  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas






    acc to Public Rcordnd Mting in

    sith edition2011

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    OpenGOvernmentGuide te

    The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess


    openReCoRdsandmeeTinGs Lawsin

    TexasPrepared by:

    Chrl L. BbcockCrl C. ButzrCourtny T. Crlon

    Jckon Wlkr L.L.P.1401 McKinny strt

    suit 1900Houton, T 77010

    (713) 752-4200

    901 Min strtsuit 6000

    Dll, Tx 75202(214) 953-6000

    sith edition2011

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    Texas OpenGOvernmenTGuide

    ii The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess


    acc to Public Rcord nd Mting in


    sIxTH eDITION2011

    Prviouly TitldTpping Ocil scrt

    Publihd by Th Rportr Committ or Frdom o th Pr

    Lucy a. Dlglih, ecutiv Dirctor

    eDITORsGrgg Lli, Lgl Dn Dirctor

    Mrk Crmnic, Frdom o Inormtion Dirctor

    assIsTaNT eDITORsChritin Bcktt, Jck Nlon Lgl Fllow

    aron Mckyemily Ptron

    Production o th ith dition o thi compndium w poibldu to th gnrou nncil contribution o:

    Th stnton Foundtion

    2011, 2006, 2001, 1997, 1993, 1989 by Th Rportr Committ or Frdom o th Pr.all right rrvd. No prt o thi publiction my b rproducd in ny orm or

    by ny mn without th prior, writtn prmiion o th publihr.

    IsBN: 1-58078-244-2

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    Texas OpenGOvernmenTGuide

    iv The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess

    Introductory Not

    Th OPeN GOVeRNMeNT GUIDe i compr-hniv guid to opn govrnmnt lw nd prctic inch o th 50 tt nd th Ditrict o Columbi. Fity-on outlin dtil th right o rportr nd othr citi-zn to inormtion nd ttnd mting o tt ndlocl govrnmnt.

    Th OPeN GOVeRNMeNT GUIDe prviouly

    publihd Tpping Ocil scrt i th ol r-rnc on opn govrnmnt lw in mny tt.

    Writtn to ollow tndrd outlin to llow y com-prion btwn tt lw, th compndium h nbldopn govrnmnt dvoct in on tt to u rgumntuccul in othr tt to nhnc cc right t hom.Pr ocition nd lobbyit hv bn bl to invokothr unhin lw thy k rorm in thir own.

    Voluntr ttorny, prt in opn govrnmnt lw inch tt nd in Whington, D.C., gnrouly dontdthir tim to prpr th initil outlin or th rt incr-ntion o thi projct in 1989. In mot tt th m

    ttorny or thir clo ocit updtd nd rwrotth outlin or th 1993, 1997, 2001 nd 2006 dition wll thi currnt 2011 dition.

    attorny who r nw to th compndium in thi di-tion r lo prt in opn govrnmnt nd cc i-u, nd w r grtul to thm or thir willingn tohr in thi ongoing projct to crt th rt nd onlydtild trti on tt opn govrnmnt lw. Th richknowldg nd princ ll th prticipting ttornybring to thi projct mk it ucc.

    Whil mot o th initil ur o thi compndiumwr journlit, w know tht lwyr nd citizn hv

    dicovrd it nd nd it to b indipnbl it cor, prticiptory dmocrcy dcri lockd l

    nd clod door. Good citizn tudy thir govrnor,chllng th dciion thy mk nd ptition or vot orchng whn chng i ndd. But no citizn cn crryout th rponibiliti whn govrnmnt i crt.

    aurnc o opn govrnmnt it in th commonlw, in th rt tt lw tr coloniztion, in trritorillw in th wt nd vn in tt contitution. all tt

    hv pd lw rquiring opnn, otn in dirct r-pon to th cndl pwnd by govrnmnt crcy.Th U.s. Congr trngthnd th drl Frdomo Inormtion act tr Wtrgt, nd mny tt ol-lowd uit.

    stt with trditionlly trong cc lw includ Vr-mont, which provid virtully unttrd cc on mny

    lvl; Florid, which w on o th rt tt to nct unhin lw; nd Ohio, who court hv iud v-rl cc-rindly ruling. Othr juridiction, uch Pnnylvni nd th Ditrict o Columbi, hv mdignicnt chng to thir rpctiv opn govrnmntlw inc th th dition w publihd dignd tootr grtr public cc to inormtion. Hitoriclly,Pnnylvni hd rputtion bing rltivly non-trnprnt whil th Ditrict o Columbi w known tohv vry rtrictiv opn mting lw.

    som public ocil in tt nd locl govrnmntwork hrd to chiv nd norc opn govrnmnt lw.

    Th movmnt towrd tt rdom o inormtioncomplinc ocr rfct growing ctivim or ccto inormtion in th tt.

    But uch ocil dipoition towrd opnn i cp-tionl. Hrdly dy go by whn w dont hr tht tt or locl govrnmnt i trying to rtrict cc torcord tht hv trditionlly bn public uully b-cu it i rd rl o th rcord will violt om-on privcy or thrtn our ntion curity.

    It i in thi climt o tnion btwn brod dmo-crtic mndt or opnn nd ocil prrnc orcrcy tht rportr nd good citizn nd to grnr

    thir rourc to nur th pg nd ucc o opngovrnmnt lw.

    Th Rportr Committ gnuinly hop tht thOPeN GOVeRNMeNT GUIDe will hlp vigor-ou pr nd citiznry to hp nd chiv dmnd oropnn, nd tht it will rv primr or tho whobttl in govrnmnt oc nd in th court or ccto rcord nd mting. Whn chllng to crcy ruccul, th nw i bttr nd o i th govrnmnt.

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    OpenGOvernmentGuide te

    The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess

    Ur Guid

    Whthr you r uing guid rom on tt to nd pcic nwr to n cc iu, or th complt com-pndium ncomping ll tt to urvy pproch to prticulr pct o opn govrnmnt lw round thcountry, knowing w bic on how th OPeN GOV-eRNMeNT GUIDe i t up will hlp you to gt thmot out o it.

    Following the outline. evry tt ction i bd on thm tndrd outlin. Th outlin i dividd into twoprt: cc to rcord nd cc to mting.

    strt by rviwing th tbl o contnt or ch tt.It includ th rt two tir o tht tt outlin. Oncyou r milir with th tructur o th outlin, ndingpcic inormtion i impl. Typiclly, th outlin b-gin by dcribing th gnrl tructur o th tt lw,thn provid dtild topicl liting plining ccpolici or pcic kind o rcord or mting.

    evry tt outlin ollow th tndrd outlin, butthr will b om vrition. som contributor ddditm within th outlin, or omittd ubpoint ound inth complt outlin which wr not rlvnt to thttt lw. ech chng w md to t th nd o prticulr tt lw nd prctic.

    In gnrl, outlin point tht ppr in boldc typr prt o th tndrd outlin, whil dditionl topicwill ppr in itlicizd typ.

    Whthr you r uing on tt outlin or ny numbro outlin, w think you will nd th outlin orm hlp-ul in nding pcic inormtion quickly without hvingto rd n ntir ttut or rch through mny courtc. But whn you do nd to conult ttut, you willnd th complt tt o th rlvnt portion t th ndo ch outlin.

    additionl copi o individul tt booklt, or o th

    compndium covring th 50 tt nd th Ditrict oColumbi, cn b ordrd rom Th Rportr Commit-t or Frdom o th Pr, 1101 Wilon Blvd., suit1100, arlington, Virgini 22209, or by clling (703) 807-2100. Th compndium i vilbl in lctronic ormton CD.

    Th tt outlin lo r vilbl on our World-WidWb it, Th Intrnt vrion o thoutlin llow you to rch th dtb nd comprth lw in dirnt tt.

    Updates: Th Rportr Committ publihd ndition o THe OPeN GOVeRNMeNT GUIDe1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2006, nd now in 2011. W pct utur updt to ollow on pproimtly th chdul. I w bcom wr o mitk or mtromiion in thi work, w will pot notic on thi prct pg on our World-Wid Wb it, t www.rcp.oogg. Thi do not mn tht th outlin will contnb updtd on th it it imply mn known rrwill b corrctd thr.

    For our mny rdr who r not lwyr: Thi boi dignd to hlp journlit, lwyr, nd citizn u

    drtnd nd u tt opn rcord nd mting lalthough th guid wr writtn by lwyr, thy dignd to b uul to nd rdbl by nonlwyrwll. Howvr, om o th lmnt o lgl writing mb unmilir to ly rdr. a quick ovrviw o omth cutom hould uc to hlp you ovr ny hurd

    Lwyr r trind to giv lgl cittion or mttmnt o lw. Th nm o court c or numbo ttut my thror b tckd on to th nd ontnc. Thi my look lik ntnc rgmnt, or mlv you wondring i om inormtion bout tht cw omittd. Nothing w lt out; incluion o lcittion provid rrnc to th c or ttut uporting th ttmnt nd provid horthnd mtho idntiying tht uthority, hould you nd to loct

    Lgl cittion orm lo indict whr th lw cnound in ocil rportr or othr lgl digt. Typic cit to court c will b ollowd by th volum pg numbr o lgl rportr. Mot tt c willound in th tt rportr, lrgr rgionl rportr,both. a c cit rding 123 a.2d 456 mn th ccould b ound in th atlntic (rgionl) rportr, cori, volum 123, trting t pg 456.

    Not tht th complt cittion or c i otn giv

    only onc. W hv trid to limint mny crypcond-rrnc cit poibl, but you my ncoutr cit lik Jckon t 321. Thi mn tht th uthi rrring you to pg 321 o c citd rlir tht clud th nm Jckon. author my lo u th woupr or inr to rr to dicuion o c pprrlir or ltr in th outlin, rpctivly.

    ecpt or th lgl cittion orm, mot lglh bn voidd. W hop thi will mk thi guid moccibl to vryon.

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    OpenGOvernmentGuide te

    The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess Pg

    Prprd by:

    Chrl L. BbcockCrl C. Butzr

    Courtny T. CrlonJckon Wlkr L.L.P.1401 McKinny strt

    suit 1900Houton, T 77010

    (713) 752-4200

    901 Min strtsuit 6000

    Dll, Tx 75202(214) 953-6000


    T h rich politicl hritg, on which h hitoriclly dm-ontrtd trong commitmnt to th r fow o inormtion ndopn govrnmnt. Whn T nnouncd it indpndnc romMico, it dclrtion ttd: [It] i n iom in politicl cinc, thtunl th popl r ductd nd nlightnd, it i idl to pct thcontinunc o civil librty, or th cpcity or l-govrnmnt. ThDclrtion o Indpndnc o T pr. 11 (1836). Thi concpt

    o govrnmnt i borrowd, o cour, rom Thom Jron, JmMdion, nd th rtionl o th Unitd stt Contitution. It wMdion who wrot tht, populr govrnmnt without populr in-ormtion, or th mn o cquiring it, i but prologu to rc or trgdy, or prhp both. Knowldg will orvr govrn ignornc:nd popl who mn to b thir own govrnor mut rm thm-lv with th powr which knowldg giv. Jm Mdion, lttrto W.T. Brry (aug. 4, 1822), rprintd in G.P. Hunt, Th Writingo Jm Mdion 103 (1910).

    Thi concpt o nlightnd l-govrnmnt w crrid ovr toth T Contitutionl Convntion o 1845, whn T joind thUnitd stt. In hi opning rmrk, Thom J. Ruk, pridnt oth convntion, ttd tht: Th hitory o th world my b rchdin vin or prlll to th prnt intnc o two govrnmnt ml-gmting thmlv into on, rom pur dvotion to tht grt prin-

    cipl-tht mn, by ntimnt with which hi God h imprd, i c-pbl o l-govrnmnt. T Contitutionl Convntion o 1845,dbt o th T Convntion (Willim Wk, rportr, 1846).

    In th yr tht ollowd, T court rcognizd brod com-mon lw right o cc to govrnmnt inormtion. Th rt rportdc dling with th common lw right o cc wJenkins v. State,75 s.W. 312, 312 (T. Crim. app. 1903), which dlt with cc toprtril mtril in criminl c. In 1915, th sn antonio Court oCivil appl wrot lndmrk opinion on th common lw right occ, in Palacios v. Corbett, 172 s.W. 777 (T. Civ. app.-sn antonio1915, writ red). Th Palaciosc dlt with th right o citizn t-pyr to inpct county uditing ppr.Id. t 778.

    Th prumptiv common lw right o cc to govrnmnt inor-

    mtion in T ppr to b trmly trong bnt pcic ttutrtricting public cc. a th court id in Gill v. Snow, 644 s.W.2d222, 224 (T. app.-Fort Worth 1982, no writ), Thi stt policyh bn ound to b tht ll inormtion kpt by th govrnmnt i olgitimt public concrn unl th lgiltur rul tht th nd orcondntility i outwighd by th public right to know.

