
How accurately Blessed John Henry Newman prepares the mood for this AdventSeason:“The year is worn out: spring, summer, autumn, each in turn have brought their utmost, but they are over and the end is come. All is past and gone, all has failed... and the austere weather which succeeds, though ungrateful to the body, is in tone with our feelings, and acceptable. Thus the soul is cast forward upon the future... and does it rejoice that there are new heavens and a new earth to come. These are feelings of holy men waiting earnestly for the Advent of Christ.”

Through Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds and Magi, the human race for the firsttime saw God face to face. In earliest days “Advent” marked that “Coming” of Christ– Christmas Day. In time, the scope of the mystery was broadened to include apreparation for his Christmas Coming and his “Final Coming” on Judgment Day.

There is no better way to prepare for these mysteries than by celebrating what isso central to our Faith, his sacramental Coming in the Eucharist – for which weshould prepare as well. Through the Sacrament of Penance, may each of us entrustto the forgiving Christ “all that is past, all that is gone and all that has failed” as weearnestly await for the Advent of Christ and the new hope it brings this Christmas.

Edwin Cardinal O’Brien

Reflections of the Grand Master

N° 48 FALL 2017

@granmagistero.oessh @GM_oessh

ordinis equestris sancti sepulchri hierosolymitani

jerusalem cross


During his official trip to the Holy Land, thenew Governor General received the gift of anicon of Our Lady of Palestine from the priests

of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.Blessed at the Holy Sepulchre non the Feastof Our Lady of Sorrows, it was placed on the

altar in St. Peter’s Basilica during Mass onthe Feast day in honor of the Blessed Virgin

Mary Queen of Palestine, celebrated onOctober 25 by the Grand Master of the Orderat the tomb of Apostle Peter, in the presence

of the members of the Grand Magisterium(see page IX). As we journey towards

Christmas, we ask the Lord to live thisexpectation with the Virgin Mary, illuminatedby her deep faith and her victorious hope, ina renewed love for the Church of Christ and

the Holy Land.

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The Order in Union withthe Universal Church

Proceedings of the Grand Magisterium

The Order and the Holy Land

The Life of the Lieutenancies

c o n t e n t s


E-mail: [email protected]














The centenary of the Congregation forthe Oriental Churches - of whichCardinal Edwin O’Brien, Grand

Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre isa member - coincided with the Centenary ofthe Pontifical Oriental Institute. Marking theoccasion, on October 12 the Popeconcelebrated a Mass with the EasternPatriarchs in the basilica of Saint MaryMajor in Rome. Archbishop PierbattistaPizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator of theLatin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, also amember of the Congregation for the OrientalChurches, was present. Recalling the context

of the creation of the Congregation byBenedict XV, during the First World War, theHoly Father reflected on how the current“piecemeal world war” involves theChristians of the Oriental Churches, causinga growing diaspora. Pope Francis invited usto continue praying for our brothers andsisters of these churches, forced to abandonthe biblical lands of their ancestors.

“This leads us to ask so many questions,so many whys?” he emphasized incommenting on the first reading (Malachi 3:13-20), in which the people wonder why thewicked often go unpunished. “How many

The Order in Union with the Universal Church

Praying with the Pope for theChristians of the Oriental Churches

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times do we do this experience?” askedthe Pope before responding: “God doesnot forget His children, His memory isfor the righteous, for those who suffer,who are oppressed and who ask ‘why?’and yet they never cease to trust in theLord.”

The Holy Father also indicated prayeras the best means of listening to God,pointing out how praying is an act oftrust. “Man knocks with prayer at God’sdoor to ask for grace. And He, who is ourFather, gives me that and more: the gift,the Holy Spirit,” insisted Francis,assuring everyone that this perseveringspiritual commitment will bear its fruit indue course.

During his encounter with the GreekOrthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem,Theophilus III, last October in

Rome, Pope Francis turned a special thoughtto all the members of the various Christiancommunities of the Holy Land, expressingthe hope “that they will continue to berecognized as an integral part of society andthat, as citizens and believers in their ownright, they can continue tirelessly tocontribute to the common good and thegrowth of peace, striving to furtherreconciliation and concord.“ The HolyFather recalled his moment of prayer in thesanctuary of the empty tomb in May 2014,expressing his joy for the recent restorationof this very holy place. “I rejoice that theGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem,the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem andthe Franciscan Custody of the Holy Landhave worked together in such harmony onthis project, as they also did for the Basilicaof the Nativity in Bethlehem. I thank YourBeatitude very much for your own efforts inthis regard,” said the Pope, thanking

Patriarch Theophilus III for his commitmentand reaffirming his sincere desire to“progress on the path to full unity amongall”.

On the road to fullcommunion among all














A profoundly ecumenical event of greatimportance for Christians in the Holy Land: themeeting in Rome between Pope Francis and theGreek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem,Theophilus III.














The Holy Father exchanges the sign of peace withCardinal Leonardo Sandri during the October 12Mass marking the Centenary of the Congregation forthe Oriental Churches and the Pontifical OrientalInstitute.

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More than 50 years after the conciliardeclaration Nostra Aetate – adocument that marked a major

breakthrough in Catholic and Jewishrelations – at the end of August 2017 theConference of European Rabbis and theRabbinic Council of America delivered adocument titled “Between Jerusalem andRome” to Pope Francis. The text aims to bean official response from these two greatrealities of the Jewish world. Time wasrequired to elaborate a response to NostraAetate also because, as the document says,“initially, many Jewish leaders were skepticalof the sincerity of the Church’s overtures tothe Jewish community, due to the longhistory of Christian anti-Judaism.”

The document underlines how NostraAetate, in addition to conducting a carefulanalysis in religious terms of the CatholicChurch’s relationship with the world and theJewish communities, has also “paved the wayfor the Vatican’s 1993 establishment of fulldiplomatic relations with the State of Israel”.In this line, representatives of the Holy See

and the State of Israel continue to meettoday to reach a bilateral agreement suchsimilar to the one that has already beensigned with the State of Palestine.

