Page 1: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

In Reply Refer To: MS 5231 November 9, 1990

Elf Aquitaine Operating Inc. Attention: Ms. B. Dougherty 1000 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002 NOItU - KKAfriER


Reference is made to the following plan received October 26, 1990:

Type Plan - I n i t i a l Development Operations Coordination Document Lease - OCS-G 6771 Block - 226 Area - South Timbalier A c t i v i t i e s Proposed - Platform A and Well No. 1

In accordance with 30 CFR 250.34, this plan is hereby deemed submitted and i s now being considered for approval.

Your control number is N-3894 and should be referenced i n your communication and correspondence concerning this plan.


(Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir • » L . J . Bourgeois

Regional Supervisor Field Operations

bcc: Uase OCS-G 6771 POD Fi le (MS 5032) I MS 5034 w/publlc i n f o , copy of tha plan V^_and accomp. i n f o .

TTrosclair:eck: 11/01/90-.DOCDCOM office < **TcygTf»m ServM-.*̂

NOV i • I'riU

iafcrmatjof1. bei vices,

Page 2: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

^ iiii riiiltlWiiiMnr in

Jt/ - W/ A

• elf aquitaine operating, inc. • XO Lsusana Suite 2600 Hous:c- Te • as'

Cctober 30. 1990

Mr Troy T r o s c l a i r M i n e r a l - Management S e r v i c e 1201 Ei o o d Park E l v d . New Orleans. La. 70123-2294

Re: South T i m b a l i e r Block 226 OCS-C-6771 A-Development Operations C o o r d i n a t i o n Document C o n t r o l No. N-3e94

Dear S i r :

The f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n conteir.e r e v i s e d data t o t DOCZ. submitted by E l f Acui t a i r . e Operating. Inc. on C f o r the s u b j e c t b l o c k .

i n c l u d e d i n the =ber 25. 1990

1. The o i l s p i l l t r B j e c t c r v launch a r e ; n u ^ t . r f c r South T i ^ b a i i t : Eiock 226 should be C-41 r a t h e r than C-14.

2. The proposed a c t i v i t i e s w i l l u t i l i z e a support base at Fresh Water C i t y , L o u i s i a n a , r a t h e r than Galveston, Texas DT Fourc: L o u i s i a n a . T r a n s p o r t a t i o n v e s s e l s w i l l use the most d i -ect : to t h e l e a s e s i t e , which i s l o c a t e d t p p r c x i m a t e J v 12fi - - I e r from t h e Fresh Water C i t v case.

'he i z i l o v m a i s enclosec as per your request:

Well L o c a t i c n Table.

C^ciee c i i e t ' . s r s sent tc tr.e A b c e v i l i e M e r i c i c n a i . arc the P u b l i c N o t i c e t o be puD:---nea.

i l C i f cr.e _ . i - e J: . : •--reauestir.a a


Page 3: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

South T i m b a l i e r Block 22t OCS-G-6771 DOCD Page Two October 30. 1990

I f you have any q u e s t i o n s or need any f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , please c a l l Peggy Davie a t 711/655-6469 or me at 713/655-6410.

S i n c e r e l y ,

Regulator; Manager

Page 4: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or
Page 5: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or




South T i m b a l i e r Block 226

OCS-G 6771

I c e r t i f y t h a t arrangements have been made t o p l a c e a Pub l i c f l c t i c e o f E l f / q u i t b i n e O p e r a t i n g , Inc. 's proposed Develop- ent Operations C o o r d i n a t i o n Document f o r South T i m t a l i e r Block 226, Le ise OCS-G 6771, i n t h e Lafourche Gazette on November 4, 1990.

v.. E l f A q u i t a i n e O p e r a t i n g , I n c .

C e r t i f y i n g O f f i c i a l Date

This a d d i t i o n a l P u b l i c N o t i c e was subm i t t e d becau o f shcre base t o Fresh Water C i t y , Louisiana.

se of the chanqe

Page 6: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or




S o u t h T i m b a l i e r B l o c k 226

OCS-G 6771

I c e r t i f y t h a t a r r a n g e m e n t s have been nade t o p l a c e a P u b l i c N o t i c e o f E l f A q u i t a i n e O p e r a t i n q , I n c . 's p r o o o s e d Developmen . O p e r a t i o n s C o o r d i n a t i o n Document f o r S o u t h T i m t a l i e r E l o c k 2Zs , Lease OCI-G 6 7 7 1 , i n t h e B a t o n Rouqe S t a t e Times on November 1, 1990. *• E l f A q u i t a i n e O p e r a t i n g . I n c .

C e r t . _ y i n g O f f i c i a l D a te

T h i e a c u i t i o n a l P u b l i c N o t i c e was s u b m i t t e d because o f t h e chanae c f s h o r e b a s e t o F r e s h Water C i t y , L o u i s i a n a .

Page 7: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

#> elf aquitaine operating, inc. 1000 Lousaia. Su*e 3800 Houston Texas (7:2) C.&S-Sc'1

525 Lafayette Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804

Attention: Legal Ad Department



Please place the following n c t i c e i n the Lagal Ad Section of the Baton Rcuge State Times f o r p u b l i c a t i o n on November 1, 1990.

Public Nctice of Federal Consistency Review of a Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) by the Coastal Manac-ement Division/Louisiana Department of Natural Resources f o r the f l a n ' s Consistency w i t h the Louisiana Coastal Resources Program.

