunners 089 20.20 142 Blackpool Quasars 063B 21.71 96 Carry On's 121 20.21 143 Podlers 015B 21.73 97 Blackpool Super Nova 063 20.23 144 Fylde Rollercoasters 038A 21.74 98 The Northern Bytes 027 20.24 145 Doncaster Dinky Stars 096F 21.76 99 Nova Next Generation 063C 20.26 146 Maple Leaf Rockies 049B 21.84 100 Bassett Variety Pack 011D 20.29 147 Scallywags 059 21.88 101 Kellington Spitfires 105G 20.33 148 Daventry Buzzers 099B 21.90 102 Dog Friendly Sprinters 098C 20.39 149 Techni Colours 064K 21.90 103 Red Rose Rascals 093C 20.42 150 Grayshott Flyers 161 21.94 104 Sheffield Sprinters 058A 20.44 151 Whiterose Bobtails 060C 21.95 105 Thor's Paws 070C 20.46 152 Sherwood Outlaws 102 21.97 106 Crazy Crossbows 081C 20.50 153 Hucknall Torkards 152 21.99 107 Golden Valley Eagles 135 20.50 154 Ball Buster Bandits 043B 22.03 108 Cheshire Set 120 20.51 155 Tayside Roadracers 089B 22.06 109 Wire Springs 069E 20.54 156 Blaxton Blades 133 22.08 110 Clatto Cruisers 073A 20.56 157 Shooting Star Rebels 001D 22.12 111 Sheffield Sparklers 058B 20.60 158 Lomond Raiders 126 22.12 112 Break-Aways (UK) 090 20.60 159 Yorkshire Rockets 052E 22.17 113 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 120B 20.66 160 Springers 041 22.18 114 Soxon Sprinters 155 20.69 161 Travelling Outlaws 162E 22.21 115 Monday Niters 144 20.71 162 Melton B's 035A 22.22 116 Covert Catapults 114 20.71 163 Wilmslow Jackals 150A 22.22 117 Molten Magic 107H 20.71 164 Nuneaton Cyclone 051B 22.23 118 Wolf Pack 050 20.74 165 Fun 4 Mutts 054B 22.24 119 Yorkshire Leapers 052C 20.77 166 Travelling Toffs 162A 22.24 120 Red Rose Racers 093B 20.82 167 Midshires Mud Pack 138 22.37 121 Urban Wolves 050H 20.83 168 Hampshire Hounds 132A 22.37 122 Underdogs 085 20.89 169 Four In The Fast Lane 097 22.43 123 Ball Buster Jumballs 043E 21.01 170 Grey Wolves 050F 22.44 124 Thorne Troopers 125 21.09 171 Sheffield Striders 058E 22.46 125 Red Rose Ravers 093E 21.10 172 The Killa Bytes 027B 22.48 126 Crazy Cadets 081B 21.15 173 West Riding Warriors 118A 22.55 127 Podextras 015H 21.18 174 Thorne Trotters 125A 22.59 128 Snatch 'n' Grab Raiders 083B 21.19 175 Travelling Dogsbodies 162D 22.67 129 FourPaws Racing 142 21.31 176 Dog Friendly Racers 098A 22.78 130 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 113C 21.35 177 Blackpool Orion 063E 22.84 131 West Riding Wizzers 118B 21.41 178 Knutsford Momentum 117C 22.88 132 Wired 4 Action 069A 21.44 179 Bristol Ball-istic Missiles 018B 22.89 133 Valley Hound Dogs 129 21.47 180 Ramsden Rockers 160 22.95 134 Shooting Star Jokers 001A 21.48 181 Doncaster Eastern Stars 096E 23.00 135 Thorne Moorends 125B 21.50 182 Buccaroos 025B 23.03 136 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 018F 21.55 183 Sporting Colours 064J 23.15 137 Nuneaton Ospreys 051E 21.59 184 Underdogs Untamed 085C 23.18 138 Knutsford Tailspinners 117A 21.64 185 Gofour Yellowbellies 110D 23.21 139 Blazing Aces 094D 21.69 186 Brat Pack 050A 23.22 140 Racing Colours 064F 21.71 187 Night Owlers 119D 23.23 141 Hillam Hot Dogs 086 21.71 188 Greeny Grasshoppers 055B 23.24

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Current Seed Times (Open) - as at 23rd July 2007

Seed Team TRN Time Seed Team TRN Time 189 Whiterose Wagtails 060 23.27 206 Whiterose Curlytails 060B 24.21 190 Mansfield Ifit 124H 23.32 207 Blackp’l White Dwarf Stars 063D 24.24 191 Peas in a POD 015I 23.35 208 Snatch 'n' Grabits 083A 24.25 192 Wilmslow Dingos 150B 23.37 209 Fylde Surfers 038B 24.37 193 Hotshots Hit 'n' Run 153A 23.39 210 Malmesbury Abbotts 128B 24.37 194 Carry On Regardless 121A 23.42 211 Brimblecombe Bouncers 113A 24.44 195 Kellington Crusaders 105A 23.42 212 Box Raiders 103 24.69 196 Terrierists 054H 23.46 213 Break-Evens 090C 24.81 197 Marsh Cougars 123A 23.47 214 Dodgy Dolphins 122G 25.18 198 Sheffield Shooters 058C 23.47 215 Bishop Burton Brainiacs 148 26.19 199 Soxon Runners 155A 23.50 216 Ball Buster Bouncers 043D 26.29 200 Zebedee Springers 041A 23.53 217 Wagamuffins 136 26.72 201 FourPaws Running 142A 24.01 218 Yorkshire Bouncers 052 27.10 202 Fylde Piers 038F 24.01 219 Dancing Dolphins 122B 28.55 203 Beating Herts 134C 24.12 220 Travelling Merrydogs 162F 31.47 204 Malmesbury Monks 128 24.17 221 Midshires Mud Larks 138C 99.99 205 Chocolate Bytes 027K 24.18

Current Multibreed Seed Times - as at 23rd July 2007

Seed Team TRN Time Seed Team TRN Time 1 Doncaster Team Pow Wow096H 17.91 16 Yorkshire Variety 052G 21.10 2 Mansfield Remix 124E 18.02 17 Bytes Hotchpotch 027G 21.39 3 Grasshoppers Multi 055D 19.25 18 Whiterose Aristocrats 060D 21.44 4 Yorkshire Allsorts 052D 19.57 19 Free Wheelers on Fire 157B 21.66 5 Cleveland Multibreezes 140D 19.64 20 Cross Wires 069D 21.73 6 Danum Multimix 108A 19.98 21 Fylde Pick 'n' Mix 038C 21.82 7 Doghouse Odds 'n' Sods 154D 20.10 22 Kellington Mixed K9s 105E 21.89 8 Dog Friendly Mix 'n' Match 098B 20.23 23 Bytes Fusion 027J 23.49 9 Mansfield Freestylers 124G 20.40 24 Fylde Go4's 038D 23.71 10 Cheshire Jumbles 120C 20.52 25 Melton Mixables 035D 23.73 11 Mansfield Mixups 124C 20.56 26 Sherwood Mixed Nuts 102D 24.50 12 Multi Rapidz 082F 20.68 27 Fylde Mixups 038G 24.74 13 What a Carry On 121C 20.80 28 Whiterose Won-Offs 060G 24.93 14 Crazy Comrades 081 I 20.92 29 Whiterose True Blues 060E 26.73 15 Bytes Mishmash 027H 20.93 30 Yorkshire Mixture 052A 29.08

ADVANTAGES OF BEING CLEAN (SOMETIMES) Just think! Being thoroughly cleaned by your human occasionally makes getting dirty again even more enjoyable. So…let your human win once in a while – let them use all the cleaning products they’ve bought for you.

At least you know you won’t be clean for long!

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DIVISION Black – Judge Tony Cain DIVISION Blue – Judge Rachel Ward 1st Ramsey Raiders 22.28 1st Electric Wires 22.11 2nd Mansfield Young’Uns 23.13 2nd Mansfield Runaways 24.06 3rd Dippy Dolphins 25.53 3rd Wilmslow Nippers 25.34 4th Mansfield Kenco Kids 22.65 4th Roxies Red Lighters 25.77 5th Wilmslow Cubs 25.48 5th Blackpool baby Nova 25.87 6th Fylde Hotdogs 27.61

DIVISION Brown – Judge Heather Eubank DIVISION Purple – Judge Michael Lawson 1st Copper Wires 20.73 1st Doncaster Pow Wow Pups 22.08 2nd Red Rose Buds 20.53 2nd Podangels 22.27 3rd Wild’n’Wiry 23.95 3rd Carmarthen Chargers 23.00 4th Ramsey Raiders 23.67 4th Cheshire Mini Cheeses 23.89 5th Thors Thunder 23.75 5th Mixed Wires 27.19 6th School of Dolphins 25.26