The text continues insisting on theimportance of joint action beyond the cleardifferences: “doctrinal differences and ourinability to truly understand the meaningand mysteries of each other’s faiths do notand may not stand in the way of ourpeaceful collaboration for the betterment ofour shared world and the lives of thechildren of Noah.”

In his address to the delegation thatpresented him the document, Pope Francisinvited them to continue on the path ofmutual knowledge and friendship, ending –before he offered his best wishes for theJewish New Year – with these words: “Thisis most important: may the Eternal Onebless and enlighten our cooperation, so thattogether we can accept and carry out everbetter his plans, ’plans for welfare and notfor evil’, for ’a future and a hope’ (Jer29:11).”

Between Jerusalem and RomeEuropean and American rabbis present a document on relations

between Jews and Catholics to Pope Francis

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The visits of the Grand Master

Proceedings of the Grand Magisterium

After having celebrated theInvestiture ceremonies atValletta (Lieutenancy for

Malta) on September 22-23 andBordeaux (Lieutenancy for France)from September 29 to October 1,the Grand Master Cardinal EdwinO’Brien, went to Echternach from20 to 21 October for the Investitureof the Lieutenancy forLuxembourg.

A few days later, members ofthe Grand Magisterium gathered inRome for their usual autumnmeeting chaired by His Eminence.The Grand Magisterium meetingwas also an opportunity to marktogether one of the most importantcelebrations of the Order, the feastof the Blessed Virgin Mary Queenof Palestine, for which the mostbeloved friends of the Order of theHoly Sepulchre joined the GrandMaster at the Palazzo della Rovere,headquarters of the GrandMagisterium, just a few steps fromthe Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome,where on the morning of the 25th

of October Mass was celebrated inhonor of the Patroness of the Order.

At the end of October, CardinalO’Brien returned to the UnitedStates to celebrate US MiddleAtlantic Investitures in Baltimore.Before being called to Rome to leadthe Order of the Holy Sepulchrethe Grand Master was theArchbishop of Baltimore.

The last appointments of the year see theGrand Master engaged in Europe andCentral America to preside at the Investiture

ceremonies for new members of the Order:in Gibraltar (November 18-19), Loreto(November 24-26) and Mexico City(December 1).

Around 40 new members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchrereceived investiture on September 30 in Bordeaux, includingCardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, archbishop of the diocese thathosted these celebrations of the Lieutenancy for France.Several hundred Dames and Knights gathered aroundCardinal Edwin O’Brien, Grand Master of the Order, andMsgr. Bernard-Nicolas Aubertin, currently in charge of theLieutenancy.

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The first regional meeting ofLieutenants and Magistral Delegatesof the region from South Africa

through Australia, New Zealand,Philippines, Guam and Taiwan was held inSydney, Australia on 28 July, 2017.

The meeting was attended by theLieutenants of the Philippines, Queensland,New South Wales, Victoria, South Australiaand Western Australia, the MagistralDelegate from Auckland New Zealand and arepresentative from Taipei, Taiwan.Unfortunately Guam and South Africa werenot able to attend. In the words of the GrandMaster’s message to the retreat: “Thisgathering is a sign of the growing strength ofour Order in your vast region of the world –

the first to greet the rising sun of the newday”. The region is indeed vast. 70 knightsand dames attended the event. Because ofthe great distances, regional gatherings arevery special events.

The meeting commenced with the prayerto Our Lady Queen of Palestine. A letterfrom the Governor General LeonardoVisconti di Modrone expressing his spiritualand personal support and best wishes forthis first regional meeting was circulatedand read to those assembled. The minutesfrom the previous meeting which was ameeting only of the Australian Lieutenantswere tabled and items not appearing in theagenda were dealt with.

The agenda discussed the spirituality of

The first regional meetingfor Australian and Pacific Rim

Lieutenancies of the Order

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the Order, in particular the formation ofnew members, and we agreed that a majortask for the future is the development of aprocess of formation for future Lieutenants.It is planned to bring possible candidates tofuture meetings to promote their formation.

We realized that spiritual activities ofindividual Lieutenancies are similar andrange from monthly Holy Masses with thesocial meeting after the Mass to annualseminar type meetings with visitingspeakers and an annual general meeting. Insome there is also the practice of prayingtogether the Rosary at the end of Mass.

We considered some means to improvethe level of donation which is significantlyretarded in Australia by the lack of any tax-deductible ability. We discussed as wellabout how to attract younger members andabout the importance of developing the fieldof communications. Locally speaking, some

Lieutenancies are producing a newslettereither quarterly or monthly of quite a highcalibre.

The idea of a unified national project ofsolidarity at the benefice of the Holy Landfor the five Australian Lieutenancies couldgive new impulse to the members and resultin an increase of the level of donations andthere was interest in the issue of the day carecenters for the children of foreign workers inIsrael and in the projects supporting theChristian refugees, particularly in Jordan.This idea will be further discussed.Everybody was very impressed by thecurrent project by the Lieutenancy for thePhilippines of having the priest in Amman,Jordan, to serve the Filipino migrant workerscommunity.

As a visit of the Grand Master to Australiaand New Zealand is anticipated in September2018, the Australian Lieutenants will meet in

Perth, Western Australia,at the end of April 2018.We chose to continue theregional meeting on anannual basis as occurs inEurope and NorthAmerica.

The Lieutenantsmeeting was then followedby a retreat(1). The meetingand retreat were highlysuccessful and it is plannedto have an Australiannational retreat for theOrder approximately everytwo years, the next beingin 2019.

Paul BartleyVice Governor General

for Asia and Pacific region

(1) An article about the retreatwill be published in theOrder’s annual magazine,scheduled for release in Spring2018.

The weekend of July 28 to 30, 2017, a retreat was preached by BishopGiacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Vicar for Jerusalem of the Latin Patriarchateof Jerusalem. The three days were a chance to reflect deeply on what itmeans to be Knights and Dames of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.Msgr. Marcuzzo expanded particularly on the importance of theResurrection, the need to pass through the Cross to experience a newlife in Christ and the special vocation for the members of the Order whohave such a direct bond to the Holy Land.