October 29, 1990

Baton Rcuge State Times AIRBORNE


Applicant: Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. 1000 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77:::

Locaticn: Scuth Timbalier 2 Lease Saie Nc. 81

Lease OCS-G-6771,

Descriptic he above area provides f o r a 3 - p i l e , 3 - s l o t platform f a c i l . t i e s . Production include transport of

•zl hy helicopter and/cr •r. or.shcre base located at _ : i H I ana.

oargo vessel f r o r

Page 8: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

Page Two October 29, 1990

Description: (continued) A copy of the plan described above i s

available f o r inspection a t the Coastal Management Di v i s i o n Office located on the 10th f l o o r of the State Land and Natural Resources B u i l d i n g , 625 North 4th Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. O f f i c e hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday throdgh Friday. The public i s requested to submit comments to the Coastal Management D i v i s i o n , A t t e n t i o n : OCS Plans, P. O. Box 44487, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-4487. Comments must be received w i t h i n 15 days of the date of t h i s notice or 15 cays a f t e r the Coastal Management D i v i s i o n obtains a copy of the plan and i t i s available f c r public inspection. This public notice i s provided t o meet the requirements of the NOAA Regulations on Federal Consistency w i t h approved Coastal Management Programs.

I f you require f u r t h e r information, plaase contact me at 713/655-6410. -lease b i l l Elf Aq- i t a i n e Operating, Inc. at the letterhead address f o r the cost of running the ad, along w i t h proof of pu b l i c a t i o n of the ad cn the date requested.


Barbara J. Dougherty Regulatory Manager


Page 9: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or


if elf aquitaine operating, inc. 1000 Lou'sana Sate 2800 Hopson Texas 77002 V13) 668-9811

October 30, 1990

The Lafourche Gazzett AIRBORNE 502 E. Main La Rose, Louisiana 70373

At t e n t i o n : Legal Ad Department



Please place the f o l l o w i n g notice i n the LeTgal Ad Section of the Lafourche Gazzett f o r p u b l i c a t i o n on November 4, 1990.


Public Notice of Federal Consistency Review of a Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) by the Coastal Management Division/Louisiana Department cf Natural Resources f o r the Plan's Consistency with the Louisiana Coastal Resources Program.

Applicant: E l f Aquitaine Operating, Inc. 1300 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002

Locaticn: South Timbalier 226, Lease OCS-G-6771, Lease Sale Nc. 81.

Description: Proposed DOCD f o r the above area provides f o r the i n s t a l l a t i o n of a 3-p i l e , 3-slct platform w i t h production f a c i . i t i e s . Production a c t i v i t i e s w i l l incl-de transport cf production personnel by helicopter and/or oar oo vessel from an onshtro base Icoated at

Page 10: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

Page Two October 29, 1990

Description: (continued) A copy of the plan described above i s

available for inspec-ion at the Coastal Management Division Office located on the 10th floor of the state Land and Natural Resources BuiMing, 625 North 4th Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The public is requested to submit comments to the Coastal Management Division, Attention: OCS Plans, p. O. Box 44 487, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7C304-4487. Comments must be received within 15 days of the date of this notice or 15 days after the Coastal Management Division obtains a copy of the plan and i t is available for public inspection. This public" notice i s provided to meet the requirements cf the NOAA Regulations on Federa_ Consistency with approved Coastal Management Programs.

I f ycu require further information, piease contact me at 713/655-6410*. Please b i l l Elf Aquitaine Operatinc, Ino. at the letterhead address for the cost of running the ad, along with proof of publication cf the ad on the date requested.


Barbara J. Dougherty Reculatcrv Manager


Page 11: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

mam - .«rf̂ fiii*vilw»i .1 • ML -mmm W -̂ BBS

-J elf aquitair.̂ operating, iO00 ;.rusar--, Sute 3=00 Housion. Te*ns77;C2 '-.6 &31

Oc~.ocor "I;. 19?;


U. S. Dc^ar.-r- . : cae I^te;. i e r Minerc\i3 Mar. .,-?n. >Tt Service - . 1201 Elmwood T i r - Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394

/ : .er.tion: Mr. Daniel J. Bourgeois Regional Supervisor O f f i c e of F i e l d Operations



Ir. accordance w i t h the provisions of T i t i e 3 0 CFR 25C.34, Elf Aquitai'ie Operating, Inc. hereV submits for your re - iew and approval nine (9) copies of a 1 •.•clcpment Operations Coordination Document (DOCD* : z r CCS : 5771, South Timbalier a.=c> 226, Offshore, Lc.isiana. cccies are "Prcorietarv

:cr~c t i e r . " ana four (4) are 1 Tu'cli- Information".

Excluaad from the .-""ubiic Information ccpies are geologic d..s -ussion.s, dapth of wells and structure map.

cer t a i n

I : , acocr.. . w-r:: che assr-iate.: A c t i v i t y Schedule, Elf Aqu t a l . 1 .-la-ing. Ino. anticipates oomme'ioement cf platform inst- 1,- . - - ce on or aoout Decenoe 1, l ? a 7 .

Should anoir. informaticr. oe reroi r o d . .-_-.-ase contac" me ac 71 -:/£5 = —: : • .

7. ^Ur)

= a.vrar a w . . .ugne-R e - u l a t o r y :ana."e.

-JI pa z : O C D . D O :

Page 12: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or





E l f Aquitaine Ope-at i n c , i»-c (EAOT) as design*t't operator of South Timbalier Block ?2o, Lease OCS-G-6771, submits t h i s propose^ Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) i n accordance w i t h the regulations contained i n T i t l e 30 CFR 250.34 a r i mo- . speol. ' i c a l l y defined i n the Minerals Management Service * »tts Lo Loose's and cp-rators dated October 12, 1988

1- BT^TX KlpLnry t o Date

Chevr n C r t , o r a t i o n and Offshore Bechtel Associates, Lt'*.. obtained S-.uth Timbalier Block 226 i n Lease Sale 81 on Jai.e 1, 19R4.

Gulf Corporation f i l e d an I n i t i a l Plan j f Exploration whereby they p/opo&tvl t o d r i l l tw^ w i l d c a t wells.

