Download pdf - OLT appointments guide

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Page 2: OLT appointments guide

Office of Learning and Teaching Page 1

Blended Learning Bookings Guide Step 1: Access the booking system from the OLT site: Click on the Booking button : Step 2: Choose the Appointment type you wish to Book. Blended Learning Support is available Tuesdays (9am-11am) Wednesdays (2pm-4pm), and Fridays (11am-1pm). Room bookings are available outside these times without support . Step 3: Choose a staff member to assist you and the date and time of the visit (only available times will be shown)

Page 3: OLT appointments guide

Office of Learning and Teaching Page 2

Blended Learning Bookings Guide Step 4: Enter your personal information. Please ensure your email address is correctly entered, so that we can contact you. Also add a brief comment so that we are aware of the purpose of your session. Step 5: Confirm the booking details are correct and then click the green button to commit to the booking. If you need to change anything click on the appropriate breadcrumb heading. Step 6: You should receive a confirmation email with the details of your booking. If you wish to enter these details into your outlook calendar open the .ics email attachment, add any extra details and then click save and close to add the appointment to your calendar.

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