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  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index



    Title page College certificate Declaration i Acknowledgement ii Abstract iii


    1.1 Background Problem 1

    1.2 Objective of Project 1

    !. "ITERAT RE S R#E$

    2.1 Existing System 2

    2.2 Proposed System 2

    2. Objectives of t!e Proposed System

    2." #easibility Study "

    %. ANA"A$SIS

    .1 Specific $e%uirements & .2 External 'nterface $e%uirements (

    . )ard*are $e%uirements +

    ." Soft*are $e%uirements +

    .& Performance $e%uirements &

    '. DESI(N

    ".1 ,ata ,esign -

    ".2 rc!itectural and component/level ,esign 0

    ". Soft*are 'nterface ,escription 1&

    "." ser 'nterface ,esign 1-

  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    ). I*+"E*ENTATION , RES "TS 2

    &.1 Platform sed 2" &.1.1 about . et 2" &.1.2 about S34 Server 2&&.2 5oding 6 $esult 2(

    -. TESTIN( , #A"IDATION "2

    (.1 7esting 'ntroduction

    (.2 8alidation

    &. CONC" SION "(


  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index



    This document is meant for describing all the features andprocedures that were followed while developing the system. This

    document specially mentions the details of the project how it wasdeveloped, the primary requirement, as well as various features andfunctionalities of the project and the procedures followed inachieving these objectives.

    Online Examination System forms the lifeline of the

    Educational nstitutes to the functioning of the Examination. t is

    very essential for an nstitute to handle the Examinations and their

    results. t is very useful for an nstitute to test its students

    continuously for their mutual development. This system is helpful

    for conducting !".#$ "ultiple #hoice Examinations which can be

    conducted regularly as well as for surprise tests and provides

    immediate results saving the precious time of faculties to chec% the

    papers and prepare mar% sheets.

    The T initiatives have encouraged various

    Organi&ations to develop systems to facilitate their day to dayoperations. The Online Examination System will include various

    #ourses ! T, #ommerce, Science, etc.$ and subjects for conducting

    examinations. This system helps in conducting examinations quic%ly

    and can thus help in saving time and the operations will be carried

    out e'ciently. (ith the e)ective use, any nstitute can apply the

    *Online Examination System + for conducting quic% examinations

    and getting better results in less time.

  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index



    1.1 +roblem Definition

    7!e *!ole process of assigning test and evaluating t!eir scores after t!e test9

    *as done manually till date. 't is very time consuming. lso it is difficult to keep t!eans*er s!eets being generated as *ell as t!e maintenance of t!e record of eac!

    examination. 7!e c!ance of loss of records is !ig! and record searc!ing is difficult.

    $esult processing takes more time and t!e presence of more invigilators is a must if

    t!ere are more number of students to *rite t!e exam.

    7o avoid suc! problem our project aims at replacing t!e existing examination

    t!at includes tedious paper *ork and manual *ork to large extent. By making t!is

    project *e *ant to make examination conduction a very easy and mac!ine based

    system t!at can reduce t!e !uman *ork to negligible.

    1.! Ob0ecti e of +ro0ect

    • Online exam is !elpful for t!e students to c!eck out t!eir performance in

    various subjects.

    • ut!enticated user can access to t!e *ebsite.

    • Only teac!ers can add ne* %uestions to any subject *it! one rig!t ans*er.

    nd t!ey can delete %uestions as *ell.

    • Students !ave to log in9 select t!e subject and can take t!e test.

    • Only t!e correct ans*er provided by teac!er *ill fetc! marks to t!e students.

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    !. "ITERAT RE S R#E$

    !.1 E2isting s3stem

    7!e Existing system of conducting examination process is manual. 't !as so

    many problems. So *e introduce a ne* system9 *!ic! is fully computeri:ed. Existing

    system is a large man po*er process and is difficult to implement. ;orking of

    existing system is given belo*< /

    Student $egistration is t!e first process. s t!e part of t!e registration9 t!e

    student !as to enter !is name9 address etc into t!e registration form. fter t!e

    registration9 make t!e %uestion papers and it *ill give to t!e prospective student. 7!e

    %uestion papers contain total mark9 subject9 duration9 %uestion paper9 etc. group of

    person does evaluation of ans*er s!eet. fter t!e evaluation of t!e ns*er s!eet9 t!eresult is publis!ed. nd also make t!e mark list.

