  • 1. Open Access, OER, and the Next Generation Nick Shockey (@R2RC) Director of Programs & Engagement, SPARC Director, Right to Research Coalition 2014 BC Open Textbook Summit April 16, 2014 ! Nicole Allen (@txtbks) Director of Open Education, SPARC

2. Education exists because of students, and when they call for #OER people listen #otsummit @txtbks Tweet-Sized Summary ! 3.! h"p:// 4.! h"p:// 5.! ! A BILL To expand the use of open textbooks in order to achieve savings for students. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,2 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.3 This Act may be cited as the Affordable College4 Textbook Act.5 SEC. 2. FINDINGS.6 Congress finds the following:7 (1) The high cost of college textbooks continues8 to be a barrier for many students in achieving high-9 er education.10 5 Nov 18, 2013 Jkt 039200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:BILLSS1704.IS S1704 h"p:// 6. Students are OER catalysts! ! 7.! Advice for Campus Students are the experts on their own perspective, so involve them at every level and listen to what they have to say. 8.! Advice for Campus Students may not be the experts on the details. That is your job. Think of how you can inform, guide and support them. 9.! Advice for Students Set the expectation that you are an equal partner and claim your seat at the table. 10.! Advice for Students Ask for support where you need it. Talk to the library, outside groups (SPARC, PIRG), faculty, administrators, technical sta 11. #OA & #OER are fraternal twins separated at birth. Both advance faster if we work together and with the next generation #otsummit @R2RC Tweet-Sized Summary ! 12.! Free, immediate, online access to scientic & scholarly articles with full reuse rights. ! 13.! Free, immediate, online access to scientic & scholarly articles with full reuse rights. ! 14. Free/Open Low quality h"p:// 101371_1545-7885_1_1_cover.png h"p://"ers/les/2012/07/openstax2.png ! 15.! Open Licensing reuse Marklarson:h"p:// h"p:// ! 16.! = ! 17. Cross pollenate policies ! Co-sponsors on both: Rep. Bonamici Rep. Green Rep. Lofgren Rep. Polis 18. Cross pollenate advocates ! 1,000+ Congressional lobbying visits over the past 4.5 years 19.! + ! 20.! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATE- PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS NAGPS February 3, 2013 The Honorable Mike Nathe North Dakota State House of Representatives Chairman, Education Committee 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505-0360 Dear Chairman Nathe and Members of the House Education Committee, On behalf of the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students, I am writing to express support for HCR 3009 and HCR 3013 in the North Dakota legislature. These resolutions take critical first steps toward broader use and development of open textbooks to reduce the burden of textbook costs on college students, thereby increasing the affordability and accessibility of higher education. The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) is an entirely student-run, non-profit organization representing more than half a million graduate and professional students across the nation. As students we have a vested interest in advocating for the expansion of open textbooks and other open educational materials. Like our undergraduate counterparts, textbooks serve as a critical, indispensable resource in our education. Additionally, due to the increased specialization of advanced degrees, many of our textbooks are exceptionally expensive. These costs are especially disconcerting since many of us receive incomes at or below the poverty line and have other financial responsibilities including families of our own. In addition to our duties as students and researchers, we also serve as educators in courses and labs for the undergraduates of today and the future. We have seen firsthand how prohibitively expensive textbook costs can be for our studentsparticularly for students in the sciences, technologies, engineering and math (STEM) fields and those with limited financial resources. This unfortunately means that the total cost of college attendance continues to rise and accessibility remains a challenge for students from underrepresented or economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Particularly, the high cost of STEM textbooks may be a deterrent for students who would otherwise enter these fields, which are crucial for continuing to increase our nations competitiveness and grow our economy through research and innovation. If our nation hopes to continue to promote higher education as a tool to achieve both personal and national success, we must address the issue of textbook affordability. 13.3025.01000 Sixty-third Legislative Assembly of North Dakota Introduced by Representatives Beadle, Heilman, N. Johnson, Looysen, Sanford, Mock, Oversen Senator Flakoll A concurrent resolution urging the State Board of Higher Education and faculty members of North Dakota University System institutions to increase the use of open textbooks for academic courses in order to reduce the financial burden to higher education students. WHEREAS, a North Dakota University System student pays an estimated average of $1,100 per year for academic course textbooks; and WHEREAS, high textbook costs create a financial burden for students to attend a higher education institution which may limit student access to higher education; and WHEREAS, open textbooks are published under a license that enables students to obtain free or low-cost versions of electronic or printed academic textbooks; and WHEREAS, the use of open textbooks can significantly reduce higher education costs for students which increases student access to higher education; and WHEREAS, the use of open textbooks among all North Dakota University System institutions and other states' higher education systems for common core courses may result in efficiencies reducing state costs related to higher education; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH DAKOTA, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN: That the Sixty-third Legislative Assembly urges the State Board of Higher Education and faculty members of North Dakota University System institutions to increase the use of open textbooks for academic courses in order to reduce the financial burden to higher education students; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State forward copies of this resolution to each member of the State Board of Higher Education, to the Chancellor of the North Dakota University System, and to each North Dakota University System institution president. Page No. 1 13.3025.01000 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 3013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ! 21. Put the next generation at the core! ! 22. 23.! 24.! 25.! 26.! 27.! 28. 29. 30. 31.! Thank you! [email protected] @R2RC [email protected] @txtbks | !
