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Optimization and

EngagementMasquerade Theatre Arts School

Sean Borg

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The Masquerade Theatre & Arts School was founded in 1997. It is a local Maltese

company founded by Anthony Bezzina and Veronica Bezzina with the aim of offering tuition to

 people interested in the performing arts as well as producing a number of productions ranging

from musicals, to classic plays to side-splitting comedies. The organization has recently opened a

new state of the art building attracting more students as well as building the Masquerade brand

equity. Tuition is targeted at youngsters, mainly teenagers and children from the ages of 5 -18.

Masquerade operates in a society whereby the arts are seen as something that is secondary to

school or as an extra –  curricular activity. Therefore a theatre arts school is hard to sell in Malta

as most people see it as a vocation that offers very little opportunity in Malta. In fact most of the

more promising students of Masquerade have had to leave the country to further their studies in

colleges abroad and to look for more rewarding and satisfying work (Bezzina, 2013).

There are many different classes that one may take or send their children to. These are

 based mostly on the syllabus requirements of an external examination board, the British Trinity

Guildhall board. Students can take classes that will prepare them for Drama & Speech, Acting

Skills, Musical Theatre, Communication Skills and Performing Arts at all levels with a national

diploma being the highest level one can reach. An examiner from the school in London is flown

over and students are assessed by this representative from the Trinity Guildhall School (Trinity,


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It is a privately owned organization whose revenue model depends greatly on the number

of students attending and the classes given throughout each term. Cash also comes in from the

various shows that they put up –  from ticket sales to advertising in booklets of that particular

show. This gives them the opportunity to target a wide variety of theatre goers of any age

depending on the type of production that they put up. Customers of the school are children and

therefore most of the marketing must be appealing to the parents as they are the paying party.

Other customers also include adults that are looking to take a performing arts class, be it drama,

singing or dance. They have also included a work out class aimed at attracting more adult

customers of any age that wish to keep fit and burn calories in a fun way through dance called

Dance Fit. The organization also offers corporate training which is a business to business model

aimed at other companies by organizing workshops for employees to enhance creativity &

communication tailor made for the company’s particular needs and wants. The final sector that

masquerade targets is parties and events that can be animated by their animation team. Their

employees are experience performers both Maltese as well as foreign (Bezzina, 2013).

Masquerade has already formed a couple of business partners. Such partners include its

endorsement of the Trinity Guildhall Syllabus and examination opportunities for partnerships as

well supporting a local TV talent show called l-Isfida (the challenge). Potential partners could

 possibly be a secondary or primary school on the island that would perhaps help to integrate the

arts into the curriculum in a vocational way.

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Masquerade’s main competitors include Stagecoach and School of Performing Arts by

Drama Troupe –  both schools that offer similar services to Masquerade. Other competition

includes the various shows that are put up during the same time as Masquerade’s shows but

 probably the highest form of competition comes in Christmas time during Pantomime season.

Masquerade competes for ticket sales with the Malta Amateur Dramatic Company (MADC)

(Aquilina, 2013) & (MADC, 2013).

The school continues to gain competitive advantage thanks to its state of the art facilities.

They also try to gain more advantage by employing well known established Maltese performers

such as Roger Tirazona, Rachel Fabri and Dorothy Bezzina. Their 15 years in business also gives

the brand a sense of heritage. Children that used to go to Masquerade 10 to 15 years ago will

soon have their own children and could possibly send their own children to the performing arts

school that they used to attend. They also continue to have a one up on others as they fly

 professionals from London that work or have worked in the west end of summer workshops or

master classes during the year. Such people are valuable selling points for the company as

 professionals of their caliber are hard to come across in Malta and locals would normally not

have the opportunity to work with such people.

Most of its promotional activity is done over Social Media with Facebook being the main

 platform followed by Twitter. Other promotional activities include advertising in the newspaper

especially in the after the summer months to promote a new scholastic year as well as before

summer to promote their yearly summer workshops. Promotional activity can also be seen in

 print in various shows as booklets are handed out to spectators.

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 Key Customer Segments

The key segments that Masquerade targets are children and teenagers which means that

most marketing (for the youngest demographic of this group) has to be appealing to parents.

