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  • 8/6/2019 o.p seminar 86





    :-Seminar Topic:-


    Guided by:-Guided by:-Presented byPresented by

    Dr. Kunal shahDr. Kunal shahSharib ali khanSharib ali khan

  • 8/6/2019 o.p seminar 86



    BDS 3rd year


    Regressive changes in the dental tissues include

    a variety of alterations that are not necessarily

    related either etiologically or pathologically.

    Some of the changes to be considered here are

    associated with the general aging process of the


    Others arise as a result of injury to the tissues.

    Still other regressive changes of teeth occur with

    such frequency that there is some doubt whether

    they should actually be considered pathologic.


    Mechanical wear and tear of tooth substance is a

    consequence of both physiological and

    pathological means and therefore different

    adaptive strategies have evolved to tackle this


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    A disease state arises when this delicate balance

    goes away resulting in early dissolution and loss

    of tooth substance with subsequent involvement

    of pulpal and periapical tissues.

    It is currently acknowledged that there are

    several mechanisms that contribute to there are

    several mechanisms that contribute to tooth


    These include abrasion resulting from the friction

    of exogenous material forced over tooth surfaces

    (e.g. masticating food) or the use of teeth as

    tools; erosion resulting from the chemical

    dissolution of tooth surfaces (e.g. effects of acid

    from various sources or from a highly acidic diet),

    and attrition from tooth-to-tooth contact (e.g.

    night grinding ).

    These mechanisms most often occur together,

    each acting at different intensity and duration in

    a continuously hanging salivary medium,

    producing immensely variable patterns and

    degrees of wear.


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    Attrition may be defined as, the physiologic

    wearing away of a tooth as a result of tooth-to-

    tooth contact, as in mastication.

    This occurs only on the occlusal, incisal, and

    proximal surfaces of teeth, not other surfaces

    unless a very unusual occlusal relation or

    malocclusion exist.

    This phenomenon is physiologic rather thanpathologic, and it is associated with the aging


    The order a person becomes, the more attrition is


    Attrition commences at the time contact or

    occlusion occurs between adjacent or opposing


    It may be seen in the deciduous dention as well

    as in the permanent, but severe attrition is

    seldom seen in primary teeth because they are

    not retained normally for any great period of

    time Occasionally, however, children may suffer

    from either dentinogenesis imperfecta or

    amelogenesis imperfecta, and in both diseases

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    pronounced attrition may result from ordinary

    masticatory stresses.

    Clinical features

    o The first clinical manifestation of attrition

    may be the appearance of a small polished

    facet on a cusp tip or ridge or a slight

    flattening of an incisal edge.

    o Because of the slight mobility of the teeth in

    their sockets, a manifestation of the

    resiliency of the periodontal ligament,

    similar facets occur at the contact points on

    the proximal surfaces of the teeth.

    o As the person becomes older and the wear

    continues, there is gradual reduction in cusp

    height and consequent flattening of the

    occlusal inclined planes.

    o According to Robinson and his associates,

    there is also shortening of the length of the

    dental arch due to reduction in the

    mesiodistal diameters of the teeth through

    proximal attrition.

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    o Only minor variation in the hardness of tooth

    enamel exists between individuals;

    nevertheless considerable variation in the

    degree of attrition is observed clinically.

    o Men usually exhibit more severe attrition

    than women of comparable age, probably as

    a result of the greater masticatory force of


    o Variation also may be a result of differences

    in the coarseness of the diet or of habits

    such as chewing tobacco or bruxism either of

    which would predispose to more rapid


    o Certain occupations, in which the person is

    exposed to an atmosphere of abrasive dustand cannot avoid getting the material into

    his mouth, also are important in the etiology

    of severe attrition.

    o Advanced attrition, in which the enamel has

    been completely worn away in one or more

    areas, sometimes results in an extrinsic

    yellow or brown staining of the exposed

    dentin from food or tobacco.

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    o Provided there is no premature loss of the

    teeth, attrition may progress to the point of

    complete loss of cuspal interdigitation. In

    some cases the teeth may be worn down

    nearly to the gingiva, but this extreme

    degree is unusual even in elderly persons.

    o The exposure of dentinal tubules and the

    subsequent irritation of odontoblastic

    processes result in formation of secondary

    dentin , pulpal to the primary dentin, and

    this serves as an aid to protect the pulp from

    further injury.

    o The rate of secondary dentin deposition is

    usually sufficient to preclude the possibility

    of pulp exposure through attrition alone.



    Abrasion is the pathologic wearing away of tooth

    substance through some abnormal mechanical


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    Abrasion usually occurs on the exposed root

    surfaces of teeth, but under certain

    circumstances it may be seen elsewhere, such as

    on incisal or proximal surfaces.

