
MCQ : OSCM Prepared By: Prof.Chandrakant Thorat1.. Is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in production of goods and services? A) Quality control B) Maintenance dept C) Marketing D) Operations management.2. Operations Management involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed and effective in terms of meeting requirement . A) Top management B) Line supervisor C) Customer D) Money.3. Operation Management is concerned with managing the process that converts .into .. A) Input, output B) bad, good C) better, best D) Quality, Super quality.4. The highest level officers shape the . and revise it over time. A) Strategy B) Quality c) Product D) Process.5. Supply Chain is .dynamic as compared to operations management. A)More B)Less C) Equal D) More or Less.6. Manufacturing management deals with decision making related to production process so that the resulting goods & services are produced according to specifications in the amounts & by the schedule demanded at minimum cost. This definition is given by A) Edward Buffa B) H.A.Harding C) F.W.Tayor D) Gilbert.7. Manufacturing management is concerned with those processes which converts the input into outputs. Inputs are raw material, men, machine, methods and the outputs are finish goods and service. This definition is given by A) F.W.Taylor B)Elton Mayo C)H.A.Harding D)Edward Buffa.8. .. management is the field concerned with managing and directing the physical and technical functions of a firm or organization, particularly those relating to development ,production and manufacturing. A)Quality B) Maintenance C)Materials D)Operations. 9.. integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. A)Supply chain management B)Operations C) Quality D)Marketing .10. Supply chain management is an integrating function with primary responsibility of major business functions and business processes within and across companies into a cohesive and high performing business model. A) Linking B) De-linking C) Welding D)Casting .11. Many of the . encountered in the supply chain between different companies that seek to maximize their revenue within their sphere of interest ,but may have little or no knowledge or interest in the remaining players in the supply chain . A) exchanges B) decisions C) Stories D) Blocks .12. The loosely coupled ,self organizing network of businesses that co-operates to provide products and service offerings has been called the .. A) Extended Enterprise. B) Operation management C)SCM D)Marketing management.13. Guaranteeing acceptable conditions in a global supply chain can be .. Challenge. A)simple B) easy C) common D) complex .14.As part of their efforts to demonstrate .. practices ,many large companies & global brands are integrating codes of conduct and guidelines into their corporate cultures and management systems. A) Ethical B) Mal-practice C) Good D) Bad.15. Corporations are making demands on their suppliers ( facilitites,farms ,sub contracted services such as cleaning ,canteen ,security etc.) and verifying ,through , that they are complying with the required standard. A) Social audits B)People C) Company D) Director16. The basic idea behind SCM is that companies and corporations involve themselves in a supply chain by .. about market flucations and production capabilities. A) Exchanging information B) Working C) Doing D) Not exchanging information.17.In the 1980s ,the term Supply chain management (SCM) was developed to express the need to integrate the key business processes from the end user through original .. A) Suppliers B) Owners C) Workers D) Officers.18. If all relevant information is accessible to any relevant company, every company in the supply chain has the ability to help the entire supply chain rather than to sub optimize based on a local interest. A) Optimize B) Sub-optimize C) other D) each other.19.In corpora ting SCM successfully leads to a new kind of competition on the global market ,where competition is no longer of company versus company but rather takes on a supply chain versus . Form. A) supply chain B) Operations C) Marketing D) Quality.20. The Primary objective of SCM is to fulfill customer demands through the most efficient use of .. , including distribution, capacity, inventory and labor. A) resources B) Road C)railway D) seaways.21. In theory ,a supply chain seeks to match demand with and do so with minimal inventory . A) demand B) supply C) market D) customer .22.. applies to activities within one company or organization involving product distribution , whereas , Supply chain additionally encompasses , manufacturing and procurement. A) Supply chain B) Material C)Purchase D) logistics .23. Starting in the 1990s several companies choose to outsource the logistics aspect of supply chain management by partnering with A) 1PL B) 2PL C) 3PL D) 5PL24. Supply chain management system are integrated partnership among all links in the flow of goods and services to the A) Company B) Business C) Customer D) Supplier.25. All supply chain activities ,including planning ,sourcing ,producing ,delivering and providing for returns are handled collaboratively within an integrated supply chain to ensure the maximum use of A) sheared resources. B) roads C) Trucks D) Warehouses.26.In traditional supply chain system ,large companies found it beneficial to vertically integrate supplier functions and distribution activities to maximize . And . A) production , logistical B) Product ,Quality C) delivery , quality D) speed , feed .27. Reliance on .. parties for important supply chain activities such as raw material procurement and distribution raises concerns related to quality assurance ,timely delivery and adherence to responsible busssiness practices. A) First B) Second C)Third D) Fifth28. When companies along a .. make a concerted effort to work together in the areas of procurement ,production, and distribution an environment of team work and transparency ,all of the firms involved can experience a greater competitive advantage. A) supply chain B) Market C) Material D) Production .29. Supply chain management influences your ability to satisfy the expectation of your .. and achieve competitive advantage. A) customer B) boss C) employee D) workers.30. Any expected or unexpected supply chain disruptions may devastate your .. A) Business aspirations B) employee relations C) customer D) Money.31. To remain competitive ,small firms have to offer superior quality goods at the .. Prices possible. A) Lowest B) Highest C) Equal D) Moderate.32. The need to minimize product costs makes effective chain management . A) Vital B) unnecessary C) Rare D) Often33. The cost involved in every process of the product life cycle and it is the responsibility of management to ensure that these costs are kept low , so the company can continue to pass along these savings to the .. A) consumer B) production C) supplier D)Owner34. Supply chain management involves identifying those processes that increase . Without increasing the value of the final product. A) Size B) shape C) quality D) cost.35. The processes that are wasteful and do not add value and should be whenever possible. A) Encouraged B) eliminated C) enlarged D) colored.36.A company that employs Supply chain management is able to achieve efficiency of its operations ,since only those . Activities are encouraged. A) value addition B) non-value addition C) Production D) Maintenance.37. A company that employs supply chain management can foster close knit relationship with its suppliers and . , ensuring the timely fulfillment of orders. A) customers B)company C) Stores D) Purchase 38. A company known for its timeliness and responsiveness will attract more and will grow as a result of increased output and sales. A) Varity B) Products C) Competition D) Customers.39. Business exists to make . A) Loss B) Profit C) Product D) Service 40. One of the most efficient ways of increasing a companys profit is by ensuring that .. Are kept as low as possible. A) Cost B) Wages c) Bonus D) salary41.The application of supply chain