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Selenium Online Training

Page 2: Online selenium training with full course content

Introduction to AutomationWhat is automation testingAdvantages of Automation TestingHow to learn any automation toolTypes of Automation toolsIntroduction to SeleniumWhat is SeleniumUse of SeleniumFeatures of seleniumDifference between Selenium and QTP

Selenium Online Training Course Content

Page 3: Online selenium training with full course content

Selenium ComponentsSelenium IDESelenium CoreSelenium RCSelenium GridSelenium 2.0 – Web DriverSelenium IDESelenium OverviewSelenium IDE IntroductionDownloading and Installing Selenium IDERecording and Running a Simple TestSelenium IDE – FeaturesInstalling Useful Tools for Writing TestsSelenium Concepts

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Selenium CommandsVerifying Page Elements – Assertions and VerificationsWait CommandsObject IdentificationElement LocatorsRegular Expression patternsSelenium Test RunnerUsing Regular Expressions in Selenium IDECreating Selenium Test SuitesHow to run the recorded script against other browsersWhy companies are not using recording toolsLimitations of Selenium IDE

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Selenium CoreSelenium Core OverviewInstalling Selenium CoreRunning Selenium Core Test SuitesJavaScript and HTMLIntroductionStatementsCommentsVariablesOperatorsComparisonsIf…ElseSwitch

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FunctionsFor LoopWhile LoopBreak LoopsFor…InEventsTry…CatchCore Java Fundamentals Language FundamentalsHistory of JavaFeatures of javaJava Programming Language KeywordsClass and ObjectData Types

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Array Declaration, Construction and InitializationEncapsulationInheritancePolymorphismFlow Control, Exceptions, and AssertionsWriting Code Using if and switchStatementsWriting Code Using LoopsHandling ExceptionsWorking with the Assertion MechanismUsing the java.lang.String ClassUsing the java.lang.Math ClassUsing Wrapper ClassesUsing the equals() Method with

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Strings and Wrappers and ObjectsInner ClassesMethod-Local Inner ClassesAnonymous Inner ClassesStatic Nested ClassesDefining, Instantiating, and Starting ThreadsPreventing Thread ExecutionSynchronizing CodeThread InteractionObject Orientation, Overloading and Overriding,

ConstructorsBenefits of EncapsulationOverridden and Overloaded Methods

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Selenium RCInstalling Selenium RCSelenium RC OverviewStarting and Stopping Selenium ServerCreating the generic scripts in seleniumCreating the scripts by using functionsSelenium Client LibrariesBrowser commands with examplesInteractive commands with examplesInformation commands with examplesValidation commands with examplesHow to take data from excel sheetsWhy should we use excel sheets

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How to take data from DBDebugging the scriptsMaintaining the synchronization pointsHow to handle Pop-up’s and alert messagesHow to use TestNG and Junit in SeleniumIntroduction to TestNGWhy TestNGSetting up TestNGWorking with TestNGAdvantages of TestNG over JunitExploring TestNG FeaturesHow to Use TestNG AnnotationsData Driven Testing TestNGTestNG Execution ReportTestNG Results output folder walkthrough

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Selenium GridIntroduction Selenium GridAdvantages of Selenium GridAdvanced Selenium 2.0 – Web driverAutomation Framework

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