
On Designing and Thwarting Worms using Co-ordination

Jayanthkumar Kannan

Karthik Lakshminarayanan{kjk, karthik}

Impact of P2P Technology

• Widespread deployment of P2P networks– Large user base: half a million nodes at any time– Significantly different traffic patterns

• DHT technology– Efficient distributed lookup systems– Share information efficiently– Achieve load-balancing– Achieve locality properties

Brief outline of the talk

• Part I: How malicious can a worm get?– Stealth – avoid alarms at intrusion detection systems– Efficiency – quicker scanning– Use p2p systems for hit-list generation– Understanding how bad a worm can get is essential

in designing defenses

• Part II: Is there any hope against such worms?

DHTs enable sharing of information across nodes


• Worm attacks– Pre-collected IP address hit-lists– Divide and conquer (permutation scanning)– Random probing of IP addresses– …

• Defense Techniques– Unusual high number of rejected packets– Might do well if ISPs deploy it

Using a deployed P2P network

• Hit-list generation– How fast can one get IP addresses from crawling a

p2p network like Gnutella?– How stale is this information after a period of


• Passive probing– Exploit security loopholes in P2P application– Use existing communication patterns of p2p


Coordinated worm attacks

• Avoid detection– Policies followed by worms to avoid triggering alarms– For e.g., restrict number of probes to an address prefix, probe

internal IP address, bound number of unique probes from source

• Reduce failed probes– Uneven IP address allocation: random probing not ideal– Some IDS count number of unsuccessful attempts– Large number of “missed” probes

• Reduce network utilization– Some worms caused congestion in the backbone– Local probes to reduce number of peering links crossed

• Faster propagation


• Bandwidth-limited worm (such as Slammer)– Not affected by parameters such as number of

outstanding TCP connections– Issue if it is a TCP worm and uses kernel TCP


I: Uneven IP address allocation

• Goal: Probe prefixes at a rate proportional to the probability of finding a vulnerable host

• For each prefix maintain:– Fraction of vulnerable hosts

– Extent of IP address that has been scanned

• Let P be the total probes performed to a prefix, V be the total number of vulnerable hosts, I be the number of infected hosts, S is size of the prefix– P(finding a vulnerable host), pi = (S * V/P – I)/S

I: Uneven IP address allocation

• Use a DHT for maintaining P,V,I,S:– Infected nodes probe DHT and get a prefix that is likely

to have vulnerable hosts– Probe k-prefixes, and sample according to the

vulnerability metric

• Desired characteristics of DHT:– Performs admission control– Allow high query/update rate– High degree of churn– Target size of DHT not large (~5000 nodes)– We chose “Kelips” as our DHT

A brief overview of Kelips

• Combination of DHT and unstructured network with O(sqrt(n)) memory usage

• Basic Idea: Gossiping used to maintain consistency

• Information propagates to group in O(log(n)) time

0 1 2 1N

Affinity Groups:peer membership thru consistent hash

Affinity Group pointers

Cross-group “contacts”Kelips Slide borrowed from authors

0 1 2 1N

Affinity Groups:peer membership by consistent hash

filename, location

hash filename



File Replica inserted Somewhere(DHT or DOLR)

Kelips Slide borrowed from authors

Our Modifications

• Longest Prefix Match among home pointers– Allows flexibility in relocating sub-prefixes– Eg: Node A has information about, Node B

has information about

• Inconsistency Resolution– Application-level resolution– If two home pointers (id,A1), and (id,A2), then merge

data in A1 and A2, and choose one randomly

• Choose number of groups such that number of nodes in one group is small– Simulations: Consistency attained within 10 secs.

II. Evading intrusion detection systems

• By following specific policies

• By minimizing number of AS-level hops– Assuming ISPs do monitoring

• Can be achieved by having the home pointer allocate prefixes to infecting nodes– Home pointer can maintain number of nodes

probing such addresses– Can be used to implement powerful policies

III. Exploiting locality to reduce network utilization

• Kelips can be made location-aware• Adaptive improvement through gossiping: Pick

closest RTT ones• Assumption:

– If A is close to B, and B is close to C, A is close to C.

• Gives two advantages:– Each low-bandwidth host can find a nearest kelips

‘proxy’– When inserting new item, inserter asks k random nodes

to measure latencies to prefix, chooses best– Conflict resolution: Resolve in favor of closer node

Using DHTs for worm defenses

• Some initial high-level thoughts on this• Our model of defense• Some firewalls around Internet coordinate

with one another– Need to cut off traffic from infected networks– Need to maintain models of normal traffic from

every network, and shut – Models that offer hope: New IP addresses

probed, New Prefixes probed etc

Using DHTs for worm defenses

• Expensive for every firewall to maintain and even observe required state– DHT can be used to share such traffic model

information– Allocates responsibility in a secure fashion (replication)– Means traffic models can be verified from multiple

views– Information across firewalls coordinated using a DHT

• Use redundant routing in DHTs to exchange information in the presence of network congestion due to worms

Simulation methodology

• Strawman:– Random probing (today, worms operate this way)

• Issues in simulation:– Scalability with size of topology, number of nodes– Lack of data on distributions of typical AS-level

and last-hop bandwidths– Address space occupancy information unavailable

Simulation methodology

• What we used:– Discrete-time simulator

– Scaled down AS-level Internet graph (from Subramanian et al, Infocom 2002)

– Assigned IP prefixes as in SSFNet

– Access bandwidth from Gummadi et al, MMCN

– Kelips parameters: contacted Kelips’ authors

• Parameters:– 100,000 vulnerable nodes (CodeRed had 400,000)

– Living in 5000 Ases (/16 prefixes)

Quantifying hit-list generation

• Gnutella crawlers on PlanetLab (thanks to Boon!)• Harvest a huge number of IP addresses within 1 hour!

– Further growth possibly due to the degree of churn






n = number of crawlers

Quantifying hit-list generation

• Diminishing returns• 57% of the hosts can be contacted after 1 week

Coordinated worm: Infection rate

• Vanilla implementation of coordinated worm• 1.5x faster than random probing• Useful during initial phases of worm propagation (~2x faster)

Random probe


Number of failed probes

• Once our algorithm “learns” the distribution, it out-performs random probing worm

Random probe


Effect of imbalance in address distribution

• Summary:– Relative performance of coordinated worm

increases with increases with increase in imbalance

– … number of IP addresses seen– … number of failed probes


• Oops…


• Have shown how DHT technology has a bearing on the worm vs. defense tug of war

• Possible to have much stealthier and faster worms using DHTs.

• Have also shown that if worm is aware of security policies, can circumvent– Security through obscurity is no good
