Page 1: Original Research Article AGE CHANGES IN HUMAN SKIN …Int J Anat Res 2015, 3(4):1578-84. ISSN 2321-4287 1578 Original Research Article AGE CHANGES IN HUMAN SKIN FROM 3 YEARS TO 75

Int J Anat Res 2015, 3(4):1578-84. ISSN 2321-4287 1578

Original Research Article

AGE CHANGES IN HUMAN SKIN FROM 3 YEARS TO 75 YEARS OFAGESamiappan Manimegalai *1, Jamuna Meenakshi Sundaram 2, NandhiniVenkatachalam 3.


Address for Correspondence: Dr. Samiappan Manimegalai, Dept. of Anatomy, Govt. MohanKumaramangalam, Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu, India. E-Mail: [email protected]

Background: Natural aging process is reflected by gradual changes in the structure of the skin. These changesbecome very marked in old age. The changes in the epidermis and dermis as age advances is reflected externallyas wrinkling, dryness, loss of elasticity , thinning and tendency towards purpurae on minor injury. So the aimof this study is to measure the thickness of the epidermis.Materials and Methods: The study was done in skin specimens by grouping the individuals in 4 age groupsnamely Group A (3-20yrs), Group B (21-50yrs), Group C (51-65yrs and Group D (>65yrs).The specimens werestained with Haematoxylin and Eosin stain and the changes in the thickness of the epidermis was observed.Results: The epidermis was found to be thin in children from 3years of age. The thickness of the epidermis startsincreasing in young individuals and is thick till 50 years of age. Then the thickness of the epidermis startsreducing and becomes very thin in older persons.Conclusion: As the average life expectancy is increasing, the aging of skin presents a growing problem for thedermatologists. The computer system for image processing and analysis has made possible, measuring thethickness of the epidermis. Human aging is characterized by a number of disorders like epidermolysis bullosaand phemphigus vulgaris affecting the structure of the skin. So it is necessary to study the normal changes thatoccur in the skin as age advances which predisposes to various disorders. The study is done among Indianpopulation.KEY WORDS: Thickness of the Epidermis, Human Skin, Age Changes, Dermatologists.


International Journal of Anatomy and Research,Int J Anat Res 2015, Vol 3(4):1578-84. ISSN 2321- 4287


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Received: 02 Oct 2015 Accepted: 04 Nov 2015Peer Review: 02 Oct 2015 Published (O): 30 Nov 2015Revised: None Published (P): 31 Dec 2015

International Journal of Anatomy and ResearchISSN 2321-4287

DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.292

*1 Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam, Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.2 PSG Institute Of Medical Science And Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.3 Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.

Skin is a complex organ forming 8% of the totalbody mass, which interacts with the environmentand also protects the host from the externalenvironment. It acts as an effective barrieragainst microbial invasion and maintains bodytemperature. It is a major sensory organreflecting the earliest signs of various systemic

disorders. It undergoes series of changes as ageadvances which can be studied microscopicallyin the various layers of the skin. These changesare reflected externally as wrinkling, dryness,loss of elasticity and various changes.Skin has mainly two layers namely, epidermisand dermis. The layers of epidermis from deepto superficial are as follows. The Basal layer

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(Stratum basale), spinous or prickle cell layer(Stratum spinosum), Granular layer (Stratumgranulosum, Clear cell layer (Stratum lucidum)and cornified layer (Stratum corneum).The firstthree layers are metabolically active and thesuperficial layers undergo terminal keratinizationand cornification. Dermis has a papillary layerand a reticular layer. In epidermis, the deep layer,the Stratum basale constitutes a single layer ofcolumnar to cuboidal cells resting on thebasement membrane. Cells are attached to eachother by desmosomes and to the basementmembrane by hemi desmosomes. These are thestem cells having increased mitotic activity,replacing the cells in the superficial layer.Stratum spinosum, the second layer formssecond layer of keratinocytes. During routineHaematoxylin and Eosin preparations, the cellsshrink and detach from each other except at thesites of attachments of desmosomes, whichappears like spines. The synthesis of keratinfilaments is continued in this layer and they arearranged in bundles of tonofilaments. Stratumgranulosum, the third layer has cells containingdense keratohyaline granules, so called thegranular layer. These granules produce softkeratin of the skin. This layer also containsmembrane bound lamellar granules. Thesegranules are discharged into the intercellularspaces in the Stratum granulosum and to theadjacent layer, Stratum lucidum if present or tothe Stratum corneum. The lipid layer of themembrane seals the skin by making itimpermeable to water. StratumLucidum, the fourth layer is visible only in thickskin and is translucent. The cells are tightlypacked and lack nuclei or organelles. Theflattened cells contain densely packed keratinfilaments. Stratum corneum, the fifth layer hascells which are dead flattened cells filled withsoft keratin filaments. The superficial cells fromthis layer are desquamated and replaced by newcells from the Stratum basale. The epidermisalso contains melanocytes, langerhan cells andmerkel cells. Melanocytes are pigment cellsderived from the neural crest. The langerhancells are antigen presenting cells. Merkel cellsare mechanoreceptors for cutaneous sensations[1]. Since skin is the major sensory organ and itforms eight percent of the total body mass and