EAOI fanned i n Block 226, f i l e d a Revised PJin of Exploration, and spudded the No. 1 w e l l on May 29, 1989. Th s weU was temporarily cxbendoned on July 9, 1989. However, t h i s w e l l hed bern tested PK July 7, 1989 and was determined to be capable of proQucing oas i n paying q u a n t i t i e s and was placed i n a minimum roy a l t y statu.- _ - * e c t i v e w i t h the date of the t e s t , as stated i n ;our l e t t e r dated August 16, 1989.

2• Description of Develcpment A c t i v i t i e s

Ur^. t h i s I n i t i a l DOCD, E l f A q u i t a i t e Operating, I.ic. proposes to i n s t a l l a 3 - p i l e , 3-slot w e l l protector platform w i t h t e s t i n r f a c i l i t i e s and a h e l i p o r t c /e.: the e x i s t i n g surface of t \ * H J . 1 w e l l Jocated at 4204' from :he west l i n e and 4614' frc a the north '.ine of South Timbalier Block 2 26. A pip e l i n e w i l " he i n s t a l l e d and the lease w i l l be placed on production acc. 'ling t o the f o l l o w i n g a c t i v i t y s-hedule.


A c t i v i t y Start-Up Date

Completion Platform &

F a c i l i t i e s F a b r i c a t i o n November 1990

Commence Platform I n s t a l l a t i o n Detember 1990 Commence Pip e l i n e I n s t a l l a t i o n January 1991 Commence Tieback & Ccmpletion Operations January 109} Hook up and Commence Production February '.991

- 2 -

"Public Information" r--m

Page 13: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

The ! ' ''e of reserves for this Block jpprcximately 6 years (li.O 'J Bcf).

3. Description of Platform

Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. propo: £5 to i n s t a l l a 3-pile 3-slot platform similar to the one shown a Attachment "A". A drawing showing the surface location of the proposed platform is included as Attachment "B". Th 1 s platform w i l l be installed at a surface location of 4204' from the west line and 4614' from the north l i n e of South Timbalje: «lock 226, over the existing No. 1 well.

A l l 'vdrocarbon handling ".-jt 'oejc'.ng and production sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and w i l l be operated to prevent pollution.

Maintenance or repairs which are necessary to prevent pollution of offshore waters shall be undertakt^ immediate?y.

Curt^, gutters, drip pans, and drains n."ve been ir.atAjled in deck areas i n a manner necessary to CLiiect a l l co.tarinants not authorized for discharge. O i l drainage shall be pped to a properly designed, operated, and maintained sump sy.stem which w i l l automatically maintain the o i l at a level sufficient to prevent discharge of o i l into offshore waters. A l l gravity drains shall be equipped with a water trap or other means to prevent gas i n the su - r -stem from escaping through the drains.

Sump piles shall not be used as processing devices to treat or skim liquids, but may be used to collect treated-produced water, treated-produced sand, or liquids from drip pans and deck drains and as a f i n a l trap for hydrocarbon liquids in the event of equipment upsets. Improperly resigned, operated, or maintrined sump piles which do ™ t prev nt the discharge of oi] into offshore waters shail replaced >r repaired.

4. Structure Map

A structure map of the pr<-,pos<.J producing zones- i j include with the proprietary dt ta copje? of this Plan as A. tact. i»»nt "C".

5. Bathymetry Map

A bathymetry map show.g the lecation of the proposed platform is enclosed as Attachr..»n "D '.

6. Shair.iw F J Tarda

An analysis -r any seafloor and subsurface geoxoy.c and man-made fe tures and conditions which may have tn adverse effect on * e proposed operations was included i n the Plan of Exploration.

7. Oil S p i l l Contingency Plan

Page 14: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

A l l c o n s t i - c t i o n and production operation.? s h a l l be performed i n accordance w i t h i n d u s t r y standards t o prevent p o l l u t i o n of ".he environment. E l f Aquitaine Operating, inc.'s Oil S p i l l Contingency Plan has been approved by the MMS. This plan designates an O i l S p i l l Team consisting of EAOI personnel and contract personnel. This team's duties are t o elimina e the source of any s p i l l , remove a l l roarces of possible i g n i t i o n , deploy the most r e l i a b l e means of available transportation to monitor the movement of a s l i c k , and contain and remove tn«= s l i c k i f possible.

E l f Aquitaine Opc:ating. Inc. i s a member of Clean Gulf Associates (CGA). I'he CGA has two permanent equipment basss i n Tsxas, at Rockport and G&lveston, and four bases i n Louisiana, at Venice, Grand I s l e , I n t r a c o a s t a l City and Cameron. Each b-ise i s equipped w i t h f a s t response skimmers and there i s a barge mounted high volume open se* skimmer based at Grand I s l e , Louisiana. In a d d i t i o n to >rovj<l^ng equipment, the CGA also supplies ad i s o r : f o r cicsan-Lp operations. Equipment ,.*v* ' iable from CGA and the r»se i t i s located at i s l i s t e d i n the CGA Manual, Volume I , Seotion I I I .

Estimated response t'-.r.o f o r the s p i i " i n South Timbalier 226 would be approximatfly 12 hours. The primary CGA base of operations w i l l be Grand I s l e , Louisiana. South Timbalier 226 i s located approximately 40 miles c f f the Louisiana coastline and approximately 62 miles fro.n tne Grand I s l e base.

Deployment time i ^ as f o l l o w s :

1. Procurement of Vessel 2. Load-out T--..e 3. Tr?"el Time

4 hours 2 hours 6 hours

Estimated T o t a l Deployment Time 12 hours

As the p o s s i b i l i t y of an o i l s p i l l always e x i s t s , E2f 7.c;.utain? Operating, Inc. has p r o j e c t t d the t r a j e c t o r y of a s p i l l irom the South Timbalier 226 l o c a t i o n using the information i n the F i n a l Environmental impact Statement (EIS) f o r Lease Sales 131, 135 and 137 dated March, 1990.

