Page 1: Open Access Research Approaching confidentiality …towards those relatives who may not have had the oppor-tunity for, but might benefit from, genetic testing, may be appropriate

Approaching confidentiality at afamilial level in genomic medicine:a focus group study with healthcareprofessionals

Sandi Dheensa,1 Angela Fenwick,1 Anneke Lucassen1,2

To cite: Dheensa S,Fenwick A, Lucassen A.Approaching confidentiality ata familial level in genomicmedicine: a focus groupstudy with healthcareprofessionals. BMJ Open2017;7:e012443.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012443

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Received 27 April 2016Revised 2 November 2016Accepted 2 December 2016

1Faculty of Medicine, ClinicalEthics and Law, University ofSouthampton, SouthamptonGeneral Hospital,Southampton, UK2Wessex Clinical GeneticsService, Princess AnneHospital, University HospitalsSouthampton FoundationTrust, Southampton, UK

Correspondence toDr Sandi Dheensa;[email protected]

ABSTRACTObjectives: Clinical genetics guidelines from 2011conceptualise genetic information as confidential tofamilies, not individuals. The normative consequenceof this is that the family’s interest is the primaryconsideration and genetic information is shared unlessthere are good reasons not to do so. We investigatedhealthcare professionals’ (HCPs’) views about, andreasoning around, individual and familial approaches toconfidentiality and how such views influenced theirpractice.Method: 16 focus groups with 80 HCPs working in/with clinical genetics services were analysed, drawingon grounded theory.Results: Participants raised seven problems with, andarguments against, going beyond the individualapproach to confidentiality. These problems fell intotwo overlapping categories: ‘relationships’ and‘structures’. Most participants had never consideredways to—or thought it was impossible to—treatfamilial genetic information and personal informationdifferently. They worried that putting the familialapproach into practice could disrupt family dynamicsand erode patient trust in the health service. They alsothought they had insufficient resources to shareinformation and feared that sharing might change thestandard of care and make them more vulnerable toliability.Conclusions: A familial approach to confidentialityhas not been accepted or adopted as a standard, butwider research suggests that some of the problemsHCPs perceived are surmountable and sharing in theinterest of the family can be achieved. However, furtherresearch is needed to explore how personal andfamilial genetic information can be separated inpractice. Our findings are relevant to HCPs acrosshealth services who are starting to use genome testsas part of their routine investigations.

INTRODUCTIONHealthcare professionals (HCPs) frequentlyencounter cases where patients have appar-ently not told family members about a herit-able risk that is relevant to them. In this

empirical study, we wish to shed light on twotypes of these cases: first, when the patienthas refused to inform family members or togive consent to allow HCPs to inform ontheir behalf. Second, a potentially morecommon problem, where consent is ambigu-ous: a patient was seen in the past (possiblysome years ago) when they agreed to shareresults with relatives but it becomes evidentfrom a new patient (their relative) that thishas not happened.1 2 Although outright refu-sals to share information are reportedlyrare,3 patients often delay telling relatives orstate an intention to tell but for some reasondo not.1 2 One might consider that here, theHCP faces a conflict of normative duties andvalues: respecting individual confidentialityand autonomy on one hand and preventingpotential harm to a relative on the other.A view of confidentiality in which genetic

information is conceptualised as confidentialat the familial rather than the individuallevel is the ‘joint account’ (which we here-after refer to as the ‘familial approach’ forclarity).4–6 It proposes that potentially familialgenetic information should be available to all

Strengths and limitations of this study

▪ Our study is the first to explore, specifically andin detail, approaches to confidentiality andresponsibilities to relatives.

▪ It builds on previous work that has interrogatedthe familial approach to confidentiality but isnovel in that it has explored views about theapproach using empirical methods.

▪ One limitation is that some discussions werearound hypothetical issues.

▪ Although our qualitative approach does not aimfor generalisability, our findings are transferable.The details about our research context willenable other healthcare professionals within andoutside the UK to determine the extent to whichthe findings apply to their setting.

