Page 1: Operations Training Lesson 1 Developed by D/Lt E J ‘Betty’ Dysart, JN Lesson 1 Introduction 1

Operations Training

Operations Training

Lesson 1

Developed by D/Lt E J ‘Betty’ Dysart, JN

Lesson 1Lesson 1IntroductionIntroduction


Page 2: Operations Training Lesson 1 Developed by D/Lt E J ‘Betty’ Dysart, JN Lesson 1 Introduction 1

Operations Training


Develop new members by encouraging involvement in USPS activities

Identify potential leaders


Acquaint new members of USPS to:• Advantages of membership • Opportunities for self through civic service,

self-education & fellowship

Update seasoned members to all the changes

Purpose of OT ProgramLesson 1Lesson 1

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Operations Training

Time Commitment & Expectations

• The entire Program takes about 8 hours Approx. 4 hours per session On 2 Saturdays Each session will include multiple breaks

• Classes will begin & end on time

• No final exam

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Operations TrainingHANDOUT # 1 CD of Manuals, Descriptions, Bylaws

Time Commitment & Expectations

• Reading assignments for homework

• Materials available - on-line & downloadable OTP Manual Operations Manual Job Descriptions Bylaws

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Also on CD


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Operations Training

Class Schedule

• Lesson 1 Introduction to USPS,

the Courses & Seminars Squadron, District, &

National Organization

• Lesson 2 Education &Training Staffing Committees Leadership Scheduling

• Lesson 3 Finding Solutions Communications Conducting a Meeting Case studies

• Lesson 4 USPS Protocols Using the tools

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Todays Topics Next Session

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Operations Training 6

About Operations Training

• Structure of organization How it operates The objects

• Relationship among levels Squadron, district & national

• Available educational course materials

• Leadership development Committee management Problem solving Teambuilding


Lesson 1Lesson 1IntroductionIntroduction

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Operations Training

Highlights of USPS History

Four U.S. presidents commended USPS, for service to the nation & the American people.

•1913: A “Power Squadron” organized within Boston Yacht Club in January 1913

•1914: United States Power Squadrons founded February 1914

•1945: USPS headquarters established - New Jersey District organization developed

•1982: Women admitted as members for first time

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Operations Training

What’s the storybehind Your Squadron’sburgee ?

When was Your squadron founded?



Diablo 1958

District 25

What about Your Squadron’s History?

In what district has it been assigned?

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Operations Training

Lesson 1 - Agenda

• Module I Introduction to USPS, it’s

Educational Courses & Seminars Squadrons of USPS Districts of USPS USPS National Organization

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Operations Training

USPS Mission Statement

Facing outward - - -

while providing fellowship for USPS while providing fellowship for USPS membersmembers

Facing inward - - -

To promote recreational boating skills and To promote recreational boating skills and boating safety through education, hands-on boating safety through education, hands-on training and civic activitiestraining and civic activities


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Operations Training

The USPS Triangle

The graphic representation of USPS Mission


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Operations Training

USPS Vision Statement

USPS - recognized as:

“The national leader for improving boating safety through outstanding educational programs and civic activities

Strong with a growing membership and increased member satisfaction”


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Operations Training


• Through voluntary contributions - time & energy

• Teams of people with common goals

• Engaged in worthwhile activities for the common good


Members Achieve The USPS Mission

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Operations Training



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Operations Training

The MissionSelf Education

Learning from experienced instructors

Material continually updated to keep members informed of latest developments

Self-study “Learning Guides” are available on a variety of subjects related to boating

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Operations Training

The Mission Civic Service

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Learning Lamp


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Operations Training

The Mission Fraternal Boating Club

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A District 25 Cruise & Rendezvous

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Operations Training

Membership Is a Privilege

Types of Membership & Requirements•Active

Willing and able to contribute time, energy & skills to USPS

Accepted by Squadron ExCom All applicable entrance fees & dues paid Granted voting rights - If at least 18 years of

age•Sea Scout/Apprentice

Age 12 – 24•Honorary – good for one year, ExCom bestowed•Corporate – limited, approved by BOD only


