Page 1: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013

Older People’s Associations (OPAs)

Service Directory

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Battambang - Banteay Meanchey


Page 2: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013



The Service Directory Older People’s Association (OPAs) from the provinces of Battambang and Banteay Meanchey is developed with the aim to provide necessary information to all OPAs so they can engage in networking, exchange of information, sharing of best practices and peer support.

This Service Directory exists in English and in Khmer version and includes a listing of OPAs in 80 villages, information about OPA membership, environnement/climate and contacts of organizations working in these villages. Helpage International - Cambodia strongly hopes that the OPAs Service Directory will not be only a valuable tool for the OPAs in promoting mutual support, building advocacy alliance and raising voices but will be as well an interesting source of information for the communities and development partners.

The OPAs Service Directory is the result of exhaustive work and remarkable collaborative efforts among the organization team members. The overall guidance was provided by Annie Nut, Country Programme Manager. Régis Binard, the consultant assigned to the development of the material took the lead in the design, coordination and arrangement of the material. Kate Pagsolingan from COSE (Coalition of Services of the Elderly), Phillippines seconded to HelpAge International – Cambodia has contributed with the compilation and quality check of the data. Sok Touch, Kov Meng, Say Borun, Bun Sampov, Men Samphoan, Sin Sokhan, Klot Phally, Kim Sarann, Nuon Chantha have contributed to the meticulous collect of information from the fields.

This work would not have been possible without the support of the European Union, the Korea International Cooperation Agency, the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and Helpage Korea.

HelpAge International – Cambodia hopes in the near future to secure sufficient resources to develop a second edition of the Service Directory with an additional 60 more OPAs.

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Table of contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6

Battambang Province ......................................................................................................... 8

Anlong Ta Mei ............................................................................................................ 9

Bak Amraek ............................................................................................................. 10

Bak Roteh ................................................................................................................ 11

Chak Thum .............................................................................................................. 12

Chak Touch .............................................................................................................. 13

Chrey II .................................................................................................................. 14

Dob Krasang ............................................................................................................ 15

Doun Ent ................................................................................................................. 16

Ka Rohal .................................................................................................................. 17

Kakaoh .................................................................................................................... 18

Khvet ...................................................................................................................... 19

Kor ......................................................................................................................... 20

Koun Khlong ............................................................................................................ 21

Mreah Prov .............................................................................................................. 22

Ou Kambot .............................................................................................................. 23

Peak Sbaek .............................................................................................................. 24

Peam Aek ................................................................................................................ 25

Ph'ieng .................................................................................................................... 26

Preaek Chdaor ......................................................................................................... 27

Preaek Khpob ........................................................................................................... 28

Preaek Norint ........................................................................................................... 29

Preaek Snao ............................................................................................................ 30

Preah Srae ............................................................................................................... 31

Prean Nil ................................................................................................................. 32

Prey Toch ................................................................................................................ 33

Rohal Suong ............................................................................................................ 34

Rumchey ................................................................................................................. 35

Samraong Snao ........................................................................................................ 36

Sdei ........................................................................................................................ 37

Sdei Leu .................................................................................................................. 38

Samraong ................................................................................................................ 39

Snoeng Lech ............................................................................................................ 40

Srae Ou ................................................................................................................... 41

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Stueng Chak ............................................................................................................ 42

Svay Bei Daeum ....................................................................................................... 43

Svay Chrum ............................................................................................................. 44

Thkov ..................................................................................................................... 45

Thmei ..................................................................................................................... 46

Thmei II .................................................................................................................. 47

Tuol Prum I .............................................................................................................. 48

Tuol Prum II ............................................................................................................ 49

Tuol Ta Thon ............................................................................................................ 50

Tuol Thnong ............................................................................................................. 51

Banteay Meanchey Province ........................................................................................ 52

Anlong Thmei ........................................................................................................... 53

Bantoat Baoh ........................................................................................................... 54

Bat Trang ................................................................................................................ 55

Cheung Voat ............................................................................................................ 56

Doun Chaeng ........................................................................................................... 57

Kamnab .................................................................................................................. 58

Kbal Khting .............................................................................................................. 59

Khlaeng Poar Choeung .............................................................................................. 60

Khnhaer .................................................................................................................. 61

Khvav ..................................................................................................................... 62

Kouk Ampil .............................................................................................................. 63

Kouk Lieb ................................................................................................................ 64

Kouk Lun ................................................................................................................. 65

Kouk Trach .............................................................................................................. 66

Krasang Thmei ......................................................................................................... 67

Nimit III .................................................................................................................. 68

Nimit IV .................................................................................................................. 69

Paoy Pring ............................................................................................................... 70

Paoy Samraong ........................................................................................................ 71

Paoy Ta Paen ........................................................................................................... 72

Peam Sreh ............................................................................................................... 73

Phchoek .................................................................................................................. 74

Prasat (Preah Netr District) ........................................................................................ 75

Prasat (Svay Chek District) ........................................................................................ 76

Prech Tboung ........................................................................................................... 77

Rumpeak ................................................................................................................. 78

Samraong Thum ....................................................................................................... 79

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Smach .................................................................................................................... 80

Soutr Mont .............................................................................................................. 81

Sramaoch ................................................................................................................ 82

Sreh Khanglech ........................................................................................................ 83

Tabao ..................................................................................................................... 84

Tbaeng .................................................................................................................... 85

Tepkorsa ................................................................................................................. 86

Thmenh Trei ............................................................................................................ 87

Thmei ..................................................................................................................... 88

Trabaek ................................................................................................................... 89

Glossary ................................................................................................................... 90

Non Governmental Organizations ................................................................................ 90

Private sector ........................................................................................................... 93

Community Based Organizations ................................................................................ 95

Provincial contents ..................................................................................................... 96

Battambang Province ................................................................................................ 96

Banteay Meanchey Province ....................................................................................... 98

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Introduction “There is no subject of greater importance than the ageing of the population and provision of social protection for older people. It affects the very nature of our societies and concerns not only older people, but all sections of the population.”

Jopseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Prize Winner and

Former Chief Economist of the World Bank

In Cambodia, the proportion of older people in the population is steadily growing. Longer life expextancy and falling fertility rate are the main contributing factors to the age transition.

Today, adult population aged 60 years and older accounts for 6.3 percent of the population as reported in the census that was carried out in 2008. The share of older women is unusually larger at 58 percent of the elderly population due to the legacy of decades of conflicts.

By 2030, the number of older persons is forecasted to reach 1.1 million persons, with 10 percent of its population expected to be over 80 years old. By 2050, the proportion of older people will increase to 26 percent.

