Page 1: Options Information Year 8 - 9 2018 - 21 Booklet 3: · PDF fileThe course provides an excellent route into A Level design subjects and other Level 3 Manufacturing, Creative and Media,


Options Information

Year 8 - 9

2018 - 21

Booklet 3: Options

Page 2: Options Information Year 8 - 9 2018 - 21 Booklet 3: · PDF fileThe course provides an excellent route into A Level design subjects and other Level 3 Manufacturing, Creative and Media,




This booklet will help you to consider the content of the Options subjects which are available to you. You

should consider all the advice given to you in the ‘Key information’ booklet and speak to all your teachers

for advice before making your choices.

Please remember:

We will do our very best to give you’re your first preference, however, you need to choose three

possible options in case courses do not run.

Consider the location of the course.


Contents Page

Introduction and Contents 2

Art and Design 3

Business Studies 4

Computer Science 5

Construction 6

Design and Technology 7

Engineering 8

Food Preparation and Nutrition (GCSE) 9

Food: NCFE 10

Health and Social Care 11

Music 12

Performing Arts 13

PE 14

Photography 15

Statistics 16

Other subjects, such as Geography, History, RE, Languages, I-Media can all be

taken as options but the information is not duplicated in this booklet – it can

be found in Booklet 2.

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Year 9 + 10 Skills

The first year course provides an opportunity for students to gain a wider understanding of art and to develop their

individual artistic skill. The study will enable students to make connections between their own work and the work of

others and also provide a greater understanding of why and how art is created.

As part of the course students will be required to produce a sketchbook of studies based upon a chosen subject.

Students will be expected to research, identify, create and make critical judgments using specialist vocabulary. A range

of media for working in two and three dimensions will be explored and reviewed, as their work progresses to a final


Year 11 Art + Design GCSE

Pupils are given time to develop a range of 2d and 3d visual language skills including drawing, painting, print making

and 3d. These initial studies will help to provide pupils with the skills they need to produce the best possible work for

the coursework element. As part of the course you will be required to use your direct experiences, observations and

imagination to develop ideas for your work. You will be expected to investigate research, identify, react to art, craft

and design and make critical judgments using specialist vocabulary. A range of media for working in two and three

dimensions will be explored, reviewed, modified and refined as it progresses to a final outcome.


a. Examinations - 40% of your final GCSE grade

You will work in school on a piece of work set by the exam board. This requires you, working unaided, to conceive,

design, organise and complete the work, over a fixed period of time from a given starting point.

b. Coursework - 60% of your final GCSE grade

Coursework element will be in the form of 1 completed project which will take place over 15 weeks from September

to December in Y11. You will be required to satisfy all 4 objectives to show evidence of your achievements, this will

include painting and drawing, using a range of materials, 3d design, developing ideas and researching artists, using

new media and digital photography.


This course will help those interested in the specialist areas of art in fashion, communication, theatre, graphics,

textiles, fine art, 3 dimensional design, product design, architecture, digital media etc.

Art, when studied with other subjects, can open up career possibilities in a wide variety of areas, for example, art with

aspects of the sciences can create career opportunities in conservation and restoration. The ability to think creatively

is essential to many aspects of study and work.

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The arts are crucial in a balanced curriculum. Intuition, creativity, sensibility and practical skills are among the areas

explored and developed in the arts. Creative work has a lot to do with serious and sustained effort. This involves a

respect for standards, self-discipline, initiative and knowledge as well as the ability to work independently.



The new specification is exciting and innovative and allows students to explore business activities for

themselves. Working successfully in teams, is a vital part to any business and students will present many of

their ideas and learning outcomes as team projects. To make learning more relevant, employers will be

engaged to support and give input to lesson topics. In addition, a number of visits to local and national

employers such as Landrover, Chester Zoo and Cadbury, will give students the opportunity to see for

themselves, how businesses operate.


The course concentrates on the key issues and skills involved in enterprise. It provides a framework to consider the marketing, financial, human and operational issues involved in starting and running a small, local business through to larger private and public limited companies operating in national and global markets. It also considers the impact of the wider world on the success and failure of a business.