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at-risk family members and so HCPs should considertaking disclosure of this information to relatives as theirdefault starting position. The question, ‘can we sharethe patient’s information?’ is reconsidered as, ‘can weshare the familial genetic information with those towhom it might be relevant?’ The normative conse-quence regarding the two cases is that the conflict ofduties is reconceptualised: the interest of all those whomight have the inherited finding is the primary consid-eration and familial genetic information is shared,unless there are good reasons not to do so. Current UKguidelines from the Joint Committee on MedicalGenetics ( JCMG)7 incorporate such a familial approachand encourage HCPs to discuss family relationships,communication of information and the types of informa-tion that might be shared at the time of testing. Theguidance recommends that the onus might be left withpatients to communicate with family in the first instance,but where a HCP realises this has not happened andthere is a benefit to a family member to be had, theywould not be vetoed from sharing the familial geneticinformation by lack of explicit consent. Importantly, theHCP would still need to consider the potential harmsthat might arise from sharing this genetic information.Beneficence, justice and reciprocity underpin this

familial approach. To explain, determining a patient’srisk requires the patient’s family history to be taken intoaccount, along with the patient’s signs and symptoms.Once the patient’s risk status is known, reciprocitytowards those relatives who may not have had the oppor-tunity for, but might benefit from, genetic testing, maybe appropriate.Like the JCMG, commentators in the USA have sug-

gested that HCPs should make clear to patients that theywill share information and treat the family, not the indi-vidual, as their patient.8 9 Australian policy aboutgenomic research results is comparable: rather thantreating all results as confidential to one person bydefault, researchers must make clear that the participantcannot prevent the sharing of information that couldbenefit family members at risk of a serious illness forwhich treatment is available or pending.10 Box 1 featuresan example of a situation in which a HCP might sharejust familial genetic information.

Why explore this now?Confidentiality and HCPs’ responsibility to relatives ingenetic medicine is ripe for examination. First, usage ofbroad approaches to genome analysis, with their greaterpick up rate of heritable findings (including primaryfindings and secondary/incidental findings), are on theincrease. A case in point is the UK National HealthService (NHS), which is setting up a genomic medicineservice in which patients and their families will beoffered whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing as afrontline test across specialties.11 Often, primary and sec-ondary/incidental findings will require testing of closerelatives to determine their clinical significance. A boom

in the number of potentially at-risk relatives identified isthus imminent, and HCPs will need to consider howthey negotiate confidentiality and communication ofrelevant information in this context. Second, the UK hasrecently heard its first court cases12 13 that consideredwhether a duty of care is owed by HCPs to their patients’relatives. These cases do not shed light on HCPs’ per-ceived professional and/or moral responsibility to somerelatives, nor whether in some cases one could argue thatHCPs have such a responsibility, because the courts’arguments focused specifically on the concept of duty ofcare, and whether this duty would be owed to allrelatives.Although many studies have explored patients’ experi-

ences of, and barriers to, communication within fami-lies,14 there is currently no empirical research exploringHCPs’ views about confidentiality in clinical genetics.The extent to which UK practice has incorporatedguidelines, whether and to what extent the familialapproach is accepted and adopted as a standard, andthe concerns HCPs have about it, are unclear. Previousresearch we undertook with patients showed that, to anextent, they supported the familial approach: partici-pants thought genetic information was familial thatfamily members had a ‘right to know’ their risk and thatthe range of harms justifying disclosure without clearconsent was broad. Crucially, they wanted HCPs to tellthem about their approach to sharing familial geneticinformation at the outset.15 Our recent systematic reviewby contrast showed that although HCPs did generallyfeel a responsibility towards their patients’ relatives, theyperceived a range of barriers to sharing information.16

They thought doing so could violate the patient’s or therelative’s privacy; found it difficult to define medicalbenefit and thus whether information warranted disclos-ure; and perceived a strong obligation to respect thewishes of the patient who explicitly refused to tell theirfamily members about a risk. The findings from thisreview are tentative: just nine studies were with HCPs

Box 1 Separating individual and familial genetic informa-tion in practice

Patient A is seen at time 1. He has had prostate cancer but alsohas a family history of breast cancer. A genetic test shows he hasa BRCA2 mutation. Patient B, patient A’s sister, is seen at time2. There is no evidence that she knows about the BRCA2 muta-tion but she knows about the family history of breast cancer.Healthcare professionals (HCPs) can tell patient B, ‘we know yourfamily history is in part explained by a BRCA2 mutation and wecan test you for it’. This will not say anything about patient A. If,by any chance, patient B says, ‘do you know this because of mybrother?’, the HCP can reply, ‘we know this because of thepattern of cancers in your family’. No confidence of personalinformation would have been betrayed and nothing about patientA’s medical diagnosis shared. This action could be taken ifpatient A had given consent to share information, if he hadrefused consent to share, and if his consent was unclear.

2 Dheensa S, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e012443. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012443

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and none explored confidentiality and responsibility torelatives specifically; most used basic surveys; almost allfocussed on cases where patients explicitly refused to telltheir family rather than where consent was ambiguous;and none explored the concept of distinguishinggenetic information from personal clinical information.Our study therefore aimed to elicit HCPs’ views about,

reasoning around and conceptual understanding of con-fidentiality; their perceived responsibility to patients’relatives; and the way these considerations related totheir practice.