The rise of ageing population will pose a number of critical questions and challenges. Inevitably at one stage of life, older people will not be in the measure to maintain their autonomy. Older people will need health care, and other social assistance to sustain a dignified life - for the family members it implies ensuring the responsibility to provide and care for their old parents - for the state it implies to put in place social protection measures to respond to a greater demand for old-age support systems

There is a need for engaging adult older population in the development process to prepare an ageing society in time.

“Older people are an asset to their families, communities and to society. Their contribution – as carers, advisers, mediators, mentors and breadwinners – is invaluable”.

HelpAge International

HelpAge has been working in Cambodia since 1992 in the provinces of Battambang and Banteay Meanchey. HelpAge supports communities in establishing village-based Older People’s Associations (OPAs). They serve as a mechanism that ensure a safety net for older people and help to revive social bonding and mutual help that have nearly vanished from the Khmer culture as a result of decades of conflicts and hardships.

The primary purpose of the OPA is to improve : - the dignity and quality life of olders - encourage and motivate older people to help each other by providing a forum to discuss theirs problems, develop solutions and celebrate important events - encourage and promote community support for vulnerable older people

The OPA mechanism has proven successful. It is culturally acceptable and is functional. The OPAs are a tool for overall participatory community development, a platform for the vulnerable and excluded to voice their needs. Through OPAs, older people can gain better access to public services, thus contributing to Royal Government of Cambodia’s social protection and poverty alleviation efforts.

The Royal Governement of Cambodia has acknowledged and fully recognized OPAs as one of the grassroots Community Based Organisations providing a safety net for vulnerable people.

To date HelpAge has directly supported the communities to form 140 OPAs comprising 120,000 older members.

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Older People’s Associations (OPAs) are Community Based Organizations (CBOs) of older people, which aim to improve the well-being of older people, their families and communities. OPAs provide a mechanism for social support as well as for delivering services.

To be effective, each OPA must decide how to structure and govern itself. The minimum structure is to have an OPA Committee of at least four members elected by members to lead the OPA (OPA Leader, OPA Deputy, Secretary and Treasurer). The diagram below shows how OPAs are usually structured but it is not necessary for all OPAs to be structured in this way.

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Battambang Province The Directory records 43 villages in Battambang Province where Older People’s Associations (OPAs) are active, representing close to 5,000 members.

The 43 OPAs are distributed in Banan, Ek Phnom, Muong Ruessei districts.

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Anlong Ta Mei Chheu Teal Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


17 km Flooding

No Drought

No 22 64

Village leader Mr. Chat Rarn 017 917 345

OPA Leader Mr. Chorn Chorm 077 297 374

Secretary / Treasurer Mr Prin Da 077 544 476

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Vit Savoueng 092 317 847

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Mouek Savy

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Sroe Rein 017 281 654

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Rich Room

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Amret Baitang HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO

CCSF Konteu Meanchey

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Bak Amraek Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


24 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 29 104

Village leader Mr. Kiv Seng 097 255 9269

OPA Leader Mr. Vin Veasna 012 591 710 / 097 9885 788

OPA Deputy Mrs. Ney Von

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Vin Veasna / Mrs. Khong Phalla 012 591 710 / 097 8416 577

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sam Siyong 097 6316 338

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Sok Pou 053 6706 699

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Vin Veasna 012 591 710

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Sam Siyong 097 6316 338

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Khong Phalla 097 8416 577

Other(s) NGO VSG

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Sathapana HKL

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Bak Roteh Preaek Luong Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


26 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 36 86

Village leader Mr. Hou Sok 012 280 965

OPA Leader Mr. Heng Chhom 097 3947 983

OPA Deputy Mr. Vat Vun

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Loek Den / Mrs. Phom Sophy 097 4971 873

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Loek Den 097 4971 873

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Vat Vy 053 6706 699

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Sokhom 012 591 710

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Loek Den 097 4971 873

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Heng Chhom 097 3947 983

Other(s) NGO VSG

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Sathapana HKL

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Chak Thum Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


38 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 30 73

Village leader Mr. Kork Kroeuy 092 308 538

OPA Leader Mr. Seng Teuy

OPA Deputy Mrs. Roeung Channa

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Sok Seth 017 533 833

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Sorn Thea 053 6302 173

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Moeng Lem 017 842 034

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Sorn Thea 053 6302 173

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Hai Soun

Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithih TPC

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Chak Touch Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


40 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 51 43

Village leader Mr. Chheang 097 2261 737

OPA Leader Mr. Tonh Lonh 017 279 029

OPA Deputy Mrs. Moeung Sam 097 6053 513

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Tonh Lonh / Mr. Roeum Yong 017 279 029

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sek Moeung

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Mai Ny

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Tonh Lonh 017 279 029

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Roeurm Yung

Other(s) NGO KRDA

Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithih TPC

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Chrey II Chrey Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


55 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 36 35

Village leader Mr. Roeum Aul 092 480 461

OPA Leader Mr. Tev Yen 088 7158 764 / 097 7029 183

OPA Deputy Mr. Oeurn Oun

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chum Prim 089 660 860

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Chheang kom

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Ny Sea

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Tev Yen 088 7158 764 / 097 7029 183

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Ny Sea

Other(s) NGO BFD PFD

Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithih TPC

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Dob Krasang Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


43 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 43 56

Village leader Mr. Phoeung Sophann 097 2861 456 / 023 6306 647

OPA Leader Mr. Hout Lak

OPA Deputy Mr. Ko Vith 097 2654 925

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Suy Ouch 017 259 496

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Ros Poch

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Bun Kham 097 8462 930

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Hout Lak


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund TPC

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Doun Ent Preaek Luong Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


24 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 70 52

Village leader Mr. Bun Kong

OPA Leader Mr. Meas Sorm 097 8416 592

OPA Deputy Mr. Bun Kong

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Pol Sorth 088 7436 302

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Nheb Loeun 097 6154 357

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Suk Saveth

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Nay Hok


Private sector AMK PRASAC Sathapana Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

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Ka Rohal Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


14 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 24 89

Village leader Mr. Chong Hou 077 918 950

OPA Leader Mrs. Bich Chhoeub 017 480 850

OPA Deputy Mrs. Roeun Soeub

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Hem Brom / Mr. Lom Chorn

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Deng Ly / Mr. Touch Kim 097 5274 720

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Mean Youn 092 963 613

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Hem Oeurm

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Bich Chhoeub 017 480 850


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Kakaoh Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


30 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 44 96

Village leader Mr. Mol Proeung 088 9487 549

OPA Leader Mr. Chhorm Uom 097 7928 599

OPA Deputy Mr. Moeurn Saroeurn 097 3017 833

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sorn Oun 097 9058 002

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Thoeun Thea

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Sorn Oun 097 9058 002

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Hok Savoeun


Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

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Khvet Preaek Khpob Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