management by a small company leads to cost reduction due to elimination of processes. A) Value adding B) wasteful C) new D) old42.The term supply chain management (SCM) was developed to express the need to integrate the business process in the year A) 1960 B) 1970 C) 1980 D) 199043. Supply chain and logistics are the terms and can be used interchangeably. A) Always B) Never C) Sometime D)44. Supply Chain is concept than logistics. A) Broader B) Narrow C) Equal D) Shorter45. The factors which move the goods from one production point to the other are a part of A) Production B) Process C) Capacity D) Logistics.46. Services are . A) Tangible B) Inseparable C) Constant D) Non Perishable47. Quality = Tangible + . A) Tangible B) Triangle C) Intangible (esteem value) D) Zero defect.48. The concept of . has developed out of a need to build quality into the product rather than inspect the product for quality. A) Internal Customer B) External Customer C) LEAN D) Six Sigma.49. Lean Management is an approach linked towards efficient A) Inventory B) marketing C) maintenance D) customer.50. As a result of the many business scandals that have been in the news in recent years, more academic attention is being given to the role of . In business. A) Process B) Controls C) Ethics D) Quality.51. .. Management is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning busssiness operations in the production of goods or services. A) Supply Chain B) Operations C) Quality D) design.52. A .. Is the network of organizations that are involved through upstream and downstream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of ultimate customers? It is also called as a value chain. A) Process B) Supply Chain C) Flow D) Capacity Plan.53. .. Indicates the quantity of products produced in a manufacturing system. A) Variety B) Flow C) Volume D) Capacity.54. refers to the number of subcategories of products and variants of each product produced in a manufacturing system. A) Variety B) Flow C) Volume D) Capacity.55. A . Flow system is characterized by a streamlined flow of products in the operating system. A) Intermittent B) Continuous C) Jumbled D) Gravity 56. The . production system in the discrete manufacturing industry is an example of continuous and streamlined flow in the manufacturing system. A) Mass B) Job c) batch D) assemble to order57. . Production is the method pioneered by Henry Ford for his Model T car, and the efficicies he gained enabled him to produce large numbers of cars at low cost. A) Batch B) Mass C) Job D) Flow.58. Designing operations system includes making choices with respect to: A) Location B) Technology C) Capacity D) All above 59. Which of the following aspect are not dealt with by an operation manager? A) How much capacity is needed in the planning horizon? B) What layout is best for the manufacture of companys product? C) How to motivate employee D) which products /services should be offered?60. Operations management is applicable -- A) Mostly to manufacturing sector B) Mostly to service sector. C) Exclusively to service sector D) to manufacturing as well as service sectors61. Which of the following is not a typical supply chain member? A) Supplier B) Producer C) customer D) Retailers creditor.62. Which of the following is not a typical a typical attributes of goods- A) Manufacture processes are difficult to automate? B) Output can be inventoried C) Goods can be resold D) Quality aspect are difficult to measure. 63. Conformance to specification is a notion used in - A) Supply Chain B) logistics c) R&D D) Quality.64. Production Planning & Control is relatively simple in - A) Jobbing production B) Batch production C) Mass & flow production D) Project production.65. A garage to repair motor cycle is a typical example of A) Project B) Batch C) Jobbing D) None of above.66. Productivity is difficult to be improved in service sector because the work is - A) typically labor intensive B) difficult to measure C) Often difficult to automate D) all of the above.67. Current trends in operations management include all of the following except - A) Just-in- time performance B) Rapid product development C) Mass production D) Empowered employees.68. Operation management is a .. Process. A) Translation B) Transformation C) Transaction D) Transition.69. The Just in time philosophy was developed at which automaker? A) Nissan B) Toyota C) Dotson D) Honda 70. Which of the following are not characteristics of service provider operations? A) Easy measurement of quality B) labor intensive C) High customer contacts D) All of the above.71. When Production volume is low and customization is high a Layout is indicated. A) Flexible flow B) line flow C) fixed position D) Cycle time.72. The analysis tool for a quality problem that involves selecting the problem, identifying the major categories of potential causes and associating likely specific causes is A) Pareto charts B) Fish bone diagrams C) Scatter diagrams D) Check list.73. Specialization result in benefit such as - A) a slower, deliberate workplace B) Less training time per employee C) Higher wages D) High employee morale.74. Which of the following is not a competitive priority of operations? A) Low cost operations B) Developing speed C) High performance design D) Owing a patent.75. Competitive priorities of service processes include the strategies of: A) Consistent quality B) On-time delivery C) Customization D) All of the above.76. Decisions that tend to focus on the entire organization cutting across departmental lines and have long term consequences are called .. A) Departmental B) Tactical C) Strategic D) None of the above.77. Effective ways of gaining global presence include A) Locating abroad B) Joint ventures C) licensing technology D) All of the above.78. A Job order shop would prefer A) Process layout B) Product layout C) GT layout D) Fixed position layout 79. A Kanab system is also called: A) Lean logistics B) Toyota: Ta-co-ma C) a pull system D) Japanese MRP 80. Which of the following is appropriate for six sigma quality? A) Defect per hundred B) Defect far thousand C) Defects per lacks D) Defects per million.81. Efficiently scheduling material and labor is an example of decision. A) Strategic B) Tactical C) Operational D) Short term.82. Technological change is proceeding at a rapid rate but there are many challenges such as: A) Robots have not proven useful in manufacturing. B) The internet is too difficult to use. C) Employees may resist technological change if it not managed well. D) Technology cannot provide a competitive advantage.83. The following are characteristics of a service blueprint. A) A flow chart that identifies high customer contact step. B) Benchmarking C) A histogram D) A Checklist.84. A major supplier to an auto manufacturer would most likely adopt which production and inventory strategy? A) Assemble to order strategy. B) Post pavement strategy C) Make to order strategy D) Make to stock strategy.85. The three functions of business organizations (Marketing, Operations and Finance)1. Are mutually exclusive 1. Overlap1. Function independently1. Do not interface with each other. 86. Which of the following aspect are not dealt with by an operations manager?a) How much capacity is needed in the planning horizon? b) What layout is best for best for the manufacture of the company products? c) How to motivate employees?d) Which products / services should be offered? 