    !.! +roposed s3stem

    7!e main objective of t!e online examination system is t!at it !elps

    companies=institutions to conduct exams to any number of candidates at a time9 in an

    automated manner. 't reduces t!e time consumption and *orkload t!at exist in t!e

    current system of examination. 't also !elps in storing t!e record of eac! examination

    and t!e results are also stored in t!e system. 7!is makes t!e searc!ing of t!e records

    easier t!an t!e existing system.

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    !.% Ob0ecti es of t4e proposed s3stem

    7!e main purpose of t!e system is to efficiently evaluate t!e candidate

    t!oroug!ly t!roug! a fully automated system t!at not only saves a lot of time but also

    gives fast results. 't is a cost/effective and popular means of mass/ evaluation system.

    7!e administrator of t!e system prepares t!e tests and %uestions for eac! exam. 7!e

    candidates can login t!roug! t!e client computers *it! t!eir register number given to

    t!em and can take t!e exam. 7!e %uestions are s!uffled in a random order so t!at

    possibilities for getting %uestions in t!e same order for t!e students *!o are sitting

    near9 is very less. timer *ill monitor t!e time and after t!e time limit t!e system

    itself submit t!e test. 'f it is before time9 candidates can submit it to vie* t!eir result.

    7!e result analysis is very easy as it is done by t!e system. So it saves a lot of time

    since no manual correction is needed in t!e system. o restriction is t!ere t!at t!e

    invigilator !as to be present *!en t!e students take t!e test.

    !.' easibilit3 st5d3

    #easibility is a measure of !o* beneficial t!e development of t!e information

    system *ill be to an organi:ation. 7!is is done by investigating t!e existing system in

    t!e area under investigation or generally ideas about a ne* system. 't is a test of a

    system proposal according to its *orkability9 impact on t!e organi:ation9 ability to

    meet user needs9 and effective use of resources.

    7!ree key considerations are involved in t!e feasibility analysis< economic9

    tec!nical9 and legal.

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    Economic feasibilit36

    Economic analysis is t!e most fre%uently used met!od for evaluating t!e

    effectiveness of a proposed system. 't is more commonly kno*n as cost benefit

    analysis9 t!e procedure to determine t!e benefits and saving t!at are expected from a

    candidate system and compare t!em *it! costs. 'f t!e benefits out*eig! costs t!en a

    decision is made to design and implement t!e system. Ot!er*ise make alterations in

    t!e proposed system.

    7!e innovation of t!e ne* system !as muc! influence on t!e economical side of t!e company. >anuel system is !ig!ly cost driven due to t!e !ig! labor costs. So if a

    company registers *it! t!e Online Examination site9 t!ey can automate t!eir day/to/

    day activities. 7!us t!e system is economically feasible.

    Tec4nical feasibilit36

    'n examining 7ec!nical feasibility of t!e system9 more importance is given to

    t!e !ard*are interaction part of t!e system. 7!e assessments of tec!nical feasibility

    centers on t!e existing system and to *!at extent it can support t!e proposed addition.

    7!is *as based on an outline design of system re%uirements in turns of inputs9 files9

    programs9 procedures9 and staff. 't involves financial considerations to accommodate

    tec!nical en!ancements. Online Examination being a *eb based application9 it

    uses . et frame*ork9 -??>)@ computer9 2? AB )ard disk.

    "egal feasibilit36

    People are in!erently resistant to c!ange9 and computers !ave been kno*n to

    facilitate c!ange. n estimate s!ould be made about t!e reaction of t!e user staff

    to*ards t!e development of a computeri:ed system. 5omputer installations !ave

    somet!ing to do *it! turnover9 transfers and c!anges in job status. 7!e introduction

  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    of a candidate system re%uires special effort to educate9 sell and train t!e staff for

    conducting t!e business.7!e system is designed suc! t!at even a computer ignorant

    person can interact *it! t!e system freely. So t!e system re%uires not muc! effort to

    train and educate people9 t!e system is t!at muc! legally feasible.