    Nvrthl, it took ubtntil govrnmnt cndl to providth imptu or pg o n opn rcord ttut nd trngthningo th T Opn Mting act. In 1972, th o-clld shrptowncndl brok nd rultd in th indictmnt nd uccul procu-tion o numbr o govrnmnt ocil. Othr high govrnmntocil wr put undr cloud o upicion, lthough not indictd.In 1973, rorm-mindd lgiltur trngthnd th T Opn

    Mting act, nd pd th T Opn Rcord act, which th T lgiltur chngd in 1995 to th Public Inormtion act. Thct r mong th trongt in th ntion. Th rt ction o Public Inormtion act undrcor thi point:

    [e]ch pron i ntitld, unl othrwi prly providdlw, t ll tim to complt inormtion bout th ir o grnmnt nd th ocil ct o public ocil nd mployTh popl, in dlgting uthority, do not giv thir public vnt th right to dcid wht i good or th popl to know

    wht i not good or thm to know. Th popl init on rming inormd o tht thy my rtin control ovr th intrumthy hv crtd. Th proviion o thi chptr hll b librcontrud to implmnt thi policy.

    T. Govt Cod ann. 552.001() (Vrnon 2004). See also City o Gland v. Public Utility Commn o Texas, 165 s.W.3d 814, 820 (T.appautin 2005, pt. dnid) (a gnrl rul, T public policyvor opn rcord.).

    Both th Public Inormtion act nd Opn Mting act hv bmndd in rcnt yr. On ubtntil thrt to th Opn Mtiact occurrd in th intrmdit ppllt dciion oCity o Abiv. Shackelord, 572 s.W.2d 742 (T. Civ. app.-amrillo 1978, wgrntd), revd on other grounds, 585 s.W.2d 665 (T. 1979). In c, n ppllt court hld tht th pr did not hv tnding

    invok th protction o th Opn Mting act.Id. t 747. Thubquntly w mndd to ovrrul th c; sction 551.142th T Govrnmnt Cod (th Cod) now tt tht []n intd pron, including mmbr o th nw mdi, my bring ntion by mndmu or injunction to top, prvnt, or rvr violtor thrtnd violtion o thi chptr by mmbr o govrnmbody. anothr mndmnt to th Opn Mting act ovrruldattorny Gnrl opinion tht cmr wr not uthorizd in pumting. sction 551.023() o th Cod now tt, in prt, thpron in ttndnc my rcord ll or ny prt o n opn mto govrnmntl body by mn o tp rcordr, vido cmrothr mn o url or viul rproduction.

    a rly 1995, th lgiltur mndd th Public Inormtact to bring it into th computr g nd to mor trictly rgu

    wht govrnmntl bodi my chrg or copi o public inortion. Th mndmnt lo rplcd ll rrnc in th ttutpublic rcord, with public inormtion, to clriy tht th tppli to dt hld in computr mmory bnk or in udio or viorm, wll on ppr. In ddition, rult o rcnt mmnt, th ttut now rquir th attorny Gnrl to rndr dion within orty-v dy o rciving rqut, with poibl tdy tnion. 552.008(b-2); T adminitrtiv Cod 70.1(6)(D). Prviouly, th attorny Gnrl oc took n vrgthr to i month to iu n opinion on n opn rcord c.

    In 2005, th lgiltur pd bill rquiring mot lctd ndpointd public ocil to tk trining cour on th T PuInormtion act nd th T Opn Mting act. See 551.0552.012.

    Th Public Inormtion act provid tht court hll cnd ttorny incurrd by plinti who ubtntilly prvil uit or cc to public inormtion. See 552.323. Cot nd mnot b d gint govrnmntl body, howvr, i th govmntl body ctd in ronbl rlinc on n pplicbl judgmncourt ordr, publihd ppllt court dciion, or writtn dcio th attorny Gnrl. 552.323(). Undr th Opn Mting prty who ubtntilly prvil my b ntitld to n wrd otorny . 551.142.

    In tt lrg T, it i dicult to gnrliz bout ttitud o tt ocil towrd citizn cc to govrnmnt ormtion. In 1971, lw tudnt uthor t th Univrity o Twrot tht, dpit pg o th Opn Mting act, public c

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    Texas OpenGOvernmenTGuide

    Pg 2 The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess

    i rutrtd t vry lvl o th dciion mking proc. Not, T- Opn Mting act H Potntilly Brod Covrg But surFrom Indqut enorcmnt Proviion, 49 T. L. Rv. 764, 765(1971). It i to y, howvr, tht thr i wid rng o opinionon th iu. Mny, i not mot, tt ocil hv cooprtiv t-titud nd bliv in th concpt o opn govrnmnt. all in ll, TPublic Inormtion act nd Opn Mting act r mong th motlibrl in th Unitd stt nd grt dl o inormtion i rldpurunt to th trm o th ttut.

    Opn Rcord

    I. sTaTUTe -- BasIC aPPLICaTION

    a. Who cn rqut rcord?

    1. sttu o rqutor.

    anyon, citizn nd non-citizn lik, cn rqut T publicinormtion, or ny ron or u. Th T Public Inormtion act(th act), T. Govt Cod ann. 552.001 t q. (ormrly T.Rv. Civ. stt. ann. rt. 6252-17), plc no limit on who cn rqutpublic rcord. See City o Garland, 165 s.W.3d t 820 (Public inor-mtion mut b md vilbl to th public upon rqut by ny pr-on.) Th act do not rquir tht th rqutor b T ridnt.sction 552.221() o th act pciclly dirct th ocr or publicinormtion to produc public inormtion on ppliction by nypron. Thi i conitnt with th act policy, which i pcicllyt orth in ction 552.001():

    Undr th undmntl philoophy o th amricn contitu-tionl orm o rprnttiv govrnmnt tht dhr to thprincipl tht govrnmnt i th rvnt nd not th mtr o thpopl, it i th policy o thi tt tht ch pron i ntitld, un-l othrwi prly providd by lw, t ll tim to compltinormtion bout th ir o govrnmnt nd th ocil cto public ocil nd mploy.

    T. Govt Cod ann. 552.001() (Vrnon 2004).

    2. Purpo o rqut.

    a pron motiv or rquting th inormtion cnnot b con-idrtion in dtrmining whthr th inormtion mut b diclod.Indus. Found. o the South v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd., 540 s.W.2d 668,674 (T. 1976), cert. denied, 430 U.s. 931 (1977);see also A & T Consul-tants Inc. v. Sharp, 904 s.W.2d 668, 676 (T. 1995) (roning tht thlgiltur nctd th act to conorm looly to th drl Frdomo Inormtion act, which lo br th govrnmnt rom miningth motiv or intrt o th rqutor); Texas Comptroller o PublicAccounts v. Attorney General o Texas, No. 08-0172, 2010 WL 4910163,t *5 & n.10 (T. 2010). Intd, ction 552.222 pciclly prohibitth ocr or public inormtion rom mking ny inquiry o r-qutor othr thn to tblih th rqutor propr idntiction, toclriy rqut i th govrnmntl body i unclr to wht inor-mtion i rqutd, nd to dicu with th rqutor how th copo rqut might b nrrowd i lrg mount o inormtion hbn rqutd. alo, ction 552.223 provid tht ll rqut hllb trtd uniormly without rgrd to th poition or occuption oth rqutor, th pron on who bhl th rqut i md, or thttu o th individul mmbr o th mdi.

    3. U o rcord.

    Nothing in th act rtrict ubqunt u o th inormtion, ndonc inormtion h bn rld to on mmbr o th gnrlpublic, it mut b md vilbl to nyon. See 552.007; T. attyGn. ORD-192 (1978); T. atty Gn. ORD-163 (1977); T. attyGn. ORD-490 (1988) (th ct prohibit lctiv diclour.);U.S. Dept o Air Force, Scott Air Force Base v. Fed. Labor Relations Auth.,

    838 F.2d 229, 232-34 (7th Cir. 1988) (noting tht rqutor u wirrlvnt, [t]h pcil nd o on, or th lr nd o nothr,do not mttr, bcu [t]h rt pron to gt th inormtion mygiv it wy; o i on pron gt it, ny pron my. ).

    [NOTe: Th boundri o th act lrgly hv bn dndby th T attorny Gnrl ithr in tndrd attorny Gnrlopinion or in mor thn 680 Opn Rcord Dciion, or ORD.Opn rcord dciion ddr th ctul nd lgl iu involvdin dciding whthr pcic rqutd inormtion, upplid to thattorny Gnrl or in cmr rviw, i mpt. stndrd attornyGnrl opinion only ddr qution o lw, not ct. Whil at-torny Gnrl intrprttion o th act my b pruiv, it i notcontrolling. City o Dallas v. Abbott, 304 s.W.3d 380, 384 (T. 2010)]

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


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    The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess Pg

    B. Who rcord r nd r not ubjct to th ct?

    Virtully ll locl nd tt govrnmnt bodi nd mny qui-gov-rnmntl bodi r ubjct to th act. sction 552.002 mk publicinormtion tht i collctd, mbld, or mintind undr lwor ordinnc or in connction with th trnction o ocil buin:

    (1) by govrnmntl body; or

    (2) or govrnmntl body nd th govrnmntl body own thinormtion or h right o cc to it.

    Th act dnition o govrnmntl body i quit brod. sction552.003(l)(a) provid tht th trm mn:

    (i) bord, commiion, dprtmnt, committ, intitution,gncy, or oc tht i within or i crtd by th cutiv orlgiltiv brnch o tt govrnmnt nd tht i dirctd by onor mor lctd or ppointd mmbr;

    (ii) county commiionr court in th tt;

    (iii) municipl govrning body in th tt;

    (iv) dlibrtiv body tht h rulmking or qui-judicilpowr nd tht i clid dprtmnt, gncy, or politiclubdiviion o county or municiplity;

    (v) chool ditrict bord o trut;

    (vi) county bord o chool trut;

    (vii) county bord o duction;

    (viii) th govrning bord o pcil ditrict;

    (i) th govrning body o nonprot corportion orgnizdundr Chptr 67, Wtr Cod, tht provid wtr upply orwtwtr rvic, or both, nd i mpt rom d vlorm t-tion undr ction 11.30, T Cod;

    () locl workorc dvlopmnt bord crtd undr sction2308.253;

    (i) nonprot corportion tht i ligibl to rciv und undrth drl community rvic block grnt progrm nd tht iuthorizd by thi tt to rv gogrphic r o th tt; nd

    (ii) th prt, ction, or portion o n orgniztion, corportion,commiion, committ, intitution, or gncy tht pnd or thti upportd in whol or in prt by public und.

    sction 552.003(l)(B) plicitly clud th judiciry rom th d-nition o govrnmntl body. Howvr, dlibrtiv body tht hrulmking or qui-judicil powr i govrnmntl body nd iubjct to th act. T. Govt Cod 552.003(l)(a)(iv). Qui-judicilpowr h bn dnd : (1) th powr to rci judgmnt nd di-crtion; (2) th powr to hr nd dtrmin or to crtin ct nddcid; (3) th powr to mk binding ordr nd judgmnt; (4) thpowr to ct th pronl or proprty right o privt pron; (5)th powr to min witn, to compl th ttndnc o witn-, nd to hr th litigtion o iu on hring; nd (6) th powrto norc dciion or impo pnlti. Blankenship v. Brazos HigherEduc. Auth., 975 s.W.2d 353, 360 (T. app.-Wco 1998, pt. dnid)(citing City o Austin v. Evans, 794 s.W.2d 78, 83-84 (T. app.-autin1990, no writ)). an ntity poing non o th chrctritic inot qui-judicil ntity or purpo o tblihing tht it i gov-rnmnt body. Id.; San Antonio Building & Const. Trades Council v. Cityo San Antonio, 224 s.W.3d 738, 749 ( antonio 2007, pt.dnid) (rvnu bond to b old to privt invtor wr not publicund whr no und o th stt o T or th City would b udto cur nd py th bond).

    1. ecutiv brnch.

    Th cutiv brnch nd ny govrnmntl body crtd by thcutiv brnch r pciclly ubjct to th Public Inormtion act.

    . Rcord o th cutiv thmlv.

    sction 552.109 mpt rom diclour privt corrpondnccommuniction o n lctd oc holdr in rltion to mttrdiclour o which would contitut n invion o privcy. sct552.109 my protct contnt o th inormtion, but not th ct tth communiction occurrd. T. atty Gn. ORD-40 (1974).