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Frank Hearns, Commander with Star ofthe Order of the Holy Sepulchre, hasbeen a member of Lieutenancy for Ire-

land since 2001. During his military careerhe was part of three United Nations peace-keeping missions in the Middle East and be-tween 1970 and 1972, Frank and his wifeMargaret lived in Jerusalem from wherethey often visited Syria. The sad situation inSyria and the devastating violence thatstruck the city of Aleppo has deeply movedthis couple and the conviction that cryingfor the children of this city was not enoughpushed Frank Hearns, Seamus Greenan andhis wife Nurse Mags Greenan – accompa-nied by Martin and Terry Treacy driving thesupport car – to embark on bicycle pilgrim-age from Dublin to Rome with the goal ofcollecting € 100,000 for this cause. Both

goals of their mission were achieved: thanksto the generosity of the members of Lieu-tenancy and other friends more than theoriginally hoped for amount was sent to theFranciscan friars and the Carmelite Sistersof Aleppo and on June 28 the three cyclistsreached Rome where they were greeted bythe Grand Master, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien,during the meeting of European Lieutenantswho were able to informally welcome andshare a convivial meal with these generousand audacious pilgrims.

A pilgrimageto helpAleppo

Irish cyclists welcomed last summer at Palazzodella Rovere, in Rome, by the Grand Master.

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The Feast of Our Lady of Palestine andthe meeting of the Grand Magisterium

On the evening of October 24, thevigil of the Feast of Our Lady ofPalestine, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien –

surrounded by members of the GrandMagisterium – delivered the highestrecognition of the Order, the Collar, to thenew Governor General, the AmbassadorLeonardo Visconti di Modrone. MonsignorAntonio Franco received the decoration ofKnight of Grand Cross and the Golden Palmof Jerusalem as well as the decree withwhich he is now appointed Assessor ofHonor of the Order from the hands of theGrand Master. The Grand Master alsoawarded the Golden Palm of Jerusalem toProfessor Giuseppe Dalla Torre del Tempiodi Sanguinetto, Knight of the Collar,nominating him Lieutenant General ofHonor.

The following morning, October 25, toliturgically celebrate the Patroness of theOrder, a Mass was celebrated by Cardinal

O’Brien at the tomb of the Apostle Peter, inthe presence of all the participants in theAutumn Grand Magisterium meeting whocarried the prayer intentions of theinhabitants of the Holy Land in their hearts.

During this Mass, concelebrated byMonsignor Pierbattista Pizzaballa, ApostolicAdministrator of the Latin Patriarchate ofJerusalem, the Grand Master invited themembers of his supreme council not to losesight of the Heavenly Jerusalem which isbuilt mainly thanks to the sanctity of “everyliving stone,” as all baptized are called to aprecise mission in God’s vast plan whereeveryone has their place. In the lateafternoon, Cardinal O’Brien received hisguests in the halls of the Palazzo dellaRovere, first among whom Secretary of StateCardinal Pietro Parolin.

During these two days of fraternity andgathering, members of the GrandMagisterium also worked on a very denseagenda.

Cardinal O’Brien, together with the Assessor ofHonour, the Lieutenant General of Honour, andthe new Governor General, all three decoratedby him during the recent Grand Magisteriummeeting.

During the Fall Session of the GrandMagisterium, the Grand Master presided atMass at the tomb of the Apostle Peter on thefeast day of Our Lady of Palestine, Patroness ofthe Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

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The GovernorGeneral shared hisexperience of hisofficial trip to theHoly Land at the endof the summer,rejoicing in thewelcome received bythe new pastoral andadministrative teamorganized by Msgr.PierbattistaPizzaballa. The smileson the faces of theyoung people he methas strengthened hiswill to commit himself to developing theOrder’s action in the service of dialogue andcoexistence in the Holy Land. GovernorGeneral Visconti di Modrone expressed hisdesire to establish priorities and to promotesynergies, as well as to visit all theLieutenancies during his mandate, with anemphasis on the importance of following theformation of new members.

Msgr. Pizzaballa, just over a year in hisduties, shared some important novelties,including the creation of a new pastoraloffice of the Patriarchate, primarilyresponsible for family issues. He also madeknown the administrative changes, inparticular the arrival of Palestinian ChristianSami El-Yousef as the first layman in chargeof financial issues in the diocese.

Speaking about the difficulties, hementioned, for example, the ongoingnegotiations with the Israeli Ministry ofEducation on the topic of subsidies toCatholic schools in Israel, and the problemin Jerusalem of Christian property whosesale in some cases threatens the equilibriumestablished by the Status quo. “Christians ofdifferent confessions seek to remain unitedin this unfavorable context,” the Archbishopstressed.

Sami El-Yousef later provided a clearaccount of the management of the LatinPatriarchate – announcing a nearly $ 13

million budget for 2018 – explaining that hewants to empower people at all levels inorder to advance on the path oftransparency. The audit carried out byDeloitte is an essential point of reference fornew operational and professional proceduresthat will facilitate the control of the deficit.In addition, a qualified lawyer will soon bechosen to advise the Patriarchate thatextends over a vast territory – Cyprus,Israel, Palestine, and Jordan – sinceeducation in particular is subject to the lawsof different jurisdictions.

Sami El-Yousef noted that 80% of thePatriarchate’s budget concerns schools, withnearly 20,000 students but less and lessChristians. A combination of factors explainsthis drop such as the fact that in schools thatdo not offer all levels of education, it is notpossible to complete the entire educationalprocess. The Patriarch hopes, therefore, tostrengthen existing structures rather than tocreate new ones. With regards the Beit JalaSeminary, where future priests are formed,and other pastoral institutions the economicsituation is positive.

Engineer Piercarlo Visconti presented theGrand Magisterium’s budget, underscoringthe great generosity of Germany and Italy,

Members of the Grand Magisterium worked on adense agenda on October 24 and 25.