10 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 32 61

Village leader Mr. Til Heng 016 696 929

OPA Leader Mrs. Rin Soeung 092 865 092

OPA Deputy Mrs. Lim Keanhong 090 555 281

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Rin Saroeung 092 865 092

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sokh Ouch

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mrs. Beng Poch


Private sector ACLEDA AMK Kredit Sathapana TPC Vision Fund

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Kor Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


23 km Flooding

No Drought

No 92 85

Village leader Mr. Chab Lonn 092 898 914

OPA Leader Mr. Roeung Chhoeunn 092 661 361

OPA Deputy Mr. Man Born 012 965 431

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Eang Bot / Mr. Uy Youet 089 443 042 / 089 739 162

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Svay Oun 077 324 121

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Touch Sophan

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Sok Samboo 017 530 429

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Seing Yeang 089 739 162

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Sok Douen 092 659 769

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Soeu Tom

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

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Koun Khlong Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


32 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 65 78

Village leader Mr. Ve sao 012 448 756

OPA Leader Mr. Sean Sambath 017 428 076

OPA Deputy Mr. Pho Sun 092 325 017

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Sean Sambath / Mr. Tin Savy 017 428 076

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sam Thim

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Hang Pov 017 900 074

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Yen Chinda 097 6738 713

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Sam Thim


Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

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Mreah Prov Chrey Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


57 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 32 48

Village leader Mr. Maung Loeuth 017 937 686

OPA Leader Mr. Phork Sorn

OPA Deputy Mr. Uon Mien 088 9209 814

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Torn Chien / Mrs. Chen Ret 015 461 106 / 053 6760 066

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Ke Ram

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Chen Ret 053 6760 066

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Hach Soy 092 561 773

Private sector AMK Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund

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Ou Kambot Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


13 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 24 74

Village leader Mr. Oeurm Phan 016 487 577

OPA Leader Mr. Peang Ean

OPA Deputy Mr. Mok Som

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Say Ros

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Un Hoeung 012 389 910

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Mol Mana 088 9297 011

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Sock Yom

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Peang Ean

Other(s) NGO RHAC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Peak Sbaek Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


30 km Flooding

No Drought

No 44 74

Village leader Mr. Ngat Katt 092 991 867

OPA Leader Mr. Touch Chorn 097 22743 84

OPA Deputy Mr. Em Onn 089 416 578

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Kham Vithy / Mrs. Ros Thab 089 485 959

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Mean Sonn

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Kham Vithy 089 485 959

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Tat Thai

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Keng Houet

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Chong Kul

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

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Peam Aek Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


14 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 26 104

Village leader Mr. Sem Soeub 092 702 118

OPA Leader Mr. Chhum Phat

OPA Deputy Mrs. Voeun Chhom

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Proeung Poeun / Mrs. Ek Sea 089 627 031 / 016 769 120 / 053 6305 141

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Proeung Poeun 089 627 031

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Phon Chheut 097 6230 266

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Chheng Chhoeub


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Ph'ieng Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


43 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 41 72

Village leader Mrs. Chhom Maing 088 9440 856

OPA Leader Mr. Sok Kong 077 327 079

OPA Deputy Mrs. Lor Moeuth

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Sok Kong / Mr. Chhea Chhon 077 327 079 / 077 487 208

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Hem Houn

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Sun Savorn

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Lor Moeuth

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Tit Yun

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Chhom Maing 088 9440 856

Other(s) NGO KRDA

Private sector AMK Amret HKL Seilanithih TPC

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Preaek Chdaor Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


16 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 57 107

Village leader Mr. Chheng Pet 017 921 711

OPA Leader Mr. Phuong Chhi 097 822 2100

OPA Deputy Mr. Ros Ret 088 6974 748

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Phuong Chhi / Mrs. Hong Heuy 097 8222 100 / 078 990 101

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chhin Choeut

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Dit Hoeum

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Hong Heuy 078 990 101

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Dit Hoeum

Other(s) NGO AS

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Preaek Khpob Preaek Khpob Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


16 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 19 64

Village leader Mr. That Youm

OPA Leader Mr. Mao Khoeum 097 9724 599

OPA Deputy Mr. Em Sokh

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sous Sokon

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Lay Lorn 097 5665 401

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mrs. Hel Orng


Private sector AMK Kredit Sathapana TPC Vision fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

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Preaek Norint Preaek Norint Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


15 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 35 72

Village leader Mr. Sat Pat

OPA Leader Mr. Sat Soth 012 733 109

OPA Deputy Mr. Heng Pheun 012 262 942

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Sat Soth / Mrs. Sat Kong 012 733 109

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Soth Rina 088 7427 126

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Heng Habb

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Ven Sokun 012 860 433

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Sat Soth 012 733 109


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Preaek Snao Preaek Khpob Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


10 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 48 63

Village leader Mrs. Teav Thorn

OPA Leader Mrs. Sin Sakhath 016 902 479

OPA Deputy Mr. Touth Chheuy 097 5996 787

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sin Sopheab

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Touth Chheuy 097 5996 787


Private sector ACLEDA AMK Kredit Sathapana TPC Vision Fund

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Preah Srae Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


25 km Flooding

No Drought

No 64 70

Village leader Mr. Teb Sowatt 092 654 965

OPA Leader Mr. Seim Soy 017 437 644

OPA Deputy Mr. Hol Hot

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chet Cheang / Mr. Son Kean 092 714 452

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Svay Boo 092 324 209

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Sau Mann

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Tep Sovann

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Seim Som

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Heng Nhunn

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

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Prean Nil Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


41 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 35 50

Village leader Mr. Nhoeng Nheang 092 651 982

OPA Leader Mr. Nav Noun 077 843 255

OPA Deputy Mr. Toeur Toeuth

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Thouk Thoeuth

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chhath Voeung 092 641 438

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Thy Thoum

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Chhath Voeung 092 641 438

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Phork Pem

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Nhem Voeun

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Phok Phem


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

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Prey Toch Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


35 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 62 60

Village leader Mr. Nhei Long 092 803 960

OPA Leader Mr. Ton Sovann 012 928 425

OPA Deputy Mr. Sok Yean

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Nov Boeng

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Phann Lean

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Tim Sunly

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Soung Sophall 092 947 232

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Chey Ngeth

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Him Rath

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Sem Chhem


Private sector ACLEDA AMK Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund

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Rohal Suong Preaek Luong Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


16 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 60 59

Village leader Mr. Sam Sang

OPA Leader Mr. Hean Chin

OPA Deputy Mrs. Chum Liv

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chan Sorth 012 751 664

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Chum Leam 053 6689 944

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Leam Saroeuth 097 9305 567

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Trich Chum


Private sector AMK PRASAC Sathapana Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 35: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Rumchey Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


