Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom 14/Brooklyn NY Standard Union...THE DAILY STANDABD UNION: BROOKLYN. FRIDAY. FgBHPABY 20. 1JM3. (Contribution, to


(Contribution, to thl. department will b* gladly received. All communication* muat b . signed

• with th* nam. and addre** of th . Mnd.r. not (tor publication utile*, daslred, but to In.ur. truat-

worthine*. and accuracy, and written upon but tone aid. of t h . paper. Information may rover at > heme day., luncheon., dinner*, dances, birthday ; parti... card partlea, guests from out of town, 1 contemplated Journey, and club note*. It will b* • appreciated If notice, of the*, i v i n l i ar . mailed | In advene*, and If desired a reporter will b* Mat at th* t lm. of their occurrence.) .

The second of the Bedford Height* co­tillon*, which was held at the Farm-

' house, in Prospect Park. laBt nnjht, proved to be a moat enjoyable and* fun-provoking affair. The chairman of the

.committee, Miss Ethel James, had the affair In charge. The cotillon consisted of eleven figures, and was efficiently led

,by W. K. Platner. The patronesses were [Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hall and Mrs. John H. Righter. The first figure waa

'a "Double Maypole," the second a "Scarf Basket" figure, the third a ."Favor Fig-

lure." with silk flags of all nations for I favors. The fourth was the "Grand "March" figure, the fifth a "Favor Flg-'ure," which w a s the feature of the even­i n g . Each person received one card (from "a deck. Ten couples were then j called and divided Into five "poker hands." Then the, best three hands con­tinued dancing, with the others standing

jin the centre of the floor. The remain­i n g figures were as follows: "Orange and Spoon," "Souvenir Figure," pipes for the

'men and pincushions for the ladles; "Merry-Oo-Round," "Japanese Lantern" and "Grand March." Those present

I were the Misses James, Hall, Righter, IPlanten, Almiral, Hall, Peabody, Affeld, Makepeace, Kelser, Roberts, Hoffman, Wurster, Blankly, Fox, Randall, Shaw,

•^Atkinson, Brower, Hopkins and Gordon, land Messrs. Strue, Richmond, Shaw, Af-ifeld, Langstaff, Galllard, Truslow, JTWltcBell, France, Almiral, Heitkamp, Hoffman, Colton, Wlnater. Hanckle Concklln and Bromer.

****** The members of the Unity Club,

at 482 Franklin avenue, and la­dies were entertained last night by Alexander Black In an original "picture play" entitled "The Qirl and the Guards-'man." A picture play, be it known, Is a reading illustrated by stereopticon views, and Alexander Black is a playwright and novelist of aorffe repute who. reversing the common sequence of things, writes dramas and then novelizes them. "The Girl and the Guardsman" has gone through both these stages. It Is a charm­ing lore talc of a soldier who leaves his betrothed, goes to the Philippine*, and la left on the battlefield for dead, but re­vives, and, Enoch Arnold like, returns to find another occupying his place in the affection of his beloved. The story dif­fers from that of the poet laureate, how­ever. In that the union has never been solemnized, and after many heart-rend­ing situations his position Is restored, and they enter the blissful state supreme­ly happy. The chairs were cleared from the hall after the reading and the crowd danced till an early hour. The Social Committee was composed of Gus. W. HIrsch, Otto A. Samuels, Louis Wechsler, Simon Levy, Edw. Lazansky, Abraham Kodzlcsen, Benj. Levy, Jos, R. Oppen-helmer, Arthur Davldsburg, Abraham Sonnenstrahl, Aaron Barrlck and B. . ,N. Manne. Among those in attendance were: Sam Levy and Miss Miriam Levy, Mrs. L. Hagenbacher, Mrs. C. Firuski and Mrs. S. Firuski, Mr. and Mrs. I. Weinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodstein, Mr. and Mrs. J. Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. Steraelbach, Otto Samuels and Miss K. Michaels, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Harris, Mr. snd Mrs. J. Kitsch, Miss Meta Weill, Mr. Adler, Morris Brisk, J u ­lius 'Wechsler and the Misses Wechsler, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stein, Miss Rosetta Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S tem. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sirauss, Mr. and Mrs. Montague D. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rodslezen, Will­iam Strasser and Miss Maud Strasser, Aaron Levy, Bertram N. Manne, Mrs. Clara Manne, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Barton, Herman M. Bamburger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. V, Rosenson and Miss Roeenson, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandmaster, G. W, HIrsch and Miss Es-telle Levy, Edward Lazausky, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dnhlman, Mr. and Mrs. Da­vid HRrrls, Mr. and Mrs. J^H. Goldberg, E. M. Cohen, Joseph Opperhelmer and the Misses Oppenhelmer, Samuel N. Hess, Miss Westhelm, Robert Aaron and Ml i i Lillian Levy, Benjamin Koch and Miss Flora Koch, Mr. and Mrs, Sol Frank, Com. and Mrs. Henry Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Newman, Mr. and Mrs. David Nusbaum. Edward HIrsch, Mr. and Mr*? Benjamin Honlg, William Schwab and Miss Schwab, Frank Selfert. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Levy, Isaac Hessberg, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Relmer, Benjamin Levy.

****** » The fifth annual reception of the How­

ard Wheelmen, of Eastern Parkway, oc­curred Tuesday evening at the DeKalb Assembly Rooms, corner DeKalb and Bedford avenues. The grand march was led by President Frank Flinn and Mrs. Fllnn, after which dancing was continued till an early hour this morning. Jamra McCaffrey waa floor manager, assisted l>y Jama* Dugan, P. rtellly, John Daly und th« Reception Committee, composed of Thomas Black, chairman; Charlea '.*achon, Fred Howard, Louis Pfelffer, William J. Olnna, William Tubman, Jas. Thornton. W. Stewart, Gua Perden, Dr. Uaher. John Horan, George Nelsa and Dan Fogarty. Entertainment Committee - W a l t e r S. Bold, chairman; Henry Man-land, Miles Farrell, Jamea Gallagher, P a n Fogarty, William 8. Moulton and P, Kearna. Between the* daneea George iiennen sang a few songs and "Happy Dear" made everybody laugh. Th« of­ficers of the club are: Frank Flinn, president; Henry Mahland, vice-presi­dent; William 8. Monlton. aecretary; Ed ward J. Hill, financial aecretary, and Miles FArrell, treasurer. Among those rsesent were Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ker-rtns, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farrell, Mr. and Mra. George r-'usa. Miss L Dugro, William A rnmons, Miss Lillian Milter, Miss Margaret John­son, Henry Mahland, Miss Orlle Slowe,