    In dtrmining whthr inormtion i mpt rom diclour,attorny Gnrl rli on th m common-lw privcy tt.T. atty Gn. Ga-3538 (2005). Common-lw privcy protct in

    mtion i (1) th inormtion contin highly intimt or mbrrct, th publiction o which would b highly objctionbl to ronbl pron, nd (2) th inormtion i not o lgitimt concrth public. See id. (citingIndus. Found. o the South v. Tex. Indus. AcciBd., 540 s.W.2d 668, 685 (T. 1976)). Th typ o inormtion tmight b conidrd intimt nd mbrring by th T suprCourt inIndustrial Foundation includd inormtion rlting to ult, prgnncy, mntl or phyicl bu in th workplc, illgmt childrn, pychitric trtmnt o mntl diordr, ttmpuicid, nd injuri to ul orgn.Indus. Found., 540 s.W.2d t 6

    emption undr ction 552.109 ppli only to corrpondnt out by th lctd ocil, not to corrpondnc tht i rciby th ocil. In ddition, thi mption only protct th privintrt o th public ocil. See T. atty Gn. ORD-473 (19It do not protct th privcy intrt o th pron dicudth communiction or th privcy o th rcipint o th communtion. See T. atty Gn. ORD-332 (1982). empt corrpondinclud hndwrittn not on pronl clndr, vn i mdth lctd ocil itnt. See T. atty Gn. ORD-145 (19Howvr, whn trvl itinrry i prprd, it i vilbl or puinpction.

    Non-mpt inormtion includ corrpondnc o th govrrgrding potntil nomin or public oc. Thi mtril i protctd by contitutionl right o privcy or common-lw rio privcy whn it do not contin highly mbrring or intimct nd thr i lgitimt public intrt in th ppointmnt pc. See T. atty Gn. ORD-241 (1980).

    b. Rcord o crtin but not ll unction.

    sction 552.106 mpt rom diclour intrnl bill nlyworking ppr prprd by th govrnor oc or th purpovluting propod lgiltion. See T. atty Gn. ORD-138 (20(Oc o th Liutnnt Govrnor could withhold inormtion ctituting comprion or nlyi o ctul inormtion prpto upport propod lgiltion); but see T. atty Gn. ORD-6(2011) (sction 552.106 did not pply whr th Dll County Comiionr Court ild to dmontrt tht th inormtion contutd n intrnl bill nlyi or working ppr prprd by th gonor oc or th purpo o vluting propod lgiltion).

    2. Lgiltiv bodi.

    Th lgiltiv brnch o tt govrnmnt nd ny govrnmbody crtd by it i ubjct to th act, which mpt crtin ctri o inormtion prtinnt to th lgiltur. Drt or working

    pr involvd in th prprtion o propod lgiltion r clurom th act. T. Govt Cod 552.106. See T. atty Gn. OR380 (2003) (crtin inormtion rltd to propod dult ntrtmnt buin licning ordinnc cptd rom diclour bcurfctd intrnl policy judgmnt, rcommndtion, nd propo

    Privt corrpondnc or communiction by n lctd oholdr, th diclour o which would contitut n invion o privr cptd rom th act. T. Govt Cod 552.109. Thi cptppli only to corrpondnc nt out by th ocil, not to corpondnc tht i rcivd by th ocil. In ddition, thi mponly protct th privcy intrt o th public ocil. See T. aGn. ORD-473 (1987). It do not protct th privcy intrt opron dicud in th communiction or th privcy o th rc

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    nt o th communiction lthough it my b pproprit to rdctth prti nm uch tho o tudnt nd prnt undr rltdttut. See T. atty Gn. ORD-332 (1982).

    Crtin rcord o communiction btwn citizn nd mmbro th lgiltur or th liutnnt govrnor my b condntil byttut. 552.146. empt corrpondnc includ hndwrittnnot on pronl clndr. See T. atty Gn. ORD-145 (1976).

    an itmizd lit o long ditnc cll md by lgiltor ndchrgd to thir contingnt pn ccount i not cptd bcu

    uch lit i not communiction. See T. atty Gn. ORD-40(1974). See also T. atty Gn. ORD-636 (1995) (cllulr billing r-cord r gnrlly conidrd public inormtion).

    sction 552.111 mpt rom diclour intrgncy or intrgn-cy mmornd or lttr tht would not b vilbl by lw to prtyin litigtion with th gncy.

    3. Court.

    Only th judiciry i pciclly cludd rom th act dnitiono govrnmntl body. See T Govt Cod 552.003(1)(B). Thact provid tht []cc to inormtion collctd, mbld, ormintind by or or th judiciry i govrnd by rul doptd byth suprm Court o T or by othr pplicbl lw nd rul,nd tht th act do not ddr whthr inormtion i conidrd

    to b inormtion collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or thjudiciry. 552.0035.

    To ll undr th judiciry cluion, rqutd rcord mut con-tin inormtion tht prtin to judicil procding nd b ubjct todirct uprviion o court. See T. atty Gn. ORD-17331 (2009);T. atty Gn. ORD-646 (1996) (nding tht unction tht govrn-mntl ntity prorm dtrmin whthr ntity ll within judici-ry cption to th act);see also T. atty Gn. ORD-1083 (2004) (in-ormtion crtd by municipl court judg contitutd rcord oth judiciry bcu it w md t th rqut o th priding judgrgrding th polici o th Court nd policy chng tht hould bmd); but see T. atty Gn. ORD-204 (1978) (inormtion hld bycounty judg tht do not prtin to procding bor county courtubjct to Public Inormtion act). Th act itl do not dn ju-diciry, but th T attorny Gnrl oc h dvid tht th

    rcord o th stt Bord o Lw eminr nd inormtion withinth contructiv poion o grnd jury r ll conidrd rcord oth judiciry. See T. atty Gn. ORD-136 (1976); T. atty Gn.ORD-513 (1988). Likwi, th attorny Gnrl concludd tht thBr County Pronl Bond Progrm w unctioning n rm oth court whn it conductd crtin invtigtion, nd thror thrulting rport wr rcord o th judiciry nd not ubjct toth act. T. atty Gn. ORD-572 (1990). Howvr, th ditrict t-torny oc i not conidrd brnch o th judiciry. See Holmesv. Morales, 924 s.W.2d 920, 922-23 (T. 1996). I ditrict ttornyh lit o grnd juror ctully mpnld during prticulr trmo court, th lit hould b md public i rqutd. T. atty Gn.ORD-433 (1986). In comprion, lit oprospective grnd jurornm i not ubjct to rquird diclour. Id.; see also State v. Newton,179 s.W.3d 104, 111 (T. antonio 2005, no pt.) (grnd

    jury i n tnion o th judiciry nd grnd jury inormtion i,thror, not ubjct to th act). Th Court Rportr CrtictionBord lo do not com within th act dnition o judiciry.T. atty Gn. ORD-527 (1989). a uch, it w propr rqutundr th act or th nm nd ddr o ll horthnd rportrwho hv rcivd notic o inorml hring rgrding diciplinrymttr nd copi o ll notic o orml hring nt to th hort-hnd rportr. Id.

    Finlly, it hould b kpt in mind tht c-rltd documnt rgnrlly prumd to b opn to th public, Rul 76 o thT Rul o Civil Procdur tblih prumption tht courtrcord gnrlly r . . . opn to th gnrl public. Op T. attyGn. No. Ga-0203 (2004) (citing Nixon v. Warner Communications

    Inc., 435 U.s. 589, 597 (1978), Taylor v. Tex., 938 s.W.2d 754, 757(T. app.-Wco 1997, no writ), nd In re Thoma, 873 s.W.2d 477,496 (T. Rv. Trib. 1994, no ppl) (rming our judicil ytmbiding commitmnt to providing public cc to civil nd criminlprocding nd rcord)).

    4. Nongovrnmntl bodi.

    sction 552.001() o th act, which t out th act purpo, p-ciclly mndt tht it hll b librlly contrud to implmnt[th act] policy. Th act hll b librlly contrud in vor o

    grnting rqut or inormtion. 552.001(b). In tht pirit, courtnd th T attorny Gnrl hv intrprtd th trm govrn-mntl body brodly.

    . Bodi rciving public und or bnft.

    Th ollowing bodi wr ound to b govrnmntl body ub-jct to th act:

    1. community uprviion nd corrction dprtmnt (limitd topronnl l nd othr rcord rfcting th dy-to-dy mng-mnt o uch dprtmnt) (T. atty Gn. ORD-646 (1996)).

    2. th stt employ Chritbl Cmpign Policy Committ, thstt employ Chritbl Cmpign adviory Committ, nd thLocl stt employ Chritbl Cmpign Committ (Op. T.atty Gn. No. LO-94-064 (1994)).

    3. municipl conomic dvlopmnt oundtion nd municiplchmbr o commrc (to th tnt it rciv upport rom th oun-dtion) (T. atty Gn. ORD-621(1994)).

    4. th ction o muum tht r upportd by th city or thtt (T. atty Gn. ORD-602 (1992)).

    5. public nonprot houing nnc corportion crtd by loclgovrnmnt, whr th corportion und by lw r public undnd blong to th corportion ponoring locl govrnmnt (T.atty Gn. ORD-601 (1992)).

    6. nonprot corportion tblihd to dminitr drl jobtrining prtnrhip und grntd to th tt (T. atty Gn. ORD-509 (1988)).

    7. nonprot voluntr r dprtmnt (Op. T. atty Gn. No.JM-821 (1987)).

    8. county child upport dprtmnt (T. atty Gn. ORD-417(1984)).

    9. th T Municipl Lgu Workr Compntion Joint Inur-nc Fund (T. atty Gn. ORD-406 (1984)).

    10. nonprot indutril dvlopmnt corportion (Op. T. attyGn. No. JM-120 (1983)).

    11. th T Gurntd studnt Lon Corportion (Op. T.atty Gn. No. MW-295 (1981); T. atty Gn. ORD-563 (1990)).

    12. privt, nonprot corportion crtd to promot mtro-politn r intrt (T. atty Gn. ORD-228 (1979));

    13. city-county conomic dvlopmnt corportion (T. atty

    Gn. ORD-201 (1978)).14. nonprot community ction orgniztion upportd in prt by

    county und (T. atty Gn. ORD-195 (1978)).

    15. hopitl uthority crtd by city ordinnc (Op. T. attyGn. No. H-554 (1975)).

    16. th T Wtr adviory Council (Op. T. atty Gn. No.Ga-0065 (2003)).

    17. pt hltr to which county contrctully dlgtd th d-minitrtion o pt rgitrtion progrm, including collction ndrtntion o rgitrtion tht would othrwi b pybl to thcounty. T. atty Gn. ORD-4135 (2011).

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    Th dtrmintion o whthr n ntity i govrnmntl body orpurpo o th act rquir n nlyi o th ct urrounding thntity. SeeBlankenship v. Brazos Higher Educ. Auth., Inc. , 975 s.W.2d353, 360-362 (T. app.-Wco 1998, pt. dnid). Th primry iuin dtrmining whthr crtin privt ntiti r govrnmntl bod-i undr th act i whthr thy pnd or r upportd in whol orin prt by public und undr ction 552.003(1)(a)(ii). See Op. T.atty Gn. No. JM-821 (1987).

    In 1992, th attorny Gnrl nlyzd th imilrly contructd

    prdcor proviion o ction 552.003(1)(a)(ii). T. atty Gn.ORD-602 (1992). Thr, th attorny Gnrl conidrd whthrth dnition o govrnmntl body includd th Dll Muumo art, privt nonprot corportion tht rciv pproimtly 85prcnt o it unding rom mmbrhip nd privt dontion.Th muum lo rciv mony rom tt gnci nd th Cityo Dll, which hold titl to th lnd nd building th muum oc-cupi. a contrct btwn th city nd th muum rquir tht thcity mintin nd inur th building, py th utility bill, nd undhl th lri nd bnt pid to curtor, conrvtor, curity,nd othr pcic pronnl. Th city hold titl to rt cquird borspt. 12, 1984 nd th muum hold titl to ll rt cquird tr thtdt. Conidring th brdth o th public und ubction o thgovrnmntl body dnition, th dciion mphizd tht th at-torny Gnrl h ditinguihd btwn privt ntiti rcivingpublic und in rturn or pcic, murbl rvic nd ntitirciving public und gnrl upport. Id. although th attor-ny Gnrl rcognizd tht th city i rciving vlubl rvic inchng or it obligtion, th attorny Gnrl dvid tht thvry ntur o th rvic th [muum] provid to th city cnnotb known, pcic, or murbl.Id. Thror, th attorny Gn-rl concludd tht th city i providing th muum upport nd thuth muum i govrnmntl body [t]o th tnt tht th DMarciv th city upport.Id. Th attorny Gnrl dvid tht mu-um rcord rltd to tho prt o th DMa oprtion dirctlyupportd by th city, uch rcord rgrding mintnnc ndownrhip o th building nd ground, th city rt collction, utilitybill, lri o tho mploy or whom th city py portion, ndinurnc polici on which th city h pid prt o th prmium, rubjct to th [opn rcord] ct.Id. Howvr, th attorny Gnrldvid tht rcord rltd to r o th muum not dirctly up-

    portd by th city r not ubjct to th act, including documntrltd to n rtwork collction dontd in 1985.Id.;see also T. attyGn. La-6044 (2003) (pyroll rcord o ubcontrctor ild to t-iy th dnition o public inormtion whr th rcord wr notprprd th gnt o th govrnmntl body, but intd don oin th prormnc o it own ttutory duti undr on public workprojct, mintind purunt to 2258.024 o th T GovrnmntCod. Th Wco Court o appl ound tht th Brzo Highreduction authority Inc., nonprot corportion tht iu rvnubond to purch tudnt lon, i not govrnmntl body undrth act bcu, in prt, (1) it i not dlibrtiv body with rulmk-ing or qui-judicil powr; (2) w not crtd by city; nd (3) nound o th stt o T or th City o Wco r ud to cur ndpy o th rvnu bond. Blankenship v. Brazos Higher Educ. Auth.,975 s.W.2d 353, 359-60 (T. app.-Wco 1998, pt. dnid);see also

    Keever v. Finlan, 988 s.W.2d 300, 305 ( 1999, pt.dimd) (individul mmbr o chool ditrict bord o trut rnot govrnmntl body; whil govrnmntl body includ choolditrict bord o trut, trut i not govrnmntl body ubjct toact);Kneeland v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn, 850 F.2d 224, 225-31 (5th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 488 U.s. 1042 (1989) (Ntionl Col-lgit athltic aocition i not govrnmntl body bcu thund rcivd wr not or gnrl upport, but rthr wr rcivdin chng or known, pcic, nd murbl rvic.); T. attyGn. ORD-8197 (2010) (Plnnd Prnthood aocition o HidlgoCounty not govrnmntl body bcu th public und it r-civ r in chng or pcic nd murbl rvic, nd not orit gnrl upport).

    b. Bodi who mmbr includ govrnmnofcil.

