  • 1. Opportunities and challenges of email list management By Benjamin Christian Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected]

2. 1.Do Segmentation as you build your list. It is obvious that your list should be better in quality as compared to quantity. Instead of a big list, many small segmented quality lists will work much better. So, start segmentation at the time of building the list Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 3. 2. Working before hand eases your burden It helps a lot if you understand what resources are at your disposal, as early as possible. It may seem easy to manage a single list at the beginning of an email campaign. But later, it proves to be fruitful to know your resources before hand and do segmentation Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 4. 3. Playing with metrics. One idea of segmentation of your list can be based upon the open rates. Treat the recipients who occasionally open and who regularly open your emails with different email content by dividing them into different segments of Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 5. LET US LOOK AT THE IDEA OF SEGMENTATION OF LIST ON THE BASIS OF EMAIL Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 6. 1. New subscribers. Offer special discounts to your new subscribers to track their reactions and interests. At some later point of time, you can add them to some other list when they have been with you for a long time and you have determined what their exact interests Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 7. 2. Responsive customers. The recipients who open your emails, and navigate to your site and make purchases should be treated in the best way possible. Therefore they are to be kept in a separate special list and their interest and need should be catered to very Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 8. 3. The spectators. These are your potential customers who have signed up with you but only open emails and do not perform any action. As long as any recipient is opening an email, he is a potential customer and will turn into a responsive customer when you present something that he cant Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 9. 4. Unresponsive recipients. This is the category which consists of those recipients who never open or click on an email, the reasons for this might be many. A lot of experimenting is required with these recipients to see what clicks with their interests to move them to any of the other Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] 10. Presented By Benjamin Christian Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected] Working Hours 9:00AM To 6:00PM (EST US) Phone 773 455 6676 Email [email protected]