Students need to appreciate that organisational success requires an understanding of the business as a

whole; how different departments working together and the relationship between the business and

customers can make the difference between success and failure.


2 External Examinations (Summer Year 11):

Theme 1: Investing small business – 50%

Theme 2: Building a business – 50%


Throughout our lives, we take on a combination of business roles from customer, to employee, to manager,

even to employer and possibly owner. Ultimately, we will all be involved in business. Developing awareness

and understanding of how businesses work, will provide evidence of the skills and knowledge required by

any employer. Overall, this course provides students with valuable skills for any future career choices and

indeed, valuable life skills for becoming independent.


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This course would suit any pupils who enjoy and have the discipline to work as part of a team. Investigating

‘real’ businesses through personal contact with employers and visits to business premises are a compulsory

requirement of this course.

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AQA GCSE Computer Science (Single GCSE)

EXAM LEVEL: AQA GCSE Computer Science (Single GCSE)


This course, which is the only specification in Computer Science that is supported by Microsoft, will provide

students with the opportunity to create applications that run on mobile devices and operate on the web.

In addition, they will learn how to create simple computer games as well as gain an understanding of the

fundamental concepts around creating software applications. This course has been designed to help pupils

build up the skills necessary to break into the gaming, mobile and web-related industries.


Component 1 – Computational thinking and problem solving

Computational thinking, problem solving, code tracing, and applied computing as well as theoretical

knowledge of Computer Science from subject content.

Component 2 – Computing programming theory

Theoretical knowledge from subject content including Computer Systems, computer networks, cyber

security, software development and legal issues.

Component 3 – Solving a practical programming problem

A practical problem-solving task that will incorporate a programming language being utilised by the pupil in

order to solve a given problem. Students will produce a report outlining this development.


Component 1 Computational thinking and

problem solving

External examination 1:

1 hour 30 minutes


Component 2 Computer programming


External Examination: 2:

1 hour 30 minutes


Component 3 Solving a practical

programming problem

Internally assessed




The growth in the use of mobile devices and web-related technologies has exploded, resulting in new

challenges for employers and employees. This course, the only one supported by Microsoft, has been

designed specifically to provide the foundation of skills and knowledge necessary for pupils to progress

into the gaming, mobile and web-related industries. The importance of Computer Science as a discipline in

itself and as an ‘underpinning’ subject across science and engineering is growing rapidly and there is a

growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area.


This course would suit any pupil who enjoys problem solving and analysis. Pupils who excel in ICT should

speak to Mrs Moorhouse or Mr Quigley to discuss the option.

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INTRODUCTION The BTEC Level 1/2 Award in Construction (equivalent to one GCSE A*- G grade) allows pupils to gain skills and knowledge linked to working in the Construction industry. This qualification also promotes the development of wider employment skills emphasising the importance of appropriate conduct, behaviour and communication skills within the construction sector. There are several features of this qualification that make it very appealing to its target learners:

75% coursework (split over 3 units); assessment is through the building up of a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that all the assessment criteria have been met.

25% exam (unit 1)


Unit 1: Construction Technology (exam)

Unit 2: Construction and Design

Unit 3: Scientific and Mathematical Applications for Construction

Unit 6: Exploring Carpentry and Joinery Principles and Techniques

This is a level 2 qualification, graded at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*.


The Construction course will help you develop a range of skills and knowledge to be able to work within the Construction industry and progress onto Level 2/3 courses at College or with industry training providers. There are a wide number of job opportunities including Bricklayer, Plumber, Joiner, Carpenter, Plasterer, Roofer etc. Even if a career in Construction is not followed, there are a variety of transferable skills that you will learn on the course

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EXAM LEVEL: AQA (9-1) Design and Technology GCSE


The brand new GCSE in Design and Technology is an exciting and challenging course which combines all areas of Design Technology (Electronics, Product Design, Textiles and Graphics).