27 km Flooding

No Drought

No 75 80

Village leader Mr. Ngat Hor 017 700 807

OPA Leader Mr. Chhoun Phou 053 5000 405

OPA Deputy Mr. Trai Phorn 012 828 532

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Hoen Somhim 092 870 906

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Yong Leng 097 5131 243

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Im Sovana

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Ry Rorn 097 2239 602

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Trai Phon 012 828 532

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

Page 36: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Samraong Snao Peam Aek Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


12 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 36 55

Village leader Mr. Chhom Chhov 089 827 152 / 067 404 857

OPA Leader Mrs. Mit Chhom 053 6416 363

OPA Deputy Mrs. Nhok Chhom

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Choeun Sochea

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Vy Sam Nang 053 6303 211

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Chneang Vy

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Chuon Thuok 092 7150 41

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Mit Chhom 053 6416 363

Other(s) NGO RHAC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

Page 37: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Sdei Preaek Norint Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


16 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 42 74

Village leader Mr. Prum Phann

OPA Leader Mr. Prum Penh 053 6303 723

OPA Deputy Mrs. Chea Than

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Mean Mom 012 239 382

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Long Bou 017 478 142

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Penh Sambath 088 9516 727

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Penh Sambath 088 9516 727

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Chhit Yan


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Sdei Leu Preaek Luong Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


13 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 37 72

Village leader Mr. Rien Sambath 053 6903 720

OPA Leader Mr. Chea Hai

OPA Deputy Mr. Suon Sovann

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Phlit Phor 092 218 361 / 017 298 530

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chom Chok 092 652 684

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Chom Chok 092 652 684

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Phlit Phor 092 218 361

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Chea Hai


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

Page 39: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Samraong Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


22 km Flooding

No Drought

No 30 101

Village leader Mr. Koev Seim 012 652 806

OPA Leader Mr. Hea Youen 092 676 543

OPA Deputy Mr. Nal Thol

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Much Samouet 078 614 892

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Lau Laum

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Ngat Han

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Leng Heang

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Vat Chear

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

Page 40: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Snoeng Lech Snoeng Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


23 km Flooding

No Drought

No 35 90

Village leader Mr. Him Phorn 092 264 156

OPA Leader Mrs. Ly Sary 097 7964 495

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Teung Kompheak / Mrs. Nal Sor 089 562 508

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Horm Ny

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Him Phann 077 485 596

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Saum Sinat

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Keng Houet

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Paung Poeut

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

Page 41: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Srae Ou Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


35 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 33 62

Village leader Mr. Moun Teun 017 702 598

OPA Leader Mr. Moun Teun 017 702 598

OPA Deputy Mr. Phe Yoeung

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chhean Voeuth 017 455 412

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Seun Ser

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Mam Youm

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Teun Moeng

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Chhean Voeurt 017 455 412

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Teun Moeng

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Ean Eurn


Private sector AMK Amret Kredit HKL Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

Page 42: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Stueng Chak Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


44 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 70 60

Village leader Mr. Kim Rous 012 485 909

OPA Leader Mr. Bun Phan 097 7037 246

OPA Deputy Mr. Chhoeng Dok

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Seng Sreng / Mr. Chhoeng Dok

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Smean Seyha 092 200 319

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Oum Oun

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Smean Seyha 092 200 319

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Ven Kak

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Chhoek Dock

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Chhoeun Hoem


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Page 43: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Svay Bei Daeum Kantueu Muoy Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


25 km Flooding

No Drought

No 32 67

Village leader Mr. Youet Seab

OPA Leader Mr. Un Cheang 053 6306 829

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sat Reun

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Un Cheang 053 6306 829

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Youn Vuthty 077 554 798

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Chouy Sphann

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Amret Baitang HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO CCSF Konteu Meanchey

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Svay Chrum Preaek Norint Commune / Ek Phnom District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


14 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 46 86

Village leader Mr. Mean Phong 092 280 925

OPA Leader Mr. Chhorn Samet 089 665 095

OPA Deputy Mr. Sros Thun

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Tret Rath / Mr. Seng Sothon 092 752 459

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sim Chiech

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Chum Thoeng

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Seng Sothon 092 752 459

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Chhorn Samet 089 665 095


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Sathapana

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Thkov Chheu Teal Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


17 km Flooding

No Drought

No 51 64

Village leader Mr. Chey Chouen 092 439 486

OPA Leader Mr. Heng Nguon 092 852 275

OPA Deputy Mrs. Poo Rouen

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Ngoun Somaly

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Lab Lonh 088 7117 664

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Veun Saveuy

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Ho Horn

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey

Page 46: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Thmei Kantueu Muoy Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


30 km Flooding

No Drought

No 40 75

Village leader Mr. Vet Vuth 012 388 792

OPA Leader Mr. Vann Nev 017 411 192

OPA Deputy Mr. Yen Thouen 092 213 859

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Horm Saum

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Horn Seam

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Yen Tha

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Kouen Louet

Other(s) NGO Amara WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Amret Baitang HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Konteu Meanchey CCSF

Page 47: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Thmei II Prey Touch Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


38 km Flooding

No Drought

Yes 66 70

Village leader Mr. Bun Seak 012 695 848

OPA Leader Mr. Yoeum Hab 092 901 631

OPA Deputy Mr. Yong Sokhun 012 241 582

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Yong Sokhun / Mrs. Proeung Nav 012 241 582 / 053 6602 796

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chheang Chhorvon 092 246 355

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Soun Tha

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Phon Senoeuth 097 9491 775

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Yin Reuth 017 279 020

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Sam Ngeam

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mrs. Phin Reav


Private sector ACLEDA AMK Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund

Page 48: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Tuol Prum I Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


37 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 66 122

Village leader Mr. Beng Ry 092 631 142

OPA Leader Mrs. Sin Soum 089 656 857

OPA Deputy Mrs. Heang Thong

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sin Soum /Mr. Som Soeuy 089 656 857 / 097 3865 621

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sok Phan

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Lonh Ngoeun

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Moeng Bunly 089 964 997

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Sin Soum 089 656 857

Other(s) NGO RHAC

Private sector AMK HKL Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 49: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Tuol Prum II Kakaoh Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


40 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 43 54

Village leader Mrs. Khim Hory 017 600 192

OPA Leader Mr. Soeurm Sory 077 915 288 / 088 980 3308

OPA Deputy Mrs. Rin Rann

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Soeurm Sory / Mrs. Phom Thoun 077 915 288 / 088 9803 308

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chhorn Sambat

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Seng Chhorn

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Phom Thoun

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Chhoeun Chhoeum

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Chen Un

Other(s) NGO RHAC

Private sector AMK HKL Kredit PRASAC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 50: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Tuol Ta Thon Chrey Commune / Moung Ruessei District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


