Page 1: Other process types and other participant function

Other Process Types and Other Participant Function

Oleh:Ananda Ayu MeidianaMuhammad Al Ghifari

Parastika Heavi Nur Anggreany

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Other Process Types

Other Participant Functions

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Principal types of process types :

• Material processes• Mental processes

• Relational processes

Subsidiary types of process types:• Behavioural processes

• Verbal processes• Existential processes

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Behavioural ProcessesProcess of physiological and psychological behavior.

Behavioural sharing characteristics of material and mental.• Dreaming• Smiling• Breathing• Coughing

Behavioural ProcessesBehaver + Process: behavioural e.g. • He was laughing.• We were watching the news

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Verbal ProcessesProcess of saying. (It covers any kind of symbolic exchange of meaning)

• I said it’s noisy in here.• The notice tells you to keep quiet.• My watch says it’s half past ten.

Verbal Processes• Sayer + Process / + target : verbal • Sharing characteristics of mental and relational

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Existensial Processes

Represent that something exist or happens.

1.There is a fly in my soup.2.There was no trace3. There are students in the class

These clauses typically have the verb be, or some other verb expressing existence. (Exist, arise, etc.)

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Sometimes other verbs function as process in an existensial clause.

There came a big spider.All around there grew a thick hedge.

Existential Processes•Existent + Process: existential •Sharing characteristics of relational and material

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Summary of Process typesProcess type Category meaning Participants

material :actionevent

behaviouralmental :


verbalrelational :

attribution identification








Actor, GoalBehaverSenser, PhenomenonSayer, TargetToken, ValueCarrier, AttributeIdentified, IdentifierExistent


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Other Participant Functions


Beneficiary is the one to whom or for whom the process is said to take place.

Beneficiary appears in : 1. Material Processes2. Verbal Processes3. Relational Processes

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Classified as Recipient and Client With or without preposition, depending on its

position in the clause Most typically is human; a personal pronoun

and a speech role (me, you, us)

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RECIPIENT • One that GOODS are given to• The use of TO as preposition• Goal represent the ‘goods’With preposition

Without preposition

Ghifari gave a ring that has no end

to his love

Actor Process : material

Goal Beneficiary : Recipient

Ghifari gave his love a ring that has no end

Actor Process : material

Beneficiary : Recipient


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CLIENT• One that SERVICES are done for• The use of FOR as preposition• Goal represent the ‘service’ (one that is

brought into being by the process)Ghifari cooked a plate of

delicious meal

for his love

Actor Process : material

Goal Beneficiary : Client

Ghifari cooked his love a plate of delicious meal

Actor Process : material

Beneficiary : Client


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• One who is being addressed; e.g Mary in John said to Mary / told Mary (a story) / asked Mary (a question).

• Beneficiary in Verbal Process called the Receiver.• The Receiver usually present in verbal process

clauses where the sense is that of a causative mental process; e.g. convince ‘make believe’, tell ‘make know’, explain ‘make understand’, show ‘make see’.

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Sayer Process Receiver GlossSheThis/sheThis/sheThis/sheThis/she

explainedshowedtoldprovedconvinced persuaded

(to John)(John)John(to John)John

that… ; wh-…that… ; wh-…that… ; wh-…that… that…

made understandmade seemade knowmade acceptmade believe

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• She made him a good wife ;It cost her a pretty penny

• The Beneficiary regularly functions as Subject in the clause; in that case the verb is in the passive voice.

were you asked a lot of questions

Process: Verbal

Receiver Process: Verbal


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The Range is the element that specifies the range or scope of the process. Examples are a song in sing a song of sixpence, croquet indo you play croquet with the Queen today?, an awful blunder in Big Bird’s made an awful blunder.

Range appears in:1. Material Process2. Behavioural Process3. Mental Process4. Verbal Process

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• The Range may be an entity which exists independently of the process but which indicates the domain over which the process takes place

• The Range may be not an entity at all but rather another name for the process.

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The Range as Entity

Mary climbed the mountainActor Process :

materialRange : entity

John played the pianoActor Process :

materialRange : entity

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The Range as ProcessJohn and Mary were playing tennis Actor Process :

materialRange : process

She Dropped meActor Process :

MaterialBeneficiary : Recipient

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How to distinguish a Range from a Goal

Range element can never have a resultative Attribute added within the clause, as Goal can.

e.g. they trampled the field flat, where the field is Goal √they crossed the field flat, where the field is Range X

The Range cannot be a personal pronoun, and it cannot normally be modified by a possessive

A Range element can often be realized as a prepositional phrase.

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RANGE IN MENTAL PROCESS• Provide a way of interpreting an element• Explain the existence of two parallel types of

structure, and the differences between them

RANGE IN VERBAL PROCESS• Expressing class, quality or quantity• Relates to the Range in mental process; e.g.

see a sight, hear a noise, sea view.

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That’s all from us, thanks for your attention!