Judging from their promotional efforts as well as the products and services that they offer one

can make certain assumptions about their target audiences. The demographic that masquerade

targets is that of 5 –  10 year olds, 11 –  15 year olds and 16 –  20 year olds. For children that are

too young to be aware of the company then marketing is directed to their parents that would

normally fall in the 30 –  40, and 40 –  50 age brackets. These people would be parents of children

who are middle to upper class and the majority of these families would be Maltese but more

English speaking. English speaking people are targeted because the examination board that the

school follows is a British one and therefore spoken and sung activities must be done mainly in

English. The English speaking community in Malta is a sector that comes from British rule


These two classes are the targeted ones because of financial power; parents must be able

to afford the sometimes hefty tuition fees. Some students are enrolled in more than one class

which could add up to quite an expensive bill. Also people who send their kids to private schools

would be another sector to look into as these are normally the ones that can afford to pay tuition

fees and also most private schools in Malta place a lot of emphasis on speaking in English.

Regular theatre goers are a sector that most definitely should be targeted as they would probably

 be more likely to want to send their children to such an institution. Times have changed in the

sense the homology argument, which states that people in higher social classes consume elite or

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high class culture and people in the lower strata consume popular or mass culture, is no longer

the case. The omnivore –  univore argument states that culture has become accessible to everyone

 but it is the higher classes that have access to all types of culture as the lower classes are

restricted due to financial constraints (Chan & Goldthorpe, 2005). Masquerade is also a company

that offers opportunity to performers who are interested in taking part in productions that they

 put up every now and again. Hopeful performers (singer, actors and dancers) of any age are also

another audience that the company relates to.

Therefore one can say that there are six segments of the market that Masquerade targets.

1.  Children and their parents ages 5 –  10 & 11 –  15

2.  Teenagers aged 16 –  20

3.  Adults interested in taking recreational classes or fitness classes

4.  Businesses interested in Corporate Training for their team

5.  Theatre Goers

6.  Budding Performers

Sites, Blogs & Portals Relevant to the Target Segments

When it comes to placement value and even websites that these segments would relate to

it is important to come up with a list of things that would be relevant to these groups of people.

Websites that children and their parents would use have to have some sort of filter as they would

not want to expose their children to inappropriate content. Also the core revenue of the company

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comes from children who attend the school and therefore websites must be engaging and

appealing to children. This would mean using visuals rather than words, perhaps games and

videos in order to grab the child’s attention. Most importantly the site has to be fun and 

entertaining. Websites or platforms that have the option of integrating the whole family would be

even better as it would be both stimulating for the child as well as for the parents. Platforms or

websites that would come close to fitting such criteria would be YouTube.

Such websites are becoming more accessible through tablets and apps. According to

Forbes 48% of American Children wanted an iPad for Christmas making it the most desired gift

 by kids (Olson, 2012). This is a great opportunity for marketers as children always want to have

what their parents have and therefore there is an opening for a new market –  tablets for kids

(Jones, 2012). Such tablets are content protected and thus having an application like YouTube

for kids to search for their favorite videos fits in with this demographic YouTube could spark an

interest in the arts for them.

When it comes to kids in Malta TV channels like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon are

some of the most popular among children in the 5 to 11 demographic. The great thing about such

channels is that they have extended to the internet and their websites are promoted a lot on their

TV stations. The Cartoon Network website is one that allows children to play games that involve

their favorite characters from the station’s most popular TV shows. In this way the episode or

story never finishes but rather continues in the extension of the game that they offer on their

website. Kids also have the opportunity to watch certain episodes online for a cost (Network,


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The Nickelodeon website is similar to the Cartoon Network website but the site focuses more on the video aspect of the site whilst cartoon network focuses

more on the gaming experience aspect. The Nickelodeon website is a bit younger than the

cartoon network one with less action packed games and more tamed down features by using

characters like Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob Square Pants. However they do feature some

action packed games (such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle app available for download) but

they focus more on the video aspect rather than the gaming aspect. Such websites fall under the

entertainment category but not the type of entertainment that theatre users would use or that

would draw users to theatre (Nickelodeon).