61 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 32 44

Village leader Mr. Sok Roth 092 487 403

OPA Leader Mr. Kret Yom 012 429 100 / 097 840 2307

OPA Deputy Mr. Loy An

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Mut Morn / Mr. Boeurn Chhoeur 012 712 664 / 053 6476 699

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Pheng Phol 097 2508 312

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Chhorm Yuon

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Kret Yom 012 429 100

Other(s) NGO BFD PFD

Private sector AMK Amret HKL Kredit Seilanithi TPC

Page 51: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Tuol Thnong Kantueu Muoy Commune / Banan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership


30 km Flooding

No Drought

No 70 36

Village leader Mr. Hach Hun 092 167 629

OPA Leader Mr. Thorn Lonn 089 687 416

OPA Deputy Mrs. Phat Phai

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Noun Chear 012 815 963

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Phat Roon

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Ms. Art Ang

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Soung Pich

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mrs. Noun Chea 012 815 963

Other(s) NGO Amar WVC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK Amret Baitang HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO CCSF Konteu Meanchey

Page 52: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Banteay Meanchey Province The Service Directory records 37 villages in Banteay Meanchey Province where Older People’s Associations (OPAs) are active, representing close to 4,000 members.

The 37 OPAs are distributed in Ou Chrov, Preah Netr Preah, Serei Saophoan, Svay Chek districts.

Page 53: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Anlong Thmei Rohal Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

26 km Flooding

No Drought

No 24 79

Village leader Mr. Eam Chhey 097 8638 409

OPA Leader Mrs. To Por 054 6712 168

OPA Deputy Mr. Phoun Koa

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Soeurn Leuk

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. To Por

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Chum Va

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Se Heav

Other(s) NGO KNTO

Private sector AMK HKL Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 54: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Bantoat Baoh Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

27 km Flooding

No Drought

No 52 69

Village leader Mr. Min Loem 017 412 836

OPA Leader Mr. Yen Chhar 089 746 910

OPA Deputy Mr. Pech Hong

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Lam Lom

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Koeun Sam / Mr. Bai Boeurt

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Oeng Uot

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Ly Saluoth

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector AMK

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

Page 55: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Bat Trang Samraong Commune / Ou Chrov District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

13 km Flooding

No Drought

No 21 41

Village leader Mr. Chov Savy 012 206 937

OPA Leader Mrs. Pouy Pha

OPA Deputy Mr. Auch Som

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Vorn Pal 097 8397 836

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

Page 56: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Cheung Voat Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

29 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 32 73

Village leader Mr. Aut Vandy 092 618 183

OPA Leader Mr. Hi Hem 078 246 386

OPA Deputy Mrs. Suth Bunthon 012 1740 689

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Nap Moeurn / Mr. Sey Toeng 012 760 859

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Lach Deur

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Ros Vy

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Soun Taing Ear

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Hi Hem

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Hi Hem

Other(s) NGO KNTO

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Seilanithih

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 57: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Doun Chaeng Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

34 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 48 79

Village leader Mr. Oul Thany 012 546 793

OPA Leader Mr. Khut Chab 092 710 803

OPA Deputy Mrs. Lach Ligheak

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Lach Ligheak / Mrs. Seng Braing 097 8446 078

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Khon Savait

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Toeurm Em

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Ly Phanin

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Diam Kun

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Sok Mongkul

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

Page 58: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kamnab Sla Kram Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

18 km Flooding

No Drought

No 51 32

Village leader Mr. Doch Nin 092 496 420

OPA Leader Mr. Laim Yoeurng 097 5377 976

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Lim Kchao

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Por Khoeurm

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Meas Koeurn

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Chap Soeuy

Other(s) NGO CWCC

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC Seilanithih TPC

Page 59: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kbal Khting Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

16 km Flooding

No Drought

No 53 51

Village leader Mr. Suon Ro 017 490 725

OPA Leader Mrs. Voun Voeurn

OPA Deputy Mrs. Pok Oeurn

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Keouv Neuy

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Chhoeurk Khoen / Mr. Chhuoy Khuch

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Thon Ki / Mrs. Mank Hoeurn


Private sector HKL PRASAC

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

Page 60: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Khlaeng Poar Choeung Sla Kram Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

14 km Flooding

No Drought

No 51 28

Village leader Mr. Pit Put 097 8134 817

OPA Leader Mr. Laim Kham 097 8448 246 / 097 3640 443

OPA Deputy Mr. Chea Yoeurn

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Khut Phan

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Hoeurng Soeurng

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Ton BunHeng

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Hom Toch

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Laim Kham

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Community Khlaeng Poar Saving

Page 61: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Khnhaer Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

18 km Flooding

No Drought

No 48 76

Village leader Mr. Hok Heak

OPA Leader Mr. Ream Duk 097 6169 945

OPA Deputy Mr. Yort Ros 054 6300 866

Secretary / Treasurer Mr .Oeurn Dan 088 7057 481

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Khlob Chem

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mrs. Houn Hak 054 6901 267

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Lam Livorng

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector ACLEDA AMK PRASAC Seilanithih

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

Page 62: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Khvav Bosbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

21 km Flooding

No Drought

No 41 46

Village leader Mr. Vat Voeurn 054 4898 491

OPA Leader Mr. Chea Tong 054 6403 594

OPA Deputy Mr. Soeur Thongrak 017 431 005

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Cheuong Puon

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Svan Houl / Mr. Sat Nouv 088 9165 689

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Out Proeung

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Vat Bora 092 206 895

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Nouv Dara / Mr. Rak Sarat


Private sector ACLEDA AMK PRASAC Seilanithih

Page 63: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kouk Ampil Sla Kram Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

23 km Flooding

No Drought

No 94 86

Village leader Mr. Vey Phal 088 9486 077

OPA Leader Mr. Lun Et

OPA Deputy Mr. Chin Leav

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Reurm Chheut / Mr. Lun Chhan

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Hon Chheurt

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Num Chhean

Private sector AMK

Other(s) CBO Community Phnom Slarkram saving

Page 64: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kouk Lieb Mkak Commune / Serei Saophoan District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

15 km Flooding

No Drought

No 33 57

Village leader Mr. Pal Kung 097 5018 444

OPA Leader Mr. Prom Ravy

OPA Deputy Mr. Long Yoeurng

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Y Mao / Mrs. Rath Lov 089 856 099

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Mann Mean

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Pao Roeurm

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Rath Lov 089 856 099 / 017 265 116

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mrs. Prom Ravy

Other(s) NGO RACHA Teuk Saat 1001

Private sector Community Development Rural Sathapana Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

Page 65: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kouk Lun Chob Veari Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