SINGLES Saturday 1st Alfie(Marnicks) 4.00

2nd = Bobby(Marnicks) 4.20 2nd = Elle(Ramsey) 4.20 4th Scooby(Marnicks) 4.30

Open Alfie (Marnicks) 4.00 Vets Molly (Marnicks) 5.10

Starters Bobby (Marnicks) 4.20 ABC Lucy (Red Rose) 4.60

PAIRS Saturday PAIRS Sunday 1st Alfie & Scooby(Marnicks) 8.56 Bobby & Max (Marnicks) 9.32 2nd Silva & Rye(Ches.Set) 8.59 Laika & Moose(Grasshoppers) 9.35 3rd = Tinca & Ruby(Wires) 8.91 Penny & Gemma( Marnicks) 9.66 3rd = Elle & Zena(Ramsey 8.91 4th Tinca & Belle(Wires) 8.92 Teddy & Blue (Marnicks) 9.77

Open Alfie & Scooby(Marnicks) 8.56 Laika & Moose(Grasshoppers) 9.35 Vets Rosie & Jaz (Wires) 10.42

Starters Bobby & Max(Marnicks) 9.32 Bobby & Max (Marnicks) 9.32 ABC/Multi Tinca & Belle(Wires) 8.92 Kim & Poppy (Owlers) 10.02

LUCY LOCKETT TROPHY(Awarded to the team with the highest % wins over the weekend 1st Greetland Grasshoppers 79% 4th Flying Colours 59.5% 2nd Rapidz 75% 5th Cheshire Set 55% 3rd Ramsey & Live Wires 66% 6th Blackpool Super Nova 54% Total number of BFA teams

involved 60


DOG HOUSE - Smash and Grab

Congratulations to Claire Garvey and "CONTI" on gaining their SILVER AWARD (10,000 points)

Mum and "Drift"

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The start of this weekend was glorious, perhaps even a little too hot, as I set off from Silverstone to Loseley Park. My first mistake was in choosing to travel via the A34 from Oxford. Now I had heard traffic announcements about some festival or other somewhere around Woodstock, but (stupidly) thought it would have turned off and wouldn’t affect me (also I wanted to avoid the M25!). Wrong! We crept along for what seemed to be forever. Eventually it was clear and I continued along my merry way without further delays. Good fortune joined me. As I don’t have sat.nav. I didn’t get directed through Guildford, as I understand some other folk did. The last part of the journey was through a very pretty area, but where was the entrance I was looking for? I found a sort of lay-by and pulled in to give the advance party a ring. It turned out I was about one hundred yards away, just round a small bend and there was a large banner informing me that I was in the right place.

The advance party had set up close to the entrance, very convenient for all the facilities – toilets, exercise area, skips for the rubbish and only a short walk to the rings across the bridge. I looked at other campers situated up the incline and decided we were in a better spot. Wrong! The weather decided to ‘do the dirty’ on us all and my caravan was sitting in a puddle by the end of the weekend. My thanks to Brenda of the Pods for pulling my caravan onto the hard standing before she left on Tuesday morning.

The Barkshire Bandits and Maple Leafs had done a grand job getting everything just right for this special European Championship tournament. They did us all proud promoting British Flyball as fun, fast and friendly. Running with two rings went like clockwork and we were able to have a lunch break each day. Despite the deteriorating weather conditions everything kept going smoothly, even when the ring needed moving first thing Monday morning and flying gazebos added to Sunday night’s entertainment.

Our European visitors gave us much food for thought, being very innovative with wheels on boxes etc. and giving boxloaders lessons with ‘housekeeping’ as they fastidiously cleaned their boxes after each leg! They were very happy to chat with us and their excellent command of English made everything very relaxed. It was fascinating watching them race, they were noisy, totally committed and fast. They also entertained us by sheltering under their gazebos while moving around the outside of the ring to watch from different vantage points. I discovered that their lights give three ambers before the green so they needed to adjust their start – I can’t say it caused them any difficulties. Also they still have a one second break-out and had worked out exactly how to remain within their time – needless to say some teams got caught out as they hadn’t realised we’d changed our rule, but they were able to quickly readjust. As they don’t have as many teams racing as we do, I learned that their tournaments consist of a round robin in the morning followed by double elimination in the afternoon so their dogs get much more racing than ours do.

The racing was next to none in every division, teeth clenching to the end. The atmosphere was brilliant. It was great to meet new people and catch up with old friends. The venue was superb and the entertainment excellent. For all sorts of reasons it was certainly a weekend to remember. The weather was certainly memorable - but it would take a lot more to put off true enthusiasts! The Jolly Jumpers from Holland were the eventual winners and Stephan Van Thienen ‘wanted to thank everyone who made the European championship possible, for their hospitality’. He added that ‘it was a great honour and we've really enjoyed to run against all new teams of a country who has such a great flyball tradition. The weather-circumstances weren't perfect but they were the same for everybody and it didn't make the races less tense, believe me. We hope that this tournament was the start for closer bonds between the teams of all European countries and that the sea doesn't stop English teams taking part in the next European championships or other international tournaments’.

Val Currie (Molten Magnets)

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Jolly Jumpers (Belgium) Winners of the 2007 European Championship

Held at Loseley Park England

Mix Brains (Belgium) Winners of Division Two [Photos by John Clarke – sunnyside-photos]

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Jackie Mashal Wilmslow Wild Dogs James Stead Greetland Grasshoppers Pamela Stead Greetland Grasshoppers Emyr Williams Pods Sue Baines Golden Valley Eagles Linda Collison The Knights Katie Povey Mad Mutts Alexandra Head Ramsden Rockers Chris Mace Ramsden Rockers Karine Koernich Wolf Pack Paul Wheatley Doncaster Belle Stars Lindsey Leslie Doncaster Belle Stars Ashley Jennison Hucknall Torkards Gabrielle Short Mad Mutts Neil Dunford Banchory Bravehearts Lynne Laing Banchory Bravehearts Yvonne Monro Banchory Bravehearts Dominic Mockett-Bradshaw Midshires Mud Pack Denny Stretton Greetland Grasshoppers Hev Hennessy Greetland Grasshoppers Lewis Marsden Greetland Grasshoppers Colin Paterson Banchory Bravehearts Kathleen Paterson Banchory Bravehearts Shannon Duthart Banchory Bravehearts Karen Reid Banchory Bravehearts Sophia Farniss Pods Susie Hodgkins Barkshire Bandits Julian Kingston-Smith Barkshire Bandits Owen Garratt Cheshire Set Chris Harrison Midshires Mud Pack Alicia Allcorn Racing Herts

Alison Peerbaccus Hucknall Torkards Elaine Douthwaite Barkshire Bandits Natalie Douthwaite Barkshire Bandits John Shaw Doncaster Belle Stars Elaine Shaw Doncaster Belle Stars James Justice Mad Mutts Kerry White Mad Mutts Helen Mann Banchory Bravehearts Terence Parkin Hucknall Torkards Jaki Bird Banchory Bravehearts Murray Bird Banchory Bravehearts Helena Cairns Banchory Bravehearts Becca King FourPaws Racing Sue King FourPaws Racing Christine Gerrard Cheshire Set Sandra Smith Cheshire Set Ian Smith Cheshire Set Daniel Smith Cheshire Set Jennifer Smith Cheshire Set Rachel Travell Travelling Tearaways Simon Travell Travelling Tearaways Diane Bruce Four In The Fast Lane Hannah Bennett Live Wires Cynthia Harding Live Wires Tina French Live Wires Norma French Live Wires Janet Winstanley Free Wheelers Helen Winstanley Free Wheelers Neil Webb Bassett Allsorts Louise Whitear Free Wheelers Jane Pilbeam Banchory Bravehearts

NEW TEAMS Kiveton Katapultz, Kiveton Kongas, Kiveton Kangas, Kiveton Kukooz Banchory Bravehearts, Banchory Highlanders

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NW Summer Veterans’ League – Ryecroft Farm 2nd June

After a hot day’s racing, a cooling Saturday evening at Ryecroft Farm saw the first trial run of a new fun event in flyball – the NW Summer Veterans’ League.

Nine individual dogs were randomly split into 3 teams. Similar to Starters’ racing within netting and over 7 inch jumps. The initial rules were very simple, no lights and no re-runs; but they are likely to change with future tournaments. At the moment, you could call it “Pommie no-rules flyball”!

The atmosphere was very relaxed, spectators and officials sipping beers/wine. This was a non-sanctioned event I hasten to add. The dogs, however, were as keen as ever.

There was some lightweight banter about start times. Steve Leek telling Ron Edge that he had a 0.6 and Ron replying “are you sure? It felt more like 6.0”. Then Ron excelled himself with a 1.7 start time.

Halfway through the proceedings Tony from Cheshire Set decided that Team names A, B and C were too boring and composed hybrid names from the dogs’ individual teams. So the results were:-

First - Yogi, Rosy and Polliadh in Crazy Rapid Dolphins Second - Bracken, Fern and George in Blackpool Grasshopper Pods Third - Nikki, Tug and Boogie Bear in Crazy Cheshire Coasters

At the end of racing I asked my husband Mike, who had been assisting on the line, who had won, to which he replied: “I don’t honestly know, but I don’t think it matters”. And it didn’t, because there were no losers, all nine dogs were winners. Which just goes to show – you can take the dog out of flyball but you can’t take flyball out of the dog.

Angela Bolton (Dolphins) **********************************************************************

THE PAINT BRUSH TECHNIQUE If there is a stagnant pool close to home, you might enjoy the ‘paint brush’ technique, especially if you have a bushy tail. ‘Dip’ your tail into the pond then carry your tail curled under your body between your back legs in order to hide it from your human. Once home, stand with your back to the wall and wag your tail enthusiastically to show the rest of the family what a good time you’ve had on your walk. This works best on light–coloured walls and delicate wallpapers.