Another great platform would be Facebook, not so much for the 5 –  10 demographic but

 perhaps more for their parents as well as teenagers. Facebook is relevant and fits this market

 because it has the most traffic in Malta and the social media platform has been ranked as the

most visited site in Malta (followed by Google) (,

2013). They can interact with the site and become a part of the brands that they choose to follow.

It is a site that can suggest opportunities for theatre goers based on the things they like and the

 pages they visit the most, as well as provide information for those who are just trying to explore

an interest or hobby in such a field. Also various photos of videos of friends at theatre, class or

even of some shows themselves are a great way of generating interest in such a field. Those

interested in theatre (both as spectators as well as budding artists) can use Facebook as a search

engine in order to keep themselves updated with the latest theatre events and opportunities.

Twitter is also another popular social media platform however not as popular as Facebook

ranking at number 17. However despite this Twitter functions differently than Facebook as it is

shorter more to the point and much more direct than Facebook is. It acts like an online Instant

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Messaging platform which is great for people who prefer to read headlines rather than going into

detail about what they are looking for.

Google is the second most visited site in Malta after Facebook which makes it relevant to

all the mentioned segments (, 2013). Theatre goers

can look up everything on Google from events to buying tickets online. Parents may look up

classes for the children online and the school that comes up at the top of the search will be the

one that they are most likely to click on. Google also acts as a medium that transports people to

other sites thus sends the user to the site they think is most appropriate to the according to the

keywords that they have put in the search box.

Another platform which these segments are likely to use is the on-demand Melita

 platform. This is a platform that is installed in TV boxes (a concept similar to TiVo) were

consumers have the option of recording their favorite TV shows and may also choose to watch

movies, TV series or even Music Videos for free from a whole online list which is updated every

now and again. Latest movies can also be watched by need to be rented for a small fee or a

certain amount of time which is then charged to the monthly bill which the household receives at

the end of every month. While the person is selecting or going through their options there are

adverts going on in the background in a small screen to the right of the platform. This appeals to

the target market as the chosen audience is the working professional that does not have time to

watch TV and want to make their own schedule rather than follow a preset one by Maltese

stations. It is a great fit for theatre as advertising for events or classes can be made on this

 platform that relates to appropriate content –  advertisements for plays in the film section, music

adverts in the music video sections and so on… (, 2013)

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The Times of Malta Online is another relevant site to the target audience. It ranks 5th on

the most visited websites on the island with a demographic of 18 to 44 and are more likely to be

university graduates and professionals. The website is also mostly in English therefore a good

level of English is required to follow the website. People use such a site as a substitute to the

 physical print copy (surprisingly enough Times of Malta does not have an app counterpart).

Consumers of the website use it to keep updated with local news mostly and international news

affecting Malta. More specifically theatre goers, parents as well as performer hopefuls are a

niche market of this website as they have a section for arts and entertainment that keeps them up

to date on all opportunities that might be available, important happenings or events in the arts &

entertainment scene as well as up and coming events. In this section one may also find reviews

for different performances –  a good review from this website could boost a company’s reputation

and brand equity as well as positive comments that can be written by anyone who logs on.

Another great thing about this website is that it also serves as an archive to past news that can be

found using the advanced search engine provided that not only relies on tags and keywords but

also gives the user the option to enter a specific time frame or date. The Malta Today website is

another weekly Maltese Newspaper which can be accessed online too ranking at number 10

which is very similar to the Times of Malta website (

One popular Maltese blog site is ESC Malta. The Maltese music scene is varied with

many different events and festivals but the Malta Song for Europe is the biggest festival. This

website is dedicated to report news on this festival, its contestants as well as their composers.

However throughout the year they continue to report on past Malta Song for Europe contestants

and they continue to support and report on different events that are going on, on the island. Such

events are more likely to get attention from the website if a past contestant (or regular contestant

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of the festival) is taking part in this production or event. This is a site followed mostly by a

demographic of teenagers and young adults on Facebook as well as aspiring performers as it is a

good website to be featured on and a good source of information to one up to date

(, 2013). is also another website that ranks in the top 20 most visted sites in Malta.