    For inormtion to b ubjct to th act, it mut b collctd,mbld, or mintind undr lw or ordinnc or in connctwith th trnction o ocil buin by or or govrnmbody. 552.021. at iu in T. atty Gn. ORD-565 (2010) wcommuniction btwn Univrity o T mploy nd th UDprtmnt o Homlnd scurity Homlnd scurity scinc Tchnology adviory Committ. Th attorny Gnrl dtrmi

    th communiction wr not ubjct to th act bcu thy wcrtd by nd or th committ nd wr not collctd, mbor mintind by or or th univrity. Id., citing T. atty GORD-635 (1995) (ttutory prdcor not pplicbl to pronlormtion unrltd to ocil buin nd crtd or mintindtt mploy involving de minimisu o tt rourc).

    5. Multi-tt or rgionl bodi.

    Not pciclly ddrd.

    6. adviory bord nd commiion, qui-govrnmntl ntiti.

    Th ollowing wr ound to b govrnmntl bodi undr th a

    1. rch dviory committ tblihd by th Bord o gnt o th T a & M sytm to rcommnd cndidtth poition o Pridnt o T a & M Univrity, nd whmmbr wr rimburd or th pn o trvl, ml lodging. T. atty Gn. ORD-273 (1981).

    2. th North T Commiion contitutd govrnmbody bcu it contrct with th City o Fort Worth ildimpo on th commiion pcic nd dnit obligtionprovid murbl mount o rvic in chng or crmount o mony, on would pct to nd in typicl rlngth contrct or rvic btwn vndor nd purchT. atty Gn. ORD-228 (1979).

    Th ollowing did not quliy govrnmntl bodi undr th a

    1. th dviory bord o th Childrn advoccy Cntr o T(CaCCT). T. atty Gn. ORD-5293 (2004). although

    CaCCT w govrnmntl body ubjct to th act, it dvibord w not bcu it rvd voluntrily, on n -nddi, in nonvoting cpcity, nd rcivd no public und.

    2. th Fit sn antonio Commiion, which w digntdcity ordinnc t plnning gncy but rcivd no puund. T. atty Gn. ORD-569 (1990).

    3. myor tk orc tht mind city govrnmntl trucbut did not pnd nd w not upportd by public und. Tatty Gn. ORD-317 (1982).

    7. Othr.

    Th act ppli to proprty ownr ocition in th m mnr govrnmntl body i:

    1. mmbrhip in th proprty ownr ocition i mndtor ownr or dnd cl o ownr o privt rl proprty idnd gogrphic r in county with popultion o 2.8 millor mor or in county djcnt to county with popultion o million or mor;

    2. th proprty ownr ocition h th powr to mk mntory pcil mnt or cpitl improvmnt or mndtory rlr mnt; nd

    3. th mount o th mndtory pcil or rgulr mnt ih vr bn bd in whol or in prt on th vlu t which th or locl govrnmntl body th proprty or purpo ovlorm ttion undr sction 20, articl VIII, T Contitut 552.0036.

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    C. Wht rcord r nd r not ubjct to th ct?

    Th act covr virtully ll inormtion pod by govrnmntlbodi. sction 552.002 mk public inormtion tht i collctd,mbld, or mintind undr lw or ordinnc or in connctionwith th trnction o ocil buin by govrnmntl body oror govrnmntl body, nd th govrnmntl body own th inor-mtion or h right o cc to it. Th T suprm Court hhld tht documnt lbld drt i public inormtion i, undr lw or ordinnc or in connction with th trnction o ocil bui-

    n, it i collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrnmntlbody. City o Garland v. Dallas Morning News, 22 s.W.3d 351, 358-59(T. 2000).

    although th act do not rquir govrnmntl bodi to prprnw inormtion (T. atty Gn. ORD-483 (1987); T. atty Gn.ORD-452 (1986); T. atty Gn. ORD-342 (1982);A & T ConsultantsInc. v. Sharp, 904 s.W.2d 668, 676 (T. 1995)), om compiltion myb rquird. See Op. T. atty Gn. No. JM-672 (1987) (uggtingtht om compiltion by wy o miniml computr rch uing niting computr progrm my b rquird); 552.231. a govrn-mntl body i not rquird undr thi chptr to llow th inpctiono or to provid copy o inormtion in commrcil book or pub-liction purchd or cquird by th govrnmntl body or rrchpurpo i th book or publiction i commrcilly vilbl to thpublic. 552.027.

    Th act ppli to ny inormtion in govrnmntl body po-ion, vn i originlly crtd by n outid conultnt or om othrntity. T. atty Gn. ORD-335 (1982);see T. atty Gn. ORD-317(1982); T. atty Gn. ORD-192 (1978). evn inormtion loctdin th oc o n outid conultnt my b ubjct to th act i (1)th inormtion rlt to govrnmntl body ocil duti, (2)th conultnt ct th govrnmntl body gnt in gthring thinormtion, nd (3) th govrnmntl body i ntitld to cc to thinormtion. See T. atty Gn. ORD-585 (1991); T. atty Gn.ORD-462 (1987) (rcord o lw rm conidrd public inormtionbcu thy wr prprd t dirction o nd undr ubtntil con-trol by Univrity o Houton, or which lw rm w cting gnt).But see T. atty Gn. ORD-631 (1995) (noting tht uch inorm-tion my b mptd rom diclour undr ction 552.111 whrit includ dvic, rcommndtion, nd opinion rgrding dmin-

    itrtiv nd pronnl mttr o brod cop tht ct th govrn-mntl body policy miion). a govrnmntl body cnnot uthorizit gnt to kp inormtion condntil (vn rom th body) i thgovrnmntl body itl h no uthority to kp uch inormtioncondntil. T. atty Gn. ORD-585 (1991).

    1. Wht kind o rcord r covrd?

    a ttd bov, th act covr virtully ll inormtion pod bygovrnmntl bodi. sction 552.002 mk public inormtion thti collctd, mbld, or mintind undr lw or ordinnc or inconnction with th trnction o ocil buin by govrnmn-tl body or or govrnmntl body, nd th govrnmntl body ownth inormtion or h right o cc to it.

    For mpl, govrnmnt invtmnt r ubjct to th act. sc-

    tion 552.0225 provid tht it i th policy o thi tt tht invt-mnt o govrnmnt r invtmnt o nd or th popl nd thpopl r ntitld to inormtion rgrding tho invtmnt. Thtction lit ctgori o inormtion hld by govrnmntl body r-lting to it invtmnt tht contitut public inormtion nd r notcptd rom diclour undr th act. 552.0225(b). Thi includ:

    (1) th nm o ny und or invtmnt ntity th govrnmntlbody i or h invtd in;

    (2) th dt tht th und or invtmnt ntity w tblihd;

    (3) ch dt th govrnmntl body invtd in th und or invt-mnt ntity;

    (4) th mount o mony, prd in dollr, th govrnmntlbody h committd to und or invtmnt ntity;

    (5) th mount o mony, prd in dollr, th govrnmntlbody i invting or h invtd in ny und or invtmnt ntity;

    (6) th totl mount o mony, prd in dollr, th govrnmn-tl body rcivd rom ny und or invtmnt ntity in connctionwith n invtmnt;

    (7) th intrnl rt o rturn or othr tndrd ud by govrn-

    mntl body in connction with ch und or invtmnt ntity it ior h invtd in nd th dt on which th rturn or othr tndrdw clcultd;

    (8) th rmining vlu o ny und or invtmnt ntity th govrn-mntl body i or h invtd in;

    (9) th totl mount o , including pn, chrg, nd othrcompntion, d gint th govrnmntl body by, or pid byth govrnmntl body to, ny und or invtmnt ntity or principlo ny und or invtmnt ntity in which th govrnmntl body ior h invtd;

    (10) th nm o th principl rponibl or mnging ny undor invtmnt ntity in which th govrnmntl body i or h in-vtd;

    (11) ch rcul ld by mmbr o th govrning bord in con-nction with dlibrtion or ction o th govrnmntl body rlt-ing to n invtmnt;

    (12) dcription o ll o th typ o buin govrnmntlbody i or h invtd in through und or invtmnt ntity;

    (13) th minut nd udio or vido rcording o ch opn portiono mting o th govrnmntl body t which n itm dcribd bythi ubction w dicud;

    (14) th govrnmntl body prcntg ownrhip intrt in und or invtmnt ntity th govrnmntl body i or h invtd in;

    (15) ny nnul thic diclour rport ubmittd to th govrn-mntl body by und or invtmnt ntity th govrnmntl body ior h invtd in; nd

    (16) th ch-on-ch rturn rlizd by th govrnmntl body or und or invtmnt ntity th govrnmntl body i or h invtdin.

    sction 552.029 urthr provid tht crtin inormtion bout ninmt who i connd in cility oprtd undr contrct with thT Dprtmnt o Criminl Jutic i ubjct to diclour. Thiinclud th ollowing:

    (1) th inmt nm, idntiction numbr, g, birthplc, d-prtmnt photogrph, phyicl dcription, or gnrl tt o hlthor th ntur o n injury to or criticl illn urd by th inmt;

    (2) th inmt ignd unit or th dt on which th unit rcivdth inmt, unl diclour o th inormtion would violt drllw rlting to th condntility o ubtnc bu trtmnt;

    (3) th on or which th inmt w convictd or th judgmntnd ntnc or tht on;

    (4) th county nd court in which th inmt w convictd;

    (5) th inmt rlit or ltt poibl rl dt;

    (6) th inmt prol dt or rlit poibl prol dt;

    (7) ny prior connmnt o th inmt by th T Dprtmnt oCriminl Jutic or it prdcor; or

    (8) bic inormtion rgrding th dth o n inmt in cutody,n incidnt involving th u o orc, or n llgd crim involvingth inmt.

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    sction 552.0221 provid tht crtin inormtion bout n m-ploy or trut o public mploy pnion ytm i ubjct todiclour. Thi includinormtion concrning th incom, lry,bnt, nd bonu rcivd rom th pnion ytm by th m-ploy in th pron cpcity n mploy o th ytm. Inorm-tion concrning th rvic o trut o public mploy pnionytm i lo ubjct to th act, including inormtion concrning thincom, lry, bnt, nd bonu rcivd rom th pnion ytmby th trut in th pron cpcity trut o th ytm. Id.

    sction 552.025 provid or cc to t ruling nd opinion. agovrnmntl body with ting uthority tht iu writtn dtr-mintion lttr, tchnicl dvic mmorndum, or ruling tht con-crn t mttr hll ind th lttr, mmorndum, or ruling byubjct mttr. On rqut, th govrnmntl body hll mk th in-d prprd nd th documnt itl vilbl to th public, ubjctto crtin rquirmnt nd limittion. a govrnmntl body cnnotwithhold rom th public or limit th vilbility to th public o writtn dtrmintion lttr, tchnicl dvic mmorndum, or rulingtht concrn t mttr nd tht i iud by govrnmntl bodywith ting uthority. Id.

    sction 552.024 provid ch mploy or ocil o govrnmn-tl body nd ch ormr mploy or ocil o govrnmntl bodyhll choo whthr to llow public cc to thir ddr, tlphonnumbr, or ocil curity numbr, or to inormtion tht rvl

    whthr th pron h mily mmbr.Id.sction 552.023 provid or pcil right o cc to condntil

    inormtion. I ncry, pron or pron uthorizd rpr-nttiv h pcil right o cc, byond th right o th gnrlpublic, to inormtion hld by govrnmntl body tht rlt to thpron nd tht i protctd rom public diclour by lw intndd toprotct tht pron privcy intrt. Th govrnmntl body mynot dny cc to inormtion to th pron, or th pron rpr-nttiv, to whom th inormtion rlt on th ground tht thinormtion i conidrd condntil by privcy principl undr thichptr but my rt ground or dnil o cc othr proviiono thi chptr or othr lw tht r not intndd to protct th pr-on privcy intrt. Id.