87. The person who introduced standardization, interchange a of parts was 0. Adom Smith0. Eli Whitney0. W. Edwards Deming0. Henry Ford88. The field of operations management is shaped by advances in which of the following Fields?1. Physics and chemistry1. Biology and anatomy1. Information sciences1. Industrial engineering and management science89. Supply chain and logistics1. Are same terms and can be used interchangeably?1. Are different terms, supply chain is a broader concept than logistics?1. Are different terms, supply chain is a narrower concept than logistics?1. Supply chain and concept differ from organization to organization.90. Which of the following statement is true?1. Transportation and logistics are same1. Physical distribution and logistics are same.1. Supply chain is subject of logistics1. Logistics is a subset of supply chain.91. Typical differences between goods and services do not include1. Cost per unit1. Timing of production and consumption1. Customer interaction1. Knowledge content92. Which of the following is not a typical service attribute?1. Intangible product1. High customer interaction1. Simultaneous production and consumption1. Easy to resell.93. Elomatic (India) Ltd. Produces actuators on an assembly line. If it produced 200 actuators in an eight hours shift, the productivity of the line is?1. 25 actuators per hour1. 40 actuators per hour1. 200 actuators per hour1. 1600 actuators per hour94. Which quality guru defined quality as fitness for the purpose?1. Joseph Juran1. Philip Crosby1. W.E. Deeming1. Flegenbaum95. Volume ,variety and flow are the three aspects used for 1. Product design1. Operation1. Supply chain1. Process design96. Cycle time the smallest in1. Jobbing production 1. Project production1. Batch production1. Mass and flow production97. Work in process is high in1. Jobbing production c) Batch production1. Mass & flow production d) Continuous production98. Most operation produce a mixture of both products of services which of the following businesses is closest to produce pure services?1. A restaurant1. Steel company1. An agricultural farm1. Counselor/therapist 99. The best opportunity for an increase in productivity is provided by1. Labour1. Capital 1. Management 1. All of above100. An operation manager is not likely to be involved ina) The design of products and servicesb) The quality of products and servicesc) The identification of customers wants and needsd) Work scheduling to meet the delivery dates promised to customers101. A successful TQM program incorporates all of the following excepta) Continuous improvementb) Employment improvementc) Bench maskingd) Centralized decision making authority102. Basic principle of lean thinking isa) Value B) Perfection C) Pull D)All of the above 103.The three major functions necessary in all organizations are :i. Marketing, Finance, Operationsii. Accounting Personal, Operations,iii. Marketing, Accounting, Operationsiv. Marketing, Human Resource, Quality104.Which one of the following would not generally fall under preview of operations management?i. Work methodsii. Manage inventoriesiii. Products & Service Designiv. Secure Financial Resources105.The Father of scientific management is : i. Henery Ford iii) Eli Whitneyii. Fredarich W. Taylor iv) Nelson Piquest

106 .Who among the following is associated with contribution to quality in Operations Management?i. Charles Babbage iii) Henry Ford iv) Frank Gilbredthii. W.E. Deming107.___________ is the system by which organizations source, make and deliver their product or services according to market demand.i. Supply chain ii) Operations iii)Maintenance IV) Materials108.A __________________ encompasses all activities associated with the flow of transformation of goods from raw material stage, through to end usei. Production line iii) Marketing channel iv) Warehouseii. Supply chain108.Which of the following would not be function for operations in a fast food restaurant?i. Making idlies, dosa, wada, etc iii) Maintaining equipment ii. Advertising and Promotion iv) Purchasing equipment109 . Which of the following services is not customized to individual needs?i. Hair Dressing iii)Dental careii. Legal Services iv) Nursery Education107 Fitness for the Purpose is a term used in :-i. Supply Chain Management iii) Logistics Management ii. Quality management iv) Maintenance Management108 Confirmation to specification is a notion used in i. Supply Chain iii) Research & Developmentii. Logistics iv) Quality109 . The concept of internal customer has its origin in i. Operations Management iii) Material Management ii. Supply chain management iv) Total Quality Management110 Three key factors in selection of the production process are:i. Variety, Volume & Flowii. Variety , volume and materialiii. Volume, Quantity and Qualityiv. Volume, Quantity and Flow111 The labour force in mass & flow production usuallyi. Unskilled or semi-skilledii. Skilled in a specific tradeiii. Skilled in more than one trade iv)Highly skilled112 General repair shops, special machine tool manufacturers, building contractors, and workshops to manufacture jigs & fixtures for other firms are typical examples of i. Jobbing and Project Production ii) Batch Productioniii. Process Production iv) Continuous Production 113. What type of process a paper mill is most likely to use i. Direct ii) Project ii) Continuous flow iv) Jobbing114. Services arei. Intangible iii) Perishable ii. Inseparable iv) Constant115. . Productivity increases when i. Input increase while outputs remain the sameii. Input decrease while output remain the sameiii. Outputs decrease while inputs remain the sameiv. Out and inputs increase proportionately116. . Which of the following decisions does not fall within scope of operations management?i. Financial Analysis iii) Quality managementii. Location of facilities iv) Design & product & services117. . Process layout is also known asi. Group layout iii) Product layout ii. Line layout iv) Functional layout118. . A successful TQM Program incorporates all of the following excepti. Continuous improvement iii)Employment improvementii. Bench marking iv) Centralized decision making authority119. Frequent changes in machine set-up is a common phenomenon in . A) Mass manufacturing B) Flow manufacturing C) intermittent flow D) All of the above120 . In . Machines & services are grouped on a functional basis and operations of the same type are performed in the same area . A) Product layout B)Process layout C) Continuous flow D) Fixed position layout121. Which came last in the development of manufacturing technique ? A) Lean Production B) Division of Labour C) Craft production D) Mass production122. The Person who introduced company wide quality control system was : A)Adam Smith B) Eli Whitney C) W.Edwards Deming D) F.W.Taylor.123. In which Decade Supply Chain management (SCM) philosophy emerged ? A) 1960 B) 1970 C) 1980 D) 1990.124. Primary objective of SCM is to fulfill customer demand through efficient use of . A) Road B) Railways C) Seaways D) Resources125. Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services ? A) Services are generally produced and consumed simultaneously , goods are not. B) Services tend to have lower customer interaction than products. C) Services tend to be more knowledge - Based than products. D) Services tend to have more customer interaction than products.126. Philip Crossby defined Quality as - A) Conformance to specification B) Meeting customers needs C) Fitness for purpose D) Quality is everybody concern .127.Volume ,Variety and Flow are three aspects used for : A) Product design B) Operation C) Supply Chain D) Design128. Relative great deal of production planning and control efforts are required in A) Jobbing production B) Batch production C) Mass and flow production d)Continuous production.129. . Production is characterized by manufacture of large variety of products and service and few production quantity. A) Project B) Batch C)Jobbing D) Mass and flow.130. Service sector accounts for what approximately what percentage of GDP ? A) 20% B)40% C) 60% D) 72%131. A high volume manufacturing process typically means all of the following except - A) A line or continuous process B) More customer involvement C) Less resource flexibility D)Greater capital intensity.132. The use of Group Technology addresses each of the characteristics listed below except : A) Families of parts or products B) Low volume processes C) Customer Satisfaction D) Reduction of jumbled flow.133.How many flow involve in SCM ? A)2 B)4 C)3 D)None of above134. Supply chain process cycle involves : A) Customer cycle B)Replenishment cycle c) Manufacturing cycle D) All of these.135.You may outsource some of your supply chain activities to avoid the . Cost of warehousing ,fleet operations and staff maintenance. A) Low B)High C)Equal D)Un-equal136. Global supply chain survey 2013 revealed that some of the leading players in different sectors outsource as much as 60 % of their and logistics operations. A) Warehousing B)Employee C)Cost D)SCM.137. You cannot underestimate the realitlities of global when crafting your supply chain management strategies. A) Cooling B) Warming C) Competition D)Growth138.There are concerns that the transportation of cargo by road ,sea and air emit . Gases to the atmosphere. A) toxic B) fresh C) good D) healthly139.No can exist without at least one service or product . A) process B) product C)operation D)Service.140. .. design is the selection of the inputs , resources , work flows and methods that transform inputs into outputs. A) R&D B) Process C) Product D) Method Study141. Process design decisions must be made when , 1) gap exists between competitive priorities & competitive priorities and competitive capabilities. 