Daniel Fojrarty, Mr. and Mra. Jerome Hill, Mlaa Nellie McAney, William Ginna, John Crowley, Mlaa Katherlne Hughes, JL*hes Oallagher, Miaa Nance Bagnell, Miss Annie Reilly, Mlaa Jennie Rellly, Peter Reilly, James McCaffrey, Miss Agnes Bagnell, Timothy Gallagher, Miss May Dowd, John Horn, Miss Annie Gal­lagher, Thomaa Burton, Miss Kate Bur­ton, Miss Alice Simpson, Edwin C. Centes, John Murphy, Miss Anna Frayne, William Molton, Miss Margaret Dono­van, Thomas Connors, Mrs. L. Phllps, Miss Violet Ford, Edward Payze, Miss Gertrude Bond, Mlaa Blanche Tar, Wai­ter Bold, Miss Lizzie Schroeder, Miss Dolly Williams, Frank Harris, William Harrjs, William Roaland; Miss Lottie Cockley, William Moulton, Miss Anna Frame, Miss Tessie Rorke, Frank Sulli­van, Emll Renwald, Miss Nellie Thomp­son, Miss Nellie Hawlson, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Patrick Kerrins, Miss Eliz­abeth Ylpp, Miss Flora Dawson, James Tlghe, James Dugan, Miss Mai Philips, Edward Hammond, Miss Annie Lee, Henry Brown, Miss May Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Tubman, Miss Maud Bagnell, Edward A. Snedeker, William Stuart, George Graff, Miss Margaret Mc-Kee, George Bold, Hugh O'Nell, John King and Charlea Michaels.

* ****** The new teacher asked of the claas the fol­

lowing question: "John had five oranges; Jame* gave him

eleven, and he gave Peter .even. How many did he have left?"

Before this problem the claas recoiled. "Please, sir," said a jounjc lad. "we always

do our sums In apples." —Little Chronicle. ******

Merchants Lodge, No. 709, F. & A. M., held a "ladies' night" Wednesday even­ing at Arion Hall, on Arion place, near Broadway. A "beef steak banquet" was served, G. Westernacher presiding as cook. During the banquet there was a vaudeville performance, concluding with views from an Edison Projection Klneto-scope, operated by W. L. Wade. Th«j performance was under the direction of B. A. Matschke and W. Wade, A dance follQwed. The committee In charge of the affair consisted of B. A. Matschke, E. A. Henle, Henry Ochs, Adam Maue, G. Westernacher and H. Hacker. Among the large number present were: E. A. Heule, master; J. Shoemacher. senior warden; H. J. Scheldt, Jr., warden; A. Maue, secretary; H, Ochs, treasurer; J. Steil, Jr., deacon; J. H. Paddock, Jr., deacon; W. H. Sleeper, senior master; of ceremonies; G. R. Seaman, Jr., mas­ter of ceremonies; D. Michelsen, mar­shal; W. Small, tiler; T. Beuerman and W. Weis, stewards; Miss L. Hardt, Mr. and Wn. 8 . Ochs. Mr. and Mra. W. a Davenport, Miss M. Thomas, Miss L. Thomaj, O. G. DeWald, Miss G. Doscher. A. Meny, L. Horn, L. Schneur, H. J. Holtermann, Miss Tiilie Schneur, Mrs. Bllnn, George Schuler, Joseph Noll, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rietz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haman, Miss Jennie Lennon, Miss Minnie Van Glllune, Charles R. Hulley. Henry Van Glllune, D. E . Freri-denberger, Miss Solara Meyer, Martin Holtz, R. H. Mohr, George C. Matschke, Miss Josephine Meyer. Mrs. D. E. Freu­denberger, Mrs. H. Freudenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Freudenberger, Mr. and Mra. L. Freese, Mrs. Weldcn. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhnrt, Mr. and Mrs. Soper, J. H. Paddock, Mrs. Berry, D. Michelsen, Miss Anna Michelsen, Joseph Pfeffer, Henry Michelsen, George Krapf, James Egan, Edward T. Hewes , Miss Dora Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dingee, Dr, and Mrs. Charles Gartner, Harry J. Scheldt, Misses Et ta and Anna Scheldt, Dr. F. W. Cordes, Wil l iam G. Maue. Miss L, Maue, H. J. Kempf, Misses E,.. K., A. and L. Kempf, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Steil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Krenwitch, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoffman, Mrs. C. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. W. Buhrer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Protzmann, Miss A. Protzmann, Mr. and Mrs. C. Freudel, Mr. and Mrs. W. Canning, Mr. and Mrs. H. M°yer, Miss L Klrchner, Miss M. Kirchner, Miss Hacker. Mr, and MrB. Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. Beher, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Hehle, Mr. and Mrs, Will­iam Texter, Mrs. Brass, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burger, Mr. and Mrs. John Burger, Mr. and Mrs. O. Westernacher. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sliger. Mr. and Mrs. Hen-dreekson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Roeber, Misa Lucy Roeber, Mr. and Mrs. William Kam, O. Sohfer, Mr. and Mrs. LjRJtl E. Frese, Mrs. F. Welden, W. H. Sleeper, Mr. and Mrs. William Jung, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. John Thielman, Henry L. Eis­ner, Mrs, E. Stock, Miss M. Blake, Mrs, O. E . Haas , L. G. Burger, Charles Wendbug and wife, Henry Le-malr and wife, Max Hoar and wife, Eu­gene Gerard and wife, Herman Gohilng-horst and wife, Miss Moll, Jackob Boyel and wife, Will iam Tlchner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ochs, Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Schafer, Miss Lizzie Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Freese, Jaks Freldman, Mrs. R. Weldcn, Henry Kah-lert, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kramer, Mr. and Miss Dengel, Mr, and Mrs. George Sehutt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Slalger, Mr. and Mrs. V, Egglaffsteln, Mr. Erimmert and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Noll. Capt. Dougherty, Capt. H. Piatt, Lieut. Trapp, Lieut. Canning. Charles Morse, A. D. Wlese, John Bishop, Jerry Sullivan, Geo. Finn, Arthur Johnson, D., Hamnen, Mrs.

