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  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Online TravelTravel Planning, Digital in Travel, Essential Principles forTravel Websites

    Kamil Mehmet

    @kamilozkanWednesday, December 28, 11
  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Travel Planning

    Top ten factors - What mostly prompted your decision tochoose this destination?(Provisional 2011 data - 15,000+ international tourists from 30+markets and visiting a destination for the first time):

    1. Friends or relatives recommendation: 38%2. World renowned must-see destination: 32%3. Information on the web: 22%4. Cheap deal / special offer: 15%5. Geographically close destination: 14%

    6. Travel agency recommendation: 8%7. Article in a magazine / newspaper: 6%8. Movie realized in the country: 5%9. Appealing advertising on it: 5%10. Heard about in the TV news: 2%

    Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Travel Planning

    A massive 60% of travel industry marketing

    gurus still ranksearchas the number 1 way to drivetraffic, according to stats from EyeForTravel's "TravelDistribution & Marketing Barometer" report.

    Globally,organic search is the most influential

    marketing channel for online travel marketing followed bypaid search, then good old email marketing, socialmedia, meta search and lastly mobile marketing

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    Travel Planning

    Nate Bucholz ofGoogle told that 69% ofbusinesses (compared to 63% of

    consumers)plan travel bysearching theinternet, visiting an average of22 sites beforedeciding on a destination.Meanwhile, mobile travelbookings accounted for 15% of all reservationsin 2010, up 69% from 2009, when around ninepercent used the medium, according to Corporate &Incentive Travel. (Travelmole, February 2011)

    Wednesday, December 28, 11
  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Destination Marketing

    OrganizationsMany recent studies told us destination marketing organizations (DMOs)

    are facing intriguing challenges to provide quality information

    onlinein an era ofinformation overload. Insufficientknowledge of tourist's online information preferences andsearch behaviour has hindered them from effective

    information management. A local or regional DMO website shouldhelp to promote not only the destination as a whole, but also

    hotels, tourist attractions, restaurants, theatre,sports, activities in the destination itself. Followingthe latest developments on the field,it's hard to ignore the fact that DMOsneed to go where the consumer is, instead of convincing theconsumer to come to them. (About Tourism)

    Wednesday, December 28, 11
  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    5 Basic Principles forTravelWebsites1. Look Good (=Nice & Simple)

    A visually appealing website is a site that is easy to read, easy to navigate,follow some basic design standards, and think about the usability andaccessibility of the design.

    Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    5 Basic Principles forTravelWebsites2. Content (was) is (and will be) the King!:

    The content on your site is your vehicle to present your message and portray

    your brand. Qualitative & diverse information, trip planning tools, attractivevisual material including video & photo sharing applications, multilingualcontent, B2B & Press sections and efficient SEO saturation/meta-tags are all"must" elements of a successful DMO website.

    Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    5 Basic Principles forTravelWebsites3. Engage Your Audience!

    Identify your visitors social activities &

    build an on-linecommunity to spread the word about yourdestinations competitive advantage & USPs.

    - 57% of DMO website users read travel written

    reviews- 32% of DMO site users post ratings and reviews- 43% of users visit travel-related forums

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  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    5 Basic Principles forTravelWebsites4. Don't Forget SEO:

    In search engine marketing, travel business is a well known

    category which is vast with a big competition inonline marketing.From bookings of flights to hotel

    reservations, it is estimated that 70% of all flights arebooked online through websites.

    Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    5 Basic Principles forTravelWebsites5. Convert!:

    Conversion strategies are the plans needed to convert alooker into a buyer! Use of Social Media andyour SEO strategy should all be part of your

    overall on-line marketing strategy.

    Without one, the typical conversion rate for awebsite is about 2% of visitors. This is not onlyabout selling hotels, tickets to cultural events,

    tourist attractions, museums, sport activities etc

    but to sell your own products as well (city pass, walking

    tours, souvenirs etc).Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Travel PlanningType of website used by online business and leisure travellersworldwide to research their last trip, 2010: Travelport report "TheWell Connected Traveller - the changing face of today's travel




    Search engine %59 %66Airline website %40 %40Hotel website %36 %36Websites of the destination %32 %40

    Travel websites %29 %31Online travel agency %26 %25Website of a high street travel agent %16 %15Car rental website %14 %11Social networking website %11

    %10Wednesday, December 28, 11

  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Digital in TravelAsurvey conducted by travel social network WAYN for the World Travel & Tourism Councilshows an interesting picture of use of digital in travel. The study, carried outin conjunctionwith Frommer's Budget Travel magazine, asked nearly 3,580 people (780 US, 2800 non-US) arange of questions about how they plan, book and use technology with travel.

    Which of the following do you use most frequentlywhen travelling?

    - Mobile maps: 56% (US) and 63% (non-US)- Social networks: 38% (US) and 64% (non-US)- Virtual/3D tourism: 30% (US) and 27% (non-US)- Blogs: 32% (US) and 22% (non-US)- Podcasts: 9% (US) and 7% (non-US)- Virtual worlds: 0% (US) and 10% (non-US)- RSS feeds:7% (US) and 11% (non-US)

    Wednesday, December 28, 11
  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2


    Digital in Travel

    When planning a trip, how many websites do youusually visit?- 1: 1% (US) and 5% (non-US)- 2-5: 34% (US) and 48% (non-US)- 6-10: 35% (US) and 27% (non-US)- 11-15: 10% (US) and 7% (non-US)- 16-20: 4% (US) and 3% (non-US)- 20+: 16% (US) and 10% (non-US)Which of these services would you try with atrusted provider?- Booking via mobile: 53% (US) and 76% (non-US)- Paying for in-flight web: 37% (US) and 43% (non-US)- Barcode check-in: 66% (US) and 43% (non-US)

    Wednesday, December 28, 11

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    Digital in Travel

    Which of the following do you use when travellingoverseas?- Onboard wifi: 11% (US) and 31% (non-US)- Twitter: 3% (US) and 17% (non-US)- Facebook: 21% (US) and 63% (non-US)- Phone booking: 3% (US) and 16% (non-US)- Metasearch engines: 41% (US) and 8% (non-US)- Digital guides:12% (US) and 24% (non-US)- Location GPS apps: 12% (US) and 25% (non-US)- Read/update blogs: 28% (US) and 22% (non-US)One of the interesting elements of the survey is that the US respondents came from the Budget Travelaudience, whereas the non-US were all WAYN members, perhaps signifying the differences in adoption onthe social-type questions. (, August 2010)

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    Wednesday, December 28, 11
  • 8/3/2019 Online Travel 2



    Kamil Mehmet

