



BARCELO NA, Jan . 31 (U.R) — W eary gangs of civilian m en toiled th roughou t th e n ig h t and into today digging bodies from debris in th e old q u a r te r of Barcelona a f te r tw o nationalist a ir ra ids Sun day. ’■

OKiclally the death lUt, Including only bodies found up vt 10 o'clock la st n lgh l, was 153. Jncludlng 47 chil­dren, w ith 106 wounded, Including 43 wdmen. But morgue olflc liJs only an hour later said they had bodies. U nofficial estimates put probable total of deaths at 500,

Six nationalist airplanes raided the old quarter, w ith lU crooltcd BtrceLs and anclentt a t 0 a. m . Sunday. Ca^uoV Uhen were heavy. Volunteers ci* W to aJd Jji rem oving dead ed. A t 11 a. m . nine sw ept overhead and bomr^ sam e quarter.

Rescuers C au |h l TlJla tim e rescue workers w e

caught. Long after the pl&j)es had gone R ed Cross workers and stretch­er bearers could be seen wandering about the ruined streets, dazed and bleeding. A s they recovered their senses,- they bandaged each other and w en t back to work.

In an official communique.' the governm ent sold th a t the raiding places came from th e direction of th e Balearic Ulands. I t was asserted th a t one o l th e plones In the second raid w as h i t by an anti-aircraft sh ell and fell 13 m iles from the coast. O ther planes lost speed. It was as­serted . and "undoubticdly” had been hit.

W on t Ra.I t w as the worst raid ot many on

S p ^ ' s ch ief industrial c ity , and iU m ost popnleta. A high official said h e believed th a t the d e a t h total m igh t even reacli IfiOO.

In th e firs t raid a four-story building ehell«rlng 170 children, refugees from the Bay o f Biscay country, waa struck. P art o f the building collapsed into th e cellars. In th e second raid the back half of the building waa struck and entry Into th e cellars was m ade Impossible^ l>olJc® sa id th a t only 3S of the 170 children had been brought ou t alive.

P olice said that buildings struck were exclusively non>mlUtary ones and th a t th e victim s were a ll cM lU n s.

Civilian Death Toll Near 500 Mark as Rebel Planes Bomb Barcelona OFflCiSSM.

nillESMAYDaughter Born to

Princess JulianaSOESTDYKE, Netherlands. Jan.'

31 (U.FD—Princess Juliana, heir to the throne of the house of Orange, gave birth to a girl today, her firs t child .

The baby, provided there is no future male child, was destined to

B carry I n t o the third generation the line of queens of this sturdy n a - Uon of 8,500,000 people.

W ith the pretty, pink c h e e k e d princcss In the

w hite palace here K were her m other.

m lna, w hose heir I sh^ is; and her

husband o f a year,...........Prince Bernhard,

JULIANA him self a scion of the ancient O ennan house o f Llppe* Blesterfeld. Princess Julianna w an t­ed a girl; Prince Bernhard a boy.

I t was annouzxced officially th a t the child w as bom at 9:30 a. m. (3:10 a. m. M ST).

F\3r weeks, the nation and its possessions a ll over the world had aw aited news of tlie birth. A s th e o f­ficial announcci.xn l was flashed,

w aiting bttterles o f artlOrty and cannon o f warships a t sea, began fir- ing sa lu tes o f 61 guns. It would have been 101 guns if the baby had been a boy.

A s the guns fired tlicir news, people ran from hom es and offices Into the stM efs to ask w hether the baby was a girl or boy and to begin a cclc- braUoQ that, aided by national holi­days, was expected to continue for days.

Herald AnnotuceaE ight groups of medievally clad

heralds, two trumpetcers and a crier in each, started out from The Hague to inform the country formally of the birth. Oolncldcntly airplanes took o ff from royal air force fields to drop leaflets a ll over the coun- try—the 30th century metliod of giving the news.

Sextons climbed to church towcre to ring the bells. Town and village bands were ordered out to head par­ades. Choristers made ready to par­ade, singing hym tu of thanksgiving th a t the royal succession was fur­ther aasuredJty a new d e fen d a n t of tlie proud house o f Orange N^assau. Preparations were made to dlstrl- bute buttered rusks .(buns) spread w ith sweetmeats to thc_iJ)OQ./am' Ules o f th'e^BOfcslyak area.


Pour meeting* for south central bean growers will b« held Utls week at Buhl. T w in Palls, Jerome and nu p ert to oytilno latest Jnformatlon on the bean situation and program, It waa annotmcrd this afternoon.

'I-he sew lons will be under spon- Borship ^ f the Idaho bean growers' ntablllsatloit comm ittee o f which H, O. LautorbacJi, Hansen, In chairman. P lans for Ui# meetlngit were mapped at A conference o f tl>e comm lttea here Saturday. The schedule of m eetings:

Tw in Falta—2 p. m. Wednesday. I'eb. t . Odd rellow s balL

l)uhV -« 9, n . Thuraday. Feb. S. high school.

Jerom e—2 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 9. courthouse.

R u p cr t-2 p, m, Friday, Feb. 4, rourthouse.

Mr, Ijviiterbach, who returned )at« Isat week from the natlimol bean com m ittee meetliign at W aslilngton and Chicago, will oddreu the 'IViiln P alls session, Prank I.. Atkins, Huhl. w ilt speak a t the Uuitl Msnlon; £ . O, Aoinuasen, V/eiidell. and H. b. Utock-

V ton, Jerom e, will bo In charge of the Jerom e gathering, and O. K. liuiise, nu pert. and W. n . Oerlnh, Hurley, w ill be headlined at the Uui>ert m eeting. A ll are members of the stdbiilsaUon eommilUe.

Concrete facU as to Uie beun nut' look, the

County’s Spud Diversion Quota Reaches One-Tenth Of Entire U. S. Allotment

O nc-tenth o f the entire V . 8 . quota under the potato livestock diver­sion program w ent to T w in P alis county, acoordlng to llgures revealed here th is afternoon by C ounty Agent Harvey 8 . Hale.

Tota l applications for th e county, all approved, reached 1.000,000 bushels or 00,000.000 pounds o f No.3 spuds. nat^naJly authorixed aUotntent 10.OM.000 bushels, and the Idabo quota is 4,730,000 bushels, accordldg to word noeiV ed by Mr,Hale from Lloyd Bell. Pocatello , manager of the Idaho potato con ­trol committee.

Income of flM.OOO Tw in Palls county growers to ta l­

ing 072 will receive an aggregate of |1BO,000 under the diversion plan,Uie county agent said . Paym ent rate Is 35 cents per lOO pounds, or 13 ccnts per bushel.

Checks are now being distributed to the first o f tlie growers w ho m ade early application for Inspection a f t ­er recclylng their authorisations.Time usually required for paym ent Is about 10 days from the dato tJie spuds are Inspected and dyed. Tlie Inspection-dyeing work is proceeding "at a fast rate now," Mr. Hale said.

Taking of new diversion appllca-

U lls of federal bean purchases be outlined a t |ill seMlons, according to announcem ents sent to Twin Falla coim ty growers today by C oun­ty Agent Harvey B. Hale.

Other s|>eakerB will be George Tucker and n u ssell Merrill, o f the agricultural trade relaUoiu staff, and J. S . Peldhusen. Tw in Falls, ftrctelary ot the g n m e n ' commUteo and s c o r r U r y - m a n a g e r of Ute Houtlirrn Idaho Bean Oruwrn' a s ­sociation.


B tonn w aniliigs were p^steil from IM Angeles to Puget Bound today as P aoifle gales swetH a Mvere coast- «i(M storm over Uie W eRoni §Ut4M, bringing heavy rains and cnows and b |t te r ln t Wilps a t w a.

v ir tu a lly a ll conimerclal pb werp grounded. *

tlona w as ended last week and will n ot be resumed unless tl>e national a llotm ent i s Increased. Efforts to ­ward thU end are now underway.

Citea Oooper»UM "Scouring ot one*tenth the entire

r.atlonwlde diversion quota for tills county was achieved bccausc the program was boosted energetically from the start by everyone con­cerned," the county agent pointed out this afternoon.

Idaho's quota was originally set a t 3,7&0,000 bushels but determined effort4 by the spud control commit­tee, backed by growers and county agents, brought a boost of 1,000.000 bushels recently.

Undar the livestock feed diversion program on No. 3 spuds, more Uian 1000 applicaUons w en filed through­out Uie state. The equivalent of l.OfiO carlolvd') has been approved for paym ent already and nddltlonal

(Contlnu*4 en ran I. Coluraa I )

Mexican Troopers Clash With “Gold Shirt" Group

MATAMOnOS, M e x U o , Jan . 31 (U.R)— Police, troops and A grarian re se rv is ts to ­day clashed w i t h arm ed bands, Itfentifled by Police C hief Miguel C ardenas as m em bers of I.M D orados, the Mexican fascist “gold sh irta ," a t severai points in Tnm aull- pas sta te .

Throp momberH of thoHc; jirmcil bunds and i\ policcmun W(5ro known to have been plain nnd Hhortly before noon C'ar({ona« Kitld th a t ho had a report t l ia t federal trooptt w ere ongaKfiff in a fie rce bal- tlo w ith the * 'reber’ orKun- ization a t Hiimirez, ab o u t 310 miles from here. Uncon­firm ed reports circu lated th a t 18 mot! already had been killed In thin onKAKemerit and th a t H u voiiil otberA had been woiiinieO.


FI^AOBTAPP, Arls., Jan. 31 (U .» - A small band o f m en. trudging (tiroitgit font-deep stiow down ja i- g « l. * t« p Wilson m ouiiu in , to<lav rtinirned U»e bodies of Qerard P Vultee, airplane designer, and hla wjfa from the wreckage of their air-PUhA.

The bodira, burned and crualied wefe csrrlMl on stre to lien 3.A00 feet down the inoiinulnalde to a tnii>k w kid i brought Uiem to Bedona ad nillrs souUi of here. Tliey w e n taken to a r a g s ta f f mortuary to aw att u ,e arrival of D on.Bm lUj, head of Uie Vultee Aircraft corporation. Downey Calif,, o f which vultee w a s ^ o l iu clal, ^

8AJ,E£(MAfiCilANOE, Cullf.. Jan. 91 <U.R>—

T h e m an who sells flew York's Drooklyik bridge hto a cousin here. He told Mrn. Maude Btarkey ho represented the eleotrlo company nnd offered her power poles at 10 cenU eiirti. Mrs. SU rkey told police she ‘ bought" | i a worth,

(O I^R HCUJVl'II.ANl). Jan, 31 '

6'<il<irr<t (hat adds a brightKiiich to iwrtlrn nnd lunoh- rons. mill tnulrv to muke chlldren’a Aohuol liitirhrn nuire lem ptlng, u niakrd liy iwo linittiers. Joint own­ers of a bakery here.


A m Is not a very hottown III wiiiipr. When the home o t Albrd (ilniinle caught fire iiq alniiii oiiilil <i‘iunded and Hiq bulUllMK wnn u ««>Ul looa. *ni« town

•flrn I lin i IIM/'V

D i H i i l ) l t < l Schooncr Conl'iniieH Figrhting:

A K i i i ' i x t H i g h S e a sHAN riiANiJiHCO. Jan. I i (ujo—

l l i n luiiiiH'i MiKMUier Nabeana, o f the MiCoiiiil' k nleamshlp llnea, e f- frrtnt (riuv'i^nrr reiwUrs f o Its en- gliirn KKlny niul l>e[|an a fight to coniliiup iiiirilil'-d Its trip from Port* lund to /li>'> nnnclAco, Mlickay (Udio rrixiilnl.

Knrllrr di" Nabeina. drlfU ni /are lirnyy and litsb out liintirAtt i i'iu m at startad a doten •hl|vi to Its »1<l

HiN<] /.0(l KKOAOBO TlllANA. Allmnia, Jan, I t

•niB riiiiitK<'"i''''i o f 33-yaar*flj4 coiirursn cirrnldlne Apponyl o< H un-Ksry to Kinii /A>g.waa announced ofUrliilly III parliam ent today.

Winter Totally Ignores a Parking Ordinance

D igging oat in la b -n r o w eather a fU r (he eeDtnry's a aUggerlng task la M lch-igaa's buried upper p e n la n la a s lb i» m narkable photo o f Iroowood'f M ala street sbew a L eariar betalpd death, snffering,' isoU l«d comaienlUea, stranded m lo e n and school eblldres, th e IH -lo e h BoowfaO piled drifU tS te« t deep in place*. Inm w ood battled It-foo t drifU downiowiu

Wagner Halts Lynch Act Filibusfer with Defense Of Present Housing Bill

Says Dropping of ‘Pi'evailiiig Wage’ Proposal Helps LaborUIAMBUYS

DPurchase of Speer'a coffee shop In

T w in Falls was announced here this afternoon by J. A. W liK hlng, Balt lA ke c i ty lumberman.

T he coffee shop, a downtown land­m ark, was closed today for rem odel­in g and will be opened in about 10 dayn, Mr. Wlrschlng said:

Jim King, pioneer restaurant cook here, will be m anager nf the estab­lishm ent, w hich will bear the name "Blue Arrow" cafe. Improvements w hich mny reach as high as gl.OOO will be carried out. including Inntal- latlon nf a model kitchen with a thrre-ovcn range equipped with stoker.

Mr. Wlrschhig niude the purchase from a combination of creditors which had taken over the coffee

. several weeks ago. The entnli- tlshm eot has been operated /ifnre then under mnnBgement of Ocorgn Duhler, who nlso owns and o|Krntrn Uuhler's Qrlll cafe.

King, Uie new manager, huA hrm a Twin Palls rrsldeiit lor 32 yrurn, co;nl»g hero In 1900. T\jr dm pMl three years he has been chief look at Buhler's Urlll,

Wlrschlng. who lived here In nivly days of the city, has been aAA<M'tiitc<l In Salt U k e City w ith It. W. rim ik and company miiI Jt« onjllutc.t llriii. R io Oraiule lAirnber cnoiimiiy.


WAHHIKOTON. Jnn. 31 njn 'nm air commercfl biirrnU's Invr^NnnUnK board reported today tJml M riuliit- a l fallura waa tJie probable ruime ii{ Uio N ortliw eit Alrlllien |ileitn' i rB. h -------M ont, Jiiii. HI, whti liresujl

the i>|)>(ilon r>l thfi l;tvr»ll- gatliig board th a ttl ie pHilii>iilr of this accident was strm tuntl fail­ure of tl)e up|H>r vertli'iil fiu i and rudders due to flutter which im iilt- od in a loss o l oontrnl of iho air­craft,'' the board's rejmrl niild.

Tlie board exiilalneil lliut refeni to vibration of lll<•l ll lll| »p- verlty whWh snmetlmeii <mtiiib In Ute w ings and control mntncra of planes while In night, Viiuull"" norm aiiy ts o f Bmall hitriiKlty end bM -no-hn m edlate rtBiiiaiilng rffw t cm the ftlVcrafl structure.

N(> AIITIIOitlTY WA8IUN01X)J<, Jan 31 tu n -T lie

ipremo court, in a fav-reu< liltig de- el*l«>. rulea 1/xlny Hint /rdernl oourta do not have authority to rii-

prooeedlngn o l the niillonal r rtlaU ons board.

W ASHINGTON, Jan. 31 ( U P ) ^ n . R obert F . W ag­n er , D „ N . y . , in terrup ting th e senate an tl-lynch ing flli- b u s te r fo r a final AtruKgie over th e housing ac t; today de- i!ended elim ination of the "prevailing w age" am endm ent on g rounds i t would abrogate rig h ts of w firkers to b a rg a in col-


Kansas En}?ineer Talks of Weather To Bulgaria King

rALLB CITY, Neb . Jon, 31 (U.R) - O u s P hillips WAR back at the throttle of h is locomotive today. U ilnklng o f m any (hlngs he might have told his frirnd. King linrls III of Bulgaria when he cnlle<l him on the telephone yesterday.

Phillips, w ho complrled the flml ^rans-oceanlo telephiuiA roiiner.- tion to Bulgaria, "Junt tn wlah the king a hilppy blrthdny” nnld he figured the sentlinriitnl vnlun of the ca ll was worth a ttreal dral more than the »3I It had coat him,

T7>e engineer, who »;»et llir king In iOSa w hen he and hl/i wife wrre louring h is native Isiul of Hul- «nrla. m ade the rnll from Oineha where he had gone on Ma irgular rntlroad run. Ills wife ndijrd her frllcltaUons from a runiin lloii at Iheir home here.

"Yotir m ajesty. KIiik BoiU. this In PhlUlpi, speakliiK Iroin Amrr- trn,” the engineer sulil.

“Mr. Phllllpal l^iim Ainrrlraf You are tn ily apeakhig from Amer- Irn?" The king enclalnied.

PhllUiw convinced him that an oreati and aeveral'nations Iny be­tween them , and rxteiuled hla formal birthday greeting which ho had m em orlted h i advimre,

"'17ien wit (a lk rd s ixm t tJio w ru ther." inilllltM .aiild .

0 0 C o n g r c H H i n t ^ i i

J/iiuil L oyalsfor U<;t<!riuiiiati<*ii

WAHHINOTON. Jan. 31 W,R) - lilaiy inrinbera of congress praised llin niemlwrs of tlie fipan lsli parlla* iiieiit liHlay for their “determined Ililht" agalnat enemlra '‘IxiU) w itiiln and wlUiout Bpaln.'’

'ilio occasion was the opening to* loim w of Uie regular aeaslon'of

l>aillamenl In Bart'elona. Twenty* Hi* senators and congroasmen Bliineii a lett«r e itend in g Uielr "good Willies" and salulatlona as "mem- brrn of one democrallcally-elactad jmrllanjent to anoU w ."

n ig n e n o f the letUrn inoludtd: Rrnators Klbert D, Thomas. D« U U h, Jam es P, Pope, !>., Idaho, and Itep(taentatlve Jerry O'Connell, 1),, Mont,

W agner contended t h a t . am endm ent would p r e v e n t the workera on projects under the |3 .- 000,000,000 program from obtaining through collective bargaining wages w hich m ight be fUgher than "pre­vailing wages."

He m odified th is ita tem en t lal«r. however, w hen i t was jwlnted out that union w ages are prevailing wages in m ost localities.

Instead, W agner contended, the am endm ent m erely would preclude an annual w age agreem ent rrrjulr- Ing a reduction of th e hourly rate of pay but providing a greater annual Income because of more work nich year.

The am endm ent, Introduced by Ben. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. It., M asi,. and lupported by President W lll l^ O reen of tlw Anicrk PederaUon of' Labor, w as ntrickcn from the housing btll by sn m te and

rav«ra High Wages

R ecalling th a t h e voted fur the ainindm ent w hen It wnn oftrreil during senat« deilberatlonn on bln.-Wagner aafd;

"1 am ao atrong for high * . that 1 did n o t th in k o t the nthrr damage.

"If we ever get to the tlnm 'wlirri we fix aU w ages, we are hraillnti right Into rascU m ."

Wagner had the clerk rend a ter from Stew art M oDtnialil, fednnl housing adm lnUtrator, U\ whirli It waa contended th a t th e aiitenduKint would “nullify'’ u>e program. Jin declared th a t i t would ]>rei )uiln an ­nual wage agreem ents, aiiRKrAirii hy

(CeaUsusd rags I, Column

Investigation of State, County and City Affairs Set

Boise Real Estate Man Named Foreman of Sixteen-Man Jury

BOISE, Ida,, Jan . 81 (UiR>—T h e govem m enta o f a s ta te , a county, and a capital city w ere moved today in to a a tu ffy room in a tem porary county courthouse as a graod ju ry convened fo r its long aw aited investigation in to th e adm inis­tra tiv e a ffa irs o t Idaho.