D. Hamnen. • * • • * «

An event of considerable Interest to a great many Brooklyn people took place last Monday night in the grand imll-room at Sherry's. Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max 8. Grlfenhagen, of R22 West 149th street, Manhattan, w a s married to T/>uis Moskowltz. The Im­mense room was one mass of white car-


W - v *J — Ths tm-to-dat* business man who l l O . f withe, h i . faintly to enjoy the benefit

of modem Improvement, will not fall to Install electricity In hi . residence H not only furnish** the safest, healthiest, most e#n-ventent and perfect tliumtnant, hut In Summer can b* utilised with ease to evoke conlth with revolving fan. or to banish warmth In heating Irrn* and conking. No matches, no odor, no .'.cger Address

[DM [IKIIK IllUMIIH CO., SAO P R A l i t . ST., B R O O K L Y N .

natlona, lilies, hyacinths and orchlda, and beneath a bower of lilies of the valley the R e v . Dr. Maurice Harris, assisted by Rev. Dr. Newmark, Joined the happy pair. The bride wore a gown made of white princess chiffon, trimmed with hand-made butterflies; the bridesmaids wore crepe de chine, with a string of pearls (a gift of the bride) and a bou­quet of white carnations. The brides­maids were Miss Belle Von Dam, Miss I.aura Klous, Miss L. Leon and Miss B. Moskowltz. The maid of honor was Miss Madeline Grlfenhagen. The best man was Theo, Asch. The ushers were Leo Levy, Daniel Foss , Aaron Smith and M. Moskowltz. After the ceremony the company adjourned to the large private dining hall, where a supper In honor of the event was served. At the main ta­ble, where the speakers were seated, were William J. Farrell, A. S. Gilbert, Herman Stelfel, Hon. Eugene Bondy and Messrs. Morris and Joseph Jones. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Grlfen­hagen, MISB Ruth Grlfenhagen, Mr. and Mrs. N. Moskowltz, Mr. and Mrs. E. Grlfenhagen, Denver, Col.; Benjamin Grlfenhagen, J. B. Grlfenhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bondy, Mr. and Mrs. I. Freedman, Dr. and Mrs. Harris. Miss Madeline Grlfenhagen, Miss Edith Grlf­enhagen, Herbert Grlfenhagen, W, Grlf­enhagen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Freedman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Blumberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hcfilch, Miss Blanche Hefltch, Mr. and | Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. G. Asch, Mr. | and Mrs. Kantrowltz, Dr. and Mrs. New- | mark, Mr. and Mrs. J. D . Mayer, Dr. Hellstein. Mrs. S. Foss, Miss L. Foss, D. Foss, Mrs. Alexander, Julius M. Mayer, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, A. S. Gilbert, Miss Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Farrell, Miss Marshentz, L. Moskowitz, Miss Stella Moskowltz, Robert Moskow­ltz, Miss Helen Moskowitz, M. Moskow­ltz, MIBB Becky Moskowitz, Leo Levy and Miss Pauline Levy, Chicago, III.; Miss Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Ollendorf, Mr. and Mrs. S. Schwartz, MISB Sadie Schwartz, B. Klous. Miss Laura Kloua. Benjamin Klous, Mr. and Mrs. W. Asch, Dr. and Mrs. Hellenstein, Mr. and Mrs. S, Hefltch, A. Heflich, Mr. and Mrs. H. Foss, Harry Heflich, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roaenblum, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oppenheim, Mr. Steifel, Miss Stelfel, Miss Belle Van Dam, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothschild, E. Rothschild, Mr. Smith, Miss Smith. T. W. Pierce, Edward R. Emerson, E. Witmark and I. Picker. The couple left on an ex­tended trip through the South, and on their return will reside at the Wlnslow Court apartments, 141st street and Ham­ilton place.

****** An informal reception given by Com­

pany B of the Fourteenth Regiment, commanded by Capt, T. F. Donovan, last night, attracted a large gathering of young folks in spite of the severe weather, and proved a thoroughly Inter­est ing and enjoyable event. The recep­tion was held In the amafl drill hall, music being furnished by Bandmaster Louis Conterno. Dancing commenced at 9:30. There were twelve numbers on the dance order, the last of which was not reached until some time after midnight. The officers and enlisted men present were all In full dress uniform, and aided the members of the committee In every possible way In their efforts to make the event a successful one. The committee consisted of Sergeant Ezra H. Clark, chairman; First Sergeant Charles F . Hader, treasurer; Corporal David J. Per-rlne. Privates A. P. Fleming, William M. Hlgglns, Joseph E. Atkins, David F. Haggerty, William P. Taflin and Arthur W. Devoe.

****** "Bo you had a successful running trip?" "Eminently successful. We didn't bring hack

any frame, hut nobody was shot by any of the other members of the party."—Washington 0tar,

****** The Bensonhurst sextet and chorus

which Introduced "Blooming Llze" into the "Chimes of Normandy," on Wednes­day evening, at the Academy of Music, have had several flattering requests to repeat the performance In various parts of Brooklyn. The combination is under the management of R. I. Webb and Mart C. Woodward, the former being responsi­ble for the music and the latter for the singe. The s tage business was exceed­ingly well performed at the Academy, and reflected the highest credit on all concerned. The sextet Is cosnposed of Miss Anna Mahoney, Will Flynn, Miss Jennie Kane, R. J. Webb, Miss Julia Flynn and Will H. Johnston.

*•*••* The Greater New York Euchre Club

had a very pleasant time at the home of Mrs. W. Richardson, 1824 Pacific street, on Tuesday evening. There were a number of handsome and useful prizes, Mrs. William H, Powell winning the first prize. The following were also win­ners of prizes: Mrs. J. S. Doxle, Mrs, W. F. Gohlke, Mrs. Joseph G. Tarr, Mrs. T. Breweter, Mr. Morgan, Mrs. M. Fan­ning, Mr. Reilly. Mrs. H. B. McKee. Mra W. Richardson. The booby prizes were won by W. F. Gohlke and Mrs. F. C. Chaffee. Refreshments were served af­ter the games. Among those present were: Mr. and Mra. Savage. Mr. flewell, Mr. Reilly. Mr. Morgan, Mrs. W. H. Pcwall , Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Weldoo, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gohlke. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chaffee, Mr. snd Mrs. H. B. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Richardson, Mrs. M. Fanlng, Mr. and Mss. T. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Tarr. Mrs. J. 8. Doxle, J. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Staples, The club will hold their next euchre at the home of Mrs. J. W. Weldon, 121 St. Marks place, on Tuaeday evening,

Feb. 26. »***••

The second muslcale of a series that are being given by Mrs. A. Mllllgan at her residence, 248 Putnam avenue, took place Wednesday evening. The occasion also marked the birthday of Mrs. Mil-ligan's talented and well-known daugh­ter Edith, who has appeared before" the public of Brooklyn and New York on the concert stage as a classic pfanlste. Mlaa Mllllgan received a number of beautiful flowers In honor of the event, and to show her appreciation played the following; numbera with great effect and feeling. Ballade. G minor. Op. 24, etude, A minor, concerto. E minor (Tatting Ver­sion, (Chopin); etude, D flat (Liszt); waits . Op. U (MoStkowskf); Mlsa Mllll­gan. The reef of the programme waa aa follows: Piano, overture to "Maid Mar-Ian" (De Koven). Arthur Mllllgan; song, "My Redeerner and My Lord" (Buck), Mia* Hancke; violin, "Leajtnd*" (Wlen-iawafcl), William . K i n g ; aong, "Slumber

Song" (Heine) , Mlaa May King; song, "Repentance" (Robyn), Mra. Ewin Sibley; violin, sonata (Creig), William King, ac ­companied by Mlaa Ruth King; piano, scenes from "Rob Roy" (De Koven), Arthur Mllllgan, aketch, original, Chaa, Grleme; song. "A May Morning" (Pen­za), Miss Huncke; song, "To a Rose" (Long), Howard Long. At the conclu­sion of this long and varied programme the gueats partook of a buffet supper, and Indulged In dancing until a late hour. The third muslcale will be given some time during March.