2) a new service or product is being offered . 3)demand for a service or product is changing 4) new technologies are available .A) All of above B)Only 1 C)Only 2 D)Only 3142. Widespread use of the .. has fundamentally transformed the world into a global village. A) News paper B)Printing C) T.V D)Internet143. A brick and mortar approach to business is no longer the norm as platforms edge towards occupying the centre stage of business procurement and supplies strategies. A) e-commerce B) railway C) airway D) seaway144. Increased accessibility of international market comes with greater challenges of managing expensive . Networks. A) Chain B)Local C) Foreign D) Supply Chain145. You must harness your capabilities to achieve quick turnarounds in the procurement and distribution of stock items. A)Planning B)Decision making C) Supply Chain D) Production146.In India we had system of .. craftmen in each village (known as Bara balutedar in Marathi) who supported mainly agricultural economy mutually. A) 6 B) 12 C ) 15 D)18147. Before industrial revolution , the products were produced by individuals who had highly developed skills working with mainly wood and iron. This category of production is known as .. production. A) Craft B) Mass C) Batch D) Continuous 148. Industrial revolution is supposed to have started with which removed the restriction of using either man/animal power in the industry. A) Before Christ B)19th century C) James Watts steam engine (1764) D) 21st century.149.Globally the concept of Factory Production is supposed th have started with A)Adam Smith 1776 B)Frank Gilbreath C)F.W.Taylor D) Charles Barbage150. saw the potential benefit of developing Interchangeable parts for the firearms of the united state army in 1801. A) Eli Whitney B)F.W.Taylor C) Frank Gilbreth D) Gantt 151. Charles Babbage (1832) in his book The economy of machinery and manufacture he put forward .. as an additional advantage of division of labour and assignment of job by skill. A) Time Study B) Motion Study C) Specialisation D) Method 152.Frank Gilbreth (1900) is called inventor of .. study of jobs. A) Motion B)Production C)Job D) Factory.153. Henry Ford (1913) introduced the concept of .. production and organized work stations into a job sequential conveyor belt assembly line. A) Job B)Batch C) Mass D)Product 154. did not invent the automobile ,but he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class ,Americans could afford to buy. A) Henry Ford B) James Watt C) F.W.Taylor D) Gantt155.F.W.Harris (1915) developed first economic lot sizes model for .. control . A) Quality B) Inventory C) Speed D) Feed 156.Elton Mayo (1927) is known as the Founder of the .. A) human relations movement B) Quality movement C) Lean movement D) Six sigma 157. Total Quality Management and Continuous improvement trace back to a former Bell Telephone employee named A) Walter Shewart B) F.W.Taylor C)Elton Mayo D) F.W.Harris.158. . Control chart was developed by Walter Shewhart . A) SPC B) Quality C) Grantt D) Horizontal 159. Walter Shewhart developed the sheward cycle , combines both creative management thinking with statistical analysis. A) Learning & Improvement Cycle B) Bi-cycle C) Motar cycle D) Tri -cycle160. is a systematic approach to identify waste of product and process by analysis of the function, without affecting ,reliability and service. A) Value Analysis B) PPC C)Scientific Management D)TQM161. The working of the economic system by which goods and services are supplied to consumers involves following market functions. 1)Production 2) Distribution 3)Exchange 4)Consumption A) All of the above B) Only Production C) Only distribution D) Only exchange162. .. is the set of activities concerned with efficient movement of finished goods from the end of the production operation to the consumer .A) Physical distribution B) PPC C) Operations D)Production163.Physical distribution is a part of a larger process called . which includes wholesale and retail marketing ,as well the physical movement of products. A) Distribution B) Marketing C)Selling D)Transportation.164. Physical distribution is defined as handling ,movement and storage of goods from the point of to the point of consumption or use , via various channels of distribution process. A) Origin B) Warehouse C)Market D) Railway station.165. The primary participants of the physical distribution process are producer,Wholesaler,Distributors,Retailers and .. A) End users B) Raw material supplier C)Transporter D) Trucks 166.Based on the degree of customer contact , one can visualize three types of desIgns for service processes A) Low degree of customer contact : quasi manufacturing . B) Medium degree of customer contact : mixed service C) High degree of customer contact : Pure service D) All of the above A ,B,,C167. Service . Is a method by which the service delivery process is broken down into individual elements through a step by-step mapping of the process. A) blueprinting B) red printing C) yellow printing D) black printing .168. Organization have alternative choices with respect to Customer contact & service complexity.These choices reflect in the service .. A)positioning B) height C)matter D) depth169. In service system ,the customer directly interacts with the provider. A)service B)product C) process D) place.170. In service system ,structural mechanisms must be in place to make the process simple ,easy to use and confortable for the .. A) customer B) provider C) Both A&B D) Safety.171. The appearance of the place where the service is provided in itself influences the impression and the .. quality aspects. A) service B) provider C) both A&B D) None of above A& B172. In service system ,paying careful attention to the aesthetics and ambience of the system is very important while doing . Planning . A)Layout B) Site C) Product D) Place173. All aspects of a service delivery system that are in the line of visibility of the customer will be part of the . Office. A)Front B)Back C) A or B D)A & B174. In service layout planning , Line of .. separates all the activities in which the customer has to have a direct interaction with the service provider as part of the service creation & delivery. A) Visibility B) Interaction C) A or B D) None of A & B175. In service system ,line of .. includes all the structural planning and interactional elements of a service delivery process that fall within the eyesight of the customer. A) Visibility B) interaction C) A or B D) None of A or B176 Office provide the customer with ample opportunities to discover his /her moments of truth about the service delivery process , the quality , the people & a host of other issues A) Front B) Back C ) Front or Back D) None of A or B177. All aspects of a service delivery process that are behind the line of visibility constitute the office . A) Back B) Front C) A & B D) None of A or B178. The back office may operate as a support arm for the line staff by providing them with data ,information ,planning tools and processing support on several aspect of a service. A)Front B) back C) Front or Back D) None of A or B179. All the employees operating in the front office require superior communication skills , the right attitude & temperament in dealing with the . A) customer B)society C)People D)Owner180. Employees in the back office require greater planning and .. skills than interpersonal skills . A) technical B) Non-technical C) A or B D) Administrative181. Designing of processes is an important and step in operation management. A) late B) down C) up D) early 182.The desIgning of manufacturing processes essentially consists of certain choices we make with respect to the . Of the parts in a manufacturing system . A) Flow B) location C) site D) design.183. The design of .. essentially consists of various choices that we make with respect to the flow of parts in a manufacturing system. A) Processes B) Product C) A or B D) cycle 184. Three important aspects have a significant influence on the process: Volume, . And Flow. A) Place B) Market C) Variety D) Men185. .. indicates the average quantity of products produced in a manufacturing system . A) Volume B) Variety C) Flow D) Machine 186. refers to the number of alternative products and varients of each product produced in a manufacturing system. A) Volume B) Variety C) A or B D) Quality 187. Planning & Scheduling may become .. on account of added choices in the manufacturing system. A) simple B) easy C) more complex D) hard188.The material undergoes a conversion process from the raw material stage to the finished goods stage . .. indicates the nature & intensity of this phenomenon . A) Flow B) Volume C) Variety D)All of above A , B ,C 189.Volume,Variety and Flow are .. to one another . A)Opposed B)Linked C)Similar D)All A,B,C190.In general , Volume and Variety will have an relationship. A) inverse B) inclined C) equal D) upward 191. When the volume of production is very high , the firm is likely to be engaged in the manufacture of . Varieties of products. A) fewer B) larger C) A or B D) None of A or B 192. Firm caters to a wide range of products and services, then the production volume of each of these variations is likely to be very . A) high B) low C) medium D) A or B or C 193. Three types of flows exist in manufacturing systems : Continuous , . And Jumbled. A) Continuous B) Intermittent C) Mass D) Line194. Continuous flow is largely a result of technological constraints and a .. volume of production. A) low B) high C) unit D) A or B or C195. In a manufacture of petrochemicals ,steel pharmaceuticals, cement and glass ,the reason for continuous flow is constraint. A) technological B)human C) manager D) place 196. Process industry have a .. manufacturing set up and finished goods are typically obtained at the end of manufacturing process. A) open B)closed C)underground D) overhead197.The need to keep the production facilities continuously running in a process industry directly translates into a need to be good in . Management. A) Marketing B) Operation C)Maintenance D)Quality198.In a mass production system , the volume of production is very . And the number of variations in the final product is . . A) High ,Low B)Low ,High C)Low , Low D) High , High199.In operations management terminology ,the manner in which the manufacturing resources are arranged for mass production is referred to as a . A) Flow shop B) Job shop C) Mass shop D) Shop.200. Better maintenance management practices and appropriate design of . Based layout are important operations management practices to be followed in a mass production system. A) Product B) Process C) A or B D ) Job 201. Intermittent flow system are characterized by . , .. products/services. A) mid-volume , mid- variety B) Low volume , Low variety C) high volume , high variety D) Low volume ,high variety202. The alternative process choices that an operations manager possesses and the relationship between process choices and flow patterns in a manufacturing system . The culmination of all these ideas is the .. matrix. A) Process Product B)Product-Product C)Process-Process D) Layout203. planning in manufacturing and service organizations involves the physical arrangement of various resources available in the system to improve the performance of the operating system. A) Layout B) Place C) Market D) Machine 204. A good layout design will ensure that a vast majority of jobs in a manufacturing system will have to travel .. distance before completing their processing requirements. A) shorter B) longer C) under ground D) high205. A Layout is an arrangement of resources on the basis of the process characteristics of the resources available . A) Process B )Product C) Line D) GA206. A Product layout .. Production Planning and Control problems. A) increases B) decreases C) simplifies D) complicate 207. .. layout provides an alternative method for configuring resources in organization that have mid-volume , mid-variety product portfolios. A) Group Technology B)Line C)Prodcut D)Process208. . Is a philosophy that seek to exploit commonality in manufacturing and uses this as the basis for grouping components and resources. A) GT B)PT C) AT D)OT209. .. layout are typically employeed in large project type organization . A) Fixed position B)Product C)Process D) Group Technology210. Shearing of specialized & costly equipments,more flexibility ,large inventory build up ,excess material handling & operational control difficult , in .. layout. A)Process B)Product C) Fixed position D)GT211. Standardized product /process routing ,high output rate is possible ,low tolerance for breakdown ,duplication of equipment leading to high cost , lower flexibility due dedication of resources in . Layout. A) Process B) Product C) fixed position D) GT212. Quality is . Proportional to variability. A) directly B)inversely C)Equally D) not213. Quality is . Perceived by the customer .A)goods B)service C)value D) goods or service214.Genichi Taguchi defines quality is the imparted to society from the time the product is shipped. A) profit B) service C) goods D) loss 215. Genichi Taguchi defines quality in a manner. A) positive B)negative C) zero D) single digit216.Quality is the degree to which a specified product is preferred over competing products of equivalent grade ,based on comparative test by customers, normally called . . A)customers preference B)Quality product C)Brand D)Product feature217.A . Is the network of organization that are involved through upstream and downstream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of ultimate customers. It is also called as a value chain. A) Process B)Supply chain C)Flow D)Capacity plan218. Volume ,Variety and Flow are three aspect which must be considered in the process of A)operations B)process design C) product design D)logistics.219.A flow system is characterized by a streamlined flow of products in the operating system. A) Intermittent B) Continuous C)Jumbled D) intermittent or jumbled 220. production helps ensure that the product or service matches the customers exact needs, as closely as the firm is able ,because it is literally Custom made . A) Flow B) Mass C) Job D)Batch221. Internal customers are .. A) Customers B) suppliers C) employees D) vendors222. According to the manufacturing based definition of quality A) Quality is the degree of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost. B) A process of quality depends on how well the product bits patterns of consumers preferences. C)Quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to standards. D) even through quality cannot be defined ,you know what it is .223. ERP means .. A) Ethical and Remote planning B) Electronic resource planning C) Exchange resource planning D) Enterprise Resource Planning224. Which option is not suitable advantage of electronic data interchange A)Cable operator faulty B) Quick process to information C) Increased productivity D) improved billing.225. Electronic commerce draws on technologies and involves such as - A) electronic