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THE B.F.A. DIARY 2007/8

Key – CLD = Closing date for entry O = Open LO = Limited Open M = Multibreed LM = Limited Multibreed Sept 22/23rd Ryecroft Farm, Ashley, Cheshire Cheshire set

Contact – Vera Edge Tel. 01565 873390 LO (42 teams) CLD 22nd Aug

Sept 22/23rd Paws in the Park, Paddock Wood, Kent Ball Busters Contact – Debbie Collins Tel. 01689 607556

O CLD 24th Aug

Sept 29/30th Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire The Northern Bytes Contact – Doreen Smith Tel. 07733 267158

LO (48 teams) CLD 31st Aug

Sept 29/30th Lincolnshire Showground, Lincolnshire Gofours Contact – Celia Whiting Tel. 01529 497241

LO (48 teams) CLD 29th Aug

Oct 6/7th Rose and Crown, Portway, West-Midlands Wolf Pack Contact – Anne Johnson Tel. 0121 443 1535

LO (36 teams) CLD 7th Sept

Oct 13th Oct 14th

Selby College, North-Yorkshire Yorkshire Bouncers Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact – Betty Potts Tel. 01757 703233

LO (30 teams) LO (24 teams) CLD 14th Sept

Oct 14th

Maidstone, Kent Ball Busters Contact – Debbie Collins Tel. 01689 607556

LO (24 teams) CLD 14th Sept

Oct 20th Oct 21st

Waltheof Centre, Sheffield, South-Yorks Sheffield Speeders Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact - Paula Merryman Tel. 01246 414816

LO (24 teams) CLD 21st Sept

Nov 10th Nov 11th

Northern Racing College, Doncaster Doncaster Belle Stars Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact – Robin Holding Tel. 07711 608115

LO (24 teams) CLD 12th Oct

Nov 18th Maidstone, Kent Ball Busters Contact – Debbie Collins Tel. 01689 607556

LO (24 teams) CLD 19th Oct

Nov 24th Nov 25th

Newark, Nottinghamshire Nuneaton Flyers Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact – Pamela Harrison 01827 707293

LO (24 teams) CLD 26th Oct

Dec 1st Dec 2nd

Northern Racing College, Doncaster Doncaster Belle Stars Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact – Robin Holding Tel. 07711 608115

LO (24 teams) CLD 1st Nov

Dec 8th Dec 9th

Waltheof Centre, Sheffield, South-Yorks Sheffield Speeders Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun. Contact - Paula Merryman Tel. 01246 414816

LO (24 teams) CLD 12th Nov


Jan 12th Jan 13th

Waltheof Centre, Sheffield, South-Yorks Sheffield Speeders Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun.

LO (24 teams)

Jan 13th Maidstone, Kent Ball Busters LO (24 teams) Feb 2nd Feb 3rd

Market Harborough, Leicestershire Molten Magnets Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun.

LO (24 teams)

Feb 9th Feb 10th

Selby College, North-Yorkshire Yorkshire Bouncers Teams may enter either Sat. or Sun.

LO(30 teams) LO (24 teams)

Feb 10th Maidstone, Kent Ball Busters LO (24 teams)

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Judges Report – Cantley Park, Doncaster – Sunday 24th June 2007 This was another double ring tournament from those masters of logistics, the Doncaster Belle Stars. It was well run, well organised and only the lights let us down, (nothing new there then). One day, one day we will have a faultless lighting set.

Anyway with racing under way and that superb food van to keep us all sustained, the flyballers were a happy bunch. There was some great racing as seems to be the norm these days. Even the forecasted bad weather stayed away until midday on the Sunday but even then it was nothing compared to the heavy rain and floods that followed the following day.

I was invited to Judge Division Five and it was a pleasure to see such a sporting division, there were no arguments, just sheer enjoyment. The West Riding Wizards won this division at a canter with a fastest time of 19.40secs. They had a couple of excellent dogs, especially the superb lead dog – nothing could touch it. I was told the dog’s owner was working and another club member was running it. The second place went to the Kellington Team who started well, winning three races up to the interval, then things went a bit pear shaped and the Rottie started playing up with a couple of interferences. Their fastest time was 19.86secs. The third placed team, Nuneaton Dodgers 19.60secs. (who are always a hard team to beat) looked every bit the experienced team they are and came out fighting in the afternoon after two narrow defeats by the teams above them. Fourth place went to the Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.40secs. were beaten by better teams, but the German Shepherd (running anchor) did well. Fifth place went to Wires Alive 20.05secs. who had a shock win over the Kellington Team in the last race. Holding up the pack were the Red Rose Rascals 21.16, who were all at sea in this group, even the Beardie got lost (must be all that hair it has to see through). Perhaps my mate Len was practising for his Donkey Award?

Well done once again to Robin and Debbie and all the hard working Belle Stars for a great show at a great venue.

Howard Campbell (Grasshoppers Flyball Team)

GET A LOAD OF THAT SMELL Don’t be put off by your human pulling a face and holding their nose. Don’t forget dogs have a far superior sense of smell, and therefore only you can really appreciate fully your acquired aroma.


Jackie Williams and Kim

on gaining their Flyball Dog Intermediate

From everyone at Valley

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Val Currie and Missy

Would like to say an enormous big Thank You


Audrey Neighbour whose cunning ploy got us started in Flyball.

Peter & Delia and all the other Pods without whose patience and help we might have given up.

Doreen Wright of the Wolf Pack who believed in Missy and when I kept on voicing my doubts, kept telling me she would do flyball.

Jean’s GSD Raffles and Dave Green who between them managed to stop Missy making right angled turns towards the other dogs – a broken toe gained when crashing into Dave was certainly a

salutary lesson!

Everyone in the Molten Magnets we have trained and raced with, gone to tournaments with and had a great social time with. Especially the Metals, Chica, Bobby and Riva who have made it possible for us to run together (over 8 inches) for the last three years and have such great racing so often going

to five legs.

Everyone we have had such pleasure in knowing and racing against, the competitiveness, friendliness and banter is second to none.

Without All of you, Missy would not have been a Flyball dog let alone gained her Diamond Award

[Photo by John Clarke – sunnyside-photos]

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REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE CO-ORDINATOR & East & West Yorkshire Rachel Jones Tel. 01706 813893 Email _ [email protected] Anglesey & North Wales Peter Roberts Tel. 01407 810610 Email – [email protected] Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Val Currie Tel. 01327 857604 Email – [email protected] Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, London, Middlesex & Surrey Terry Condra Tel. 01895 254427 Email – [email protected] Cheshire, Merseyside, Shropshire & Staffordshire Doreen Smith Tel. 0161 494 0787 Email – [email protected] Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland & Tyne Tees Lynda Haworth Tel. 01642 590409 Email – [email protected] Cornwall & Somerset Stephanie Rendall Tel. 0117 949 8533 Email – [email protected] Cumbria & Lancashire Dianne Halsted Tel. 01253 591180 Email – [email protected] Derbyshire, Lincolnshire & North & North East Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Nottinghamshire & Suffolk

Valerie Rothlisberger-Jones Tel. 07813 902553 Email – [email protected] Devon & Dorset Janine Redman Tel. 01590 681635 Email – [email protected] East Sussex & Kent Janice Aird Tel. 01303 240584 Email – [email protected] Essex Sarah James Tel. 07834 665860 Email - [email protected] O xfordshire & Wiltshire Sam Bawden Tel. 01865 820097 Email – [email protected] Gloucestershire, Herefordshire & Mid & South Wales Louise Bolger Tel. 07970 209519 Email – [email protected] Hampshire & West Sussex Alison O ’Rourke Tel. 023 8039 4370 Email – [email protected] North Yorkshire Alison Booth Tel. 01977 795156 Email _ [email protected] Scotland Alison Moyes Tel. 01382 610610 Email _ [email protected] South Yorkshire Andrea Price Tel. 01226 727917 Email _ [email protected] Warwickshire, West Midlands & Worcestershire Anne Johnson Tel. 0121 4431535 Email – [email protected]

Last amended May 2007


MUCKY WELLIES When you feel it’s time to go out for a walk again, why not fetch your human’s soil caked Wellies and drop them in their lap? (This is a good way to remind them of your needs.) Your human will be so pleased that they didn’t waste their time by cleaning the boots, only to get them dirty again!