W*dd.rly—I believe In a man telling hi . wlf. just what he thinks.

Ulngleton—V'es, of course—but they tell m . that since your marriage sou have been afraid t . think.—at. Louia Star.

Representatives from thirty lodges and organizations of various kinds attended the annual masque and civic ball of the Hospital Fund Association, which was held at Arion Hall last night. These, with the members of the organization proper and their friends, brought the total attendance to very near two thou­sand persons. The affair was given un­der the auspices of the Knights and Ladies of Honor of Brooklyn and Queens boroughs. One of the features of the affair were the beautiful decorations of the hall, which consisted of ferns, palms, colored lights, flags, bunting and almost anything that would go to enhance the general effect. The affair was in every way as successful a one as the most exacting could ask for. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows: J. R. Elseman, president; H. Frietag,vice-pres­ident; P. Cuslck, secretary; Mrs. E. Win­ters, financial secretary, and C. Stella, treasurer. The Board of Trustees is com­posed of Messrs. Atkins, Smith and Coop­er. President Elseman and wife led the grand march, which took place at mid­night.

****** Keystone Council, No. 48, Home Circle,

held Its regular meeting on Wednesday evening. Under applications for mem­bership nine propositions were received. Under good of the order, remarks were made by Grand Guide Thompson and Leader C. L. A. Baden, who made the ennouncement that at the next meeting, which will take place on March 4, there will be a class initiation of fifteen candi­dates into the mysteries of the Home Circle. After the close of the meeting progressive euchre was played, resulting as follows: First prize, large 'picture, gold frame, won by Miss K. Leonard; second prize, hand-painted pin cushion, won by Mrs. Thomas S. Woodcock; third prize, silver berry spoon, won by Miss Florence Baden: booby prize, small pack of cards, won by Miss A. Spauldlng; first prize, velvet pillow, won by Thomas Woodcock, Sr.; second prize, large pic­ture, gold frame, won by Edward C. Moore; third prize, silver smoking set, won by C. Gibbs; booby prize, small pack of rarde, won by Dr. Waiter A. Dolane. After the close of the euchre refresh­ments were served.

****** The seventh meeting of the Star Euchre

Club w a s held at the home of Mrs. M. Mott, 95 Sixteenth street, Wednesday af­ternoon. The first prize was won by Mrs. C. W. Taudy, second by Miss Mc-Leich, third by Mrs. Stockley and fourth by Mrs. Beckman. The members are Mrs. C. W. Taudy, president; Mrs. Chit-tendon, treasurer; Mrs. H. Taudy. secre­tary; Mrs. Frost, Mrs. E. Elkin, Mrs. M. Mott, Mrs. White, Mrs. Trig*, Mrs. Brill, Mrs. Boise, M n . Allen, •rs. Beckman,

Mrs. Delaney, Mrs. F. Taudy. Mrs. Stock-ley and Mrs. MeLelch.

**•*»• "Anyhow." said th* cheerful citizen, "you can

rejoice that the great strike is over and coal It coming down to a reasonable figure again."

"I don't feel particularly called upon to rejolca over that," remarked the mair with th . habitual acr.wl. "The pile of coal In my cellar has de-pi eclated In value IBfl In the last two or thre* weeks."—Chicago Tribune.

*****n St. Valentine's night the members of

the Alpha Club assembled at their club-rooms, Seventy-ninth street and Fort Hamilton avenue, and after several In­teresting checker and chess games and some very close sets of plngipong, sat down to an Informal d u b dinner, at which E, Fougera, Jr., acted aa toast-master. The following responded: The president, Mr. Tnormann, responded to the toast "Alpha Club"; Mr. Robertson spoke of "Athletics"; C. Barg. "Oood Old Times"; Mr. Faustman, "Duties of Club Members"; H. Thorer made a few witty remarks; M. Horton responded to the toast, "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"; Mr. Teevan, "Track Athletics": Mr. Hume, "Dramatics"; Mr. Stork, "Socia­bility In the Club"; E. Fougera, Jr., toastmaster, "Enthusiasm," after whlcn coffee and cigars were served, and the members united in singing choruses from the popular songs of the day. The Alpha Club will hold Its third annual entertain­ment and reception at the new Prospect Hall In April. The follownlg committee was appointed: Entertainment Commit­tee—E. Fougera, Jr., chairman: W. Mitchell, B. Faustman, G. Tbormann and C. Barg. The evening closed with th* members s inging "The Star Spangled Banner" and three hearty cheers for the Alpha Club. Among those present were: G. Tnormann, William Mitchell. J. Hume, H. Thorer, F. Thorman, C. Barg. L. Robertson, B. Teevan, E. Barg, C. Crltty, E. L. Wlllgoose, W. A. Stork, B. Faustmnyi, E. Teevan, Jr., J. Phalen, J. C. Brown, A. White, J. Wlttke and A.

Stogarek. •aaaes

The annual reception of the Industrial School Association of Brooklyn of the Eastern District waa held yesterday af­ternoon and evening at the rooma of the home at 141 South Third atreet. Several hundred persons were present. The pro­gramme rendered was aa follows: "Wel­come to Our Friends," school; kinder­garten, "All for Baby." finger play; •When I'm Big." two little ones; "The New Moon," aong by four girls; "Would and Wouldn't," Little George; "The Clock," motion aong. Good-bye to all. Song, "Winter and Bummer," school; "Eggs Actly So," dialogue; March of tha Boldlers, twelve boys; "MM," recitation; "A Village Maid la Fair Jeartnette," part aong;" "Doll Drite," fourteen little girls; "Echo S«ng," by the school; "Who'a to BlsmaT' (the cat), recitation; "How Bread ta Made," motion aong; Hoop Drill, twenty girls.

bar of young people from Fort Washing­ton. Manhsseet. Glen Core and neigh­boring towns. Among the Brooklyn guests were: Charles Burch, Da-Mel Burch, William Bmtth, Oscar Woodward, William Lawless. Walter Slellng. Louis BUllng, Miss Florence •onkl ln . Misa Ruth C. Conklln and Mlaa Annie J. Mol-ter.

assess T h . man whom th* court had ordered to pay

hl< divorced wife an allowance of fzfi a we.k pretested against th* severity of ths decree,

"Tour Honor," h* aatd with deep feeling, "It will take nearly .very cent of my present wlf.'a .alary to pay It."—Chicago Trtbun*.

