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OPENEDITION & OPERASTowards a European Infrastructure

for Open Access publications

Pierre Mounier (EHESS)

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Disseminating humanities and social sciences research…

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… on the open web …

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…with an international network of partners

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• Journals ( :• 437 journals• 160 000 documents in

OA • Monographs (OE Books) :

• 2500 titles in OA

• Events programmes(Calenda) :• 33 000 programmes in


• Scholarly Blogs (Hypotheses) :• 1600 living blogs• 215 000 blog posts in


• 176 000 documents indexed in OpenAire

Number of available documents

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Multilingualism and bibliodiversity

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Freemium : from libraries for publishers

• Open Access on the Web (html) – free –

• Pdf and epub download and other services licensed to libraries – premium –

• 66% of income for books and journalspublishers

• Partnership with libraries consortia : Couperin, Crepuq, CIFNAL

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PremiumNo DRM

No Download quotas


AccessCopy/Paste, Print, Save,…


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140 journals in OE Freemium

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59 publishers of books in OE Freemium

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More than 110 subscribing libraries

• Most recentsubscribers : Kuwait University Library,TheFaculty of Arts and Humanities – University of Porto, U.C. Berkeley U. Stanford U. Columbia U. Cornell U. Yale U. Illinois, Bryn MawrCollege

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OpenEdition as an open platform

• Scientific communitieshave a long tradition of collaborative work in the print era :– Researchers

– Librarians

– Publishers

• OpenEdition aims at renewing that tradition in the new era : digital, online, open

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CC By-sa Naoya Ikeda

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OPERASOpen access Publication in the

European Research Area for the Social sciences and humanities

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Common goals

• Adopt common standards

• Share R&D

• Identify and adopt best practices

• Assess sustainable economic models

• Advocate for open access in the humanities and humanities in the open access community

• Prvide seamless service at European level

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19 partners from 10 countries

1. Association of European University Presses – AEUP (EU)2. Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (LX)3. Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università italiane – CRUI (IT)4. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – ILIESI (IT)5. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (DE)6. ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (PT)7. Knowledge Unlatched (UK)8. Max Weber Stiftung (DE)9. Oapen library (NL)10. Open Books Publishers (UK)11. Open Library of Humanities (UK)12. OpenEdition (FR)13. Ubiquity Press (UK)14. UCL Press (IT)15. Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (IT)16. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (IT)17. Università di Torino (IT)18. University of Zadar (HR)19. Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης – EKT (GR)

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Towards a (cyber)infrastructure for social sciences and humanities disciplines

“a layer of information, expertise, standards, policies, tools, and services that are shared broadly across communities of inquiry but developed for specific scholarly purposes : cyberinfrastructure is something more specific than the network itself, but it is something more general than a tool or a resource developed for a particular project, a range of projects, or, even more broadly, for a particular discipline.”

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• ESFRI : european strategy forum for research infrastructures

• Earmarks major initiative for research in Europe

• Imply national fundings

• Specific funding in H2020 (INFRADEV)

• Roadmap update in 2018

• A legal entity eventually

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High Integration of Research Monograph in the European Research Area for Social sciences and humanities

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HIRMEOS : High Integration of ResearchMonographs in the European Open Science

• HIRMEOS will improve five important publishing platforms for the open access monographs in the SSH and enhance their technical capacities and services, rendering technologies and content interoperable and embedding them fully into the European Open Science Cloud. The project focuseson the monograph as a significant mode of scholarly communication in the SSH and tackles the main obstacles of the full integration of important platforms supporting open access monographsand their contents. HIRMEOS will prototype innovative services for monographs in view of full integration in the European Open Science Cloud by providing additional data, links and interactions to the documents, paving the way to new potential tools for research assessment, which is still a major challenge in the SSH. The platforms participating (OpenEdition Books, OAPEN Library, EKT Open Book Press, Ubiquity Press and Göttingen University Press ) will be enriched with tools thatenable identification, authentication and interoperability (DOI, ORCID, Fundref), and tools thatenrich information and entity extraction (INRIA (N)ERD), the ability to annotate monographs(, and gather usage and alternative metric data. HIRMEOS will also enrich the technicalcapacities of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), a most significant indexing service for open access monographs globally, to receive automated information for ingestion, while it will alsodevelop a structured certification system to document monograph peer-review. Partners willdevelop shared minimum standards for their monograph publications, such that allow the full embedding of technologies and content in the European Science Cloud. Finally, the project will have a catalyst effect in including more disciplines into the Open Science paradigm, widening itsboundaries towards the SSH.

HIRMEOS partners are: OpenEdition (Coordinator) (FR), OAPEN (NL), Göttingen University (DE), Ubiquity press (UK), Open Book Publishers (UK), DARIAH (EU), INRIA (FR) Turin University (IT), Max Weber Stiftung (DE), EKT (GR).

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5 open access book publishingplatforms

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5 sets of services

• Identification : DOI, ORCID, FUNDREF

• Certification : DOAB

• Names entities: INRIA (N)ERD

• Annotation :

• Usage metrics : Impact metrics, Book metrics

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Integrating SSH monographs into Open Science

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Grazie !

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