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British Flyball Association PO Box 109


Email –[email protected] WWW –


B.F.A Chairman Chris Fulford

Tel. 01329 311780 Email: [email protected]

Vice Chairman Howard Campbell Tel. 01422 378079

Email: [email protected]

Secretary Penny Charlton

Tel. 01753 620110 Email: [email protected]

Treasurer Anne Alcock

Tel. 01925 267274 Email: [email protected]

Show Secretary Judy Parker

Tel. 02476 404266 Email: [email protected]

Committee Member William Whiteley

Tel. 01377 267432 Email: [email protected]

Committee Member Antony Cain

Tel. 01782 519372 Email: [email protected]

Committee Member Maureen Hendry

Tel. 01302 533414 Email: [email protected]

Committee Member Steve Leek

Tel. 0151 336 8923 Email: [email protected]

OO FFFFIICCEERRSS Membership & Team Registration

Graham Nye Tel. 01730 828269

Email: [email protected]

Training Co-ordinator Peter Roberts

Tel. 01407 810610 Email: [email protected]

Records & Statistics Co-ordinator Suzzanne Gladstone Tel. 07730 498887

Email: [email protected]

Regional Representatives Co-ordinator Rachel Jones

Tel. 01706 813 893 Email: [email protected]

Web Master Nigel Bouckley

Tel. 01726 861191 Email: [email protected]

Lights Co-ordinator Dave Long

Tel. 02476 393468 Email: [email protected]

Publicity Officer Steph Rendall

Tel. 0117 9498533 Email: [email protected]

Junior Awards & Height Cards Anne Johnson

Tel. 0121 4431535 Email: [email protected]

All articles featured are the opinions of the writers and not necessarily those of the Editor or the B.F.A. Committee. The Flyball Record cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in factual content.

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Results supplement

April to june


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Anglesey Results - 7th April 2007

Division 1 Judge - Steve Leek 1 Pods 18.53: 2 Podlings 19.93: 3 Valley Hot Dogs 20.04 4 Thor's Paws 20.15: 5 Valley Hound Dogs 21.63: 6 Leaping Dolphins 21.30

Division 2 Judge - Jackie Williams 1 Podextras 22.08: 2 Thorne Moorends 21.50: 3 Podlers 21.77 4 Springers 22.93: 5 Dodgy Dolphins 25.18

Carlton Towers Results – 7th & 8th April 2007

Division 1 Judge - John Verity 1 Mansfield Marnicks 18.34: 2 Live Wires 17.99: 3 Cleveland Comets 18.22: 4 Cheshire Chasers 18.56: 5 Gofours 18.34: 6 Doncaster Belle Stars 19.51

Division 2 Judge - Peter Vowles 1 Dog Friendly Flyers 18.26: 2 Nuneaton Flyers 18.34: 3 Wires A-Live 19.96 4 Red Rose Rebels 18.30: 5 Barney Owlers 18.36: 6 Yorkshire Runners 18.80

Division 3 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Sheffield Speeders 18.59: 2 Crazy Chieftains 18.41: 3 Nuneaton Bees 19.11 4 Cleveland Hurricanes 19.21: 5 Melton Foxes 19.30: 6 Crazy Cannons 19.38

Division 4 Judge - Dave Long 1 Greetland Grasshoppers 19.57: 2 Mansfield Formula One 19.53: 3 Mansfield Tricks 19.53 4 Wire Sparks 20.52: 5 Red Rose Rockets 19.15: 6 Wire Flash 20.06

Division 5 Judge - Trevor Whitaker 1 Doncaster Northern Stars 19.58: 2 Cleveland Arrows 20.32: 3 Red Rose Rascals 20.82 4 Blackpool Super Nova 20.73: 5 Hilltop Dare Devils 20.31: 6 Fylde Coasters 21.92

Division 6 Judge - Julie Rumsey 1 Kellington Sapphire Blue 19.21: 2 Nuneaton Dodgers 20.58: 3 West Riding Wizards 20.41 4 Barking Owlers 20.31: 5 Nova Next Generation 20.49: 6 Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.88

Division 7 Judge - Alison Booth 1 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 20.75: 2 Greedy Grasshoppers 20.47: 3 Sheffield Sprinters 20.93 4 The Northern Bytes 21.50: 5 Spanish Rapidz 22.24

Division 8 Judge - Paula Merryman 1 Mansfield Tantrumz 20.56: 2 Dog Friendly Sprinters 21.01: 3 Cheshire Set 21.54 4 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 21.92: 5 Break-Aways (UK) 21.23: 6 Kellington Spitfires 20.59

Division 9 Judge - Neil Frow 1 Monday Niters 20.61: 2 Fylde Rollercoasters 21.00: 3 Blackpool Quasars 21.33 4 Sheffield Sparklers 21.90: 5 Wire Springs 22.59: 6 Nuneaton Kestrels 22.71

Division 10 Judge - Doreen Smith 1 Yorkshire Leapers 22.11: 2 West Riding Wizzers 23.17: 3 Nuneaton Cyclone 22.94 4 Wilmslow Jackals 22.70: 5 Red Rose Ravers 22.81: 6 Whiterose Wagtails 23.62

Division 11 Judge - Stuart Harrison 1 Crazy Cadets 22.12: 2 Hillam Hot Dogs 21.71: 3 Sherwood Outlaws 22.01 4 Melton B's 22.22: 5 Whiterose Bobtails 27.14: 6 Gofour Yellowbellies 23.17

Division 12 Judge - John Clarke 1 Dog Friendly Racers 24.61: 2 Lomond Raiders 23.43: 3 Blackpool Orion 24.36 4 The Killa Bytes 24.43: 5 Bishop Burton Brainiacs 26.19: 6 Yorkshire Rockets 26.89

Division 13 Judge - Louise McDermott 1 Doncaster Dinky Stars 22.98: 2 Night Owlers 25.43: 3 Kellington Crusaders 25.04 4 Break-Evens 25.63: 5 Carry On Regardless 25.50

Division 14 Judge - Bob Haworth 1 Sheffield Shooters 24.47: 2 Box Raiders 24.77: 3 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 24.85 4 Greeny Grasshoppers 24.30: 5 Whiterose Curlytails 27.87

Division 15 Judge - Naomi Harrison 1 Blaxton Blades 23.86: 2 Chocolate Bytes 27.49: 3 West Riding Warriors 22.94 4 Fylde Surfers 26.54: 5 Mansfield Ifit 26.35

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Carlton Towers Multibreed Results - 9th April 2007

Division 1 Judge - Doreen Smith 1 Doncaster Team Pow Wow 18.65: 2 Mansfield Remix 18.86: 3 Cleveland Multibreezes 20.29 4 Grasshoppers Multi 20.25: 5 Dog Friendly Mix 'n' Match 20.91: 6 Danum Multimix 20.89

Division 2 Judge - Julie Rumsey 1 What a Carry On 20.80: 2 Fylde Pick 'n' Mix 21.82: 3 Mansfield Mixups 21.86 4 Bytes Mishmash 21.65: 5 Yorkshire Allsorts 22.98: 6 Whiterose Aristocrats 24.59

Division 3 Judge - Alison Booth 1 Doghouse Odds 'n' Sods 21.27: 2 Multi Rapidz 20.96: 3 Cross Wires 21.73 4 Mansfield Freestylers 22.82: 5 Whiterose True Blues 27.03

Division 4 Judge - Alison Harrison 1 Cheshire Jumbles 21.35: 2 Crazy Comrades 22.24: 3 Free Wheelers on Fire 22.36 4 Melton Mixables 23.73: 5 Bytes Hotchpotch 25.48

Division 5 Judge - Rachel Child 1 Bytes Fusion 23.49: 2 Fylde Go4's 25.23: 3 Whiterose Won-Offs 26.40 4 Sherwood Mixed Nuts 24.50: 5 Yorkshire Variety 27.34

Frimley Lodge Results – 8th& 9th April 2007

Division 1 Judge - Carla Lammas 1 Maple Leafs 17.82: 2 Barkshire Bandits 17.92: 3 Shooting Stars 17.85 4 Barkshire Bullets 18.92: 5 Bad Dog Racers 19.78: 6 Running 4 Mutts 19.06

Division 2 Judge - Sam Bawden 1 Hampshire Harriers 19.91: 2 Maple Leaf Raggers 19.42: 3 Extrabuccs 19.99 4 Barkshire Bandidos 19.76: 5 Ball Busters 19.60: 6 Barkshire Bambinos 22.53

Division 3 Judge - Jason Baker 1 Bassett Hotdogs 19.40: 2 Marsh Cheetahs 20.25: 3 Bassett Allsorts 19.93 4 Maple Leaf Stampede 19.99: 5 Ace's Rapids 19.93: 6 The Knights 20.94

Division 4 Judge - Bill Reast 1 Brimblecombe Barkers 20.29: 2 Ace's Dominos 20.27: 3 Shooting Star Comets 20.56 4 Underdogs 21.01: 5 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 21.51: 6 Midshires Mud Pack 22.35

Division 5 Judge - Penny Charlton 1 Four Bad Dogs 20.95: 2 Shooting Star Jokers 21.94: 3 Hotshots 21.68 4 Ball Buster Bandits 23.20 5 Hampshire Hounds 23.82: 6 Fun 4 Mutts 24.63: 7 Soxon Sprinters 20.69

Division 6 Judge - John Percivaldi 1 Terrierists 24.22: 2 Buccaroos 22.52: 3 Four In The Fast Lane 24.58 4 Marsh Cougars 23.47: 5 Shooting Star Rebels 23.80: 6 Midshires Mud Larks 99.99

Portway Results - 8th & 9th April 2007

Division 1 Judge - Mick Neighbour 1 Molten Magnets 18.62: 2 Molten Muzzles 18.93: 3 Bristol Ball-istics 19.09 4 Molten Meteors 19.59: 5 The Swifts 19.77: 6 Racing Herts 20.00