*•*«** The thirty-second annual ball of the

Williamsburg Yacht Club will be held at Llederkranz Hall, Saturday evening, March ".

*••••• The Washington Drum, Fife and Bug**

Corps will give Its fourth annual pack­age party at Llchtenheld's Music Hall, 467 Greene avenue, Saturday evening.

Miss Annie J. Molter, of ti Cooper street, and Miss Florence Conklin, of 774 McDonough street, will spend several days at Roslyn, L I., a t the home of Mrs. Rogers Conklln.

****** "What are you looking so wretched about this

morning?" asked a friend of the author. "Sl« Invitation, to dinner!" he groaned. "Why—that's a regular windfall." "Te»—but th.y'r* all for the u m e day!"—

Atlanta Con.lltutlon,

aaaaaa The annual entertainment and recep-

t'on of Court Verona, No. 106, Foresters of America, Is to be held this evening at Sumner Hall, Fulton street, opposite Sumner avenue. Past Supreme Chief Ranger Joshua A. Shaw has promised to attend and will probably address the au­dience on the subject of "Forestry." The tntertainment will consist entirely of professional talent and will .include six d'fferent specialties. Dancing will fol-

= 5


fOQ3 Feb. 1903

Sun. Mon

1 2 —

8 1 9 15 16

22 23

Tu« W?d.

3 — 10 17


















28 ©• »#


mualc. The evening's programme was: piano selections, John Hoentch; popular selections, the Tuxedo Male Quartet, J. J. Kllphan, C. V. BJtter. T. P. Wilson. H. Grelnert; "A Miscellany," Add Hoyt; "The Handkerchief King," C. Southard Thompson; soprano solo. Miss Helen Trlx; address, "The United Order of the Golden Cross," Charles Knapp; over­ture, the orchestra; baritone solo, C. V. Ritter; monologue. Add Hoyt; ballads, Miss Helen Trix; sleight of hand manip­ulations, C. Southard Thompson; origi­nal selections, the Tuxedo Male Quartet. Musical director, John Hoenlch. The committees were: Oeneral Commit­tee of Arrangements—Charles Knapp, chairman; Thomas Davles, secretary; Henry C. Daniel, treasurer; Mrs. Mary J. Sherman, Miss Gussle Macmlllian, Charles P. Walters, Miss Edith MUIen. Mrs. Emma Blrck, William Warboys, John F. Chisholm, Charles E. Jones, Geo. S. Pinney, Miss Anna Shoemaker. Floor Committee—John F. Chisholm, chairman; Frank Webb, William P. Kelgard. David Snell, William D. Matear, Charles P. Walters, Thomas Woods, Charles Miller, Harry Miller, Thomas Willett, William F. Wetzel, Stephen D. Blrck, William F. Palmer, John J. Kerr, John F. Blair, Charles E. Jones, John C. Fltall, George E. Goers and Henry M. Adams, Jr. Reception Committee—William Warboyfc, chairman; Edgar Wettergreen, Mrs. Ida

S. Steele, Mrs. Frances Schroeder, Mrs., ., I Norwegian Hospital fair.. Fourth avenue and

Kate Ammermann, Mrs. Mary Macmil- j Forty-.inth street. Phopbo Meeting. l>jng Island Council Assembly, Royal v ' Arcanum, ever-in*.

Innounsementx <n thl* column uNJl be mad* without charg* and are retptctfully invito.

F R I D A Y , F K B I U A H V 2 0 .

Rifle practice. Company E. Fourteenth Regi­ment.

Baaketball. Welcome Hall v». Erasmus, at bom..

"Non-com" offlcets* ball. Thirteenth Regiment Armory.

Theatre party, Gua Durr Association. Oayety Treat re

Hev Dr. Lubke. "Married Life," Shaart Zedek Society.

Third battalion drill. Fourteenth Regtaent. armory.

Anniversary festival. Frledrlch Olueck Quar­tette Club.

Euchre and dance. Company K. Twenty-third Regiment.

Hockey, Erasmus vs. St. Paul, Clermont Ave­nue Rink.

Banquet, Cltonlan Fraternity of Jamaica. Nor­mal School.

Ian, Miss Anna Falk, Miss Woods, Mrs. Maria Van Pelt, Wil l iam! Meeting. < •(• lurch of the As-

Hlawatha Social

10. O. A. R., *0T.

ccnslon. Oreenpolnt. Apron and necktie party,

Club, 31 Orient avenue. Meeting, Kankin IJo«t, No,

Bridge street, evening. A "phonograph party." Fllmore 8. Riker, 2(J2

Hemlock street, evening. Progressive euchre. Montagu* Council. 13rt,

Heme Circle, Johnston Building. Rehearsal. Phil Lyric Orclusatra, Schlelleln's

, , - , , , , i ., , ii ........i ]• Hall. Atlantic avenue, 8:31) I'. M. S e w a r d , M i s s J e a n H . B la ir , H o w a r d u. | K n tertainnient and reception. Fort Green*

H, Marvin, Charles E. Sherman, Miss Anna Kleinft-lder, Mrs. Fanny B. Wet-SCi Mrs. Phoebe Bond, Mrs, Ruth C. ; Warboys, Mrs. J. El<>herington, Miss I Charlotte h. Crowther, Thomas Crowthcr, I Rudolph Hulsart, Mrs. Elizabeth A. j

lew. The Entertainment Committee con- i y o u n e Miss Annie Moen Mrs Emma A. I Ccundi, K. C.. Johnston Bunding. _ i . t . - . T > _ . U . _ . . / - T > - . . » T> 1XT n i t . _ . ' . ' „ . ; . . •. . . i _ Fair, aid Church Our l.ady of P> rlsts of Brothers A. C. Prast, R. W. Rlt chey, P. B. Hanson, F. Weibe, T. Ryan, E. Walters and C. Martin. The officers are: Chief Ranger, Peter B. Hanson; Sub Chief Ranger, M. Beechle; Financial Secretary, Robert W, Rltchey; Treasurer, Victor Kleabar; Recording Secretary, Charles Martin; Woodwards, James, J. Reilly and T. Ryan; Beadles, E. Waters

Daniel. Mrs. Agnes Gilbert, Jesse M. Scott, Robert Scholey, Mrs. Annie Pin­ney, Mrs. Alice M. Semple, Miss Emma Blrck, Miss Orpha D. Glendenning, Among those present were James Will­iams. D. Brown, William A. Seward, Miss A. Lourie, Mrs. Cora Jeffers, J. J. Lane, Mrs. Eva Zeuner. Mrs. E. Shields, John T. Dorsheimer, William A. Rolston, J.

Perpetual Help, Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue.

