  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    MyGOSSCON 2009 WOW!!!

    Putrajaya 9 November 2009. The recent Malaysian Government OSSConference (MyGOSSCON) 2009 was described by most as a roaringsuccess. MAMPU wowed the 805 participants with the most comprehensiveand interactive events and activities yet in this third successiveMyGOSSCON held on 4-6 November at Putrajaya International ConventionCentre (PICC), Putrajaya.

    Y.B. Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Minister in the Prime Minister'sDepartment officiating MyGOSSCON 2009 on 5th November 2009

    The full-fledged conference was officiated on 5 November by Y.B. SenatorTan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department. Theconference featured 8 sessions covering 45 papers from a large repertoire oflocal and international speakers; 41 OSS showcase exhibition booths frompublic and private sector organisations; and several new activities such asthe 24-hour OSS Web Development Contest, Competition,and Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) and Lightning Talks sessions.

    MyGOSSCON 2009 was attended by high profile officials from private andpublic sectors, including MAMPU's Director General, MultimediaDevelopment Corporation (MDeC), PIKOM, Business Chambers and adelegation from Nile Center for Technology Research (NCTR), Sudanaccompanied by His Excellency, Ambassador of Sudan in Malaysia.

    The interactive conference successfully created an environment which sawparticipants exchanging knowledge and ideas, as well as sharinginnovations in various exciting activities. The conference achievedunparalleled successes in capturing and embodying the inherent energy ofOSS and its vibrant communities.

    The keynote sessions were on Global Trends and Opportunities,Transforming for the New Economic Order, Shaping a Dynamic Public

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 1

    Inside MyGOSSCON 2009


    Competitive SpiritAbounds at Conference

    OSS Case StudyInternationallyAccredited

    Government AgenciesGetting More With less

    World OSS NewsUpdates

    OSCC Newsletter covers the latestissues and updates related to OpenSource Software in Malaysia.OSCC Newsletter is developed byOpen Source Competency Centre,MAMPU. MAMPU, is the centralagency responsible for leadingchange and modernisation in the public service. MAMPU's OpenSource Competency Centre is firstand single point of reference for

    support and guidance in theimplementation of Open SourceSoftware in the Public Sector. Formore information visit [email protected]

    This document is released under aCreative Commons Attribution 2.5

    License Malaysia.


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  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    Service through OSS and a closing keynote by the President of the OpenSource Initiative (OSI), Mr. Michael Tiemann, whose work led to world-leading open source technologies and formed the first open sourcebusiness model.

    Concurrent sessions were separated into Government, Business andTechnology tracks, drawing on key local and international speakers fromAustralia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Netherlands, Singapore, Sudan andUSA, each of whom shared experiences in these sessions. Among thehighlights included keynote talks on OSS being used for Presidentialelections in Indonesia and the use of OSS for Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) in town and country planning in Malaysia.

    To-date there are a total of 546 agencies implementing OSS, whichrepresents a 10-fold increase since the inception of the OSS Programme in2004.

    MyGOSSCON 2009 was officially closed by the Chief Secretary to theGovernment of Malaysia, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan at the start ofthe Awards Dinner on the evening of 6 November. This concluding eventwas yet another phenomenal success, distinguished by high profile officialsfrom private sector and Government, including MAMPU's Director General,MDeC, PIKOM, and Business Chambers who were present to participate inthe closing and awards presentation ceremonies.

    Chief Secretary to the Government of Malaysia, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Mohd SidekHassan giving a closing speech during Appreciation dinner on 6th November2009

    Also in attendance were executives from local and internationalorganisations such as Novell, Red Hat, The MediaShoppe, Microsoft,McAfee, Abyres MSC, First Solution, Conatus, local and internationalspeakers.

    The awards ceremony kicked off with the presentation of Best ExhibitorAward going to Novell Corporation in recognition of its winning efforts for itsOSS showcase exhibition booth.

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 2

    Upcoming Training

    December 7, 2009

    Using MyMeeting

    December 7 - 10 , 2009

    Linux Network Administration

    To register, please visit:



    Open Source SoftwareReference Architecture isavailable for download fromOSCC Portal.

    For more information, pleasevisit


    Web Application Guidelinesis available for downloadfrom OSCC Portal.

    For more information, pleasevisit

    OSS Adoption

    Support/UpdateFor support and update,please contact 03- 83191200or [email protected], pleasedownload and send in thecompleted feedback form viaemail/fax 03- 83193206.