The J"3 cor,rains o i l s p i l l t r a j e c t o r y simulation* using seasonal surface currents coupled w i t h wind data, adjusted •very 3 hours f o r 30 days or u n t i l A t a r c e t i s tontacted.

Hypothetical s p i l l t r a j e c t o r i e s were cimulated f o r each of tho p o t e n t i a l launch s i t e s MCX&ZS the e n t i r e Gulf. These simulations presume 500 spill-3 occurring i n each of the four seasons of the year. The r e s u l t s i n the EIS were presented 4S p r o b a b i l i t i e s t h a t an o i l s p i l l beginning from a p a r t i c u l a r launch s i t e would contact a c e r t a i n land segment w i t h i n 3, 10, or 30 days. U t i l i z i n g the summary of the t r a j e c t o r y analysis ( f o r 10 days) as pres:.ited on pages IV-81 through IV-87, the probable projected l.r.d f a l l of an c i l s p i i l i s ar fellows;. Also l i s t e d i . i the f.Qh Map Number corresponding co the land

- 4 -

Page 15: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

segment wrcici. w i l l be u t i l i z e d t o determine environmentally and b i o l o g i c a l l y s e n s i t i v e areas t h a t may be affected by % s p i l l .

Area Number

Land Segment Contact % CGA Map

tlout> Timbalier 226 Lafourche, LA 1 6 C-14 I f a s p i l l should occur from t h ^ proposed l o c a t i o n . E l f Aquitaine Operating, Inc. would immediately a c t i v a t e i t s O i l S p i l l Response Operating Team, determining from current conditions the probably l o c a t i o n and time of l a n d f a l l by contacting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's »NOAA) Gulf of Mexico S c i e n t i f i c Support Coordinator (SSC) f o r assistance i n p r e d i c t i n g s p i l l movement.

Section V, ''Glume I I of the CGA Operations Manual which contains t i f moos as shown above also includes equipment to be used f o r p r j ictir»a and clean-up should i t be r .cessary. I t includes the, o pieces of equipment that are stockpiled by CGA and available f o r use.

Section V I , Volume I I of the CGA Operations Manual depicts the pr o t e c t i o n response modes t h a t are applicable f o r o i l s p i l l clean-up operations. Each response made i s schematically represented t o show optimum deployment and operation of the equipment. Implementation of the suggested procedures assures the most e f f e c t i v e use of :he equipment and w i l l r e s u l t i n reduced adverse impact of o i l s p i l l s on the environment. Supervisory personnel have the option to modify the development and operation of equipment t o more e f f e c t i v e l y respond t o s i t e - s p e c i f i c circumstances.

8. New or Unusual Technology

No new techniques or unusual technology w i l l be reguired f o r t h i s operation.

9. -<>se St i p u l a t i o n s

S t i p u l a t i o n No. 1 attached t o t h i s lease. I f during the proposed operations any c u l t u r a l resources are discovered, EAOI w i l l r e p o r t the discover., immediately to the Regional Manager. We w i l l also make every reasonable e f f o r t to preserve the c u l t u r a l resource u n t i l the Regional Manager has t o l d EAOI how t o p r o t e c t i t .

10. Discharges

A l l discharges from the South T i m e l i e r surface loca i i o : ; w i l l comply w i t h the Environmental Pre ceotion Agency NPDES General Permit f o r the Gulf of Mexico.

The permittee i s authorised by the General Permit t o discharge the e f f l u e n t s l i s t e d i n the f o l l o w i n g t a b l e . Such discharges w i l l be l i m i t e d and monitored by the permittee as s p e c i f i e d below:

- 5 -

• . .......jii mmm

Page 16: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

Discharge and Eff luent Character is t ic


Volume (bbls)


Flow (MGD)


Discharge and Effluent Characteristic

Weight (lbs)

Monitoring Requirements Discharge Measurement Sample Limitation Frequency Type/Method

No Free Oil Once/day 11 Visual/Sheen on receiving


72 mg/l Once/month daily max.



Grab 3/

48 mg/l monthly avg

Once/month Estimate

No Free Oil Once/day 4/ Visual/Sheen on receiving water

Monitoring Requirements Discharge Measurement Sample

Limitation Frequency Type/Method

- - Once/month Estimate


on receiving water


Recorded Value(s)

Number of Sheen Observed

Month Total 2/

Daily Maximum & Monthly Avg

Monthly Avg

Number of Days Sheen observed

Recorded Value(s)

Monthly Total 2/

Number of Days Sheen observed

Monthly Total 2/

Volume (bbls) - - Once/month

SANITARY WASTE 6/ (continuously manned by 10 or more persons) Residual Chlorine 7/

Flow (MGD)

1 mg/l Once/month




Concen­t r a t i o n

Monthly Average 2/

SANITARY WASTE (continuously manned by 9 or fewer persons or intermittently by any number)

Page 17: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

Solids No Floating Once/day Solids

Observation 8/ Number of Days Solids Observed

DOMESTIC WASTE Solids No Floating Once/day

Solids Observation 8/ Number

of Days Solids Observed


Free Oil No Free Oil Once/day 4/ Visual/Sheen on receiving water surface

Number of Sheen Observed

1/ When discharging and facility is manned. Monitoring shall be accomplished during daylight by visual observation of the receiving water surface in the vicinity of the discharge.

21 This information shail be recorded, but not reported unless otherwise reguested by EPA.

3/ May be based on the arithmetic average of four grab sample results in the twenty-four period. The Regional Administrator may approve an alternative test method on a case-by-case basis.

4/ When discharging. Monitoring shall be accomplished during daylight by visual observation of the receiving water surface in the vicinity of the discharge.

