
IBM Innovate 2013 Open Standards For Social Business Apps

Ryan Baxter | Philippe RiandICS Development [email protected] | [email protected]

© 2013 IBM Corporation


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Agenda Open Standards Used Within ICS




Bringing It All Together

Partner Examples


Most Used APIs (2012)


Source: Programmable Web 2012


Social API Growth

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012












Source: Programmable Web


IBM leads with Open StandardsMaximizing integration possibilities

Enabling the next generation of socially-enabled solutions to enhance customers' existing investments and heterogeneous platforms

– Focus on open standards and “loosely coupled” web-centric architectures

A commitment to drive and leverage open standards

– Maximize choice, flexibility, and ease of integration

– Drive enterprise innovation and leverage rapid innovation on the public web

– Minimize incremental cost of targeting additional desktop and mobile platforms

– Leverage dominant skill-sets based around web technologies


HTML 5 and CSS3

As browsers evolve your apps can start to take advantage of the new features available in HTML5 and CSS3

– XPages, Gadgets, iWidgets, Portlets, etc

New structural tags

– new media tags, canvas, local storage, geolocation

File Access

– Access to the local file system


– CSS3 include many native styles which could only be achieved with JS libraries before


– Know whether you are online or offline


– Local storage is available in the browser


Agenda Open Standards For Social Apps




Bringing It All Together

Partner Examples


The primary event propagation mechanism for Social Business

Streams contain events and the means to act upon them

Those means, for users to execute tasks without a sovereign pivot, include embedded experiences

The lead editor for the ActivityStream specification JSON is James Snell from IBM

Implementations Include: MySpace, Microsoft Windows

Live, Google Buzz, BBC, Opera, TypePad, Gowalla, Yammer, Gnip, SocialCast,

Superfeedr, Tibber, YIID

SmartCloud, Connections, Notes/Domino, Rational Team

Concert, Sterling . . .


Activity Streams Keep Your Users Up To Date

REST API and data model backed by the OpenSocial standard

– JSON data model - easy to use in your web apps

3rd party apps can post entries to the activity stream

– Inside and outside of Connections

Integrate the Connections activity stream into your apps

– This is how we integrate the activity stream into Notes

– If your app is an OpenSocial container you can render embedded experiences too!


Leveraging The In Your App

Basic / OAuth



Your App


Agenda Open Standards For Social Apps




Bringing It All Together

Partner Examples



Delegated Authorization provides a means for interaction between gadgets

Can use a variety of authorization mechanisms (SAML, etc.)

Cornerstone of security in Social Business

Rapidly evolving specification Implementations Include: Facebook, MySpace, Microsoft Windows Live, Google, BBC,

Opera, TypePad, Gowalla, Gnip, SocialCast, Superfeedr, Tibber,

YIID, Cisco, Yammer, SAP, Jive, Atlassian, IBM SmartCloud,

Yahoo, LifeRay, Oracle, Magneto, Tibco Tibbr, Surfnet, Paypal . . .

SmartCloud, Connections, Notes/Domino Social Edition, Rational Team Concert, Tivoli,

Websphere, Sterling . .


OAuth Step 1

User Partner Application OAuth Provider

Register application Provide client ID and secret


OAuth Step 2

User Partner Application OAuth Provider

Open applicationRedirect browser to OAuth


Login to OAuth provider

Append authorization code to URL

Redirect browser callback URL


OAuth Step 3, 4, 5

User Partner Application OAuth Provider

Request access and refresh token

Exchange authorization code for access and refresh tokens

Request API access using access token

Grant access to API

Make API call with access token

Allow API access

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


OAuth...Authorization NOT Authentication• It is important to remember OAuth stands for Open Authorization NOT Open


– It allows you to authorize 3rd party apps (like yours!) to access information on a user's behalf

– Don't reinvent the wheel, there are plenty of open source OAuth client implementations to use

• XPages Social Enabler

• IBM Social Business Toolkit

• Connections 4 is both an OAuth 2.0 provider and client

– All Connections APIs can be access via OAuth from your application

• IBM SmartCloud for Social Business is an OAuth 2.0 & 1.0a provider

– All SmartCloud for Social Business APIs can be access via OAuth from your application

• Notes and Domino Social Edition is an Oauth 2.0 & 1.0a client


Agenda• Open Standards For Social Apps


• OAuth

• OpenSocial


• Bringing It All Together

• Partner Examples



• Social APIs and Mini Applications (Gadgets)

• IBM has a leadership role including – On the Board of Directors

– Committers on Apache Shindig

– Has been instrumental in drafting the OpenSocial 2.0 & 2.5 specification

– Invented and gave to the community Embedded Experiences and many, many more capabilities

– Provided enterprise extensions

Implementations Include: Cisco, SAP, Jive, Atlassian, IBM SmartCloud,

Google, Yahoo, MySpace, LifeRay, Oracle, Magneto, Tibco Tibbr,

Surfnet, Paypal . . .