P riroarily called fo r inquisition of allegedly questionable conduct of various s ta le departm en ts, th e grand ju ry holds th e power to tu rn county and c ity a f fa irs upside-down in its

scheduled search fo r g ra ft,


SH A N aH A l. Jan. 31 (U J O ^ ln a . marking thb. start o f a new year, assembled Its nghting forces today for tha~arBst Im portant m ilitary campaign In Jt5 h J s t0 7 a s a republic —the defense of China's "M atfnot line" along the •■Lunghal" railroad in central China.

As the Japanese or ttn U ed 300,000 troops for a drive again st the stn te> glc eait-w eat rail line In a n attem pt to sever north and souttt C hina I r m the east coast Inland toB lan , China's leading g e n e r ^ broufbt up tbelr

9fO rlad«l«nM .

Anhw ei and H o n i^ lfw in c M and Indtrw lly from B o M f i f o 'gbdUl B band, t h t Obi- nese . Oopyerted a « m a l dlvlsloQg fro n Bun«uudlnr p^ovtncM.

a n r d J m etle n 'Qen. LI Tning*Jen' guarded Hsu*

chow, function o f th e L unghtl and Tientsin - ‘N anking railroads, and Pcngou. to th e south, w ith U .000 troops, eh a n tu n g divisions drew up north o f Hauohow under command

lhang Cben, rout« anny,

was ready a t Kalfeng.OaUiered In th e vicinity o t the

P elplng'H ankov railroad to thew est were O e n e n li C hen Chlen, chief ot staff of the C hinese army; Liu Chlh, LJu Ju-M lng, form er governor of Ohahar. and S u n c Chen-Yuan.

a e n . Chu Teh. tom m ander of the eighth route (former Communist) army, Oen. W ei (tOO victories Wei) U -H uang, and O en. flun U en> Chung, comm ander o f the M th rout« army, were poeted along the ahansi> Hopei border.

O ffen Foreign Advlee Generalissim o C hlang Kal*fihek.

exhorting followers to rectify m is­takes m sde earlier in the war. as- M-rted that China's cause had not bern lost. H e oald he hoped the commanders would listen to foreign advisers, m odestly adding tliat he rould not even Im a division com- ninndtr In a foreign army. It (Kirted from Hankow.

Tw enty-eight C hinese divblons at Hnnkow and vicinity have been re- ortjaiilted and their ranks entirely nilrd. it was aald.

it woA reported that foreign artll ]ery slr tsd y bad started m oving in to Clitnu.

n g h tin g still conlln aed on Uie llMirhow front along the CHU river. 'Min fiercest fighting nn th a t front fc) far Included 10 c tu rges nisdu by ll)G Chinese In a cwinter-attack aKalnat 3,000 Japanese on the o|>po- bite tide of the river.

AIRMEN RBHCUliUsR A 'rrLfi. Jan. ai (u m -n v e

niAnil^rs o f tii* cr*w of a II. B. navy liatrul pfane, forced down on a IllHht Irum Ji^eattle to filtka. Alaska, were rr|>orto(l safely alMard U)e U. 8 . B, Tral today after they were picked u|> Irotn a im all emergenry llfe-boat to whirh they trustml their Uvea when the plane was forced down at

A pproval »( INiiviil 23.300 81ii])iii<‘ii

WAflHINt3TON, Jan. HI <un> America's shipyards will irnound with tile ta ttoo of nava) mnl rmii- m erdal buljdlng unprepedentnl jiIiii p Uie World war days with niiiuuval of nsw oonalruotioii prograinn. m ari­time experU revealed today, ,

Prbmpt atari o f Uie g80Q.6oo.O’>o naval program enviaagwt hi ih" Vinson navy expansion bill will in-

averagn nf31,900 m en In alilpyards for four years, eiperta ia (d . M eantim e the U. a . manttrne com m ission has U uiuhad a »300,000,000 building plan provldUlc oonstruoUon of i i visseU In t i l l next year and 17 h> Ute n e st live years.

Bill Will (;ivc Work for 4 Years

The maritime coininltslon vraseli, Kiiniirlslng tankers and steel cargo vrAArln, arc being built w ith A]>erla| rmliirrs allowing them to bn em> ployed as naval auxlllarlea In case of war.

ifyillinates of employm ent under the Vlnaon bill were based on an as* auiiiptlon tlia t the program will be

w lih IHUa daJay and can lad

khlpyanti.H ie Vinson profram calls for a SO

|ier cent increase in naval oombat itrrnKib by twlldlng three new sup* srdreadnauiliU, 4« other flghtln« craft, to auxlUariM and 1,000 a ir .plajtes,

corruption, and vice.S hortly a f te r 11 a . m . A da

county D istric t Judges Cbar> les Koelseh and C. E . W in­stead convened th e 16-man panel to b e ^ selection o f a tr ia l Jury of 16 m en an d a forem an.

C m ett O . D ay, Boise r«al eaU te m u , was oboeen as fareman, i t wUl be h is duty to «wear w ttaanea and generally o v m e e conduot bC* th e lu iy .

In bis cbariaa to (te Jury, Judge- Koelsch Informed ttw body of tbs sututea tovemlnr -proeecutlon of brlbery'of publlb ottlolals. nepotlim, profiteering on aUto taransactkma. and the lawa govmilng gamtdlnf. lotteries, Ulegal dlqwnutioa et li<luor. and the lava ooDoemtaif ilot maebinea and nabU nf deTkM.

Be tafOmed tfte iuzjr ita t two major departmsnU of (tate. tba boieaa of ptibUe wQriu tbe pm* itentiary. were under oenatdaratlen but told poup tbat Inauneb as -vu m o n e f .............................................U>.9iberl^^04 W t e u e n t Would be 'i m y .

An attempt to bar AttecM]r*a«n^ eral J. W. Tiyior froM betof prewnt a t (rand M y proceedlop was mad* by Jaznea 9. AlUhle, jr.. Boise at­torney. •

AUshle, acting upon unrereaM moUvea. claimed that Idaho law barred the gtneral from Ute jury room, and Mteiopted to have Judge < Koelseh mekesucblnitruetkoietbg - Jury.

Koslsob aummarily evairuled the proposal, but Allsbie continued ariu> Ing afUr the grand jury filed Into its cham b^ to begin dellberatloiv

The panel w u oompoeed for the most part ol fanners and amal)

--------- drawn from the tax­payers' lisU w ith care deaignwl to organise a group w h l^ will d ili­gently hold to th e business a i ban d .

■ All “

w ill command a ll state raoorda a w ill handle the prosecution o f coun­ty and c ity criminal affairs. In dict­m en ts Issued by th e grand jury will

(CeaUnuM ea Pass t , Celama I)


A lexandria, Va., ^ I c e today lasued orders for queaUonlng ot a ll auspi­cious "panhandlera" and broadened their searrh for a m ysterloui. red- haired woman lo aid Uiem In aohing the ahootlng of RumpII Hardy, trust- busting asAtstant attorney general.

Hartly. wounded In Uie th igh by an unknown osssllsn l. refused to divulge the nam e of the w om an w ho police said waa his com panion a le * m inutes before the shooting.

He told police that ahe had n o th ' in g to do wlUt the case, and h e re- fiuwd to give aity inform ation to help offlcera locate her.

Hardy, special assistant to Attor­ney Oeneral Homer Cum m ings In Uie sn U -tn u t su its aga lm t automo­bile llrma, was recovering in ■ h o s­pital, here from the Hesh wound In his thigh.

Hardy told police h e was ohot by .. "panhandler'' when be refused t o . give him a “handout."

It Starts rODAYI

Yes alrl E iU a vataea la V ied

ensrtiigs a i« m m g

•torting today U laat aO «M i wMk. I f yM a n in the now far fa ta i laM h «r ia y le * marts, ba n r« yea t « d Um «r< ferings baloc Made ky 9mm M * r a ils d sa tsn . »*■ n ‘ Twin raUsI

PhoM M .


IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN lUAHO H o n ^ , January 81.1988

^TUBERCULOSIS TEST CAMPAIGN TO START ON FEB. 14flSTimEALinEDffiDUlESA county-wide skin tesUng pro-

xrtm for the purpose of discovering '£eyi tuberculosis

high uobool stAidentB at the a u U ^ possible tim e. wUI get under- T O - l t o n d ic r f t* ) . K H w « w - * 5 ^ here.tW s afternoon by Dr. Robert Stump, director of the a u - trict he*ltb i ^ t .^ w ork tlon g this line wlU be ■Doiuarrt t v the County Anti-Tuber- cu^osls M W cUtlon beaded by Mrs. W . Orr Chapman, Dr. Stump uW . Aetual tesU w ill be m ade by Dr. stm ap u i is t e d Dy PubUc healtb

0«»»«too»7 l l i e proeram , a s carried out In the

M |h schftolB o f t b e county. not ba oomDulaor7. i t 'w a a pointed out.

t ^ J v a ll tsem se iv o of this o p p ^ . tunlty to d lsc« » e whether or not

tubeiculoeia. gen M . * |* present In

*^Dr Stu m p « p r e o 5 l toe hope thst

S»e work being carrlid on in Jerome. atuoip pointed oot. wllf be l*r-. inltted to a?aU themselTes of chest X-rays which wUl be offered durlnt ^ w a m by the Twin FUta coun-

M n through efforts ofM n . And a O. Jeppesen.

* ^ e skin test consists of the In­a c t io n in to the: «U n of a very s m ^ f Z — ♦ Dr. stum p said.

a tbeB «bMrved aft-im o u D to f proteU>.r:Dr..Stump, s a y .

-» e toiecU oa U t iie a obwrved t f t - 41 hotu* a a d »oOtlTe reaction

rn»e«r 41 hour* aaa poaian m c u u i — br-ttw-xtdOMSjof tbe.ln-

.trrftfw ar«a ^ • iweUlng.7 ^ ^ lU n t« itt wUl be given to ^bU dim of h igh school age . b e c a w a t th a t 'U e they are most susceptible

S . t b t X a M aad a poslUve » - „ .« e t ia a - ( a J b L te i t hM the s l i -

I t , {or any special reason, - S t t n n M t b a ^ W b e given J; tlSw5ili,oi MthJchool ac«,»'Dr B tm ra —■ iSSTym, during a similar pr kmm. 14U rtudotu mm tested In TWtt VUtf couaty.. A MnpletedKb»duleef tbed . <dBClnff vtakh.tta* t«ta will te given . irtSe vkrloM high aehootl In eounty wm be letoMHl late«.

____________er. 43, wUe of Johnflelber TiHd fUls. dlsd today at t ft. a . ftfc tbe bdspltal after being tft d ae t U -S » had Uved hen | « Dm m k Sour t m t i .

lira. C w T u bom In IM at Trtre Baute. iDd. She Is survived by b » Intitaad'MMi two tn then .

p«adlDC tuxwrtl amagtmsBts the body m u at the Diake nortuary.

Ketmedi Barclay Policeman

i Baitlay, a m id n t of D of Idaho aihoe UN. thU

___ wae ajtpolQted a membero< KOs polke force, 11 w uKOMQoed by Ohjef of PoUo« Bav<

itx. Barclay, who makes hU home te Twta Tails with hte wUe and eon, Is » m of the Ute DUtrtot Judge A d t t B. B a i ^ .

The appqlntment becomes etfee- t iv iA tO D ce .

Star*Man Stars

Dr. WUUaia B . W rifh l, dlrecter or Lick obeerrslofT, M eant Bara- UI«B. Calif., nam ed by the B«yal .....................................o f London to

rtcelTO its gold m edal award for achievem ent. T h e award rceog- Bbee bta progrcM lo adapting ia - fra-red photography to ailronom- ical fltsdles.


Back from EastJ . P . K inney has returned from

Chicago. Hi., where he spent 10 days on business.

U rs. L. B . W all Is convaksclog aft­er te ln c U1 w ith the flu for the p u t two weeks.

Improves after nincat H rs. V sm on Lawson Is sUghtly Im-

proved after being seriously ill at b v h o n e for several weeks.

A t WeodeU H e ^ t a l Mary Lou Oilb, who became ill on

lliu rsd ay w ith appendldtU, U coverlng a t the St. Valentine's hos­pital.

Bruce Thornton, son of Mr. snd Mrs. O . O . Thornton. U at Boise w here h e h as accepted a dcrlcal

V eetiB gD atoI h e 4-L club will meet Uoaday,

h b . 7, a t ^ e hom e of U lss Caroline Dudley. It w as annbunced this alter-

______iB H ay iiClss J an et m t p l^ e d a lesding

role l a “A h, Wilderness'' M dsy eve- nlng^ at th e University of Oregon. Eugene, w here she Is studying.

nCOilEHEDi I giiindm

(FroB Pag* Oa«)*ve the sam e e ffe c t a s com plaints»Ued by the prosecuting *ttom ey.

_ I t was said, how ever, th a t m inor criminal o ffenses com ing under po-

Jurisdiction < o f th e body w ^ d be put asid e for later disposi­tion through regu lar channels so

4he Jury m ight tU m Its entire a t ­tention to the in vestigation o f state

But the com m ent w as freely cir­culated th a t c e r u in county depart­m ents. a s well a s the ownership of city houses o f prostitution and "quor-dlspenslng clubs were In for

This grand Jury is th e second in the history o f th e sU t« to be called for the purpbse of digging Into Idaho's cen tra l government. The first such grand Jury, called In 101&, w ent Into th e at#te Insurance fund and returned tw o Indictments. One m an w as sent t o prison.

Party S p lit Pore«eenChief topic touching upon action

of the grand Jury was the possible result outcom e o f the InvtstigaUon m ight have upon the present I>emo- cratlc party setu p In Idaho.

It was said th a t the investigation was the fore-n m n er of a party sp ilt and the ultim ate developm ent of the already form ed liberal - progressive Democratic party Into the dom inant poIlUcal division o f th e sU te .

This group, m ade up o f the young­er members o f th e p ^ y , has m ain­tained a sub-rosa atUtude of in - terest upon th e calling of the grand Jury and Its m em bers have forecast its rise to power following th e grand Jury session.

IBaUaee of PowerThe session being called a t ,a time

when prom inent members Of both the older and younger Democratic divisions were preparing for the 1938 p.>mpaign was deemed sign ificant In poUUcal circles.

Results o f the Investigation. It was predicted, would spell th e difference of the balance o f power between the two units.

A t the courthouse, the halls were crowded w ith s lgh t-seers,. none of whom w ill h e adm itted to proceed­ings of the grand Jury.

T he sessions w in be entirely sec­ret. and Indictm ents may be secret also, or m ay be made public a t the discretion o f th e Jury.

M atter o f Im porUnceThe tw o Judges m aintained that

the grand Jury Investigation was a m atter of im portsmce as applied to the ultim ate conduct of sta le affairs In general. They attached no politi­cal m om ent to th e convening of the body.

That state governm ent in general h as been placed under a strain and an ?*nospbere o f public doubt was th e u feelings. T h ey said that the "charges counter-charges" lu r- roimdlDg state departm entsm ust b e cleared up to insure proper function of the s u t e ’s adm inistra­tion.

A U en« BervioeeA ll W ar U oth er t havi been aiked

to m eet a t 2:IB p. m . Tuesday, in fron t o f th e W hite mortuary to a t­tend th e funeral of Dr. W. D. Rey-

O ftleei* i e M eet O ffleert o f th e Woodmen of the

Wocld a n to m eet Wednesday at

N o dam age was:dons by a blase a t the q o ld le M orrlsonm idence, UO Second av m u e north, yesterday a t 11 a. m . T h e fire w'as caused by a flooded o il stove.

Entertain Members, Huabands

UAIIOJL flan. >1 (Speclal)-M rs. w m 1 ^ and J lr t . 0 . X. Crlsmer

th e lu U g r Twelve d u b members and t t a e t o S u d a w ith pinochle u the • n o t o f a a i r e n t o .

M a p w e n received by Mrs. Albert ^ W i iuiw ii. Jam ae Blakeley and Mrs.

.and fl. I . Crlsmor.T b i t it to AudreyMeed.- A* '«>«• Pf the evening a t w o-iioaria npRitr was served.

O U M ta w m M r. and Mrs. o . w . T w in n i l s ; Mr. and Mrs.

TMhMuMn an d Mr. and Mre. Craw- taKL

vumn « r .'B g p U it church wUlOioId a

If evangcUsilo

SSSM taigpnJTeb.. .. JiM 'been engagedIp M w l v t f t t iu meftl^gs.

* “ presented by beH i m Veanor Jamereon, Bar

and June Vincent a ttub hincheon on iMei-

ported th a t M n. Clyde wh^ has been U1 (s Ibi-

Back f r o n Coast Mr. and Mrs. L..L. Breckeiuldge,

w ho spent six weciu in Caliromla, have returned to their home here. They atopped in San FrsncUco, PKMdena and Los Anicles,

T* A ttend ServiceM embers of the ttebekih lodge___

ta attend the funeral ot M n. Sarah Oummerson, mother of Mri. W. M. Thletten . a member of thn lo ^ e , Tuesday a t 2 p, m. at the Twin Falls mortuary.

Car BM overedThe automobile ot Eugene Shelley,

Tw in P alls, reported stolen late S a t­urday n lgh ^ wM recovrred by the owner early SuHday morning, police had been a d ^ d today.

M ounU tn Rock Orkiige nieeUng h as 'b een postponed to Wednesday, It was announced todsy. Alter ^ e business session TIjom'M aiJeedy of the OooperaUve cream e^' *Ul thow pictures and lervs ic« cream.

DIVERSION M i(F rea Pace Oa«)

spuds are being dyed dally In this and in other sections.

Idaho’* allotm ent Is the largest state quota.

Other Programs In addition to U>e livestock feed

diversion program the federal gov­ernm ent has three other coordina­ted programs , whose purpose Is to help prevent a 19,000,000.bushel po­ta to sdrplui from entering commer­c ia l channels. One of these is the carlot p

Ailing Again

A third operation on <)aeen Alexandrloe. above, e f Detunark, caoaed a J a m orer her heaiU i, A t- U ndlDg physlclatu a t a C openha- g to hoqiltal are aald t« cetialder the condlUon of U^elr U -year-« ld patient dangerons.

Citizens o f Tw in P a lls and th is section of Id sho next Su nday after­noon will have the first opportunity of Inspecting thq recenU y com pleted new addition to m e R o ^ ra o n hotel here. It was announced th is a fter­noon by w in iam Hoops, ow ner.

Work on -th e new section of the hotel as. well as th a t on th e enlarged lobby was recently com pleted. At the present-tim e th e w orkm en are busy m odem ldng th e older section of the building, U r . Hoope pointedout. ---------

Several of the rooms in th e hew section of the building w ill b e open tor public Inspection Sunday a fter- no m , it was announced:

A t the sam e tim e o . T . and R ich­ard Hunt, owners o f the B u n t Beau­ty salon which opens in th e Roger* son lobby tomorrow, announced the beauty parlor wouid be open for in ­spection during the sam e hours.

Further particulars regarding the “open house" wU] be announced later this week.


W ith police and coroner Investl- n tiona officially closed, funeral services for Doris Lortne Jones, 16, local high school student w ho la st Thursdsy night took her own life,

ere arranged today by relatives.RItM W ednetfaj

Bcrvlces for the young girl wUl be held Wednesday a t 2 p . m . In the Tw in Falls mortuary chapel w ith officials of the' L. D. S . Church, of which the girl was a member, in charge. Interm ent will be in Sunset Memorial park.