5/ No discharge of priority pollutants except in trace amounts. Information on the specific chemical composition shall be recorded, but not reported unless requested by EPA.

6/ Any facility which properly operates and maintains a marine sanitation device (MSD) that complies with pollution control standards and regulations under Section 312 of the Act shall be deemed to be in compliance with permit limitations for sanitary waste. The MSD shall be tested yearly for proper operation and test results maintained at the fa c i l i t y .

2/ Haeh method CN-66-DPD approved. Minimum of 1 mg/l and maintained as close to this concentration as possible.

8/ Monitoring shall be accomplished during daylight by visual observation of the surface of the receiving water in the

- 7 -

Page 18: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or

v i c i n i t y of sanitary and domestic waste a t f a l l s . Observations shall be made following e.cher the morning or mid-day meals and at a time during daylight and maximum estimated discharge.

Discharges w i l l be free of o i l and w i l l be i n compliance with and monitored as required by EPA NPDES General Permit (GMG 280000) i n accordance with 40 CFR 122-6. Any o i l contaminated roud w i l l be transported to shore for proper disposal.

10. Hydrogen Sulfide

Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. has requested i n the Revised Plan of Exploration and i n accordance with 30 CFR 250.67(c) that the Minerals Management Service classify the area i n which the proposed operations w i l l take place. South Timbalier 226, as a zone where the absence of H2S has been confirmed.

EAOI believes that this area i s not a known H2S area because i n the d r i l l i n g of the South Timbalier 205 and 206 wells d r i l l e d by EAOI, no H S was encountered. In the approval l e t t e r for the revised POE for South Timbalier 226 dated May 26, 1989, this area was classified as a zone where the absence of H S has been confirmed.

11. Projected Air Emissions

An Air Quality Review for South Timbalier 226 i s included as Attachment "F".

12. Environmental Report

An environmental report for thi s location i s included as Exhibit "G".

13. Onshore Base

South Timbalier 226 i s located approximately 50 miles from the coast of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana where the water i s approximately 180 feet deep. A v i c i n i t y map showing the relationship of Block 226 to the shoreline and onshore base i s included as Attachment "A".

The proposed a c t i v i t i e s w i l l u t i l i z e a support base at Galveston, Texas. The base provides 24-hour service, a radio tower with phone patch, dock space, office space, a parking l o t , equipment and supply storage space, drinking and d r i l l water, •tc . The proposed production a c t i v i t i e s w i l l help to maintain this baae at i t s present level of a c t i v i t y . No expansion of the physical f a c i l i t i e s or the creation of new jobs is expected to result from the work planned i n conjunction with Block 226.

- 8 -

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13. Authorired Representative

Inquiries may be made to the following aulhorized representative of Elf Aquitaine, Inc.

Barbara J. Dougherty Regulatory Manager Elf Aquitaine, Inc. 1000 Louisiana, Ste. 3800 Houston, Texas 77002

Li s t of Attachments

A Location Plat of Platform and V i c i n i t y Map B Schematic of Platform C Structure Map (Not included in Public Information Copy) D Bathymetry Map E Shallow Hazard Report F Air Quality Review G Environmental Report H CZM Certification

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;.. ' V - * - , I! I


EAST 4203.82 ' r I.. ., , ,.

C I "A" Platform

225 BLK. 226 22:

Elf Aquitaine Opt rot Ing inc.

OCS - 6 - 6771


I htrtby certify that thc abovt final •urtoct location Ic correct. inocc location ic correc

Rea. •tafacalonal Land Surveyor No. SOS State of Lou Id ana John E. Chance B Accoclatac, Inc.


0.c.s.-«-ST7i - Platform "A"



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Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. has reviewed the p o t e n t i a l geologic hazard survey data acquired by Intersea Research f o r Gulf O i l Exploration and Production Company i n November 1984. These data included echo soundings, sub-bottom p r o f i l e r , high-resolution water gun, mini-sparker side scan sonor and magnetometer information.

Two surface locations have been d r i l l e d adjacent t o t h i s block. No surface geologic hazards were encountered i n the Transco #1 and #2 d r i l l e d i n the southeast corner of ST 208.

Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. d r i l l e d the South Timbalier 226 No. 1 w e l l t o 10460' MD, 8511' TVD and no geologic hazards were encountered.

A l l f u t u r e operations at t h i s l o c a t i o n w i l l be conducted i n safe and workmanlike manner.


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Location of F a c i l i t y :

Distance Offshore:



Contact Person:


Emitted Substance


South Timbalier 226 OCS-G-6771

50 miles

Platform "A"

Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc., 1000 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002

Barbara J. Dougherty Regulatory Manager

Projected Emissions* Tons/Year

2.69 .012

7.02 .540 N/A

* Emission Factors from Table 3.2-1 "Compilation o: Air Pol l u t a n t Emission Factors", EPA Report AP-42, September, 1985

••Production equipment to be used on platform: Wellstream Heater (1.425MM BTU/hr)


Including helicopter landing *nd take-off (2 trips/week), suopDy boat ( i trip/week), and loading and unloading operation?•

Projected Emissions Emitted Substances Tons/Year


3.12 .12

3.78 1.14 U men own

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* Emission Factors from Table 4.4, "Atmospheric Emissions from Offshore O i l and Gas Development and Production", EPA No. 450/3-77-026, June, 1977.


Major/Production Minor/Production

T o t a l



2.69 .0032





7.02 .014





N/A .0011

2.6932 .0195 7.034 .5411 .0011

These should be about the same as minor sources unless new f a c i l i t i e s are i n s t a l l e d at the onshore base. No ad d i t i o n a l f a c i l i t i e s are required at t h i s time.