    %.1 Specific Re95irements

    Since t!e dministrator and t!e student=user are t!e main target group

    of our soft*are9 *e *ill only concern about some important functions for t!e admin

    and t!e user.

    Administrator 6

    • 7!e administrator is t!e one *!o manipulates and maintains t!e system. )e

    can enter into t!e system by entering login name and pass*ord

    • 7!at is9 !e is responsible for creating exams t!at include subject selection and

    assigning scores etc.

    • gain9 !e can add %uestions to t!e database

    • dd ne* user to t!e database and issue a valid ', for t!e user.

    • )e is also responsible for sending t!e result to t!e email id provided by t!e

    user at t!e start of !is registration.

    St5dents: sers6

    • 5an do t!e member registration

    • fter t!e registration9 !e *ill be issued *it! valid ', by t!e dministrator.

    7!e user can log into t!e system *it! t!is ',.

    • fter successfully login into t!e system9 t!e user moves to t!e instruction *eb

    page *!ere !e *ill get instruction about t!e examination process.

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    • 7!en after clicking t!e start button t!e exam starts and timer also starts .'n t!is

    manner9 t!e user can take up t!e test and on clicking t!e submit button 9 !e

    *ill get t!e result of t!at section immediately.

    • )e must get t!e test result to !is email id provided at t!e start of t!e


    • ,uring t!e exam9 !e is allo*ed to go to t!e previous %uestions using a

    previousC button. t t!e end system displays t!e initial *eb page.

    %.! E2ternal Interface Re95irements

    't include t!e follo*ing interfaces• ser 'nterfaces

    • Soft*are 'nterfaces

    • )ard*are 'nterfaces

    ser Interfaces6;

    7!e interface must be easy to understand. 7!e user interface includes

    • Screen formats:organi

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    =ardware Interfaces6

    Ser er side 4ardware

    • )ard*are recommended by all t!e soft*are needed.

    • 5ommunication !ard*are to serve client re%uests

    Client side 4ardware• )ard*are recommended by respective clientDs operating system and *eb bro*ser.

    • 5ommunication !ard*are to communicate t!e server.

    Software Interfaces6;

    Ser er side software

    • ;eb server soft*are9 ''S

    • Server side scripting tools< 5

    • ,atabase tools< S34 server 2??&.

    • 5ompatible operating system< ;indo*s FP

    Client side software

    ;eb bro*ser supporting GavaScript9 refer Bro*ser 5ompatibility

    Comm5nications Interfaces6;

    =TT+ < )ypertext 7ransfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client=server protocol

    bet*een *eb bro*ser 6 a ;eb Server.

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    TC+:I+ : 7ransmission 5ontrol Protocol='nternet Protocol9 t!e suite of

    communication protocols used to connect !osts on t!e 'nternet. 75P='P uses several

    protocols9 t!e t*o main ones being 75P and 'P.

    %.% =ardware Re95irements

    Processor < Pentium '8

    $am < 2&(mb

    )dd < 2gb

    >onitor < svga color

    Hey board < normal

    >ouse < normal

    %.' Software Re95irements

    Operating System < ;indo*s FP

    #ront End < 5 9 SP. et 2??&Iframe *ork 2.?J9 )7>4

    Back End < S34 server 2??&

    ;eb server < ''S

    Bro*ser < 'nternet Explorer

    %.) +erformance Re95irements

    • System s!ould be able !andle multiple users

    • ,atabase updating s!ould follo* transaction processing to avoid data inconsistency.

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    '. S$STE* DESI(N

    '.1 Data Design

    ,ata design creates a model of data and or information t!at is represented at a

    !ig! level of abstraction. 7!e structure of data !as al*ays been an important part of

    soft*are design. 7!e data design activity translates t!ese elements of re%uirement

    model into data structure at t!e soft*are component level. 'n actuality9 t!e design of

    data begins during t!e creation of t!e analysis model.

