
Term 2 Week 10, 6th July 2017

Dear Parents,

Our playtime ‘entertainment’ is now guaranteed as we watch the

progress of our new COLA building project. Temporary fencing was

installed on Tuesday and demolition works have now begun. The

builders had large audiences on Wednesday as they pulled down our

old shade structure and dismantled the seating in the area. This project

will be underway for approximately 4-5 months and will deliver a multi-

purpose, weatherproof space.

Access to our transportable buildings will temporarily be limited to side


COLA – Covered Outdoor Learning Area


With the building project underway, we practised our invacuation

procedures on Wednesday to ensure our procedures would not be

hindered by the temporary yard adjustments. The practice was very

smooth and efficient.


Parents are kindly reminded to keep us updated with changes to email

addresses, home addresses and phone numbers. While our

attendance database can only provide for one mobile number (used

for attendance alerts), our communication procedures can

accommodate multiple email addresses per family. Please let us know

if you would like to add addresses on the database via

[email protected]

Wishing all families a safe and happy school

holiday break.

Kind regards, Wendy Moore

Inside this issue

Principal News Award Winners

Sports News Library News HB11 Science Night

Coming events

07/07/17 Term 2 ends Civvies Day

2:10pm Dismissal

Term 3

24/07/17 Pupil Free Day

25/07/17 School Resumes


Wendy Moore


Golden Grove Primary School



140 Bicentennial Drive

Golden Grove 5125

Phone: 8289 3137

Fax: 8289 3138




SMS: 0416 906 270

SAPSASA State Soccer Carnival

Calum C, BJ K, Zoe A and Baylee C represented Tea Tree Gully District in

the State SAPSASA Soccer Carnival during week 9. The weather was pretty

much perfect conditions for soccer and the parents reported that the

games were amazing to watch. The boys’ team placed top of the ladder

for Division 2 and were undefeated. This is a fantastic achievement.

The girls competed brilliantly all week and ended up 4th on the ladder out

of 9 teams. This is a fantastic result.

Golden Grove Primary School are very proud of all 4 students.

SAPSASA Netball Carnival

On Wednesday 21th June our girls and boys SAPSASA Netball teams competed in the local district

carnival at the Golden Grove courts. Our 3 girls’ teams competed strongly against the other schools.

There was fantastic team work, ball skills and footwork displayed by all the team members. The Division

2 girls placed 2nd overall and all 3 teams had a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Divison 1 Girls Divison 2 Girls Divison 3 Girls

We also took a boys team to the carnival this year. I was fortunate to coach them and I renamed

them, ‘The Dream Team’. They had never played together as a team before and only one of the boys

had actually played netball. On the day they worked well displaying excellent team work skills,

defeating 3 teams with ease and drawing against Highbury. The boys went on to be equal winners of

the carnival with St Davids and Wynn Vale.

We would like to thank Karen Lang (Blake’s Mum HB2) for coaching the

girls Div. 2 team and Nicole Stones (Ashleigh HB22 & Mackenzie’s Mum

HB1) for coaching the girls Div. 3 team and helping out all day. Thanks

also to the other parents that attended the carnival to support our 4

teams/help out with scoring. Your help is very much appreciated. Also

thanks to Bruce Pearce for his organisation and for taking the girls Div. 1

team and the lovely Bron Davis for taking great photos!

SAPSASA State Hockey Carnival

Jamie D(HB23) represented Tea Tree Gully District in the State SAPSASA Hockey

Carnival during week 9. He was selected as the team captain for the week. This is a

great achievement, especially as Jamie is only in Year 5.

The team competed fabulously all week and had the luck of good weather on their

side. Tea Tree Gully ended up 3rd overall, with 2 losses, 3 draws and 5 wins. Jamie

managed to score 3 goals.

Golden Grove Primary School is very proud of you Jamie!

Becky Jones

The Dream Team - District

Champions 2017

Meet the Writer’s Festival 2017

Eight avid readers from year 7 along with Teacher Librarians Ms Uzzell and Mrs Crisanti attended the afternoon session for Meet the Writer’s Festival on Thursday 22nd of June at the

Adelaide Convention Centre to complement our schools’ Literacy programme.

At the Writer’s Festival authors Isobelle Carmody and Andy Griffiths addressed the whole

group. Our students also attended workshop sessions with the following authors

Phil Cummings, Rosanne Hawke, Kristin Weidenbach and Allayne Webster.