Friends view the body from «. m. to 12 noon Tuesday and from

9 0. m. to 1 p. m. Wednesday, mor­tuary officials said.

gelf-Adm lnlstered P elsen S3 Jones, according to D r.

Qeorge C. Hailey; county coroner w ho made examination of the body, died a s the result o f a aeU admrnistertd lethal dose o f poUon. Fluid U ken from the stom ach of the young girl disclosed large am ounts of cresol. one of the phenal derlv- aUves of w hich lysol U composed. The fluid from the stom ach was ex ­am ined by Homer Saxon, local chemist.

"No Inquest will be necessary," Dr. Hailey said this afU m oon . The coroner and police officers Indicated the case Was '‘closed.”

Investigations into the death of the girl were led by Dr. H ailey and by Chief of Police Howard OlUette.

Across th e face of a smaU card which was found In her pocket the girl had w ritten "Mother, forgive me." On the reverse aide she scrawled "Goodbye Chuck and P el- key."

Beveral o ther business cards were lound In a pocket of th e coat worn by the girl. T h e cards were thoee of Fred H uth. former proprietor of Sawyer's ^ r b e c u e and now a Salt Lake City resu urateur. The girls and her com panlotu, H uth told po-' Uct, had aeen h im earlier Thursday about em ploym ent In Salt Lake City. H e told th em to write him after finish of th e school year nex t M ay.

Wood River Area Sees Basketball

111 Benefit ShowTerm ed the m ost unusual observ­

ance for the President’s birthday, three Wood river valley C'Will Join hands at Hailey tonight In a "round robin'* basketball aeries. It w as announced here thia afternoon.

Hailey, B ellevue and Carey high school team s w ill U k e part In the {observance, w ith pairings to be an ­nounced shortly before the opener at a p. m . In Hailey gym. The team s Will play half-gam es Instead of full

will be chief Tom W alker. Jr., Hailey, la com ­

m ittee chairm an for th e President’s observance. H e sa id th a t net pro­ceeds will go to th e nation al founda­tion to com bat Infantile paralysis.

Chief Raps af Boise Tlu'ong

'AcUon of Individuals In Boise w ho Sunday "looked an" w hile R ay Wendllck, 39, proceeded to follow h is desire to break large plate g lass w in­dows th is afternoon were term ed by Chief of P olice Howard OiUette as an "outstanding exam ple of som e citizens’ attitu de toward local law enforcem ent acencles."

Th e youn g m an In Boise w as ar­rested by police after he had suc­ceeded In -breaking a large window w hile a crow d looked on. The com ­plete U n ited Pres* story on the "event”-wlU be found on page three o f th is issue.

“T h e B oise incident bears out. the m istaken attitu de of the citizen that th e v iolation of a law la a separate feu d betw een the officer and the Ylolator," C hief G illette said, "when In reality If any member of th a t group had assumed h is responsi­bility of citizenship the destruction o f public property could have been avoided.

'It was their responsibility. Just m uch a s it was the responalblllty

of the peace officers, to stop the acU of th a t man," th e ch ief said.

iSilent Partner

T b s role th a t beylsh-loeU ng Jam es Atwood Gray, 19, above, e f Prerldenee, K j„ pU red In the ab- ducUon o t Chartea Koas. « , Chi­cago, ended w ith death In a northern W l s e o n s i n h ideout Gray'a body w as fonnd burled w ith th a t of Rose after P eter An- d e n . confessed abdueter. toid fed­era l agenU he U lled beth hia cap- “ and h is partner once the 150,-

r a a sen waa eoUected.i lv e a OOO n

Seen TodayB lack k ltu n with white feet

roam ing forlornly around court­house after local wag affixes this sign to back with rubber-band: “P eed Me" . . . Local newspaper w om an shown In U tah newspaper today w ith gian t hog whose picture waa first published by the>^Jve- n ln g T im es two m onths ago . . . Several local skiers som ewhat banged up a f t n w eek-end of snow running on the boards . . . Pedes­trian rem arking about i t as he noU ces for firs t tim e the marble Inlay above front windows of courthouse . . . Officersn ew patrolm an , . . c h illy wind m aking walking slightly uncom ­fortable but stlU noth ing like back In ^ d - w e a t . . . Youth- sunburned from Inadvertent over-exposure to sun lam p . . , A nd M rs. C. E. C al­vert, 404 Locust, reporting lo Seen l>3day th a t her Barred Rock hen h ad la baby chicks.


the r e c o purchases'aurplus pota toes for dlatrlbution to the needy through relief channels in Idaho and other ataUs. On Jan. 28, the corpor­ation had purchased more than 1,600 carloads of Idaho poU loes for such distribution. Mr. Bell said.

T h e corporation has also con­tracted for a quantity of poU to flour w hich will require In exceu of BO,- 000 busliels of Idaho potatoes in lU manufacture.

News of RecordFunerals

aU M M K R SO N -Pim rrnl rites for Mrs. Sarah Ann Qummerwn. wife ol M atthew Qiimmerson. who died Saturday, will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m, at tlir Twin r»lla mortuary ch apel WlUi Rev. Roy Uarnett, pan- tok*. offlolatlng, InUrm enl will be In T w in P alls crmetery.

Building operations in Tw in F alls for lo s s were away to a good start th is afternoon as figures compiled by w . H, E d ridge, c ity clerk, showed 114,840 to be th e value of building permlta approved by the c ity coundi for th e m onth of January.

P ointing out the fact U iat January U usually p "alow" monUi because of w eather conditions, Eldridge aald th e total for the period was a "very (latlsfactory" sU r t for U)o new year.

Last perm it of the m onth waa asked thja afternoon by J. A. Wira- rlilng an d called for tlie rem odsllni nf S p e ^ a cafe as well as the In ' Hlallatlon o f a new sign at that establishm ent.

tog bualneaa waa being heard In d is­trict court today by Judge J. W. Porter. T h e case -is a civ il edurt su it w ithout ft Jury.

Fred H. Hartwell is p laintiff and Albert H artley is defendant. The hearUig w as contmued from last U rm . B othw ell and Povey repre­sen t Harwell and J. U . Barnes U couasel for th e defendant.

A .lto Vemle Munyon and — have m lunled to PMer

____________ifr hom i.. n&Uonal P . T . A,

VlM .p m U n t , waa guest speaker | * W n M U m of the Pller Woman'a

. « * f e * i f W » w d a y , HoaieiMe wera ' ~ U m , . ! . . Armea, Mrs. a Ih om as.

~ M n. o . J. OhUds,


Eevlval OeatlnncsDue to Increased Inlereit in the

Klmberiy Naaarene revival. It is an ­nounced hy Rev. J . O. Uchaap. pas­tor, that the service* will contluui a t least today and Tuesday at 7 J 0 p. W.

B e t i ^ from Kali U k eMr, pmd Mra, A. J. IVavey, Jr., Mr,

and Mra. T. c . B a ^ it snd Mr. and J,.'s, Clyde Bacon liave returned from B all U k e Olly after alUmllng the National W oororow cfi’ i ventlon.

R E Y N O L D a-S erv ices for Dr. WlUlam D. Iteyiiold*. long-time Ida- h o optom etrist who died Saturday w ill be held Tuesdny a i 3:30 p. m. at th e W hite mortuary cha|>el. Rev. George L. Clark, p u tor or Ute Pres­byterian churrli, will officiate and in U rm en t win be in Tw in Flails cem ­etery, irrlends may can « i the mor- tuary tUU afUrnooii knd belween 10 a. m . and noon Tuesday. p»ll- bearera w ill be Harry DeiniUMorgan, A. D. BellaiDy. u. I. Unvls, John PaAton and Leonard Avant.

T e Tlalt Urre Mr. and Mrs. Julin j . Wolle and

fam ily, w ho are en route from Wash* Ington, D. C„ Uieir former imme, to Spokane, aro exiwctcd to vUlt here wlUi Mr. Wolfe’s partiiu, Mr. aod Mra. B - U . Wolfe.

r ^ e n e r Takan B a ^

0«hl led by a federal O -m aire

Tem peraturcii

Min. Hki. rtK.

ooualjr Jail, R e »----------------AliaUU w ith a deadly weapon'in an aaieHetf, attack on his wife. '

VttSeSiif '

Playlet Planned For Broad'cost


Will Appeal Hits University Grants

Appeal involving the right ot Pur­d u e university and th e University o t C hicago to share In th e estate of th e U to M ary r tt le H am lin had been taken to district court today.

A ppellanU Include J. S . Keel, ex MUtor o f the HamHn wlH. and other legateee. Appellee* are the two unl- veraltles. Qusatlon a t Issue Is the pfobate court ocder construing the w ill. U nder the order, th e court held th a t thai universities should be ben­efic iaries by tl>e provision ot the will b ^ u e a th in g them funds if rer- U ln le ta lee e were dead. Appellants cla im o ther legatees should rscelve th e m otiey.

ToM value of the eeU U Is estl-■ u M U lUpOT*.

Dr. Lloyd E. Osk.1 addressed 300 teachers o f the L, D. 8 . R elief so­c ie ty ,In convention here yesterdsy a t th e tabernacle. HU topic was •'Christ, the PerfectrrTA :her."

Representatives w nB p resen t from Mtu-taugh, Kimberly, Buhl. Filer and Tw in F alls and attended a pot- lu ck luncheon before the sessions. Handwork and antiques were dis­played.

The m eeting was opened with com m unity singing and prayer and vocal solos were presented by M n. Corless, Murtaugh, and Mrs. Clirhte Robertson. r>elegate.'». were greeted by Mrs. Katliryn Klrkman, stake president.

The ReasotjiablrsncM, the vlalUng teachers''February topic, was pre­sented by Mrs. Stella Wood, Buhl, who directed Uie local first ward tcachers In Its staging a.% a skit. Each group waa given a copy of W illiam Jennings Bryan’s "Prince of Peace" and the second ward receiv­ed a copy of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence P eo- Die" for having the largest attend-

TJio program was under llio d i­rection of Mra. Elisabeth Shirley, Make teachers' supervisor, and Mrs. Uophronia Larson was In charge of the handwprk display.

Invitations to Club Issued by Zu Zims

Members of the Zu ZUn club m et yinlrrday afternoon a t thn home of UoniK Peterson and Isstied bids for new plrdKCR. Initiation was planned for next Hnnday,

A nu ll psrty will be lield Tlm rs- day evrnlni, u waa decided. Bert Swpfi. jr , conducted the waslon.


Arrangementa for the annual county track m eet and for the music festival w ill be m apped w ithin the nex t two w eeks by n e w ly -ch osen com m ittees In charge. It w as an­nounced th is afternoon by Mrs. Howard M anning, president o f the T w in F alls C ounty Teachers’ asso- clallon , follow ing th e association m eeting held here Saturday.

T h e m usic comm ittee w ill convene a t 3 p . m . n e x t Saturday, and the a th letic board of control win meet at the sam e tim e a w eek later, Feb. 13. B oth sessions are to be held at o ffices o f Mrs. Doris Stradley. coun­ty superintendent o f ’public Instruc­tion.

C onm lttees NamedM am ben o f the group la clurge

o f the m usic festival are Mrs. M an­ning. of Sham rock school, chairman; Mrs. PhyUJs Williams, K aro* ; Mrs. A. M. K lelnkopf, P leasant Valley: M iss Jean W hitney, U nion, and Jack T hom as. D eep Creek. A th letic board mem bers e lected Saturday were A. M. K lelnkopf. P leasant Valley, two- year term; J. A. Miller, W ashing­ton, one-year terra.. The holdover m em ber is Ralph Brown, Poplai Hill.

Discussion of teaching m ethods In arithm etic, geography and languages w as a h igh light a t th e session, with Mrs. M innie D . Bean, sU te super­visor o f e lem entary schools, a s fea­tured speaker.

W . C . T , V . S p eU sr sMrs. Joseph Baker, secretary ot

th e W. C. T . U., explained th e poster contest on the effects o f alcohol, and Mrs: I. Q . Gcoddlng, chairman of the w ; C ..T . U . comm ittee on alcohol, ouU ined the teaching of In­jurious resu lts arising from liquor.

Entertalnm enb w as provided by th e Lucerne school harm onica band, which gave three selections, and by the D eep Creek glee club, which san g and then played harmonica num bers.

May Rule China

m ay bcoema ant>eror e f China or hea4 of the puppet governm ent which Japan plans te create to consolidate iU oonqaeat e f th e Or­ient. Teh-cheng waa approached by J ip aaeer to aastone th is post. It wa^ reported, a fU r he arrived at Hankow as a refugee from his hem e, Chufii.


IDAHONow sh ofcing-"B ack in Circula­

tion," P a t O'Brien,Wed., Thurs.-"M aytlm e," Jeanette

MacDoJlald.FVi.. B a t ^ ’’y ' ■« Only Young

Once," Lewte ^

Seven Governors Send Thanks for Idaho iBean SacksSeven governors o f western end

m id-w est'states had expressed ap­preciation today for sam ple ship­m ents o f southern Idaho beans, m ailed to them by Oov. Barzllla Clark. T h e sacks carried Twin F alls publicity arranged by the Chamber o f Commerce.

Here's the reaction of the seven governors as expressed In original letters sen t to the cham ber today by. Governor Clark:

F ond of BeansGov. LeaUe A. Miller, Wyoming:

"Inasm uch as I am very fond of beans In alm ost any form, these w ill be pu t to good use U] my household, you m ay be sure."

Gov. Charlea H. Martin, Oregon: "I appreciate your kindness In sending m e the bag of fine Idaho beans and I extend my sincere thnnks."

Oov. N ebon G. Kraschel. Iowa: "Please accept m y thanks."

Gov. Teller Ammon^ C<Uorado: '’Mrs, Ammons and 1 appreciate your thoughtfulness In remember­in g us and know w e will erijoy the recipes subm itted w ith the beans."

G o t. Richard Klrm an, Nevada: "I am sure they will be enjoyed by the entire family."

He LMks ForwardO ov. R. L.^Coohran, Nebraska:

"I am looking forward with an­ticipation to aampllng them."

Oov. Henry H. Stood. U U h: "If the quality of the beans proves to .be as excellent as that ot the pota­toes w hich you recently sent me,I know U ia l my fam ily and myself will enjoy them Immetuely."

Sam ple bean aacks w ill still be sent out on order of any resident of this area, chamber officials an­nounced th is afternoon.

UOXY _ ,„_—"8he Married an

LA in Boles.■ T nu rs.~ "8ea Racketeers." ^•syburn.“ .—"The Singing Outlaw,"

ORPHEUMshowing—"Second H oncy-

oon.” 'I'j-ioue Power.Wed. through Sat.—"The Hurri­

cane," Dorothy Lamour.


<rrotn P*ie One)President Roosevelt as a m eans of stim ulating a building boom,

Attacks Lodge Record"Are we now going to tlie point of

fix in g w hat the worker has the right to do under collective bargaining?" Wagner asked. "The prevailing wage may be loner than th e union Wflge.i.''

•’If that Is so Why arc a ll of the big trade unions In favor of th is am endm ent?” ho asked.

'•When It comes lo a record of helping labor," Wagner said. ’' . . , my history compares favorably w ith th a t of Senator Lodge, w iio voted against the whole housing program even with his am endm ent Included, and who has In the voted against even such m easures as the slum -clearance' program."

Waterfront Tieup Seen in Coast City

SAN PRANOfSCO, Jan. *1 W.W— Threat of a Los Angeles waUrfroht tleup loom ed closer today as rival groups of longalioremen prepared for w hat m ay be th e final legal bat­tle for control o f hiring halls.

C essation of dock workers’ aclivl- t lts at the southern port almost cer- U lnly will be followed by similar Ueup^-Hn other w est coast harbors, labor leaders agreed.

ture a p laylet on aafe driving to* morrOw a l 4:111 p. m, Thoae taktnc part are Mr*, R onald Qraves, Albert Wegener, Clarence Bergm an, lU]r> m ond D unahee and Ray B eau ­cham p. •. ■ '

Mualo will be provided by U lsa Fern W hltsel, w ho wUI present vpetf •elecUoivi.

F eb nu ry programs are tp ba ar* ranged by tha W aslilngton aohool nrganisatlon w ltli M rs. R ayi Dunahee In cl^rg*.

------------- M


COAL Phone




Second j H o n e y n i o o r ^

- U N C L l J Q g -K 'B ---------

C H 3 3T ^ A Y a n d ’TOMORKOWI

"■■noay« o « 4 „1‘ktorlal



t v t HY m if n io iii 1 r . m.

NEW PRICES d a i l y E x c i n SUNDAY

1:00 lo 2-.OOP. M......I M2:00 to 6;00 P . M ....JW * «:00 to 10:00 P.

KIOJIm t o « A ny llaf

Lewis Asks Huge U. S. Relief Aid

WABHIHOTON, J a n . 31 (U.Rl— John* L. Lewis, chairman of the com­mittee for lixiiiatrJtl organlrntlon, demanded today that congress np- proprlate an additional •3,003,000.000 to finance relief until June^lOJB.

Warning that "hundreds of thuu- sands of workers" arc faced with ’desperate need and even starva- ' (Ion," Lewis called upon the Prc«ldent to keep his promise m e t "none ahall starve" by providing Jobs for tiOOO.- 000 unemployed workers In th e works progress administration.

Union Motor Co.

31 Chevrolet C o a ^ .......... .......IlflS93 Chevrolet Sedan ------------1330SS Plym outh Coupe — ........ 132834 Plym outh C o u p e ................IMO

, 87 Chevrolet M u ter Coupe 1865 >7 Ford Tudor Sedan . i, ,...•680 lA Dodge D U eedan, radio IB3815 Ford Deluge Fordor .....»4B5se V -a Coupe, radio,

healer .... ..............'..................MAS57 V.B Deluxe Coupe ..-•898SB Dhevrolet Pickup ______» 9 »•a Ford Pickup ......................90 Ford Ituok , 1A7, haa

Body .............. - ....................- M78>4 Chevrolet Truok, 1 8 7 ......... 13M





(B r U nlU d P r m )A »ub-*ero cold w ave, th e m ost

n v e n of the v ln U r . oren pread the teizitory from the R ocU cs to the O hio Talley today and, whipped by h igh TlndA from thft Canadian plains, m ored swUlly toward the Atlantto seaboard.

Terapefatures tiim bled as m uch as 40 degrees In five hours In Illinois, ending a weelC'Cnd of comparatlTety warm weather. '

The biltcr cold m ean t addlllonal hardships for low land dw ellers along the Rock rWer In northw estern I l­linois where ^ ood s, sw elled by Ice Jams, Isolated hom es and coTered farm lands.

Fam Ulet Fle«One hundred fam ilies fled from

their hom es south o f R ock Island, 111. Scores evacuaUd In other com' m unlUes along the stream . Qovem' m ent engineers warned other fam i­lies to prepare to leave. A n lee gorge w as forming where the river Joins th e Mississippi to cause additional concern to rescue workers.

At D ixon, 111., a 90-foot power dam gave way under the pressure of the

. Ice and overflow. Barges and sm all boats were destroyed.

Another Ice blockade threatened to send flood w aters over Sm ith Island, hom e of 35 fam ilies. They were prepared to evacuate.