    7!e database modeling involves ormali:ation of t!e database structure so asto avoid data redundancy. 7!e different levels of normali:ation are first level9 second

    level and t!ird level. ormally normali:ation up to rd level is follo*ed. But in

    certain cases *e normali:e up to fourt! level is called Boyce code normal form. 'n

    t!is project *e !ave normali:ed up to second level. lso *e !ave added a bit of

    renormali:ation into t!e databases for easy generation of reports in t!e future.

    Data str5ct5re Description6;

    ,ata structures t!at are passed among components9 ,ata structured t!at areavailable to major portions of t!e arc!itecture9 #iles created for interim use are


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    Database description

    S8" Ser er

    S34 Server is a relational database management system I$,B>SJ t!at uses 7ransact

    S34 to send re%uest bet*een a client and S34 Server.S34 Server is designed to be a

    client=server system. 5lient=Server systems are constructed so t!at t!e database can

    reside on a central computer9 kno*n

    as server9 and be s!ared among several users. ;!en users *ant to access data on t!e

    S34 Server9 t!ey run an application on t!eir local computer9 kno*n as a client t!at

    connects over a net*ork to t!e server running S34 Server.

    7!e follo*ing are t!e factors for *!ic! ' !ave c!osen S34 Server as t!e back end


    Ad antages of 5sing S8" Ser er6

    1. >ulti/user database

    2. Supports $,B>S

    . 'tDs very fast.

    ". 'tDs relatively easy to use.

    &. 'tDs *idely used(. >ore secure

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    '.! Arc4itect5ral and component;le el Design

    ,esign is t!e first step in t!e development p!ase for any

    engineered product or system. 7!e design is t!e transition form t!e user oriented vie*

    to t!e programmer vie*. ,esign p!ase act as an edge bet*een t!e soft*are

    specification p!ase and t!e soft*are development p!ase *!ic! satisfies t!e

    re%uirements. 7!e system transforms a logical representation of *!at a given system

    is re%uired to be9 into t!e p!ysical specification. ,esign starts *it! t!e re%uirement

    specification and converts it into p!ysical specification.

    .System design is a creative art of inventing and developing inputs9 databases9 offline

    files9 met!ods and procedures9 for processing data to get meaningful output t!at

    satisfy t!e organi:ation objectives. 7!roug! t!e design p!ase consideration to t!e

    !uman factors9 i.e.9 t!e inputs to t!e users *ill !ave on t!e system.

    Some of t!e main factors t!at !ave to be noted using t!e design of t!e system are<

    • Practicability<

    System must be capable of being operated over a long period of time and must

    !ave ease of use.

    • Efficiency<

    S!ould make better use of resources available. Efficiency involves accuracy9

    timeliness and compre!ensiveness of system output.

    • 5ost < im of minimum cost and better results

    • Security < P!ysical security of data

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    +rogram Str5ct5re

    7op/do*n programming is t!e opposite of bottom/up programming. 't refers to a

    style of programming *!ere an application is constructed starting *it! a !ig!/level

    description of *!at it is supposed to do9 and breaking t!e specification do*n into

    simpler and simpler pieces9 until a level !as been reac!ed t!at corresponds to t!e primitives of t!e programming language to be used. 7op/do*n programming tends to

    generate modules t!at are based on functionality9 usually in t!e form of functions or

    procedures. 7ypically9 t!e !ig!/level specification of t!e system states functionality.

    7!is !ig!/level description is t!en refined to be a se%uence or a loop of simpler

    functions or procedures9 t!at are t!en t!emselves refined9 etc. 'n t!is style of

    programming9 t!ere is a great risk t!at implementation details of many data structures

    !ave to be s!ared bet*een modules9 and t!us globally exposed. 7!is in turn makes it

    tempting for ot!er modules to use t!ese implementation details9 t!ereby creating

    un*anted dependencies.

    Description for Components

    7!ere are four types of t!e modules 1< Student >odule

    2< 5ourse >odule

    < Exam >odule

    "< dministrator module

    1. St5dent *od5le < / 7!e student module contain anot!er module

    1.1 Registration *od5le < / Eac! of t!e students must first register *it! t!e

    soft*are. #or t!e registration part of t!e student *ill !ave to enter !is details like

    name9 address etc. and get a ser 'd from t!e soft*are. Once t!e student register *it!

    soft*are t!ey are able to give t!e exam.

