
Principal’s Report

St Arnaud Secondary College

Weekly Newsletter

August 28th, 2015 Issue 26

Address: Smith St, St Arnaud Victoria 3478 Postal Address: PO Box 40, St Arnaud. Vic 3478

Phone: (03)54951811 Fax: (03) 54952308

Website: Email: [email protected]

Principal Mr. Branko Lukic Assistant Principal Mrs. Vanessa McCormick

Last week I mentioned that I was pleased with our Naplan results and in particular the growth that students

from year 7 to 9 have demonstrated. The following table quantifies this for each of the areas.

In a study, people were asked to talk about their memories. While they talked, they had to move marbles in

an upward or a downward direction. Researchers found that when the people were moving the marbles up-

wards, they talked about happy moments. When they were moving the marbles downwards though, their

memories became sadder.

We all start to feel a bit down as winter comes to an end so it is a good time to practise being happy. Happy

people tend to do all kinds of things better because feeling happy helps us be positive and confident. You can

help make yourself feel happy by doing a few small, simple things that will lift your mood. For instance,

spend more time with your happy friends. Their happiness will rub off on you. And when you are with your

friends try to avoid talking about problems – yours or theirs. Remember your happy times together and make

one another laugh.

Dislike and resentment take up too much of the happy space in our minds. If there is someone you don’t like,

find three of their characteristics you admire. Then you, might find you are looking at them with new eyes.

Forgive the bad things; try to concentrate on the good. Analyse what makes someone else interesting and

good to be with. Then try to build those qualities in yourself. You will find you start to attract positive, happy

people. And here are some tips that may sound odd but they will help you feel happy and banish the winter


• Make your bed every morning. This will help you feel tidy and organised right at the start of the day.

• Make a list so you spend your time on the important tasks.

• Get the worst job done first so you can look forward to everything else.

• Spend time outdoors in the sunshine.

• Learn something. Learning stimulates all the good parts of our brain.

• Find things that make you laugh.

• Keep a smile on your face. Just the act of smiling can make you feel happy.

Branko Lukic


State Growth St Arnaud Secondary College Growth

Reading 39 45

Writing 35 55

Spelling 33 43

Grammar & Punctuation 31 51

Maths 49 50

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Sending the right message

St. Arnaud Police members Sergeant Steve Armati and Constable Phil Lloyd gave a well

informed presentation to the St. Arnaud Secondary College at a whole school assembly on

Friday August 21st.

Sergeant Armati began by inviting four students to the stage and asking them to empty a

number of tubes of toothpaste. To their surprise, he then asked them to put the toothpaste

back in the tube! It was a humorous and engaging way in which to open a discussion regard-

ing a very serious topic, that of ‘sexting’.

He then went on to use this demonstration as a metaphor to explain the possible long term

effects of what is in fact regarded by the law as child pornography.

He explained the consequences of being caught, of having a police record and the implica-

tions relating to future employment prospects, as well as limitation on travel.

Constable Lloyd reiterated the serious nature of sending or storing sexually explicit materi-

al, and stated that students needed to realise that ‘a line had been drawn in the sand’, and

that future cases involving St. Arnaud youth relating to ‘sexting’ would be dealt with the

full measure of the law.

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Year 12 Lunch

The School Nurse Sarah Boadle treated the Year 12 students to lunch on Thursday Aug 20th. The Healthy

lunch of baked sweet potatoes, coleslaw, sour cream and fruit salad was much appreciated and attended not

only by the students, but also by Year 12 Coordinator Sue Upton and our Principal Branko Lukic.

After lunch, Sarah gave a stress management talk to the year 12 students, an appropriate topic at this time of

the year with the increase in work load as their year comes to an end.

She also spoke about the importance of nutrition, sleep and exercise in staying happy, healthy and helping in-

crease concentration levels during exams. Happy tummy=happy mind.

Sarah also explained coping skills that the students can use during stressful times. They also did a short

mindfulness meditation that students can use daily to manage stress, improve attention, focus and increase

awareness of negative emotional states.

Puzzle Mania

Cooper Baldock and Mitchell

Birthisel were so engrossed in solv-

ing a puzzle, they volunteered to

stay back during lunch time to

place the last few pieces. All of this

in two lessons – Well done, boys!