For CO: E = 3400D 2 / 3 = 3,400(50)2/3 = 4 6 > 1 4 6 t o n s / y M r

For NOX, VOC, TSP £ S0 2 : E = 33.3D = 33 . 3( 50) 1,665


As per DOI/MMS regulations, t h i s f a c i l i t y i s exempt from f u r t h e r a i r q u a l i t y review as i t h-:;s been determined that i t s operations w i l l not have s i g n i f i c a n t adverse environmental impact on a i r q u a l i t y .


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The following Environmental Report was prepared by Barbara J. Dougherty for Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc. for Coastal Management Consistency Determination by the State of Louisiana on operations proposed i n the Development Operations Coordination Document for Federal Leases OCS-G-6771.

For inquiries regarding this report, please contact:


1000 Louisiana, Suite 3800

Houston, TX 77002

Attention: Ms. Barbara J. Dougherty


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Elf Aquitaine Operating, I n c . , Houston, Texas, plans to conduct a development program i n South Timbalier 226, Lease OCS-G-6771. This report i s submitted w i t h the I n i t i a l Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) i n accordance with the regulations of 30 CFR 250.34 and guidelines published November 20, 1980, and October 12, 1988.


Chevron Corporation and Offshore Bechtel Associates, L td., obtained South Timbalier Block 226 i n Lease Sale 81 on June 1, 1984.

Gulf Corporation f i l e d an I n i t i a l Plan of Exploration whereby they proposed to d r i l l two w i l d c a t wells.

EAOI farmed i n Block 226, f i l e d a Revised Plan of Exploration, and spudded the No. 1 w e l l on May 29, 1989. This w e l l was temporarily abandoned on July 9, 1989. However, t h i s w e l l had been tested on Ju-./ 7, 1989 and was determined to be capable of producing gas i n paying q u a n t i t i e s and was placed i n a minimum r o y a l t y status e f f e c t i v e w i t h the date of the t e s t , as stated i n your l e t t e r dated August 16, 1989.

Under t h i s I n i t i a l Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD), EAOI proposes t o i n s t a l l a 3 - p i l e , 3-slot w e l l protector platform w i t h t e s t i n g f a c i l i t i e s and a h e l i p o r t over the e x i s t i n g surface of the No. 1 w e l l located at 4204' from the west l i n e and 4614' from the north l i n e of South Timbalier Block 226. A pip e l i n e w i l l be i n s t a l l e d and the lease w i l l be placed on production.

A c t i v i t i e s proposed under t h i s DOCD are expected to commence i n November, 1990, w i t h production commencing i n February, 1991.

A. Travel Modes and Frequency

EAOI w i l l operate out c f i t s onshore service base f a c i l i t i e s at Fourchon, Louisiana. During production operations a helicopter w i l l make two t r i p s per week, supply boats three t r i p s per week and crew boats w i l l make one t r i p per week. Transportation vessels w i l l use the most d i r e c t route t o the lease s i t e which i s located approximately 50 miles from Fourchon, Louisiana.

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B. Support Base

The proposed a c t i v i t i e s w i l l u t i l i z e a support base at Fourchon, Louisiana. The base provides 24-hour service, a radio tower with phone patch, dock space, o f f i c e space, a parking l o t , eguipment and supply storage space, d r i n k i n g and d r i l l water, etc. These proposed production a c t i v i t i e s w i l l help to maintain t h i s base at i t s present l e v e l of a c t i v i t y . No expansion of the physical f a c i l i t i e s or the c r e a t i o n of new jobs i's expected to r e s u l t from the work planned i n conjunction w i t h Block 226.

C. New Support F a c i l i t i e s

No new onshore support f a c i l i t i e s such as new land bases, r e f i n e r i e s , storage f a c i l i t i e s , pumping s t a t i o n , boat docks, hel i c o p t e r pads or f u e l i n g f a c i l i t i e s are l i k e l y t o be reguired because of the a c t i v i t i e s planned f o r South Timbalier 226.

D. New Techniques or Unusual Techncloqy

No new techniques or unusual technology w i l l be required f o r t h i s operation.

E. Map of Proposed A c t i v i t y

As shown by the attached v i c i n i t y p l a t , the leases on which the proposed a c t i v i t i e s w i l l take place are located <*pp- oximately 50 miles form the Louisiana shoreline.

F. Coastal Zone Management Consistency

This p r o j e c t i s consistent w i t h Louisiana's program f o r Coastal Zone Management as provided i n 15 CFR 930 and the Louisiana State and Local Coastal Resources Management Act of 1978 (Act 361). The operations w i l l take place on the OCS outside of Louisiana's 3-mile l i m i t . Coastal e f f e c t s of the base are minor and are consistent with the Coastal Resources Program.


A. Physical and Environmental

1. Commercial Fishing

South Timbalier Block 226 i s located 50 miles from the Louisiana Coast i n the Central Gulf of Mexico where water ranges from 187' to 190' below main sea l e v e l .

The Gulf of Mexico y i e l d e d the nations l a r g e s t regional commercial f i s h e r y by weight i n 1988. The Gulf shrimp f i s h e r y i s the most valuable i n the United States accounting f o r 80% of the t o t a l domestic production. Three species of shrimp, brown, white

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and pink dominate the J . ings. harvest of oysters anc takes place i n the Gulf -»a f i , and estuaries.

Menhaden i s the most valuable f i s h landed. Other im comercial f i s h include red snapper, spotted sea t r o u t , drum, shark, black n u l l e t t and sword f i s h .

The proposed operations i n t h i s area can be expected t o the commercial f i s h i n g i n the f o l l o w i n g ways:

Production platforms cause underwater o b s t r u c t i c r e s u l t i n losses of shrimp t r a w l s , shrimp cat vessel damage.

O i l s: t i l s pose the greatest t h r e a t t o coir f i s h " by d i r e c t contact w i t h eggc, larvae, j u o ss.- *d spawning adult f i s h or s h e l l f : cc .animation of estuary h a b i t a t .