also the microstructure of epidermis and dermisis altered and reflected externally withincreasing age, it would be absolutely necessaryto study the various changes that occur in themicro structure of the epidermis.


Skin was obtained from the plastic surgerydepartment in 10% formalin bottle. Approvalfrom ethics committee and informed consentwas obtained from the patient. Normal skin wasobtained from both males and females from 3years to 75 years of age from different parts ofthe body except palm and sole. Thickness of theepidermis was measured from the skin samplesof different ages in the extensor aspect of theleg. The specimens were fixed in formalin for24 hours and processed in series of alcoholicchanges and xylene. The specimen wasdehydrated by placing it in wax in the incubatorovernight and embedded in wax. Blocks wereprepared. Then the blocks were cut in microtomeof 0.4 microns thickness and placed in glassslide. The slides were placed in incubatorovernight for removal of wax. The next day theslides were stained with Haematoxylin andEosin by the following procedure.The slides were placed in xylene for 30minutesfor dewaxing. Slides were hydrated in series ofalcoholic changes for 1minute each, in absolutealcohol, 90%, 70% and 50% alcohol. Then stainedwith Haematoxylin for 3 minutes and rinsed inrunning water following which the slides weredifferentiated in 0.3% acid alcohol. Then theslides were rinsed in running tap water for 10minutes, stained with Eosin, dehydrated inabsolute alcohol, cleared in xylene with alcoholand mounted. The slides were stained withHaematoxylin and Eosin and were observed forchanges in the thickness of the epidermis.


The change in the skin with increasing age is acomplex process. The structural changes leadto disturbances in the functions of the skin,making the skin susceptible to various diseases.Hence the microscopic structural changes in thelayers of the skin were studied by grouping theindividuals in 4 age groups.

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Group A: Skin specimens from 5 persons of 3 to20 years of age of which 2 specimens were fromfemales and 4 from males.Group B: Skin specimens from 12 persons of 21to 50 years of age of which 3 specimens werefrom females and 9 were from males.Group C: Skin specimens from 8 persons of 51to 65 years of age of which 5 specimens werefrom females and 3 specimens were from males.Group D: Skin specimens from 4 persons of morethan 65 years of which 3 specimens were fromfemales and 1 from male.The microscopic changes in the thickness of theepidermis were observed in the Haematoxylinand Eosin stained slides. The epidermalthickness was measured and analyzed using thecomputer system for image processing andanalyses and observed under light microscopeusing 10X in micrometers.EPIDERMAL THICKNESS:Group A: 3-20Years: The thickness of theepidermis among Group A individuals between3-20 years of age was as found in Table 1.Themean thickness of the epidermis was5.37micrometers. The epidermis was thin asfound in fig. 1.Table 1: Thickness of the epidermis among Group Aindividuals between 3-20 years of age.

Age in years Epidermal Thickness In Micrometers

3 5.628 5.11

16 5.2316 5.6220 5.27

The epidermal thickness among Group A personsfrom 3-20years of age is represented as bardiagram.

Graph 1: Epidermal Thickness - Group A: 3-20 Years.

Age Group

Fig. 1: Group A: 3-20yrs. Epidermis – Thin.

Group B: 21-50 Years: The thickness of theepidermis among Group B individuals from21-50 years of age was as found in Table 2. Themean epidermal thickness was 7.09micrometers.

Table 2: Thickness of the epidermis among Group Bindividuals from 21-50 years of age.