20 km Flooding

No Drought

No 40 62

Village leader Mr. Ngeang Tang 097 8636 723

OPA Leader Mr. Nork Vets 097 2432 454

OPA Deputy Mr. Roeuy Keat 054 6500 006

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Roeuy Keat / Mr. Ek Chay

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Nork Vest 054 6500 700

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Poung Samphon 054 6500 700


Private sector ACLEDA AMK Vision Fund

Page 66: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Kouk Trach Chhnuor Mean Chey Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

26 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 94 49

Village leader Mrs. Ek Srey Long 097 7025 427

OPA Leader Mr. Thoek Hieb 054 6401 223

OPA Deputy Mr. Ek Sarum

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Mai Vanna 097 64 50 499

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Thoek Hieb 054 6401 223

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Touch Our

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Ms. Touch Our


Private sector ACLEDA AMK PRASAC Saving Development TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

Page 67: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Krasang Thmei Chob Veari Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

27 km Flooding

No Drought

No 34 61

Village leader Mr. Sum Tao 017 4760 83

OPA Leader Mr. Chan Phon

OPA Deputy Mrs. Chan Tom 092 9056 70

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Dy Khom / Mrs. Chan Tom 092 9056 70

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Chan Tom 092 9056 70

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Chan Tom 092 9056 70

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Chan Phon


Private sector AMK Vision Fund

Page 68: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Nimit III Nimit Commune / Ou Chrov District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

23 km Flooding

No Drought

No 24 48

Village leader Mr. Sar Sophan 017 855 775

OPA Leader Mr. Brak Phaing 012 1845 763

OPA Deputy Mr. Thoung Vong 078 757 030

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Min Choth

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Brak Phaing

Private sector ACLEDA HKL Sathapana Seilanithih TPC

Page 69: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Nimit IV Nimit Commune / Ou Chrov District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

27 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 30 58

Village leader Mr. Ses Bunrith 012 448 843

OPA Leader Mr. Horm Khean 092 264 496

OPA Deputy Mr. Hing Moun 097 4810 648

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Bech Phan 092 596 421

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Hing Moun

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Long Sovan

Page 70: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Paoy Pring Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

28 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 123 128

Village leader Mr. U Chong 089 918 429

OPA Leader Mr. U Hun

OPA Deputy Mr. Pol Ny

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chan Sarong / Mr. Pol Ny 097 7940 427 / 054 6927 171

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Pol Ny 054 6927 171

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. An Oeng

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Thim Phat

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Chan Sarong 097 7940 427

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. U Hun

Private sector ACLEDA HKL TPC Vision Fund

Page 71: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Paoy Samraong Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

31 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 26 52

Village leader Mr. Kung Lip 097 3308 087

OPA Leader Mr. Hoeurng Yet

OPA Deputy Mr. Ream Houy

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Ream Hun

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Kung Lip

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Yem Kim Lou 097 2012 162

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Hoeurng Yet

Private sector ACLEDA HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Page 72: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Paoy Ta Paen Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

29 km Flooding

No Drought

No 78 84

Village leader Mr. Vat KimChhun 017 305 615 / 097 8575 463

OPA Leader Mr. Touy Khet

OPA Deputy Mr. Chi Chan Houch 097 8575 463

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chi Chan Houch / Mrs. Toeng Seam 097 8575 463

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mrs. Vaun Chart 097 6941 998

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Chea Haim

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Toeng Seam

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Mak Sam khan

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr.Tuy Khet

Private sector ACLEDA HKL TPC Vision Fund

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Peam Sreh Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

26 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 61 53

Village leader Mr. Moeurng Samon 097 8320 077

OPA Leader Mr. Thim Sarun 088 9632 066

OPA Deputy Mr. Phen Pi 097 9824 182

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Phen Pi / Mr. Hap Ran 097 9824 182 / 088 9993 361

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Moun Chhean 097 2546 337

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mrs. Thlang Chean

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Khin Sokhom

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Thim Kim Heang

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mrs. Thim Kim Heang

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Thom Art

Private sector AMK HKL PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

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Phchoek Ta Phou Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

28 km Flooding

No Drought

No 72 16

Village leader Mr. Pek Rorn 092 825 329

OPA Leader Mr. Khlen Pun

OPA Deputy Mr. Som Heang

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Maut Beat / Mrs. Ty Chea 089 518 137 / 089 325 335

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Maut Beat 089 518 137

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Maut Beat 089 518 137

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Pek Seat

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Ream Hout

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mrs. Tem Kim Houn

Private sector AMK

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Prasat (Preah Netr District) Chob Veari Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

26 km Flooding

No Drought

No 43 50

Village leader Mr. Phan Savean 012 371 204

OPA Leader Mr. Oeng Savoeurn

OPA Deputy Mr. San Leang 097 2921 630

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. San Leang / Mrs. Nap Savat 097 2921 630

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Dy Lan

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Marm Koeurn

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Nap Savat

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Dy Lan

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector ACLEDA AMK PRASAC

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Prasat (Svay Chek District) Sla Kram Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

23 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 29 88

Village leader Mr. Eurm Sil 092 665 281

OPA Leader Mr. Tan Oeurm

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chhin Khnei / Mr. Phath Lun 017 378 426

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Ouk Koeurt

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Eurm sokhom 088 8111 025

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Phen Treach

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Him Tap

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Tan Oeurm

Other(s) NGO CIDO

Private sector HKL

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Prech Tboung Ta Phou Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

22 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 40 46

Village leader Mr. Phat Thin 092 167 819

OPA Leader Mr. So Thut

OPA Deputy Mr. Em Choung

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Pleng Voeurt / Mr. Pleung Poeuy

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Vang Chart

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Phleung Toeurn

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Em Choung

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. So Thut

Private sector ACLEDA PRASAC TPC

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Rumpeak Chhnuor Mean Chey Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

27 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 26 47

Village leader Mr. Thorng Neng 092 932 041

OPA Leader Mr. Proem Yoeurn

OPA Deputy Mr. Ta Sok

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Toeng Ien

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Phal Poeurn

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Phal Ram


Private sector ACLEDA AMK PRASAC Saving Development TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Samraong Thum Chhnuor Mean Chey Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

29 km Flooding

No Drought

No 64 85

Village leader Mr. Un Chhoeur 092 535 236

OPA Leader Mr. Buor Eun 092 781 842

OPA Deputy Mr. Nuon Pai

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Mi Choeun

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Bun Chet

Other(s) NGO Amara KNTO RACHA

Private sector ACLEDA HKL PRASAC Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Smach Bosbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

16 km Flooding

No Drought

No 16 30

Village leader Mr. Seng Sien

OPA Leader Mr. So Thon 017 344 670

OPA Deputy Mr. Yeout Yin

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Loeurng Ngen / Mr. Sieng Soeurn

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Sem Tai

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Yok Yi

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector PRASAC

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Soutr Mont Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