Entertainment and reception. Court Verona. 10)1. F, and A . 15S4-SU Fulton gtreet.

Meettng. *t. Paul Council, «S5. Knight, oti Columbus. 2&0 Court street, evening.

Third annual ball, Third Assembly District Republican t'iub. 15:1 Plerrepont street.

Progressive euchre. St. Salmon and Jude's Church, A\enu«- T and Van Slclen street.

Rehearsal. Brooklyn Choir, Manhattan Con­servatory of Music. a-W Nmth street, 8 P. M.

Annual bazaar and fair, Slloam Presbyterian Church, Prince street near Myrtle avenue.

Euctfre. U. R. Euchre Club, residenc* Mra., *.nd P1 M a n e a m - L e c t u r e r A l f red W c i b e " -« . - „ \r » r . I J- D- Kline, 4<H East Eleventh street, Flatbush. " n a w: M l n * a m ' l e c t u r e r , A i i r e u v> e i o e . j T h o r n p a o n , M r B f , A . T r i p p . M i s s K . M a - l rTntertalnmcnt and reception, at. Peter'J

. . . .. . T I - „ I I ; „ . » TWI—,». M anrl TC Catholic Lit.rary Association. 112 Wan-en atreet.! g u l r e , M r s . A. W a l l i n g . M i s s e s M. a n a > . Entertainment and reception. Rt. Stanlslaua H o w e , M i s s J. E t h e r i n g t o n . M r s . J. M a - Union. Prospect Hall -Prospect avenue evening.

ant teeV

g u i r e , W . R o w e , M i s s I. H e l n t z . M r s . J. R o w e . M i s s G. M a r s h a l l . Dr . S a m u e l E d e e n , H e n r y D a v i d s o n , H e n r y A d a m a , W i l l i a m W . M a r w i n , F . W e b b a n d M i s s F l o r e n c e K e m p e r .

( F o r o t h e r Soc ia l N e w s s e e 4th P a g e . )

I N S T R U C T I O N .

A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION In bookkeeping, stenography and typewrit­ing given tc Intelligent young men and women with a fair English education at greatly reduced rate, tn

KISSICK'S Business Institute, 41 A.hiand place. Brooklyn: first class for S7 years, owns iti own buildings; employ, first claas teachers: has many department.; .ecures employment free of charge; lan­guage, and higher mathematica taugo day or evenings.

*••••• The seml-snnual meeting of the Berke­

ley A, C. occurred last Saturday even­ing at the home of Manager Thomas Kellyy»8 St. Mark's place. Daniel New-

* * lrman of the reception commlt-. one of the most zealous mem­

ber* 8 f the club, prepared an entertain­ing programme, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Selection, Gun's Amateur Band; elocutionist, Miss Pansy Mat­thews; selections, Berkeley Quartette; drum calls, by Daniel Newland; cornet solo, Alfred Hlerves; piano solo, Messrs. Doran and Helgon, and the evening's entertainment concluded with a dance and supper. The o U k s w of the club are: D. Newland, president: J. Minpr. vice-president; P. Kelly, recording secretary; C. A. Gardner, financial secretary, and T. Kelly, treasurer. Those present in­cluded George Mott, H. M. Wheeler, A. M. Umberg, E. A. Bernard, J. Bannon, Lisle Smith, William Miller, S. O'Con­nor. Miss Margaret McCarthy, J. A. Gor­man, Miss Gertrude Marsh, H. M. Wheel­er, Miss Ella Marsh, Miss M. E. Drew, Edward M. Gormond, Miss Pearl Mc-Cann, Mr. Simberg, Miss Hortense V. Shenaret, John F. Bishop, Miss R. Marsh, Miss S. Drum, Miss May Abbott, Miss Sagenhorf, George McKee, Miss J. Wise, Elmer O. Barnard, Miss Gertrude John­son, A. E. Davis, Miss Florence White, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. De Witt.

The annual concert and bali of the S. F. Dupont Post, 187, G. A, It., Depart­ment of New York, will take place Sun­day evening at Military Hall, Soholes K , F n u ; K i „„,,,,.-.nmrt

and Leonard streets. Professional talent F>b. 2« —By J'. J. saver.' 14S Franklin tt.. , _ ,_ *. - - , . , . clcthlng. etc . pledged prior Feb 14. 02.

o n l y h a s been e n g a g e d f o r t h i s o c c a s i o n Feb. 2*— By J. J. Frlel. 147* Broadway. PK

Long Island South 8th S t

and Drigfs Are,,

Business College. B™"̂»-A high grade commercial school fc- both aese.

under the management of a C»rt.fleJ Publio Accountant For prospectus address

HENRT C. WRIGHT. C.P.A.. Principal.

HEFFLEY^CaiHOOL A Bjuvaasfvr n SCOPE., Journalism, engineering, business, stenog­raphy, typewriting, languages. Regents, prepara-torv, high school and college course.. Day and ekenlng. Begin now. Call, write or telephone.

r NORMAN P. HEFFLEY. LL.B., Pre.. , 24B Ryerson Street.

Pbvslcal culture and fencing for ladles, gen-tltmen and children, references. National Acad­emy of Phy.ic.1 Culture, Gate, and Bedford avenues, Brooklyn.

P A W N B P O K E R S * S A L E S .

all under the.personal management of Louis I g & V g i $ffw£ S * ^ ^ ' ^ A. Phillips. The Committee of Arrange- '< Feb. 2»—By 8. n«odetein * eon, 27ft Bridge

. . .,.-» _ » # 1 . I J - . I »»•• clothing, etc . pledged prior Feb. 11, ' « , m e n t s h a s l e f t n o t h i n g Undone t o m a k e ; j.-ebv. 27* By M. Bruckheimer Sons. 7"5 Orand t h * one of the greatest affairs of the j g ^ a f g j J a ^ g l f l prior reby. 17. •_oz_ Keaaon T h e nroceeda a r e for the hpn»flt > PAWNBROKER'S SALES— Central Auction s e a s o n , i ne p r o c e e d s a r e ior tne Denent | r o 1 5 2 B n r t m Eta*A at., sells. Tuesday. Feb 24, o f t h e rel ief f u n d .

....** Customer- 1 think you should begin to charga

m» half prlc , Shears, there's so little to cut TOW.

Barber—Other way on. sir, I fancy. w e ought to charge double. Look at th* trouble I have to find It;—Punch.

..**.. The marriage of Miss Ida Rlchter to

Henry Berg, Jr., was solemnised Wed­nesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P, Jensen, 4*0 Tenth street. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss May Jensen, and Jo-

rllamonds, Jewelry, etc.. No*. 1 to lf>Bl, pledged to Jan. 1. 1602; by order R. Simpson A Co., U Myrtle ave.: also clothing pledged to Feb. 15.1902, by order Fltaslmmons & Fullan, 272 Broadway.