The new course will build on all the skills students have developed in Years 7 and 8 but will of course include a wealth of new ones. Students will learn and develop a range of skills to help them think and communicate their own ideas creatively. They will be expected to respond to real world problems through their own innovative and creative design solutions. This course will prepare students with a 21st century understanding of the world using new technologies such as a laser cutter and 3D printer plus much more.

GCSE Design Technology combines a wide range of subjects and life skills in a creative and practical way. It allows students to develop problem solving skills and encourages students to use and apply technical knowledge from all areas of the curriculum. The new GCSE qualification has strong links with Maths, Science and Engineering, encouraging students to design and make new products for an ever changing world.

Students will study a range of materials including wood, metal, plastics, paper, textiles, carbon fibre and electronics. They will be given the opportunity to select these materials to solve a range of design challenges which are in context to the world around us.

Practical work will be used to inspire students to explore materials and processes, they will be encouraged to work independently and take creative risks to design and develop products and prototypes.

The controlled assessment will allow students to still work in one “main” specialist area, with a choice of either timber-based products or graphic design projects, depending upon which option is chosen


The controlled assessment and examination are equally weighted at 50% each. The controlled assessment will be based on areas such as “improving social and living spaces” through interior design, and “responding to the unexpected” through design and prototyping. Under these headings examination boards will provide a range of Design Briefs of which students will work towards.


The course provides an excellent route into A Level design subjects and other Level 3 Manufacturing, Creative and Media, Textiles. Further progression post-18 will lead to careers in architecture, engineering, graphic design, web design, electrical engineering, textiles design, car design, animation, furniture making and industrial design. Students contemplating any practically based hands-on learning course can benefit from studying the new Design Technology GCSE.

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BTEC Technical award in Engineering Level 1 / 2

EXAM LEVEL: BTEC (Equivalent to one GCSE 9 - 1)


This BTEC course is a modular course consisting of 3 components. Component 1 and component 2 are worth 30 credits and component 3 is worth 40 credits. Component 3 is a task set and marked by Pearson, completed under supervised conditions (exam). The set task is made up of two parts and will be completed in two hours for Part 1 and one and a half hours for Part 2. Both parts of the set task are completed during a one-week period timetabled by Pearson.

Component 1 Exploring engineering sectors and design applications

Learners will explore the links between the various engineering sectors and the role of design in the production of engineered products.

Component 2 Investigating an engineering project

Learners will investigate the selection of materials, proprietary components, making processes and disassembly of a given engineered product. They will plan, reproduce, inspect and test a single component.

Component 3 (Exam) Responding to an engineering brief

Learners will investigate and create solutions to problems in response to given engineering briefs. This component builds on the knowledge and skills students have learned in Components 1 and 2 and is synoptic.


This BTEC course is 60% coursework and an exam, which is to take place in the February of the final year of

study. Resits will be available during summer of final year. The coursework assessment is through written

and practical assignments.

This is a level 1 / 2 qualification, graded D*- L1P


This course combined with GCSE Maths, English and Science at 4 or above provides opportunities for

learners to progress to either academic or more specialised vocational pathways in Engineering.

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This new GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students’ practical cooking skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition. Students will be qualified to go on to further study, or embark on an apprenticeship or full time career in the catering or food industries. The assessment is 50% external exam 50% controlled assessment (coursework). Subject content A great deal of the course will be taught through practical sessions to ensure a greater understanding of the working characteristics of different food materials. Students will understand the relationship between diet and health. The students will develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical processes as well as the nutritional content of food. There will be a wide range of cookery skills learned using a wide variety of ingredients. Students will develop a clear understanding of food safety and hygiene considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food. The course embraces and emphasises understanding and enjoyment of British and international ingredients and cuisines. Students will be given the opportunity to apply this knowledge both in their cooking and theory sessions. Assessments: Written Exam: Food preparation and nutrition Tests theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition. 1 hour 45 minutes taken in the summer of Year 11 Two controlled assessments: The tasks are set by the OCR exam board to be completed in Year 11 Task 1: 15% of GCSE Food Investigation set in September of Year 11 Understanding the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical investigations set by the exam board are different each year but will relate to commodities to explore the properties of ingredients. Task 2: 35% of GCSE Food preparation assessment set in November of Year 11 Students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will plan, prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours for a set task. For further information please contact Mrs Jennings There is detailed information available on the website

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NCFE Level 1 / Level 2 Certificate in Food and Cookery

V Certs are a suite of high quality technical qualifications which are appropriate for students who are motivated and challenged by learning through hands-on experience and through content which is concrete and directly related to those experiences.

