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Olive oil

The olive tree,

found mainly in the Mediterranean Basin,

is one of the oldest plants cultivated by a man.

Olive oil was considered a valuable product

as early as the ancient times.

Health benefits of olive oil

Since it is a plant product,

it does not contain cholesterol.

It contains mono and polysaturated fatty acids.

They help prevent atherosclerosis because they lower „bad”

cholesterol (LDL) and increase „good” cholesterol (HDL).

They also have an effect on lowering blood pressure.

Olive oil contains vitamins A, D, E and K.

It lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, cancer,

helps to fight cholelithiasis, gastritis, stomach ulcer, constipation and also helps prevent

the formation of free radicals.

It has great cleansing effects and enhances digestive processes. It slows the aging process.

It prevents blood clots.

Olive oil contains vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium and prevents osteoporosis

among adults and rachitis among children.

Olive oil

is rich in polyphenols,

which fight free radicals,

lower the risk of heart diseases

and slow the aging process of cells.

It should be used by diabetics –

it balances blood sugar levels.

Olive oil does not contain salt,

it is a gluten-free product.

We should make olive oil a staple in our healthy diet.

Extra-virgin olive oil is a great ingredient in

salad dressings,it can be used with boiled or stewed vegetables and dishes with pasta or rice.

The healthiest olive oil

The highest quality olive oil

„Extra Virgin”

is obtained using the process called „first-cold pressed”.

Using olive oil to be eaten cold allows the best use

of its health benefits.

How to store olive oil?

It is very important to store

olive oil in a dark, cool place.

It should also be kept

in a dark bottle

because the light

causes its ransidity

and worsens its taste.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Olive oil has a positive influence on our appearance as it prevents

the formation of free radicals and improves skin and the condition

of nails and hair.

Vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids) contained in olive oil protects the skin from moisture loss because

it restores the natural lipid barrier of the epidermis. It has a soothing effect on sensitive or

irritated skin.


• This project is realized thanks to the European Commission funding

under the " Lifelong Learning Programme".

Content of this publication is entirely the responsibility of the author.• The European Commission is not responsible for the use of the data contained herein.

