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Hi I'm Paige, an alternative wildflower living in L.A. ♡ I have an affinity for magic, creativity, & cosmic dreaming. Grab a cup of tea and stay a while, I'm happy to have you! x - See more at:


Last night I received a piece of Orgonite for my birthday (along with some fabulous sage to burn for the house, thank you brother!). I haven't dealt with Orgonite much, actually, I've only really ever heard about it in passing. As soon as I touched it, I had a sense of wonderment. I got home late last night and, after briefly meditating on it, put it up on my Zen altar. My Zen altar is where I keep my crystals, stones, rune stones, candles, sage, incense, tarot deck, and other spirit healing tools - draped by a shimmering golden silk cloth.

Being the endlessly inquisitive person I am, I dived into the interwebs to research and study into the history and properties of Orgonite. What I found was astoundingly amazing. Although it's not a massively popular topic, the hypothesis of Orgone energy was introduced by Wilhelm Reich in the 1930's.  Orgone energy is the term used for universal life force, the vital energy found everywhere in nature. Everything has a life force, an energy, an aura, an aether, an electric vibration. Whether you think of it as scientific or spiritual, it surrounds everything nonetheless. Since then, some have transformed the idea into a tangible object, thus creating Orgonite. Orgonite is a mixture of resin and certain metal particles / crystals / etc. that are poured into molds and hardened into an energy tool.

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This morning I took a few pictures of it, for my blog of course, and something happened that I can only explain as a phenomenon. I was tinkering around with placement and snapping photos, and when I went to edit through them I noticed that a few had this freak coloration which had not shown up on my screen as I was capturing the images. Naturally I was like, what the hell? I have never experienced any color flares like this before. The photos above and below were taken only seconds apart. This photo below has no filter, no photo editing of any sort aside from a crop, and there were absolutely no changes to the environment. This is a raw, unaltered photo.

Notice the blue auric cast along the left side of the photo and on the Orgonite itself. Amazing, isn't it? After extensive research, I discovered that several people who do energy work have been quoted on claiming that Orgonite gives off a blue aura. I have always been under the impression that only Kirlian photography could capture images of auras, but now I have more questions than answers and am speculative. I could not re-create this blue aura, thus concluding that this was a serendipitous freak accident, which I'm pleasantly happy to have been able to experience.

This is how it works: Once poured into the mold, the resin shrinks and hardens during the curing process, which permanently squeezes the contents inside creating an electrically polarizing effect, enabling it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator.

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Basically, the metals and crystals inside are greatly amplified, and their properties are cast out in a much more saturated frequency. These Orgonite stones / jewelry / pyramids clears and purifies energies, casting away negativity and illnesses that like to creep into and feed on your spirit. It has even been tested positive for adequately diminishing electromagnetic and radiation waves.

I'm a very energy-sensitive person, a Clairsentient. I can sense the energies of living beings, inanimate objects, places, situations. Although I do not frequently see visual auras, I have experienced the sensation of infrequently seeing auras. I have seen spirits and shadow people since childhood, I have frequent precognitions, and have had a lot of odd experiences. Having this Orgonite in my home is going to be amazing, diminishing negative energies and warding off spirits. Read more about Orgone and how Orgonite transforms energies, and where I found some of my info at this amazing website, and I implore you to research into this and purchasing or making one of your own!

Do you have any experiences with Orgonite? Tell me!

x Paige