
Oral Presentation Impromptu No unity, coherence, fluency, and information Memorized Unnatural, mechanical, no personality Reading No eye contact Extemporaneous Natural, conversational Control of material Attention to audience Preparing Extemporaneous Speech Identify and analyze your audience Who are they? How much of the topic is already known to them? Limit topic based on audience Will this topic be relevant/useful to them? How? Why? Gauge your knowledge of the subject How much of the subject do you already know? How much do you need to know for the presentation? Preparing Extemporaneous Speech Plan your presentation Determine purpose Find out time allowed Select effective supporting information Choose an appropriate organization Prepare an outline Select appropriate visual aids Prepare a suitable introduction and closing summary Leave adequate time for question and answer Anticipate audience questions Preparing Extemporaneous Speech Practice your delivery Choose representative audience Give the speech Find areas for improvement Content, organization, visuals, style, body language, projection Revise the speech Preparing Extemporaneous Speech Delivery of the report Maintain natural body movement and gesture Speak with confidence, conviction, authority Focus on volume, tone, speed, pronunciation Keep eye contact Be alert to feedback Be concise Summarize Signal transition Have time for question and answer Field questions Engaging Audience Hook audiences on three levels Intellectual Emotional Sensory Kevin Struck, Communicating in a Sound Bite World, Communication World (Dec.2001/Jan.2002) Engaging Audience Intellectual engagement Get to the point quickly Support points with lively facts Immediately transition to next point Keep brains stimulated with questions, outlandish statements, quotations, analogies, slogans, or mottos Engaging Audience Emotional engagement Tell stories, using humor/inviting audience participation Encourage people to share their experiences/frustrations Engaging Audience Sensory engagement Make eye contact Use visuals Vary the rhythm of your speech Engage audience in a physical activity
