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divine unity (al-tawhîd)

prophethood (alnubûwwa)

the resurrection of the dead (al-hashr)

justice (al-'adâla)

It is obvious that Qur’an is most miraculous book, sending to all people and other creature to introduce The whom written it.The fundamental aims of the Qur'an and its essential elements are fourfold:

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What is the Qur'an? How is it defined?

the key to the truths concealed beneath the lines of events

the tongue of the Unseen World in the Manifest World

it is the sun, foundation, and plan of the spiritual world of Islam

the expounding word, lucid exposition, decisive proof, and clear interpreter of the divine essence, attributes, names, and functions

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the expounding word, lucid exposition, decisive proof, and clear interpreter of the divine essence, attributes, names, and functions

the light and water of Islam, the macroanthropos

the true guide and leader urging humanity to prosperity and happiness

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a book of lawa book of prayer a book of wisdoma book of worshipa book of command and summonsa book of invocation

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it is a unique, comprehensive sacred book comprising many books to which recourse may be had for the needs of all mankind.

it is a revealed scripture resembling a sacred library that offers treatises suitable for all the various ways and different paths of the all the saints.

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The Qur’an only for Muslims,is right? No,to all mankind. Because;The Qur'an is a revealed scripture which

contains in summary the books of all the prophets, whose times were all different, the writings of all the saints, whose paths are all different, and the works of all the purified scholars, whose ways are all different.

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Its six aspects are all brilliant and free of the darkness of doubts and scepticismits point of support is certain heavenly

revelation and the pre-eternal Word; its aim and goal is self-evidently eternal

happiness; its inner aspect is clearly pure guidance;

its upper aspect is necessarily the lights of belief;

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its lower aspect is undeniably evidence and proof;

its right aspect is evidently the surrender of the heart and conscience;

its left aspect is manifestly the subjugation of the reason and intellect;

its fruit is indisputably the mercy of the Most Merciful and the realm of Paradise; and its rank and desirability are assuredly accepted by the angels and man and the jinn.

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A famous European of the last century who was also a scholar and philosopher said;"I have studied all the revealed books, but

since they are corrupted, I have been unable to find the true wisdom I was searching for, for the happiness of mankind. Then I saw that the Qur'an of Muhammad was far superior to all the other Books. I found wisdom in all its words. There is no other work that will serve man's happiness like this. Such a work cannot be the word of man. Those who say it is Muhammad's work are denying the imperatives of knowledge. That is, the Qur'an is self-evidently the word of God."Prince Bismarck

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A famous European scholar and philosopher of the 19th century, Carlyle, did not hold back from proclaiming in the loudest voice to philosophers and Christian scholars the following, which he also wrote in his works, that Islam was born like a brilliant flame and devoured the religions of its time as though they were dead wood. It was Islam's right to do this he said, for it was a reality, while the other religions lacked reality. He said also that the words most worthy to be heeded first are those of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), for the true word was his. He said too that if the truth of Islam is doubted then the most self-evident matters should be doubted,because the most self-evident and necessary truth is Islam.(1)

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‘’So, supported by the fact that the clever fields of Europe and America have produced crops of brilliant and exacting scholars like Carlyle and Bismarck, I say with all assurance:

Europe and America are pregnant with Islam; one day they will give birth to an Islamic state. Just as the Ottomans were pregnant with Europe and gave birth to a European state.’’

Said Nursi

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There are two sorts of Qur’anic commentaries:

The first is the well known sort of commentary. Commentaries of this sort expound and elucidate the Qur'an's phraseology, words, and sentences.

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The second sort explain, prove, and elucidate with powerful arguments the Qur'an's truths related to belief. This sort has great importance. Sometimes the well-known, externalist commentaries include this sort in summary fashion.

But the Risale-i Nur has made it its basis directly, and is a commentary on the Qur'an's meanings which silences obstinate philosophers in unprecedented manner.

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As a short view Risale-i Nur was written between in 1925-

1950.all of books comprise nearly 6000 pages.İn addition becoming a tafsir,but not keeping

to order of ayah as in done in classic Islamic exegenesis, it deals with also morality and philosophic .

As mentioned, main topic is belief , its necessitates and protecting from irrelevant thoughts possessing in unbelief.

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Since the Qur'anic verses in the Risale-i Nur are expounded in Turkish(*) with supreme art and skill without anything of their virtues, which are the Qur'an's greatest miracle, being lost, every class of people -men, women, officials, tradesmen, scholars and philosophers- can read and understand it. Profiting from it to the extent they can, they become ever more attached to it. High school students, university students, professors, lecturers, and philosophers all read it. These educated classes profit from it to an extraordinary degree, affirming its originality and the superior art of its composition, and feeling a strong desire to read the whole work.

The Fourteenth Ray, 543, Zübeyir Gündüzalp*now traslated into nearly 45 different languages

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Also other topicsIslam and relations with other religionsDivine Determining (Qadar) Resurrection, EternityProofs of Qur’an belongings to Allah

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An original question from Words,The Sixteenth Word"The Oneness of the Divine Essence together with the

universality of the Divine acts, the Unity of Almighty God's person together with His unassisted comprehensive dominicality, His Singleness together with His unshared all-embracing disposal, His being beyond space and yet present everywhere, His infinite exaltedness together with being close to all things, and His being One and yet Himself holding all matters in His hand, are among the truths of the Qur'an. Yet the Qur'an is All-Wise, and that which is Wise does not impose on the reason things which are unreasonable. And the reason sees an apparent contradiction between these things. I would like an explanation of them which will impel the reason to submit."

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The Collection of Risale-i Nur proves and explains the truths of faith in conformity with modern science through rational proofs and evidence.