PAWNBROKER'S SALE—Central Auction Co.. ]f>4 Canal St.. .ells. Feb. 25, diamonds. Jewelry, etc., pledged to Feb. 15. JP02, by order P. Freel. P27 Bnsdway aniMSO Orand nt,


York, by the grace of 0*>d free and independent. —To Nellie Stuart. William Henry Stuart, Mary nilen Ki-rn. Alfred J iseph Stuart, Accomack Club. Alexander R Corbet, lgnatz Nagleschmi'H, Brooklyn Masonic Ootid, Sarah Foster. American Suretv Co , Abel Crook. William H. Phillips,

. William H. Burrtll, Abraham A Straus, N. W. s e p h B e r g w a s b e s t m a n . In s p i t e of the-i Diyle. Dr. J. C. Fltislmmons. Dr. William .,„.. m i l , . . „ i . _ _ - „ , . „ » „ _ _* _ i 1 ttllflilan, Annie E. Nelson; .end greeting: zero weather, a large number of rela- | T o u ,nd each of you are hereby cited to »p. tlves and friends were present at the Pf" ••J*** °"r t,!!JTr'"?,?.,,nf. t.he •i'°H.n',£ °f

King., at a Surrogate s Court to be held at cremony, among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Berg, who are stilt in their

A msaciuemde and barn dance waa he-rtf In the barn of Rogers Conteltn, of Roslyn. I* I., on Saturday evening. Fab, 7, The dance waa attended by ft num-

honeymoon; Mr. and Mra. Blrkle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Berg, Mrs. M. Berg, Mr. Berg, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark, Mrs. Brochart and Mlsa Broschart, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wagnef', Mr. and Mrs. J. Msr-hoffer. Mr. and Mrs. H . Klnkel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Plaatse, Mr. and Mrs. A. Web­ber, Mr. and Mrs. H. May, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blrkle, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. P. Gaynor, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bowers, Mr, snd Mrs. T. J. Ritter snd Mr. and Mrs. Hen iy Berg, Sr., parents of the groom.

Bstppai Mr. and Mrs. George G. Dutcher will

l.e among the passengers on the Necknr, which sails to-morrow for Naple?, via Gibraltar.

.*..*• The members of the Hiawatha Social

Club will give an apron and necktie so­cial at the Exempt Firemen's Clubhouse, 81 Orient avenue. As a large number of tickets have been sold for this event, there Is no doubt but that It will be a success financially as well as socially.

•*•••* 014 Boarder—That', a queer-looking butter

fll.h. Mrs. Hasher Mm, Hanher— Tea: anfl rtn awfully proud of

It, too. It ha* bean In our family for more than S hundred years

Old Boarder—Indeed I Uort of hair-loom, aa It wets.— Chlc.go News.

aaaaaa The Grand Commandery of New York

f a v e an entertainment and reception to the United Order of the Golden Cross nt the music hall of the Johnston Building last night. After the performance danc­ing waa Indulged in until a late hour, when alt departed after a night's enjoy­ment. The officers are: Charles Knapp, Grand Commander; John J. Lane, Grand Keeper of Records; William A. Rolston, treasurer. Stowe's band furnished the

Meeting. Henry Ward Beecher Missionary Circle of Plymouth Church, Orange atreet. even-

Progressive euchre, Roosevelt Republican Club, Fourteenth District, Arcanum Hall, Richmond' Hill.

Rowling, match game. Anawanda Bowling Club vs. Grand Street Board of Trade, Amphlou, Alleys.

Games. Elite Euchre Club, residence Mfsses, Caflin, East Thirty-fifth street and Avenue A. S P. M.

Euchre and reception, young ladles of St. Anne's R. C. Church. Front aad Gold atreets, evening.

The Hackett Dramatic Company in "The Seal of North Carolina,'' benefit Master Plumbers'

{ Asr^.clatlon. Meeting, '"ommlttee of Fifty, to consider loca-,

I tion Manhattan Bridge and its approaches, 188! Montague street, evening.

Annual entertainment and reception, Master Plumbers' Association. Schwabcn Hall. Myrtle and Knlf kcrb-K ker avenues,

I CvSnteT B r S t c h ' I s r r V ^ A ^ a r f t S t f Broadway and Gates avenue.

Euchre and reception. Ht. Aioy.lus Sodality of St. Thomas' Aquinas ''hurch. Acme Hall. Sev-

; enth avenue .and Ninth street. Brooklyn Institute 'Bulletin—Open exhibition

' of Camatlms shown by the American Carnation: ; Scclety, Art Building. 17* Montague St.. 2 to1

1 10 30 P. M.; Boston Symphony Orchestra, con­cert. Academy of Music, Montague at., 8:15

] P. M. Free public school lecturee—»oel Werda^, "£er-

J sla," P. S. No. 55. Stockton Jr» *a*.ar" __ l a v e ; John Dean. "Silk." P. S. No. 60. Fourth! j ave. and Twentieth St.; Lucy R. Bliss, "West-! I minster Abbey.*' p. S. No. S3. Bergen St. -and

Schenectady ave.; Alfred J. Talley, "American Life In Longfellow." P 8, No, l i t . fltagg s t . i near Buehwick a v e ; r>r. w . J. Callan, "The Merchant of Venice," P. S. No. 134, Eighteenth,

, ave. and Ocean Parkway; William Hemstreet,'» ' "Cuba Translated: Her History, Scenes and Con-. ditlons: the Magic of American Touch," Brook­

lyn Children's Aid Society, 81 Poplar «t.—8 P. U.

S . V T I R U A V , r iv iUSI AIIV 2 1 .

Juvenile cotillon. Baron's. Athletic sports, Oreenpolnt T. M. C. A. Smoker, Monitor Lodge, 23, Eckford Hall. Small and Early dance, Plcrrepont Aasembly

Rcoms. Opening Sportsmen's Show. Madison Square

Garden. Literary luncheon. Urban Club, *61 Bedford,

avenue. Y. M. C. A. Bowling League games, 802 Ful­

ton street. Muslcale, Mrs. Harry Smock Brice, 127 Mc­

Donough street. Entertainment, University Club, 435 Cllnto*

0 Bowery. N. T. | avenue, S P. M. Entertainment, Congress Club, 688 Bedford

avenue, evening. Norwegian Hospital fair. Fourth avenue and

I'trty-sUth street. "•smoker." Independent Athletic Association,

808 Blake avenue. Annual Austrian charity ball, Grand Central

palate. Manhattan. Chowder and smoker. Colonial Athletic Club,

177" Flatbush avvnue. Rifle practice, Cadet Corp.. Twenty-third Regi­

ment, armory, evening. Smoker. Maujer A. ST.. Stockholm Hall, Wyck-

off and Stockholm streets. Teacher.' meeiisig. II. IS, 8. U., Betheada Con­

gregational Church, 8 P. M. Fair, aid Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help,