    2. Wht phyicl orm o rcord r covrd?

    [T]h orm in which govrnmntl body tor inormtion donot ct it vilbility. T. atty Gn. ORD-461 (1987). Mtingtp r public rcord (T. atty Gn. ORD-491 (1988), r com-putr tp. T. atty Gn. ORD-352 (1982); see also 552.002(c).sction 552.002(b) provid tht th mdi on which public inorm-tion i rcordd includ: (1) ppr; (2) lm; (3) mgntic, opticl, orolid tt dvic tht cn tor n lctronic ignl; (4) tp; (5) Mylr;(6) linn; (7) ilk; nd (8) vllum.

    sction 552.002(c) dd tht th gnrl orm in which th mdicontining public inormtion it includ book, ppr, lttr, docu-mnt, printout, photogrph, lm, tp, microch, microlm, photo-tt, ound rcording, mp, nd drwing nd voic, dt, or vidorprnttion hld in computr mmory.

    3. ar crtin rcord vilbl or inpction but notcopying?

    Gnrlly, n ocr or public inormtion o govrnmntl bodyhll promptly produc public inormtion or inpction, dupliction,or both on ppliction by ny pron to th ocr. an ocr or pub-lic inormtion compli with th rqut by providing th inorm-tion or inpction or dupliction in th oc o th govrnmntlbody. 552.221.

    Furthr, i th prty rquting th inormtion pci tht hwnt copi o th rcord nd py th potg nd othr chrg,thn th rcord will b copid by th ocr or public inormtion. 552.221(b). I th rqutd inormtion i unvilbl t th timo th rqut to min bcu it i in ctiv u or in torg, th

    ocr or public inormtion hll crtiy thi ct in writing to thqutor nd t dt nd hour within ronbl tim whn thormtion will b vilbl or inpction or dupliction. 552.221I n ocr or public inormtion cnnot produc public inormor inpction or dupliction within 10 buin dy tr th dth inormtion i rqutd, th ocr hll crtiy tht ct in wing to th rqutor nd t dt nd hour within ronbl tiwhn th inormtion will b vilbl or inpction or duplict 552.221(d).

    Purunt to 552.027(c), govrnmntl body hll llow thpction o inormtion in book or publiction tht i md prtincorportd into, or rrrd to in rul or policy o govrnmbody.

    D. F proviion or prctic.

    sction 552.261 through 552.275 ddr or copi o cc to public inormtion. 1 T adminitrtiv Cod 70.1t out th Tt O Cot Rgultion Promulgtd By Th OcTh attorny Gnrl.

    1. Lvl or limittion on .

    sction 552.261 provid tht [t]h chrg or providing co public inormtion hll b n mount tht ronbly includcot rltd to rproducing th public inormtion, including c

    o mtril, lbor, nd ovrhd. such chrg vn cn inclth cot o dlting condntil inormtion. T. atty Gn. OR488 (1988). But see T. atty Gn. ORD-633 (1995) (noting thrqutor cnnot b chrgd or cot incurrd in rdcting or ortout inormtion cptd undr th act nonmndtory cptiouch in th c o ction 552.003, 552.007, nd 552.008, bcthy r not cot rltd to rproducing th rcord nd r nctor in dtrmining whthr th rcord i rdily vilbl). Hvr, i rqut i or 50 or wr pg o ppr rcord, th chor providing th copy o th public inormtion my not includ co mtril, lbor, or ovrhd, but hll b limitd to th chrgch pg o th ppr rcord tht i photocopid, unl th pgb copid r loctd in: (1) two or mor prt building thtnot phyiclly connctd with ch othr; or (2) rmot torg ity. 552.261()(1), (2).

    sction 552.262 t orth guidlin nd rul o th attorGnrl, which dopt rul or u by ch govrnmntl body intrmining chrg undr th act. Th chrg or public inormmy not b civ nd my not cd th ctul cot o producth inormtion. Th rul o th attorny Gnrl do not pply tt govrnmntl body tht i not tt gncy. 552.262(

    Th cutodin cnnot conidr th cot or mthod o upplyingqutd inormtion in dciding whthr th inormtion i public ubjct to inpction. See Indus. Found. v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd.,s.W.2d 668, 687 (T. 1976). InIndustrial Foundation, nonprot cportion ought cc to workr compntion clim inormtmuch o which w tord on computr. Th govrnmntl grgud tht rtrivl would ovrwork nd dirupt gncy mployTh T suprm Court hld tht th gncy could not conidrcot or mthod o upplying th rqutd inormtion. It urthr htht th ocr or public rcord nd th stt Bord o Control [nth stt Purching nd Gnrl srvic Commiion] hould trmin [t]h lt pniv mthod o upplying th inormtiolthough th act mk clr tht ll cot incurrd in providingc to public rcord mut b born by th rquting prty.Id.

    a cutodin mut provid th rqutor with writtn, itmittmnt i rqut or copy o public inormtion or inpcto ppr rcord will rult in th impoition o chrg tht cd $40. 552.2615. Th itmizd ttmnt mut dtil ll mtd chrg tht will b impod, including ny llowbl chror lbor or pronnl cot. Id. I l cotly ltrntiv mthodviwing th rcord i vilbl, th ttmnt mut includ notht th rqutor my contct th govrnmntl body rgrding

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    ltrntiv mthod.Id. In 2005, th T lgiltur ddd proviionrquiring th rqutor to timly rpond within tn buin dy toth writtn ttmnt or hv th rqut or inormtion withdrwn. 552.2615(b).

    2. Prticulr pcifction or proviion.

    a ttd bov, 552.261() provid tht [t]h chrg or provid-ing copy o public inormtion hll b n mount tht ronblyinclud ll cot rltd to rproducing th public inormtion, in-cluding cot o mtril, lbor, nd ovrhd.

    . srch.

    Whr rqut i or mor thn 50 pg o ppr rcord, ction552.261 llow govrnmntl body to chrg or lbor, ovr-hd, nd mtril. such mnt i limitd to th chrg or chpg o th ppr rcord tht i copid, cpt in crtin circumtncpcid in 552.261()(1) & ()(2). Th rqutor my rquir writ-tn ttmnt to th mount o tim tht w rquird to producnd provid th copy.

    b. Dupliction.

    sction 552.263 prmit govrnmntl bodi to rquir dpoitor bond or pymnt o nticiptd cot or th prprtion o copyo public inormtion.

    sction 552.264 provid tht on copy o public inormtion thti rqutd rom tt gncy by mmbr, gncy, or committor inormtion to b ud or lgiltur purpo hll b providdwithout chrg.

    sction 552.265 provid tht th chrg or providing ppr copymd by ditrict or county clrk oc hll b th chrg providdby Chptr 51 o th Govrnmnt Cod, Chptr 118, Locl Govrn-mnt Cod, or othr pplicbl lw.

    sction 552.266 provid tht th chrg or providing copy mdby municipl court clrk hll b th chrg providd by municiplordinnc.

    c. Othr.

    I th rqutor do not rqut copy o public inormtion,

    chrg my not b impod or mking vilbl or inpction nypublic inormtion tht it in ppr rcord, cpt ollow. 552.271(). I rqutd pg contin condntil inormtion thtmut b ditd rom th rcord bor th inormtion cn b mdvilbl or inpction, th govrnmntl body my chrg or thcot o mking photocopy o th pg rom which condntil inor-mtion mut b ditd. No chrg othr thn th cot o th photo-copy my b impod undr thi ubction. 552.271(b). an ocror public inormtion or th ocr gnt my rquir rqutorto py, or to mk dpoit or pot bond or th pymnt o, ntici-ptd pronnl cot or mking vilbl or inpction public inor-mtion tht it in ppr rcord only i: (1) th public inormtionpciclly rqutd by th rqutor: (a) i oldr thn v yr;or (B) compltly ll, or whn mbld will compltly ll, i ormor rchivl bo; nd (2) th ocr or public inormtion or th

    ocr gnt timt tht mor thn v hour will b rquird tomk th public inormtion vilbl or inpction. 552.271(c). Ith govrnmntl body h wr thn 16 ull-tim mploy, thpymnt, th dpoit, or th bond my b rquird only i: (1) thpublic inormtion pciclly rqutd by th rqutor: (a) i oldrthn thr yr; or (B) compltly ll, or whn mbld will com-pltly ll, thr or mor rchivl bo; nd (2) th ocr or publicinormtion or th ocr gnt timt tht mor thn two hourwill b rquird to mk th public inormtion vilbl or inpc-tion. 552.271(d).

    In rpon to rqut to inpct inormtion tht it in n lc-tronic mdium nd tht i not vilbl dirctly on-lin to th rqut-or, chrg my not b impod or cc to th inormtion, unl

    complying with th rqut will rquir progrmming or mnipul-tion o dt. I progrmming or mnipultion o dt i rquird, thgovrnmntl body hll notiy th rqutor bor mbling thinormtion nd provid th rqutor with n timt o chrg thtwill b impod to mk th inormtion vilbl. 552.2729(). Ipublic inormtion it in n lctronic orm on computr owndor ld by govrnmntl body nd i th public h dirct cc totht computr through computr ntwork or othr mn, th lc-tronic orm o th inormtion my b lctroniclly copid rom thtcomputr without chrg i ccing th inormtion do not rquir

    procing, progrmming, or mnipultion on th govrnmnt-owndor govrnmnt-ld computr bor th inormtion i copid. 552.2729(b). I public inormtion it in n lctronic orm on computr ownd or ld by govrnmntl body nd i th publich dirct cc to tht computr through computr ntwork orothr mn nd th inormtion rquir procing, progrmming,or mnipultion bor it cn b lctroniclly copid, govrnmn-tl body my impo chrg. 552.2729(c). I inormtion i crtdor kpt in n lctronic orm, govrnmntl body i ncourgd toplor option to prt out condntil inormtion nd to mkpublic inormtion vilbl to th public through lctronic ccthrough computr ntwork or by othr mn. 552.2729(d). Thproviion tht prohibit govrnmntl ntity rom impoing chrgor cc to inormtion tht it in n lctronic mdium do notpply to th collction o t by th uprm court tr con-

    ulttion with th Judicil Committ on Inormtion Tchnology uthorizd by sction 77.031 or th u o computrizd lctronicjudicil inormtion ytm. 552.2729().

    3. Proviion or wivr.

    sction 552.267 provid tht public inormtion hll b urnihdor r or t rducd chrg i th govrnmntl body dtrmintht wivr or rduction o th chrg i in th public intrt bcuproviding th copy o th inormtion primrily bnt th gnrlpublic. Tht ction lo provid tht copying cot my b wivdi th cot to govrnmntl body o procing th collction o chrg or copy o public inormtion will cd th mount o thchrg. 552.267(b). Finlly, ction 552.264 provid tht mmbro th lgiltur i ntitld to on r copy o public inormtion thti rqutd rom tt gncy.

    4. Rquirmnt or prohibition rgrding dvncpymnt.

    sction 552.263() prmit govrnmntl bodi to rquir d-poit or bond or pymnt o nticiptd cot or th prprtion o copy o public inormtion i th ocr or public inormtion or thocr gnt h providd th rqutor with th rquird writtnitmizd ttmnt dtiling th timtd chrg or providing thcopy nd i th chrg or providing th copy o th public inorm-tion pciclly rqutd by th rqutor i timtd by th govrn-mntl body to cd: (1) $100, i th govrnmntl body h morthn 15 ull-tim mploy; or (2) $50, i th govrnmntl body hwr thn 16 ull-tim mploy.

    Prior to thi lngug, which w ddd by th 1995 mndmntnd rvid ubtntilly in 1999, th T suprm Court hd l-

    rdy hld tht th rqutor my b rquird to pot bond borth govrnmntl body prprtion o th rcord. See Indus. Found.v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd., 540 s.W.2d 668, 687-88 (T.1976). Thnticiptd cot hould o cour includ th pn which my bincurrd incidnt to th rdction o th rcord or th protction oindividul climnt privcy intrt.Id. t 688;see also A & T Con-sultants Inc. v. Sharp, 904 s.W.2d 668, 676-77 (T. 1995).