Five persons were burned to death and three others Injured in an Ox­ford, 0 -. hom e w hen kerosene, be­ing used to kindle a fire, exploded. Disastrous fires occurred In three Nebraska towns as near-bllzzard conditions prevailed Sunday. Heavy property dam age was caused by tho fires a t W allace, Humboldt and Ogallala.

t s Below ZeroBevcnty-flve persons were given

emergency treatm ent a t Milwaukee hospitals for Injuries suffered on slippery sidewalks.

T he coldcst spot In th e naU on wos Havre. M ont., where the tem pera­ture dropped to 28 degrees below zero. It was 14 below a t D evils Lake. N . D ., e ight below a t Moorhead. M inn., and 10 below a t W llllston, N. D

Tho cold extended Into Oklahoma a^id norUiem Texas.

Other tem peratures w ere: M ont­gomery, A la , 10: Goodland. K a n , -2; Chicago, 5; Sioux City. la ., -4; Bismarck. N . D ., -10; Oklahom a City, 18; I>C3 M oines, l a , 0.

Buhl P a ir W eds at^ A ttractive Bridal

BUHL, Jan. 31 (Special)—An e s­pecially pretty wedding of the m onth waa solem nized W ednesday a t the hom e of M r. and M rs. W. r . Woodruff w hen their daughter, M iss GOldle Woodruff, an d M erle Qoff. son of Mr. and M rs. B . W . Ooff, were united in m arriage.

Im mediately p iw e d ln g th e cere­mony Mrs. Em ery W oodruff san g "I Love You Truly." M rs. Gordon play­ed softly the "Lohengrin" wedding m arch as m em bers o f the bridal party took their stations In front of the arch of snapdragons, sweet peas, and fern. R ev. W ilbur O. G off of Gooding read tho single ring service and Rev. J . D . Harden, pastor of the Buhl C hristian church, offered Uie prayer.

The bride wore a gown o f blue Rftlln, floor length w ith a floating veil of silk tulle. S h e carried a bouquet of T alism an roses and fern and entered th e room on the arm of her father. Mls.i JeweU W ood­ruff. slater of th e bride, and Mlsa Wniida Meyer of Boise were brlde-i- malds. M iss W oodruff wore a saUn rust colored floor length gown and MlM Meyer w as dressed In a long gown of prncli ta ffeta . Robert a o f f . brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

A wedding reception was held for th b 4 0 friends and relatives pres­ent; The bride cut and served her three-Uered wedding cake.

T lie bride's golng-aw ny su it mahogany crei>o w ith brown cessorlps, Tl»e couple le ft for ai tended wedding trip through Uie west.

Mrs. O off graduated from the Buhl high scliool In ISSO and Mr. Goff graduated also from the Buhl high school In 1031. T h ey will make tlielr hom e on a farm east o f BulU.

Poor Uncle Sam! l ie ’s losing h is allure for th e ladles. First Barbara IIat(«Q renooneed her clllxcnstalp. Ne«( M n . Cornelius Dresselhuyi. the former Lorraine M anvllle. helrtsa sister of Tom m y M anvllle, has broken off her relations w ith him to become a subject o f Queen Wilhelmlna o f N etherU nds. She’s pictured above w ith her D utch diplom at husband and daughter by » previous m arriage. M ost o f Mrs. Dresselhnys’ »8,- 000,000 fortune wUl rem ain in th e V nlted SU les.


Members of the T w in P alls County CooperaUve Dairym en's assoclaUon today were completing plans for the 13th annual m eeting o f the group shlieduled for FVer on Tuesday, Feb.

Among business se t to com e be­fore the group is the election of one member of the five-m an board of d i­rectors. The term o f D . J . Koenig. Hansen, expires a t m eeting tim e. He will probably be a candidate for re- election.

Other, members o f the board, n o t up for .e lection a t U iis m eeting. Inr elude C. H. Hempleman. T w in Falls; A. H. Jagels. Buhl; M . Sandgren, Buhl: o . C. W alker. Hansen.

During the m eeUng reports for the year will be given by O. T. Koster and Thom as Bpeedy, Twin Falla; Roy Sm ith, m anager, Jerome;

. T. D . Brush, Buhl.

Cassia Aid Reported By County’s OfficeBURLEY. Jan. 31 (Special)—Tho

(3oMla county office o f the depart­ment of public asslsU n ce reports U)at county c ltltens received January I U 7 0 for 1B9 old age coses, ISd for six blind cases, and $1,032 for 7S fsm llles with dependent children. In addition atnte funds amounUng to |i.a iB were paid to 06 direct relief fam ilies.

For February distribution of edible commodllles, there will be a supply of apples, oranges, potatoes and rice.

Lion Hunting:BAN JOBE, Calif. (U.R>—U o n hu nt­

ing and m atrim ony d o n o t m ix. ao< cording to Mrs. K atherine Bnice, wife o t O allfom la’s o fficia l lion hunter. , I n her iwUtlon for dlvorco she charged her iu iiband spends so m uch tim e hunting linns all over the state th a t there Isn't enough left for her to moko marrUgA w orth while.

Urge to Break Windows Lauds

Man in BastileB O IS E Ida., Jan . 31 (lU ^ R a y

W endllck; 25, o f M arslng, had an indefinable urge to break windows —large ones, expensive ones, win­dows w hich m ade a gran^l clatter w hen they crashed—and he wan­dered up ai)d down the street tell­in g everybody about it.

B u t nobody would pay any a t- tenUon to him, try though he m ight to Impress upon the gen­eral populace that h is desire, u n ­le ss suppressed, m ight turn out dangerously.

80 h e filled h is pockets with rocki,-had,'another one, and w ent In search o t windows. H e paused In fron t o f a department store, consWered a moment, and heaved three rocks. Three large holes ap­peared in a pair of 1200 plate glass windows.

T hen he told som e more people w hat h e w anted to do. They be­lieved him and called the gen­darmes. H e told the people where he was going nex t to bre&k win­dows, and they believed and Joy* fully followed.

When th e o f f ic e r s ‘a r r I v e d . W endllck had on appreclaUvo audience. H e w as telling them of the psychological urge which had m ade o f him a window breaker.

He continued h is scholarly d is­course, even in Jail.


JEROME, Jan . 31 (S p ec iaD -M lsa Vivian Mlnyard. ex tensloo specialist in clothing. Boise, supervised 4-H du b leader train ing m eetings In Jerome and Eden Jan. 37. *niese m eetings were held a s . par t of the program of c lub 'w ork outlined by the county club council, w ith Mrs. W. H. D ay, Jerom e, chairm an, in cooperaUon with Eugene W. W hit- mni), county agent; M iss M argaret Hill, hom e dem onstration agent, and Earl R. Stansell. club agent. — ’

A t both m eetings M iss M lnyard prr.scnted outlines for first and second year c loth ing projects and discussed revisions twlog m ade In the third and fourth year projects. Leaders were further instructed in hclplnjj club m em bers to se lect proper m aterials, patterns arid trim* mlngs for their c loth ing projects;

The Jerome m eeting waa attendo<j by Mrs, Charles Otto. M rs. Teggle Barker, M rs. Lalove K ing, M rs. P. M. Loy and Mrs. H . B . G age. At tho Eden m eeting seven m em bers of the Bu.-iy Workera club led by P1»y P . Hayes, HlUsdale school, presented three tap dance Ifiam numbers. girls were E leanor Schw ab, Eileen Gordon. WUma Talley, Ber­nice Oliver, Esther WardeU. Alpha Schwab and N adine Sea l. A ttending club leaders were M rs. P au l Sw en­son, Lois Rolce. Mrs. C harles S u m ­mer and Mrs. H ayes. O thers a t the meeting were M rs. C hester -Roice, Dora H uettlg. M rs. M innie Laugh- innd. Mrs. R. W. Talley. M rs. M aude Wnrdell. Mrs. Henry Schw ab, Mrs. G. E. Talley, A lice K ennedy and Lois Su^U).

Last Honor Paid Hansen Matron

F inal trlbut« was paid to Mrs. Mary Jane Caton, H an sen resident, at services conducted yesterday afternoon at Uie T w in Fttlls m ortu­ary. Rev.^E. L, W hite, M ethodist minister, officiated.

Mrs. R alph Tengae and Mrs. M . A. Robison sang "The Old Rugged Cross." "Lay My Heod B eneath a Rose.” and "Some T lm o W e ll UndersUnd."

Honorai7 pallbearers were August Nelson. Jean Marlin. Jam es S tan d - ley. R alph Bean. Frank Goodwill -and Calvin Hill and th e acUve lis t Included A. W. Schcesjey, S . C. Kopp, C. E. Bedow. C. P . Tunx, C . L. Bailey and C. B. Dcah.

Interm ent was In Tw in PtiUs cem e­tery.


Tliroimh tliclr president, M oyd Campbell, rnnster plumbers of this section of Idaho t o d a y were qo record as bc-liig In favor ot the low cost homliiR program a s p r o m o te for Idnlio thrcuiih the efforts ot members of tho American Cltteeos ProtccUve asaoclatlon.

Action along this line was taken ; a special meeting of the plum bers

which WAS held Sunday evening At the Rogerson hotel with Mr. Camp­bell presiding. Among out-of-tow n guesta present were C. Emery of Pocatello nnd also two represenU - Uves o f the Crane company from S a lt Lake City,

Following a diKusslon o f plumb* Ing problem^’ and snnltallon m ethods’ those attending tho m cetloB heard T hom as McDougnll, Idaho low coat housing adinlnlstTBtor, explain the alm s o f the program as contem plat­ed for Idaho. McDougall displayed hundreds of actual photographs taken of Inadequate housing in cities and towns which have been surveyed to date.

Plumbers from T\*ln Falls. P oca­tello, Buhl, Kimberly. Burley and Rupert attended the m eet.

A lunch was served ot the conclu* Sion of business.

Hundreds Attend Eqiiipineht ShowsDem onstratlont o f In ter

H oh 'uter c o m p a n y m echanlced . . attracted more th a n 800

farmers of this section of Idaho- as the second day showing w as staged Saturday at Radloland by th e M e- Vey Implement and Hardw an' oon-

MoUou pictures of th e production

As you would expect, th e cook employed by the best d r e w d w o­m an In the world, Mrs. Harrison WiUlams. was am ong the best- dressed women at th e bnUer’s ball, the year’s big event in New York's “backstain society.’* Here she is. Irm a Jentch, picttired as she w aited in the lounge for her e s ­cort.

Burley Couple Weds At Pocatello Bites

BURLEY, Jan. 31 (Special) — Announcement was made th is WMk of the marriage of M iss Gracfl Ton* er, daughter o f Mr. and M rs. H. J. Toner, and Eugene Jones, son ol Mrs. Violet Jones. The wedding took place in Pocatello some tim e pre­vious to Uie announcement.

The couple will make its hom e here, Mrs. Jones having resigned her position at the state liquor store in favor of- her sister, M iss Ruth Toner.

For more than 20 years "Old F aithful,” a geyser In Yellowstone park, hflH spouted at average in ter­vals of 65 minutes.

Wo Specialize in



Shampoo and F inger W ave ...........................

Perrine Hotel Beauty Shop

Phoni! 333-W


Of resistant seed wer« ib o im lir B M d Lewis, agricultural n ip tx ta tR id n tt and Jess Halnline, f ield repreiwDtA' tlve for the A m algam ated SU (tr

U klng p a r t-In t h e diT ’f program Included W . L. O’tCaUejr,D. W. Crosier, Roy Agle, O lty Rook.E. G. Shlerman of Salt iJJca Cltjr.

Y ea are f I f I ahead « iu B M .Ing Globe feeds. Olobe Seed * Faed Co. -U r .

V / h e n c o i a > _

threaten M M STRikpc

b ^ R » N O L {M p i R E e c t t f f i h e f p s s Q ^ O

I monycofdfi 9 coMqtridctr

ATTENTION FARMERS!WiU CaU lor and Pay Cash tor Dead er Wortlikw

nOBSES — COWS -* SHEEP aod HOGS Simply Phone Tw in FaDs SI4-Zlp 9ervlce-We Pay for the CaU

IDAHO HIDE and TALLOW CO.Manufacturers of

Golden Brand Improved Meat S tn vt and Ooidea Brand Bone Meal

Highest Priees Paid for H ID ES-PEL TS-rU ftS-W O O l. One Mlto Bast and H Seath ot Twto FlSa

Mr. FarmerW E BUY BEANS— o il N egotiable W arehouse 'B eeeip tsiBsued by your W a re h o u s e m a n ................. ......................A BONDED and LIC EN SED W AREHOUSE properly and i»p fiU b ly operated and publicly superv ised is , w e believe, th e m ost valuable establishm ent in y o u r com-m unity. . . . ’ ................. : . .A NEG OTIABLE W AREHOUSE R E C E IPT i s s u e d - ^ your W arehouse is th e cleanest cu t and. m o s t.u n q iiM -i tionable display of w h a t you have to sell on a n open and com petitive m ark e t. . :,

The Chas. W . Barlow Co.QTOKN WttSON, Mr.

Food will be delivered to the several points In the county Feb. X placing for dUtrlbuUon being Albion. Oak­ley. M alta and Declo. 'Hie local supply will be received Pfeb. 7.

T lie Drltlsh Pofltofrice Bavliigs lisnk h s s 10.000,000 drposltorn. who m ske l a o ^ traiinucllons dally Uirough its 10.000 branchrfl.

A Three Days’ Cough rSignal

Kt relief n ow w ith OrMmulsion. rioua trouble m ay bo brewing and

I.VOII rannot afford to tak e a ohaiiooI, iron 141111_________ _________________wlUi any rem edy le s s potent ttian Orronnilnlon, w hich goea rtght to Uie scat o t tho troubis and afda n a ­ture lo sooUie a n d h ea l th e Inflamed mucoua m em branes jmd t o looeen and ezpol

Evei ■* don't - .aion. Y o u r ^ ._ . -----------------------------refund your m oney

I U>o very Orst_lk(mewDnl>4otlaa ito hyphen in 16.

ihe 'rJC l senulna^produot and

»ua memDranea a n a lo looeen ezpol t lio cerm -lad en phlegm,

iren If o tlie rn m e d lM h a v e failed.

i you w ant. (Adr.)


Discouraged Sufferers


No m atter w hat stage ot d iw asf yoa h*»»i rrschfd or w nat other remedlea or treatm ents yon have Hw<t wlihmit inrcess, de not give up. as C han A W ing Il« ib i wlU rrllrrc your ailm ent where others failed.. . . a n d Chnn & W ing N a tu re Ilcrlw D<» (le l R e iiu K s ...

/ The rollow tng Statem ents 8pf»k for Themselves.Iiiiifl 1, IN I.

TO WHOM IT M AY OONCEHN:I had theum atU m In every Joint nf iny i'"*ly.. I alw ays stiff

and nevpr w ithout som e kind of nrlip or i>'>in. Every m orning 1 awoke w ith sw ollen feet and a numli fn-llnK "II over. I could iiardly walk. I suffered for tw o yrnm tuni nrvrr w ent lo work.

Now after U k ln g Ohan «e WInK HriU urntm rnta for eight weeks Iho numbnens and pain is nil "'"I < gone backto wuri(.

Yours truly.John 11, M lli'ifll. Route 1.

^jilnrkfoot. Idaho.


I am over «0 years old an d for thr ln'i '"‘vfil y«*rs I ’va had to gu thn)ugh tremendous pain ami by rtjeuma-Usm in niy shoulders, arms, han(U iitnl iritn iidtiin of m y neigh­bors kept telling m e about Ohnu fc Wihh<. l ln l) T reatm ent and recommended It so strong th a t I flnsUy m.iMi.trd to try It; a o I did arid after only four weeks’ irrniincii' ' • ' “* normalfor the first tim e in years and now I <<> recnmmend It to m y friends and lo everyone. 1 can’t miy t iimmli Kood Uilnga about Ohajj t t W ing Herb lY eatm ent.

, Blncrrrly.V. W. . ir i 'm iY .

j;U K n ih ‘l l l ^ t ., liliilui Falls, Idaho.

Chan & Wing Herb Co.266 KOIIHTII A V E. BA ST IW IN I 'A IJ f l , IDAHO

U O U IU i • t« 1 D ali)’ 9 io 1* HNndays ,

•hesterfield... they lig h t the way to MORE PLEASURE



T E L E P H O N E 38

n m tMWd w in s«TlM un iM ruQ IftA PMtur* 8irTlee. i

9 t U>i week. i#e: I month. •Oe; 3 month# »iaS| l year, #4.00,

1 awntb «0o; 3 montbt *1.00: cth montbB tl-M: l jmx fSM - O uuide Idkbo

I Bwatb 60e; 3 s^ontbs 1145: < moothi »J3: 1 tmt | m

^ ^ «. j f court of — ---------- ------pubtltbwt ^rtiaj. »Ui b« publUbad in ttaa Tburad>:r luu* ot tbl« ptpcr. pur- autat t« Soeaea M*JC« I. a A. 1U2 . « t mWM tbertto tv Ouptcr IH. IU3

- ■ U m ot l<l»bo


I TWrw. m Bmb BUttU B u Fr»ntl*00, OMll.

Washington Faces DilenunaW ash in g to n s t r u g g le s d e sp e ra te ly to puU it s e l f o f f

th e sh a r p h o m a o f a d ile m m a , a n d w h ile p o lic jr ,w a its a n d p o n d ers , no one c a n be su r e in w h ich d irectio n the n e x t m o ve w ill be m ad e . I t w i l l be b e tte r fo r every b o d y w h en th e p ic tu re c le a rs .

H e re a re the tw o, h o r n s : O il c o m fa n ie s h a v e ju s t been con victed a t M a d iso n , W is ., o f v io la t in g th e a n t i­t r u s t la w s b y co n sp ir in g to f i x th e p r ic e o f g aso lin e

■ — t h a t is , b y g e ttin g to g e th e r a n d m u tu a lly w o rk in g o u t p ro d u ctio n an d d is tr ib u t io n prob lem s, w ith a re­s u lta n t a g re e m en t on th e p r ic e . T h is v io la tc s4 Jie a n t i­t r u s t la w s a g a in s t “ c o m b iiia tio n s in r e s t r a in t o f t r a d e .” V e r y w e l l

B u t w e h a v e o n th e la w books o f th e c o u n try the G u f fe y A c t , whic^l m a k e s i t n e c e ssa ry f o r th e c o a l in ­d u stry . to d9 a lm o st e x a c t ly t h a t sam e th in g b y la w . In fa c t , n o t so. lo n g d g o , u n d e r th e ,N R A , w e h a d a n a t io n a l la w u n d e r w h o se codes m a n y in d u s tr ie s set a b o u t s t a n d a rd iz in g p ro d u ctio n , com petitive p ra c t ic s , a n d to a la r g e e x te n t p r ic e s . '

w S K h 'r o a d ? M id n ig h t o il b u m s .in W a s h i n ^ n in ']the e f fo r t td decid e . O n o n e sid e th ere is th e fe e lin g t h a t re s to ra t io n o f t r u e co m p etit io n w i l l b r in j; p rice s

id o w n (a n d w a g e s , n o d o u b t , w ith them ^, an d th u s ' I r i B g aBOut g r e a te r p ro d u c tio n a n d m ore jobs.