funds B) online transaction C) None of A& B D) Both A & B226. which is not perspective of quality : A)Customers view B) Manufacture view C)Production view D) Product view .227. .. is an inventory management and manufacturing strategy that companies implement to reduce costs,increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage . A)Six sigma B)Lean management C) Poka yoka D) Fish fone diagram228. . Is a method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It is a combination a quality and management tools aimed at increasing business and reducing losses due to wasteful practices. A) SCM B) TQM C) Logistic D) Poka yoka 229. Durability ,Perception and reliability are dimension of A) SCM B)Quality C)Operation D)Maintenance230. Which is not type of quality ? A) Quality of design B)Quality of Structure C) Quality of Conformance D) Quality of performance .231. SQC stands for A) Statistical Quality Control B) Strategic Quality Control C) Structural Quality Control D) None of A ,B C232. continuous flow system is the specialized manufacture of A) Automatic Product B) Identical products C) Variety of products D) Equipments233. The average quantity of the products produced in a manufacturing system is called : A) Flow B) Continuous flow C) Volume D) Variety 234. Covers the process of transforming resource or inputs into the finished outputs. A) Operation system B)Facility layout C)Mass production D)Volume 235.One of the important functions of operations management is : A) Larger investment B) To arrange or assemble C)To manufacturing & service sectors D) Product selection & design236.In an organization ,generally the operation management is a .. A) Line function B) Staff function C) Line & staff function D) None of these .237. Which of the following would not be normally considered as a key feature of operations management ? A) An operation is the part of an organization which creates wealth through the management of the transformation process. B) World class operations can give an organization competitive advantage C) Most new technology is implemented in operation areas. D) Operations are the area of a business where most people work .238. Supply chain is network of : A) Supplier B) Distributor C) Manufacturer D) All A,B,C,239. SCM deals with : A)Planning of supply chain activities B)Monitoring of supply chain activities C) Execution of supply chain D) All of the above 240. How many flows involve in SCM ? A)2 B) 4 C)3 D)none of A,B,C241.Supply chain process cycle involves : A) Customer order B) Replenishment cycle C)Manufacturing cycle D) All of above A ,B,C 242. Which is not perspective of quality ? A)Customers view B)Manufacture view C)Production view D)Product view 243. The eight quality management principles are defined in : A) ISO 9000 : 2005 B) ISO 19011: 2011 C) ISO 9004 : 2000 D)ISO 9004 : 2009244. The scope of SCM is : A)Functional scope B) Organisational scope C) Both A & B D) vertical245. Quality is an asset which may be offered to the potential customer of a product or service . Defination given by A) C.D.Lewis B)Edwards Deming C)C.W.Kennedy D) ISO 8402246. Function of SCM : A)Strategic functions B) Tactical functions C) Operational functions D)ALL A,B,C247. Total Quality Management emphasizes : A) The responsibility of the quality control staff to identify and solve all quality related problems. B) A commitment to quality that goes beyond internal company issues to suppliers & customers. C) A system where strong managers are the only decision makers . D) A process where mostly statisticians get involved.248. Continuous flow system is the specialized manufacture of : A) Automatic product B)Identical products C) Variety of products D) Equipments249. Characteristics of job production includes : A) The product manufactured is custom made . B) Volume of output is generally small. C) Machines and equipments are arranged at one place. D) ALL of above A,B,C250. Highly specialised people and machine allow high rtaes of throughput and low unit cost in A) Assembly line B)Batch production C)Project D)Job production 251.Process layout is also called : A) Processing layout B)Straight-line layout C)Flow line layout D)Job shop layout252. Product layout is useful under : A)Simple and repetitive manufacturing process B) Capital investment C)Service facilities D)Quality control.253. The process in which consumers participate and through which the product is created and delivered to customers is called : A) Spatial layout B)Service complexity C)Service system design D) Servicecape254. The phase of a service system where customers are present is referred to as the : A)Job design B)Front office C)Back office D) Off stage 255. refers to the arrangement of machinery equipment and other industrial facilities A) Cellular layout B)Fixed position layout C)Facility layout D) Product layout.256.Factors affecting facility layout changes includes : A)Improved quality control B)Avoidance of bottlenacks C)Economies in handling D)None of these .257.The major product being produced fixed at one location is called : A) Fixed position layout B)Process layout C) Hybrid layout D) Product layout 258. The term .is Used to reinforce the idea that services need to be carefully designed with a blue print of its own . A) Service specification B)Delivery specifications C)service blueprinting D)Design specifications.259. Servicecapes design include : A)The space and function where the service takes place. B)The ambient conditions ,such as music ,temperature ,dcor and noise. C)Signs,symbols and artefacts. D)All of the above260. The factors which move the goods from one production point to other are part of . A) Capacity B)Production C) Process D)Logistics.261. Which of the following is true statement : A)Total quality management & lean are the same concept. B) Lean management is part of Total quality management C)Total quality management is part of lean management D) TQM is not related to lean management at all.262. Lean management is systematic approach of : A) Identification of waste in the system B)Ellimination of waste in the system C)Most optimum use of available resources D)All of above.263. The mass production system in discrete manufacturing industry is an example of : A) Intermittant flow system B) Continuous flow system C) Jumbled flow system D) Start stop flow system.264. Designing operation system include decision relating to : A) Facility location B)technology C) Facility layout D) ALL above A,B,C265. The customers view of quality means : A) Doing it in a right way B) Doing it right the first time C) Doing it right & on time D) Fitness for use.266. Quality is defined by customer is : A) an unrealistic definition of quality B) a user-based definition of quality C) a manufacturing based definition of quality D) a product based definition of quality267. Which of the following is the major categories of cost associated with quality ? A) Prevention cost B)Appraisal cost C)Internal & external failure cost D) All of the above A,B,C268. All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality control except : A)customer satisfaction B) inpection cost C) warranty & service cost D)maintenance cost269.Inspection ,scrap and repair are examples of : A)internal costs B)external costs C)costs of dissatisfaction D)societal costs.270. ISO 9000 seeks standardization in terms of : A)Products B)PRODUCTION PROCEDURES C) Suppliers specification D)Procedures to manage quality 271. Which of the following is true about ISO14000 certification : A) it is a prerequisite for ISO9000 certification B) it indicates a higher level of adherence to standards than ISO9000 . c) it is only taken by companies exporting their goods. D) it deals with environmental management.272. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning : A) a fool proof mechanism B) Just in time -JIT C) a fishbone diagram D) Continuous improvement.273. Based on 14 points ,Deming is a strong proponent of : A)Inspection at the end of the production process . B) An increasing numerical quotas to boost productivity C) Looking for the cheapest supplier D) training and knowledge.274. The philosophy of zero defect is : A)unrealistic B)Prohibitively costly C)an ultimate goal, in practice 1 to 2% defect is acceptable. D) Consistent with the commitment to continuous improvement.275. Quality circle members are ; A) Paid according to their contribution to quality B)External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools C) always m/c operators D) None of above 276.The process of identifying other organizations that are best at some facet of your operations and then modeling your organization after them is known as : A) Continuous improvement B) Employee empowerment C) Benchmarking D)Copycatting277. Cost of dissatisfaction ,Repair costs and warranty are elements of cost in the : A) Pareto charts B) Taguchi loss function C) ISO9000 Quality cost calculator D)Process chart288. A Quality loss function utilizes all of the following except : A) The cost of scrap and repair B) The cost of customer dissatisfaction C) inspection ,warranty ,service cost and cost to society D)Sales costs289. Pareto chart is used to : A) Identify inspection points in a process B)Outline production schedules C)Organize errors,problems or defects. D) Show material flow 290. Among the tools of TQM , the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is a : A)Pareto chart B)Flow chart C)Check sheet D) Taguchi map 291. The process improvement technique that sorts the Vital few from the trivial many is : A) Taguchi analysis B)Pareto analysis C) Benchmarking D) Zero defect292. A Fishbone diagram is also known as : A) Poka yoke diagram B) Cause & effect diagram C) Kaizen diagram D)Taguchi diagram293. Poka-yoke is the Japanese term for : A)Card B)Foolproof C)Continuous improvement D)JIT294. Which of the following is an implication of low variety ? A)Low unit cost B) Flexibility C) High complexity D) Matching customer needs.295. Which of the following is not an area of responsibility for a logistic manager : A) Inventory B) Purchasing C) Warehouse D) Marketing295. A big advantage of process layout is : A) Current performance is adequate B)Significant competitive advantage C) Competitive priorities have changed . D)Cost of inputs remain stable.296.Just in time / SCM Purchasing requires following condition : A) Many Suppliers B) Co-operation between purchasing & suppliers C) Short term contracts D) Continuous competitive advertising297. . & . Are the two well-known methods of make or buy decisions . A)Matching demand , Level capacity B) Forecast demand , Matching demand C) Dispatching , Expediting D)Estimating ,routing .298.The type of processing structure that is used to produce gasoline and drugs is : A)Work centre B)Batch C) Assembly line D) Continuous process.299. The type of processing structure that is used for producing discrete products at higher volume is : A)Work centre B)Batch C)Assembly line D)Continuous process300. The major decision variables in equipment selection are : A)Flexibility B)Labour requirement C)Manufacturer D) Both A & B301. The Product process matrix : A) Shows as volume decrease , Assembly line is the solution . B) Shows as Volume increase specialized equipment become cost effective . C) allows a manager to justify buying new equipment D)None of these.302. Who first introduced a Product Process Matrix ? A) Robert Hayes & Steven Wheelwright B) Kotler C) Elton Mayo D) F.W.Taylor303. The product process matrix is a tool for analyzing the relationship between the product life cycle and the life cycle A)process B)technological C)place D) price304. The relationship between production system and product characteristics is depicted on a product-process matrix and forms the basis for selection of the . A) Site B)Market C) Material D) Production process.305. A project process is based on a .. flow strategy . A) rigid B) Line C) linear D) flexible306. A project process lies at the .. & end of the process choice continuum. A) Low customization and low volume B) high-customization and low volume C)None of A or B D) Both A&B307. In Job shop process use .. flow strategy. A) rigid B) Line C) linear D) flexible308. Volume of production is minimum in : A) Job production B)Batch production C) Line production D)Project309. CRAFT means : A) Common Room Allocated For Tools B) Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique. C) None of A or B D) Both A & B310. The service matrix was derived by in 1986. A) Roger Schmenner B) Kotler C) Elton Mayo D) Gilbreth311.. refers to need and ability to alter the service in order to please the individual customers particular preferances. A) Customization B) Quality C) TQM D) Zero defect312.Blueprinting has given rise to other methodologies like : A) servuction B) motion study C)method study D)time study.313. LEAN Manufacturing philosophy is called : A) TPS - Toyota Production System B) TQM C)Project D) Flexible flow314. Lean manufacturing identified how many waste ? A) 2 B)4 C)6 D)7315. Lean waste identified : 1. Waste from overproduction 2. Waste of waiting 3. Transportation waste 4)Processing waste 5) Inventory waste 6)Waste of motion 7) Waste from product defect .A) All above B) None of above C) only 1,2,3,4 D) Only 5,6,7316. Which of the following is correct cycle for implementation of six sigma quality improvement programme ? A) Design,Monitor ,Analyze,Control,Improve B) Define ,Measure,Analyze,Improve,Control C) none of A or B D) either A or B317. Functions of SCM related to production,Purchasing decision ,inventory comes under : A) Strategic functions B) Tactical functions C) Operational functions D) All of these.318. Which of these are not the ultimate objective of operations management . A) Pre established cost B) Right time C) Integration of process D)Right Quality 319. Productivity is ratio of : A) output/input B) input/output C) both A&B D)None A & B320. What are the set of factors that influence an operations manager to select a process : A) Feedback analysis,Variety ,Volume B) Volume ,Environment ,Feedback analysis C) Volume ,Variety ,Flow D) Control,Economy ,Volume 321. Of the process selection aspects what indicates , nature & intensity of conversion process of inputs to output and how conversion takes place. A)Volume variety relation B) Conversion index C) Flow 322. Which flow system is characterized by long production runs of identical or similar discrete items through same sequence of operation . A) Intermittent flow B) Continuous flow C) Batch manufacturing D) Job manufacturing flow.323. Frequent changes in machine set-up is a common phenomenon in : A) Mass manufacturing B) Flow manufacturing C) Intermittent flow D) All of the above 324. The machines are fully automatic & costly in : A) Continuous flow system B)Analytical Flow C)Job manufacturing D) Batch manufacturing 325.Manufacturing of drugs ,pharmaceuticals ,medium & heavy machines comes in : A) job Production B) Batch Production C)Mass production D) Flow production326.Manufacturing of cement : A) job Production B) Batch Production C)Mass production D) Flow production327. Which process is appropriate during a product introductary stage , when production volumes are low and product often customized . A) Repetitive batch B) Intermittent batch C)Job shop D) Continuous flow328. Product layout is also known as : A) straight Line layout B) Flow line for specialized products C) Flow line layout D) All of above A,B,C329. is the process of recording in graphical form the activities and interactions in service process. A) Service Specilization B) Service blueprint C) Service package D)All of the above 330. Which of the following would be an example of a hybrid services ? A) University B) Professor C) Restaurant D) Airline 331. Which of the following would be an example of a Pure service? A) Airlines B) Insurance C) Car dealer D) Copier company332.Unlike Physical goods ,Service are produced and . Simultaneously . A) Launched B)Consumed C) Created D) Maximized 333. The five determinants of Service quality include all of the following EXCEPT