    5. Hv gnci impod prohibitiv todicourg rqutr?

    sction 552.268 pciclly intruct govrnmntl bodi to mkronbly cint u o uppli nd othr rourc to void c-iv rproduction cot. any gncy ttmpting to u prohibitiv

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    articl 57.02 o th T Cod o Criminl Procdur llow vic-tim o crim to u pudonym in ll public rcord concrningth on, including in policy rport, pr rl, nd during t-timony in court. Undr thi lw, lw norcmnt ocil cnnot di-clo th victim nm, ddr or tlphon numbr unl ordrdto do o by court.

    Th lw norcmnt cption clud rom public diclour thpronl hitori nd rp ht o individul ccud o crim,th ynopi o ny conion, opinion o ocr to th crdibility

    o witn, nd th rult o lb nd bllitic tt.Houston ChroniclePublg Co. v. City o Houston, 531 s.W.2d 177, 187-88 (T. Civ. app.-Houton [14th Dit.] 1975, writ re d n.r.e.). In ordr to cur th pro-tction o thi cption, th govrnmntl body mut dmontrttht rl o th rqutd inormtion will unduly intrr withlw norcmnt nd crim prvntion. City o San Antonio v. San An-tonio Express News, 47 s.W.3d 556, 563 (T. app.-sn antonio 2000,pt. dnid)].;

    i. ( 552.109) privt corrpondnc or communiction o nlctd oc holdr rlting to mttr th diclour o which wouldcontitut n invion o privcy. [Lttr rom tudnt prnt con-crning tchr prormnc nt to chool bord trut wr nothildd rom diclour inc nothing in th contnt violtd thprivcy right o th trut long inormtion which idntitudnt or prnt i rdctd. T. atty Gn. ORD-332 (1983).];

    j. ( 552.110) trd crt or commrcil or nncil inormtionobtind rom pron nd privilgd or condntil by ttut orjudicil dciion. alo cptd i commrcil or nncil inorm-tion or which it i dmontrtd through pcic ctul vidnctht diclour would cu ubtntil comptitiv hrm to th pronrom whom th inormtion w obtind. [T. atty Gn. ORD-592(1991) dicu in dtil th mning o trd crt. But see T.atty Gn. ORD-639(1996) (ovrruling Opn Rcord Dciion 592(1991) to th tnt it limitd judicil dciion to th ttutory orcommon lw o T nd not othr juridiction or th purpo odning commrcil or nncil inormtion.).];

    k. ( 552.111) intrgncy or intrgncy mmornd or lttr thtwould not b vilbl by lw to prty in litigtion with th gn-cy. [Thi cption mpt rom public diclour inormtion tht

    i not dicovrbl in lwuit. See Op. T. atty Gn. No. H-436(1974); T. atty Gn. ORD-251 (1980). It i pttrnd tr ction552(b)(5) o th drl Frdom o Inormtion act, 5 U.s.C.a. 552(b)(5), nd mpt dvic, opinion, nd rcommndtion ud inth dlibrtiv nd dciion-mking proc within n gncy orbtwn gnci, to ncourg opn nd rnk dicuion.Id.; but seeLett v. Klein Indep. Sch. Dist., 917 s.W.2d 455, 457 (T. app.-Houton[14th Dit.] 1996, writ dnid) (holding tht documnt rlting to tudnt conduct grd wr not mpt rom diclour thyconcrnd implmnttion o currnt policy nd not th dlibrtivproc o policy ormtion). Thi i th propr cption undr whichto clim th ttorny work product privilg onc litigtion or whichth inormtion w crtd h concludd. T. atty Gn. ORD-647(1996). Th T suprm Court h limitd thi cption to pro-tct only tho gncy communiction or prt o gncy communi-

    ction tht rlt to th gncy policymking. City o Garland v. Dal-las Morning News, 22 s.W.3d 351, 364 (T. 2000) (holding tht citymngr mmorndum on ron why to r city nnc dirctorw not mpt rom diclour inc it did not rlt to policymk-ing);Arlington Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Tex. Attorney Gen., 37 s.W.3d 152,160-61 (T. app.-autin 2001, no pt.) (holding tht ctul compil-tion rom urvy rpon r not protctd undr thi cption thy r not pr-dciion mmornd rltd to policymking). Thcption my pply to inormtion crtd or govrnmntl bodyby n outid conultnt whn th conultnt i cting t th rquto th govrnmntl body nd prorming tk within th uthorityo tht body. T. atty Gn. ORD-631 (1995).];

    l. ( 552.112) inormtion in or rltd to mining, oprting, or

    condition rport by or or gnci rponibl or th rgultion oruprviion o nncil intitution or curiti, or both. [Rcord d-cribing th gnrl condition o prticulr typ o nncil intitu-tion r not cptd. T. atty Gn. ORD-483 (1987).];

    m. ( 552.113) crtin gologicl or gophyicl inormtion ordt, including mp concrning wll (cpt inormtion ld inconnction with n ppliction or procding bor n gncy), con-dntil lctric log ( dnd in th Nturl Rourc Cod),nd condntil mtril ld in th Gnrl Lnd Oc. Inor-

    mtion ld in connction with n ppliction or procding born gncy i not cptd. [Th purpo o thi cption i to onlyprotct commrcilly vlubl gologicl nd gophyicl inormtionbout th plortion nd dvlopmnt o nturl rourc. T. attyGn. ORD-627 (1994).];

    n. ( 552.114) tudnt rcord t ductionl intitution unddwholly or in prt by tt rvnu. Rcord tht contin inormtionrltd to n idntibl tudnt r cptd rom diclour cptwhn rqutd by th tudnt, pou, prnt, lgl gurdin, crtinchool pronnl, or pron conducting child bu invtigtion dnd in th Fmily Cod. [Thi cption i intndd to con-orm with th drl Fmily eductionl Right nd Privcy act o1974. Thi drl ct prmit chool to rl crtin typ o di-rctory inormtion concrning tudnt (uch hi nm, ddr,tlphon numbr, dt nd plc o birth, nd mjor ld o tudy)

    i th chool h notid th tudnt wht th chool h digntd dirctory nd givn th tudnt ronbl tim to rqut thtuch inormtion not b rld without hi connt. T. atty Gn.ORD-634 (1996).];

    o. ( 552.115) birth nd dth rcord mintind by th buruo vitl ttitic o th T Dprtmnt o Hlth. Howvr, birthrcord bcom public 75 yr tr thy r ld nd dth rcordbcom public 25 yr tr thy r ld. Gnrl birth nd dthindic tblihd nd mintind by th Buru o Vitl sttitic rnot cptd rom diclour to th tnt thy do not rvl doptionor ptrnity dtrmintion;

    p. ( 552.116) udit working ppr o th tt uditor, th uditoro tt gncy, n intitution o highr duction dnd in theduction Cod, county, municiplity, or joint bord oprting

    undr th Trnporttion Cod;q. ( 552.117) inormtion rlting to th hom ddr, hom

    tlphon numbr, or socil scurity numbr o currnt or ormrgovrnmntl ocil nd mploy, currnt or ormr mployo th T Dprtmnt o Criminl Jutic, wll crtin pcocr nd curity ocr, or inormtion tht rvl whthruch pron hv mily mmbr, cpt othrwi providd in 552.024. [Govrnmnt mploy nd ocil cn choo, in writing,whthr to llow public cc to uch inormtion. See T. GovtCod 552.024; 552.1175. Th 1995 mndmnt ddd mp-tion or socil scurity numbr nd inormtion tht rvl whth-r pron h mily mmbr.];

    r. ( 552.1175) inormtion rlting to th hom ddr, homtlphon numbr, socil scurity numbr, or inormtion rvling

    whthr th individul h mily mmbr my not b rvld ndppli to pc ocr, county jilr, currnt o ormr mployo th T Dprtmnt o Criminl Jutic, curity ocr d-nd in th Occuption Cod, mploy o ditrict or county t-torny, ny county or municipl ttorny who juridiction includcriminl lw or child protctiv rvic, ocr nd mploy o community uprviion nd corrction dprtmnt tblihd undrth Cod, criminl invtigtor o th Unitd stt, nd polic o-cr nd inpctor o th Unitd stt Fdrl Protctiv srvic.

    . ( 552.1176) inormtion rlting to th hom ddr, homtlphon numbr, lctronic mil ddr, ocil curity numbr, ordt o birth o pron licnd to prctic lw in T my not bdiclod i th pron to whom th inormtion rlt choo to

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    rtrict public cc to th inormtion nd noti th stt Br oT o th pron choic, in writing or lctroniclly, on ormprovidd by th tt br.

    t. ( 552.118) inormtion on or drivd rom triplict prcrip-tion orm ld with th Dprtmnt o Public sty;

    u. ( 552.119) photogrph tht dpict crtin pc ocr or -curity ocr whr rl would ndngr thir liv or phyiclty unl th ocr i undr indictmnt or chrgd with n onby inormtion, i prty in civil rvic hring or c in rbitr-

    tion, or th photogrph i introducd vidnc in judicil procd-ing. such photogrph my b md public only i writtn connti providd by th pc ocr. [Th 1993 mndmnt brodndthi mption to includ th phr phyicl ty. Th mptionc to pply tr th dth o th ocr. T. atty Gn. ORD-536(1989).];

    v. ( 552.120) rr book or originl mnucript not crtd ormintind in th conduct o ocil buin nd hld or hitoriclrrch;

    w. ( 552.121) orl hitori, pronl ppr, unpublihd lttr,or orgniztionl rcord o crtin nongovrnmntl ntiti thtw not crtd or mintind in th conduct o ocil buin o govrnmntl body nd tht r hld or hitoricl purpo to thtnt tht th rchivl nd rpoitory nd th donor gr to limit


    . ( 552.122) tt itm o ductionl intitution undd wholly orin prt by tt rvnu nd tt itm dvlopd by licning gncior govrnmntl bodi. [Th trm tt itm includ ny tndrdmn through which n individul or group knowldg or bilityi vlutd but do not ncomp n mploy job prormncor uitbility. T. atty Gn. ORD-626 (1994). Dtrmintion rmd on c by c bi. See id. Th 1995 mndmnt dltdcurriculum objctiv rom mpt ttu.];

    y. ( 552.123) th nm o pplicnt or chi cutiv ocr ointitution o highr duction, cpt tht th govrning bodi oth intitution mut giv th public notic o th nm o nlitt lt 21 dy bor th mting t which nl ction or vot i tob tkn on th mploymnt o th pron;

    z. ( 552.1235) th nm or othr inormtion dicloing th idnti-ty o pron who mk dontion or git to n intitution o highrlrning. Thi ction do not mpt othr inormtion rlting toth mount or vlu o git or dontion;

    . ( 552.124) rcord o librri or librry ytm, upportd inwhol or in prt by public und, tht idntiy pron who rqutd,obtind, or ud librry mtril or rvic, unl th rcord idiclod: (1) bcu th librry or librry ytm dtrmin tht di-clour i ronbly ncry or librry oprtion nd th rcordi not condntil undr othr tt or drl lw, or (2) purunt to pcil right o cc o condntil inormtion undr 552.023,or (3) to lw norcmnt gncy or procutor purunt to courtordr or ubpon tr howing to ditrict court tht diclouro th rcord i ncry to protct th public ty or th rcord i

    vidnc o n on or contitut vidnc tht prticulr proncommittd n on.

    bb. ( 552.125) ny documnt or inormtion privilgd undr thT environmntl, Hlth nd sty audit Privilg act;

    cc. ( 552.126) th nm o pplicnt or uprintndnt o public chool ditrict, cpt tht th bord o trut mut giv thpublic notic o th nm o nlit t lt 21 dy bor mtingt which nl ction or vot i to b tkn on th mploymnt o thpron;

    dd. ( 552.127) inormtion idntiying pron prticipnt in nighborhood crim wtch orgniztion;

    . ( 552.128) inormtion ubmittd by potntil vndor or ctrctor to govrnmntl body in connction with n pplictioncrtiction hitoriclly undr-utilizd or didvntgd buin

    . ( 552.129) rcord crtd during motor vhicl miionpction tht rlt to n individul vhicl or ownr o n individvhicl;

    gg. ( 552.130) motor vhicl oprtor or drivr licn or pmit iud by T gncy, motor vhicl titl or rgitrtionud by T gncy, or pronl idntiction documnt i

    by T gncy or locl gncy uthorizd to iu n idnticdocumnt. Inormtion my only b rld uthorizd by Chtr 730 o th Trnporttion Cod;

    hh. ( 552.131) inormtion rlting to conomic dvlopmntgotition involving govrnmntl body nd buin propct tth govrnmnt k to hv loct, ty, or pnd in or nr trritory o th govrnmntl body nd th inormtion prtin trd crt o th buin propct, or commrcil or nncilormtion th diclour o which would cu ubtntil hrm toindividul rom whom th inormtion w obtind. Howvr, n grmnt i md with th buin propct, inormtion bonncil or othr incntiv bing ord to th buin propcth govrnmntl body or by nothr pron, i th nncil or otincntiv my dirctly or indirctly rult in th pnditur o puund by govrnmntl body or rduction in rvnu rcivd bgovrnmntl body rom ny ourc, i ubjct to th act.

