  • 1. Ontology Design Patterns for the Semantic Business Processes A short paper presented at the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM2009), June 01st, 2009, Heraklion, Greece Violeta Damjanovi c Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Jakob Haringer Strae 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria T +43.662.2288-427 | F +43.662.2288-222 [email_address]

2. Outline

  • Related work
  • The central research paradigms
    • MOF (Meta Object Facility)
    • ODP (Ontology Design Patterns)
  • A Use case
  • The Business Process ODP
  • Conclusion and future work

3. Related work

  • Reich, J. R.1999. Ontological Design Patterns for the Integration of Molecular Biological Information . In Proceedings of the GCB99. Germany.
  • Staab, S., Erdmann, M., and Maedche, A.2001.Engineering Ontologies Using Semantic Patterns . In Proceeding of the IJCAI01. USA .
  • Devedzic, V.2002. Understanding Ontological Engineering . Communications of the ACM 45(4): 136-144.
  • Clark, P., Thompson, J., and Porter, B.2003. Knowledge Patterns . International Handbooks on Inf. Systems. Springer.
  • Svatek, V.2004. Design Patterns for Semantic Web Ontologies : Motivation and Discussion. In Proceedings of the 7th Conf. on Business Information Systems. Poland.
  • Gangemi, A.2005. Ontology Design Patterns for Semantic Web Content . In Proc. of the ISWC 2005. LNCS 1729.

4. Related work

  • Research communities around ODPs:
    • University of Manchester: Gene Ontology Next Generation (GONG) project @
    • NeOn project @http://
  • Related work that connects ontologies and business processes:
    • Nitzsche, J., Wutke, D., and van Lessen, T. 2007. An Ontology for Executable Business Processes. In Proceedings of the SBPM 2007, Innsbruck .
    • Hepp, M. and Roman, D. 2007. An Ontology Framework for Semantic Business Process Management. In Proceeding of the 8th International Conf. Wirtschaftsinformatik, Germany.
    • Fronk, M. and Lemcke, J. 2006. Expressing Semantic Web Service Behavior using Description Logics. In Proceeding of the SBPM 2006, Montenegro.

5. The First Paradigm: Meta-Object Facility 6. The Second Paradigm: ODPs

  • Patterns in MDD to indicate parts of required architectures, build M2M transformations
  • ODP Initiative: Classification of Ontology Design Patterns [Presutti et al., 2008]

7. A Use Case

  • Strategic level Functional level Operational level
  • Ontology reengineering between the functional level (ontology) and the operational level (executable business processes)

8. The Business Process ODP 9. Conclusions

  • Need a general model of patterns
    • to explain their motivation
    • programming code
    • to show usage of the pattern
    • diagrams to communicate their structure and behaviour

10. Contact Violeta Damjanovic Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Jakob Haringer Strae 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria T +43.662.2288-427 | F +43.662.2288-222 [email_address]