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which lead donations after the UnitedStates. Asset management, as Dr. SaverioPetrillo explained in detail, gives the GrandMagisterium the security of a “reserve” fromwhich it can draw funds for unexpectedexpenses.

On behalf of the Grand Magisterium’sHoly Land Commission, ProfessorBartholomew McGettrick, explained that theincrease in teachers’ salaries in order toassure the quality of teaching in the schoolsof the Patriarchate, is a continuous effort

destined to last and to increase in the yearsto come. He then summarized ongoingprojects concerning the school and parishhouse in Jaffa of Nazareth, Israel, as well asthe church of St. Paul in Jubeiha, Jordan,where Engineer Adolfo Rinaldi went on aninspection mission this fall. The project ofmosaic and craft workshops – to give workto Christian refugees from the Middle Eastin Jordan – attracted the attention of theGrand Master, who asked the Order to stepup its communication of this subject.

Chancellor Alfredo Bastianelli pointed outthat the Grand Magisterium’scommunication media are increasinglysharing the initiatives that may interest allLieutenancies. He gave an example of theinnovative App created by the Lieutenancyfor Switzerland thanks to which theMembers Directory is automaticallyupdated.

Lastly, discussions turned to theupcoming Consulta in November 2018,which is being coordinated by LieutenantGeneral Agostino Borromeo, on the mandateof Cardinal O’Brien. This five-year eventwill be the occasion to study the newconstitution of the Order, soon to beapproved by the Secretariat of State of theHoly See.


During the annual Feast of the Blessed VirginMary, Queen of Palestine, the Grand Masterwelcomed guests to Palazzo della Rovere, firstamong them the Holy See Secretary of State,Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

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During this visit, the Governor General was able to spend time withhis hosts at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem – in Israel, Palestineand Jordan – focusing his attention on the ongoing projects

supported by the Order in the field of education, pastoral care and ministryfor refugees. This visit providentially took place during 170th anniversary ofthe restoration of the Latin Patriarchate and the reorganization of the Orderof the Holy Sepulchre by Pope Pius IX in the summer of 1847.

Before his departure, the Governor General had the opportunity to meetwith the Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem,Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, in order to prepare for his pilgrimage since theArchbishop was unfortunately in Rome for the meeting of the newly

From September 10 to16, 2017, Ambassador

Leonardo Visconti ofModrone, Governor

General of the Order ofthe Holy Sepulchre,

made his first officialvisit to the Holy Land.

He was accompaniedon this trip by a

delegation composed ofMsgr. Fortunato

Frezza, Master ofCeremonies of the

Order, ThomasMcKiernan, President

of the Holy LandCommission of the

Grand Magisterium,Professor BartholomewMcGettrick, member ofthe same Commission,and the author of this

report who is thedirector of the Order’s

Communication Officein Rome.

The new GovernorGeneral of the Ordermakes first official visitto the Holy Land

In Galilee, theGovernorGeneralinauguratesconstructionwork on anewkindergartenat the parishschool ofJaffa ofNazareth anda new priestresidence.

The Order and the Holy Land

appointed bishops.“Mabruk”: it is with this word of blessing,

pronounced in Arabic, that Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Patriarchal Vicar forJerusalem and Palestine, welcomed theGovernor General and the delegationaccompanying him, explaining that “thisword evokes the thanksgiving we owe forthe good that has been received as well asthe strength needed to do the good thatremains to be done.” “This is all I need,” saidAmbassador Leonardo Visconti of Modrone,eager to make the most of this trip to aidhim in the tasks that await him in his newposition.

The group then went to pray at the tombof the first two patriarchs of Jerusalemappointed after the restoration of thePatriarchate in the nineteenth century, Msgr.Giuseppe Valerga and Msgr. VincenzoBracco, entrusting to their intercession thesuccess of this visit to serve the “livingstones” of the Holy Land.

The first leg of the journey took them toJaffa of Nazareth, Galilee, where theGovernor laid the cornerstone for anaddition to the parish school and new priestresidence, made possible by the helpprovided by the Order. The new Chancellorof the Archdiocese, Father Ibrahim Shomali,the new director of administrative services,Sami El-Yousef, and Father Iyad Twal,director of the Patriarchate schools,

accompanied the delegation.In his speech, Father Hanna Kaldani,

recently appointed Patriarchal Vicar forIsrael and a member of the Holy Sepulchre,recalled the importance of this school for thefamilies of the region, particularly for theChristian community. Hundreds of local

authorities were present, including themayor of the city, all deeply honored thatthe Governor of the Order had come to meetthem. The Governor told them he wasparticularly “impressed by the smiles ofyoung students which convey a joy thatmakes us grow in the faith and encourages

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The GrandMagisteriumdelegation,accompanied bythe GovernorGeneral, wasreceived at theLatinPatriarchate byBishop Giacinto-BoulosMarcuzzo, NewPatriarchal Vicarfor Jerusalem.

The cornerstone and commemorative plaque inJaffa of Nazareth contains a tribute to themembers of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre forthe help offered to the school and the parish.


us to always serve people first.” The next day, the delegation met Joseph

Hazboun, director of the CNEWA - PontificalMission in Jerusalem, an organization thatrelies on the support of both theArchdiocese of New York and theCongregation for Oriental Churches. “SincePius XI founded CNEWA in 1926 and theestablishment of the Pontifical Mission byPope Pius XII in 1949, we have sought tohelp the Palestinian people, victims ofoccupation, striving to relieve their sufferingthrough actions that nourish hope in newgenerations, “said the director. AmbassadorVisconti di Modrone responded by sharinghis desire to create momentum fostering

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The mystery of the earthA testimony from Msgr. Fortunato Frezza, Master ofCeremonies of the Grand Magisterium of the Order

I have often wondered: What speaks more to us of mystery, a fertile,lush countryside, or an arid sandy expanse? A hill of olive trees and

vines or a rocky canyon?These terrains speak each in its own way, but the flowering of the

fields and the green of the hills have the charm of tender and friendlywords. Rather it is far more arduous to understand the harsh andrepulsive voice of rock, sand and cliff.