    ii. ( 552.132) crim victim dnd by th Cod o CrimiProcdur who h ld or compntion my lct to llow ccinormtion rvling th nm, socil scurity numbr, or tlphnumbr o th victim (howvr, i th crim victim i wrdd copntion, o th dt o th wrd o compntion, th nmth crim victim nd th mount o compntion wrdd r puinormtion);

    jj. ( 552.1325) inormtion rlting to crim victim nm, cil scurity numbr, ddr, hom tlphon numbr, or ny otinormtion which my idntiy th victim contind in th victiimpct ttmnt dnd by th Cod o Criminl Procdur;

    kk. ( 552.133) inormtion rlting to th public powr utili

    comptitiv ctivity tht i diclod would giv dvntg to coptitor or propctiv comptitor. Crtin inormtion uch trlting to th proviion o ditribution cc rvic or trnmirvic, th ditribution ytm prtining to rlibility nd contino rvic, or rvic oring, rvic rgultion, cutomr protion, or cutomr rvic;

    ll. ( 552.134) inormtion mintind by th T DprtmnCriminl Jutic prtining to n inmt. ecption do not pto n inmt ntncd to dth or ttiticl or othr ggrgtdormtion rlting to inmt connd in cility oprtd or uncontrct with th dprtmnt;

    mm. ( 552.135) inormtion tht might rvl th idntity oinormnt who rvld inormtion o nothr pron poibl vltion o criminl, civil, or rgultory lw to th chool ditrict un

    th inormnt giv connt or th inormr plnnd, inititd, or pticiptd in th poibl violtion;

    nn. ( 552.136) inormtion rlting to crdit crd, dbit cchrg crd, or cc dvic numbr tht i collctd, mbldmintind by or or govrnmntl body i condntil. accvic i dnd ny intrumnt or mn o ccount cc thtb ud to obtin mony, good, or rvic, or initit trnund;

    oo. ( 552.137) -mil ddr o mmbr o th public provior th purpo o communicting lctroniclly with govrnmbody i cptd rom diclour, unl th mmbr o th puconnt to it rl. e-mil ddr not cptd includ th

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    rom pron who h contrctul rltionhip with govrnmntlbody, vndor who k to contrct with th gncy, rpon to rqut or bid or propol, or on lttrhd or othr documntmd vilbl to th public;

    pp. ( 552.138) inormtion rvling th idntity o clint, privtdonor, trut, nd bord mmbr, or th loction or phyicl ly-out o mily violnc hltr cntr nd ul ult progrm rll cptd rom diclour;

    qq. ( 552.139) inormtion rlting to computr ntwork curity

    or to th dign, oprtion, or dn o computr ntwork;rr. ( 552.140) militry dichrg rcord r condntil or th

    rt 75 yr ollowing th dt rcord i rcordd with or rt cominto th poion o govrnmntl body. During tht tim, th vt-rn who i th ubjct o th rcord, th pou, child, lgl gurdin,or prnt o th vtrn, th pronl rprnttiv o th tt oth vtrn, pron nmd by th vtrn, or nothr govrnmntlbody my viw th rcord by prnting propr idntiction;

    . ( 552.141) inormtion rlting to th socil scurity numbro n pplicnt or mrrig licn mintind by county clrk ndon n ppliction or mrrig licn;

    tt. ( 552.142) inormtion ubjct to n ordr o nondiclour withrpct to inormtion iud undr drrd djudiction;

    uu. ( 552.1425) inormtion rlting to criminl hitori compildby privt ntiti or compntion ubjct to n ordr o non-di-clour;

    vv. ( 552.143) inormtion prprd or providd by privt in-vtmnt und, hld by govrnmnt body, nd not litd in ction552.0225(b);

    ww. ( 552.144) th working ppr nd lctronic communictiono n dminitrtiv lw judg;

    . (( 552.145) T no-cll lit tblihd in th Buin ndCommrc Cod nd ny inormtion rcivd rom th ntionl no-cll rgitry tblihd undr drl lw;

    yy. ( 552.146) writtn or othrwi rcordd communiction b-twn mmbr o th lgiltur or th liutnnt govrnor nd nitnt or n mploy o th Lgiltiv Budgt Bord. Rcord ormmornd o communiction occurring in public during n opnmting or public hring conductd by th Lgiltiv Budgt Bordi not mpt;

    zz. ( 552.147) th socil scurity numbr o living pron my brdctd rom ny inormtion diclod by govrnmnt body.

    B. Othr ttutory cluion.

    In 1995, th T lgiltur ddd two othr cluion: rqutrom individul who r impriond or connd in corrctionl -cility; nd copi o inormtion in rourc mtril md vilblto th public, uch librry book, nd inpction nd copying oinormtion in book or publiction commrcilly vilbl to thpublic tht r purchd or cquird by th govrnmntl body orrrch purpo. 552.027-.028. Howvr, govrnmntl body

    mut llow th inpction o uch inormtion i it i prt o or rrrdto in rul or policy o govrnmntl body. 552.027.

    In 1999, th T lgiltur urthr limitd govrnmntl bodyobligtion to diclo inormtion o to not rquir diclour oinormtion in rpon to rptitiou or rdundnt rqut lthoughth govrnmntl body mut crtiy to th rqutor tht ll or prt oth rqutd inormtion w prviouly urnihd to th rqutoror md vilbl. 552.232.

    In ddition, inc ction 552.101 mpt inormtion dmdcondntil by contitutionl lw, ttut, or judicil dciion, thlgiltur cn indirctly crt othr cption to th T PublicInormtion act without pciclly mnding tht act.

    C. Court-drivd cluion, common lw prohibition,rcognizd privilg gint diclour.

    sinc ction 552.101 cpt rom public diclour inormtiondmd condntil by contitutionl nd ttutory lw nd judicildciion, drl nd tt court opinion dcribing th limit o thcontitutionl nd common lw right o privcy cn ct pplic-tion o th T Public Inormtion act. See Industrial Foundation othe South v. Texas Indus. Acc. Bd., 540 s.W.2d 668 (T. 1976) nd Doev. Tarrant County Dist. Attorneys Ofce, 269 s.W.3d 147 (T. app.

    Fort Worth 2008, no pt.). See Texas Department o Public Saety vs. CoxNewspapers, Inc., 287 s.W.3d 390, 398 (T. app.autin 2009, pt.grntd) (DPs ild to tblih tht th inormtion contind in thtrvl pn vouchr o th govrnor curity dtil wr not -cptd undr ithr common-lw right o privcy or contitutionlright o privcy).

    D. ar grgbl portion o rcord contining mptmtril vilbl?

    a govrnmntl body cnnot compltly withhold rom public in-pction public rcord tht contin om mpt inormtion. InIn-dustrial Foundation, or mpl, th T suprm Court hld thtonly th pcic inormtion ound to b privt nd condntilcould b withhld.Indus. Found. v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd., 540 s.W.2d668, 686 (T. 1976) (I th ntur o prticulr clim i hld to bcondntil, only tht inormtion nd by withhld rom diclour.a w hv lrdy ttd, thr i nothing intimt or mbrringbout th ct, in nd o itl, tht n individul h ld clim orbnt. Th climnt nm my thror normlly b diclod, my othr inormtion in th climnt l which do not itlrvl privt ct, vn though inormtion concrning th ntur ohi injury i withhld.).

    e. Homlnd scurity Mur.

    sction 552.101 o th Govrnmnt Cod mpt rom diclo-ur inormtion conidrd to b condntil by lw, ithr conti-tutionl, ttutory, or by judicil dciion. T. atty Gn. InormlLttr Ruling No OR2011-05009 (2011). Thi ction ncompinormtion protctd by othr ttut including th T Hom-lnd scurity act.Id.

    Th T Homlnd scurity act ddd ction 418.176 through418.182 to chptr 418 o th Govrnmnt Cod. Th proviionmk crtin inormtion rltd to trrorim condntil. Howvr,th ct tht inormtion my rlt to govrnmntl body cu-rity mur do not mk th inormtion per se condntil. T.atty Gn. Inorml Lttr Ruling No OR2011-05009 (2011);see T.atty Gn. ORD-649 (1996) (ruling tht lngug o condntilityproviion control cop o it protction)). Furthrmor, th mrrcittion o th ttut ky trm i not ucint to dmontrtth pplicbility o th climd proviion. Id. a with ny cptionto diclour, clim mut b ccompnid by n dqut pln-tion o how th rponiv rcord ll within th cop o th climdproviion.Id. (citing T. Govt Cod ann. 552.301()(1)(a) (ttingtht govrnmntl body mut plin how climd cption to di-clour ppli)).

    Undr ction 418.181, documnt or portion o documnt in thpoion o govrnmntl ntity r condntil i thy idntiyth tchnicl dtil o prticulr vulnrbiliti o criticl inrtruc-tur to n ct o trrorim.

    Undr ction 418.176, inormtion i condntil i th inorm-tion i collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrnmntlntity or th purpo o prvnting, dtcting, rponding to, or in-vtigting n ct o trrorim or rltd criminl ctivity nd (1) r-lt to th tng rquirmnt o n mrgncy rpon providr;(2) rlt to tcticl pln o th providr; or (3) conit o lit orcompiltion o pgr or tlphon numbr, including mobil nd cl-lulr tlphon numbr, o th providr. Nur licnd by th TBord o Nuring r not includd within th mning o mrgncy

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    rpon providr nd, thror, th buin cimil numbr onur collctd nd mintind by th Bord r not cptd romdiclour purunt to ction 552.101 o th act in conjunction withction 418.176(). Abbott v. Texas Bd. o Nursing, 2010 WL 392335,t *6.

    Undr ction 418.177, inormtion i condntil i it (1) i col-lctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrnmntl ntity orth purpo o prvnting, dtcting, or invtigting n ct o tr-rorim or rltd criminl ctivity; nd (2) rlt to n mnt by

    or or govrnmntl ntity, or n mnt tht i mintind by govrnmntl ntity, o th rik or vulnrbility o pron or prop-rty, including criticl inrtructur, to n ct o trrorim or rltdcriminl ctivity.

    Undr ction 418.178, inormtion i condntil i it i inorm-tion collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrnmntl n-tity nd (1) i mor thn likly to it in th contruction or mblyo n ploiv wpon or chmicl, biologicl, rdiologicl, or nu-clr wpon o m dtruction; or (2) indict th pcic loctiono (a) chmicl, biologicl gnt, toin, or rdioctiv mtril thti mor thn likly to b ud in th contruction or mbly o uch wpon; or (B) unpublihd inormtion rlting to potntil vccinor to dvic tht dtct biologicl gnt or toin.

    Undr ction 418.179, inormtion i condntil i th inorm-tion (1) i collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrnmn-tl ntity or th purpo o prvnting, dtcting, or invtigtingn ct o trrorim or rltd criminl ctivity; nd (2) rlt to thdtil o th ncryption cod or curity ky or public commu-niction ytm. sction 418.179 do not prohibit govrnmntlntity rom mking vilbl, t cot, to bon d locl nw mdi,or th purpo o monitoring mrgncy communiction o publicintrt, th communiction trminl ud in th ntity trunkdcommuniction ytm tht hv ncryption cod intlld.

    Undr ction 418.180, inormtion, othr thn nncil inorm-tion, in th poion o govrnmntl ntity i condntil i thinormtion (1) i prt o rport to n gncy o th Unitd stt;(2) rlt to n ct o trrorim or rltd criminl ctivity; nd (3) ipciclly rquird to b kpt condntil (a) undr ction 552.101bcu o drl ttut or rgultion; (B) to prticipt in tt-

    drl inormtion hring grmnt; or (C) to obtin drl und-ing.

    Undr ction 418.182, inormtion, including cc cod ndpword, in th poion o govrnmntl ntity tht rlt toth pciction, oprting procdur, or loction o curity y-tm ud to protct public or privt proprty rom n ct o trrorimor rltd criminl ctivity i condntil. Howvr, nncil inor-mtion in th poion o govrnmntl ntity tht rlt to thpnditur o und by govrnmntl ntity or curity ytm ipublic inormtion tht i not mpt rom rquird diclour undrChptr 552.

    additionlly undr ction 418.182, inormtion in th poiono govrnmntl ntity tht rlt to th loction o curity cm-r in privt oc t tt gncy, including n intitution o high-

    r duction, dnd by ction 61.003 o th eduction Cod ipublic inormtion nd i not mpt rom rquird diclour undrChptr 552 unl th curity cmr (1) i loctd in n individulpronl ridnc or which th tt provid curity; or (2) i in uor urvillnc in n ctiv criminl invtigtion. See Texas Dept. oPublic Saety v. Abbott, 310 s.W.3d 670, 678 (T. app.autin 2010,no pt.) (DVD contining vido img rcordd by th T Cpi-tol curity ytm wr condntil nd cptd rom diclour).