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Operations Training

Categories - Service & Dues

Definitions•Senior Member – earned 5 merit marks•Life Member – earned 25 merit marks•GB Member Emeritus – earned 50 merit marks

•25-Year Member – member for 25 years

•Sustaining Member – paid a lump sum equal to 20 times the then-current national dues


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Operations Training

Membership’s Many Benefits

Intangible benefits: Are the most important Includes knowledge & skills of seamanship,

piloting & navigation, Life-long friendships, Self esteem, Developing individual potential …the list is endless


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Operations Training

Membership’s Many Benefits

Tangible benefits: Leadership opportunities & experience, Amateur radio net, On-the-water activities, The ENSIGN, Discounts, ………..the list is long


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Operations Training

Some Tangible Benefits

Access these and more on USPS website


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Operations Training

The Officers

• National, district and squadron• Elected or appointed• Bridge

Commander (Cdr) Executive Officer (XO) Educational Officer (SEO) Administrative Officer (AO) Secretary (Secy) Treasurer (Treas)


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The assistants are elected as well*

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Operations Training

& Committees

• General, Standing & Departmental

• Elected or appointed

• Chairs & Assistant chairs

• Committee Chairs are also officers

• Some committees in Ed Dept are known as Local Boards

• Rank is also an indicator of level at which the committee is serving: Squadron = Lt District = D/Lt National = R/C and Stf/C


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Operations Training

Merit Marks

• For significant service related to achieving the USPS mission

• Only 1 MM possible in any given year

• Rewards of service are limitless, however, a MM is the only “paycheck” received


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It’s vital to submit merit mark hours on a timely basis!

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Operations Training

Merit MarksIntroductionIntroduction

Senior Member 5 merit marks ?_________________?

Life Member 25 merit marks ?_________________?

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Operations Training

Recap – USPS Mission

What are the 3 sides of

the Mission


?_________________________? ?_________________________? ?_________________________?

Self Education

Civic Service

Fraternal Boating Club

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Operations Training

United States Power Squadrons The Organization


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Operations Training


USPS Has 3 Levels

Active Members may become elected or appointed officers at all three levels of the USPS organization, simultaneously:

Squadron District National


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Operations TrainingHANDOUT # 2 Reviewing the Ranks

Officers Reviewing the Ranks

Squadron District National Commander Cdr D/C C/CDepartment Lt/C D/Lt/C V/CAssistant 1st/Lt D/1st/Lt R/C Chairman Lt D/Lt R/C Asst Chairman ----- ------- Stf/C


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Operations Training

Squadron Membership Is Ruling Body

We the members:• Decide the dues & fees to be assessed on

ourselves• Adopt and amend bylaws to govern

ourselves• Elect our officers and some committees• Adopt budget and charge leaders to live




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Most work is done through committees:

elected and appointed

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Operations TrainingHANDOUT # 3 Squadron ChartHANDOUT # 3 Squadron Chart

Squadron Organization SquadronSquadron


District Executive Officer

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Past Commander

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Operations Training

Executive Committee Reports to Membership

• ExCom Process applications for membership, Approves budget to be submitted to

membership for adoption Approves Educational schedule - times &

places for courses, seminars, programs on advice of SEO



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Operations Training

Executive Committee Reports to Membership

ExCom•Designates depositories for squadron funds

On advice of Treasurer

• Makes appointments to Standing Committees

• advises Cdr on other appointments

•Hears reports of Committees

•Enforces the authority given it by the bylaws

•Institutes disciplinary proceedings



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Operations Training

General Committees Report to Membership

• General committees - Elected Auditing Nominating Rules



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Operations Training

Standing Committees Report to ExCom

• Standing committees - Appointed Budget & Finance Housing Law officer Planning Personnel Property Supply officer



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In some Squadrons these 2 committees are departmental within the Treasurer’s Department

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Operations Training

Bridge Officers

• Ranking officer of squadron• Responsible for its growth & vitality• Ex officio member of all committees except

Auditing, Nominating & Rules• Appoints delegates to Conferences & GBs • Appoints chairs to appointive committees



The Commander:

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Operations Training

Bridge Officers

• Presides at all squadron meetings general membership & executive committee

• Voting Member at national meetings (GB & AM) & district meetings (Council & Conference)

• Responsible for proper turnover at the end of term to successor



The Commander:

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Operations Training 39

Let’s take a 10 min Break

Please return when you hear the bell


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Operations Training

The Executive Department

• Committees Boat shows Cooperative Charting Legislative Liaison Public Relations Radio-Technical Safety Vessel Safety Check



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Operations Training

The Executive Department

• These are the external functions of the squadron

• Ex officio member of all committees in XO dept.