• O n th oT rther, th e re , i s t h e fe e lin g t h a t b ig b u sin ess 'T t t S U 'S U ^ t to be a llo w e d to g e t to ie th e t .a n d se t u n i­

v e r s a l w a n sta n d a rd s , t r a d e p ra ct ice s , and, to a la r^ e b ite n t , p n c e s , a lw a y s w i t h th e govern m en t s i t t in g in to p ro te c t th e w a g e - e a m e r a n d consum er. T h a t tends to e lim in a te co m p etitio n , a n d ra is e both p r ic e s and w a g ^ W ag e-h o u r le g is la t io n fo llo w s th is school o f

' ^ x S i o r , a t le a s t a s e x e m p lif ie d b y Jo h n L . L ew is , seem s to h a v e esp o u sed th e la t t e r course. B u t other

■ atts o f la b o r d is t r u s t I t , fe e lin g th a t i t p laces s fn tn re - in th e .h a n d s o f go vern m en t b o a rd s and reiiM S, ra th ff l t h a n in i t s o w n stro n g han d s.

T o a n o u ts id e r lo o k in e in , th e re w ou ld seem to be fu n d a m e n ta l o p p osition o etw een th e tw o p lan s. Con-

■ fu S iA n m u st fo llo w a p o lic y t h a t d ecrees w ith its r ig h t h a n d t h a t in d u s try m u s t co m p ete w ith in d u stry , and la b o r w ith la b o r , a n d w i t h th e le f t h an d decrees th a t

. in d u s tr y m u st jo in h a n d » w it h in d u s try in m etin g o u t th e prddiictiQ n a n d d is tr ib u t io n f ie ld , and in portlon- i n e p u t l a b o r s d ia r e .

n n b a b ly e ven th is s ta te m e n t o f th e choice i s too s im p le . P ro b a b ly h e re a s e lse w h ere n o th in g w ill w o r k b u t e te rn a l c o m ^ m i s e . P e r h a p s c e rta in la rg e in du s- M e s s u ^ a s co al, a n d s te e l, a n d u ti lit ie s ; m u st be p er-

' m itted to com bine u n d s r ^ v e m m e n t ausp ices and su p e rv is io n , w h ile o th e rs , le s s H ig h ly in tegrated and w id e ly o rg an ized , m u s t f a c e th e r ig o r s o f com pe­titio n .

B u t u n ti l th ere is so m e th in g a p p ro ach in g a choice o f p o lic ie s , o r a t le a st a c le a r sta tem en t o f adherence to b oth In m a rk e d -o ff sp h e re s , th ere is like ly to be m ore m a r k in g tim e th a n w e c a n w e ll a ffo rd .

Barnum AgainT h e .b e lie f seem s to b e g e n e r a l th a t confidence m en

a n d g r a f t e r s m u st se e k o u t tr u s t in g w idow s o f g u ll­ib le o ld gen tlem en w ith a l i f e ’s s a v in g in o rd e r to c a m o u t th e ir c r a f t y m ach in atio n s.

T h e i r sd iem e s, i t i s so m etim es argu ed , m o too t r ju u p a r e n t to b e sw a llo w e d b y w o rld ly w ise p e r­sona. B u t i f th a t 's tr^ie, w h e t ’ s th e explunation fo r the re g e n t occu rren ce in W illia m sp o rt, P a ., a th r iv in g m o d e m c it y o t 60,000.

A s l ic k e r a p p e a w d b e fo re c it y council, p resu m ab ly a group o f In te llig e n t m e n w h o kn ow w h a t i t ’s a ll a lio u t, a n d so ld th em o n h is id e a f o r eatabllHhlng a

. .. hatchery to produce a n e w "w o rm le ss ch icken ." r ? ’Before th e s t r a n g e r sk lp p d to w n he h a d ; cash ed / S 8 ,0 0 0 J n w o rth le ss c h e c k s ; ob tain ed ?2 ,0 0 0 in cash ,, for new c a r s w h ich h e n e v e r d e liv e r e d ; req uired tw o

p W flpective em plo yes to p o st $4 0 0 in cash bond fo r } ■' n o n e x is t e n t jobs, a n d co llected $ 1 0 0 fo r a demon-

s t r a t o r w h ic h w a s l ie v e r d elivered .

co n ten d s m bthora la c k Bynijm thy fo r vA ch ild ren . M oat m o th e rs w i l l c la im th a t th(* revorao is

. _______

iT*|) d an cer E le a n o r e W h itn o y is not goin^r to bo p o p u la r am o n g th e d ie t in g siBterhootl in H olly-

^jwdod. A atud io p h y s ic ia n o rd ered h er to ca t f iv e mciilH in d u d in g p le n ty o f m ilk and oggH.

U n iv ^ ra ity B cientiat p red icU h a lf o f tho •*lwl w om en w i l l b e w o rk in g f o r w agea

I 'th e h e a rd o f o y r unem ploym ent prob-

« d lc t8 a U v r a it soon w ill bo pro* « . . . ./Itfa th e ^ n g r ^ l o n a l olectlonfi

S. Boon w ill haVe an inexhautiliblo


w t n i

The Gentleman in the Third Row

Monday,. Jnnuijr SI, 1938

Jhckesi Girl in. ihe. (World 1 3lY AOCLAIOC HUA^HFUES


Dear PoC Bhoti:Xdteljr there h*ve been » lot c(

'‘problems’' g o lo c the rounds—«ome sUghUy m ote coopU cated th a n the Prof. Q uU type. Thought znajrbe one or tw o m igh t start some more amcmf yoiir P o t Ebots readers. An;r- hoo, here’B one w hich has been caus- tng a few gray hairs and a pick-up In the lead pencil m arket here* abouls. I'U give you another tomor* •oir.

A m an bnyi one hnndrcd turkejra and spends e x setir one bondred d oU sn . Id tb e lo t of one hvndred Ittrkeya he boy t chicks, hens and tome. CU oks cost hUn 5o per cacb, b e tu on e dollar each and toms H tc dd lara cacti. Hew n n ch ot cach kind dees h e boyT He jnBsl spend exactly oee hBndrisd dollars and reeelTcd exactly one hondred birds. No catch.

— Bob

WE UNDERSTAND there's only one. correct answer to the above, as subm itted by our contrlb, "Bob," so g et out y w r pencils an d go to work.


P ot Shots:Tee he« heelA thJef stole an auto and had to

abandon It w hen he found U full o t Tery sUnglng.bees.

T ee hee h ee . Jm t another wbe guy w ho got stung on a secoQd>hand auto.

^ - f W n m

W E'RE TRYING TO pick this week** c o o lest quesUon out of half a d o teo subm itted by contrlbs, so in the m eantim e ycu can get your m ental e m d M on our


H g « m « U ^ t l S a t a t e eC Wasb- in g t m l b a w d a ty MtUedT

2 . n w face* o t w hat P naldeots are b ein g canred cn M ount Rush- more In Sou th Dakota?

I. What and wbeh are CIm - pati»*a NeadleaT

i . W b e n ' la the Dominican Re- pubtle?

B. Why don’t spider* i t t en> U n g ie d In t h ^ own weba?

YBB. INDEED, L0U8YI / P o t ShoU :

u o e said: Can ya use the word bSloua In a sentence?

M ce aaSd: Charge aeeeuaU - w •w ell tUl (he first of the monUi, w hen they bilious.

Lousy, huU?—r tm ste r


S taoln , Shrdlu. Palsy Walsy;1 a m sUll bolnlns up about 11.1

ao Indignant I almost wrote a letter to th e editor, but I was acared I'd h ave to spell the words right If 1 w rote to the editor, so I’m whipping up th U here note to you.

Now Walt a mimitc—dpn't get in- su lt« t. I didn't («y you couldn’i »pell. M aybe you can't, but how should I know?

W h at I «£iirt«l out to get mad In print about was something 1 see In the paper. U sayi a very rich gent w en t and bulU hun»eU a whole rail­road system on his own estate, And all because. I betcha, his |u esU got so tired w alking around the estate th a t they could hardly lilt a cocktail glasa.

r -lM « B» M


P ot 0b oU ;R ev. I,. D . 8iT)JU>. the lllUe f«l-

low, looked up at Olaud P rstt, the big fellow , one day and says;

‘ •1 Iraa * n incubator baby but my ouree never knew how to run the thing."

-C laid fraU

A n g w « r i t o


1. The German emperor avM* trated Ihe *-54-40 or fl|h t" oonlro- rervy tn favor of the V. B. agatnat O rea i BrIUln.3. Washlnston, Jelferson. Lincoln

and Theodore Roosevelt.1. N e. a « «p a lra 's Needlea aren't

th e iM tr a a e n ti the la n e d M mi UMd to kntt Antony a few deeW oU T h ey are tw o oUUsks er itln a lir laeated a t l ie lie in n f caA toier a t Aiexandrla. r i^ p t. New ono • ( tllem is en the Thamee embank- m ank. London, and the other In C entral park. New York.4. It occupies tho eastern two-

Vhlrda tH th e Ulahrt nt llUpanlola. H aiti forms the w est imrtlon,

0. Because the feet o( the aplder are oo'ftttd wlU\ tooU«d claw*, Mke a oomb. and the spider aeU each claw on a web thread as ,U walks. Qthat buneta gel tntwgled beoauae their fNt oatch ttetween threads.

r A N O U i LA8T U M t X. . . W ender w hat Uw grwind-

hog wtH sajfT . . .”f'HK UKNTLRMAN IN



Y«tln4Mr$ W n t w m a U t* r*. tk« (r m a rv t a n ( •

CHA PTER X IX rriHE anniversary d inner w as

h e ld in th e b r o w n -ito o e m an­sion on F U th A ven ue. I t w as • Undmaxk pointed o u t to a l l sigh t­seer* v is itin g N ew Y ork. I t w as m ore lik e a n institu tion th an a hom e and w h e n C onnie w a s not there it w a i em pty—e x c e p t for the m any servants. '

Tonight, aeated a t o n e end o t th e long laco-covered tab le , lighted w ith taU candles, d e c k ^ w ith a j^ofu iidn o t flow ers a n d g listen in g g lass aM niny Rilvcr, B ret thought aga in that th is sc en e w as v e r y grand. The w om en w ere'a il beautifu l id their lo w -n e ck ed eve ­ning gow ns, r ep ra e n tin g th e la t­e s t fancy o f the P a risia n dress­m akers; th e m en a l l handsom e in their dark coats, w h ite fron ts and t ics. E veryon e seem ed exceed in g ­ly g a y . T h ere w a s a great-d eal ot chatter and laughter , m ost o f i t in - e o n se q u est la l ‘ T h e n o isier n ich a party becam e, th e m ore auccessful i t w as apparently. Ton igh t the noise hu rt B ret's head . O r m aybe i t w as because b e h a d h « d a tew too m any Scotch a n d sod as before dinner w ith th e gentlem en .

K e bad n o t m ean t to h a v e too m any. H e did n o t a p p rove o t the am ount o t Scotch a n d aoda, and other beverages, h is w ite ’a guests consum ed. But h e had b een so bored. A n d so hu rt, because of that brief scen e up sta irs in Con­nie's boudoir.

C onnie e a s ily w a s t h e loveliest w om an p r e sen t S h e b a d m ade qu ite a success, n o t on ly w ith her parties, but u a so c ia l leader in her sm art crow d, n o w th a t she w as a youn g m atron. S h e seem ed to enjoy th is success, i f o n e could judge from her b r i ^ t eyes, her flcttlied cheeks, th e w a y ah e took the center o f th e stage.

P O D N E Y BR A N D O N s a t a t her ^ r l g h t . I t w as R od n ey from w hom C onnie had r u n a w a y to b e ­com e K atie B lyn . B u t b e had for­g iven her for that. H e bad e x - ' plained that the pap ers h ad d is­covered that that g ir l w a s not Connie. H e had granted them on interview , only because h e had hoped the story m igh t b rin g her back to him . S h e had expla in ed tUdt she bod h ad to r u n aw ay,

though she had been sorry t o ha v e hurt him s a

I t 'w a s perfectly natural, h ow ­ever, she fe lt that R odney sh ould rem ain her adm irer. T h e w om en in her world h ad adm irers, a s a m atter of course. I t w o u ld b e rather dull to h ave n o m an in ter­ested in you and paying y o u com -j pllm enU, except your hu sband . I Besides, B ret w a s not good at; compliments. U t e ly b e d id n o t j

! attem pt even to m ak e then^ , Though she noticed , g lancing down the Jong ta b le ,to m ak e sure that everything w a s go in g a ll right, that her husband appeared to be paying som e a ttention to Veronica W hitney, w h o sa t o n h is right.

Veronica, In fact, caught her hostess's glance and w aved » g a y salute. “Your husband i s th e m ost amusing m an I ’v e ever m etl" she called. “He’a sim ply d iv ine , really!"

Connie laughed and w a v ed back. She wondered, how ever, a t her friend's first choice o f adjectivea. No one could ca ll poor darling! Bret amufing. though h e w aa auch a Inmb. Except, w hen h e tried to bccomc difficult, as h e had for (hose few m inutes before th e y had come down tonight.

A F COURSE th ey w o u ld not “settle dow n” to th e busin ess

of serious liv in g tom orrow . Or any olhcr day. W hy sh ould they? Why need liv ing b e serious? S h e had Just begun rea lly to h a v e fun , since she had m arried B r e t -She

I did not m ean tlia t h e sh ou ld go back to som e sort o f pokjf o ld work that w ould take h im aw ay from her for hours cach day an d bring him hom e tired an d cross each night. Sh e w anted him w ith her, for a com panion, a lo v e r and a husband.

She did not stop to th in k th a t in trying to possess a ll o f h im , abe m ight lose h im entire ly .

She did n o t m ind i t h e am used hlm selt som e w ith V eronica. S h e could easily see w h y V eronica's kittenish h e lp lessness w o u ld ap­peal to B r e t H adn't h e b een at' trad ed to her a t first, w h e n h e had thought she w a s K atie B ly n , b e ­cause he bad thought h e r help lea i, a maiden in distress? B ret’s chivalry w a s o ld -fash ioned , b u t i t

a s delightfu l. ,T he dinner w s« practica lly over,

A \g r ea t d e a l o f cham pagne had b e in dru n k i'w itb m any toasts to the occasion, an d for ti)e continued m arital b liss o f th e h o s t an d host­ess. H ow i t w a s tim e for ladles to retire to th e draw ing room for coffee, le a v in g th e g e n ­tlem en for on o lo s t d rin k and sm oke. .

C onnie rose to g iv e th e s ign a l—

sh e lik ed keep in g tu c h age -o ld custom s, they le n t • certa in d ig - n ity , in sp ite o t th e m o d e m note that her parties «cU «ved a s w e l t

Som eone had ju st a sk ed B ret a quetU on, on e o f th e m en , bu t V eronica W hitney rep eated it again , in h e r high, ahHU vo ic e that carried too weU.

."Yea, B r e t darling, d o teU u s . w h at d o yo u do? W e k n ow there's som e ta lk . . . C onnie sp oke o t y ou r go in g in to th e stock m arket or politics— but didn 't y o u use to build houses, or som ething quaint? W hat do y o u do, Bret?'*

p O N N IE w a s th e on ly on e w h o ^ recognlted th a t lit t le fine lin e se ttlin g around her husband'a m outh, th e only one w h o sa w th e storm gathering in h is dark e y es.

, *W bat d o 1 do?" B r e t asked , m e , too, stood upk pu sh ing back h is

chair w ith a grating aound; h e m ade a bow to th e w h o le com ­pany, for i t seem ed th a t a l l n o is e s ' and laughter and chatter sudd en ly had ceased. "W hy, didn’t y o u know?" h e addressed V eronica, but first h i f eyes h ad flashed on e look dow n th e lon g gleam ing tab le to m ee t those o t h is w ife . ’’I’m a

'gjgolo, m y dear M rs. W hitney—, lad les and gentlem an. I don't do anyth ing. I don't suppose I ever sh all. I liv e , ve ry n ea tly and com fortably, than k you , on m y w ife ’s seven ty-odd m llU ons. A nd this anniversary that you a ll era celebrating so m errily is a toast— an d a J e s i~ to ju st th a t"

There w a s a slu im ed silen ce for 'long, ten se m om en t T h en B ret bow ed again , m ur­

m ured som ething about begging h is w ife's pardon, and h is guests, ^ f o r e h e turned and w a lk ed out o f th e room.

C onnle stared after him ; It w a s as though she could n o t m ove, or speak , or think. F or'B ret to b e ­h a v e in such a m anner, to throw

jsuch an InsuA Into her face , to jeer I a t their anniversary party.

“H e didn’t know w h at h e w as doing," R odney said, lo w , a t her s id e . Tho babble and laughter h ad b een taken u p again, as though noth ing h ad ah ittered i t "Probably bad a fe w too m any drinks, u p set about som ething. D on't blam e him too m uch, Con­n ie dear.”

S h e le t her o ld friend take her arm to start th e m ovem en t in to th e other room. She m anaged to h o ld h v head high, w ith pride aiul' defiance in th a t m anner th a t w a s especially her ow n. B u t in her h e a r tr ^ e fe lt th a t w h at B ret had done w a s inexcusab le. T h ^ g s could n ever b e qu ite th e sam e b e ­tw een them again.

(T o Be ConUnued)

W ITH QBBA T FLOURISHIn view o f w h at happened in 1030,

1B31 and 1033 It m ay be a good sign th a t th e ballyhoo o f huge new con­stru ction program s-by private in -

, d u stiy is m uch softer and more cau­tious th is year than it was eight years ago.

A t th a t t im e it w as announced'1th great flourish th a t th e public

utility execuU fes had com e to the W hite H ouse and outlined a W.OOG.- MO.OOO programjfor IWO. The Amer­ican T elepbooe i t Telegraph com ­pan y w as going to spend »700,000.000, U . S . S te e l would spend |3»,000,000 and som e 30 sta tes were repw ted to be p lanning «n aggregate construc­tion program of 14,100.000,000. No end o f corporations were announc­in g "programs" involving expendi­ture o f 10 to SO m illions.

Everyone w as talking about “fu n ­dam ental b a s e s of prosperity,’ "strength o f th e business fabric,' "souadneas of the economic struc- tiu»," and “numerous constructive elem en ts brought into play by the crash."

B y early December, 1S2B, Presi­d ent H oover believed th a t confidence in business had been reestablished— and so told congress. T h e volume of C hristm as buying convinced him th a t business had been restored to n o r m a l..

Julius Klein, Julius B a r n e s , C harles M . Schwab, the Rockefellers, A lfred P . S o a n . M artin laaill. E. T. Stotesbury, D w ight Morrow. Will H ays, th e American Bankers’ asso­c iation spokesman and m any others issu ed stotem en ts of lofty reassur-

T h e m ore you recall a ll th a t sort of th in g and how little anyone knew w hat be w as talking about, the more com forting th e outlocdc seem s to­day.

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County


JAS. 11, I t t f ASHTON—C anada will attempt to

art the A merican dog derby cup in the snow tra il classic held here Feb. 32, oooordlng to Aonouncem m t fromM ontreal w here th e M ount Royal hotel h as m ade form al entry ot a sled team a n d drlrer to represent the dom lnkm .

T h e C aitodlan contender will be choeen by elim ination from the North Woods' f u t e s t teams.

T h is ts th e f ln t tim e a northern team h as been entered in the great American trail event, and with the poaslbUity o f a crack outfit from Alaska a lso in th e rtm nlng an Inter- naUonal three-sided battle for the worid'a cham pionship is expected, w ith th« A m erican drivers now In praoUoe here heavy favorites among


2 7 ' Y E A H S A G O ^

JA N . II , 1111Jan . 21. l o n - w i l b u s 8 . HUI, M gr.

Tw in r u i f . Gear S ir; £nc(ose<t find check toi p a t for lubscrlptlon to "The Timee,” to Aug. a. IDll.