    Robinson stated that the most common cause of

    abrasion of root surfaces is the use of an

    abrasive dentifrice.

    Although modern dentifrices are not sufficiently

    abrasive to damage intact enamel severely, they

    can cause remarkable wear of cemented and

    dentin if the toothbrush carrying the dentifrice is

    injudiciously used, particularly in a horizontal

    rather than vertical direction.

    Clinical features:-

    o Abrasion caused by a dentifrice manifests

    itself usually as a V-shaped or wedge-shaped

    ditch on the root side of the cementoenamel

    junction in teeth with some gingival


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    o The angle formed in the depth of the lesion,

    as well as that at the enamel edge, is a

    rather sharp one, and the exposed dention

    appears highly polished.

    o It has been shown by Kitchin and by Ervin

    and Bucher that some degree of tooth root

    exposure is a common clinical finding, and a

    66 per cent incidence of abrasion among

    1252 patients examined was reported by

    Ervin and Bucher.

    o Abrasion was more common on the left side

    of the mouth in right-handed people, and

    vice versa, suggested that improper tooth

    brushing caused abrasion.


    The habitual opening of bobby pins with theteeth may result in a notching of the incisal

    edge of one maxillary central incisor

    o Similar notching may be noted in carpenters,

    shoemakers, their teeth. Habitual pipe

    smokers may develop the pipe stem

    o The improper use of dental floss and

    toothpicks may produce lesions on the

    proximal exposed root surface, which also

    should be considered a form of abrasion.

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    o It is apparent that pathogenesis under these

    different conditions is essentially identical.

    o The loss of tooth substance that occurs by

    one means or another is certainly pathologic

    but should present no problem in diagnosis

    o The exposure of dentinal tubules and the

    consequent irritation of the odontoblastic

    processes stimulate the formation of

    secondary dentin similar to that seen in

    cases of attrition.

    o Unless the form of abrasion is an extremely

    severe and rapidly progressive one, the rate

    of secondary dentin formation is usually

    sufficient to protect the tooth against pulp



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    Dental erosion is defined as,

    irreversible loss of dental hard tissue by a

    chemical process that does not involve bacteria.

    Dissolution of mineralized tooth structure occurs

    upon contact with acids that are introduced into

    the oral cavity from intrinsic (e.g. gastro-

    esophageal reflux, vomiting) or extrinsic sources

    (e.g. acidic beverages, citrus fruits).

    This form of tooth surface loss is part of a large

    picture of tooth wear, which also consists of

    attrition, abrasion and possibly abfraction.


    Extrinsic causes. :

    Erosion of tooth substance is mainly due to

    contact with acidic media either by way of food

    stuff or by iatrogenic exposure.

    There could be either extrinsic or intrinsic

    sources of acid that could cause this mode of

    tooth substance loss.

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    Examples of extrinsic acids. (Source outside the

    body ) are acidic beverages, foods, medications

    or environmental acids.

    The most common of these are dietary acids. It

    can be seen that most fruits and fruit juices have

    a very low pH (high acidity).acidic.

    Several studies have found that the frequency of

    consumption of acidic drinks was significantly

    higher is patients with erosion than without.

    This finding is of concern, particularly since

    children and adolescents are the primary

    consumers of these drinks.

    With consumption of acidic drinks identified as a

    risk factor in erosion, this amount of soft drink

    consumption will likely lead to an increase in

    prevalence of erosion.

    The erosive potential of beverages does not

    depend on pH alone. Other components of

    beverages, such as calcium, phosphates, and

    fluoride, may lessen erosive potential .

    Also, factors such as frequency and method of

    intake of acidic beverages as well as the tooth

    brushing frequency after intake may influence

    susceptibility to erosion.

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    Therefore, the role of confounders like oral

    hygiene status, complicate the role of acids per

    se which necessitates further investigation to

    clarify the relationship between acidic beverage

    intake and dental erosion.

    Medications that the acidic in nature can also

    cause erosion via direct contact with the teeth

    when the medication is chewed or held in the

    mouth prior to swallowing.

    Numerous case reports exist describing extensive

    erosion secondary to chewing vitamin C

    preparations or hydrochloric acid supplements.

    Less common sources of extrinsic erosive acids

    are related to occupational and recreational


    Chromic, hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids

    have been identified as erosion-causing acid


    They are released into the work environment

    during industrial electrolytic processes.

    However current work safety standards make

    this type of erosion very rare. Dental erosion has

    been reported in swimmers who work out

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    regularly in pools with excessive acidity as well

    as individuals who are occupational wine-tasters.


