  • 7/30/2019 OMD600200 HUAWEIBSC6000 log Management ISSUE1.0V9R8)



    BSC6000Log Management

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    This lecture introduces the basic concepts about logmanagement of HUAWEI BSC6000, and describes in detailsabout the operation steps and methods of using LMT tomaintain BSC/BTS logs

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    BSC6000 LMT User Guide

    BSC6000 Site Maintenance Guide

    BSC6000 GOMU Administration Guide

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    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

    Understand basic concepts of log management

    Get familiar with operation steps of maintaining BSC logs

    Get familiar with operation steps of maintaining BTS logs

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    Basic Concepts of Log Management

    Maintain BSC Logs

    Maintain BTS Logs

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    Basic Concepts of Log Management

    Maintain BSC Logs

    Maintain BTS Logs

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    Classification of Logs

    Classification of logs: According to the content recorded inlog files, logs are divided into Running Log, Debug Log, andOperation Log

    Debug Log : A debug log records the softwarestatus that cannot be observed during systemrunning, for example, object state migration andexceptional message records. R&D engineers cananalyze the debug log to locate problems and

    understand the system running efficiency Debug logs include: Common/extended/unknown debug

    log, BTS log, cell frequency point scanning log,LastWords, TC log, CHR log, and Dopra error log

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    Classification of Logs

    Running Log : A running log records the software runningstatus that can be observed, for example, system startingand system status changing. Through running logs, systemmaintenance engineers can understand the running status

    of the systemOperation Log : An operation log records the commandinformation delivered by the user through the operation andmaintenance terminal so that maintenance engineers canmanage the operation and maintenance records of thesystem.

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    Log Files

    Generation of log filesThe system periodically accesses the log information in the buffer areaand records the log information in log files. Different types of logs havebuffer areas of different sizes

    If logs in a buffer area occupy over 80% space of the buffer area, logmanagement will save the content in the buffer area into log files

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    Naming Log Files

    Naming log files: Log files are named in the format of YYMMDD_HHMMSS_NNNN.***log

    YY, MM, DD, HH, MM, and SS respectively represent the year, month,

    day, hour, minute, and second when a file is created

    NNNN is a serial number of files that are created at the same time.The serial number starts from 0000

    ***log is the suffix of a file name. *** is the name of the folder where

    the file is and represents the file type. For example the suffix of a

    debug file is dbglog

    Example: The first operation log that is created at 10:23:38 a.m. on 2005-09-18 is

    named 20050918_102338_0000.oprlog

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    Basic Concepts of Log Management

    Maintain BSC Logs

    Maintain BTS Logs

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    Maintain BSC Logs

    BSC logs: BSC logs are saved in the server of GOMU. Operatorsneed upload BSC logs into the local maintenance terminal or designated server so that the BSC logs can be obtained and queriedin future

    The operations of maintain BSC logs include:

    Query operation logs online

    Upload BSC log files

    Maintain CS CHR

    Maintain PS CHRSet BSC log parameter

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    Query Operation Logs Online

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >Query Operation Logs Online

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    Upload BSC log files

    Introduction: The function is used to upload the needed logfiles onto LMT, query the log file information in the GOMUdatabase, and forcefully save log files, so that operators canobtain related log files at any time

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    Upload BSC log files

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >Upload BSC log files

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    Maintain CS CHR

    Introduction: The function is used to maintain and Call HistoryRecord (CHR) objects. If the filter conditions are set, relatedCHR files can be obtained

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >

    Maintain CS CHR

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    Maintain CS CHR

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    Maintain CS CHR

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >Maintain CS CHR

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    Maintain CS CHR

    Track Level:

    Info Level: It represents the records of normal call process

    Error Level: It represents the records of general errors of call process

    Assert Level: It represents the records of serious errors of call process

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    Maintain PS CHR

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >Maintain PS CHR

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    Maintain PS CHR

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs >Maintain PS CHR

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    Set BSC log parameter Introduction: The function is used to query and set the automatic

    uploading parameters and file saving parameters of BSC logs so thatoperators can obtain the needed log files

    Operation steps: Choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Logs > Set BSC

    log parameter

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    Set BSC log parameter Total size of the log files: It means the

    maximum space occupied by a type of

    logs. The input value should be not

    bigger than the following static

    configured value: Running Log is 30M;

    Operation Log is 30M; Debug Log is1000M

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    Set BSC log parameter

    Maximum size of the single log file: It should be not bigger thanthe total size of the type of log file

    Maximum time span of the log file: It means the number of days for which a log is saved. In BSC6000, the parameter for

    all types of logs ranges from 30 to 90

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    Basic Concepts of Log Management

    Maintain BSC Logs

    Maintain BTS Logs

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    BTS Work LogThe BSC6000 provides three ways to get BTS logs

    Get BTS log to the GOMU

    The BSC extracts BTS logs and saves them in the GOMU. You can obtainthese logs through FTP, and then these logs saved in the BTS are deleted

    Get compressed BTS log

    You can download the compressed BTS logs to the local PC and view them

    Browsing BTS log

    You can browse the BTS logs on the LMT

    If BTS log are extracted to GOMU and then get from GOMU, logs in BTS will beautomatically deleted after being extracted. If other modes are used to get logs,logs remain in BTS after being obtained

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    Get BTS Logs to GOMUOperation steps

    Step 1: Choose Site Maintenance > Maintain Site > BTS Work Log

    Step 2: Select Get BTS Log to GOMU, and then click OK

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    Get BTS Log to GOMU

    Operation steps

    Step 3: Select sites in the All Sites area and move them tothe Selected Sites area, and then click Start

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    Get BTS Compressed LogOperation steps

    Step 1: In the BTS Work Log dialog box, select Get BTS CompressedLog, and then click OK. The Get BTS Compressed Log dialog box isdisplayed as follows

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    Get BTS Compressed LogOperation steps

    Step 2: Set Site Name and Time Limit, and then click Start. Thedownloading begins, as shown in the below dialog box

    Step 3: After the downloading is complete, an information box isdisplayed, indicating the saving path of the compressed logs

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    Browse BTS Log

    Operation steps

    Step 1: Select Browse BTS Log, and then click OK. TheBrowse BTS Log dialog box is displayed as follows

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    Browsing BTS LogOperation steps

    Step 2: In the Browse BTS Log dialog box, set parameters of Site andBoard, and then click Start to display BTS logs in the dialog box

    Step 3: Click Stop to stop obtaining the BTS logs, or click Save tosave the logs

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    The lecture introduces the following aspects about HUAWEIBSC6000:

    Basic concepts about log management

    Operations of maintaining BSC logs

    Operations of maintaining BTS logs

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