• If Cdr absent, perform Cdr duties & functions

• Responsible for proper turnover at the end of term



Headed by the Executive Officer (XO)

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Operations Training

The Educational Department SquadronSquadron


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• Local Boards1. Boating (LBB)2. Advanced Grades (LBAG) 3. Elective Courses (LBEC)4. Seminars (LBS)

• Class Chairs Instructors Proctors

• Committees Teaching Aids Property & Supplies

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Operations Training

The Educational Department

• Manages the Educational Department, Schedules courses, seminars Trains & certifies instructors Conducts ABC3 on behalf of

Squadron• Member of District Educational Dept.• Serves as liaison for information

received from district and national• Gives proper turnover at the end of term



Headed by the Educational Officer (SEO)

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Operations Training

The Administrative Department

• Committees Boating Activities

(Cruise & Rendezvous) Meetings Membership Membership Involvement Operations Training

(Leadership Development)



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Operations Training

The Administrative Department

• These are internal functions of squadron

• Ex officio member of all committees in AO dept.

• If Cdr & XO absent, AO performs Cdr duties & functions

• Execute end-of-term turnover



Headed by the Administrative Officer (AO)

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Operations Training

The Secretary’s Department

• Committees Computer Systems Editor (Newsletter) Historian Roster Telephone (Calling) The ENSIGN




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Operations Training

The Secretary’s Department

• Responsible for all the non-financial records

• Squadron correspondence, minutes, calls for meetings

• Maintain official squadron member data (DB2000)

• Complete OD-2 (Officer Report)

• Complete end-of-term turnover



Headed by the Secretary (Secy)

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Operations Training

The Treasurer’s Department SquadronSquadron


• Committees Property Supply

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Operations Training

The Treasurer’s Department

• Collect & disburse squadron funds

• Keep appropriate records, make required reports

• File tax forms & returns

• Ensure all squadron funds properly accounted for & in proper depositories

• Work closely with Budget & Finance, and Auditing Committees

• Complete end-of-term turnover



Headed by the Treasurer (Treas)

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Operations Training

USPS Districts DistrictDistrict


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Operations Training

USPS Districts

• Organized geographically

• Purpose of organizational structure to inform and assist squadrons

• Each district has its own bylaws

• Districts provide a communications link between the Governing Board and squadrons

• District members are the Squadrons within their geography District 25 currently has 9 member squadrons



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Operations TrainingHANDOUT # 4 D25 SquadronsHANDOUT # 4 D25 Squadrons

District 25 DistrictDistrict


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1. Carquinez2. Diablo3. Marin4. Monterey Bay5. Peralta6. Redwood7. Sacramento8. San Joaquin Delta9. Santa Clara

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Operations Training

District Chart DistrictDistrict


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See page 1-3-2 of OTP Manual for District organization chartSee page 1-3-2 of OTP Manual for District organization chart

Past DistrictCommander

Squadron Commanders

District Chart very similar to Squadron Chart

District Chart very similar to Squadron Chart

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Operations Training

District Committees

• District departmental organization corresponds to that of squadrons

• Squadron chair reports to district chair & is a member of the district departmental committee

• District chair offers assistance to squadron chairs & keeps them informed of action taken by national committee



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Operations Training

District Officers & Committees

• Standing Committees Planning Educational Fund Budget & Finance Law Personnel

• General Committees Auditing Nominating Rules

• Bridge Officers Commander (D/C) Executive (DXO) Educational (DEO) Administrative (DAO) Secretary (DSecy) Treasurer (DTreas)