    For more info, Please visit

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  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    The presentation of awards continued with the Chief Secretary to theGovernment of Malaysia, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan presentingtokens of appreciation to the ICT organisations in recognition of theircontinuing support for the OSS Programme and making MyGOSSCON2009 a resounding success. All finalists and winners of the OSS CaseStudy Awards and 24-HR OSS WebDev Contest were presented withawards and certificates acknowledging their innovative and effective OSSimplementation and web development.

    Competitive Spirit Abounds at Conference

    All the competition events held in conjunction with MyGOSSCON 2009achieved overwhelming success in bringing out the inherent energy ofOSS.

    The first ever 24-hour OSS Web Development Contest was officiated byMAMPU Deputy Director General, ICT, Y. Brs Dr. Nor Aliah Binti Mohd Zahriat 11.00 a.m on 4 November and closed by Y.B. Senator Tan Sri Dr. KohTsu Koon.

    Five teams selected as finalists to receive certificates were Bitfluent (OSScommunity), KRIMnet, Ready To Go (Jabatan Peguam Negara), SUKTerengganu and WALTS6 (Universiti Sains Malaysia).

    Bitfluent won this event with WALTS6 and SUK Terengganu as 1 st and 2nd

    runners-up respectively. In addition, the NuLogic from UiTM was awarded

    the Best Student Team Award.

    Y.B. Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon visiting a contest team before closingthe 24-HR OSS WebDev Contest on 5th November 2009

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 3

    ResourcesOSS ImplementationGuidelines

    OSS ImplementationGuidelines is available fordownload from OSCC portal.

    OSCC Mailing list

    To stay abreast of latest OSSnews and to receive emailnotification, please subscribeto our mailing lists at:h ttp://


    Government agencies cannow post service requestsand find service providerswith the new e-Marketplace. ce

    Knowledge Bank

    Open Source CompetencyCentre, MAMPU'sKnowledge Bank is a public

    Community of Practice areafor Open Source SoftwareImplementors.

    For further information and tobe part of the community,please visit

    OSCC Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Newsletter
  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    For the National OSS Case Study Awards, three finalists were selectedfrom each of the two award categories - the Public Sector agency and IPTA(Public Institutions of Higher Learning).

    The winner for category of Public Sector agency was Jabatan PerancanganBandar dan Desa, Semenanjung Malaysia with case study entitledEstablishing Quantum GIS as the principal GIS for the Public Sector.Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam and Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi were thetwo runners-up in this category.

    For the category of IPTA, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI),Universiti Sains Malaysia emerged as winner with case study entitledOpen Source Integrated Library System (KOHA). The two runners-up for

    this category were Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and UniversitiTeknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam. competition was held for Putrajaya primary schools, withstudent teams challenged to prepare creative presentations on the theme,1 Malaysia People First, Performance Now. The 3 finalists in thiscompetition were:

    Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 9(1) - 1st Place

    Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 9(2) - 2nd Place

    Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 14(1) - 3rd Place

    The winning team presented to Y.B. Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who

    then congratulated them on their achievements at OSCC MAMPUexhibition booth after the prize giving ceremony on 5 November.

    Case Study Internationally AccreditedThe winner of the 2009 OSS Case Study Award for IPTA category,Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia (AMDI,USM) recently achieved another significant milestone when its OSS CaseStudy entitled Open Source Integrated Library System (KOHA) receivedaccreditation from the Koha community in Taiwan.

    The community requested permission from AMDI, USM to translate theOSS case study to traditional Chinese and post the case study at KOHA

    community related websites for users' reference.

    The community envisions that the case study will encourage and help moreinstitutes to build their own or adopt KOHA within their libraries. Theyfurther commended AMDI, USM for providing proof of the usefulness andlow cost of maintaining the KOHA Integrated Library System.

    Koha is an integrated library system (ILS) and was the first open sourcesolution in this area. Koha was created in 1999 by Katipo Communicationsfor the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand.

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 4

    OSCC Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Newsletter


    OSS OpportunityWorkshops

    Registration is now open foragencies not implementingany OSS. A series of 10

    Workshops will be heldmonthly until December 09.

    To register, please call 03-83191200 or [email protected]

    Contact Us:

    Open Source CompetencyCentre MAMPU

    3rd Floor, APT E302-304

    Enterprise Building 3Persiaran APEC, 63000CyberjayaTel: 03-83191200 or email:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    AMDI, USM successfully customised the Open Source Integrated Library System to accommodate itsspecific needs. KOHA was commended for its low maintenance cost and ability to control operations such asmaking changes, system customization, data retrieval tests and system deployment.