    Rl o inormtion rlting to vition curity i govrnd bydrl lw. 49 U.s.C. 114(), (b)(1), 40119(b)(1); 49 C.F.R. 1520.Th attorny Gnrl h dcidd tht rqut or tht kind o inor-mtion hould b dirctd to th Undr scrtry o Trnporttionor scurity who implmnt ll rgultion dtrmining whthr to

    diclo inormtion ought purunt to th drl Frdom o Inmtion act. See Op. T. atty Gn. No. OR 2004-3969 (2004). Tinclud pronnl inormtion o individul working t irportothr ciliti rgultd by th Unitd stt Trnporttion scuadminitrtion.Id.


    a. Cn th rqutr choo ormt or rcivingrcord?

    Purunt to ction 552.228(b), i public inormtion it inlctronic or mgntic mdium, rqutor my rqut copythr on ppr or in n lctronic mdium, uch on diktt ormgntic tp, i th ollowing thr rquirmnt r mt: (1) govrnmntl body h th tchnologicl bility to produc copth rqutd inormtion in th rqutd mdium, (2) uch bodnot rquird to purch ny otwr or hrdwr to ccommodth rqut, nd (3) proviion o copy o th inormtion in thqutd mdium would not violt ny copyright grmnt btwth body nd third prty. I govrnmntl body i unbl to comwith rqut or ny o th ron, it hll provid ppr co th inormtion or copy in nothr mdium tht i ccptblth rqutor. 552.228(c). In ddition, govrnmntl body dnot comply with th act by rling ubtitut documnt to thqutor unl th rqutor gr to uch ubtitution. See T. aGn. ORD-633 (1995).

    B. Cn th rqutr obtin cutomizd rch ocomputr dtb to ft prticulr nd?

    Rd togthr, ction 552.228 nd 552.231 ppr to llow qutor to obtin inormtion through cutomizd rch. sct552.228 provid th rqutor with th option o obtining inmtion in n lctronic or mgntic mdium, with om rtrictioSee supra. sction 552.231 provid tht th govrnmntl body timly provid to th rqutor writtn ttmnt, gnrlly wit20 dy tr rcipt o th rqut, i tht body dtrmin: (1) trponding to th rqut will rquir progrmming or mnipulo dt, nd (2) tht (a) complinc i not ibl or will rult in tntil intrrnc with ongoing oprtion, or (B) th inormtcould b md vilbl only t cot tht covr th progrmmnd mnipultion o dt. Th writtn ttmnt mut includ, mothr thing pcid in tht proviion, ttmnt o th timcot nd tim o providing th inormtion in th rqutd orm552.231. Upon proprly notiying th rqutor, th govrnmnbody i undr no urthr obligtion to provid th inormtion uth rqutor tt in writing tht it wnt th govrnmntl bodprocd with th rqut undr th trm pcid by th govrnmtl body or othr trm to which th rqutor nd th govrnmbody gr. 552.231(d).

    C. Do th itnc o inormtion in lctronic ormct it opnn?

    Th librl lngug o th act, including it gnrl policy tmnt, coupld with th ct tht th act prly includ (1) dvtht cn tor n lctronic ignl, nd (2) dt hld in computr mory mdi contining public inormtion, provid n rgumnt th lctronic mdium on which inormtion i contind do ct th opnn o th inormtion. See 552.001; 552.002(3), (c).

    D. How i -mil trtd?

    elctronic mil gnrtd or rcivd by public ntity my bi not utomticlly ubjct to public diclour. See Op. T. aGn. No. JC-3828 (2001).

    Th City o Bdord rcivd rqut or ll mg, not, othr corrpondnc nt by lctronic mil to nd rom Myor JMurphy to nd rom ll city mploy on Jun 4, 2001 nd Jun2001. See Op. T. atty Gn. No. JC-3828 (2001). Th City rg

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    tht th rponiv inormtion w not ubjct to diclour undrth Public Inormtion act it did not ll within th act dnitiono public inormtion. See id.

    In th lttr ruling th attorny Gnrl rond tht ction552.021 provid or public cc to public inormtion. See id. sc-tion 552.002 dn public inormtion inormtion tht i col-lctd, mbld, or mintind undr lw or ordinnc or in con-nction with th trnction o ocil buin: (1) by govrnmntlbody; or (2) or govrnmntl body nd th govrnmntl body own

    th inormtion or h right o cc to it. 552.002(). Thu, in-ormtion tht i collctd, mbld, or mintind by third prtymy b ubjct to diclour undr chptr 552 i govrnmntl bodyown or h right o cc to th inormtion. See T. atty Gn.ORD-462 (1987); see also T. atty Gn. ORD-499 (1988) (ttingtht gnrlly rcord hld by privt ttorny rltd to lgl r-vic prormd by th ttorny t th rqut o municiplity rubjct to th Opn Rcord act nd diclour dpnd on whthrth rcord ll within ny o th act pcic cption). Inorm-tion i gnrlly public inormtion within th act whn it rlt toth ocil buin o govrnmntl body or i ud by public o-cil or mploy in th prormnc o ocil duti vn though itmy b in th poion o on pron. See T. atty Gn. ORD-635(1995). although not n hutiv lit, th attorny Gnrl ttdtht th ollowing ctor wr rlvnt in dtrmining whthr docu-mnt r ntilly pronl in ntur or whthr thy contin inor-mtion tht i collctd, mbld, or mintind by or or govrn-mntl body: who prprd th documnt; th ntur o it contnt;it purpo or u; who pod it; who hd cc to it; whthr thmployr rquird it prprtion; nd whthr it itnc w nc-ry to or in urthrnc o th mployr buin. Op. T. attyGn. No. JC-3828 (2001) (citingIn re Grand Jury Proceedings, 55 F.3d1012, 1014 (5th Cir. 1995)).

    atr rviwing th rponiv -mil, th attorny Gnrl oundtht th -mil nt by Myor Murphy to city t mploy w orth pronl u o th ndr nd rcipint, nd tht it w nithrcrtd nor mintind undr lw or ordinnc or connctd to o-cil buin o ny kind. See id. Th lttr ruling concludd tht thinormtion t iu w not ud in th trnction o ocil buin,nd thu, w not public inormtion undr ction 552.002. See id.

    Thror, -mil w not ubjct to public diclour. See id.Undr ction 552.137()-(b), n -mil ddr o mmbr o th

    public tht i providd or th purpo o communicting lctroni-clly with govrnmntl body i condntil nd not ubjct to di-clour unl th mmbr o th public rmtivly connt to itrl.

    Th mption undr ction 552.137(c) do not pply to n -mil ddr (1) providd to govrnmntl body by pron whoh contrctul rltionhip with th govrnmntl body or by thcontrctor gnt; (2) providd to govrnmntl body by vndorwho k to contrct with th govrnmntl body or by th vndorgnt; (3) contind in rpon to rqut or bid or propol,contind in rpon to imilr invittion oliciting or or inor-mtion rlting to potntil contrct, or providd to govrnmntl

    body in th cour o ngotiting th trm o contrct or potntilcontrct; or (4) providd to govrnmntl body on lttrhd, cov-rht, printd documnt, or othr documnt md vilbl to thpublic.

    Undr ction 552.137(d), govrnmntl body i not prvntdrom dicloing n -mil ddr or ny ron to nothr govrn-mntl body or to drl gncy.

    1. Do -mil contitut rcord?

    e-mil i ubjct to th m public inormtion nd cptionnlyi tht ll mtril rqutd undr th Public Inormtion actmut go through to dtrmin whthr it i ubjct to diclour. SeeOp. T. atty Gn. No. Ga-4274 (2003).

    2. Public mttr on govrnmnt -mil orgovrnmnt hrdwr

    Inormtion i within th cop o th act i it rlt to th ocilbuin o govrnmntl body nd i mintind by public ocilor mploy o th govrnmntl body. 552.002().

    3. Privt mttr on govrnmnt -mil orgovrnmnt hrdwr

    e-mil nt rom pronl -mil ccount utilizing govrnmnt

    computr my lo b ubjct to public diclour. See Op. T. attyGn. No. Ga-4274 (2003). To b ubjct to th act th inormtionmut b collctd, mbld, or mintind undr lw or ordinncor in connction with th trnction o ocil buin by or or thditrict. 552.021. See T. atty. Gn. Op. ORD-4120 (2011). In T.atty. Gn. ORD-3624 (2011) it w ound tht -mil indvrtntlyorwrdd rom pronl computr to th city computr ytmw not covrd by th act bcu thy wr crtd or nt in thprormnc o [th mploy] ocil job duti. See also T. atty.Gn. ORD-635 (1995) (-mil not ubjct to public diclour whrthy contitutd pronl inormtion unrltd to ocil buinnd wr crtd or mintind by tt mploy involving d mi-nimi u o tt rourc).

    4. Public mttr on privt -mil

    e-mil bout public mttr nt rom privt ccount or homcomputr my b ubjct to diclour. T. atty Gn. ORD-1790(2001) (council mmbr olicitd citizn to communict with hr council mmbr on hr pronl computr by including hr hom-mil ddr on hr buin crd).

    5. Privt mttr on privt -mil

    Whr inormtion w crtd or cmpign nd pronl politiclpurpo in public ocholdr pronl -mil ccount tht i notin th city poion i not public inormtion ubjct to th act.T. atty Gn. ORD-1126 (2005).

    e. How r tt mg nd intnt mg trtd?

    Virtully ll o th inormtion in govrnmntl body phyiclpoion contitut public inormtion nd thu i ubjct to th

    act. T. atty Gn. ORD-12267 (2010) (uggting tht intnt m-g r ubjct to public diclour i thy r collctd, mbld,or mintind undr lw or ordinnc or in connction with thtrnction o ocil buin by or or th govrnmntl body).

    1. Do tt mg nd/or intnt mgcontitut rcord?

    Inormtion i within th cop o th act i it rlt to th ocilbuin o govrnmntl body nd i mintind by public ocilor mploy o th govrnmntl body. 552.002(). Thu, to thtnt tt mg rlt to th ocil buin o th govrnmntlbody, thy r ubjct to th act.

    2. Public mttr mg on govrnmnt hrdwr.

    s III.D.2, inr.

    3. Privt mttr mg on govrnmnt hrdwr.

    s III.D.3, inr.

    4. Public mttr mg on privt hrdwr.

    s III.D.4, inr.

    5. Privt mttr mg on privt hrdwr.

    s III.D.5, inr.

    F. How r ocil mdi poting nd mg trtd?

    Not pciclly ddrd.

  • 7/27/2019 Open Government Guide for Texas


    OpenGOvernmentGuide te

    The RepoRTeRsCommiTTeefoRfReedomofThe pRess Pg

    G. How r onlin dicuion bord pot trtd?

    Not pciclly ddrd.

    H. Computr otwr

    Not pciclly ddrd.

    1. I otwr public?

    Th attorny Gnrl ddrd rqut or copi o computrprogrm ud by southwt T stt Univrity to mintin r-

    cord. T. atty Gn. ORD-581 (1990). Whil th attorny Gn-rl ound tht th trm inormtion ud in th act i crtinlycomprhniv, h dtrmind tht whr inormtion h no othrignicnc thn it u tool or th mintnnc, mnipultion,or protction o public proprty, w nd tht it i not th kind o in-ormtion md public by th act.Id. t 4. accordingly, th attornyGnrl dvid tht th computr progrm nd not b rld.Id.t 5. In ddition, whr rl o copi o computr progrm owndby third prti nd protctd by copyright would violt drl lw,diclour i not rquird. T. atty Gn. ORD-505 (1988).

    2. I otwr nd/or fl mtdt public?

    Not pciclly ddrd.

    I. How r or lctronic rcord d?

    Gnrlly, th cot o obtining copy o public inormtion mut bn mount tht ronbly includ ll cot rltd to producing thpublic inormtion, including cot o mtril, lbor, nd ovrhd.See 552.261. In th vnt th rpon to rqut or inormtionrquir progrmming or mnipultion o dt, th cot o providingth inormtion in lctronic orm i dtrmind in ccordnc withth rul tblihd by th attorny Gnrl undr ction 552.262.See 552.231(b)(4). I rqut or copy o public inormtion willrult in th impoition o chrg undr thi ubchptr tht cd$40, or rqut to inpct ppr rcord will rult in th