    !. Co5rse *od5le < 7!e course module contain anot!er t!ree module

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    !.1 Co5rse Registration < 7!is modules contain all t!e information about

    different courses.

    !.!. 85estion Entr3 < 7!is module contains all t!e %uestion of different

    subjects. 7!e %uestions are multiple types.

    !.%. *ark Entr3 < 7!is module contains t!e mark details of different subjects.

    %. E2am *od5le < 7!is module is used for performing examination process. 7ime

    slot is allotted for exam. 7*o !our for eac! exam. 5opy *riting not possible in t!e

    exam. $esult generation is also t!e part of t!is module. s t!e part of t!e result

    generation make t!e mark list. 7!e mark list contains $egister number9 name9 course9subject9 semester9 mark9 etc.

    '. Administrators *od5le < / 7!e module protected by user id and pass*ord.

    7!is is encrypted format. So Ordinary users of t!e soft*are *ill not be permitted to

    enter t!is area of t!e soft*are. 7!e module *ill be focusing on t!e maintenance like

    >aster ,ata entry operation.

    '.% Software Interface Description


    SP. E7 !as many advantages over ot!er platforms *!en it comes to

    creating ;eb applications. Probably t!e most significant advantage is its

    integration *it! t!e ;indo*s server and programming tools. ;eb applications

    created *it! SP. E7 are easier to create9 debug9 and deploy because t!ose

    tasks can all be performed *it!in a single development environmentKc . E7.

    4.4 User Interface Design

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    System needs mainly follo*ing forms< a login form *it! security

    features9 registration form for members!ip

    ). I*+"E*ENTATION

    'mplementation is t!e stage in t!e project *!ere t!e t!eoretical design is

    turned into a *orking system and is giving confidence on t!e ne* system for t!e

    users t!at it *ill *ork efficiently and effectively. 't involves careful planning9

    investigation of t!e current system and its constraints on implementation9 design of

    met!ods to ac!ieve t!e c!ange over9 an evaluation9 of c!ange over met!ods. part

    from planning major task of preparing t!e implementation are education and training

    of users. 7!e more complex system being implemented9 t!e more involved *ill be t!e

    system analysis and t!e design effort re%uired just for implementation.

    n implementation co/ordination committee based on policies of individual

    organi:ation !as been appointed. 7!e implementation process begins *it! preparing a

    plan for t!e implementation of t!e system. ccording to t!is plan9 t!e activities are to

    be carried out9 discussions are made regarding t!e e%uipment and resources and t!e

    additional e%uipment !as to be ac%uired to implement t!e ne* system.

    'mplementation is t!e final and important p!ase. 7!is is t!e most critical stage

    in ac!ieving a successful ne* system and in giving t!e users confidence t!at t!e ne*

    system *ill *ork is effective. 7!e system can be implemented only after t!oroug!

    testing. 7!is met!od also offers t!e greatest security since t!e old system can take

    over if t!e errors are found or inability to !andle certain type of transactions *!ile

    using t!e ne* system.

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    System testing is t!e stage of implementation9 *!ic! is aimed at ensuringt!at t!e system *orks accurately and efficiently before live operation commences.

    7esting is vital to t!e success of t!e system. 7esting is t!e process of executing a

    program *it! t!e explicit intention of finding errors t!at is making t!e program

    fail. 7!e tester may analysts9 programmer or a specialist trained for soft*are

    testing9 is actually trying to make t!e program fail. nalysts kno* t!at an

    effective testing program does not guarantee system reliability. 7!erefore

    reliability must be designed into t!e system.

    nit Testing6

    'n unit testing *e !ave to test t!e programs making up t!e system. #or t!is

    reason unit testing is sometimes called as t!e Program testing. 7!e soft*are units

    in a system are modules and routines t!at are assembled and integrated to perform

    a specific function.

    nit testing focuses first on modules9 independently of one anot!er9 to locate

    errors. 7!is enables9 to detect errors in coding and logic t!at are contained *it! in

    t!e module alone. nit testing can be performed from t!e bottom up9 starting *it!

    t!e lo*est level modules and proceeding one at a time. nit testing is done for

  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    eac! module in Online Examination. 7!is ensures t!at t!e value *e enter matc!