8 km Flooding

No Drought

No 35 49

Village leader Mr. Gnoek Ei 054 6350 022

OPA Leader Mr. Ratt Chantha 054 6350 707

OPA Deputy Mr. Maen Reun

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Chann Roeum

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Rim Phoung 054 6301 889

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Roem Phai

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Nhoek Pharith

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Nhoek Chhoum

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector ACLEDA

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Sramaoch Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

25 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 100 68

Village leader Mr. Nap Hout 017 393 113

OPA Leader Mr. Pat Choung 012 615 530

OPA Deputy Mr. Nap Toek

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Suth Mavrort / Mrs. Soeurm Srey Ek

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Im Earng 097 3174 042

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Mong Mav 097 3600 921

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Toek Sameth 097 8441 695

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Lou Thoung

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Eur Teur

Private sector AMK HKL Kredit PRASAC TPC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

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Sreh Khanglech Preah Netr Preah Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

33 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 104 51

Village leader Mr. Somrith Moeurn 077 575 956 / 054 6696 777

OPA Leader Mr. Deng San 092 654 704

OPA Deputy Mrs. Sngoun Savy

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Sngoun Savy / Mrs. Prob Voleak 054 6302 842 / 097 6173 302

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Kdip Hun 088 7066 550

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Kheav Sambo 092 760 675

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Ngin Savat

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Moeurn Nimol

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Committee of Fisheries

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Tabao Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

11 km Flooding

No Drought

No 31 41

Village leader Mr. Ngau Roeun 017 528 043

OPA Leader Mr.Chheng Vorng 097 829 5502

OPA Deputy Mr. Phorn Sarin

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Ngam Seap / Mr. Phorn Sarin

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Nam Ry

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Hit Noeun

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Sok Salouem

OPA Subcommittee Water / Sanitary Mr. Yong Nouem

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector AMK

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Tbaeng Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

20 km Flooding

No Drought

No 32 35

Village leader Mr. Mut Meur 017 653 293

OPA Leader Mr. Sinh Khav 092 264 810

OPA Deputy Mr. Men Len

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Pe Phalla / Mr. Mom Virak 097 4899 166

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Mom Virak / Mr. Khat Khan 078 671 413

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Khat Khan 078 671 413

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Sinh Rany

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Sem Theang / Mrs. Heak Sen


Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL PRASAC Seilanithih

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Tepkorsa Rohal Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

39 km Flooding

Yes Drought

No 44 48

Village leader Mr. Dol Dy 017 697 537

OPA Leader Mr. Koy Sambat 092 497 431

OPA Deputy Mr. Dy Hoeurng

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Theav Socheat 088 3134 343

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. San Ty

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Khut Sopheak

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mrs. Seang Ly

Other(s) NGO RACHA

Private sector AMK HKL Vision Fund

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Thmenh Trei Samraong Commune / Ou Chrov District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

12 km Flooding

No Drought

No 19 44

Village leader Mr. Auch Ain 097 2838 083 / 012 237 635

OPA Leader Mr. Deap Kok 097 3157 072

OPA Deputy Mr. Han Horng

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Han Horng

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Deap Kok 097 3157 072

Private sector ACLEDA AMK HKL Seilanithih TPC Vision Fund

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Thmei Ta Phou Commune / Svay Chek District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

25 km Flooding

No Drought

No 46 54

Village leader Mr. Poung Yorng 097 8345 354

OPA Leader Mr. Him Yort 012 215 469

OPA Deputy Mr. Hin Meach

Secretary / Treasurer Mrs. Eiv Sar / Mr. Ton Yan

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Phan Yong

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Hin Yan

OPA Subcommittee Salachortien Mr. Him Yort 012 215 469

Other(s) NGO CWCC

Private sector ACLEDA PRASAC

Other(s) CBO Community Rice Barn Phum Thmei

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Trabaek Bos Sbov Commune / Preah Netr Preah District

Distance to Area

OPA Membership

Banteay Meanchey

11 km Flooding

No Drought

No 58 43

Village leader Mr. Orng Kimkhuon

OPA Leader Mr. Ping Chou

OPA Deputy Mr. It Orn

Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Bouy Pheav 012 277 425

OPA Subcommittee Rice Bank Mr. Kaem Tuy

OPA Subcommittee Cow Bank Mr. Mek Sa Aem

OPA Subcommittee Healthcare Mr. Sang Tangyou

OPA Subcommittee Homecare Mr. Dam Sin / Mr. Dam Thoeurv

Private sector AMK HKL PRASAC Seilanithih Vision Fund

Other(s) CBO Saving Group

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Non Governmental Organizations AIR

Supports child when parents move abroad


Provides capacity building to commune councils on good governance

Improves the capacity of community members to actively engage with commune council and promotes gender in local governance

053 952 419 / 012 895 358

AS (Aphivat Strey)

Builds the capacity of community people in managing the natural resources and form Community-Based Organizations

053 952 433 / 012 818 577

BFD (Buddhism For Development)

Promotes human rights, educates for democratic and well governed communities, and ensures better health and education of rural Cambodians

012 817 915


Fights global poverthy, with a special focus on working with women and girls

CDK (Christ for Development Kampuchea)

Works for good governance and the integrated community development programs (Rights based, Health education, Agricultural, Economy, Human rights and power of the people to poverty reduction) and collaborate with strengthen the local public organizations and stakeholders in its target areas

012 946 392

CIDO (Community-based Integrated Development Organization)

Improves the livelihood and wellbeing of the poorest rural families and vulnerable people by providing technical and financial support and strengthening community based organizations (CBOs)

011 719 629 / 012 705 753

CWCC (Cambodian Women’s Crisis Centre)

Advocates for the human rights of women and children, gender justice and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children.

054 967 144

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CYDC (Cambodian Youth Development Center)

Provides capacity development to youth and vulnerable people especially women

013 890 689 / 017 860 068

KHEN (Kienkes Health Education Network)

012 727 535

KnK (Kokkyo naki Kodomotachi - Children without Borders)

Provides shelter, vocational training, formal and non-formal education to youth at risk and legal assistance to minor detainnes

053 952 759 / 053 952 749 / 012 206 004

KNTO (Kumnit Thmey Organisation)

Assist poor families in getting access to water, food, health and personal development

012 579 674

KRDA (Khmer Rural Development Association)

Their projects include a range of strategies for HIV prevention, home care for people with HIV and AIDS, human rights training, micro credit schemes, reproductive and primary health, water and sanitation

012 920 029

LAC (Legal Aid Cambodia)

Provides quality legal aid, legal and human rights education/outreach and advocate for the poor

023 883 914 / 023 883 924 LICADHO (Cambodian League for the Promotion & Defence of Human Rights)

Advocates for the protection of civil and political and economic and social rights in Cambodia through their Monitoring/Protection and Promotion/Advocacy Program