    Intrinsic causes (acid source inside the body), for

    erosion are gastric acids regurgitated into the

    esophagus and mouth.

    Gastric acids, with pH levels that can be less than

    1, reach the oral cavity and come in contact with

    the teeth in conditions such as gastroesophageal

    reflux and exessive vomiting related to eating


    The association of gastroesophageal reflux

    disease (GERD) with dental erosion has been

    established in a number of studies in adults is a

    common condition estimated to affect 7 %of the

    adult population on a daily basis and 36 % at

    least one time a month.

    In this condition gastric contents pass

    involuntarily into the esophagus and can escapeup into the mouth.

    This is caused by increased abdominal pressure,

    inappropriate relaxation of the lower esophageal

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    sphincter or increased acid production by the


    However, GERD can also be silent with the

    patient unaware of his or her condition until

    dental changes elicit assessment for the


    Chronic, excessive vomiting has long been

    recognized as causing erosion of the teeth.

    The patient with an eating disorder such as

    anorexia nervosa or bulimia is the classic


    The addition, treatment for bulimia may include

    use of antidepressants or other psychoactive

    medications that may cause salivary


    Therefore, the cause of erosion cannot be

    reliably determined from its location.

    Erosion associated with alcoholism is caused by

    frequent vomiting. Other causes of vomiting that

    may cause erosion include gastrointestinal

    disorders such as peptic ulcers or gastritis,

    pregnancy, drug side effects, diabetes or nervous

    system disorders.

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    The fluctuations in pH of saliva are mainly kept inbalance by the buffering capacity of saliva.

    This property is largely due to the bicarbonate

    content of the saliva which is in turn dependent

    on the salivary flow rate.

    Bicarbonate concentration also regulates salivary

    pH. Therefore, there is a relationship between

    salivary pH, buffering capacity and flow rate


    Normally, when an acid enters the mouth,

    whether from an intrinsic or extrinsic source,

    salivary flow rate increases, along with pH and

    buffer capacity.

    Within minutes, the acid is neutralized and

    cleared from the oral cavity and the pH returns to


    Patients with erosion were found to have lower

    salivary buffer capacity when compared with

    controls in several studies.

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    In other studies, low whole salivary flow rates in

    patients with erosion were determined to be the

    major difference.

    Therefore, salivary function is an important

    factor in the etiology of erosion.

    Since many common medications and diseases

    can lower salivary flow rate (xerostomia), both

    whole and stimulated, it is important to assess

    salivary characteristics when evaluating a patientwith erosion.


    Soft drinks consumed (4-6 or more per week)

    Eating disorder (weekly or more often)

    Bruxism habit

    Whole saliva unstimulated flow rate (0.1ml/min)

    Sports drinks intake (weekly or more often)

    Excessive attrition Vomiting

    Symptoms or history of gastroesophageal reflux


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    Diminish the frequency and severity of the acid


    Enhance the defense mechanisms of the body

    (increase salivary flow and pellicle formation

    Enhance acid resistence,remineralization and

    rehardening of the tooth surfaces

    Improve chemical protection

    Decrease abrasive forces

    Provide mechanical protection

    Moniter stability


    Treatment of the etiology.

    Identification of the etiology is important as a

    first step in management of erosion .

    If excessive dietary intake of acidic foods or

    beverages is discovered, patient education and

    counseling are important.

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    If the patient has symptoms of GERD, then he/she

    should be referred to a medical doctor for

    complete evaluation and institution of therapy if


    A patient with salivary hypofunction may benefit

    with the use of sugarless chewing gum of mints

    to increase residual salivary flow.

    The use of oral pilocarpine (Salagen) may be

    beneficial in patients with dry mouth caused bySjogrens syndrome or post-therapeutic head and

    neck radiation.

    A patient suspected of an eating disorder should

    be referred to a medical doctor for evaluation.

    In some cases, an etiologic agent is not


    In other cases, the etiologic agent may be

    difficult to control, such as the problem of

    alcoholism. However, regardless of the cause, it

    is important to follow preventive measures to

    prevent the progress of erosion. There are

    several preventive measures that can be taken to

    control tooth erosion.

    Much of erosion prevention depends on the

    compliance of the patient with dietary

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    modification, use of topical fluorides, use of

    occlusal splints, etc.

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    Robinson HBG. Abrasion, Attrition and erosion of the

    tteth. Health Center j Ohio State Univ. 3:21, 1949.

    Rudolph CE A Comparative study in root resumption

    in permanent teeth J am Dent Assoc. 23:822,1936.