Working in food or cookery requires a passion for food, an understanding of how it impacts on the body and a wide range of culinary skills.

Food and Cookery: Students who study in this field will develop transferable skills such as planning, communication, problem solving and health and safety practices. Studying an NCFE qualification in food and cookery and its related industries will help students understand the sector and work on their own skills in a practical, hands-on way.

The NCFE Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates in Food and Cookery are designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding of using different cooking techniques and methods required for further study, apprenticeships or career in food and cookery.

Qualification Title: NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Food and Cookery or NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Food and Cookery Total Qualification Time (TQT) Level 1: (GLH) 120 plus a 50 minute external assessment Level 2 : (GLH) 120 plus 2 hours for the external assessment Qualification Overview • Prepare and cook using basic skills. • Understand food and its functions in the body and in recipes. • Understand balanced diets and modification of recipes for health. • Plan and produce dishes for a purpose. • Ensure a safe and hygienic environment. Qualification structure and how to achieve: Level 1 Unit - 1 Preparing to cook (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Unit - 2 Understanding food (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Unit - 3 Exploring balanced diets (Externally assessed through a 50 minute written exam paper) Unit - 4 Plan and produce dishes in response to a brief (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Level 2 Unit - 1 Preparing to cook (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Unit - 2 Understanding food (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Unit - 3 Exploring balanced diets (Externally assessed through a 2 hour written exam paper) Unit - 4 Plan and produce dishes in response to a brief (Internally assessed portfolio of evidence) Students who achieve the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Food and Cookery could progress to: • Advanced A Level in Design and Technology: Food Technology • Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery (Preparation and • Cooking) Certificate in Hospitality and Catering Principles • Professional Cookery Studies.

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INTRODUCTION The BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care (equivalent to one GCSE 9 - 1 grade) allows pupils to gain skills and knowledge linked to working in Health and Social Care. This qualification promotes the development of wider employment skills emphasising the importance of appropriate conduct, behaviour and communication skills within the health care sector. There are several features of this qualification that make it very appealing:

66% coursework (split over 2 components); assessment is through the writing of 4 assignments to demonstrate that all the assessment criteria have been met.

34% exam (component 3) to be taken in Year 11 This is a level 2 qualification, graded at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*. COURSE DESCRIPTION

Component 1: Human Lifespan Development

Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values

Component 3: Health and Wellbeing (exam on all 3 components)

To achieve each unit all assessment criteria within the unit must be achieved.

CAREER VALUE There are a wide number of job opportunities linked to Health and Social Care such as child care, adult and child carer, adult and child social work. College courses, training or apprenticeships within the Health and Social Care sector are a growing field. Even if a career in Health and Social Care is not followed, there are a wide variety of transferable skills that you will learn on the course. You will be able to effectively communicate with others and be competent in organisation and independence which are extremely desirable to employers in any work place.

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EXAM LEVEL: GCSE Music (Eduqas)


The study of music at GCSE is open to all students regardless of their musical experience or expertise.

The course has three elements:

1. Composition 30%: Students will develop compositional techniques. There are two compositions to be submitted>

One composition linked to the exam areas of study.

One composition free style of your choice

Many of the Composition ideas have already been studied in Years 7 & 8 and will be further developed at

GCSE level.

2. Performance 30%: Students will perform between 4 and 6 minutes of music. This must include at least one solo and one ensemble. This must all be recorded in Year 11.

One individual performance (this can include Technology) and

One group performance.

3. Understanding Music 40%:

A formal exam of up to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Students will answer questions related to four areas of


Musical Devices and Forms

Musical Ensembles

Film Music

Popular Music

There are two set works, which will make up 25% of the exam: ‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusik: Movement III’ by

Mozart and ‘Since You’ve been gone’ by Rainbow.