This is a local e-bay type of website that allows users to purchase or sell items or products. This

would be a great place to perhaps sell tickets to young theatre goers or even advertise your

company in. This would be more popular with the middle –  class demographic that is not as

opulent as the other higher classes or perhaps a bit more budget conscious or savvy consumers.

This is a site that sells items for a lower price than you would buy at a normal store that makes

use of door to door delivery (

When it comes to companies for business to business type of models LinkedIn is a very

 popular tool that is used to communicate with other organizations. Businesses looking for outside

help are all gathered on this network and are constantly crowdsourcing ideas as well as asking

for help from others that are on the network be it individuals on the network or whole

corporations (


The keywords that should be used are ones that are relevant to both the target audience

 but that also relate directly to the Masquerade. Due to the fact that Masquerade’s revenue model

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depends on the students that it enrolls into its system they are always on the lookout for new

 potential students. Therefore it is important that they come up with tags or keywords that would

draw people who have even a bit of a slight interest to their website or Facebook and Twitter

accounts. Therefore keywords such as singing, acting and dancing should be some of the first

included. Also the keyword theatre arts school should be included as that is what the

organization is primarily. The keywords Performing Arts School is also used synonymously

with theatre art school. The keyword Masquerade should also be integrated as it is the name of

the company as well as a great way of differentiating itself from competitors with such a unique

name. One of Masquerade’s goals is to instill confidence in their students and to develop their

children’s personalities so the keywords confidence, early learners and child development

should be integrated in order to appeal to parents of youngsters who wish to give their children

some form of development for their personalities. Fitness is another important tag that must be

included as it will attract a whole new list of older clientele that can be a great way of making

some extra revenue for the company. For a small island community like Malta that admires so

much talent from broad way and the West End a great tag would be West End and Broadway 

that would directly refer users to the workshops held by the professionals that they fly down

from the foreign musical theatre industry giving it the company more credibility as well as

raising its status in the eyes of the public. The school that Masquerade does exams with should

also be tagged as it is a highly respected school in London and Europe and therefore the words

Trinity Guildhall College must be tagged. The word auditions should also be tagged as it will

draw people to come to the shows. Other keywords should also include communication skills,

team work  and corporate training. These keywords should appeal to the businesses that they

wish to target for the workshops that they organize for such organizations.

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Optimization and Capturing consumers’  Attention

When trying to reach kids I think that both the parent and child should be reached. In

Malta Facebook remains the most visited site taking the number one spot and is probably the top

referrer that takes people to the official Masquerade website. Advertising on Facebook can reach

all six of the mentioned segments were Masquerade can be directly related to education,

 performing arts, theatre, singing, acting, dancing, audition, fitness, workshops and business

workshops. It is an all-encompassing platform that caters to all the categories that Masquerade

would need. Facebook can be used as a crowdsourcing platform for Masquerade if done right to

use its own members to attract more of them. Also Masquerade can use Facebook in order to

further build its brand and create relationships with their consumers by finding new ways to

integrate the consumer. Cookies stored on the user’s PC also allow Facebook to personalize the

type of adverts that come up so that Masquerade adverts would be directed to those users who

are interested in theatre and art. This would be paid placement whereby the company is charged

a certain amount per click on the advert. Such a platform is very relevant as it can be used to

create events for performances, keep people updated on upcoming classes or opportunities for

workshops can attract teenagers through photos of their friends having fun at Masquerade as well

as post auditions for budding performers.

Currently Masquerade has two pages for the organization which is splitting their

followers. Also one of the pages does not allow for people to post content but the administrator. I

do not recommend this as the internet nowadays is a two way experience were the consumer

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should feel integrated in the system and the brand’s marketing efforts rather than just being a

 passive receiver. Content that should be posted on the Facebook page should be all the latest

updates regarding the school and the classes being offered as well as what is going on but also

 backlink followers to the Masquerade web site. Facebook can serve as a database to get to know

Masquerade’s followers better giving the company more insight into their consumer, their needs

and wants. This gives the marketer a clearer idea and vision of how to market and communicate

with the consumer in a more effective way.