Discharges of small q u a n t i t i e s of produced waters and d waste waters may c~tur around the pl a t f o r m ; however, the meet a l l e f f l u e n t I m i t a t i o n s and are not depicted to imp area's marine l i f e .

Petroleum platforms i n the northern Gulf of Mexico (and other locations) c o n s t i t u t e unusual environments compared surrounding waters and s o f t bottoms i n t o which they ar embedded. Platforms act as n u c l e i f o r commercial ant fisherman and many species of f i s h l i n g e r near p-i n c l u d i n g those without trophic der ->ndenca upon them, species are found only around petroleum platforms and reefs i n the northern Gulf and include several groupers ar f i s h of economic value. For species such as these, avail of n a t u r a l habitat may be a l i m i t i n g f a c t o r , w i t h art reefs allowing f o r population expansion and a larger f i s h t

Typical species caught at the platforms include resident w e l l as those pelagic forms temporarily a t t r a c t e d t o them

Ov e r a l l , fishermen have ^ n e f i t e d from the growth petroleum industry i n the 3 waters of the Gulf of While technological improvements have enabled cot fishermen t o increase the volume of landings,, by-products developraent of the petroleum i n d u s t r y have also had a impact on f i s h i n g . Because OCS petroleum developt dependent on extensive marine -esse! u t i l i z a t i o n , hark ports have been improved, p o r t access waterways ha expanded and improved, and the a v a i l a b i l i t y and q u a l i t y o vessel maintenance and repair f a c i l i t i e s , have i s i g n i f i c a n t l y . These improvements have d e f i n i t e l y ha^ a e f f e c t on fishermen (LASSITER, 1980).

2. Shipping

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South Timbalier 226 is clear of a l l fairways and anchorage areas. Operations in this area w i l l be in accordance with the U. S. Coast Guard's regulations regarding navigational standards. The i n s t a l l a t i o n and use of navigational aids, lifesaving equipment, and other safef. requirements pursuant to U. S. Coast Guard regulations are standard operating procedure for d r i l l i n g r i gs, platform and marine vessels u t i l i z e d by EAOI. There should be l i t t l e or no impact on shipping resulting from the proposed operations.

3. Recreational Resource and Acti v i t i e s

The northern Gulf of Mexico coastal zone is one of the major recreational regions of the United States, particularly with marine fishing, scuba diving, and beach-related a c t i v i t i e s . I t is estimated that over 38 m i l l i o n residents of the Gulf coastal states have a major interest i n water-related and water enhanced recieational a c t i v i t y . Approximately two-thirds of the Gulf shorefront i s composed of beach and there i s one motor boat for about every 21 people l i v i n g in the Gulf Region. More s p e c f i c a l l y , approximately 13.5 million people, or 35 percent of the Gulf States population, l i v e i n the area most d i r e c f y affected by Gulf a c t i v i t y , and about one-third of the registered boats are l i k e l y candidates for marine recreational a c t i v i t y (16' or greater).

I t i s reasonable to expect that production on blocks leased i n the Central Gulf of Mexico w i l l result in some ocean l i t t e r and could lead to one major o i l s p i l l , and that s p i l l and debris could be carried by wind, wave and currents to interact with major shorefront recreational beaches throughout the Gulf of Mexico. The trash and debris, such as o i l drums, large plastic containers and sheeting, computer read-write rings, seismic markers, styrofoam floats, pipe th. ead protectors, diesel f i l t e r s , hard hats and tar balls, i s c:^arly associated with the petroleum industry; however, the problem w i l l cause only localized, short-term inconvenience.

4. Cultural Resources

There are no known archaeological sites i d e n t i f i e d i n the area; however, EAOI agrees that i f any s i t e , structure or object of h i s t o r i c a l significance should be discovered during operations, the findings w i l l be immediately reported to the Supervisor and every reasonable ef f o r t w i l l be made to preserve and protect the cultural resources from danger u n t i l the Supervisor has given directions as to i t s preservation.

5. Ecologically Sensitive Features

There are no ecologically sensitive features i n the proposed area of operations.

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6. E x i s t i n g Pipelines

"'here are no known pipelines t r a v e r s i n g Block 226

7. Other Mineral Uses

The a c t i v i t i e s proposed w i l l have no d i r e c t or i n d i r e c t impact on othe*- mineral uses.

8. Ocean Dumping

A l l produced waters w i l l be treated according t o OSHA regulations. Vessels w i l l be properly designated so that output w i l l meet a l l regulatory reguirements and w i l l not exceed 35 p a r t s / m i l l i c n . The produced waters w i l l be dumped overboard and monitored on a monthly basis.

9. Endangered or Threatened Species

Six f e d e r a l l y l i s t e d endangered whale species may occur i n the Gulf of Mexico: the blue f i n , humpback, r i g h t , sei and great sperm whales. The r i g h t whales are the most endangered cetacean i n the Gulf of Mexico.

The Fish and W i l d l i f e Servic has designated 15 untreated species that could be affected by OCS o i l and gas operations i n the Gulf of Mexico. A l l but the American crocodile i n h a b i t the Central and Western Gulf. The 1-st includes three mammals (the JAGUARUNDI, OCELOT, and WEST INDIAN MANATEE), seven birds (the bald eagle, a r c t i c p e r e g r i n a l , whooping crane, brown pelican, Eskimo curlew, piping plover and least t e r n ) , and s i x other r e p t i l e s ( the American crocodile and the hawksbill, Kemp's Ridley, loggerlead, leatherback and green sea t u r t l e s ) .