Entry Requirements:

It is important to be able to play an instrument or sing to participate on this course.

Progression Route



A Level Music Technology

BTEC in Performing Arts

BTEC in Music

Any job in the Arts Industry (One

of the UK’S Biggest Employers)

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EXAM LEVEL: A BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts is equivalent to ONE GCSE grade A* - C.


The BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts is a practical introduction to the life and work within the industry of

Performing Arts. You will get to explore the sector whilst:

Devising and delivering your own workshop performances to both studio and external audiences

Developing specific skills and techniques (associated with acting, dance, or musical theatre)

Analysing, evaluating and enhancing further your skills.

The course is made up of 2 internally assessed components and one that’s externally assessed.

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts to get a taste of what it is like to be a professional actor, dancer or musical theatre performer. You will observe and reproduce existing repertoire, as well as explore:

Performance styles, creative intentions and purpose

Performance roles, responsibilities and skills

Performance techniques, approaches and processes

How practitioners create and influence what is performed

Component 2: Developing skills and techniques within the chosen disciplines of acting,

dance or musical theatre.

You will:

Gain Physical, interpretative, vocal and

rehearsal skills during workshops and


Apply their technical, stylistic and

interpretative skills in performance

Reflect on your progress and use of

skills in performance, as well as how

they could be improved

Component 3: Performing to a set brief, you will consider how practitioners adapt their skills for different context, and put this into practice in a performance. You will work in groups of between 3 to 7 members.

You will:

Use the brief and what you’ve learnt to come up with ideas for the performance

choose the skills and techniques you’ll need

Build on your skills in workshops, classes and rehearsals

Review the development process within an ideas and skills log

Perform a piece lasting between 10-15minutes (that is filmed) to your chosen target audience

Reflect on the performance in an evaluation report

Internal Assessment

Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Weighting: 30% of the qualification

Internal Assessment

Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Weighting: 30% of the qualification

External Assessment

Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Weighting: 40% of the qualification

DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT: Regular attendance is essential in this course as 80% of the assessment takes place during

timetabled day and twilight sessions. If you are not there, your progress cannot be mapped and evidenced and

therefore you are very likely to fail.

CAREER VALUE: There are a number of options available. You can revert back to the more traditional route of AS /

A2 Level courses (such as Performance Studies, Theatre Studies, Film studies etc.) or continue the vocational route,

progressing onto the BTEC National Diploma (equivalent to 3 A Levels). Performing Arts Courses open doors to a

vast variety of careers, including hundreds of jobs within the industry itself (which is one of the biggest employers in

the country). Employers are increasingly demanding excellent communication skills, creative problem-solving

abilities, motivation, commitment, willingness to work cooperatively, the ability to work independently, self-

confidence and time management; all of which will be highly developed during this course.

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Exam Board: Edexcel

Note: This is not an easy option – there is a substantial amount of written classwork and homework for

this course. Of the 5 timetabled lessons, 3 will be classroom based written work and 2 will be practical.

Students must attend at least 2 extra-curricular clubs each week to contribute to their practical score.


In this course, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of Physical Education and physical

activity, in relation to balanced healthy lifestyles. This includes how and why people take part in physical

activity, exercise and fitness, personal health and well-being.

Students will also develop their knowledge and understanding of how a healthy, active lifestyle contributes

to the growth and development of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Students’ performance will be assessed in three from a specified list possible choices with one being a

team sport, one an individual and the final either team or individual.

Component Assessment Content overview

Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems

Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 36% of the qualification 90 marks

Topic 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology Topic 2: Movement Analysis Topic 3: Physical Training Topic 4: Use of Data

Component 2: Health and Performance

Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes 24% of the qualification 70 marks

Topic 1: Health, Fitness and Well-being Topic 2: Sport Psychology Topic 3: Socio-cultural Influences Topic 4: Use of Data

Component 3: Practical Performance

Internally marked and externally moderated 30% of the qualification 90 marks (30 marks per activity)

Three physical activities from a set list, containing at least one team and one individual activity

Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP)

Internally marked and externally moderated 10% of the qualification 20 marks

Aim and planning analysis Carrying out and monitoring the PEP Evaluation of the PEP


Regular sport participation through extra-curricular clubs, school sport, or local club sport.