Ju st keep on sending the paper to th e present addreoa, it's almoat as good a s gettin g money from home to have a ll o t the new s and doings o f frten dl ohd neighbors dUhed up to you tw ice a week. You've certain­ly m ade * doiutF peper out o( It and its "get up" u m ost credlUble.

Y ou m ay be surprised to loam th a t I w as the firs t subscriber to the Ttm es. S u t t h i t was quite n a t­ural. a s I w as a lso thk very first in ­hab itant o t th s town, barring no one.

D iehl an d Barber were publish- hvi T h e News and one fine day Bar­ber w alked out and 1 happend to be

The Family Doctor

By DR. MORRIS FISH BEIN Editor. Journal o t the American

Medical Association, and o t H y- gela, the I f n lt h M agosiae

T h e announcement th a t a child , la years old. had given birth to a baby has aroused considerable in ter­est throughout the country. There are, however, cases on record w hich indicate that it ts possible for young girls to become m others a t exceed­ingly esrly ages.

There It one authentic report In medical literature of a g irl tn Ukra' nla, e years o( age, w ho w as pre­cociously developed and w ho gave birth to a baby although th e ch ild did n ot live.

There Is alsoof s Ian girl, 1 yean old,

ed -.h ls I I o f atartlng tb«H m es, and right there h e took h is first subscrlptlm , th e paper has been coming ever linoe and 1 antlolpate being a subsoribar as long as tha paper la sts or a s long as 1 lost: •o don't forget to keep i t coming, no m atter where I m igh t be, o s X w an) to keep in touch w ith the | t« i( -

it of a ll irrigated traota.W ltli kindest regards to yourseU

and friends, I am.Very truly you™. J. K. Hayes.

Cow Gets SerumOAN O A BniK L, OalK. <UJO-

iBoience sUU will have to w ait to eee • cow m ay give when

attllcted w ith rablee. Beesle, bltton by a m ad dog, pram lsed to supply th is m issing informaUon, but 11 In teU on s o f Pasteur treatm ent de­prived tha a e ^ t ls t o of w hat results lt)e oppc^tuilty m ight have given, although It Is believed to have been the llr it ease where a oow was given the P w te i^ antl'rab ies (nm loisnt,

tn Xxmdon, who gave birth In 1B32 to a living child w e i g h t tOur pounds three otmc^s. 8 o f s r o s a n /* one knew she had never d eve lop ^ the changes w hich in d lM tt th a t a

Iglri h is passed from childhood to womanhood.

Her age was. however, absolutely verified, Beyond suffering from fright for the first three days, she m ade a perfect recovery,> was able to nurse her baby and continued to do eo for nine m onths. T h e bsby de­veloped qulto norm ally.

There are also records of a clilld.I y e a n and 10 m onths old. w ho gave birth to a baby weighing eight pounds. And there are a conslnrr- able number ot records of girls lo,II and la years o f age w ho g»ve birth to ia fants. In fact, them is one record o f a girt, H ytfars an<l 8 m onths old, who gave blrUi to twiai.

A reoent case auU ientlcally re- m t e d in Journal of U u American

association In 1M7 w as Uiat of a girl, aged 11 years and lo m onths and n days, w ho g a te birth to a child w eighing OH pounds, h i th is case th e father w as a boy aged II .

Much h as been w ritten os' to the age at whkih boy m ay become th e father o t a baby. Although se iu - a l m aturity h as been reported in boys a o f ^pMjorlty o t CM»s a ^ m ust be at least U and probably 14 years of

"lU possibility eiU ts.age' — r ------------ ---------Indeed. In the m ajority o f boys

th e dsTelopment o f giaitduJar ac- Uvity oapaWe ot reproduotlon does n ot derelop until the fitteenUi or

R T F l PROGRAMLOOO wattoU U k e .

(CUp for r eferen ce - This will n ^ be repeated!

TtJISDAY, rcB . 1

Punnen ' Bre^ktMi club BUI Bord's lUrobJeni Form and bom* nuhe*O rnersl market quotsUons ptatupi Lord and oo.Traiw n«wsFord and OlennI jn r m o t T ibbftt: n>c*]UtAmona the lU nB eise tim from "Oa W lnp ot

ItM doo«* Mransd*Ins m a ite t iiuotallons

_ ot iUt‘ r*Tktni • • milodiM

TUaw rushM

MnorBostm "Feps' orcbMtra

- Novoliy Mia0 B«nnl«

12:00 D isli ousrtst ia;19 O ffu i V w iurto l]:U UelMlM ot mtny oounlclM .1:43 T r tn t lUdIo ue*«

U M n dOUOO ttlMSW l:lSOI<MlOf H. T. m ark tt quoUUona 1:M N n n td rtn iu rtn t 1:1} BiM Bllllnp siiil O tnoii Itobln-

3:00 WtlU n rtftlM a;ifOopo*rt] ’]fl lum on i and >i*r |r>i<d plsno a:4S D*rUin W«*Unln*t«r choir 3^00 Ivenlns TimM IIm Iim

9;00 Birnhtrd U tIIoW* m Ioh orchM-S:1S U*ii<| roncirl S:M TraiiaiuUo n*wi SiMlUrili of m t S:« iftiiiM iir i‘(Ur S:00 lUwkiUn MMlo 013 l)«ticins Hound Uit World

f.yiio t«riU)n»-wSlt«r Fmtoit TIK) AlKHtltll OkUCllOaI 11 vid Aidtn's orohwUa snd tuM ts 1:311 Trmiuidlo n«wi

B.OQ P ciio mtmorlM with Old l-uat .

S.I<| Vortia wuh Ur. MMinlni S in Aintiiran runlly Hobln*on • lUwtiun HsmonlM

II 2l S’ '" ' ' '* r*<iuw» hour

You May Not Know That—

ROGERSONTh e C hristian Jtodeavor society

w ill hold a Valentine party th e mid­dle o t February a t th e m aiue.

A n tm ber of resldonU o t UkU mo- Uon attended Dr. a e rr ltt Verkuyl'i

' rtiH Ti on worship and tiie Ohrlsttan hom e la st w eek a t Hollister.

There w ill be a Valentine e i- ehange B t th e U d iea ' Aid society m eeting Feb. IQ a t the hom e of Mrs. John Lap ting. A pot-luck luncheon •n d q u 5 w « Will be held aa usual.

R fr . n . I . D avis ts a delegste to th e in tin lw b m ln atlon a l confenmre 10 be held today at Ba)t U k e o iiy .

llcnti production In Ida- )if> for m i WJIB *econd

nlnce s U r t o( tAbu- iHtlnnn In 1025 by tho fed* ‘'i«l ftKricultiirBl g ta tlstl- fJiin office a t Bolao. T he iWcHliK'tlon wns l,9fl2,000

Only o th e r h igher wnn lO ai, w ith 2,024,-

««« Y M d p er ac i^ luRt y m - was 1,880 pounua, «'|ii«lllnir th« fo rn le r h lfh In 10!ia.

H Is possible to aea onir »b« t "'«r» H( u n y one tim e w ith Uw

naked rye, and only persona wlUi can see tWs number.

Behind the Scenes in Washington

B y SO D N B T D C T C H ^ Kvenlng T im es W ashington

C entapondent.WASHINOTON, J a n .' 31-M an y

obeerrers profess to detect a sim i­larity betw een th e series o f Roose­ve lt ccnferencee w ith business m en

— « n d labor le « le r » -a n d the Hoover ."stab ilicationv conferences" in the 1039-30 fa ll and wlntor.

O ne o f ssveral differences Is found in th e fa ct th a t by the end o f 1930 nearly everyone thought that the de- pressioo had been stalled and was about to be replaced t>y a new b a ii- n e ss boom in w hich government, business arid labor would pull to­gether.

T h is tim e it Isn’t qulto so obvious.'

FARM INCOME SUBSIDIZEDFor w hatver they may be worth,

'certain changes in the economic set­up h ave been wrought by govern­m en t w hich tends to make a dif­feren t picture in the jJresent reces­sion.

Th e incom e of farmers Is being heavily subsidised and the federal governm ent In effect guarantees to take care of those cast off by in ­dustry w hen th e system slips a few cogs.

Tliere are no bank failures or "runs" because bank deposita are in ­sured (under a measure which the adm inistration opposed, ' but for

hlch it o ften claim s full credit).II also appears that the govern­

m en t can push the business curve up or down by turning the spigot of federal expenditures on or off, a l­though m any fear th e turnlng-on process Just as m uch as others object to th e tum lng-o lf.

HE ALREADY IIA8 ADVICEWise bets are being placed more

on "natural causes” as a depression cure rather than on any concrete result o f tha recent White House business conferences.

Roosevelt's plan for a new oQuncil o l ndvlsers—to "represent a ll seg­m ents o l American life"—sounds well and ought to make everyone feel good, but It doesn't appear yet that there’s much hope In It beyond that. There Lg no segment of Amer­ican life from which Roosevelt a l­ready isn't receiving more advice than h e or anyone else can digest.

Already the President has been

telling earn est e fS ers tl(at h is pre­vious press conference pn>poaal th s t business m en g e t together lo plan producUoD i s n t anything th a t can m aterialice r igh t away—n o t th is

.year, a t .a n y rato. Both R oosevelt I and som e o f h is advisers yearn for ' « J » ^ ^ U o n o f "the best thin gs in

B u t these advisers are being j l ^ e d to learn th a t F D J t. doesn’t to ta k th is Is a poutlcally expedient tim e for it .' .(CopyHght, KEA Serrlee. Inc.)

Public ForumLottors should deal with m atl«a oT a w - m J is to m t. Matter .bouU w to moro tbau SOO word*, and prcfsrablr ■hould bo oonflnM to 900. Me m m b u - ttoos oonslderMt uniew slsMd. but U l- Uols wui bo used u speellleaUT rt-

.................................... tons should


Sdltor, £veoU ig Tim es;• P rom som e argum ents i t would

seem th a t n o t a ll Americans arc good m en. I t causes Uf to ask, "What i s a good m an?" Logically w e say a good m an is one w ho does good and not evil. F rom th is conclusion would . i t n o t b e r ig h t to say th a t anyoae_/> w ho criticises one that does good is not so good him self.

Let u s look around up and exam ­in e som e of th e provable concrete truths o f w h at has been done In th is t , locality by P resld tn t RooMvelt’s ' New D eal program. -

U r. H u nt’s noxious wee^ report for tho la st year states th a t more acres were surveyed and treated than an y previous year due to WPA help. Sta te fish and gam e propagation j w as advanced 15 years with th e sam e aid. A M orm on cricket invasion was com batted successfully. A recrea­tional park Is being built a t f iho- shone fa lls by W PA. • * ‘ ‘ -

undoubtedly the lO.OOO.OOO galldh clear w ell reservoir w ill be b u ilt w ith W PA labor.

M iles o f c ity streets and country roads have been graded, drained, and graveled. Block after block of c u r b l^ has been placed. Npw sewer an d w ater lin es have b een laid . Trees in th e parking have ^ n pruned. T h e C?lty park was rebuilt. Several streets were oiled. AU this w as done w ith W PA labor.

IBRA labor built the City park handshell a n d improved Harmon park. T ills labor also graded m iles o f road and stieeU . PWA built the truck lane and surfaced Addison avenue.CCO h as bu ilt m iles of forest roads and done other beneficial work in N ational Forests.

Farm ers c a n te ll you o l hundreds of cars of apples and spuds sold to tho Surplus comm odity departmept.

Hundreds o t elderly persons are . drawing U . S . pensions; T h e blind j as w ell a s dependent children and J m other* are being cared tor w ith New D eal m oney.

The m oney com ing to this locality from these sources has been th e life blood of business here. Better y e t it has kept the grim specter o f starva- Uon from hundreds of homes.

Now, aU I know U w hat 1 read in the papers, hear over the radio, or see w ith m y ow n eyes. I have seen a ll o f the above and know that it w as not political propaganda. The results are permanent.

log ica lly , I ask you, "W as th is iprograaj good?"

"By their fruits ye shaU knowttim ,:.’

“Tobacco Road”FRESNO, Calif. (U (9 - T h e pro­

duction of th e New York stage suc­cess, ‘T obacco Road," was barred ^ here on th e grounds that it was J | •'moetly rough-house and not edu- ” catlonal." T lw commissioners who m ade the ruling said they had n o t read the book or seen the drama, but based their ruling on the dra­m a’s ”reputaUon,"

l^ e H B D A T n u C * < iH TO»^C^frOBPCrTWHBN J

M V & a P S O L P . ^



^ c r c L e - t ^Benefit Dance Series

Ends Today a t BuhlC hild b en e fit dances in iSvin Falla coun ty w ere attended

by 500 persons and ano ther .large crowd is expected to con­clude th e series th is evening a t Buhl. Chuck Helm will play fo r th e fin a l event.

D anccs on. Satu rday w ereheld a t T w in Falls, K im berly, C astlcford , M urtaqph and F ile r w ith 70 p e r cent of th e proceeds going to th e Mc- C lu sk y 'h e a lth cam p a t Buhl.

HolUsUr's party ‘was on Prid&y und comblBcd cards with dancing lo r the SO guests.

In T w in F alls dances were held a t R adloland and a t the Elks hall w here M rs. Orr Chapman and Mrs. R . L. Roberts served as patronesses so th a t h igh school students m ight attend.

T h e com m ittee In charge o f the B uhl dance th is evening Includes M rs. Oeorge Ijiyne, Mrs. L. P. R un­yon. W ill L. Hawkins. Roy Bhaver, Mr. and Mrs. q. C. Bolng and V, R . Prost. Tlje county chairman Is M rs. W. P . AlworUi, Paul S. Boyd, Buhl, Is assistant county chairman and Lewis P . Jones Is treasurer.


M rs. A. 8 . Oll'ocn, new s|>onsor of the M eT was welcomed at yester­day’s- m eeting a t tho homo of M iss Jane D ouglass. Mrs. Orr Chapman, o ther sponsor of the group, was also present and M iss Rosemary Sinclair,

•p risident, conducted the meeting.¥ * ^


A t the regular m eeting of Itic Zu Zlm club held yesterday afternoon a t th e hom e of D lcktm d Don Harder pledging w as discussed and after­wards th e m em bers callcd a t the hom es of those they had Invited to

■ ^•^& ia*^^?feouf*prtsrafiiitr*^coii-. ducted th e session and Alvin Casey, sponsor, w as present.


M id-w inter pledge Invitations to the R ed K night club were issued yesterday afternoon by members of the organization. The m eeting was h e ld a t th e hom e of Don and Vat Too Ison and Charles Larsen, presi­d ent, was in charge.

Pred Bates, sponsor, was present. » ¥ ^


M iss Leah Beck„ receptionist at the Bisbee studio, h as announced th a t a center where artists o f this section m ay display their work Is be­ing planned. T h e exhibit would a l­low others interested In art to ga th­er and study th e work done in this vicinity.

Those v h o have art which they w ould U kt to show are asked to call her or bring it to the studio.


crocus club m em bers m ot Friday' and Saturday a t the hom e of Mrs. B en Elder w ith M iss M lnyard, state clothing sp w la llst, and M iss Mar­garet Hill, d istr ict hom e demonstra- Uon agent. Guide patterns were made for the c la ss and Instructions ^ v e n lor use o f the patterns in dif­ferent dress designs.

P pt-luck luncheons were served

“‘ y®- . . .The n e x t m eetings w ill be on Feb. 15 and 18 w ith Mrs. Ted Emerlck w hen'each member will cut out and make a dress after the guide pat­terns.


Mr. and M rs. Ted Emerlck. Twin F alls, announced the marriage of Uielr daughter. Betty, and Art Thompson, J e r o m e , w hich todc place Sept. 30 a t Elko, Nev. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Buck D avis, a lso of Jerom e.

Mrs. Thom pson will rem ain here to finish her lilgh scliool course.


A t the la st m eeting of the FideUty class o f th e M ethodjst church M n. R . E. Joslln w as elected president and other officers are Mrs. B en El­der. vice president: and Mrs. T . M. K night, secretary - treasurer. Tlie session w as lield a t the hom e of Mrs. Scott Ellsw orth w ith a pot-luck sup­per served.

Gam es were a t play w ith 10 tables of cards arranged, for th e 50 persons present. I^rltes were received by Mrs. Fred Beer. Mrs. Warren Parker and M rs. H . H . Crow.

During the business session, Mrs. J. E. Tom lin, president, presided and the year’s work was reviewed.. flP » «SABADO L U N tH EO N ATTENDED B Y CLUB

Sabado club m em bers were guests of Mrs. Earl F elt Saturday after­noon a t a luncheon arranged a t her hom e on N inth avenue north. A yel­low and orange color scheme wa^ j ^ d and nasturtium s centered the single table.

High score award a t contract was received by Mrs. C. W. Coiner. Mrs. W. H, Eldredge w as a guest.


NIknak Star m em bers spent Sat­urday afternoon a t the J. A. Phillips; home hem m ing tea towels as a (ea> ture of the m eeting. T h e session was foUowed by refreshm ents served by Madge Hayward and M arie PhUUps.

CalendarJunior lA U w a h club is to m eet

Thursday vritb Mrs. C hir le s DeazL

. W ay^de club w ill m eet Tuesday afternoon at th e hom e o f Mrs. A. 8 . M artyn.

« « «M entor club wUi m eet W ednes­

day a t th e hom e o f Mrs. Neal M cKay.

41 « ¥Kimberly R oad club will m eet

W ednesday afternoon w ith Mrs. J. J. Long.

¥ « »M oraingside club will m eet at

the hom e of M rs. BlancIIo Wlde- ner on Wednesday afternoon. .

♦ ♦ ¥C ountiy Woman's club will m eet

W ednesday a t the hom e of Mrs. Harold E. Hine.

¥ « ¥Primrose Rebekah lodge. No. 76.

will m eet Tuesday even ing at I . O. O. P . lodge. All visitors and members are urged to be present.

¥ ♦ ¥C hapter AO, P . E .' O. Slster-

h o ^ , w ill m eet Tuesday evening w ith M rs. Clarence W agner, « 5 F ifth avenue east.

>1' *C ommunity church Ladle.s' Aid

society w hich was to have met. W ednesday h as been postponed to Feb. 18 on account of the death of Mrs. Sarah Gummerson.

» # *M rs. Harry B enoit and Mrs. E.

B. W illiam s w ill be hostesses to Chapter AI. P . E. O. Sisterhood, a t th e ir hom e on SetvnCh avenue east on Tuesday evening.

V V 4R ock Creek W orthwhile club

will m eet W ednesday w ith Mrs. Cora M clotlre and each member Is asked to bring a completed quilt block. It is announced.

If. It M- ■C hapter D , P . E. O. Sisterhood,

will m eet Tuesday evening with Mrs. H . 8 . Cowling, 1309 Popltr avenue. She w ill be assisted by M iss Grace Bell.

V «Senior Latawah club will meet

Tuesday a t 3:30 p. m . a t the home of M rs. Pete M ulder to hear a guest speaker discuss cancer. A large attendance is re<iuested by officers.

Mrs. J . D . coaxter. M e n b c n t n to m eet at th e dealgoated place a t 10 a. m . and bring a corer«d dish for the pot-luck lunctaeoDi a t noon. 'Hiey are also' asked to bring needles, thimbles' an d thread.

» J* ‘Afternoon G uild o f Aacenslon

Episcopal church wUi f iv e a bene­fit bridge party on M onday. Feb.7 as a Valentine affa ir. Those w lshlng^eservatloru are asked to call Mrs. M arshall Chapman.