Division 2 Judge - Louise Bolger 1 Kiddy Monsters 19.99: 2 Urban Wolves 20.31: 3 Molten Marvels 21.00 4 FourPaws Racing 21.29: 5 Molten Monarchs 20.81: 6 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 22.52

Division 3 Judge - Louise Bolger 1 Daventry Buzzers 22.38: 2 Wolf Pack 20.73: 3 Scallywags 22.68 4 Covert Catapults 20.71: 5 Brat Pack 23.68

Division 4 Judge - Terry Condra 1 Bristol Ball-istic Missiles 22.89: 2 Grey Wolves 23.39: 3 Malmesbury Abbotts 25.25 4 Beating Herts 26.71: 5 Malmesbury Monks 27.80

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Drax Results - 5th & 6th May 2007

Division 1 Judge - Howard Campbell 1 Cleveland Comets 18.19: 2 Gofours 17.91: 3 Dog Friendly Flyers 17.95 4 Cheshire Chasers 18.63: 5 Barney Owlers 18.52: 6 Crazy Chieftains 19.34 Division 2 Judge - Antony Cain 1 Doncaster Belle Stars 19.79: 2 Sheffield Speeders 19.16: 3 Cleveland Hurricanes 19.30 4 Crazy Cannons 19.84: 5 Kellington Sapphire Blue 19.61: 6 Tayside Roadrunners 20.20 Division 3 Judge - Paula Merryman 1 Doncaster Northern Stars 18.74: 2 Greetland Grasshoppers 19.32: 3 Cleveland Arrows 20.08 4 Blackpool Super Nova 20.48: 5 Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.69: 6 Tayside Roadracers 22.06 7 West Riding Wizards 20.87 Division 4 Judge - Julie Rumsey 1 Nova Next Generation 20.46: 2 Sheffield Sprinters 20.84: 3 Kellington Spitfires 20.20 4 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.72: 5 Break-Aways (UK) 20.60: 6 Thorne Troopers 21.52 Division 5 Judge - Shaun Burrows 1 Blackpool Quasars 21.39: 2 Dog Friendly Sprinters 20.82: 3 Hillam Hot Dogs 21.73 4 Greedy Grasshoppers 22.68: 5 Sheffield Sparklers 21.72: 6 Crazy Crossbows 21.21 Division 6 Judge - John Walters 1 Sherwood Outlaws 21.97: 2 Gofour Yellowbellies 22.22: 3 West Riding Wizzers 22.25 4 Crazy Cadets 22.47: 5 Doncaster Dinky Stars 22.32: 6 West Riding Warriors 22.55 Division 7 Judge - Ryan Mills 1 Lomond Raiders 22.14: 2 Blaxton Blades 23.04: 3 Blackpool Orion 23.39: 4 Dog Friendly Racers 23.05 5 Thorne Trotters 22.59: 6 Kellington Crusaders 23.77: 7 Hucknall Torkards 25.23 Division 8 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Night Owlers 24.06: 2 Sheffield Shooters 23.53: 3 Box Raiders 24.69 4 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 24.60: 5 Break-Evens 24.81

Drax Multibreed Results - 7th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Cleveland Multibreezes 20.57: 2 Danum Multimix 20.57: 3 Grasshoppers Multi 20.31: 4 Cheshire Jumbles 20.52: 5 Kellington Mixed K9s 21.89: 6 Crazy Comrades 20.92: 7 Sherwood Mixed Nuts 27.39

Daventry Results - 5th & 6th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Andy Bawden 1 Barkshire Bandits 17.93: 2 Maple Leafs 17.72: 3 Molten Magnets 18.56 4 Northants Falcons 18.59: 5 Bad Dog Racers 18.93: 6 Barkshire Bullets 19.04 Division 2 Judge - John Percivaldi 1 Bristol Ball-istics 18.98: 2 Running 4 Mutts 18.39: 3 Maple Leaf Raggers 19.42 4 Molten Muzzles 18.68: 5 Bassett Hotdogs 19.92: 6 Barkshire Bandidos 20.06 Division 3 Judge - Mick Neighbour 1 Snatch 'n' Grab 19.65: 2 Bassett Allsorts 20.03: 3 Barkshire Bambinos 20.97 4 Maple Leaf Stampede 20.60: 5 Molten Monarchs 21.05 Division 4 Judge - Louise Bolger 1 Brimblecombe Barkers 20.54: 2 Molten Metals 20.89: 3 Leamington Royals 22.11 4 Racing Herts 21.14: 5 Urban Wolves 20.93 Division 5 Judge - Penny Charlton 1 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 20.58: 2 Wolf Pack 20.59: 3 Monday Niters 20.76 4 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 20.78: 5 Molten Magic 20.63: 6 Four Bad Dogs 21.75 Division 6 Judge - Catherine Locke 1 Northants Eagles 21.23: 2 Daventry Buzzers 21.90: 3 Kiddy Monsters 21.02 4 Scallywags 23.38: 5 Maple Leaf Swingers 23.30: 6 Fun 4 Mutts 24.60 Division 7 Judge - Wayne O'Rourke 1 Midshires Mud Pack 23.36: 2 Grey Wolves 22.67: 3 Bristol Ball-istic Missiles 24.75 4 Brat Pack 23.74: 5 Soxon Runners 23.50: 6 Buccaroos 24.06 Division 8 Judge - Val Currie 1 Snatch 'n' Grabits 24.25: 2 Terrierists 23.76: 3 Hotshots Hit 'n' Run 23.65 4 Malmesbury Abbotts 24.37: 5 Malmesbury Monks 26.12: 6 Beating Herts 26.84

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Mottram St Andrews Results - 5th & 6th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Live Wires 18.08: 2 Mansfield Marnicks 18.03: 3 Red Rose Rebels 18.64 4 Red Rose Rockets 18.86: 5 Wires A-Live 19.69 Division 2 Judge - Len Titterington 1 Mansfield Formula One 18.65: 2 Mansfield Tricks 19.19: 3 Podlets 19.21 4 Wire Flash 19.66: 5 Wire Sparks 19.17: 6 Podlings 20.68 Division 3 Judge - Rachel Child 1 Nuneaton Dodgers 19.77: 2 Red Rose Rascals 20.04: 3 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 20.08 4 Carry On's 20.21: 5 Fylde Coasters 20.91: 6 The Northern Bytes 20.96 Division 4 Judge - Trevor Whitaker 1 Nuneaton Ospreys 21.66: 2 Spanish Rapidz 20.72: 3 Mansfield Tantrumz 20.15: 4 Wire Springs 21.71 5 Nuneaton Kestrels 19.92: 6 Thor's Paws 21.54: 7 Fylde Rollercoasters 21.69 Division 5 Judge - John Clarke 1 Red Rose Ravers 20.91: 2 Wilmslow Jackals 21.74: 3 Podextras 22.39 4 Sporting Colours 23.15: 5 Racing Colours 21.71: 6 Whiterose Bobtails 26.03 Division 6 Judge - Dave Long 1 Carry On Regardless 23.92: 2 The Killa Bytes 23.99: 3 Chocolate Bytes 24.18 4 Fylde Surfers 24.43: 5 Fylde Piers 25.10: 6 Whiterose Curlytails 25.49

Mottram St Andrews Multibreed Results - 7th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - William Whiteley 1 Doncaster Team Pow Wow 17.91: 2 Mansfield Remix 18.02: 3 Doghouse Odds 'n' Sods 20.31 4 Bytes Mishmash 20.93: 5 Multi Rapidz 20.68 Division 2 Judge - Rebecca Solomon 1 Mansfield Mixups 20.56: 2 Yorkshire Allsorts 21.63: 3 Mansfield Freestylers 20.40: 4 Fylde Pick 'n' Mix 22.43: 5 Bytes Fusion 24.80: 6 Free Wheelers on Fire 21.66: 7 Whiterose Aristocrats 27.95 Division 3 Judge - Naomi Harrison 1 Bytes Hotchpotch 22.50: 2 Fylde Mixups 24.74: 3 Fylde Go4's 23.71 4 Yorkshire Variety 24.56: 5 Whiterose True Blues 26.73: 6 Whiterose Won-Offs 24.93

All About Dogs Results - 12th & 13th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Bill Reast 1 Maple Leafs 17.55: 2 Gofours 17.86: 3 Shooting Stars 17.89: 4 Running 4 Mutts 18.06 4 Molten Magnets 18.35: 6 Barkshire Bullets 18.78: 7 Maple Leaf Raggers 18.79 Division 2 Judge - Jason Baker 1 Hampshire Harriers 19.04: 2 Bassett Hotdogs 19.50: 3 Molten Monarchs 19.58 4 Barkshire Bandidos19.74: 5 Ball Busters 19.85: 6 Maple Leaf Stampede 20.01: 7 Bassett Allsorts 20.73 Division 3 Judge - Shaun Burrows 1 Marsh Cheetahs 19.84: 2 Brimblecombe Barkers 19.98: 3 Molten Metals 20.16 4 Racing Herts 20.72: 5 Underdogs 20.89: 6 Extrabuccs 21.61 Division 4 Judge - Sam Bawden 1 Shooting Star Comets 20.24: 2 Soxon Sprinters 20.84: 3 Barkshire Bambinos 21.40 4 FourPaws Racing 21.18: 5 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 21.54: 6 Shooting Star Jokers 22.60 Division 5 Judge - Robin Holding 1 Maple Leaf Swingers 22.45: 2 Gofour Yellowbellies 23.21: 3 Ball Buster Bandits 23.40 4 Soxon Runners 24.00: 5 Midshires Mud Pack 22.68 Division 6 Judge - Wayne O'Rourke 1 Hotshots Hit 'n' Run 25.06: 2 Underdogs Untamed 24.89: 3 FourPaws Running 25.95 4 Terrierists 24.65: 5 Beating Herts 25.91