I was mulling these thoughts during the week from September 10 to16, when I was called to witness the first official visit of the newGovernor General of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre to theHoly Land, Count Leonardo Visconti di Modrone.

I knew well that in the Holy Land both terrains touch each other,extending each one into their own area. I knew the fertileness of thatgarden of Galilee, which is the plain of Esdrelon, as well as the harshsaltwater of the Dead Sea valley.

Yet I could hardly reconcile the two ends of that blessed land.And yet, coming down from Jerusalem to Jericho, I was convinced

that the repugnance of the rugged rock hides the mystery of the speechless gaze, of pure absoluteessential contemplation, free of the fascinated attraction for other things. And I was reminded that rightthere among that inhospitable aridity, the mystery of Samaritan charity (Luke 10, 30 and following) andthe mystery of love of enemy (Luke 6, 27 and following) were revealed by the Prophet of Nazareth, alove that is hard like a rock but also essential, a love which does not seek its own interest, a love whichdoes not take into account the evil received, but which pardons all and bears all things (1 Corinthians13, 4 and following)

And yet, once I climbed Mount Nebo, I saw an expanse like ashes, but I better perceived the voice inthe desert, even the mystery of the arid desert, but Promised Land. Moses, who had already seen therevelation of the Mystery, the fulfilment of the Promise (Deuteronomy 34) could end his journey there.

At that moment I thought of the new Governor General, who stood by me; I remembered all of us,Dames and Knights of our Order, experiencing a thrill of happiness: that land is also our Earth, whichconceals the mystery of “our” Sepulchre and keeps it in the depths of its arid and vibrant rock.

Msgr. Fortunato Frezza,Master of Ceremonies ofthe Grand Magisterium,shows to the GovernorGeneral the biblicalterritories in which theholy story of the people ofGod is rooted.

Brother Peter Bray, Lasallian religious andpresident of the University of Bethlehem, showsthe Governor General the Palestiniangeographic situation from the University terrace.

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coordination between all the initiatives thatencourage coexistence and dialogue in theHoly Land.

In this spirit, the Governor Generalwanted to stop at the University ofBethlehem. This institution is crucial foryoung Palestinian students with over 3000enrolled in the five faculties, including anursing school whose building is currentlybeing developed.

Lasallian Brother Peter Bray, president ofthe University, welcomed the GovernorGeneral and asked him to thank themembers of the Order who have sent aboutnine million dollars to support this “oasis ofpeace” over the last twenty years, allowingso many students to keep hope alive, despitethe separation wall and the “segregation”that cripples Palestinian territories stifled byunrelenting colonization. Because of the walland the restrictions on movement some ofthese young people have never been able togo to the Holy Sepulchre and have nevereven seen the sea that is only a few milesaway. From the university terrace we couldsee this disturbing and progressive“corralling” that seems to confirm a “strategyof chaos” destined to exasperate thepopulation – we were told – “just ashappened in Gaza.”

That afternoon the Governor General andthe delegation went deeper into Palestine, toBeit Jala, the town next to Bethlehem, whereFather Yacoub Rafidi, rector of the Seminary,and his team welcomed the delegation. “Youare part of our family,” said the rector,grateful for the regular aid provided by theOrder for the formation of future priests ofthe Patriarchate. This year there are nearlysixty seminarians, twenty of whom are inthe Minor Seminary.

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�Ambassador Leonardo Viscontiof Modrone together withFather Yacoub Rafidi, newrector of the Beit JalaSeminary, in front of the Marianicon of the chapel in which thefuture priests of the LatinPatriarchate pray every day.

Father Francesco Patton,Custos of the Holy Land,

together with the GovernorGeneral and two members ofthe Holy Land Commission of

the Grand Magisterium(Thomas McKiernan, president,

on the left and BartholomewMcGettrick on the right).

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“The mission of Monsignor Valerga, whofounded this institution in 1852, continueswith a missionary spirit, because we wantfaith in Christ to grow in the land of ourfathers, patriarchs and prophets,” addedFather Rafidi, showing the Icon of theSeminary, unique in its genre, representingthe Virgin holding the Child Jesus, dressedin cassock and surplice, in her arms.

The second day also included a meetingwith Father Francesco Patton fm, appointedCustos of the Holy Land a few months ago,who is close to the new ApostolicAdministrator of the Latin Patriarchate,Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the formerCustos. Father Patton welcomed theGovernor General to the headquarters of theCustody for their meeting, during which hedescribed the mission of the FranciscanFriars in the holy places over the past 800years. This, he said, was to preserve thepresence of Roman Catholicism during theperiod when the Patriarchate did not have aphysical representation.

From October 16 to 18 the celebrations ofthis anniversary were attended by CardinalLeonardo Sandri, Prefect of theCongregation for Oriental Churches andrepresentatives of the episcopal conferences

from around the world. Father Patton, with his extraordinary

natural authority, insisted on the urgentneed to help Christian families, especially bysupporting the education of young people,and found himself in agreement with theGovernor on the need to work towards a“global synergy” in this field, in order to

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“Institutions of Christiantransformation”

A testimony from Bartholomew McGettrick, member of the Holy LandCommission of the Grand Magisterium of the Order

In experiencing first hand the work of the Order to support the priorities of the Church it is encouragingto see attention being given to the formation of young people; enabling them to live worthwhile lives of

hope, of love and of justice.There are tensions in the area – the political context remains challenging. The “new leadership” that

is in place still faces the problems of the insecure governmental support for Christian schools; thetension of rational planning in a culture dominated by tribal interests; and reconciling the hope of theGospel with the pain of daily life. All this leads to a world that is spiritually fragile.

Yet, the parishes and schools do what they can. The University of Bethlehem is a beacon of hope andan oasis of peace; the Seminary at Beit Jala is a spring of spiritual optimism. These are institutions ofChristian transformation. Throughout the Holy Land there are many people who carry a spirit ofdedicated valour in bringing the Christian message to people of all faiths and the Order is justifiablyproud to support this.