Age In Years Epidermal Thickness In Micrometers

24 6.8629 7.6932 7.2333 7.2637 7.2138 7.5440 6.9140 6.6943 6.9546 7.147 6.9448 7.21

Graph 2: Epidermal Thickness - Group B: 21-50 Years.

Mean Epidermal Thickness: Group B: The meanepidermal thickness among Group B individualsfrom 21-30years (fig 2), 31-40years (fig 3) and41-50 years (fig 4) was as found in Table 3 inwhich no significant difference was observed.



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Table 3: mean epidermal thickness among Group B indi-viduals from 21-30years, 31-40 years and 41-50 years.

Age Group In Years Epidermal Thickness In Micrometers

21-30 7.831-40 7.1541-50 7.05

Fig. 2: Group B: 21-30yrs. Epidermis –Thick.

Fig. 3: Group B: 31-40yrs. Epidermis – Thick.

Fig. 4: Group B: 41-50yrs. Epidermis – Thick.

Group C: 51-65 Years: The epidermal thicknessamong Group C individuals from 51-65years ofage was as found in Table 4. The mean thick-ness of the epidermis was 6.89micrometers. Theepidermis was found to be thin as found in fig 5

Table 4: Epidermal thickness among Group C individu-als from 51-65years of age.

Age In YearsEpidermal Thickness In

Micrometers53 6.9355 7.6255 6.31

58 7.6260 6.7960 6.7460 6.4365 7.03

The epidermal thickness in Group C persons from51-65years of age is represented as bar diagram

Graph 3: Epidermal Thickness- Group C: 51-65 Years.

Fig. 5: Group C: 51-65yrs. Epidermis-Thin.

Epidermal Thickness: Group D: > 65 years: Theepidermal thickness among Group D individu-als of more than 65 years of age was as foundin Table 5. The mean thickness of the epider-mis was 5.25micrometers. The epidermis wasfound to be very thin as found in fig 6.Table 5: Epidermal thickness among Group D individualsof more than 65 years of age.

Age In Years Epidermal Thickness In Micrometers

66 6.170 5.7871 4.36375 4.79




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The epidermal thickness in Group D persons of>65 years of age is represented as bar diagram.

Graph 4: Epidermal Thickness- Group D: > 65 Years.

Fig. 6: Group D: >65yrs. Epidermis-Very Thin.

Mean Epidermal Thickness: The mean thicknessof the epidermis among Group A persons of3-20years of age, Group B persons of 21-50yearsof age, Group C persons of 51-65years of ageand Group D persons of more than 65years ofage was as found in Table 6.Table: 6: Showing the Mean Epidermal Thickness inGroup A, B and C.

A 3-20 5.37B 21-50 7.09C 51-65 6.89D >65 5.25

Age Group In Years

Mean Epidermal Thickness In Micrometers

The mean thickness of the epidermis in Group A(3-20yrs), Group B (21-50yrs), Group C (51-65yrs)and Group D (>65yrs) is represented as bardiagram.

Graph 5: Mean Epidermal Thickness.

Epidermal Thickness Among 3-75 yrs of Age:The difference in the thickness of the epidermisfrom 3 years to 75 years of age was varying.The epidermis in Group A persons from3-20years of age is thin. The thickness of theepidermis started to increase from 21 years ofage and the epidermis is thick in Group B per-sons of 21- 50 years of age. The thickness ofthe epidermis starts to decrease from 51yearsof age and the epidermis is thin in Group Cpersons from 51-65 years of age. The epidermisin very thin in Group D persons of > 65 years ofage as represented in the line diagram.Graph 6: Epidermal thickness from 3-75 years of age.

Table: 7: Statistical analysis to compare the variationsin the thickness of the epidermis among four age groupsusing ANOVA.

3-20 5 5.37 0.2356921-50 12 7.1325 0.2860351-65 8 6.9338 0.48583>65 4 5.2575 0.8179

TOTAL 29 6.5152 0.91896

Age Group In YearsNumber Of Persons

In Each GroupMean

Standard Deviation

P Value


F Value



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The difference in the thickness of the epidermisbetween group A from 3 years to 20 years ofage and Group B from 21years to 50 years ofage was found to be statistically significant withP value < 0.001.The difference in epidermal thickness betweenGroup A from 3 years to 20 years of age andGroup C from 51 years to 65 years of age wasfound to be statistically significant with P value< 0.001. The difference in epidermal thicknessbetween Group B from 21 years to 50 years ofage and Group D of more than 65 years of agewas found to be statistically significant with Pvalue of < 0.001.The difference in epidermal thickness betweenGroup C from 51 years to 65 years of age andGroup D of more than 65 years of age was foundto be statistically significant with P value of <0.001.The difference in epidermal thickness betweenGroup A from 3 years to 20 years of age andGroup D of more than 65 years of age was notstatistically significant.