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Middlesbrough Results - 12th & 13th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - William Whiteley 1 Cleveland Comets 18.00: 2 Dog Friendly Flyers 17.96: 3 Mansfield Marnicks 18.05 4 Clatto Clangers 18.32: 5 Crazy Chieftains 18.62: 6 Barney Owlers 18.42 Division 2 Judge - Rachel Child 1 Sheffield Speeders 18.56: 2 Cleveland Hurricanes 19.08: 3 Crazy Cannons 19.21 4 Doncaster Belle Stars 19.99: 5 Yorkshire Runners 19.52: 6 Greetland Grasshoppers 19.15 Division 3 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Mansfield Formula One 18.58: 2 Doncaster Northern Stars 18.70: 3 Blackpool Super Nova 19.99 4 Clatto Cruisers 20.56: 5 Cheshire Set 20.67: 6 Mansfield Tricks 20.64 Division 4 Judge - Howard Campbell 1 Hilltop Dare Devils 19.23: 2 Cleveland Whirlwinds 19.91: 3 Cleveland Arrows 20.34 4 The Northern Bytes 20.11: 5 Fylde Coasters 21.31: 6 Barking Owlers 22.74 Division 5 Judge - Doreen Smith 1 Mansfield Tantrumz 19.53: 2 Greedy Grasshoppers 19.47: 3 Sheffield Sprinters 20.17 4 West Riding Wizards 20.46: 5 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 20.45: 6 Dog Friendly Sprinters 20.89 Division 6 Judge - Rebecca Solomon 1 Blackpool Quasars 21.95: 2 Hillam Hot Dogs 22.20: 3 West Riding Wizzers 22.14 4 Crazy Crossbows 21.22: 5 Fylde Rollercoasters 22.26: 6 Whiterose Wagtails 23.27 Division 7 Judge - Jayne Owen 1 Crazy Cadets 21.74: 2 Yorkshire Leapers 22.07: 3 Springers 22.19 4 Sheffield Striders 22.69: 5 The Killa Bytes 23.15: 6 Dog Friendly Racers 22.78 Division 8 Judge - Paula Merryman 1 Zebedee Springers 24.77: 2 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 24.82: 3 Yorkshire Rockets 26.69 4 Fylde Surfers 26.32: 5 Mansfield Ifit 27.78: 6 Whiterose Curlytails 26.87

Sutton Fields Results - 19th & 20th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Steve Leek 1 Live Wires 17.82: 2 Mansfield Marnicks 17.85: 3 Cheshire Chasers 17.93 4 Pods 17.86: 5 Barney Owlers 18.02: 6 Red Rose Rebels 18.06 Division 2 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Molten Magnets 18.36: 2 Doncaster Belle Stars 18.34: 3 Red Rose Rockets 19.22 4 Podlings 19.79: 5 Wires A-Live 19.60: 6 Delinquent Dolphins 18.64 Division 3 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Mansfield Tricks 19.03: 2 Greetland Grasshoppers 18.63: 3 Mansfield Formula One 18.73 4 Ramsey Runners 18.99: 5 Molten Monarchs 18.88: 6 Doncaster Arctic Stars 20.20 Division 4 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Wire Sparks 19.24: 2 Wire Flash 19.24: 3 Blackpool Super Nova 19.96 4 Fylde Coasters 20.50: 5 Kellington Sapphire Blue 19.92: 6 Red Rose Rascals 19.55 Division 5 Judge - Louise McDermott 1 Molten Metals 20.12: 2 Barking Owlers 20.11: 3 Greedy Grasshoppers 19.74 4 West Riding Wizards 20.18: 5 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 20.04: 6 The Northern Bytes 20.57 Division 6 Judge - Maria Brennan 1 Spanish Rapidz 19.93: 2 Valley Dog Squad 19.97: 3 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.86 4 Nova Next Generation 20.65: 5 Mansfield Tantrumz 21.18: 6 Kellington Spitfires 20.65 Division 7 Judge - Howard Campbell 1 Leaping Dolphins 20.50: 2 Fylde Rollercoasters 20.92: 3 Blackpool Quasars 20.81 4 Wilmslow Jackals 22.98: 5 Knutsford Tailspinners 21.87: 6 Valley Hound Dogs 21.47 Division 8 Judge - Robin Holding 1 Cheshire Set 20.85: 2 Wired 4 Action 21.21: 3 Techni Colours 21.90 4 Podextras 21.18: 5 West Riding Wizzers 22.45: 6 Springers 22.18 Division 9 Judge - Brenda Holland 1 Wire Springs 22.05: 2 Red Rose Ravers 21.97: 3 Sporting Colours 23.15 4 The Killa Bytes 23.24: 5 Zebedee Springers 23.53: 6 Knutsford Momentum 23.75 Division 10 Judge - Len Titterington 1 Greeny Grasshoppers 22.90: 2 Blackpool Orion 23.55: 3 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 25.36 4 Fylde Surfers 25.59: 5 Dancing Dolphins 28.55: 6 Mansfield Ifit 24.08

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European Championship Results - 26th,27th & 28th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Chris Fulford 1 Jolly Jumpers 17.38: 2 Maple Leafs 17.58: 3 Barkshire Bandits 18.07: 4 Shooting Stars 17.96 5 Mansfield Marnicks 17.91: 6 Live Wires 17.97: 7 Gofours 17.89 Division 2 Judge - Steve Leek 1 Mix Brains 18.02: 2 Running 4 Mutts 17.84: 3 Pods 17.90 4 Bad Dog Racers 18.10: 5 Clatto Clangers 17.99: 6 Nuneaton Flyers 18.65 Division 3 Judge - Andy Bawden 1 Cheshire Chasers 17.97: 2 Northants Falcons 18.23: 3 Molten Magnets 18.31 4 Maple Leaf Raggers 18.62: 5 Mansfield Formula One 18.99: 6 Sheffield Speeders 18.69 Division 4 Judge - Sam Bawden 1 Delinquent Dolphins 19.16: 2 Barkshire Bullets 18.90: 3 Hampshire Harriers 18.85 4 Bristol Ball-istics 19.16: 5 Nuneaton Bees 19.28: 6 Molten Marvels 19.31: 7 Wire Sparks 19.42 Division 5 Judge - Lia Belis 1 Mansfield Tricks 19.02: 2 Bassett Hotdogs 19.16: 3 Ball Amazonen 19.20 4 Kellington Sapphire Blue 19.75: 5 Barkshire Bandidos 19.68: 6 Podlings 20.37 Division 6 Judge - Shaun Burrows 1 Doncaster Belle Stars 18.55: 2 Wire Flash 19.40: 3 Wires A-Live 19.77 4 Nuneaton Dodgers 19.90: 5 The Swifts 19.88: 6 Ace's Rapids 19.85 Division 7 Judge - Peter Roberts 1 Mansfield Tantrumz 19.85: 2 Quickstep 19.72: 3 Maple Leaf Stampede 19.96 4 Bassett Allsorts 20.40: 5 Racing Herts 20.09: 6 Extrabuccs 20.39 Division 8 Judge - Val Currie 1 Fylde Coasters 19.78: 2 Lucky Jumpers 19.81: 3 Brimblecombe Barkers 20.06 4 Ace's Dominos 20.20: 5 Kellington Spitfires 21.07: 6 Barkshire Bambinos 21.07 Division 9 Judge - Jayne Owen 1 Shooting Star Comets 20.19: 2 Hilltop Dare Devils 19.53: 3 Leamington Royals 20.60 4 Wolf Pack 20.99: 5 Underdogs 21.00: 6 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 21.72 Division 10 Judge - Penny Charlton 1 Molten Metals 20.28: 2 Molten Magic 20.71: 3 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.78 4 Monday Niters 20.56: 5 Ball Sorters 21.01: 6 Grayshott Flyers 22.15 Division 11 Judge - Luc Fransen 1 Four Bad Dogs 20.53: 2 Fylde Rollercoasters 21.73: 3 Sheffield Sprinters 20.44 4 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 21.48: 5 Urban Wolves 21.56: 6 Nuneaton Cyclone 22.38 Division 12 Judge - Anne Alcock 1 Cheshire Set 20.36: 2 Hotshots 20.52: 3 Golden Valley Eagles 20.50 4 Nuneaton Ospreys 21.59: 5 Shooting Star Jokers 21.86: 6 Midshires Mud Pack 22.42 Division 13 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Shooting Star Rebels 23.04: 2 Ball Buster Bandits 22.55: 3 Sheffield Striders 22.46 4 Gofour Yellowbellies 23.45: 5 Northants Eagles 22.62: 6 Buccaroos 23.39 Division 14 Judge - Gunter Frechen 1 Maple Leaf Swingers 21.38: 2 Hampshire Hounds 22.41: 3 Grey Wolves 23.69 4 Terrierists 23.46: 5 Blazing Aces 23.04: 6 Hotshots Hit 'n' Run 24.98 Division 15 Judge - Wayne O'Rourke 1 Fun 4 Mutts 22.24: 2 Four In The Fast Lane 23.35: 3 Underdogs Untamed 23.70 4 Malmesbury Monks 24.17: 5 Fylde Surfers 25.11