Content to put in would have to include images and a great profile picture that would

immediately grasp the attention of the viewer. Currently the profile picture is an image of the

new state of the art building which is one of the best performing arts spaces on the island yet.

Content on their Facebook page must be constantly updated with things that are happening in the

school as well as use the page to promote the various events that they put up throughout the year.

The biography should contain information about the classes they offer as well as a bit of history

for interested parents or prospective clients that may stumble upon the page. Right now they

have a show going on called Comedy Tonight which should be featured on the page. Different

 photos and perhaps even videos of the event should be featured in order to attract the general

 public. The great thing about such a show such as this is that is promotion for the school itself as

outsiders can see the high standard that Masquerade’s students manage to achieve. Keywords

such as Masquerade Theatre Arts School and singing, entertainments, acting & drama

should be included within the page. The site should also have a backlink to the Masquerade

Official Website.

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The Article and Bio of Masquerade should be similar to the following:

Masquerade Theatre Company was launched in 1997 with the intention of creating lots

of exciting new theatrical productions to contribute and help to further enrich the Maltese

Cultural sector. The company has provided the public with many new styles of theatre,

musicals, classic plays and side-splitting comedies all of high quality entertainment. In order

to keep the standard of their productions high Masquerade employs some of the best and

freshest talent in the fields of acting, singing and dance. Masquerade productions have been a

great stepping stone for singers, actors and dancers alike giving them the opportunity to


In their quest to discover and hone the best and freshest talent Masquerade decided to

extend their company portfolio and open up a School for Performing Arts in Malta. Training is

given to youngsters and children who are as young as 4 years old up to adults. By aligning

itself with the Trinity Guildhall College School Masquerade assures its consumers that the

highest standard of training is aimed for. It is also a school that helps to build confidence and

personality in their kids though the arts making them more able to be expressive in their

everyday lives. Students are encouraged to develop their motivation and discipline skills.

classes offered at the school include drama, dance, singing, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, musical

theatre, fitness classes as well as various workshops conducted by professionals from the West

End and Broadway. The company also provides classes for other corporations offering

workshops for corporate training.

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Videos and clips of such events could then be uploaded onto YouTube using it as a

 platform to show the videos in an easy and accessible way. YouTube is the fourth most popular

website on the island which Masquerade could make use of. The great thing about YouTube is

that it is a platform which is secondary to other sources such as e-mail, other social media

 platforms and so on… It is relevant to Masquerade as it is a great and inexpensive way of

circulating different videos for free by attaching a link by e-mail or posting it on social media

such as facebook or twitter. Also another interesting factor is that YouTube categorizes its users

according to their profiles and therefore Masquerade videos can be targeted to the desired

audience. Because the school is so multi-faceted that Masquerade can showcase all aspects that

the school provides such as different promotions of singing, dance, acting group performances

and so on… YouTube is probably the best fit for the company as it is a medium that actually

shows what the company does rather than just talk about it. YouTube can be used also to create

 promo videos for up and coming productions which can be posted on event pages on Facebook,

website or even sent by e-mail to the Masquerade database. This would be great inclusion of

another site or platform whilst still being connected to their Facebook source or even their

website. There should be various videos included but I think it would be important to pin one

video that shows students talking about the school, all they offer as well as positive experiences

or comments by students, parents and staff. The page should be updated regularly showing

videos promoting Masquerade events and highlighting students taking part in particular as to

show the high quality that the company’s students are able to achieve as well as having popular

guest performs feature on such videos. This will automatically get the well know actor or singer

taking part in the event to endorse the show and thus endorse the company.

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Google is the second most used website in Malta. Masquerade should find keywords to

include in its website that are most commonly used by their consumers in relation to theatre in

Malta. This Masquerade the opportunity to attack all of its chosen segments and it is therefore

important to include the jargon that their segments use for instance words that children would

use. Keywords such as Theatre Malta are important for locals as well as auditions for those

 budding performers looking for their next show to take part in. this will increase the website’s

 popularity and move it up in the Google search ranks.

The Times of Malta Online is another great website which could be used for the benefit

of Masquerade. This website has a search function that allows people to search for news content

 by typing in the desired tags or keywords. This website is a trusted site and anything that it

reports on Masquerade and any of its happenings are seen as credible by the website’s readers.