    Total cost savings of over RM 1.3 million can be realised based on a 5-year projected cost savings analysisconducted by AMDI, USM.

    Government Agencies Getting More With Less

    MAMPU continues to proactively encourage and inspire more Public Sector agencies to implement OSS bypresenting a paper on Getting More with Less Through OSS in the recent I.T Showcase Asia Conference at

    Berjaya Time Square on 6 - 7 October 2009.

    Madam Tan giving her talk at I.T Showcase Asia on 7 October 2009

    Citing the eight OSCC products developed using OSS, the Deputy Director, ICT Planning and PolicyDivision, MAMPU, Madam Tan King Ing stressed that Open Source Software (OSS) enables governmentagencies to do more with less.

    Malaysia does not want to buy a package and use only a few modules but we'd rather develop our ownsoftware for our own use and OSS enables us build the software once and use it on many platforms by allagencies without having to pay license fees, said Madam Tan.

    In an effort to further widen the use of OSS in Public Sector, Madam Tan highlighted some of the freeservices offered by OSCC MAMPU to Public Sector agencies such as OSCC products and services,comprehensive training courses, OSS Development Toolkit, Advanced Virtualisation Facility Migration Pack.

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 5

    OSCC Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Newsletter
  • 8/14/2019 OSCC MAMPU October - November 2009 e-Newsletter


    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    World OSS News Updates

    1. Linux saves networks from disastrous virus attack

    According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the computer networks of Australian power supplier, IntegralEnergy were recently attacked by a nasty virus, affecting all its facility's 1,000 computers, which had to berepaired.

    Integral Energy quickly swapped the infected Windows boxes for machines running Linux to prevent the virusfrom taking over all the operator displays in the control room. Fortunately, their power grid control servers runon Solaris that eventually saved the day.

    For full story, please visit:

    2. Linux endorsed as safe for Internet Banking

    According to cybercrime experts from Australia, Linux or the Apple iPhone was endorsed as the safe systemsto use for Internet Banking.

    Detective Inspector Bruce van der Graaf from the NSW Computer Crime Investigation Unit gave evidence onthe security feature provided by Linux at a public hearing in Sydney.

    "If you are using the internet for a commercial transaction, use a Linux boot up disk - such as Ubuntu orsome of the other flavours. Puppylinux is a nice small distribution that boots up fairly quickly.

    "It gives you an operating system which is perfectly clean and operates only in the memory of the computerand is a perfectly safe way of doing internet banking," van der Graaf was quoted as saying.

    For full story, please visit:,nsw-police-dont-use-windows-for-internet-banking.aspx

    3. French Government switches 130,000 PC's to Open Source

    The French Government's public finance department will replace its IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Officewith Mozilla's Thunderbird email service, Lightning Calendar and open source groupware applications.

    About 130,000 desktop PC's will be switched to Mozilla's email and calendar applications. An ever increasingnumber of government agencies from around the world are embracing OSS to reap the benefits of costsavings and better license agreements.

    The city of Los Angeles has also decided to use Google Apps to save cost. About 30,000 city employees willuse Gmail and have access to Google Docs. Full story is available at

    4. Goes Drupal

    According to The New York Times, the flagship website of the U.S Government, hasmigrated from proprietary Content Management System (CMS) to Drupal, an Open Source CMS.

    The U.S Government clearly realised the benefits of Open Source such as lower risks, avoiding vendor lock-in and lower costs. White House's adoption of Drupal matches U.S President Barack Obama's push for openand transparent government. Drupal adoption and awareness are growing rapidly within the U.S.government and will also grow across all governments world-wide.

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 6

    OSCC Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Newsletter,nsw-police-dont-use-windows-for-internet-banking.aspx,nsw-police-dont-use-windows-for-internet-banking.aspx,nsw-police-dont-use-windows-for-internet-banking.aspx
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    Bil. 8/2009 October - November 2009

    For full story, please visit:

    Editorial BoardY. Brs Dr. Nor Aliah Binti Mohd Zahri (MAMPU Deputy Director General, ICT) - Advisor

    Tn Haji Muhammad Rosli Bin Abd. Razak (MAMPU Director, ICT Policy and Planning Division) - Chief Editor

    Madam Tan King Ing (MAMPU Deputy Director, ICT Policy and Planning Division) Deputy Chief Editor

    Managers & executives (OSCC MAMPU) - Contributors

    You are welcome to submit your article for publication in the next Newsletter. For more information, pleasevisit or call 03-83191200. 7

    OSCC Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Newsletter