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Eggborough Results - 26th & 27th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Alison Booth 1 Cleveland Comets 18.09: 2 Dog Friendly Flyers 17.82: 3 Yorkshire Racers 18.48 4 Greetland Grasshoppers 18.67: 5 Cleveland Hurricanes 18.94: 6 Crazy Chieftains 18.88 Division 2 Judge - William Whiteley 1 Crazy Cannons 20.07: 2 Cleveland Arrows 20.20: 3 Red Rose Rascals 20.20 4 The Northern Bytes 20.28: 5 Blackpool Super Nova 20.54: 6 Red Rose Racers 20.82 Division 3 Judge - Andrew Haigh 1 Cleveland Whirlwinds 19.65: 2 Greedy Grasshoppers 19.57: 3 West Riding Wizards 19.71 4 Travelling Tearaways 20.19: 5 Thorne Troopers 21.09: 6 Nova Next Generation 20.35 Division 4 Judge - Hazel Kitching 1 Blackpool Quasars 21.22: 2 Dog Friendly Sprinters 20.39: 3 Yorkshire Leapers 20.77 4 Spanish Rapidz 20.83: 5 Crazy Crossbows 21.16: 6 Whiterose Wagtails 24.70 Division 5 Judge - Peter Vowles 1 Crazy Cadets 21.15: 2 West Riding Wizzers 21.41: 3 Sheffield Sparklers 24.48: 4 West Riding Warriors 25.41 Division 6 Judge - Debbie Meek 1 Blaxton Blades 22.38: 2 The Killa Bytes 22.97: 3 Yorkshire Rockets 22.17 4 Dog Friendly Racers 23.22: 5 Travelling Toffs 24.15 Division 7 Judge - Hazell Brown 1 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 23.94: 2 Chocolate Bytes 25.20: 3 Greeny Grasshoppers 27.74: 4 Yorkshire Bouncers 27.10

Eggborough Multibreed Results - 28th May 2007 Division 1 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Doncaster Team Pow Wow 18.30: 2 Grasshoppers Multi 19.25: 3 Cleveland Multibreezes 19.64 4 Mansfield Remix 19.96: 5 Doghouse Odds 'n' Sods 20.10: 6 Mansfield Freestylers 24.28 Division 2 Judge - Leigh Harrison 1 Danum Multimix 19.98: 2 Dog Friendly Mix 'n' Match 20.23: 3 Crazy Comrades 20.94 4 Multi Rapidz 20.89: 5 Bytes Mishmash 21.10: 6 Mansfield Mixups 28.90 Division 3 Judge - Rachel Roberts 1 Yorkshire Allsorts 19.57: 2 Bytes Hotchpotch 21.39: 3 Whiterose Aristocrats 21.44 4 Cross Wires 21.80: 5 Free Wheelers on Fire 23.88 Division 4 Judge - Sara Pearson 1 Yorkshire Variety 21.10: 2 Bytes Fusion 24.66: 3 Whiterose True Blues 27.97 4 Whiterose Won-Offs 27.30: 5 Yorkshire Mixture 29.08

Ryecroft Farm Results - 2nd & 3rd June 2007 Division 1 Judge - Steve Leek 1 Live Wires 18.04: 2 Cheshire Chasers 17.91: 3 Molten Magnets 18.28 4 Red Rose Rebels 18.59: 5 Pods 18.25: 6 Crazy Chieftains 18.50 Division 2 Judge - Steve Leek 1 Doncaster Belle Stars 18.24: 2 Delinquent Dolphins 18.82: 3 Red Rose Rockets 18.89 4 Greetland Grasshoppers 18.82: 5 Wire Sparks 19.02: 6 Kellington Sapphire Blue 20.22 Division 3 Judge - Len Titterington 1 Wire Flash 18.97: 2 Molten Monarchs 19.04: 3 Blackpool Super Nova 20.37 4 Greedy Grasshoppers 20.21: Doncaster Arctic Stars 20.51: 6 Podlings 20.28 Division 4 Judge - Jayne Owen 1 Molten Metals 19.94: 2 Red Rose Rascals 20.42: 3 Kellington Spitfires 20.33 4 Carry On's 20.69: 5 Thor's Paws 21.83: 6 Nova Next Generation 20.26 Division 5 Judge - Gail Baker 1 Leaping Dolphins 20.24: 2 Red Rose Ravers 21.10: 3 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.96 4 Cheshire Set 20.51: 5 Spanish Rapidz 20.95: 6 Knutsford Tailspinners 21.64 Division 6 Judge - Antony Cain 1 Fylde Coasters 21.07: 2 Crazy Crossbows 20.50: 3 Racing Colours 22.14 4 Fylde Rollercoasters 22.14: 5 Blackpool Quasars 21.88: 6 Wilmslow Jackals 22.43

Page 33: Our cover picture this issue shows Ted (with Alison) from ... 2007 Aug.pdf · for scrapping me off the gym floor at Selby and driving me to hospital despite me screaming and being

Ryecroft Farm Results - 2nd & 3rd June 2007(Cont) Division 7 Judge - Val Currie 1 Wilmslow Dingos 23.37: 2 Podextras 21.27: 3 Sporting Colours 23.40 4 Carry On Regardless 23.42: 5 Kellington Crusaders 25.89: 6 Knutsford Momentum 23.94 Division 8 Judge - Robin Holding 1 Greeny Grasshoppers 23.03: 2 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 22.94: 3 Fylde Surfers 25.00 4 Fylde Piers 26.02: 5 Peas in a POD 23.35: 6 Dancing Dolphins 29.95

Newark Results - 9th & 10th June 2007 Division 1 Judge - Doreen Smith 1 Mansfield Marnicks 17.89: 2 Live Wires 17.77: 3 Cleveland Comets 17.96: 4 Cheshire Chasers 18.01 5 Doncaster Belle Stars 18.27: 6 Dog Friendly Flyers 18.46: 7 Barney Owlers 18.29 Division 2 Judge - Bob Haworth 1 Yorkshire Runners 17.95: 2 Molten Magnets 18.05: 3 Nuneaton Flyers 18.28 4 Molten Muzzles 18.57: 5 Crazy Chieftains 18.82: 6 Mansfield Formula One 18.93 Division 3 Judge - Stuart Harrison 1 Northants Eagles 19.22: 2 Cleveland Hurricanes 18.55: 3 Mansfield Tricks 18.81 4 Nuneaton Bees 19.34: 5 Wire Flash 19.15: 6 Grasshopper Gems 18.86 Division 4 Judge - Robin Holding 1 Wires A-Live 19.42: 2 The Swifts 20.09: 3 Mansfield Tantrumz 20.09 4 Nuneaton Dodgers 19.34: 5 Molten Marvels 20.01: 6 Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.40 Division 5 Judge - Leigh Harrison 1 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 20.39: 2 Barking Owlers 20.22: 3 Molten Metals 20.68 4 The Northern Bytes 20.83: 5 Cleveland Arrows 20.33: 6 Doncaster Arctic Stars 21.75 Division 6 Judge - Hazel Kitching 1 Leamington Royals 19.52: 2 Urban Wolves 20.83: 3 Molten Magic 20.72 4 Travelling Tearaways 20.97: 5 Monday Niters 20.75: 6 Wolf Pack 21.10 Division 7 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Dog Friendly Sprinters 20.88: 2 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.78: 3 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 22.25 4 Nuneaton Kestrels 22.08: 5 Sheffield Sparklers 22.09: 6 Yorkshire Leapers 22.81 Division 8 Judge - Dave Long 1 Nuneaton Cyclone 23.06: 2 Travelling Toffs 22.24: 3 Scallywags 22.88 4 Whiterose Bobtails 22.41: 5 Grey Wolves 23.79: 6 Travelling Merrydogs 31.47 Division 9 Judge - Val Currie 1 Sheffield Shooters 23.48: 2 The Killa Bytes 23.54: 3 Hucknall Torkards 21.99 4 Night Owlers 23.95: 5 Yorkshire Rockets 25.65: 6 Mansfield Ifit 26.50