A) Empathy B) Assurance C)Responsiveness and Reliability D) Reputation.334. Service market frequently complain about the difficulty of their service ? A) Marketing B)diffusing C)differentiating D) developing 335. Services vary as to whether they are Equipment-based or A) Service based B)People based C) Process based D)Historical based336. Services can be high in each qualities .Which one of the following is NOT seen as high in search quality ? A) Decorating B) A restaurant C) A haircut D) A medical diagnosis.337. A service encounter includes : A) Face to face interaction B) Customers and a building C) Customers & Advertising D) All of the above 338. Which of the following is primarily a supply chain management decision ? A) From Whom to Purchase materials B) How many of each item should be produced . C) The mix of labour skill and automation . D) Plant location.339. Which of the following is NOT a trend in Operations management ? A) Increased use of electronic commerce B) Increased globalization C)Decreased delivery times D) Decreased customization340. Input to a transformation process include all of the following except : A) Materials B) People C) Assembly D) Information 341. Main purpose of logistics can be summarized as : A) Transporting materials B)Storing materials C) Both A & B D) Neither A nor B342. Which of the following would not normally be considered a general characteristic of a service ? A)Production & Consumption can always be spatially separated . B) Many services involved both tangible and intangible outputs. C) Production and Consuption are simultaneous . D) Production & Sales cannot easily be separated functionally.343. The Specific concerns of total quality management ( TQM) include a number of aspects . Which is not normally associated with TQM ? A) Inclusion of every person in the organization . B) Covering all parts of the organization . C) Meeting the needs and expectations of customers. D) Primarily a Worker rather than a management activity.344. The customer view of quality means : A) Meeting requirement B) doing in the right way . C)doing it right at the first time D) Fit for use.345. A service is A) A job you do for others B) Paid for by a consumer C) Satisfies wants D) All of the above 346. Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management . Which explanation best represents outbound logistics ? A) A supply chain that emphasizes distribution of a product to passive customers. B) The management of resources supplied from an organization from its suppliers and intermediaries. C) The management of material resources entering an organization from its suppliers & other partners. D) None of above A,B,C 347. Intermediaries play an important role in matching : A) Dealer with Customer B) Manufacturer to Product C) Information & Promotion D) Supply & Demand 348. .. Management is an area of management concerned with overseeing,designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services. A)Supply Chain B)Opeartions C)Quality D) Design 349. A . Is a system of organization ,people , activities ,information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer . A) Physical distribution B) Distribution channel C) Supply chain D) Logistics 350. Higher the quality ,greater is the A) Loss B)Profit C) Sale D) Price 351. The concept of .has developed out of a need to build quality into the product rather than inspect the product for quality. A) Physical distribution B)Six Sigma C)Internal customer D)Poka yoke 352. is an inventory management and manufacturing strategy that companies implement to reduce cost, increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage . A) Six Sigma B) Lean Management C) Poke Yoke D) Juran353. . Production help ensure that the product or service matches the customers exact needs ,as the firm is able , because it is literally Custom made. A) Batch B)Mass C)Job D) Flow354. .. Production is the method pioneered by Henry Ford For his Model T Car , and the efficiencies he gained enabled him to produce large numbers of cars at low cost. A) Flow B) Mass C) Job D) Batch355. Designing operation system include making choice with respect to : A)Location & LAYOUT B) Technology C) Capacity D) All of above A,B,C356. For successfully designing the process applicable in any kind of organization,the important tool used to map the flow of a process is . . A) Batch production B) Mass production C) Process flow D)Process flow charting 357. Utmost knowledge of . Provides vital clues to the operations manager about production planning and control issues that need to be addressed . It also provides useful information about the complexities of operation management in an operation system. A) Variety B)Flow C) Volume D)Market358. . Production Process is a type of Continuous and streamlined flow system. A ) Job B) Shop C) Mass D) Active 359. A bakery is an example of . . A) Job production B)Mass production C) Flow production D) batch production.360. When variety increases, the volume of production for each variation will be less compared to a mass production system. Therefore ,dedication of manufacturing resources for each variation may not be a feasible option .A .. system is preferable in such cases. A) continuous B)Job C)Flow D) intermittent 361. .. contact signifies the extent to which the customer participates in the preparation and consumption of a service. It also indicates the level of exposure that the customer has to the various facets of the service while receiving the service. A) Customer B) Owner C)Employee D) All of above A,B,C362. .. planning enables the operation manager to conveniently locate the resources in a shop so that jobs travel smaller distances , are not handled too frequently and spend less time in the system before it is completed. A) Layout B)Lean C) Six sigma D) TQM 363. is a method by which the service delivery process is broken down into individual elements through a step-by-step mapping of the process. It helps organization design,monitor,control and improve processes and the service delivery system on an ongoing basis. A) Service blueprinting B)Process Design C)Production Planning D) TQM364. Intermediaries play an important role in matching .. A) Dealer with customer B) Information & Promotion C) Manufacture to Product D) Supply & Demand365. Which of the following is not a typical supply chain member . A) Wholesaler B) Retailer C) Customer D) Producer 366.Companies manage their supply chain through : A) Information B) Transportation C)Competitiors D) Skilled operator 367. Today , a growing no. of firms outsource some or all of their logistics to . Intermediaries. A) Competitor B)Third party logistic provider C) Channel members D) Cross functional teams 368. The Supply Chain Concept originated in what discipline ? A) Marketing B) Logistics C) Operation D) Production 369. Positive ,Long-term relationship between Supply Chain participants refer to : A) Co-operation B)tailored logistics C) Partnership D)Supply Chain Management 370. Which of the following is function of SCM ? A) Strategic functions B)Operations functions C)Tactical functions D) All of above A,B,C371. Supply Chain Management deals with : A) Planning of supply chain activities B)Monitoring of Supply Chain activities C)Execution of Supply chain D)All of the above 372. Characteristics of job production include : A) The product manufactured is custom made . B)Volume of output is generally small C) Machines & equipments are arranged at one place. D)All of the above A,B,C.373. The major product being produced fixed at one location is called : A)Fixed position layout B)Hybrid layout C) Process layout D)Product layout.374. A good layout requires determining : A) Material Handling requirement B) Capacity & space requirement C) Environment & aesthetics D) All of above A,B,C375. The main issue in designing process oriented layout concerns the relative positioning of .. to minimize cost of material handling. A) work stations B)departments C)raw material D)Finish goodsBEST OF LUCK From : Prof.Chandrakant Thorat