“My highlight was meeting famous authors and hearing their stories about how they became

authors. One of the authors, Phil Cummings, comes from Adelaide and was engaging and

very friendly”. Matthew

“Andy Griffiths told us to think differently and not be predictable as authors. His presentation

was brilliant. I really enjoyed meeting all the authors.” Cindy

Alex, Cindy, Angelina, Matthew, Nick, Lachie, Mrs Uzzell, Nick and Daniel Meeting Rosanne Hawke


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published 20 years ago.

We have been marking the magical moment in our library.

While many students have seen the movies, engagement with the books

has so many more benefits to student’s literacy. This holidays hopefully we

can all make time to read more!

Two of our biggest Harry Potter fans Sophia and Ethan.

My favourite character is Luna because she is mysterious. I started

reading this series at the end of year 3. They are full of mysteries

and I think they are great books. Sophia H.

I am up to the fourth novel in the series, Goblet of Fire. My

favourite character is Harry Potter. When I took the character

quiz it came up that he would be the one that I would be

friends with. He is smart and does the same things I do at home

– go adventuring! Ethan W.

Alison and her students invited parents in to school to share an evening

of Science fun!

The students and parents enjoyed having a go at lots of different experiments.

Charley and Issac making

colour patterns with Skittles!

Making gunk.

A beautiful pattern

made from mixing

food colouring in

milk with

washing up


Using static electricity

to pick up bugs!

Addison and Aimee making

a chicken, including the

sound with a paper cup,

paper clip and string!

Getting excited by a

chemical reaction!!

Charley and his Dad

making a jet balloon!

It was so fast it

couldn’t be


Golden Grove Primary


Award Winners



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



25/07 3.25 Staff Meeting

26/07 27/07

28/07 Footsteps Yrs 3-5


31/07 5PM Finance Mtg

01/08 1415 Canteen 3.25 Staff Meeting

02/08 SAPSASA Girls Football Carnival - Bulkana

03/08 Newsletter

04/08 0900 Assembly Yrs3-7 HB1 Footsteps Yrs 3-5 1415 Fundraising


07/08 7.00pm Governing Council Meeting

08/08 3.25 Staff Meeting

09/08 Lab on Legs Yrs 3,4,5

10/08 1430 Uniform Meeting

11/08 0900 Assembly R-2 HB27 Footsteps Yrs 3-5



15/08 0930 & 1115 Magic Flute Opera incur-sion for Yr 3-5 3.25 Staff Meeting


17/08 Newsletter

18/08 Footsteps Yrs 3-5



Escape to


21/08 Phil Cummings visit

22/08 Phil Cummings visit 3.25 Staff Meeting 1800 OSHC Meet-ing

23/08 Phil Cummings visit Bro Code to ABODA Band Competition

24/08 Kidzbiz 6.40pm Where Did We Come From? R-4 7.40pm What’s Happen-ing to Us? Year 5-7

25/08 0900 BookWeek Parade Footsteps Yrs 3-5 Senior Band to ABODA Band Competition Senior Voices to Wood-ville Town Hall



29/08 1415 Canteen 3.25 Staff Meeting

30/08 SAPSASA Tennis Carnival – TTG TC 0900 Class Parent Meeting

31/08 Newsletter Father’s Day Stall

01/09 0900 Assembly 3-7 HB3/4 Year 7’s at GGHS


04/09 5pm Finance Mtg

05/09 3.25 Staff Meeting





11/09 7.00pm Governing Council Meeting

12/09 Wave Warriors at Entertainment Centre 3.25 Staff Meeting

13/09 SAPSASA Boys Football Carnival @ Tilley Reserve

14/09 Newsletter 1430 Uniform Mtg

15/09 0900 Assembly YrsR-2 HB30 Senior Voices at Ade-laide Entertainment Centre morning/night 1415 Fundraising



19/09 3.25 Staff Meeting


21/09 HB9 & 10 Botanical


22/09 0900 Assembly 3-7 HB23



26/09 Sausage Sizzle

3.25 Staff Meeting

27/09 28/09 Newsletter

29/09 0900 Assembly R-2 HB28 Casual Clothes Day EARLY DISMISSAL

@ 2.10PM