Flfiy-nlnth .trret and Fifth avenue. Annual entertainment, Tom Harden, blind

actor, Academy of Music, evening. Social, Young Men's club. tit. Paul's Episcopal

Church, 241 Union street, evening. Entertainment, Young Men's Christian Asso­

ciation, §03 Fxilton street, afternoon. Oiwnlng reception and ball. John Kolte, Pros­

pect Hall. Prospect avenue near Flflth. Hlxtv-seventh annual ball. Swedish Society,

Teuton!* Assembly Room., Manhattan. Dane*. Bavarian Wheelmen, Uraunwarth'a

Hall, VVIlloughby near Knickerbocker avenue. Meeting. Past Dictator.' and Veteran Aeaocla-,

tton, Wilbur Hall. 8 Brooklyn avenue, evening. Maaque and civic ball, Enterprise Pleaaure

Club. New Brooklyn Turn Hall, 181-197 Bumpier!

Masque ball. Brooklyn Deaf Mutes' Club, Lled­erkranz Hall. Manhattan av.nue and Meserol*: strsat. _ — _ a

Normal class and lesson exposition. B. B. 8. U„ Y. M, C. A. room., 802 Fulton street, after-1 noon. _ M I

Meeting, Executive Board and Advisory Board,,


the Cotintv Court House (Room ,171, In th* County of Kings, on th* Rth day of April, 1908, n: ten o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend the Judicial settlement of the account. of Abel Crook a* temporary administrator of , the estate of William A. Stuart, deceased. And I International Sunshine Society, M Fifth avenue. let the above-named infant, then #nd there show 3 P M iruse whv a special guardian should not he ap- Reception ana a»ipp*r. Joseph F. Garland Aa-i pointed to appear for there on said Judicial sedation, Masonla Tempi., Orand and H»v*-j settlement.

In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our raid Surrogate's Covin to be hereunto affixed.

Witness. Hon James C. Church. Surrogate of cur said County, at th* County of King*, the lPth day of February. In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three.

(L, S ) WILLIAM P PICKKTT. g yi«-r» Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

DTED. ADLARD—Feb. if, Robert viiar-1. TI, . Funeral

aervtcee at 090 Myrtle av«.. thl» «venlng at 8 o'clock.

RF.GLEr.—Feb. 17, Michael Begiey Funeral from Sixth ave. and Twenty-third at., to­morrow at 9,10 A. M.;* to Church of St. John th* Evangelist.

CARPENTER.—Feb. IS, Amos A. Carpenter. Funeral services «t 18 Greene »*»., thl . even­ing at 8 o'clock.

CON.NELL—Feb. 1«. nt Rahlgren place, Fort Hamilton, Mary Cnnnell. 84, widow of Patrick Connell, Funeral from St, Patrick's R. C. Church, to-morrow at 9 80 A M.

DICKINSON.—Feb. IS, Mary C , wlf* of Chaa L. Dtcklneofi. Funeral service, from » 8 Schermerhom st., to morrow at 2 V. M

FORDHAM— Feb IT, at Pittsburg. P S . Elbert H, FoTrTham. huahend of Louis* M. Fordham. Funeral service, thi. evening at 8 o'clock, at 679 Carlton av».

FORDHAM—Feb. 19, Edward A. Ftordham, ar. Funeral service, tomorrow at 8 P. M., at SS7 Carroll st.

HARDT.—Feb. is , at 884 Marlon »t., Horatio Edmund Hardy.

^KENDALL. -Feb 19. John A Kendall. 88. Fu­neral *ervlce* at 387 Qulnry st,, thl. evening at 8 o'clock

rATTEmuoN.—r*b. 18, at Lsk* rofwt, III., Ream Bhawhan. son of th* late CoL John w . •nd Margaret A. Fsttarson.

Pet Otfcee Death* See Secon* rage*

Reception and _ oal* Tempi., Orand and Hav*-,

meyer street*. Meeting. Jewell Irfterary Society. Twenty-.lxthl

Ward Y. M. C, A.. Penn.ylvanla and Llbertyi i avenue., evening. i

Games, Mohegan-Pequot Athletic Club*, old, ' Thirty-second Regiment Armory. S u g g «tr*et|

and Bushwlck. avetiue. Basketball—Boys' High School v* Trenton A.

A ; Girls' Basketball Team of Pratt Institute vi. Mcntclalr. former gymnasium.

Readings from l ivrons "Pilgrimage of Chllde, Harold" and Shakespeare's "Hamlet." benefit 8t. Thomas" parish building. Memorial Hall. Flatbush avenue and Hchcrmerhnrn street, 8; 15 P M

Rrooklyn tnstltute Bulletin—Hlnton Whit*. Tnder th* Bouthem Cms*; or, Th* Island. o%

the South Pacific," Association Hall. .1 P. U.: Prof. William H. Goodyear, 'Fifteenth Century , Italian Renaissance Sculpture; Jacopo dell* Quer­ela; nhlbertx," Museum. Eastern Parkway, 4 P M.; Htnton White. "Under the Southern Cross; or. Th* Island* of the South Pacific," A»»orlt*lon Hall. 8; 15 P. M.


Harbor and Suburban Pulldlng and Saving. As­sociation, plaintiff, against Annie M Hyland and • otter*, defendant.—in purisuar,-- -if * judgment! ol foreclosure and sal* made and entered In th* atov* entitled action, dated the 4th day of February. 190,1. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by William M. Smith, auc-tlc neer. at the salesrooms. No. 9 Wlllougbhy itrret, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County at King*, on the 4th day of March, 1908, at tw. lv* e'ekwk noon, the lands In said Judgment men tlcned, and therein describee! •* follow.: All that certain tot, piece or parcel of land, with th* building thereon, situate, lying and being in th* Boro.igh of Brooklyn, city of New "York, Ctunty of Kings and Htate of New York, and bcunded and described as followa, to wit: Begin-nlng at a point on the southerly .Ide of Butler street distant one hundred and twenty (190) feat westerly from the southwesteily comer of Hoyt and Butler streets; running thence southerly p*r. allel with «*ld Hoyt street on* hundred tlOfi) f*et; thence westerly parallel with said Butler Stteel twenty i20> feet, thence northerly again parallel with Hoyt street one hundred IIOOI feet to Butler atreet; thence easterly along Ih* Southerly elde of Butler etreet twenty (20) fe»i to th* point or plac* of beginning -Dated Feb­ruary loth, lira

WILLIAM E. MRT.ODV. Sheriff of King* County

JOHN K. KR8K1NK, JR . Plaintiff* Attorney, S3 Wall street. Borough of Manhattan. New Tortt City, MO-e-9*.

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