Pupils must be prepared to take part in regular extra-curricular school clubs as part of this course

It is advantageous to be highly skilled in at least two sports.


Future Pathways: A-Level PE, BTEC (National) Sport development & coaching

Possible Careers: Sports Coaching; Sports Development; Teaching; Nutrition; Physiotherapy; Sports

Medicine; Sports Policy; Sports Science; Leisure Industry; Sports Psychology.

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The first year course provides an opportunity for students to gain a wider perspective of the skills and

processes surrounding photography. The first year will develop technical knowledge and understanding of

photography including printed photography, digital photography, photo montage, black and white

photography, colour photography and computer manipulated photography.

As part of the course students will be required to produce a digital sketchbook of studies based around a

set project. Students will be expected to investigate, research, identify, react, and make critical judgments

using specialist vocabulary. A range of techniques using lens based media will be used including film, video

and animation. As part of the course students will complete a live project with a local design team.


a. Examinations - 40% of your final GCSE grade

You will work in school on a piece of work set by the exam board. This requires you, working unaided, to

conceive, design, organise and complete the work, over a fixed period of time from a given starting point.

b. Coursework - 60% of your final GCSE grade

Coursework element will be in the form of 1 completed project which will take place over 15 weeks from

September. You will be required to satisfy all objectives to show evidence of your achievements; this will

cover a range of techniques using lens based media


This course will help those interested in the specialist areas of art in fashion, communication, theatre,

graphics, textiles, fine art, photography, product design, architecture, digital media etc.

Photography, when studied with other subjects, can open up career possibilities in a wide variety of areas,

for example, art with aspects of the sciences can create career opportunities in conservation and

restoration. The ability to think creatively is essential to many aspects of study and work.

The arts are crucial in a balanced curriculum. Intuition, creativity, sensibility and practical skills are among

the areas explored and developed in the arts. Creative work has a lot to do with serious and sustained

effort. This involves a respect for standards, self-discipline, initiative and knowledge as well as the ability

to work independently.

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GCSE (9-1) Statistics qualification incorporates numerous examples of real-life data and contexts, which build skills that students will use in other subjects, such as science and geography. Based on the principles of the statistical enquiry cycle, students gain a rounded understanding of how to interpret and apply data to a number of scenarios, both across subjects and in the real world.

GCSE Statistics is the natural partner for reinforcing techniques in GCSE Mathematics and supporting progression to A level.


The examination is split into two evenly weighted papers that focus on the same content and skills. This gives students and teachers an opportunity after the first paper to reflect on the areas they need to work on in order to strengthen performance in the second paper.

Paper 1 and Paper 2 are equal in time, weighting and assessment objectives

Written examination. 1hr 30mins 50% of the qualification (80 marks)

Both papers focus on the same content and assessment objectives

Range of content Assessment overview

1. The collection of data.

2. Processing, representing and analysing data.

3. Probability.

The papers contain short, medium and extended response questions. Questions cover statistical methods, familiar and unfamiliar contexts and the component parts of the statistical enquiry cycle. Calculators may be used in both examinations.


Statistics is everywhere around us. It allows us to make important decisions in life and a great skill to have to help you win those arguments with friends, family and classmates. Throughout the GCSE Statistics programme, students are encouraged to think about 'the bigger picture' of modern statistics logically and analytically. These fundamental statistical and lateral thinking skills are useful across all kinds of disciplines and careers.

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GCSE Statistics could lead on to further study in Statistics at A-level or other related subjects such as Maths, Further Maths and the Social Sciences. It could lead to higher study in subjects such as: Computer Science, Biochemical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Anthropology, Geography, Engineering, Medical Science, Psychology, Sociology, Linguistics, Politics, Economics, Law, Accountancy and Management.