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Operations Training

2 Types of District Meetings

• Council Meetings Board of directors

relates to Squadron ExCom Conducts business between Conferences



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Operations Training

2 Types of District Meetings

• District Conference Membership meeting of the district Voting members

Council members Squadron delegates all Past D/Cs

Two per year Spring - elections & Change of Watch Fall - budget & educational



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Operations Training 58

Sharing ideas

Building Bridges

Attending Seminars


District Meetings DistrictDistrict


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Operations Training

Our District Flag DistrictDistrict


Designed by D/Lt E J Dysart, JN With input from district council

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Operations Training

USPS Headquarters

Location: Raleigh, NC

Functions and Facilities:

• Administrative Support

• Membership Records

• Computer and Printing facilities

• Storage Warehouse

• Chapman Library

• Conference Facilities



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Not home of National Organization!

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Operations Training

National Organization

• In general, departments correspond to those of districts & squadrons

• Committees provide material needed by squadrons, to achieve committee goals

• District chairs act as communication conduits to/from National to /from Squadron



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Operations Training

National Chart NationalNational


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Operations Training

NationalNationalWho’s on the Governing Board?

• Chief Commander, Vice Commanders, Rear Commanders, members of national general committees (C/C V/C R/C)

• District Commanders, District Educational OfficersDistrict Commanders, District Educational OfficersSquadron Commanders (D/C DEO SCdr)Squadron Commanders (D/C DEO SCdr)

• Past Chief Commanders, Past Vice Commanders, Past Chief Commanders, Past Vice Commanders, Governing Board Members Emeritus (P/C/C P/V/C)Governing Board Members Emeritus (P/C/C P/V/C)

• Elected General Members (1 for each 600 members)Elected General Members (1 for each 600 members)• Squadron delegates (1 for each 100 members)Squadron delegates (1 for each 100 members)


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Squadron members one and all !!

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Operations Training

• Board of Directors Relates to ExCom & District Council Conducts business of USPS between

GB Meetings



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2 Types of National Meetings


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Operations Training

• Governing Board Membership meeting of the USPS Two per year

‘Annual’ is elections & Change of Watch• Held early in year (Jan - Feb)

‘Regular’ is held midway between ‘Annuals’



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2 Types of National Meetings


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Operations Training

How to Change USPSOrganizationOrganization

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• Changing USPS (policy, SOP, bylaw, etc.) by resolution

• Often proposed by a squadron

• Resolutions move through the district Conference,

• to the national executive officer (NXO), • to the Governing Board (GB) for action

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Operations Training

Taking it to the GB


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Operations Training

Opportunities for Participation

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Operations Training

Committee Review

• External Activities are conducted by members of committees within the Executive Department.

• Committees responsible for internal activities are in the Administrative, Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Department

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Operations Training

Committee Review

Educational Department has organizational units known as committees & ?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

What officer rank are committee chairs & local board chairs ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

Who appoints them ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

Local Boards


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Operations Training

Lending a Hand

Did you find any activities that interest you or in which you could use your knowledge and skills to lend a hand?

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Operations TrainingHANDOUT # 5 ED Courses, Seminars & Guides .HANDOUT # 5 ED Courses, Seminars & Guides .

Plan should include a schedule for taking the advanced grades

& electives courses

Which seminars will you take?

Interested in Boat Operator Certification?

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Develop your planReviewReview

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Operations Training


• Visual Intro to USPS and Its Educational Courses & Seminars

• History, Mission & Vision of USPS

• Membership & its Benefits

• Officers, Ranks, & Committees

• Merit Marks

• Organizational Structure of the 3 levels Squadron, District, National

• Opportunities for You to Participate & Learn

Lesson 1 - Operations Training Program.

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Operations Training


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Reading assignment•Squadron Job Descriptions – on CD•Operations Training Module I – on CD•OM - Ops Manual (Chapters 5-7) – on CD

Start developing your plan•Courses & seminars you want to take•Skills you have to offer

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Operations Training

Next Lesson

• Review Educational Courses & Seminars Leadership Training

• Module II Staffing Leadership Scheduling Case Study

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