METHODSDesignThis study was qualitative and drew on groundedtheory.17 We chose cross-sectional (one-off) focusgroups. These were with groups working in the samedepartment where possible to provide an understandingof the real-life context in which HCPs worked and madedecisions.18

Recruitment and samplingA NHS Research Ethics Committee approved theresearch on 25/02/13 (reference: 13/SC/0041).Between late 2013 and early 2015, we invited HCPsinvolved in genetic testing to take part by presenting thestudy aims and protocol at professional meetings andsending emails with attached information sheets toheads of departments for dissemination to colleagues.Sampling was purposive: we tried to recruit from a rangeof genetic and affiliated services. It is unclear how manypotential participants the information reached and thusthe number who chose not to participate.

Sample and data collectionWe designed our topic guide (see box 2) based on theexisting literature. We also used the familial and individ-ual approaches to confidentiality as our theoreticalframework for the topic guide and for analysis. Thetopic guide was semistructured and piloted in the firstgroup. Focus group discussions centred mainly onpatients with risks of cancers and cardiac conditions, forwhom there is often an intervention (eg, treatment,risk-reducing options or surveillance) and thus wherecommunication with relatives is most urgent. SD, aresearch fellow with a doctorate in health sciences andseveral years’ experience of qualitative research in thefield, conducted all focus groups alone. SD audio-recorded the discussions which lasted ∼1 hour, and tookfield notes of non-verbal aspects of communication,such as nodding. Participants had no previous relation-ship with her. Sixteen focus groups with 80 HCPs fromacross the UK were conducted, either in clinical depart-ments or during professional meetings. There were par-ticipants from 14 of the 24 UK genetic services. Table 1details participants’ professions.

Data analysisAfter the first focus group, SD, AL and AF begancoding and thematically analysing the data, drawing onelements of grounded theory, such as constant compari-son.17 We independently interrogated transcripts andthen discussed the emerging codes and themestogether. The topic guide was adapted over time topursue emerging lines of inquiry. We ceased recruit-ment and data collection when we began to approachsaturation.

Box 2 Topic guide

Introduction▸ What is your role?▸ What kinds of patients do you see? How many per week?▸ What other departments do you work with?ConfidentialityIs confidentiality important in the area of medicine that you areworking in?▸ Why do you think it is important from a patient’s point of

view?▸ And why from a healthcare professionals’ (HCPs’) perspective?What aspects of the medical consultation should be keptconfidential?▸ Probe about personal versus familial genetic information▸ Probe about confidentiality in genetic medicine versus other

areas of medicineAre there guidance documents or protocols you follow forconfidentiality?▸ What do they say?▸ Are they widely read?▸ Do people agree with them?ConsentWhat does/should the consent process involve when a personhas a genetic test?▸ Is there an official consent process in your department?▸ How, if at all, do you talk about the limits of confidentiality in

the consent process?▸ What do you consider these limits to be?Information sharingRegarding genetic test results, who do you think should tell theresult to at-risk relatives?▸ Probe: the person themselves, a HCP, general practitioner, etc.▸ Probe: advantages and disadvantages of each.Have you ever had experience of a patient telling you they werenot going to inform their family of risk? Or a patient who youwere not sure had told?▸ Probe for details.To what extent do you feel like you have a responsibility to ensurepatients’ family members know their risk?▸ What, if any, limits does this responsibility have?The futureRegarding these issues, do you feel like you have enough supportand training?Whom do you talk to about ethical issues?What are your main concerns, if you have any?Do you have some other things you would like to raise?

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FINDINGSGeneral outline: the conventional steps for facilitatingcommunicationParticipants questioned their responsibility to theirpatients’ relative(s) when consent was ambiguous orwhen a patient had refused consent to share informa-tion. Although participants claimed they rarely encoun-tered the latter situation, they mentioned around 30different cases where a relative had not been told.Furthermore, they recognised that their awareness mightbe limited by patients who said they would tell familymembers but did not actually do so. When a patientrefused consent or was reluctant to share information,they had several conventional strategies to encouragedisclosure, outlined in figure 1, including discussingcases at the UK Genethics Forum.19 No one reportedcontacting relatives or their general practitioners (GPs)directly, checking databases to find relatives’ details orchecking family files to see if they had been referred—all of which are strategies that have been used in inter-vention studies.20–24 A consideration when decidingwhat to do was whether the relative was also their patientor a patient of another genetics service, or whether therelative had not been referred for genetic advice at all.