SmartCloud, IBM Connections, IBM Notes/Domino®, Rational Team

ConcertTM, Sterling. . .


Using OpenSocial• OpenSocial is used today in Connections, Notes and Domino Social Edition, and IBM

SmartCloud for Social Business

• You can use OpenSocial gadgets as your application model or as a component to your application

• The same gadgets will render in Notes, iNotes, and it once run it across the portfolio!

• Embedded experiences give you an enhanced notification model for your applications and they are backwards compatible!

• Technology agnostic, its just web technologies use what you want!

– Dojo, JQuery, and other JavaScript libraries


Notifications With Embedded Experiences


Taken In Your App

Your App

Standard MIME Email

Activity Entry

EE Data Model


Embedded Experiences• Changing the way you get notifications

– The goal is to make notifications more useful and interactive

– Supported in email and activity streams

• IBM Connections, IBM Connections Mail, IBM Notes 9, IBM iNotes 9


• Two types

– Gadget + Context data


"gadget" : "",

"context" : 123




“url” : “”



Email Embedded Experience From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Social Network: Mary Has Commented On Your Status

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="XXXXboundary text"

Mary has commented on your status.

--XXXXboundary text

Content-Type: text/plain

Mary has commeneted on your status.

--XXXXboundary text

Content-Type: text/html


<!-- HTML representation here -->


--XXXXboundary text

Content-Type: application/embed+json


"gadget" : "",

"context" : 123



Activity Stream Embedded Experience


"postedTime": "2011-02-10T15:04:55Z",

"actor": {...},

"verb": "post",

"object" : {...},

"openSocial" : {

"embed" : {

"gadget" : "",

"context" : {

"albumName": "Germany 2009",

"photoUrls": [...]







Agenda• Open Standards For Social Apps


• OAuth

• OpenSocial


• Bringing It All Together

• Partner Examples


SAML• SAML is a SSO standard published by OASIS

• XML-based framework for communicating user authentication, entitlement, and attribute information

• The user is then authenticated with every application that also uses the IdP

– Domino and Websphere both support SAML

– Use an IdP such as IBM Tivoli Access Manager, Tivoli Federated Identity Manager or Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services

• Benefits

– Platform neutrality

– Loose coupling of directories

– Improved online experience for end users

– Reduced administrative costs for service providers

– Risk transference


SAML For ICS Developers

WAS AppDomino



3rd Party App

3rd Party App




Agenda• Open Standards For Social Apps


• OAuth

• OpenSocial


• Bringing It All Together

• Partner Examples


Common Standards Based Use Cases• HTML 5

– Leverage HTML5 (if you can) in your web apps, XPages, iWidgets, OpenSocial Gadgets, J2EE apps


– Apps should try to leverage the activity stream in Connections 4 as a notification mechanism for your users social network

– Provide embedded experiences to make your notifications more interactive

• Use OAuth instead of basic auth

– OAuth is more secure than basic auth so where possible take advantage of it in Connections 4 and SmartCloud

– Use the IBM Social Business Toolkit SDK, the XPages Social Enabler to make using OAuth easier

• OpenSocial

– Use gadgets for embedded experiences in email and activity stream notifications to make them more interactive

– Build a gadget for your app to allow cross product integration


Bringing It All Together



Social Networking

Social Messaging

Social Apps



Agenda• Open Standards For Social Apps


• OAuth

• OpenSocial


• Bringing It All Together

• Partner Examples


Kudos Badges for IBM Connections

Kudos Badges - Measure, Reward & Drive Adoption of IBM Connections

Kudos Thanks - Peer to Peer Recognition

Kudos Analytics – Report & Measure Connections usage and behavior

Native Integration for Connections with iWidget, OpenSocial, Mobile & Embedded Experience Support [email protected]


iEnterprises / Social Smart Software

Social and Mobile Software

i-Comply Social Media Compliance Software

i-Comply Social Media Brand Management

Extends IBM Connections To Facebook To LinkedIn To Twitter

IBM Notes 9 Integration Embedded Experience Widgets

John Carini, [email protected]



Daily Apple TV giveaway Complete your session surveys online each day at a conference kiosk or on

your Innovate 2013 Portal!

Each day that you complete all of that day’s session surveys, your name will be entered to win the daily Apple TV!

On Wednesday be sure to complete your full conference evaluation to receive your free conference t-shirt!


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All customer examples described are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics may vary by customer. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results.


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2013. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
