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OMR survey form

Surveys are a way of gathering information or opinion about a particular product or services. Surveys are usually used for market research that companies conduct to acquire information before launching a new product or service. Even government agencies conduct market research while planning new policies for the people. Surveys help them to know what people need or want at the moment.

These surveys are given to a group of people who represent the entire population. Earlier the survey forms were subjective in nature. However, this is a method that no one uses anymore. Online surveys are another trend that has become popular lately. However, it has certain limitations. Hence, most organizations adopt the OMR form method for surveys.

The OMR survey form is popular because it not only helps to collect objective data but the subjective ones too. This is done in the form of images which are connected to the excel data output. The OMR survey form has questions and options with them. The candidate has to darken the bubbles or boxes as per his/her preference or answer. After this sheet is submitted, it is scanned and the results are drawn evaluated by the OMR software.

To make the survey a success, it is important that you fill the form correctly. The OMR sheet is a special form of paper that has four index points at its corners. These index points make it possible to read the scan image the page and acquire the results. To make sure that your answers are correctly evaluated by the OMR software, you must fill the blocks or bubbles completely. Do not fill them partially or lightly. This will make it impossible for the scanner to identify the marks on the bubbles. OMR Software will read fully filled/partially filled/tick mark bubble depend upon the survey policy & gives you accurate result. Also, ensure that there are no marks anywhere else in the paper except on the bubbles or boxes.

The OMR survey form is a useful document and hence should be handled carefully.