Participants said they had gone, or would go, beyondthese conventional steps only in exceptional situations,for example, if there was a child at risk of an early-onset,serious and treatable condition.Rather, they perceived several problems with taking a

familial approach to confidentiality, which fell into twooverlapping themes and subthemes, summarised infigure 2. The first comprised of concerns about rela-tionships between family members as well as betweenHCPs and patients. The second pertained to the struc-ture of the health service, comprising practical, legaland ethical considerations about the distribution ofresources.

RelationshipsWe cannot always separate familial and personal informationSome participants considered genetic information famil-ial, but thought disentangling familial information fromthe patient’s personal clinical information was not alwayspossible. Others had not considered whether there was adifference between personal and familial information.They thought that even if they told relatives (directly orvia a HCP) that there was a risk in the family, it mightpoint to a particular person who could then claim thattheir confidence had been breached. Many argued thiswas more likely than not as they were ‘dealing with rareconditions and it is quite a small world’ (FG14P4).Participants reported that some of their patients appar-ently felt their relatives had no ‘right to know’ (FG12P2)what they considered ‘their’ diagnosis, even if the diag-nosis implied an inheritance that had relevance forthese relatives too. As their HCPs’, they thought theyhad to respect this view.Only some participants talked about personal and

familial genetic information as being separable. Forexample, one participant recalled a case where a newpatient concerned about his risk for a familial cancersyndrome had an ‘inkling’ about where distant affectedrelatives lived. The participant found an old report

Table 1 Details of focus group participants

Profession Number

Genetic counsellors 37

Clinical scientists (molecular/cytogenetics) 16

Consultants in clinical genetics 8

Registrars (trainees) in clinical genetics 8

Nurses working with a genetics team 4

Fetal medicine professionals 4

Family history coordinators 2

Nephrologist 1

Total 80

FG5, 6 and 7 comprised of participants from different departments.The rest worked in the same department.

Figure 1 Healthcare

professionals’ conventional ways

of dealing with non-disclosure.

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about one of these relatives where consent was unclear,and shared just the necessary information:

FG10P3: I got her report…he hardly has any contact withthat family member. He had an inkling who it was. Hedidn’t know what kind of cancer she’d had [or] anything.He wasn’t particularly curious either. All I said to himwas, ‘I’ve done some digging and I’ve found some infor-mation and we have a test we can offer you’. But I com-pletely stepped over the issue of who it was, and whatcancer they had.

Along these lines, other participants said that if a HCPmade a considered decision to share some informationcarefully, for example, familial genetic information via aGP, it would not count as a breach:

FG14P6: If you make a decision to write to a [relative’s]GP or go down these different aisles of trying to get theinformation to people, I think breach isn’t quite theright term to use, because you’re carefully consideringthe confidentiality in the situation and there’s differentlayers. You’re carefully considering ‘yes, actually we thinkit’s appropriate to go to the GP in this situation becausethe risk of harm [is] high enough’.

A few participants said they would not feel it was abreach of confidentiality on their part if the relativeinferred the patient’s identity, as long as they themselveshad not included any identifying information. However,the potential for inference made many others reluctantto share familial genetic information. Participants feltmore compelled to do so if the relative had beenreferred to them, because they then had a duty of careto both parties, but even this was tricky work, with manytalking about how ‘careful’ they had to be.

Our contact can disrupt family relationships and causedistressFamily relationships were a key consideration for partici-pants when thinking about sharing information. Onereason was that, in their experience, patients who hadnot (yet) shared information with relatives often hadpoor relationships with them. Some were anxious thatrelatives would judge them or were worried about whatrelatives would do upon learning the information (eg, aprevious patient of FG3P1, who was diagnosed withhaemophilia, apparently refused to tell her pregnantsister about the possibly familial risk in case she termi-nated the pregnancy). Participants felt unable to ascer-tain these ‘intricacies’ of family dynamics and wereuncomfortable with the uncertain, potentially ‘enormous’(FG16P1), and exacerbating impact sharing genetic infor-mation could have. Coupled with their worry about separ-ating personal and familial genetic information, thisconcern led them to err away from sharing information:

FG16P3: [It] really does make me question what responsi-bility you have and what a mess you could make of thatfamily by sharing that information…we just don’t know:you could cause much more psychological damage by dis-closing. But you’re the keeper of this really difficult pieceof information.FG16P1: An unknowable risk isn’t it, the damage that

you could cause by disclosing.

Regarding direct contact with relatives, participantsthought it would be more of a shock and more invasiveof privacy if a HCP, as opposed to the patient, madecontact. They were moreover apprehensive about violat-ing the relative’s ‘right not to know’ and said thatalthough a patient would also violate this right if theycommunicated the information, it was ‘less okay’ for

Figure 2 Themes—each corresponds to an argument against using the familial approach.