053 952 828 / 023 211 391

MPK / Home Land (Meatho Phum Komah / Home Land)

Provides support to vulnerable children (street children/trafficked/orphaned), their families and people living with HIV/AIDS

053 952 911 / 012 381 242

PFD (Poor Family Development)

Aims to reduce poverty among poor people through Health Equity Funds, HIV/AIDS prevention, Citizen Engagement Campaign, Community Based Health Insurance

054 710 022 / 012 998 423

PK (Ponleur Kumar)

Involves in eliminating discrimination against women in any form and on children rights

054 958 562 / 092 888 550 / 097 636 3863

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RACHA (Reproductive and Child Health Alliance)

Focuses on community health programming that improves the quality and utilization of local public health service provision

Core activities includes maternal, newborn and child health, family planning, HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases


RHAC (Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia)

Provides quality family planning and sexual and reproductive health services


SCC (Salvation Centre Cambodia)

Works with Buddhist monks to implement HIV/AIDS prevention and care activities

053 370 223 / 012 970 828

TAB (Tabitha Cambodia)

Rebuilds houses for very poor familiies, facilitates savings groups, provides access to wells and ponds

Teuk Saat 1001

Provides safe drinking water to rural communities and gives on site education on hygiene to raise awareness

TPO Cambodia (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization)

Developed Psychosocial and Community Mental Health Programme that benefits people at grassroots level

Provides training on basic psychosocial and mental health interventions to government and NGO staff

023 224665 / 053 633 3611

VSG (Village Support Group)

Works in partnership with other institutions to respond on healthcare, advocacy on human and women’s rights and agricultural support projects for vulnerable groups

053 730 355 / 077 992 270

WVC (World Vision Cambodia)

Focuses on the needs of vulnerable children through Sponsorship Program; and empower communities with their Area based Programming, transformed systems and structures, through a refined sectoral focus that will include food and water security, education, health, peace and justice and HIV&AIDS.

023 216 052 / 023 217 923

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Private sector



012 900 103 / 053 953 171

AMK (Angkor Mikroheranhvatho Kampuchea Co. Ltd)

Provides credit, savings, money transfer, and mobile banking services to poor people

053 730 376

Amret Co Ltd

Provides loan, savings, and local money transfer

077 355 369

Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc

Main focus is on buying and selling agricultural products, provides loan with relatively lower interest rate to engage in agricultural production, and assist in agricultural technical supports

053 645 6111

Community Development Rural

SDR (Social Development in Rural)

053 390 413 / 012 776 176

HKL (Hattha Kaksekar Limited)

Provides loan to individuals or groups, facilitates savings and local money transfer service

053 738 748 / 012 207 213

Kredit (KREDIT Microfinance Institution)

Provides loan in lower interest rates for people with Social Equity Fund/ID Poor

Mobilizes savings and provides local money transfer service

012 228 006 / 092 481 212

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PRASAC (PRASAC MicroFinance Institution)

Provides financial services to rural households and to small and medium enterprises

012 993 387

Sathapana (Sathapana Limited)

Provides microfinance services to poor people, especially women in urban & rural areas to develop their income-generating activities & micro-enterprises

053 953 769 / 012 709 608

Saving Development

Seilanithih (Seilanithih Limited)

Provides financial services with appropriate interest rate

053 953 169

TPC (Thaneakea Phum Cambodia)

Provides economic opportunities to rural poor women through capital assistance for income generating activities or expansion of business

053 730 332

Vision Fund (VisionFund Cambodia)

Provides micro loans to entrepreneurial poor to generate a regular household income

016 566 177

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Community Based Organizations

CCSF (Cambodian Community Savings Federation)

Provides affordable financial and non-financial services to the low-income families, especially women

053 952 958

Committee of Fisheries

Works for the development of fishery sector

Community Klaeng Poar Saving

Community Phnom Slarkram Saving

Community Rice Barn Phum Thmei

Konteu Meanchey

Provides loan

Saving Group

Small group for saving money

Page 96: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013


Provincial contents

Battambang Province 8

Banan District

Chheu Teal Commune

Anlong Ta Mei 9

Thkov 45

Kantueu Muoy Commune

Svay Bei Daeum 43

Thmei 46

Tuol Thnong 51

Snoeng Commune

Kor 20

Peak Sbaek 24

Preah Srae 31

Rumchey 35

Samraong 39

Snoeng Lech 40

Ek Phnom District

Peam Aek Commune

Bak Amraek 10

Ka Rohal 17

Ou Kambot 23

Peam Aek 25

Preaek Chdaor 27

Samraong Snao 36

Preaek Khpob Commune

Khvet 19

Preaek Khpob 28

Preaek Snao


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Preaek Luong Commune

Bak Roteh 11

Doun Ent 16

Rohal Suong 34

Sdei Leu 38

Preaek Norint Commune

Preaek Norint 29

Sdei 37

Svay Chrum 44

Moung Ruessei District

Chrey Commune

Chrey II 14

Mreah Prov 22

Tuol Ta Thon 50

Kakaoh Commune

Chak Thum 12

Chak Touch 13

Kakaoh 18

Ph'ieng 26

Srae Ou 41

Tuol Prum I 48

Tuol Prum II 49

Prey Touch Commune

Dob Krasang 15

Koun Khlong 21

Prean Nil 32

Prey Toch 33

Stueng Chak 42

Thmei II 47

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Banteay Meanchey Province 52 Ou Chrov District

Nimit Commune

Nimit III 68

Nimit IV 69

Samraong Commune

Bat Trang 55

Thmenh Trei 87

Preah Netr Preah District

Bos Sbov Commune

Bantoat Baoh 54

Kbal Khting 59

Khnhaer 61

Khvav 62

Smach 80

Soutr Mont 81

Tabao 84

Tbaeng 85

Trabaek 89

Chhnuor Mean Chey Commune

Kouk Trach 66

Rumpeak 78

Samraong Thum 79

Chob Veari Commune

Kouk Lun 65

Krasang Thmei 67

Prasat 75

Preah Netr Preah Commune

Cheung Voat 56

Doun Chaeng 57

Paoy Pring 70

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Paoy Samraong 71

Paoy Ta Paen 72

Peam Sreh 73

Sramaoch 82

Sreh Khanglech 83

Rohal Commune

Anlong Thmei 53

Tepkorsa 86

Serei Saophoan District

Mkak Commune

Kouk Lieb 64

Svay Chek District

Sla Kram Commune

Kamnab 58

Khlaeng Poar Choeung 60

Kouk Ampil 63

Prasat 76

Ta Phou Commune

Phchoek 74

Prech Tboung 77

Thmei 88

Page 100: Older People's Associations: Service directory 2012-2013

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of HelpAge International.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union,

the Korea International Cooperation Agency and the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation.