Parents’ Club

Meeting Dates 2015 . September- 7th WILL BE HELD AT THE SECONDARY COLLEGE please note change of ven-ue. November- 9th at the Botanical Hotel at 7:00pm, all welcome. December - TBA

Darleen Baldock Secretary Secondary College Parents’ Club and Friend of the College 0408518889

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On 19th August, St Arnaud Secondary College took 17 girls, 8 in the 7/8 team and 9 in the year 9/10 team to

Bendigo for the qualifying round of the State Netball Championships.

The 7/8 team consisting of Ashlee Medlyn, Annabella McIntyre, Abby Needs, Jenna Meagher, Molly Hendy,

Hannah Deason, Lucy Gorrie, Sharni McKenzie and Kacie Macauley were drawn in Pool B division of the

championship, this still proved to be tough competition in every game. Not only were they competing against

larger schools, but also their number one team. Although the girls didn’t win any games they improved their

skills in each game as the day went on. All girls should be proud of their efforts as they continued to try and

never gave up. Competing against the more experienced players from schools such as Catholic College Bendi-

go and Girton Grammar School was always going to make winning that little bit harder.

The 9/10 team had fierce competition all day and unfortunately were unable to get a win on the board. Play-

ing against much larger schools such as Catholic College Bendigo and Crusoe College all day the girls fought

hard but much taller players all down the court made play difficult. Our last game against Moama Grammar

was the closest game for the day with the girls going down 4 to 18. All girls played well. Kirby and Maggie

played well in goals. Kasey, Ellen and Cody worked hard in the middle making strong leads and defending

the ball well. Tiffany and Maddy played well in defence, always jumping for the rebounds. Scarlett and Imo-

gen played up both ends in various positions during the day, showing their versatility and positive attitude,

refusing to give up. All girls should be commended for their efforts during the day.

A Year 11 student, Ashlee Flanagan volunteered to umpire for the day which was much appreciated. She had

a full day of umpiring and was professional at all times. Thanks, Ash.

Thanks Anne Ezard for helping with the organisation of the day and helping coach at the tournament, her

assistance made the trip over and day run smoothly. Thanks also to the St Arnaud Netball Club for lending

the school a full set of old netball dresses for the students to borrow, which was excellent and appreciated by

the staff and the girls.

A huge thank-you goes to Caroline Condie and Elise McIntyre for transporting students to and from the tour-

nament and for their cheer-squad efforts on the day. Without their assistance we still may be on our way

walking over to Bendigo!

Maddi Lonergan

Sports Coordinator

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POWER HOUR Students, teachers, community volunteers, books, pencil cases, laptops and all this after school


This must surely be unusual. So much so, that Member for Ripon, Louise Staley came to witness

and admire the initiative that has St. Arnaud students from both the Secondary and Primary

schools coming together to catch up on homework and receive extra tuition.

Pictured from left–

Tiffany Bussem-Jorgensen, Dyllan Rigby, Principal Branko Lukic, Jesse Reyne, Louise Staley, Dyl-

an Casey, Maddison Decker.

Digital Photo Competition

St. Arnaud Library is holding a Digital Photographic Competition from the 18th August to

18th September. This competition is open to Yr 5/6 students and Secondary students to age

18. The theme is “Spring in St. Arnaud.” Entries are to be emailed only and entry forms are

available from the Library. There are prizes and winners will be on display at the St. Ar-

naud Show. Email address for St Arnaud library is : [email protected]

Issue 26 Page 9



My child was absent on the following dates, for the following reasons:

Date___________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business





My child was absent on the following dates, for the following reasons:

Date___________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business Parent/Guardian




My child was absent on the following dates, for the following reasons:

Date___________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business

_______________________________________________medical/family business



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Calendar 2015

Term 3 Semester 2

September Wednesday 2 & 3 Year 12 Alfred Hospital Excursion

Friday 4 Footy Colours Day

Tuesday 8 NCD Athletics

Year 7 2016 Information Night





SSS Dance Performance

Friday 18 End of Term 3—2.30pm dismissal

Term 4 Semester 2

October Monday 5 School Resumes

Thursday 8 LMR Athletics

M,T,W,T,F 12-16 Year 10 Girls Work Experience Week

Monday 12 NCD Clay/Bowls

Monday 19 Minyip Field & Game Shoot

Tuesday 20 SSV Athletics

Wednesday 28 VCE Exams Begin

November Monday 2nd Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 3rd Melbourne Cup—No school





RACV Energy Breakthough

Mon-Fri 23-26 Year 10 –11 Exams

Friday 27 Report Writing Day—Pupil Free Day

Monday 30 Stepping Up Program

December Tuesday 15 Presentation Night

VCE Results Due

Friday 18 End of Term4—2.30 dismissal

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