The demographic for the website are middle class to upper class people and all information is in

English which matches the Masquerade demographic. It is also a great place to advertise on

through banners or icons on the side. Links to this site are very popular on social media sites

such as Facebook and Masquerade should take advantage of this opportunity by linking articles

written about Masquerade and perhaps events or accomplishments of their students to their

websites or social media pages such as Facebook. An important function on both Facebook but

more importantly The Times of Malta website is the fact that people can leave comments and

 participate in the review process of a concert or performance by the company.

Instagram is one of the social platforms that could be considered by Masquerade for

advertising. It is a photo sharing application that is becoming increasingly popular in Malta

especially with the younger generation. Uploading photos of events, fitness classes, auditions

and upcoming shows would relate very well to the 16 –  20 age demographic of students (and

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 potential students) as well as for young theatre goers and budding performers. Instagram is also a

great way on integrating consumers through the use of hash tags, likes and comments by

engaging consumers to actively participate in Masquerade’s marketing communications. This

can be done by referring to the company itself directly @masquerademalta or #masquerademalta

helping gain the organization more attention and integrating customers more and more with the

 brand. is another website which could prove to be very useful f as for Masquerade. It

is a social and cultural Maltese website that reports the news and also allows users to watch on

demand videos of Maltese Television. This matches the Masquerade demographic as the person

who would watch things on demand and no on TV is the professional who has no time to sit

down and watch such things. A great way to advertise Masquerade would be to put a short advert

of just a couple of seconds right before the on demand video starts (

Creating a Campaign

The campaign I would create would be a good campaign for their summer program

workshops, were they bring professionals from abroad to give a couple of lectures and intensive

course for a month in August. Therefore this would be a campaign running in the next two

months all the way till August (end of the workshop) as to promote the end of summer showcase.

The name of this (hypothetical) campaign would be ‘Acting Out –  Summer Experience by

Masquerade.’ Masquerade is at its core all about bringing theatre to people and the good it can

have on people’s lives whether it is to entertain, build confidence, and create engaging

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 personalities, helping people express themselves or improve communication between people.

The budget for this should be of about €5,000. Advertising for this shall be done over Facebook

My idea for advertising is to work on Masquerade as a brand and try to get people to

make this brand their own. The acting out campaign can do just the. The main target segment

would be teenagers and young adults wishing to take part in this summer program (success in

this might be beneficial as it will retain or gain more customers to be with Masquerade all year

long). This campaign will be advertised on Facebook as it is the most popular website in Malta

especially among young adults. A poster will be used giving all information about the course and

the guests coming over to give the classes. This will then be followed by a promotional video

that will be uploaded as a link on YouTube showing people ‘acting out’. The acting out

campaign is not limited to the class room but involves students in their everyday interactions and

experiences. In this video Masquerades students will be taking photos and uploading them on

various social media such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with the hash tag #actingout

#Masquearde & #TheatreArtsSchool. By encouraging people to do this they are making the

 brand their own as well as giving the school and the company extra free promotion. This is

expected to increase during classes showing everyone how much fun Masquerade is making it a

desirable place to be. Adverts will also run on Twitter in order to keep the cohesion of the hash

tags and the social media aspect of the campaign. In order to get people to take part more in the

campaign a prize will be given to the top three most liked and commented about photos or videos

uploaded by the users for the ‘acting out’ campaign with the #actingout #Masquearde

#TheatreArtsSchool hash tags. During the summer course itself footage will be captured of the

classes and showcase to gather content and commentary (of students, teachers and professionals)

to create more videos to keep attracting people to the Masquerade experience.

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Bibliography . (2013, 04 18). . (2013, 04 17). (2013, 04 18).

Aquilina, L. (2013, 04 15). .

Bezzina, V. (2013, 04 15). .

Chan, T. W., & Goldthorpe, J. H. (2005). The Social Stratification of Theatre, Dance and

Cinema Attendance. Cultural Trends Vol. 14.

Jones, G. (2012, 09 15).


MADC. (2013, 04 16). .

 Network, C. (2013, 04 16).

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