Mrs. Wilbur HUl and Mrs. F . F. McAlee arranged a s h o w tto n Satur­day evening com pltm enilng Mrs. Fnink Haynes, who w as m arried last week. The affair w as held McAtee home on Seventh east.

During the evening s ix tables o f contract bridge were a t play w ith prlM for high score going to Haynes and the a ll-cut award to T. F. Warner.

Pink and wlUle snapdragons trim ­med the rooms and sw eet peas were am m ged in the center o f th e dining room U ble. During the refresh­ment hour Mrs. Haynes cut a bride's cake which hod a liny bridal couple on top.

Tlie guest of honor received jmmber of articles for her kitchen.

b u m I t b . t a t ttia bom a o l Mr. u a Mrs. Luther Howard. M rs. Prank Thatcher w as chairm an o f the pro­gram and preseated M rs. W ilson who gave a talk on tho m t t o f th e coun­ty doctors and th e h e a lth nurse. At the close o f her ta lk liCra. Wilson am wered quesUonfl regarding dis­eases and their ayup tom s.

Mrs. Otto H aho entertained the Syrlnga pinochle club w ith a lu n­cheon and play W ednesday. Mrs. Ross Stoner. Mrs. Rosencrana and Mrs, Tom WUson won prUes. Mrs. Cecil Childs will e n terU ln th e group at tho home of Mrs. M el Gresky In Buhl Feb. 9.

Tlifl Bulil Klw anls club m et In regular ae.s3lon at the R oyal cafe Wednesday iick>n. Claude K aelen entertained ihc group w ith moving pictures. He sljowed W arren Barry's fUms of the Boy Scouts'Jam boree at Washington. D, o ., and in terest- Ing spots of Interest enroute hom e last summer.

Mrs. w illiam H azurd returned last week from a 10-day trip and visit In Los AnBcles.

Mrs. O lio Ring enU rtalned the members o f the Lucerne Social club at her home in the db trlct W ednes­day. A V alentine game w as direct­ed by the hostess with the high prise going to Mrs. W. a. Stuart. During the short business m eeting plans for charity work were made. R efresh­m ents closed the afternoon.

The First Choice

S t. Edward’s P .-T . A. will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the parish hall. D r. John P. Coughlin will be guest speaker end Mrs. John E. Hayes will speak on Founders' day.

II. If I/.Good WUI club w ill hold two

work m eetings Wednesday a t the hom e o l Mrs. J. R , Nielsen and

BUHLMrs. Jam es Sh ields was th e hoi>’

ored guest a t a luncheon Wednes-' da}- Afternoon a t the hom e oC Mrs. Wilbur Quigley near CastJeford and gsve a talk on her recent trip to Europe. She told of th e trip on the Normandie and described in a m ost entertaining m anner .p la c e s o f scenic and historic In teresi In each country visited during the five months she and her daughter. M rt. Frank Monro Redman, were abroad. At the next m eeting Mrs. E. Borde- wick will talk on Uie subject “China on the Defensive" .and Mrs'. Law­rence VanRlper will U lk on "Japan on the Aggressive."

The Northvlew club m em bers en ­joyed a covered dish lunch at the home of Mrs. F . W. M iller Wednesday afternoon. Tw enty-five members were present and two guests, Mrs. Karel and M iss Butterworth of Hszclton.

Mrs. George Sum ner entertained the members of the Sunny Side Social clut; a t the hom e o f Mrs. Norman Johnson Wednesday. Beren* teen members were present and four guc.<tts. Mrs. Harry Wilaonr Mrs, Kern Thurman, Mrs. C hester W ig- glngton and Mrs. Johnson. During the short buslneu m eeting plana were m ode to entertain the hus*


RUPERT. As a culmination of World Call week which Is observed by m is­sionary societies o f a ll Christian c h u r c h e s the m issionary soci­ety of the Rupert church, under the dlrecUon of the president, Mrs. Thbmas F. Dcech. gave a program In the church annex Friday. Those U klng part were: Mrs. Floyd Britt; Mr*. Fred Schuepbach, Mrs. Edgar York. Mrs. D. L. Carlson. Mrs. J . I. Trenhnlle, Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Bush. D onna Jean Bush. Mrs. Clyde Randolph. Mrs. Roy

. . . M n . O len n K uttlng, Mrs, W . N . Poindexter. U n . h . A. Preneh, M iss Thelm a R ^ o t p h . T h e evening closed w ith a social hour and refreshments served by ■ com ­m ittee composed o f Mrs. W . T . N ew ­comb, Mrs. U . K . Jensen and Mra. Paul French.

The missionary society Of 'the B ip tlst church m et Thuraday a t the home 43f Mrs. Fred Lacy. In a b u il- iiess session letters from m ission­aries were read and various ph ases of the mbalonary work o f th e broth­erhood were discussed. T h e W hite Cross work was explained. Thla consists of the furnishing o f hoe- pltal supplies for Uie m ission fields. T lie remainder ot the afternoon « a a spent In making bondages an d pads for a mission hospiw i in the P hilip ­pines.

Mrs. Viola Raines ot T w in F alls, general secretary ot m issionary or- ganlzailons of south Idaho C hris­tian churches, will be guest speaker a t the regular sewlon of the R upert society which will be held Tuesday, a t 8:30 p. m . in the hom e o f Mr*. P aul French.

T he Rupert chapter of W.C.T.U. m et Friday t the home of Mrs. A. Sawyer w ltli a large attendance and a delegation from the Burley chap­ter as guests. M ost o f the afternoon w as spent In business. The Burley women gave a report of their work and it w as voted to place blotters bearing the W.C.T.U. slogan, In the schools o f M inidoka county and an order h as been placed for 3,000 of these. Mrs, C lara Wilcox, accom ­panied by M rs. R ay Ollcrest o f BuT' ley. gave a vocal solo and refresh m ents were served by Mrs. M aude Brock.

Mr. and Mrs, W . O. Hansen enter- U lncd th e P. M. dinner club a t their home Thursday w ith bridge form ing the evening's entertainm ent. High score prizes were won by Mrs. W ar­ren D algh and Emil Hansel.

Proceedings of the Board of Commit sioners. Twin Falls County, Idaho

Thomas Edison predicted in 1936- that talking pictures would never come Into general use because the public would not support them .

Announcement—Hunt’s Beauty ShoiT'


------ ROGERSON H OTEL LOBBY------OPERATORS: Hazel M athew s and E m m a W orley



.Because they know that M ay- tag's gentle but thorough w ashing aetlon Is ao easy on the fin est of materials, and because they know that M ay- U g ’s reputation guarantees them y e a n of faithful serv-' ice. tlJrifty women the coun­try .over are insisting on M aytugl

Liberal Trade-InsTKIIMH

As Low As $1.25 Per

i Wilson-Bates ApplianceT "M a v ta a neadauart'er*'* \"M a v ta ff H ea d q u a r ter t ’*

TWIN FALLS BUDLI IbaabMM 4 1 -i m i i

. . . IT'S ALL DUE TO HARD, WATER!■ A ic n 'l y o u tired o t hard w . l c r for h o u it lio l il i i « ' O f h « v ln g t o " u v t " o n c la t^ m w .te r . oflcrt brow n, . l . i n n n t ? . . . Y o u u n d o « i v v n l l h b o l l i .

In«*U PtrmuUt W«ter Softening Equipment. . ■ m give you freih, ctein. completely ioftened w.ter (low­ing from every f.ucet. All U» loft w«ter you w«iu . ■ ■ 10 m«ke clnnln i rad Uundry tu k i lly byl

And Permutlt u m your houKhold money. Jnit • ■mill «mount of m p glva rich, llulty .ud,. I-lncni • nd clothe, don't t t t calnd with curd . . . we.r roontlii lonfcr. PtamMM-repgli bllli >re much lower


hrcauM p ip e s d o n o t l>ecome c h o k e d u p w ith tc a le .C a ll o u r offlcfl for « F R E E J -D A Y D E M O N S T R A .

T IO N o f P cr m u tlt 'e aoft w ater In y o u r h o m e . S e e for you rse lf w h a t a w on d erfu l d ifferen ce i t m a k e s.

PermutitSoft water f r o m e v e r y f a u c e t

W A T IR• o r r i N i N oIQUIPMINT


D ETW EILER B R O S., IN C .t w in f a l l s

Twin FalU, Idaho Janusrj*8. 1838 10:00 o ’clock A. M.

RKGULAR OCTOBER SESSION Tlie Board m et a t thla time pur­

suant to recess. Commissioners Hart and n ay l and the clerk present. Commissioner Bam ea absent and Commissioner Hart acting as chair­m an Pro Tern.

H A U R Y CLAIMS AIXOWED The board examined salary claims,

and ordered varranU drawn a s fol­lows:. RuUi Bcnoll, Clerk. Recorder. •85.00; Marie Biuenburg, Clerk. Sh erilf. W5.00; Curl J . Domrose, Bailiff, WO.OO Marian Dunn. Co. etenographcr, «95.00; Mildred R am ­sey. Clerk. 8upi„ MS.OO A. Rog­ers. Janitor. »95.00; A'. I . Rosa. Jan­itor, tlOfl.OO; Ruby Weinbenter Clerk Co. Agent, tfi5:00; Faye Wil< Hams, Clerk, Treas. ttS-OU; Patricia Wynn. Clerk. Recorder. W5.00.

.At the hour of IJ.OO o’clock a recess was taken until 1:00 o^elock P. M. January a. 1958.

OEOROB R . HART, Cnalrman Pro Tem.

Attest: FRANK J. aMTTH. Clerk. Twin Falls, Idaho January 6, 1638 10:00 o’clock A. M.

r c o i;l a b o c t o b s b s e b s ig nThe Board m et a t th is Umo pur­

suant to recess, all members and the clerk present.

BEER LICENSES GRANTEO Licenses for the sale o f bottled and

draught beer were granted to tho following; J . F . 8m all, F . 0 . Kopp and 6ori, E. L. Kramer, M. E. Olbbe, John Dalss, and D. O . Caughey. Licenses for the sa le of bottled beer were granted to John Penny. Charles A. Wing, Adolph Bartos, and V. L. W Usoir

RESOLUTION WHEREAB, the Treasurer of Twin

Falla CountyTiad on deposit with the K ountH Brothers Bank ot New 'York City. New .York, on the 18th day of October. 1931. a t the tim e they closed, the sum o f lU U M ; and

WHEREAS, T h e sum of II.3M.98

KWyears prior Co th e tim e th e present County Treasurer o t Tw in FalU county took office; and

WREREAa. A t the thne ttie bank clow d the tim e had expired in which the County could recover on the official bond o f th e County ‘n e t s - urer who had deposited w ithout suT- floient Mourlty the saM lt.SM.fie with the K ountae B ’othess Bank, New York, and '

WHahiiJW , T h e County was un­able to recover any o f the said sum;

T he following resolution waa in - troduoed by Commisstoner Hart, who moved l u adoptloa;

NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- SOLVED: T h at the County Treaa- urer of Twin F alls County be di­rected. and she Is hereby authorittd. to take credit on her next monthly report for 11,356.98, and charge the sama to the Current Expense Fund o f T irln F alls County, as a dli- ....... ........ .................said fund.AN D B E IT FURTHER RE­

SOLVED: T h at th e County Auditor of Tw in m i s C ounty be directed, and he la hereb y . authorized and directed to credit the Treasurer with »I,3MSB and charge the same to the Current Expense Fund, the same to be charged as a dUbursement.

The above an d foregoing Reso­lution waa seconded by Commis­sioner Barnes and on the queiUon of adoptton o f the Resolutton the vote U a s follow s.

Oommls«loi)er Barnes: Yes. Oommlasloner R ayl: Y ei. com m issioner Hart: Yes.

r e s o l u t i o nWHEREAS. Tho County 'rteasur-

er of Tw in F alls County had on de­posit in the B an k of HollUUr at Uie tinw i t closed, •3,384.10; and

WUeHEAB, T h e County Auditor held V lUate o f Holltoter warranu to secure said C ounty funds; and

WHEREAS, O n June B, 1918, the County, as provided by law, sold «ald securities for the sum o( | l . - C00.60, said sum being applied on too balance on Ueponlt in u id bank; and

WllEiilCAB, There Is ollll a balance on Uie C ounty books charged to Uie K*i(t defunct bank, o t «l,, which u iincoltecU ble; and

WHEREAS. O n the 16th dsy of Dec. 1938, the C ounty Auditor, by UeHlutlon of th is Board, was auth- urlKd and directed to charge the above loss lo the U xing unlU of IV In Falls C ounty on a pro rata buln. and credit Uie sum o( 11,014.311 to ihe Current Expense Fund 'I'Hln F alls County:

t/pon conslderaUon of tlie above iiinllcr, the following Reaolullon was iirrrrcd by Com m lulniirr Hayl, who moved its adoption:

NOW, THKnEFORK UK I T UK- aOLVE,D: T h at the County Treaaur. rr of Twin Faljs County b« dlrecteil, nnil Khe is hereby auUiorltrd to laku credit on her nex t m onthly reiwrt for 11,014,30, and charge the Mme lo the Current Expense Fund o( Twin Fails Comity, as a dlsburte- iiieitl against sa id fund.

AND BE IT F U R n iltR UE- DOLVCD: T lia t Uie County Aitdllor nt 'IWIn F alls County be dire «iid lie Is hereby authorised directed to credit the 'lYessuref with »l,ui435 and charge Uie same to (lie Current Expense Fund, the ssim lo be ciiarged aa a disbursement.

'llie above and foregoing ](«sohi' tlon was seconded by CoinmUislniier Hart, and on the auesllon of adop- Mon of tlie Resolution Uie vote Is as

A t Uw hour o f S;00 o’clock P . IL a recess was taken xmtll 10:00 o'elodc . A. M, January 10. 19S8. ,

JAMES L. BARNES, Chairm an. Attest: FR AN K J. SM ITH, Clerk.

Tw in F alls, Idaho January 10. 1938 10:00 o ’clock A. M.

REGULAR JANUARY SESSION The Board m et at th is tim e pur­

suant to recess, a ll m em ben an d the clerk present.


Barnard Auto Compattr. car exp.. «9.60; M iles J . Browning, Inc.. new car, sheriff. WTg.75; Bland,sp. dep. sh., 110.00; R alph Bean, sp. dep. sb., 15.00; J . D . Barnhart, expenses, 934.35; Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., o ff. supp.. |1 M : Buhl Herald, off. supp., »48.40; B. H . Bris­tow, ex. help, |U4X>: Jam es 1.. Barnes, expenses, |15.«8. ‘

L . W. Collier, lurora cert^ 13.35:D . Harvey Cook, jurora c c r t. 1 2 ^ : - Lem A. Chapin, Ins. prem., |100M ; W m . S . Chandler, ex. help. IIOM; City Waterworks Dept., water, 8U J1; Floyd Crttes. ex . help . $9.40; Albert Carr, ex. help , I31J9; Cloe Book Store, o ff. supp., 146.37: Oeo. D enton, witness fee, MXX).

Diam ond Hdwe. Co., repab-, 8Sc; D unn’s Drive In , car exp., 816.18.

W. S . Ellsworth, Jurors certificate, 83.25.

Lois F asnacht, salary, 146.00; W .A. Flower, jurora c ^ , 1308; E. V. Fis^.er, jurors cert., 83.38: Flower Foto Shop, pHotograpbjr, I37J8.’ Cora G reenhow, ex. help , tSO.16; John N. Orlm es, ex, help , 171.00; T.A. Orlmm. ex . help , 8U B ; J . 0 . Oates. JusUce fees, |J 8 M ^ H . W . OllletU!, w ltaesa fee, $3.35: H . O . Hagler, w itness fee, H-60.

C. H. Harmon, witpeas fee . 87i)0; Robert J . Haller, ex. help, 8108M; H l-w ay Serrlce, carexp,810.31rB ar« vey s . Hale, expenses, 137.10; Ru­dolph Hochhalter, ex. help , 80c; Frank O . Hororka, repair, |7 iO ; Harvey Motor Co., car exp., 83J5; Oeo. R . Hart, expenses, 817.71; H . U . Holler, jusUce feea, 884.90.

Irrigated Lands Co., Ins. prem., 86.n; .in tcrrotn.fiettl & Fuel, fuel. •1R7.87; Idaho N evada Eleb. Co.. re- tudr, 83.30; Idaho Pow er Co., light and power, 8144.70; Im perial Carbon Co., off. supp., » l « .

Paul L. Kr^ft, Janitor's supp., S5.00; Kimberly Advertiser, p r in t l^ , 8I0JW: Fred W. K iefer,-records, • » « . • , '

W. W. Lowery, expenses. 17.70; Lewis Larsen, ex . help , 811.48; R ay Logan,- Jurora-cert;-83385 Leslie. Jurors c e r t . 8 3 ^ ; Chas. P . Larson, witnesa Xee, 83.38.

Clyde Morrison, le p t lr , 881.38; W .' Montooth dt Sons. Blgn board, 880.00;' L. R. Musser, c o n su b le fee . 83.40;L. F . Morse, constabU fe e . «L 80:.. M tn. S tates Im p. Co.. eqtUp., t lJ f i; Stuart Morrison, car exp.. |8,00; John Morris, ex . help , 87J0; Mer> rick Hdwe Co., equip., 88.88; Jlrene Morgan, desk, t K M : A. J . Ujrers, Insanity hearing, 810M ; D ick M c­Farland, w itness fee , M M : Mra. DlOc' M cFarland, w itness fee , HOO; Law- reoce Ju rcn o ^ ISJa;Wade Mliner. Jurors cert^ 8136: M a-

Corrr Uariiea: Yea. r Kayl: Yen, r Hart: Ye>,

«IAN(HLLAT10N UF TAXriN 1C, B, Johnson, Asst, Becy, of Amnf

lia ii Falls Reservoir D liU lct, ap­pealed before the Board by letter mill aUted that the 1937 levy agalnic I aores in BB’4N B U , E of RO, In t<rn, II, ’l> p , 11 0. R . 18 B. U. M, in the name of W. W . ParUh as aiiown nnTBXUeoelptNo.9708 is eironeous fur the reason th a t thla water doei iiul belong lo Mr, Pariah, and rrltaUon was asked as follows; Bond 87.37 O. di M. 8J6, m aking a total (|{ 87.73. and Uiat Uia tax oolleelof Iw given credit on h is books for •aid am otinls. oaooellatlon w» dcred an irqueated. '

gel AutomobUa Co., car axp., 84M : Majertlo Pharm acy. JaU exp., | i a 0 ; . . . . ------------B.,trt.aerv-M tn. . Ice, 8l<

. » X s L * ® r i O o . ,« . i io: M o o n 'sP a ln t A 1

store, repair, $18.00: Clyde >«orri- son, repair, 888.00.

L. E. N le h i^ , w ltoeas fee , 8138: No. Coast Chemical i t Soap, aupp., .. 88.43; W altet Micholaoo, witnesa fee. 8335.

Or. O . T. ParklnsoQ, Insanity bear­ing, 810.00; E. F . Prater, pA on en * board, 843840: B . F . Prater, expenses, 814.42; A. 0 . Parker, axpensei, «T.58;H. s . Post, salary, 8118X)0; P saray- Taber Co., bond prem.. 883M , laid over; Peavey-Taber Oo., bond p r tn .. 832.66, la id over; Pembroke Co., court supplies, 83333; 2. A. P lesslnfer, ex. help, 835.00; W . W. Palm er, I>rum Ret., 88.50. ■

Isaac Rowley, ex. help, 818.78; Rogerson Coffee Shop, jury m eals, 87.30; J, » . Roberta Agency, Ins. prtm., 8113.50: Robert Rayl, ex ­penses, 87.18; J . E. Roberta Agsnoy, Ins. prem., 833.40; Rem ington Rand Inc., filing case, 813000.