Traditional dances welcome the GovernorGeneral to Naour, Jordan, where the Orderfunded the expansion of a Latin Patriarchateschool.

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strengthen the transmission of faith andChristian formation, a weak point and a“real problem”, unfortunately, found inmany educational institutions.

On Wednesday, the delegation headed toJordan for a two-day visit. Bishop WilliamShomali, Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan,welcomed the General Governor to Naour,on the great outskirts of Amman, for theinauguration of a kindergarten and a newclassroom wing in a parish school of thePatriarchate.

A festive welcome was provided by aband, traditional dances and a wide numberof people who came to represent theChristian community and to witness theblessing of the new rooms, underscoring theimportance of the event, which was widelyreported by local media.

In the Kingdom of Jordan, the CatholicChurch benefits from a rare stability in theregion: in Jordan Christians are far morenumerous than they are in Palestine orIsrael, which justifies important projectssuch as building new places of worship. TheGovernor General and the delegation visitedthe construction site of the parish church ofSt. Paul’s in Jubeiha, north of Amman, in aneighborhood where more and more

Christians have come to work in theJordanian capital. The parish communityalready has 1,500 families, that is, about7,000 people, and the completion of the newchurch is greatly anticipated. Theparishioners have shown how deeply theycare for this project through their ownfinancial gifts towards the initialconstruction work. The help of the Orderwill follow.

On Thursday, September 14, the feast ofthe Exaltation of the Holy Cross, theprogram included a pilgrimage to MountNebo from which Moses, before dying,could see the Promised Land. In this holyplace, entrusted to the Franciscan friars ofthe Custody, one recalls Moses’ staff onwhich was mounted a bronze serpent. Allwho were bitten by a serpent and looked at

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The Delegation of the Grand Magisterium andrepresentatives of the Patriarchate at theconstruction site of a church in Jubeiha on theoutskirts of the Jordanian capital, with thearchitect in charge of the work.

Meditation and prayer time on Mount Nebo,Jordan, where Moses contemplated thePromised Land towards which he had journeyedfor so long.



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the bronze serpent were healed: a sign ofanticipation of the cross of Christ that savesus from eternal death.

The delegation prayed on this mountain,facing Jerusalem, with the texts of theliturgy of the day that exalt the mystery ofour salvation, asking God to protect all theinhabitants of the Holy Land.

En route to Mount Nebo, the GovernorGeneral visited some Iraqi refugees workingin Madaba, 30 kilometers south of Amman,a Jordanian city with a large Christian

community. In a workshop, made up ofportable buildings, refugees make mosaicswhich are for sale. The Order participates inthe financing of these humanitarianactivities, together with Caritas and theFrench Embassy. Salam, a 31-year-oldrefugee who was wounded during an attackin Mosul and escaped from Qaraqosh withhis family, told us that it is easier for theSyrians to think of returning home afterDaesh’s defeat rather than for Iraqis, afraidof the instability that persists in theircountry. “Our faith in Christ is a solid rock,we have nothing but God,” Salam testified, aman whose words and face we will notforget.

Bishop Mauro Lalli, chargé d’affaires ofthe Nunciature in Jordan, invited thedelegation of the Order to dinner. He wasvery impressed by the work carried out inthe region by the Knights and Dames, “notjust to keep faith in the holy places but tonourish it.”

Returning to Jerusalem on Friday, theGovernor met with the Palestinian priestswith whom he had a frank and directdialogue during a lunch offered at the LatinPatriarchate. On that occasion, the Governorreceived an icon of Our Lady of Palestine,

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Listening to the “living stones”A testimony from Thomas McKiernan, a member of the Grand Magisterium

and president of the Holy Land Commission

When our members go on pilgrimage, especially for the first time, they generally visit the sacredshrines and sanctuaries. When the Holy Land Commission makes a site visit, it goes to examine the

projects being financed by the Order. This visit by The Holy Land Commission was a combination of bothprograms with an added dimension. The goal was to arrange a program that allowed for face to facedialogue, a style the Governor prefers, with individuals with whom he will work over the next several yearsand also include stops at sacred places and our current projects.

This objective was to visit not only the building stones but more importantly the living stones forwhom we have provided churches, schools and other structures. We did both in addition to meeting ourimportant partners at the Latin Patriarchate and others. Using a military metaphor we got “into thetrenches” and more.

The daily news will tell you there is very little to be happy about in the Holy Land and that is a topicfor a different reflection. During this visit I can honestly say there was not very little to be happy about;there was a lot to be happy about.

Some refugees at work making mosaics inMadaba, Jordan, in a center supported by theOrder.

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painted by one of the Little Sisters ofBethlehem and blessed in the afternoon byMsgr. Fortunato Frezza during thepilgrimage of the Delegation to the HolySepulchre for the feast of Our Lady ofSorrows.

At the end of the stay, the delegation metagain with Sami El-Yousef and his team,which included a pair of young Frenchvolunteers, Claire and Charles-EdouardGuilbert, who are in charge of the projectoffice. This afforded the group theopportunity to review the assistance theOrder provides. They reported on projectsthat have been completed, illustratedongoing projects and proposed futureprojects, all in a climate of deep confidence.These will be discussed at length during thenext meeting of the Grand Magisterium atthe end of October.

A final appointment before returning toRome allowed us to speak with ClaudioMaina, director of the Secretariat ofSolidarity, an office of the ApostolicNunciature. Its mission, in coordinationwith the Congregation for OrientalChurches, is to distribute aid to Catholicschools that do not belong to the LatinPatriarchate. He reported that someChristian families have difficulty in payingthe tuition fee. “Religious identity is lostand, too often, profitability is the workingprinciple. The Order must ensure that thetransmission of faith is not marginalized inschools that receive its support,” herecommended, echoing the Custos’reflection. In the Holy Land only 25% ofChristians profess to practice their faithwhile 55% of Jews and 65% of Muslims

practice their faith. The personal relationships established,

the insights received and the observationnoted during the week-long visit areimportant first steps for the GovernorGeneral to help orient him during these firstdays of his mandate. This will makecommunication with the Patriarchate easierin the years to come. This journeyundoubtedly opens up a new and promisingchapter in the collaboration between theOrder and the Church in the Holy Land.