    *it! t!e data type and *it!in t!e specified limits.

    Integration Testing6

    ,ata can be lost across any interface9 one module can !ave an adverse

    effect on anot!er9 sub functions *!en combined9 may not produce t!e desired

    major functions. 'ntegration testing is a systematic testing for conducting tests to

    uncover errors associated *it!in t!e interface. 7!e objective is to take unit tested

    modules and build a program structure. ll t!e modules are combined and tested

    as a *!ole. )ere correction is difficult because t!e vast expenses of t!e entire

    program complicate t!e isolation of causes. 7!us in t!e integration testing step9 all

    t!e errors are corrected for t!e next testing steps. 'n Online Examination eac!

    module is integrated and tested. 7!is testing provides t!e assurance t!at t!eapplication is *ell integrated functional unit *it! smoot! transition of data.

    #alidation Testing

    t t!e culmination of integration testing9 soft*are is completely assembled as

    a packageL interfacing errors !ave been recovered and corrected and a final series of a

    soft*are tests/validation tests begin. 8alidation testing can be defined in many *ays

    but a simple definition is t!at validation succeeds *!en t!e soft*are functions in a

    manner t!at can be reasonably expected by t!e customer.

    'n validation testing if user *ants to enter t!e numeric value !e can only

    enter t!e numeric value not t!e text value. #or e.g.< in p!one number field user can

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    only enter numeric value to it. 7!e system is user friendly *it! user guide and

    messages to explain furt!er procedures. n attempt !as been made to perfect t!e

    process by incorporating validation at eac! level.



    Online Examination !as been developed and t!e system *as tested *it!

    proper data. 7!e system results in regular timing preparation of t!e re%uired output. 'n

    comparison *it! t!e manual system9 t!e benefit under a computer system

    considerable in to saving of manpo*er9 *orking !our and efforts.

    't can observe t!at t!e information re%uired can be obtained *it!

    ease and accuracy in t!e computeri:ed system. 7!e user *it! minimum kno*ledge

    about computer can be able operate t!e system easily. Online massage !as been

    provided to !elp t!e user to take necessary9 correct action *!ile using t!e system.

    8arious validation tec!ni%ues !ave been used to implement accuracy of data in all

    formats of input. 7!e system !as produced all t!e report re%uired by t!e management.

    7!is soft*are can be used by any institute as it can be modified easilyL

    additional features can be added *it!out interrupting t!e normal functioning of t!e


  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index



    1J System nalysis and ,esign< Elias. >. *ard9 Aalgotia Publication Pvt.4td9 1001

    2J Programming sp. et< Aary 5ornell Gonat!an >orrison9 Pares Publis!ers9 1002

    J Soft*are Engineering< $oger.S.Pressman9 >cAra*/)ill 'nternational9 1001

    "J ***



  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    A. Arc4itect5ral diagrams:Data low Diagram: *":

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    se case diagram6

    Se95ence diagram 6;

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  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    Class diagram6

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    /. Tables

    1J *ember registration

    Name Data type Length$egnoIPHJ int 0fname nvarc!ar &?lname nvarc!ar &?currentaddress nvarc!ar &?

    permaddress nvarc!ar &?contactno nvarc!ar 0age int 0gender nvarc!ar &?emailid nvarc!ar &?username nvarc!r &?

    pass*ord nvarc!ar &?confrmpass*ord nvarc!ar &?

    !> Add co5rse

    Name Data t3pe "engt45ourseidIPHJ int 0coursename nvarc!ar &?courseduration int 0coursefee int 0

    %> Add semester

    Name Data t3pe "engt4SemidIPHJ int 0courseid int 0semname nvarc!ar &?

    '> Add s5b0ect

  • 8/17/2019 Online Exam Index


    Name Data t3pe "engt4SubidIPHJ int 0courseid int 0semid int 0subjname nvarc!ar &?

    )> Add 95estion

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