Daventry Results – 16th & 17th June 2007 Division 1 Judge - Louise Bolger 1 Maple Leafs 17.47: 2 Barkshire Bandits 17.93: 3 Mansfield Marnicks 17.75 4 Nuneaton Flyers 18.25: 5 Running 4 Mutts 17.99: 6 Northants Falcons 20.18 Division 2 Judge - Stuart Harrison 1 Molten Muzzles 18.46: 2 Mansfield Tricks 18.99: 3 Maple Leaf Raggers 18.76 4 Barkshire Bullets 19.13: 5 Mansfield Formula One 20.44: 6 Bristol Ball-istics 19.39 Division 3 Judge - Sam Bawden 1 Nuneaton Dodgers 19.65: 2 Bassett Hotdogs 19.74: 3 Nuneaton Bees 19.65 4 Molten Meteors 19.50: 5 Barkshire Bandidos 20.20: 6 Mansfield Tantrumz 20.33 Division 4 Judge - John Percivaldi 1 Kiddy Monsters 19.98: 2 Maple Leaf Stampede 20.42: 3 Brimblecombe Barkers 20.33 4 Molten Metals 20.29: 5 Nuneaton Kestrels 21.32: 6 Racing Herts 19.48 Division 5 Judge - Dave Long 1 Leamington Royals 20.17: 2 Bassett Variety Pack 20.29: 3 Hotshots 20.94 4 Wolf Pack 20.74: 5 Brimblecombe Boomerangs 21.35: 6 Urban Wolves 21.08 Division 6 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Maple Leaf Swingers 20.62: 2 Northants Eagles 20.78: 3 Snatch 'n' Grab Raiders 21.19 4 Molten Magic 20.95: 5 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 21.89: 6 Soxon Sprinters 21.17: 7 Daventry Buzzers 22.13

Page 34: Our cover picture this issue shows Ted (with Alison) from ... 2007 Aug.pdf · for scrapping me off the gym floor at Selby and driving me to hospital despite me screaming and being


Daventry Results – 16th & 17th June 2007(Cont) Division 7 Judge - Wayne O'Rourke 1 Scallywags 21.88: 2 Grey Wolves 22.44: 3 Nuneaton Cyclone 22.23 4 Midshires Mud Pack 22.37: 5 Bristol Ball-istic Missiles 24.13: 6 Fun 4 Mutts 23.52 Division 8 Judge - Louise Satchwell 1 Mansfield Ifit 23.32: 2 The Killa Bytes 23.52: 3 Brat Pack 23.22 4 Beating Herts 26.34: 5 Terrierists 23.81: 6 Hotshots Hit 'n' Run 25.33

Frimley Lodge Park Results - 23rd & 24th June 2007 Division 1 Judge - John Percivaldi 1 Barkshire Bandits 17.79: 2 Maple Leafs 17.72: 3 Bad Dog Racers 18.20: 4 Maple Leaf Raggers 19.12 5 Shooting Stars 17.91: 6 Running 4 Mutts 18.28: 7 Barkshire Bullets 18.70 Division 2 Judge - Andy Bawden 1 Hampshire Harriers 19.36: 2 The Swifts 20.28: 3 Ball Busters 20.18 4 Bassett Hotdogs 19.77: 5 Barkshire Bandidos 19.73: 6 Marsh Cheetahs 20.65 Division 3 Judge - Catherine Locke 1 Ace's Rapids 19.67: 2 Maple Leaf Stampede 19.91: 3 Bassett Allsorts 19.95 4 Extrabuccs 19.97: 5 The Knights 19.97: 6 Racing Herts 20.53 Division 4 Judge - Sam Bawden 1 Four Bad Dogs 20.16: 2 Shooting Star Comets 20.51: 3 Hotshots 20.89 4 Barkshire Bambinos 20.99: 5 FourPaws Racing 21.35: 6 Ace's Dominos 19.79 Division 5 Judge - Penny Charlton 1 Maple Leaf Swingers 20.06: 2 Bristol Ball-istic Rockets 21.55: 3 Shooting Star Jokers 21.53 4 Grayshott Flyers 21.94: 5 Ramsden Rockers 22.95: 6 Fun 4 Mutts 24.10 Division 6 Judge - Maurice Jenkins 1 Hampshire Hounds 22.37: 2 Midshires Mud Pack 22.38: 3 Ball Buster Bandits 22.80 4 Brimblecombe Bouncers 24.44: 5 Shooting Star Rebels 23.06: 6 Buccaroos 23.03 Division 7 Judge - Jason Baker 1 Blazing Aces 21.69: 2 Marsh Cougars 23.58: 3 Four In The Fast Lane 22.91 4 Malmesbury Monks 24.95: 5 Malmesbury Abbotts 26.06: 6 Terrierists 24.70 Division 8 Judge - Wayne O'Rourke 1 FourPaws Running 24.01: 2 Beating Herts 24.12: 3 Wagamuffins 26.72

Cantley Park Results - 23rd & 24th June 2007 Division 1 Judge - Doreen Smith 1 Mansfield Marnicks 17.52: 2 Live Wires 17.67: 3 Dog Friendly Flyers 17.75 4 Gofours 17.80: 5 Cheshire Chasers 17.56: 6 Cleveland Comets 17.46: 7 Barney Owlers 18.15 Division 2 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Doncaster Belle Stars 18.58: 2 Red Rose Rebels 18.70: 3 Greetland Grasshoppers 18.62 4 Sheffield Speeders 19.00: 5 Molten Magnets 19.41: 6 Crazy Chieftains 19.53: 7 Mansfield F.1 19.97 Division 3 Judge - Anne Alcock 1 Nuneaton Bees 18.45: 2 Cleveland Hurricanes 18.55: 3 Yorkshire Runners 19.46 4 Mansfield Tricks 18.94: 5 Molten Monarchs 19.22: 6 Red Rose Rockets 19.12 Division 4 Judge - Bob Haworth 1 Greedy Grasshoppers 19.25: 2 Wire Flash 18.83: 3 Hilltop Dare Devils 19.02 4 Crazy Cannons 18.99: 5 Mansfield Tantrumz 21.48 Division 5 Judge - Howard Campbell 1 West Riding Wizards 19.40: 2 Kellington Sapphire Blue 19.86: 3 Nuneaton Dodgers 19.60 4 Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.17: 5 Wires A-Live 20.05: 6 Red Rose Rascals 21.16 Division 6 Judge - Antony Cain 1 Fylde Coasters 19.44: 2 Molten Metals 20.30: 3 Cleveland Arrows 19.88 4 Blackpool Super Nova 20.23: 5 The Northern Bytes 20.24: 6 Barking Owlers 20.57 Division 7 Judge - Julie Rumsey 1 Doncaster Arctic Stars 20.45: 2 Travelling Tearaways 20.50: 3 Sheffield Sprinters 21.04 4 Cheshire Set 20.53: 5 Kellington Spitfires 20.55: 6 Nova Next Generation 21.62

Page 35: Our cover picture this issue shows Ted (with Alison) from ... 2007 Aug.pdf · for scrapping me off the gym floor at Selby and driving me to hospital despite me screaming and being


Cantley Park Results - 23rd & 24th June 2007(Cont) Division 8 Judge - Paula Merryman 1 Dog Friendly Sprinters 20.80: 2 Cheshire Wheatsheafs 20.74: 3 Monday Niters 20.71 4 Blackpool Quasars 21.71: 5 Yorkshire Leapers 22.97: 6 Fylde Rollercoasters 22.36 Division 9 Judge - John Clarke 1 Wire Springs 20.54: 2 Wired 4 Action 21.44: 3 Sheffield Sparklers 20.60 4 West Riding Wizzers 22.22: 5 Crazy Cadets 22.87: 6 Crazy Crossbows 23.30 Division 10 Judge - Len Titterington 1 Doncaster Dinky Stars 21.76: 2 Nuneaton Cyclone 22.85: 3 Travelling Outlaws 23.06 4 Yorkshire Rockets 24.78: 5 Gofour Yellowbellies 23.97 Division 11 Judge - Gail Baker 1 Blaxton Blades 22.08: 2 Whiterose Bobtails 22.68: 3 Greeny Grasshoppers 23.31 4 The Killa Bytes 23.17: 5 Dog Friendly Racers 23.68: 6 Thorne Trotters 23.72 Division 12 Judge - Val Currie 1 Hucknall Torkards 22.38: 2 Kellington Crusaders 23.42: 3 Doncaster Eastern Stars 23.00 4 Knutsford Momentum 23.72: 5 Sheffield Shooters 23.47: 6 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 26.11 Division 13 Judge - Rachel Child 1 Travelling Dogsbodies 22.67: 2 Fylde Surfers 24.37: 3 Travelling Toffs 24.25 4 Night Owlers 23.23: 5 Chocolate Bytes 24.40

Penny Farm Results - 30th June 2007(Sunday 1st June - racing abandoned) Division 3 Judge - Maureen Hendry 1 Podlings 20.01: 2 Fylde Coasters 20.18: 3 Greedy Grasshoppers 20.05: 4 Wires A-Live 20.52 5 Cleveland Whirlwinds 20.62: 6 Red Rose Rascals 20.55: 7 Kellington Sapphire Blue 21.00 Division 6 Judge - Roger Talbot 1 Fylde Rollercoasters 21.74: 2 Wired 4 Action 22.14: 3 Podextras 21.97: 4 Red Rose Ravers 21.79 Division 7 Judge - Hazel Kitching 1 Lomond Raiders 22.12: 2 Whiterose Bobtails 21.95: 3 The Killa Bytes 22.48 4 Blackpool White Dwarf Stars 25.12: 5 Greeny Grasshoppers 23.24 Division 8 Judge - Brenda Holland 1 Knutsford Momentum 22.88: 2 Blackpool Orion 22.84: 3 Fylde Surfers 24.60 4 Kellington Crusaders 24.82: 5 Whiterose Curlytails 24.21: 6 Fylde Piers 25.65