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HCPs violate it (FG14P6). Interestingly, participantswere reluctant to contact relatives even in situationswhere a patient had specifically asked them to, as theythought the information would be better received ifcoming from a family member.A few participants in FG14 criticised some of their own

arguments here, and thought they perhaps should sharefamilial genetic information, despite their anxieties aboutfamily dynamics. They considered it a double standard torefuse to invade the privacy of their patient’s relative,given that it was standard practice to ask patients toinvade the privacy of their relatives (with whom theymight not have a close relationship) and indeed forgotheir own privacy (in that if the patient shared, the rela-tive would likely realise that they had had the test).

Sharing information could damage patient trust in the NHSA minority of participants pointed out that by not sharingfamilial genetic information, a relative could come toharm or die, for example from a preventable cancer, andthis might outweigh the potential harms of breaching apatient’s confidentiality. However, others thought it coulddamage a patient’s trust in the health service if a HCPshared even familial genetic information, which weighedheavily in the balance against doing so:

FG14P3: Ultimately, I’d worry about keeping [mypatient’s] confidentiality.FG14P5: Yeah, but not to the detriment of other

people! It’s difficult when you stop to philosophise aboutthat: where does our responsibility lie? Does it lie withthe family or does it lie with just that patient? It’s a verydifficult moral issue. There’s people out there who coulddie because you’re not telling them, because you’reworried about someone getting in trouble with theirsister. Which is more important? It’s difficult isn’t it?FG14P3: You don’t want no one ever to come forward

to see a genetics department.FG14P5: They’d feel worried that information will be…FG14P3: It’s always going to be shared with everyone.

This concern about trust was underpinned by partici-pants feeling that it would not be fair for them to shareinformation when they had not been explicit from theoutset that they could. Indeed, an important finding wasthat while participants considered it a vital part of theirrole to highlight familial implications, they did not alwaysdo so in the first appointment, thinking it important toinstead give the patient time to understand, cope withand adjust to their risk or diagnosis. They thought thatsharing familial genetic information without having beenexplicit about it at the outset would violate an implicitsocial contract and this could in turn damage the rela-tionship between them:

FG10P1: We say to the patient, ‘it’s your responsibility tocascade this information in your family. We take no partin that.’ But when they say they’re not going to do it, andwe say ‘we’re going to step in and do it for you’, that’squite tricky.

FG10P5: Also, you say everything you tell is confidential.FG10P2: apart from (!)FG10P1: It’s a bit mean for those patients to come

through thinking everything is going to be confidential,and then for that to backfire on them. They’re comingthinking, ‘this is my information’.

Notably, the focus group discussions made some parti-cipants reflect on their usual consent practices andquestion whether they should ask patients to agree tosharing before testing them.

We assume family members can find out another wayWhen patients had not yet told relatives about a risk,participants made hopeful claims that the news wouldprobably be communicated throughout the family even-tually. Given this possibility, they did not feel whollyobliged to intervene:

FG8P2: Maybe those [relatives] will find out another way,because they don’t often fall out with their whole family.It’s often specific people. I’ve certainly had people cometo clinic who have found out about the mutation throughsome circuitous way.FG8P3: Yeah, we often get uncoordinated referrals, in

a sense that family members will be referred separately,so often they don’t know that they’re simultaneously allbeing seen. Like you said, the news does go round insome way or the other.

Participants also considered the possibility that if given‘dear relative’ letters, patients who were reluctant orrefusing to share information, or to give consent forHCPs to share, would eventually pass them letters on.They moreover thought that if a patient did not shareinformation, an at-risk relative might know their familyhistory and request independent advice from a geneticsservice anyway.Other participants explicitly acknowledged that these

were all assumptions, and cited several examples wherefamily members had in fact not learnt about their riskthrough other means for many years. And in some fam-ilies, relatives had developed a cancer that could havebeen prevented:

FG14P4: I’m seeing a chap on Thursday. I saw his mumin about 2002 and said your son can be tested, and he’sjust rocked up now, 12 years later, for a pre-symptomatictest, and he’s got the mutation. He could have knownthat a long time ago.

Structural issuesWe usually encourage patients at follow-up appointmentsParticipants said that in the past, they had taken forgranted that they would have follow-up appointmentswith patients to discuss familial communication.Participants thought these appointments were importantto help patients understand their own and their rela-tives’ risks, and to facilitate communication:

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FG5P3: The more common reason for non-disclosure isthat the penny hasn’t dropped. You think you’veexplained it, they nod at you nicely, [yet] they’re like,‘what about cousin Sue?’ And you’re thinking, ‘we’vedone this a thousand times!’ We can’t assume thatbecause it’s easy for us [to understand genetics] it’s easyfor them. It takes ages.

