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PLS Tutorial

prepared for the PhD SchoolNovember 1st, 2012

Dr. Paul Ghijsen

Associate Professor Supply Chain Management

Department Marketing and Supply Chain Management

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Preamble (1/2)

• Tool/ technique. Not aim (for me)

• Easy to use

• Often applicable – real life / complex situation

Suggestion is limited to the presentation of PLS-PM results for a manuscript

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Preamble (2/2)

• Add to existing literature …

• Specific problem statement

• Limited number of research questions

• Force yourself to answer in one sentence : what is the topic of your research and what should the answerlook like (in the end)…

• Make a graph of the relationships -> conceptual model

• Use literature to ‘compile’ questionnaire

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Overview tutorial• Introduction SEM

• Focus on Partial Least Squares

– Especially SmartPLS, how to …• Specify the model

• Derive results and

• Present results

• What you should think about

• Where to get it

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Introduction to SEM

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

A relatively simple model

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Introduction to SEM

• Factor-based covariance fitting approach for latent structural modeling: LISREL, AMOS.

• Estimation methods:

– Maximum Likelihood and

– Generalized Least Squares / Generalized Method of Moments

• SEM with causal diagrams involve three primary components:

– Indicators (manifest variables or observed measures/variables)

– latent variable (construct, concept, factor)

– path relationships ( correlational, one-way paths, or two way paths).

– Take a look at David A. Kenny’s overview

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Reflective or formative indicators?

• Latent or Emergent Constructs: Covary or not

• Strong theory or not ?

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Introduction to SEM

• All the measured variance is useful variance to be explained.

A general model which encompasses, among other techniques, canonical correlation, redundancy analysis, multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance, and principal components

• Sample size can be smaller: strong rule of thumb: equal to the larger of the following: (1) ten times the scale with the largestnumber of formative (i.e., causal) indicators, or (2) ten times the largest number of structural paths directed at a particularconstruct in the structural model.

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Focus on Partial Least Squares

• Powerful method of analysis because of the minimal demands on measurement scales, sample size, and residual distributions.

• PLS is considered better suited for explaining complex relationships (Editorial LRP 2012)

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Steps to publish your results

• Download your data

• Data preparation or ‘cleaning’ your data

• Compute data descriptions using e.g. SPSS (table 1)

– Focus on Mean, STD, Skewness and Kurtosis

• Report on reliability test (Cronbach’s alpha) (table 2)

• Draw your inner model and your outer model

• Analyse the results from the PLS algorithm, Bootstrapping, FIMIX

• Use info on factor loadings and t-values to complete table 1 (outer model)

• Check convergent and discriminant validity

• Present table 4 on the results of the inner (or structural) model

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Steps to prepare your data

Step 1Download the dataset in Spss format

Step 2Replace values 8888888 & 9999999 with sysmis ('.')

Step 3Recode control questions

Step 4Replace the sysmis with series means

Step 5Compute Cronbach’s alpha for the (existing) dimensions ( >.70)

Step 6Delete (old) variables and / or respondents (with extreme care)

Step 7

Save file as 'tab-delimted“ or .csv

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Compute descriptives

• Focus on

– Mean

– Standard deviation

– Skewness

– Kurtosis

• Possibly correlations

• E.g. use SPSS

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Compute Reliability results

• Compute Cronbach’s alpha

– >= 0.6 for new variables

– >= 0.7 for existing variables

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Especially Smartpls

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Conceptual modelInfluence of customer orientation on salesperson performance

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Conceptual modelInfluence of customer education, expertise and experience on customer loyalty

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Convergent and discriminant validity

• Convergent: • AVE >= 0.5

• Discriminant: • Square root of AVE >= correlations (row and column)

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Goodness of Fit of the models

• FIMIX procedure in SmartPLS:

– Akaike Information Criterion (Analogous to Chi-square)

– Baysian IC (id.)

– Corrected AIC (id.)

– ENtropy, close to 0.5

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

The SmartPLS tutorial videos

• Drawing a basic model

• Estimating the basic PLS path model

• Bootstrapping, p-values

• Epilogue

• How to handle missing data

• Basic concepts of PLS path modeling

• PLS Path Modeling or Co-variance SEM



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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

What you should think about

• PLS is not a silver bullet:

– SEM co-covariance techniques also matter.

– Inadmissable solutions

– Factor indeterminancy

• Look at distribution of your data: ‘feel your data’.

• Aim for adequate data collection (adequate sample size)

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Where to get it?

• SmartPLS via

• PLSgraph via Wynne Chin ([email protected] ; )

• WarpPLS via

• R via

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Additional resources (1/3)

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Additional resources (2/3)

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PLS Tutorial Paul Ghijsen November 1st 2012

Additional resources (3/3)

Online courses or classes:

