

Dr. Joseph D. Chlpriano, Jr., Family & Cosmetic Dentistry2000 West Market Street

Pottsville, PA 17901



Forpurposes of this Notice "us" "we" and "our" refers to the Name of this Healthcare Facility: Dr.Joseph D. Chipriano, Jr., Familyand Cosmetic Dentistryand "you" or "your" refers to our patients(or their legal representatives as determined by us in accordance with state informed consentlaw). When you receive healthcare services from us, we will obtain access to your medicalinformation (Le. your health history). We are committed to maintaining the privacy of yourhealth information and we have implemented numerous procedures to ensure that we do so.

The Federal Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 2013, HIPAA Omnibus Rule,(formally HIPAA 1996 & HI TECHof 2004) require us to maintain the confidentiality of all yourhealthcare records and other identifiable patient health information (PHI)used by or disclosedto us in any form, whether electronic, on paper, or spoken. HIPAAis a Federal Law that givesyou significant new rights to understand and control how your health information is used.Federal HIPAA Omnibus Rule and state law provide penalties for covered entities, businessassociates, and their subcontractors and records owners, respectively that misuseor improperlydisclose PHI.

Starting April 14,2003, HIPAArequires us to provide you with the Notice of our legal duties andthe privacy practices we are required to follow when you first come into our office for health-care services. If you have any questions about this Notice, please ask to speak to our HIPAAPrivacy Officer.

Our doctors, clinical staff, employees, BusinessAssociates (outside contractors we hire), theirsubcontractors and other involved parties follow the policies and procedures set forth in thisNotice. If at this facility, your primary caretaker / doctor is unavailable to assistyou (Le. illness,on-call coverage, vacation, etc.), we may provide you with the name of another healthcareprovider outside our practice for you to consult with. If we do so, that provider will follow thepolicies and procedures set forth in thisNotice or those established for hisor her practice, so longas they substantially conform to those for our practice.


Under the law, we must have your signature on a written, dated Consent Form and/or anAuthorization Formof Acknowledgement of thisNotice, before we will useor disclose your PHIforcertain purposesas detailed in the rulesbelow.

Documentation - You will be asked to sign an Authorization / Acknowledgement form when youreceive this Notice of Privacy Practices. If you did not sign such a form or need a copy of theone you signed, please contact our Privacy Officer. You may take back or revoke your consentor authorization at any time (unlesswe already have acted based on it) by submitting ourRevocation Form in writing to us at our address listed above. Your revocation will take effectwhen we actually receive it. We cannot give it retroactive effect, so it will not affect any use ordisclosure that occurred in our reliance on your Consent or Authorization orior to revocation ILe.

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if after we provide servicesto you, you revoke your authorization / acknowledgement in order toprevent usbilling or collecting for those services,your revocation will have no effect because werelied on your authorization/ acknowledgement to provide servicesbefore you revoked it].

General Rule - If you do not sign our authorization/ acknowledgement form or if you revoke it, asa general rule (subject to exceptions described below under "Healthcare Treatment, Paymentand Operations Rule" and "Special Rules"),we cannot in any manner use or disclose to anyone(excluding you, but including payers and BusinessAssociates)your PHIor any other informationin your medical record. By law, we are unable to submit claims to payers under assignment ofbenefits without your signature on our authorization/ acknowledgement form. You will howeverbe able to restrict disclosuresto your insurance carrier for servicesfor which you wish to pay "outof pocket" under the new Omnibus Rule. We will not condition treatment on you signing anauthorization / acknowledgement, but we may be forced to decline you as a new patient ordiscontinue you as an active patient if you choose not to sign the authorization/acknowledgement or revoke it.

HeaHhcare Treatment, Payment and Operations Rule

With your signed consent, we may useor discloseyour PHIin order:

• To provide you with or coordinate healthcare treatment and services. Forexample, wemay review your health historyform to form a diagnosis and treatment plan, consult withother doctors about your care, delegate tasks to ancillary staff, call in prescriptions toyour pharmacy, disclose needed information to your family or others so they may assistyou with home care, arrange appointments with other healthcare providers, schedulelab work for you, etc.

• To bill or collect payment from you, an insurance company, a managed-careorganization, a health benefits plan or another third party. Forexample, we may needto verify your insurance coverage, submit your PHI on claim forms in order to getreimbursed for our services, obtain pre-treatment estimates or prior authorizations fromyour health plan or provide your x-rays because your health plan requires them forpayment; Remember, you will be able to restrict disclosuresto your insurance carrier forservicesfor which you wish to pay "out of pocket" under thisnew Omnibus Rule.

• To run our office, assessthe quality of care our patients receive and provide you withcustomer service. Forexample, to improve efficiency and reduce costs associated withmissedappointments, we may contact you by telephone, mail or otherwise remind youof scheduled appointments, we may leave messages with whomever answers yourtelephone or email to contact us (but we will not give out detailed PHI),we may call youby name from the waiting room, we may ask you to put your name on a sign-in sheet,(we will cover your name just after checking you in), we may tell you about orrecommend health-related products and complementary or alternative treatments thatmay interest you, we may review your PHIto evaluate our staff's performance, or ourPrivacy Officer may review your records to assistyou with complaints. If you prefer thatwe not contact you with appointment reminders or information about treatmentalternatives or health-related products and services, please notify us in writing at ouraddress listed above and we will not useor discloseyour PHIfor these purposes.

• New HIPAAOmnibus Ruledoes not require that we provide the above notice regardingAppointment Reminders,Treatment Information or Health Benefits,but we are includingthese as a courtesy so you understand our businesspractices with regards to your (PHilprotected health information.

Additionally you should be made aware of these protection laws on your behalf, under the newHIPAA Omnibus Rule:

• That Health Insurance plans that underwrite cannot use or disclose genetic informationfor underwriting purposes (this excludes certain long-term care plans). Health plans thatpost their NOPPson their web sitesmust post these Omnibus Rule changes on their sitesby the effective date of the Omnibus Rule, as well as notify you by USMail by theOmnibus Ruleseffective date. Plansthat do not post their NOPPson their Web sitesmustprovide you information about Omnibus Rule Changes within 60 days of these federalrevisions.

• Psychotherapy Notes maintained by a healthcare provider, must state in their NOPPsthat they can allow "use and disclosure" of such notes only with your writtenauthorization.

Special Rules

Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Notice, only in accordance with applicableHIPAAOmnibus Rule,and under strictly limited circumstances, we may use or disclose your PHIwithout your permission,consent or authorization for the following purposes:

• When required under federal, state or local law• When necessary in emergencies to prevent a seriousthreat to your health and safety or

the health and safety of other persons• When necessary for public health reasons (Le. prevention or control of disease, injury or

disability, reporting information such as adverse reactions to anesthesia, ineffective ordangerous medications or products, suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation ofchildren, disabled adults or the elderly, or domestic violence)

• Forfederal or state government health-care oversight activities (Le.civil rights laws, fraudand abuse investigations, audits, investigations, inspections, licensure or permitting,government programs, etc.)

• For judicial and administrative proceedings and law enforcement purposes (Le. inresponse to a warrant, subpoena or court order, by providing PHIto coroners, medicalexaminers and funeral directors to locate missingpersons, identify deceased persons ordetermine cause of death)

• ForWorker's Compensation purposes (Le.we may disclose your PHIif you have claimedhealth benefits for a work-related injuryor illness)

• For intelligence, counterintelligence or other national security purposes (Le. VeteransAffairs, U.S.military command, other government authorities or foreign military authoritiesmay require usto release PHIabout you)

• Fororgan and tissuedonation (Le. if you are an organ donor, we may release your PHItoorganizations that handle organ, eye or tissue procurement, donation andtransplantation)

• For research projects approved by an Institutional Review Board or a privacy board toensure confidentiality [i.e. if the researcher will have access to your PHIbecause involvedin your clinical care, we will askyou to sign an authorization)

• To create a collection of information that is "de-identified" (i.e. it does not personallyidentify you by name, distinguishingmarksor otherwise and no longer can be connectedto you)

• To family members, friends and others, but only if you are present and verbally givepermission. We give you an opportunity to object and if you do not. we reasonablyassume, based on our professional judgment and the surrounding circumstances, thatyou do not object (i.e. you bring someone with you into the operatory or exam roomduring treatment or into the conference area when we are discussing your PHI);wereasonably infer that it is in your best interest (Le. to allow someone to pick up your

records because they knew you were our patient and you asked them in writing withyour signature to do so); or it is an emergency situation involving you or another person(Le. your minor child or ward) and, respectively, you cannot consent to your carebecause you are incapable of doing so or you cannot consent to the other person'scare because, after a reasonable attempt, we have been unable to locate you. Inthese emergency situations we may, based on our professional judgment and thesurrounding circumstances, determine that disclosure is in the best interestsof you or theother person, in which case we will disclose PHI,but only as it pertains to the care beingprovided and we will notify you of the disclosure as soon as possible after the care iscompleted. As per HIPAA law 164.512(j) (I) •.. (A) Is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious or imminentthreat to the health and safety of a person or the public and (8) Is to person or persons reasonably able toprevent or lessen that threaf.

Minimum Necessary Rule

Our staff will not use or access your PHI unless it is necessary to do their jobs (Le. doctorsuninvolved in your care will not access your PHI; ancillary clinical staff caring for you will notaccess your billing information; billing staff will not access your PHI except as needed tocomplete the claim form for the latest visit; janitorial staff will not access your PHI). All of ourteam members are trained in HIPAAPrivacy rules and sign strict Confidentiality Contracts withregards to protecting and keeping private your PHI. Sodo our BusinessAssociates and theirSubcontractors. Know that your PHIisprotected several layers deep with regards to our businessrelations. Also,we disclose to others outside our staff, only as much of your PHIas isnecessary toaccomplish the recipient's lawful purposes. Still in certain cases, we may use and disclose theentire contents of your medical record:

• To you (and your legal representatives as stated above) and anyone else you list on aConsent or Authorization to receive a copy of your records

• To healthcare providers for treatment purposes (Le. making diagnosis and treatmentdecisions or agreeing with prior recommendations in the medical record)

• To the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services (Le. in connection with a HIPAAcomplaint)

• Toothers as required under federal or state law• To our privacy officer and others as necessary to resolve your complaint or accomplish

your request under HIPAA (Le. clerks who copy records need access to your entiremedical record)

In accordance with HIPAA law, we presume that requests for disclosure of PHI from anotherCovered Entity (as defined in HIPAA) are for the minimum necessary amount of PHI toaccomplish the requestor's purpose. Our Privacy Officer will individually review unusual or non-recurring requests for PHIto determine the minimum necessary amount of PHIand disclose onlythat. Fornon-routine requests or disclosures,our Privacy Officer will make a minimum necessarydetermination based on, but not limited to, the following factors:

• Theamount of information being disclosed• Thenumber of individuals or entities to whom the information isbeing disclosed• The importance of the useor disclosure• The likelihood of further disclosure• Whether the same result could be achieved with de-identified information• The technology available to protect confidentiality of the information• The cost to implement administrative, technical and security procedures to protect


If we believe that a request from others for disclosure of your entire medical record isunnecessary, we will ask the requestor to document why this is needed, retain thatdocumentation and make it available to you upon request.Incidental Disclosure Rule

We will take reasonable administrative, technical and security safeguards to ensure the privacyof your PHIwhen we use or disclose it [i,e. we shred all paper containing PHI,require employeesto speak with privacy precautions when discussing PHIwith you, we use computer passwordsand change them periodically (Le.when an employee leaves us), we use firewall and routerprotection to the federal standard, we back up our PHIdata off-site and encrypted to federalstandard, we do not allow unauthorized access to areas where PHIisstored or filed and/or wehave any unsupervised businessassociates sign BusinessAssociate Confidentiality Agreements).

However, in the event that there isa breach in protecting your PHI,we will follow Federal GuideLinesto HIPAA Omnibus RuleStandard to first evaluate the breach situation using the OmnibusRule, 4-Factor Formula for Breach Assessment. Then we will document the situation, retaincopies of the situation on file, and report all breaches (other than low probability as prescribedby the Omnibus Rule)to the USDepartment of Health and Human Servicesat:http://www.hhs.qov/ocr/privocy/hipoo/odministrotive/breochnotificotionrule/brinstruction.html

We will also make proper notification to you and any other parties of significance as required byHIPAALaw.

Business Associate Rule

BusinessAssociatesare defined as: an entity. (non-employee) that in the course of their work willdirectly / indirectly use, transmit, view, transport, hear, interpret. process or offer PHI for thisFacility.

BusinessAssociatesand other third parties (if any) that receive your PHIfrom uswill be prohibitedfrom re-disclosing it unlessrequired to do so by law or you give prior expresswritten consent tothe re-disclosure. Nothing in our BusinessAssociate agreement will allow our BusinessAssociateto violate this re-disclosure prohibition. Under Omnibus Rule,BusinessAssociateswill sign a strictconfidentiality agreement binding them to keep your PHIprotected and report any compromiseof such information to us,you and the United StatesDepartment of Health and Human Services,aswell as other required entities. Our BusinessAssociateswill also follow Omnibus Ruleand haveany of their Subcontractors that may directly or indirectly have contact with your PHI, signConfidentiality Agreements to Federal Omnibus Standard.

Super-confidentiallnformafion Rule

If we have PHI about you regarding communicable diseases, disease testing, alcohol orsubstance abuse diagnosis and treatment, or psychotherapy and mental health records (super-confidential information under the law), we will not disclose it under the General or HealthcareTreatment, Payment and Operations Rules (see above) without your first signing and properlycompleting our Consent form (Le. you specifically must initial the type of super-confidentialinformation we are allowed to disclose). If you do not specifically authorize disclosure byinitialing the super-confidential information, we will not disclose it unlessauthorized under theSpecial Rules (see above) (Le. we are required by law to disclose it). If we disclose super-confidential information (either because you have initialed the consent form or the Special Rulesauthorizing us to do so), we will comply with state and federal law that requires us to warn therecipient in writing that re-disclosureisprohibited.

Changes to Privacy Policies Rule

We reserve the right to change our privacy practices (by changing the terms of this Notice) atany time as authorized by law. The changes will be effective immediately upon us makingthem. Theywill apply to all PHIwe create or receive in the future, aswell as to all PHIcreated orreceived by usin the past (i.e. to PHIabout you that we had before the changes took effect). Ifwe make changes, we will post the changed Notice, along with its effective date, in our officeand on our website. Also,upon request, you will be given a copy of our current Notice.

Authorization Rule

We will not use or disclose your PHIfor any purpose or to any person other than as stated in therules above without your signature on our specifically worded, written Authorization /Acknowledgement Form (not a Consent or an Acknowledgement). If we need yourAuthorization, we must obtain it via a specific Authorization Form,which may be separate fromany Authorization / Acknowledgement we may have obtained from you. We will not conditionyour treatment here on whether you sign the Authorization (or not).

Marketing and Fund Raising Rules

Limitations on the disclosure of PHI regarding Remuneration

The disclosure or sale of your PHIwithout authorization is prohibited. Under the new HIPAAOmnibus Rule,thiswould exclude disclosuresfor public health purposes,for treatment / paymentfor healthcare, for the sale, transfer, merger, or consolidation of all or part of this facility and forrelated due diligence, to any of our BusinessAssociates, in connection with the businessassociate's performance of activities for this facility, to a patient or beneficiary upon request,and as required by law. In addition, the disclosure of your PHIfor research purposes or for anyother purpose permitted by HIPAAwill not be considered a prohibited disclosure if the onlyreimbursement received is "a reasonable, cost-based fee" to cover the cost to prepare andtransmit your PHIwhich would be expresslypermitted by law. Notably, under the Omnibus Rule,an authorization to disclose PHImust state that the disclosurewill result in remuneration to theCovered Entity.Notwithstanding the changes in the Omnibus Rule,the disclosureof limited datasets (a form of PHIwith a number of identifiers removed in accordance with specific HIPAArequirements) for remuneration pursuant to existingagreements ispermissibleuntil September 22,2014,so long as the agreement isnot modified within one year before that date.

Limitation on the Use of PHI for Paid MarkeHngWe will, in accordance with Federal and State Laws,obtain your written authorization to use ordisclose your PHIfor marketing purposes, (Le.:to useyour photo in ads) but not for activities thatconstitute treatment or healthcare operations. To clarify, Marketing is defined by HIPAA'sOmnibus Rule,as "a communication about a product or service that encourages recipients purchase or use the product or service:' Under the Omnibus Rule,we will obtain a writtenauthorization from you prior to recommending you to an alternative therapist, or non-associatedHealthcare Covered Entity.

Under Omnibus Rulewe will obtain your written authorization prior to using your PHI or makingany treatment or healthcare recommendations, should financial remuneration for making thecommunication be involved from a third party whose product or service we might promote (i.e.:

businessesoffering this facility incentives to promote their products or services to you). Thiswillalso apply to our BusinessAssociate who may receive such remuneration for making a treatmentor healthcare recommendations to you. All such recommendations will be limited without yourexpressedwritten permission.

We must clarify to you that financial remuneration does not include "as in-kind payments" andpayments for a purpose to implement a disease management program. Any promotional giftsof nominal value are not subject to the authorization requirement, and we will abide by the settermsof the law to accept or reject these.

Theonly exclusion to thiswould include: "refill reminders",so long as the remuneration for makingsuch a communication is"reasonably related to our cost" for making such a communication. Inaccordance with law, this facility and our BusinessAssociateswill only ever seek reimbursementfrom you for permissible costs that include: labor, supplies, and postage. Please note that"generic equivalents" , "adherence to take medication as directed" and "self-administereddrug or delivery systemcommunications" are all considered to be "refill reminders:'

Face-to-face marketing communications, such as sharing with you, a written product brochureor pamphlet, ispermissibleunder current HIPAALaw.

Flexibility on the Use of PHI for FundraisingUnder the HIPAAOmnibus Ruleuseof PHIismore flexible and does not require your authorizationshould we choose to include you in any fund raising efforts attempted at this facility? However,we will offer the opportunity for you to "opt out" of receiving future fundraising communications.Simply let us know that you want to "opt out" of such situations. Therewill be a statement onyour HIPAA Patient Acknowledgement Form where you can choose to "opt out". Ourcommitment to care and treat you will in no way effect your decision to participate or notparticipate in our fund raisingefforts.

Improvements to Requirements for Authorizations Related to ResearchUnder HIPAAOmnibus Rule, we may seek authorizations from you for the use of your PHI forfuture research. However, we would have to make clear what those usesare in detail.

Also, if we request of you a compound authorization with regards to research, this facility wouldclarify that when a compound authorization is used, and research-related treatment isconditioned upon your authorization, the compound authorization will differentiate between theconditioned and unconditioned components.


If you got this Notice via email or website, you have the right to get, at any time, a paper copyby asking our Privacy Officer. Also, you have the following additional rights regarding PHIwemaintain about you:

To Inspect and Copy

You have the right to see and get a copy of your PHIincluding, but not limited to, medical andbilling records by submitting a written request to our Privacy Officer. Original records will notleave the premises,will be available for inspection only during our regular businesshours, andonly if our Privacy Officer is present at all times. You may ask us to give you the copies in aformat other than photocopies (and we will do so unlesswe determine that it is impractical) orask us to prepore a summary in lieu of the copies. We may charge you a fee not to exceedstate law to recover our costs (including postage, supplies, and staff time as applicable, butexcluding staff time for search and retrieval) to duplicate or summarize your PHI. We will not

condition release of the copies on summary of payment of your outstanding balance forprofessional services if you have one). We will comply with Federal Law to provide your PHIin anelectronic format within the 30 days, to Federal specification, when you provide uswith properwritten request. Paper copy will also be made available. We will respond to requests in a timelymanner, without delay for legal review, or, in lessthan thirty days if submitted in writing, and inten businessdays or lessif malpractice litigation or pre-suit production isinvolved. We may denyyour request in certain limited circumstances lLe. we do not have the PHI, it came from aconfidential source, etc.). If we deny your request, you may ask for a review of that decision. Ifrequired by law, we will select a licensed health-care professional (other than the person whodenied your request initially) to review the denial and we will follow his or her decision. If weselect a licensed healthcare professional who is not affiliated with us,we will ensure a BusinessAssociate Agreement isexecuted that prevents re-disclosureof your PHIwithout your consent bythat outside professional.

To Request Amendment I Correction

If another doctor involved in your care tells us in writing to change your PHI,we will do so asexpeditiously as possible upon receipt of the changes and will send you written confirmationthat we have made the changes. If you think PHIwe have about you is incorrect, or thatsomething important ismissingfrom your records, you may ask us to amend or correct it (so longas we have it) by submitting a "Request for Amendment / Correction" form to our PrivacyOfficer. We will act on your request within 30 days from receipt but we may extend our responsetime (within the 30-day period) no more than once and by no more than 30 days, or as perFederal Law allowances, in which case we will notify you in writing why and when we will beable to respond. If we grant your request, we will let you know within five businessdays, makethe changes by noting (not deleting) what is incorrect or incomplete and adding to it thechanged language, and send the changes within 5 businessdays to persons you ask us to andpersonswe know may rely on incorrect or incomplete PHIto your detriment (or already have).We may deny your request under certain circumstances (Le. it isnot in writing, it does not give areason why you want the change, we did not create the PHIyou want changed (and the entitythat did can be contacted), it was compiled for use in litigation, or we determine it is accurateand complete). If we deny your request, we will (in writing within 5 businessdays) tell you whyand how to file a complaint with us if you disagree, that you may submit a written disagreementwith our denial (and we may submit a written rebuttal and give you a copy of it), that you mayask us to disclose your initial request and our denial when we make future disclosure of PHIpertaining to your request, and that you may complain to usand the U.s. Department of Healthand Human Services.

To an Accounting of Disclosures

You may ask us for a list of those who got your PHI from us by submitting a "Request forAccounting of Disclosures" form to us. The list will not cover some disclosures (i.e. PHIgiven toyou, given to your legal representative, given to others for treatment, payment or health-care-operations purposes). Your request must state in what form you want the list (Le. paper orelectronically) and the time period you want usto cover, which may be up to but not more thanthe last sixyears (excluding dates before April 14,2003). If you ask us for this listmore than oncein a 12-month perlod. we may charge you a reasonable, cost-based fee to respond, in whichcase we will tell you the cost before we incur it and let you choose if you want to withdraw ormodify your request to avoid the cost.

To Reauest Restrictions

You may ask us to limit how your PHIisused and disclosed (i.e. in addition HIPAA made EASYTM©AII Rights Reserved

in this Notice) by submitting a written "Request for Restrictions on Use, Disclosure" form to us ( may not want us to disclose your surgery to family members or friends involved in paying forour services or providing your home care). If we agree to these additional limitations, we willfollow them except in on emergency where we will not have time to check for limitations. Also,in some circumstances we may be unable to grant your request (I.e. we are required by law touse or disclose your PHIin a manner that you want restricted, you signed an Authorization Form,which you may revoke, that allows us to use or disclose your PHI in the manner you wantrestricted; in an emergency).

To Request AHernative Communications

You may ask us to communicate with you in a different way or at a different place by submittinga written "Request for Alternative Communication" Form to us. We will not ask you why and wewill accommodate all reasonable requests (which may include: to send appointment remindersin closed envelopes rather than by postcards, to send your PHIto a post office box instead ofyour home address, to communicate with you at a telephone number other than your homenumber). You must tell us the alternative means or location you want us to use and explain toour satisfaction how payment to uswill be made if we communicate with you as you request.

To Complain or Get More Information

We will follow our rules as set forth in this Notice. If you want more information or if you believeyour privacy rights have been violated ( disagree with a decision of oursabout inspection/ copying, amendment / correction, accounting of disclosures, restrictions or alternativecommunications), we want to make it right. We never will penalize you for filing a complaint. Todo so, please file a formal, written complaint within 180days with:

The U.S.Department of Health & Human ServicesOffice of Civil Rights200 Independence Ave., S.W.Washington, DC 20201877.696.6775

Or, submit 0 written Complaint form to usat the following address:

Office Phone:Office Fax:Email Address:

Our Privacy Officer: JayneOffice Name: Joseph D. Chipriano, It., DMD Family & Cosmetic DentistryOffice Address: 2000 West Market Street

Pottsville, PA [email protected]

You may get your "HIPAA Complaint" form by calling our privacy officer.

These privacy practices are in accordance with the original HIPAAenforcement effective April14,2003, and undated to Omnibus Rule effective March 26, 2013 and will remain in effect untilwe replace them as specified by Federal and/or State Law.

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fgxing gnd Emgiling Rule .

When you request us to fax or email your PHIas an alternative communication, we may agreeto do so, but only after having our Privacy Officer or treating doctor review that request. Forthiscommunication, our Privacy Officer will confirm that the fax number or email address is correctbefore sending the message and ensure that the intended recipient has sole access to the faxmachine or computer before sending the message; confirm receipt, locate our fax machine orcomputer in a secure location so unauthorized access and viewing is prevented; use a faxcover sheet so the PHIisnot the first page to print out (because unauthorized personsmay viewthe top page); and attach an appropriate notice to the message. Our emails are all encryptedper Federal Standard for your protection.

Practice Transifion Rule

If we sell our practice, our patient records (including but not limited to your PHI) may bedisclosed and physical custody may be transferred to the purchasing healthcare provider, butonly in accordance with the law. The healthcare provider who is the new records owner will besolely responsible for ensuring privacy of your PHIafter the transfer and you agree that we willhave no responsibility for (or duty associated with) transferred records. If all the owners of ourpractice die, our patient records (including but not limited to your PHI)must be transferred toanother healthcare provider within 90 days to comply with State & Federal Laws. Before wetransfer records in either of these two situations, our Privacy Officer will obtain a BusinessAssociate Agreement from the purchaser and review your PHIfor super-confidential information(Le. communicable disease records), which will not be transferred without your expresswrittenauthorization (indicated by your initialson our Consent form).

Inactive Patient Records

We will retain your records for seven years from your last treatment or examination, at whichpoint you will become an inactive patient in our practice and we may destroy your records atthat time (but records of inactive minor patients will not be destroyed before the child'seighteenth birthday). We will do so only in accordance with the law (Le. in a confidentialmanner, with a BusinessAssociate Agreement prohibiting re-disclosureif necessary).


If we use or disclose your PHIfor collections purposes,we will do so only in accordance with thelaw.

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