As several groups discussed, follow-ups were becomingless possible due to health service constraints. Ironically,these cutbacks were happening concurrent to the increas-ing use of genome tests, which, as discussed earlier,produce results of a greater number and complexity:

FG5P2: It’s going to become far more prevalent in ourpractice as genetic counsellors to encourage people toshare information and [think about] how to persuadethem to do it. So [genomic medicine] is changing ourrole, isn’t it? Yet at the same time, we have less contact onthe whole with patients than we used to have. And the rela-tionship has changed. So I think it’s very, very challenging.

FG5P1: It’s getting harder and harder to discuss commu-nication issues and do the bread-and-butter counsellorstuff a lot of us came into the profession to do, becausethere’s the pressure of seeing more and more peoplewith fewer and fewer resources.

A related problem was that where follow-up appoint-ments were available, patients did not always use them,did not ‘know their way through the NHS’ (FG14P1), orknow that ‘the door is open and they can come back ifthey want’ (FG16P1). Therefore, patients who had nottold relatives about a risk sometimes had only onecontact with HCPs. Participants realised they couldmake ways of accessing help clearer. That participantshad this concern indicated their preference for buildinga relationship with the patient and encouraging them toshare information themselves.

We lack the resources for disclosure to relatives and worryabout legal consequencesParticipants perceived constrained resources (ie, time,staff, funding, methods of finding contact details) amajor barrier to doing anything other than leaving com-munication entirely up to patients:

FG4P1: There are probably people that we don’t contactwhom we could, if we had more resources, who couldbenefit from it. It’s always going to lead to some sort ofinequality. That is a source of some anxiety in terms ofwhether we’ve done the best we can for the wider familyand whether we have a duty to do the best we can for thewider family. The best we can do at the moment is gener-ally giving information to the person in front of us.Everything is done through that person. But if our ser-vices were configured in a different way, that might notbe the limit of what we could offer.

When asked what they would do if, hypothetically, theydid have the necessary resources, one response was that

they would still be uneasy about contacting at-risk rela-tives who had not been referred to their service. Sharingfamilial genetic information could leave them liable forinvading the relative’s privacy and breaching a patient’sconfidentiality, but not sharing it, despite having theresources to do so, could leave them liable for negli-gence. Inadequacy of resources was thus a defenceagainst culpability for this wider duty:

FG14P8: No-one’s won a case in America yet which isgood. The moment you start saying it is our job to sendthese letters out, then we’ve accepted that this is ourresponsibility. The culpability is a [worry].

Another area of trepidation was where they would beexpected to draw the limits of familial contact. Oncethey contacted one patient, they argued, they might beseen as having a legal ‘duty to warn’ all at-risk relatives—a duty they considered would be impossible to fulfil:

FG14P8: If you accept some of [the responsibility], areyou accepting more of it?

FG16P1: [It would] set a very difficult precedent. To whatlengths do you go to make sure that information’s beenpassed on, and how do you assess that? Logistically, itwould be almost impossible to check out all the relativesat risk [have] been informed. We are miles away fromhaving any kind of infrastructure that would support that.

FG8P1: Where would you ever stop then? How manypeople would you contact? How far would you go in thefamily?

One worry here was about opportunity cost—the timespent tracing a relative’s GP for example, would meanless time for seeing new patients.

We need nationwide consensusParticipants’ apprehensions about resources and liabilitywere underpinned by the perception that taking respon-sibility for relatives of patients would be a substantialshift in genetics practice, because keeping individualpatient confidence was the norm, and communicatingwith relatives, or their GPs, was not yet ‘culturally accept-able’ (FG15P5).Many participants said they were aware of JCMG

guidelines and the familial approach to confidentialityadvocated within, but thought the guidelines had notshifted practice. Some desired guidelines with clearerprotocols. Some moreover argued that they would bemore comfortable taking the sharing of familial geneticinformation as a default position if doing so was wide-spread practice, where there would be safety innumbers, better protection from litigation, and equalityin care for patients and families nationwide:

FG15P5: [Any change] would have to be a national one,so that everybody could sign up to the same process[with] guidelines that patients could read. Practice could

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[then] change in the direction of us saying to peoplebefore they had a test, ‘part of having a genetic test is thewillingness [to communicate]’. But you’d need a back-ground of cultural acceptability. I don’t think it could bedown to individual practitioners, because different [fam-ilies, and] even members of the same family might betreated very differently.