The most l i k e l y a f f e c t s of o i l and gas on cetaceans are skin and eye i r r i t a t i o n s , baleen f o u l i n g , asphyxiation from i n h a l a t i o n of v o l a t i l e fumes, food reduction or contamination, and o i l ingestion. Subsurface sounds frw.T. d r i l l i n g a c t i v i t i e s may induce stress and have a cumulative e f f e c t on hearing or d i s r u p t acoustic communications; however, most of the impacts on whales and short-term and sublethal and estimated to be low as whales prefer t o i n h a b i t area beyond the continental shelf away from most noise disturbances.

O i l s p i l l s contacting a t u r t l e nesting beach incubation or hatching periods could cause s i g n i f i c a n t t u r t l e m o r t a l i t y ( F r i t t s and McGhee, 1981) and offshore o i l s p i l l s could have a serious impact on j u v e n i l e t u r t l e s as sea t u r t l e s can attempt t o swallow any object of appropriate size, such as t a r b a l l s , which could r e s u l t i n s i g n i f i c a n t t u r t l e m o r t a l i t y . There i s a 2 percent p r o b a b i l i t y of one or more o i l s p i l l s occurring and contacting sea t u r t l e s nesting h a b i t a t and less than a 10 percent

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p r o b a b i l i t y of one or more o i l s p i l l s occurring and contacting sea t u r t l e foraging areas o f f the c e n t r a l Louisiana coast.

The impact on various endangered and threatened species w i l l depend on the nature of the s p i l l , weather conditions, proximity of s p i l l s t o species, tolerance f o r o i l of species, and the espouse time and effectiveness of the o i l s p i l l cleanup and containment services. Given these variables, the impact on the various endangered or threatened species w i l l vary frorr. l i t t l e or no e f f e c t t o very serious.

The experience of o i l and gas exploration i n the Gulf of Mexico indicates t h a t there i s a small p r o b a b i l i t y of occurrence of an o i l s p i l l . E l f Aquitaine Operating, Inc. as a prudent operator, w i l l take the necessary precautions to reduce the p r o b a b i l i t y of o i l s p i l l s . E l f Aquitaine Operating, Inc.'s proposed oj .ations should pose no threat to any endangered or threatened species.

B. Socio-Economic

1. Related New Employment

This i s not applicable at t h i s time.


A large o i l s p i l l at South Timbalier Block 226 i s very u n l i k e l y but could r e s u l t i n lo c a l i z e d severe m o r t a l i t i e s , selective and fu n c t i o n a l impairment of plankton communities, thereby a l t e r i n g .he COi.-.nuiiity s t r u c t u r e f o r an unknown period of time.

Air emissions from combustion of diesel f u e l i n engines and helicopters can a f f e c t the a i r q u a l i t y near the proposed operations s i t e s and near the onshore t r a v e l routes. I n most cases, the emissions w i l l be l o c a l i n nature and w i l l be quickly dissipated by clime':lr conditions.

Catastrophic events such as o i l s p i l l s and blowouts have the p o t e n t i a l t c reate l o c a l i z e d a i r q u a l i t y problems. Degradation of onshore a i r q u a l i t y i s not l i k e l y to occur and i s not expected due to the low number of expected s p i l l s , probable distance from shore (m« than 3 miles and very l i k e l y f a t h e r ) , r a p i d dispersion or breakup associated with o i l s p - l i s and the turbulent v a r i a b l e winds offshore. Rapid dispersion of evaporative emissions from these sources i s expected.

I f a blowout resulted i n a f i r e , s ubstantial l e v e l s of THC, N0„ S0„ CO and TSP would be emitted. Local a i r would be severely degraded f o r the duration of the - i r e . The extent of degradation i s indeterminate, but i t i s u n l i k e l y that i t would be high enough to a f f e c t land resources or human health.

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The proposed production a c t i v i t i e s are not expected to harmfully affect water quality, interfere with commercial fishing operations, recreational a c t i v i t i e s or shipping t r a f f i c .

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The proposed a c t i v i t i e s w i l l be carried out and completed with the guarantee of the following items:

1. The best available and safest technologies w i l l be u t i l i z e d throughout the project. This includes meeting a l l applicable requirements for equipment types, general project layout, safety systems, and equipment monitoring systems.

2. A l l operations w i l l be covered by a Minerals Management Service approved Oil S p i l l Contingency Plan.

3. A l l applicable federal, state and local requirements regarding a i r emissions and water quality discharge for the proj>osed a c t i v i t i e s , and well as any other permit conditions, w i l l be complied with.

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U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Minerals Management Service, F i n a l Regional Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1, January, 1983.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Minerals Management Service, * i n a l Regional Environmental Impact Statement, July, 1984.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Minerals Management Service, F i n a l Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed O i l and Gas Lease Sales 104 and 105, November, 1985.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Minerals Management Service, F i n a l Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed O i l and Gas Lease Sales 110 and 1x2, A p r i l , 1986.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Minerals Management Service, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Gulf of Mexico Sales 123 and 125.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Bureau of Land Management, Thu Ecology of Petroleum Pent farms i n the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico.

U. S. Department of the I n t e r i o r , Bureau of Land Management, F i n a l Environmental Impact Statement, OCS Sale and 63A, 1976.

Page 41: (Orig. Sgd.) A. Donald Giroir - · sur a AS separators, tanks, and ty materi + *t, been designed, installed and will be operated to prevent pollution. Maintenance or





OCS-G 6771

The proposed a c t i v i t i e s described i n d e t a i l i n t h i s Plan comply w i t h Louisiana's approved Coastal Zone Management Program and w i l l be conducted i n a manner consistent with such program.

Arrangements have been made w i t h the State Times i n Baton Rouge, Louisiana to publish a public notice of the proposed a c t i v i t i e s no l a t e r than October 31, 1990. A d d i t i o n a l l y , arrangements have been made w i t h the Lafourche Gazette i n Lafourche Parish, Louisiana to publish a public notice of the proposed a c t i v i t i e s no l a t e r than October 31, 1990.

Elf Aquitaine Operating, Inc.