François Vayne

On the day of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows,at the Holy Sepulchre, the members of theGrand Magisterium delegation carried all of theintentions of the Knights and Dames around theworld in prayer.

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Meeting of the Grand Magisterium delegationwith the project team of the Latin Patriarchateled by Sami El-Yousef, the new director ofadministrative services.

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XX N° 48 - FALL 2017NewsletterJERUSALEM CROSS

After twelve years serving Hebrewspeaking communities in theVicariate of St. James, Father David

Neuhaus asked the Apostolic Administratorof the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem to bereplaced in his duties, offering hisresignation on August 14. The Hebrew-speaking Catholic community and thepastoral for migrants is certainly representedby the faces of the many Christians fromdifferent regions of the world that renderthe Church of the Holy Land even moreuniversal. However, for many of us the faceof that community was also in many waysthat of Father David.

Father David is an Israeli Jesuit born inSouth Africa to a Jewish family and heconverted to Christianity at the age of 15.Strongly engaged in dialogue with theJewish world and with all communitiesliving in the Holy Land, he was in theforefront of supporting the rights of manyforeign workers, some of whom Christians,and migrants living in Israel. In particular,Father David gave an important boost to thecreation of kindergartens where youngermigrants could be safely welcomed. In thisimportant activity, it is nice to rememberhow other local realities have collaborated,

such as Unitaf, an Israeli NGO that tookadvantage of the approach of the RoshHashanah celebrations in mid-September tothank Father David for everything he hasdone down through the years and bid himfarewell.

On September 2, Archbishop PierbattistaPizzaballa announced the name of hissuccessor: Father Rafiq Nahra. Born in 1959in Ismailiya, Egypt, to a family of Lebaneseorigin, Father Rafiq emigrated from Egypt toParis where he entered the Seminary. Hecontinued his theological education in Romeand in 1992 he was ordained a priest in Parisby Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, a man ofthe Church of Jewish origin. In 2004 hemoved to Jerusalem where he immediatelystarted to serve the Vicariate of St. James.He recently completed his doctorate at theHebrew University in Hebrew Thought.Father Rafiq directs the Maison Lustiger inJerusalem, which belongs to the Diocese ofParis, but in recent years he has also been incharge of the Kehillah (Catholic Hebrew-speaking Community) in Jerusalem, inaddition to giving great support to thechildren of the migrant communities at the“Saint Rachel” Centre in Jerusalem.

800 years have passed since Fr. Elias daCortona landed at Acri. 800 years ofFranciscan presence, of their custody

of holy sites, pilgrimages and charitableactivities in the land of Jesus inspired by thecharisma of the poor man from Assisi. “Theseraphic Father Francis, in the Chapter of

Pentecost of May 1217, opened the Order tothe ‘missionary and universal’ dimension,sending his friars to all nations as witnessesof faith, fraternity and peace; and in thisway the Province of the Holy Land wascreated, initially referred to as ‘Overseas’ or‘of Syria’”: This is how Pope Francis

A time of changefor the Vicariate of St. James

800 years of Franciscan presencein the Holy Land

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summons the beginning of the Franciscanadventure in this part of the world in hismessage sent to Father Francesco Patton, thecurrent Custos of the Holy Land.

From October 16 to 18, celebrations forthis anniversary were held in Jerusalem, inparticular with the presence of the MinisterGeneral of the Order of the Friars MinorMichael Perry, the Prefect for theCongregation of the Oriental Churches,Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the ApostolicAdministrator of the Latin Patriarchate ofJerusalem, Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa andCustos of the Holy Land, Father FrancescoPatton.

In a homily delivered on October 17,Cardinal Sandri spoke of the mission of theCustody and how it fully carries forward theintuition of Saint Francis. As with theseraphic Father Francis, the Lord said to go

and reconstruct his Church, so theFranciscan fathers of the Holy Land arerequired to be guardians of the holy placesand this does not only imply the materialaspect of the custody of the sanctuaries. Asthe Holy Father emphasizes, renewing themandate of the Franciscan Friars, “I do notwish to forget, aside from the guardianshipand enlivenment of shrines, yourcommitment to the service of the localecclesiastical community. I encourage you topersevere gladly in supporting thesebrothers of ours, especially the poorest andweakest; in the education of young people –who often risk losing hope in a context thatis still without peace –; in welcoming theelderly and the care for the sick, living outthe works of mercy in a concrete way indaily life.”

The logo of the 800th anniversaryof the Franciscan presence in theHoly Land recalls the long voyage

of Saint Francis and hiscompanions through the waters of

the Mediterranean.

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The liturgical memory of BlessedBartolo Longo (1841-1926), which iscelebrated every year on October 5, is

dear to the Knights and Dames of the Orderof the Holy Sepulchre. The only lay memberof the Order to be beatified, Bartolo Longois an example for our members of constantprayer, active charity, and love for the mostneedy. From Pompeii, a city that he helpedregenerate thanks to the grace of recitationof the Rosary, the Blessed continues toinspire initiatives of prayer and charityworldwide.

For example, the New Galicia Section ofthe Lieutenancy for Mexico, organized aEucharistic celebration last October 5 in theChapel of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,seat of the Section in Guadalajara. Likethem, several other members celebrate thisrecurrence, taking the opportunity totrustingly seek the intercession of the

Blessed.Instead members of the Lieutenancy USA

North Central tell of the dedication of analtar to Blessed Bartolo Longo at theSanctuary of Our Lady of Pompeii, which isin Chicago, wanted and financed byvoluntary contributions of Knights andDames of this US Lieutenancy. This altar is areplica of the one inside which the body ofthe Blessed is placed under the altar at theShrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary inPompeii and contains an effigy of the Knightwearing the mantle of the Order. “We havebegun the process – they tell us from the USNorth Central Lieutenancy – to have thealtar recognized as the national sanctuary ofBlessed Bartolo Longo.”