FG5P3: We do try to help, [but] there’s no protocol for it,there’s no standard for how you go about it, even though it[telling relatives] is the right thing to do. It’s very hard. Itgoes wrong in ways you can’t anticipate. You’re leavingyourself very open as well, and you think, ‘am I interferingwith things I shouldn’t be interfering with?’

Participants at the same time perceived guidelines tohave limited utility, because they typically do not coverevery situation and require professional judgement,which can be difficult to make. Producing a moredetailed guideline was not deemed a simple solution,particularly since the ‘standard way of reaching a deci-sion’ in difficult situations was through discussion withpeers rather than deference to guidance (FG1P1).

DISCUSSIONAlthough a few had shared familial genetic informationfrom one individual’s test to benefit relatives, partici-pants in our study took an individual approach to confi-dentiality in general. Akin to the findings of oursystematic review,16 participants, although perceivingthat they might have some responsibility to relatives,identified several reasons for not acting on this responsi-bility. One set of reasons related to concerns about rela-tionships between family members, and betweenthemselves and their patients. More specifically, theythought that if a patient had not told a family memberabout a risk, there might be reasons for this relating topoor family dynamics, and divulging information couldexacerbate these, could cause distress and could causepatients to lose trust in the NHS. This first concernechoes that of genetics professionals in research fromthe USA:25 26 they considered patient-relative relation-ships and patients’ emotional reactions to be two of themost influential considerations in their decisions aboutwhether to disclose information. These are importantconcerns, but notably, research has shown that whenpatients do not share information, there can be out-comes such as disappointment and resentment betweenfamily members, which can reduce family cohesion andwell-being.27–31 HCPs not sharing information couldequally be worse for trust in the health service, becauserelatives who develop a preventable cancer, where HCPshad known about the risk but had chosen not to act,might question their practices.32

Two issues that underpinned arguments about relation-ships in our study were that, first, most HCPs had notconsidered whether familial genetic information and per-sonal information could be treated differently, or did not

think they could be, and so worried that sharing familialgenetic information would result in their being blamedfor sharing personal information. Second, our participantsdid not always discuss sharing with family members at theoutset of their interactions with patients, and thoughtsharing information later down the line would jeopardisetrust and perceived transparency. Indeed, research aboutsharing medical information in another NHS context—the UK’s venture—shows that while people valueappropriate and responsible information-sharing—thatwhich could contribute to a ‘common good’, a lack oftransparency about what information exactly is shared,with whom, and for what reason, has led to mistrust inthe health service.33

Relating to our second theme, participants worriedthat sharing information would be a resource-intensiveactivity. They believed this because they thought takingon a narrow responsibility for some relatives couldchange the standard of care and lead to them having totake responsibility for more relatives. Echoing thisfinding, research with HCPs regarding recent Frenchlegislation, which requires HCPs to offer to write to rela-tives about their possible genetic risk, showed that parti-cipants were apprehensive about what this legislationwould mean for their responsibility to relatives. It wasnot clear to them who counts as family, to whom theywould have a responsibility or how this responsibilitycould be properly discharged.34 These findings suggestthat definitions need to be clearer. Our participants alsoargued that if the standard of care were to change, theycould be liable for not sharing information with allat-risk family members as well as for breaching individualconfidentiality. This may be due to a perceived ‘litigationculture’ in the health service.Participants thought that if they were to share familial

genetic information by default, all HCPs should do so,as part of a consensus shift in practice. This point wasinteresting, because with their guidelines, the JCMG7

intended to change practice in this way—that is, encour-age HCPs to discuss sharing of familial genetic informa-tion from the outset and make clear why such sharingwas needed and that such sharing could happen. It maybe that HCPs were unsure how to implement the guide-lines, or that they were unaware who else had taken theapproach on board and were reluctant to be the first todo so. HCPs’ difficulties with guidelines have been illu-strated elsewhere: research from the Netherlands35 andthe USA25 26 has shown that HCPs were unsure whatguidelines existed and as a result, made conservativeassumptions about what sharing was permitted. Thus,more detailed guidelines are not always the answer—especially as they will always allow room for professionaljudgement, and may lead to inaction, for example, if theparticulars of a certain situation are different to theones outlined.36

Although only some participants had consideredtaking a familial approach to confidentiality, participantswere more consistent in taking a relational approach to

8 Dheensa S, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e012443. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012443

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autonomy.37 38 According to Gilbar,37 a HCP who isfaced with a disclosure dilemma and is taking this rela-tional approach would not only consider clinical factors(eg, whether the risk in question is severe, likely andhas an available intervention), but also the effect of dis-closure on family relationships. Gilbar also argues that iftaking seriously this last criterion, HCPs will have dis-cussed “various aspects of the patient’s familial relation-ships…[and] have close knowledge” of their nature(p391). In our study, participants saw it as an importantpart of their role to highlight familial implications ofany test result. They also considered family relationshipswhen thinking about ways that information might beshared, such as via intermediaries. But, ultimately, theythought patients should share the information.