gets reduced in old age due to altered cellularmorphology [5]. This leads to decrease in themoisture content of the Stratum corneumproducing dryness or roughness of the skin,which is the common skin problem encounteredin old age.These findings did not correlate with the presentstudy as the thickness of the epidermis wasfound to decrease from 50 years of age. Thethickness of the epidermis was reduced withincreasing age.The skin of the scalp was found to have thickepidermis at the age of 22 and then it starts todecrease slowly. After 56 years the thicknesswas found to get reduced to the same as inchildhood [6]. In the present study the thicknessof the epidermis was found to be maximum inGroup B individuals of 21-50 years of age andwas observed to decrease from 50 years of ageand it was observed to be thinner in Group Dindividuals of more than 65 years of age.Aging produces epidermal atrophy, loss of RetePegs and thinner dermis, but photo agingproduces marked epidermal atrophy or may alsoproduce increased epidermal thickness [7]. Inthe present study epidermal thickness wasfound to reduce with increasing age. So thepresent study explains that the epidermis is thinin children from 3 years of age and startsincreasing in younger individuals. The epidermisremains constantly thick till 50 years of age andthen the thickness starts reducing after 50 yearsand then becomes very thin in older individuals.

The various changes observed microscopicallyin the layers of the skin and skin appendagesproduces changes in the structure and functionsof the skin which is mainly reflected in old age.As the average life expectancy keeps increasing,this becomes an increasing problem for thedermatologists [2]. Most of the studies havequoted little or no difference in the structure ofthe epidermis in different areas of the body.The microscopic features of the skin ofindividuals of different age groups reveal thatthe epidermis is thinner in older individuals [3].Similar to the above report in the present study,the epidermis was observed to be reduced inthickness and was found to be very thin in olderindividuals.The thickness of the epidermis started toincrease till 20 years of age, and then thethickness was remaining constant followed bythinning of the epidermis in older individuals [4].In the skin from the abdomen, the Rete Pegswere found to be reduced and the thickness ofthe epidermis was also found to be reduced from60 years of age. The thickness of the epidermis


Intrinsic aging predisposes the skin to variousskin diseases. The various changes in the skinreflected externally act as markers forprevention and early diagnosis of systemicdiseases. Following an injury, the ability to repairwounds by re-epithelialisation of the Stratumcorneum is reduced in aged persons [8].Microscopic changes in the skin during the oldage may leads to cystic and lacunae formation.These changes make the elastic fibers moreporous and the skin becomes lax [9].The permeability barrier of the epidermis isaltered due to decrease in the number ofnucleated cell layers. In young skin calcium level


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Conflicts of Interests: None



is low in Stratum basale and Stratum spinosum,but the intracellular and extracellular calciumlevel is high in Stratum granulosum. The normaldistribution of calcium is lost in aged epidermis.This can be the reason for the alteredpermeability barrier in aged epidermis. Theepidermis gets thinned out in aged persons. Thehydration is affected producing dry, cracked,pruritic and fissured skin called xerosis. If thefissures and cracks are deep, then the dermalcapillaries will be invaded producing bleedingfissures [10].

At first let me express my gratefulness, gratitude andsincere thanks to Professor and HOD, Department ofAnatomy, Dr.M. Jamuna M.S., PSG IMS & R, Coimbatorefor her generous inspiration and constant encourage-ment and valuable guidance which helped me to com-plete this tiresome, but gratifying work very smoothlyand easily. I owe and acknowledge my indebtedness toher. I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude toDr.S.Ramalingam, Principal, and PSGIMS & R for provid-ing the facilities to conduct this work in this institution.I render my gratefulness and sincere thanks toDr.M.Aruchamy, Professor, Department of Plastic sur-gery, for permitting me to collect skin specimens.

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How to cite this article:Samiappan Manimegalai, Jamuna Meenakshi Sundaram,Nandhini Venkatachalam. AGE CHANGES IN HUMAN SKIN FROM3 YEARS TO 75 YEARS OF AGE. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(4):1578-1584. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.292