To learn more about this importantspiritual figure, visit on our website the 2016special focus marking the jubilee pilgrimageof the Order to Pompeii.

For the first time in its history theLieutenancy for Portugal organized avolunteer program in the Holy Land

for a group of young Portuguese students.Over a period of three weeks, these youngpeople lived in the town of Saint MaryMagdalen where they helped theLegionaries of Christ in the construction ofthe Magdala Project.

At Magdala, the day begins early. The

alarm clock rings at 6:30 am and afterbreakfast, there is half an hour of prayertime before work begins. And thus, everyday for the group of dozens of volunteersfrom all over the world who came to helpbuild the dream of Magdala.

The spiritual journey of our youngpeople, always accompanied by the tirelessFather Timothy Meehan, L.C., as well ascontact local Christians and pilgrims of all

Celebrating the liturgicalmemory of Blessed Bartolo Longo

The Lieutenancy for Portugaland an experience of service

and prayer with young people

The Life of the Lieutenancies


On Friday, 13 October 2017, a celebration was held In St. Peter’s Basilica, presided bythe Papal Vicar for the Vatican City, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, to mark the closure ofthe centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Before the Mass, a great

procession in Via della Conciliazione brought together many members of the Order of theHoly Sepulchre for Central Italy,alongside the volunteers and thedisabled or sick of the UNITALSIpilgrimage association (the Roman -Lazio Section). Those taking part inthe event prayed a Rosary for Peacein the Middle East and in the wholeworld before the statue of Our Ladyof Fatima, blessed by Pope Francisat the beginning of his pontificate.

The closure of the centenary of theappearances of Our Lady of Fatima in Rome

nationalities made this stay trulyunforgettable

Today Magdala is far more than a hoteland a magnificent church on the shores ofGalilee. Following the discovery of a first-century synagogue, Magdala has become animportant pilgrimage site for Jews as well asfor Christians.

Hundreds of pilgrims arrive every dayand they need to be welcomed, given guidedtours, helped to prepare liturgicalceremonies, and given the possibility to buyrefreshments and souvenirs. Howeversuperficial these activities may seem, theyallow the dream of Magdala to becomereality. The work of volunteers makesMagdala’s millennial stones come to life!

The Lieutenancy for Portugal wanted thisvolunteer program to be accompanied by a

personal deepening of the faith, inaddition to contact with theinstitutions of the Catholic Churchin the Holy Land. In this regard,during the free moments,pilgrimages were organized to theHoly Places, always accompaniedby a Knight of the Order of theHoly Sepulchre.

Young volunteers also had theopportunity to meet some of the preeminentmembers of the Latin Church of Jerusalem,such as the two patriarchs emeritus,Archbishop Michel Sabbah and ArchbishopFouad Twal, Father Francesco Patton,Custodian of the Holy Land, as well as otherFranciscans and Priests of Latin Patriarchateof Jerusalem. This contact with the reality ofthe Holy Land rendered the mission of ouryoung volunteers something truly special.

At the end of this rich experience withthe reality of our Mother Church and withChristians of Jerusalem, living stones on thepaths walked by Jesus Christ, our youngpeople returned home with a heart filledwith joy and the desire to always be presentin the Land in which God was made man.

Tiago Teles de Abreu

Young volunteers – who came to serve for a pastoral projectthanks to the Order’s Lieutenancy for Portugal – togetherwith the Custos of the Holy Land.

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XXIV N° 48 - FALL 2017Newsletter

The sacred places in the Holy Landbring us back to the foundationalevents of our faith that have happened

there. The great room on the upper floor, ofwhich the Gospels and Acts of the Apostlesspeak to us, the Cenacle, has a peculiarfeature: it has seen the occurrence of severalevents that today continue to speak to eachof us and to the whole Church.

It is here that Jesus celebrated the lastsupper with his apostles, where the washingof the feet took place; where the apostlesexcept Thomas saw the Risen Jesus; it washere that Jesus appeared a week later also toThomas, and finally, it is here where theHoly Spirit fell on Mary and on the Apostlesgathered on Pentecost. Many events in thesame place have led Monsignor Peter J. Vaghito more profound reflection on the greattreasure that this room still has to give to ustoday. His book, “Three moments to changeyour life. Meeting God in the Upper Room,”wants to be not only an invitation to re-readthe biblical texts that tell us about the eventsof the Cenacle but a real spiritual instrumentthat helps us to “be in touch again and againwith our God who lives and moves in ourvery midst, the God of the Upper Room. Justlike the apostles, each one of us needs tospend some time in the upper room in our

own hearts, drawing close to God in prayer”.That is why each of the fourteen chapters ofthis book end with a paragraph devoted topersonal reflection, preparing the UpperRoom, in our own heart, to meet with God.

This place, this room, has been carefullythought out and chosen by Jesus for the lastsupper, as the Gospels tell us, and it did notjust “happen” that Jesus and his discipleswere there for this last intimate meal theyshared before of the Master’s Passion. And ifthe physical site was important to those wholived, walked and followed Jesus in hisearthly life, to the point that they remainedconnected even after his death, this is theplace where the Church we form was bornand where the sacraments of the Eucharist,of the Order and of Reconciliation weredelivered to Her.

Msgr. Vaghi concludes his book onPentecost: “Until now, the events of theUpper Room have taken place in private. ButPentecost changes everything“ (103). Theapostles open the doors and becomewitnesses of Christ in the power of the HolySpirit. This is also our destiny and ourcalling, supported by the example and thebenevolent gaze of the first to have acceptedthis mission: Mary of Nazareth, Mother ofGod and our Mother. Elena Dini

Meeting God in the Upper RoomThe Grand Master, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien, recommends therecently published book “Meeting God in the Upper Room” by

Msgr. Peter Vaghi. “It is an exceptionally good and timely spiritualreading for our English-speaking members.”

[email protected] @GM_oessh

ordo equestris sancti sepulchri hierosolymitani