Implications for practice and researchWe would argue that a familial approach to confidential-ity could be taken as the norm—that is, familial geneticinformation could be shared unless there are good reasonsnot to—where a result in one person might be relevant toothers. Nevertheless, some important issues relating to par-ticipants’ concerns would need to be addressed and clari-fied before engaging a familial approach:▸ Further research should explore whether separating

personal and familial genetic information is possiblein cases where there is concern about breaching con-fidentiality, and in what situations sharing the lattercould lead to inference of a patient’s identity.

▸ We recommend that any responsibility HCPs have torelatives be bounded—that is, their responsibility tocertain relatives should not imply a duty of care or aduty to warn to all possible at-risk relatives. Having adefault position of sharing familial genetic informa-tion would then change practice only in narrow cir-cumstances (ie, where the known relative of a patientfaces harm and/or could benefit from an interven-tion). Resource-light ways to contact relatives not yetreferred to a genetics service would need to be identi-fied, such as using existing databases and registers tofind their contact details, or those of their GP,sending tailored letters directly, and making follow-upphone calls.20–24

▸ We reiterate the JCMG recommendation that HCPsbroach with patients from the earliest opportunity(eg, before the test) whether and how genetic in-formation might be shared with family members.This is especially important since our previousresearch showed that patients want HCPs to tell themat the outset about the possibility of such sharing.16

Since participants considered a relational approach toautonomy to be standard practice, and since some hadtaken a familial approach to confidentiality in somecases, taking the familial approach as default may simplybe an extension of these existing practices. HCPssharing familial genetic information could be more pro-tective of patient privacy than the family-mediatedapproach: patients in one US study illustrated this point,

arguing that HCPs can be trusted to make a distinctionbetween familial information (eg, the genetic mutation)and personal clinical information and share accordingly.Relatives tasked with sharing might not always do so andmight, as a result, reveal patient identities.39 Indeed, inseveral published interventions about hereditarycancers, HCPs have safeguarded individual privacy whenwriting to relatives on a patient’s behalf, by simply sayingthat a member of the family had been found to have aninherited tendency to develop cancer, without initiallyrevealing the gene mutation or specific diagnosis.20–24

In one of these interventions, clinicians asked relatives ifthey thought their privacy was thereby invaded, andnotably, they did not.24

Strengths and weaknessesOur study is the first to explore familial confidentialityand HCPs’ responsibilities to relatives. The findingssupport our systematic review:16 participants identifiedseveral reasons for not acting on a perceived responsibil-ity to relatives. The study builds on previous work thathas interrogated the familial approach, but is novel inthat it has explored views about the approach usingempirical methods.There were 11 genetics services from which no HCPs

took part. Nevertheless, our findings are still transfer-able: we have provided enough detail about our researchcontext to enable other genetics services within andoutside the UK to determine the extent to which thefindings apply to their setting.40 One limitation is thatsome discussions were around hypothetical issues (eg,asking what participants would do if resources and infra-structure were in place). Our wider research is buildingon this limitation by using longitudinal research to iden-tify ethical issues as they are experienced in practice.

CONCLUSIONSOverall, this study makes an important and timely contri-bution to what is known about confidentiality andinformation-sharing practices at a time when whole-genome analyses are being offered to increasing numbersof patients, in the UK and worldwide. More patients willnow be identified as at risk of a heritable condition, andmore HCPs will be tasked with communicating this infor-mation to patients. We found that participants considerthe familial approach to confidentiality difficult to imple-ment in practice. Further research should explore withHCPs whether they consider the barriers they identifiedsurmountable and should explore ways to facilitate theappropriate and secure sharing of familial genetic infor-mation to benefit families in practice.

Twitter Follow Sandi Dheensa @sandi_dheensa

Acknowledgements The authors thank everyone who participated, ClinicalEthics and Law at Southampton, and the reviewers whose comments havehelped to improve the manuscript.

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Contributors SD conducted the focus groups and led on data analysis andwriting the manuscript. AL and AF facilitated data analysis and providedcritical feedback on several drafts of the manuscript. AL co-authored theoriginal papers about the joint account approach that framed this work.

Funding This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust: grant number110486/Z/15/Z.

Competing interests None declared.

Ethics approval Approved by Hampshire B NRES committee south central(13/SC/0041) on 25/02/13.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Data sharing statement No additional data are available.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance withthe terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, whichpermits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, forcommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See:

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