Cora E. Stevens, assigned claims, 8125.05; W. H. Snyder, ex, help, 85.00; Don Slgman, repair, 8850; Strawn de Co.. off. supp., 83.05; Syms-York Co., off, supp , 876.90: Cora E. Stev­ens, expenses. 87.50: Doris Stradley, mileage, 833.10; D . O . Blatter, w it­ness t t i 83.70.

l-^ank B andies, w itness fee, 8335;J. M. Shank, expense. 851J1: C. K. Sallee, Jurors-cert., 8338; Simpson /It Co,, supplies, 810.50; Safeway Store No. 7, assigned claims, 88.M; Sinclair R efin ing Co., car exp., 8104.98; Charlie Umlth, extra help, 811.65; Parley Sm ith, ex. help, 81130; Merrlt Btsley, ex. help, 85.85; La- Verne flirong, aw lgned claim , 816.00;E F. s ie ttler , w lin eu fee, 8339; Ctmrl<« Ulnck, witneas (ee. 83.35; Kva t^liwiUer, salary, 83S.0U; EUia- beth J. Umlth. salary, 8140.00; Rob­ert u . Stump, salary, 8140.00; Ouy T. Swoi>e, Justice fees, 853.50; W. P. Bhlnn, jimtlee fees, 86.00; Harold Hitllibury, Jurors oert., |3 3 5 ; Tom- Frlla lladlator Wks., car exp.. 8530.

W aller Tum or, ex. help, 840.00;T, F. Co-op Oil Co., car 81731;T, F, d b g Co„ repair. 8534.V Union Motor Co . new car. 883539; W iley Drug Cu.. photography, 8434; AitastasU W ilson, salary, 87830; L.£ . Ward. JuaUce fees, 88XKI; J. H. WiHiltry. extra help, 812.40; Weed itevolviiig Fund, rtflmbursemsnti >00 14; Kyle M. W aite, repair, 85.50; Wsrberg Uros., coal, 8»3M ; W. H. Wild, repair. 81JJ0; Claud W lley, • Jurors rert., 833S; L. D . W h|te, Jur­ora cert , 82.35; Mrs. U aym e Wells, rare of children, 84108; W. R . Wei- ty, wllness fee, 8238; W estern V n - Ion. (r ieram s, I4.i7{ W*a»srW Su- prr Hervlce. rar exp^ 8>i)0; WMCOtl Oil Co., car exp., 8838.

l( . W. Zimmerman, wltMM fee. 82.29; J, A. Johnson. i « p S r t 7 3 0 : Conlinental O il OompaJiy, gas, U l - ,71, tsld over,

................... o fT R seaMrs. Emma X . .......... ............... ....

whu had prevlouily baeti Krant8d widowl lax-eiampUoQ. Mid' !«bes' due to Uie fact UMt the tin* |m r i ^ abeeot from ^ 8 ^ 8 ^

dotm inc fueh BA iaM M M D t '■ (CeaUnaed m Pnga

. a


IDAHO EVEi^lNG TIM ES. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Hbndir, T n o a iy n , ;

BRADDOCK ANNOUNCES RING RETIREMENT , « • • • * * * • « • « « • * » , *

Schmeling' Seeks Third “TMne«Up'" After Foord DecisionFormer Champ

9 9

Says 'Tve Won My Last Battle

Br LESLIE ATERYN E W YORK, Jan . 81 (U.R)—T he complicated heavyw eight

situ a tio n in w hich th ree fo rm er champions w ere attem ot- in g to regain th e crow n w as simplified som ew hat today w ith th e re tire m e n t o f ex-titleholder Jam es Jay Braddock.

T he decision o f th e 32-Je rse y Irishm an to

fo r u k e boxins: le f t Max S d im eling o f G erm any and M ^ e o f California the only fo rm e r cham pions gun­n ing fo r Joe Louis’ crown.

Beeuue of Jersey Jim's upset vic­tory over Tommy Parr, the British

10 day; igo. wm aa iBtegna part of the complex beavy- wetoit picture aad was assured of a IM.OOO to $60,000 purse lor flghtlns

to i return match. With Brad­dock stepping Mlde, howerer. the way WM Jelt open for promoter l ^ e Jacobs to dgn Fair wJth Bwr. THe TH«hwn bad zetused to meet Maxle■ p in

Farr n . Baer"t am Kolnc to try and mfttch Farr

and B u r for Much 11." Jacobs said today. 1 i they wm light, i l l give the vlimer • abot at Joe Louis be- io n Joe flihts M at aohmfiUng this 1 1 * JacolM lndlcat«d that 11 Tftir, who ataMdy bolds ft deddoo a m Baer, did ooe want the match.

Bnddock cl»e4 on. ol pjigUtomJ n o it nmanUe obaptexik James J. bronht to Uft * tros Hcntio Alger SSSw rw faeah< stepped frtm toe

roles t o ^ ‘-m riro D ra p d r m Jtme, i®». to » .luaaM D t to the ptta, Braddock

" t e n the ring."-

' -1 t t t e w *nd 1(taiok X W eoQld beat most ol the > o u M a ^ -«ci\tteders for the

hetTywBlght fth«mt>l(wahlp, but I


_ , J Oonld, I tak» r to thaak.tboM who

--------- iC JM lnm yA 'irlttiout

_____ _ A.i'eoold.-«*I»M»««-MSdal tA))oii£>«CBnBii8iaos of

'MW T ^ . w d otbsr «t«Ms. and the

Second Place

, t tU j ‘

. i r t i b M a o v l i i . i< n >to him M 1 can IB ttaa ol ■

‘“ “ ' j s s . rhelpful

and ba u d I wlU ngags In another bdslneis enter-

, which wUl be announced

Bnddook^ refereno# to “a n o ^ eDtsrprlse*' was believed , to

mma be will o»ea • resUurant pat- tsntwl after Jaek Dempsey's sue-

J i a only fooght twice ■iter wlnnlnt the tttle from Baer, bs is wti] flisd flsaneiaUy and In- fored against ever having to apply tor etaarlty again. For being knocked out ta tbe eighth round by a t OhlCMO last summer, he received jMarly MOO,000, and for beaUng Tommy f t r r he added about »ao,ooo. Vaudeville and refeieelng alter ha w « tba Utle also boosted his bank

TbOM wbo saw Braddock stags a in the final two rounds to

get tbs nod over Farr wen oonf inced bis legs would not carry him thraigh mppy mote such battles.


AnBouneement was made today ot tb i slgBlng of Oeorge Thlessen, star

of the iTnlveislty of Idaho football team, to play professional footbaU with the CteveUnd R un s n n t season. Thlessen’s home town Is Lewiston. Idaho.

e be ihsweriffs greater iU Juap- r. had to be eoateot with seeoad

flaee at tbe Anaoeada meet ycs- terdajr when be was neeed «ut for flfst by JIanIe Hendrickson of Ean Claire. W*. Vliand. who has »a anoffieial werid record leap of m feet, eould only do m la Menl*a» — foor feet less than

Terry ‘Ribbed’ By Writers , During Dinner

B y GEOBOE Kl& K SEYNEW YORK. Jan. 91 W.F»-Fun.

{rollc and locdlshness a t th e annual baACball writers' dinner la s t n ight between the hours of seven a n d . . . "nsme your ow n poUonl"

Bill T e r r y good-hum oredly watches, along w ith 1,000 others in the Hotel Commodore ball room, whUc the writers give their Interp- reUUon o l the Edg:^ Bergcn-Char- Ue McCarthy skit.

Bergen, played by Tom Meany o l the New York World - Telegram, says: "Charlie, are you going to en­roll In B ill Terry’s baseball school?"

Terry, played by Arthur DaJcy o t the New York Times, happens ftlong and says: “W hy I wouldn't let him In my school. I have no use lor ball players who alt on newspopennen’s laps. Besides you couldn’t bunt your way to first base with your wooden head.’’

McCarthy, with Arthur Mann, ghost writer o l Terry’s m agailne ar­ticle, “Terrible Teny," contributing the rocals, u ya : "Oh, I see T eny's still trying to win boll gam es with a .rousing sacrifice."

T en y says; “All right, U you w ant to get In m y school I ’ll ask you a lew quesUons. Suppose the OlanU and Yankees were playing In the seventh game o l the world scries and you were pitching, w hat would you do?"

McCarthy says: “Just a minute l^rry, III answer that 11 you can tell me how the O lan ls could ever get Into the seventh gam e of the world series with the Yankees."

T en y says: “WeU, suppose the were llUed and Joe DlMagglo

was a t bat, w hat would you do?"Always Bolelde

McCarthy says: "Well, BIU, there’s always su ic id e ...b u t you could ask IHMagglo for h is autograph, that would kUl a UtUe tim e. Then you could ask Stoneham lor h is auto­graph oo anottier lir e year contracU And then,.BU I, U I were, you. I ’d catch tbe next treln for Memphis."

Terry, In a mellow m ood, roared a t the takM lls on hlmseU which were sprinkled lavishly throughout a night o l hilarious lu n . Mine major league managers, both league .p r ^ - denta. Commissioner K . M. Landis and m any other leading celebrities In baseball attended the l&th annual dinner a t w hloh Joe DlU agglo w as awarded a plaque as “m e player o l the year." Coaunissloner Landis w as awarded a plaque for outstand­in g service to baseball over a period of yean;

Badly B en t Borii WaysK / N & F / S H

$ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 His F ie rs , 7 / £ ailCAGO


u m B A T £N To c m , ' b u t once nearly

H i m L F m(OWN Tda-HOLD,^

Youth Scores Anaconda Win

AMAOONDA, M ont, Jan. SI (IJJO— Ttot skiing akUl Jimmie Hendrickson learned on bhrrel stave skis in leaps from th e roof o l h is father’s bam u i S au Claire, Wls., brought the youth m ajor honora today through h is v ic­tory la the fourth annual Anaconda skl-Jump contest.

Hendrickaon took Class A honors w ith 930,e points and a longest leap of IM feet, beating out World C ham ­pion O laf Ulland, whose best on the alow run w as 3253 and a 193-foot Jump. Barney MoLean, of Colorado, was third w ith a u .7 polnU and ISO feet.

Gordon W r e n , of Steamboat flprtoga, took Class B honora in yes­terday’s m eet w ith 141 leet. Ivan H all, Sa lt Lake City, who was second, also had a best Jump o l UT feet, but Wren won first nn points. Otto Rosand, fipokane. Class D Jumper, w u injured slightly when he fell on h is sk i points.

Approximately ifiOO, p e r s o n s braved sub-sero temiwraturei- to w atch the m atch.


New L eaden Top Pin Rank!

Tw o new leaders hold sw ay In Twin F s|ls bowling; leagues tod&y after compleUon o l the firs t three

eeks o l th e second roimd. NftUonal Laundry to j» C om m er­

cial, with the l ln t -h a ll cham ps. Barnard Auto, In second place. Emerlck’s , Electric crew leads City loop and the C. C. Anderson squad of women bowlers is second. Chevro­let, llrst-round victor, is in third spot.

The standings;COnmEBCIAI, LEAGCE

W. L, FctNaUanal li^andry___ 8 1 .889BamaM A u to ________ 6 3 .687DeU's_____________ 5 4

There is no spot on earth where moisture. In Uie form of either rain or snow, does not fall.

BATUBOAY GAMESCollege of Idaho II, Idaho, south-

cm 41Idaho t». Oregon 8U(e 2aCornell U. PenniyltanU 30.Yale SI, Army U.Nebraska S5. Iowa Stoto tt.HlnnesoU 45, Chicago 29.ClnelnaaU S». Ohio Wesleyan 27.Nava] Academy 40. Washington

and Jeftersoo. Washington, U.Colorado Agglee U , UUh A||1m 42BoUi Dakota SUle 4S, North Da-

koU BUte SO.Plttaborfh 4 l.^cet Virginia 44.Keatachy 42, VanderbUt 19.Aobitm 4», OiUthorpe 14.Qeorgla Tech SI, Oeorgla 28.D«ke 44. MaryUnd S4.Btaitford H, U.C.UA. 29.OoeldenUl St. Redlands ZS.San Jeee <CaUf.) Bute 60, Nevada

48.fdaho nroih n , Lewbton Normal

U .Centnl Washington Colkie 22,

Eastern Wuhlniton colkgc 50.


OUhn K rtu ie Was skcpllcal of the sp e e d .o f Uie poaial K^rvlco after receiving a letlrr oh Ijcc.'ltt, 1037. which carrlcd n |M)Atiiiai k from Uuii- bury, Pa., of Dcc. IB, 1033.

Mac Says Average Hoss Fan Cant Tell One Star Racer from Another

of a plug who couldn’t do a m ile three ‘ ..............

By BINBT HeLBMORI' raOBOX, Arts., Jan. 81 (OID — BsatMl la box 38 at the Phoenls Joeksy elub yesterday. I suddenly earns to ths ooocluslon that X had just as Uet see a horse that wouklnt bring »75 a t the glue lao-^ ioiry nm as I would aeablscult or War Adnlnu..■■A&d |io *<T*nBr was 11>U conclu- •ton out of tbe way than 1 ar- ttved At another one; namely, Uiat

. BOt CM of avery 1,000 persons at a raoe track would recognise a n ta t horse unless its name was claarly printed on tlie program. I

. booesUy bsltsvs U>at if ten of tlie frsatfst horses In the c o u n t r y

I m tm d In a oheap event u n w other than Uielr y « scattering of trainers,

' ipers and Uie like } spot thorn snd

’ tbqr vers lookUig at an

..... . J1 horses

______ a treraendous: to U » abUiUss td

I m bMB piayara bave I Mmanslvf i ^

,Mg«ai v»ra is MUsa V*(^tbwtboM

mlniites. fkabls(!\iU’s withers and leUockn aro no glos­sier Uun those on n well kept milk horse. Some of (lia nlowmit horses ever to run last routil Diil-prance and o«t-«nort ’I'lme Hupjily in tlie parade to tlio pont.

'I'ake the PhoSnU track. I came to It straight from tiuiita Anltu, moat elegant nf all tnirkn and one which attraotJi the finest tlior- oughbreda in Uie United tiutos. The Phoenix track Is not rich, lU purses aro Amall. anil the horses that run on It arn ordlitnry In sny Uie least. Uomeoiift was Ulhng me yesterday that only one horse had Men claimed during the mentlng, and that one brought only MOO. And that when the purchaser laid out his MOO the seller admitted that he had bought tlie liorH a week earlier for ISO, No one out­side ol Arizona DTor heard of the Phoenli horses or the sUbleo Uiat owo thejn. Tlie Jucke 'a, loo, have obscure names. J

Bnjoys Phoenix Yft I enjoyed the Phuenix (raoic

ivat U mucli as'I did banU Ahlta. TO me tlia raoes were Just ah e r­

as any I evetaaw. and Uiat ^or tbe Dsrtiy. Uie Preskness.

....Belmont, and all the oUier lUusirtous stakes.

The Umes were slow, hut I never would have kimwn It If they hadn’t been poat«it ,)u n,n oftinlal board. To m e-a n ti to on out of 100 other rnrn (rark rodowers, I be llev t^ a liorao rutmliig is a liorse nm nhig. snd (imn iloesn’t matter. Yim'II imvrr convlnro me that your avaraKo trxm track bet­tor can tell'w lir ihrr u homo is nm nlng a mlln In iiso nr 1:43 or 1:M.

flaw World's Hreord H«t I saw War Admlrnl lucak a track

and a world's irm rd In the lir l- m ont last nunimrr, Imt 1 never would have BiujK-r.Jrd he h#rt done anyUilng msrvBlmn jf i iiadu't been told. And 1 don't Udnk any­one else In ttm press Ihix would have, elthor. lie uidn t look any faster to me tlm n ho did In Uie Preakness or the Driliy.

Jockeys look about the sam e, too. There may iw eye<i who can spot Uie beautiful work of a Harry

.R ichards or A Wayno Wright, but Uiey don't belong to me. l i i e

. Ptkoenix Jockeys, Just a bunch of giMptss •named Orumpyr Dtw, and Bnbeiy. insofar as national repnte la eoncentrd, apitearrd no dlflcr- Bht than Uie ralcbratod biiys who ride for tile great stables.

I reckon I Just haven't any hose sense.

Elks[dabo Power - — 3 -

4 M i


C. C. Andetsoa_____ 6Chevrolet ..........................8Post O ff ic e___________ 5


COMMERCIAL LEAGUE (Alleys 1 and 2)

Mod., J a n 31—Idaho Power vs. Studebaker.

Tne&, Feb. 1—DeU's vs. Elks. Wed.. Feb. » -Z ip -W a y v i. Bar­

nard Anto.Thors., Feb.' 8—Schllts vs. N a-

tlonU U im d ry .

CITY LEA^QVE (Alleys I so d 4)

. Jan. 81—Post FaQa Floor MUI.

Toes., Feb. 1—C hevrolet vs. Tw la F alls Lninbcr.

' Wed.. Feb. S -4m er lek 's v s . Brookfield.

Thnrs.. Feb. ^ P a r is la a Ia u i - dry vs. Kimberly.

Frin Feb. 4 -C . C. A a d g ^ n n . Log Tavern.

German Scores 1 2 -RoimdWin Over Opponent

B y GEORQE K ID DHAM BURG. Q erm ahy, Jon. 31 OIJO

—M ax Schm elhig, No; 1 challenger for th e world's heavyw eight cham ­pionship. started plans today lor a third “timeup" bout before he_n^ ets Joo Louis lo r the Utle n e x t June.

M ax, hop elul o f becom ing the firstan ever to regain the heavy crown,

scored a 13-round decision over big Ben Foord, Sou th A frican and for­mer BriUsh em pire Utleholder, be­fore a crowd of 28,000 here yester­day.

Em erges U adaaiaged ■Except for a sm all cut under h is

right eye. and a sprained right thumb, th e form er tlUcholder emerged from th e bout undam aged. H is trainer. M ax M achon, said the sw ollen thum b waa n o t seriously hurt.

"I w ant one m ore fight before 1 m eet Louis," fichm ellng said, "but w ho It w ill be afld w here we will f ight Is up to M ike Jacobs.”

IX sp lte M ax's failure t o put FVxjrd. on th e floor, critics agreed ho looked like a firs t rate heavyw eight. He was calm throughout. care/uUy m easuring h is opponent, and letting h is pile-driver right go w hen the op­portunity afforded. Foord's youth and heart were credited w ith keep­in g him o ff th e canvas.

Foord CheeredThree tim es—In Uie sixth, 11th

and 13th rounds—Schm elln g had Poord In difficu lty , but the South African fough t back gam ely, blood stream ing from hla m outh and from cuts over both eyes: Tiic German audience o f 25,000 cheered Foord's gameneas. In th e early rounds he kept M ax a t bay w ith a s t if f le ft Jab.

O utw eighing S chm elln g 207’4 to 193H, Foord w on only th e first and third rounds according to the United Press score sheet.


m oter M ike Jacobs sa id ' today he dld not w ant M ax Schm elln g to fight again before he m et Joe Louis lor th e Utle th is summer.

“Schm ellng's contract calls for only two tuneup bouts,” Jacobs said,

" a n d h e licked Harry T h om as and B en Foord. I w ant him to r est up an d n o t take any m ore risks belorc h e fights for th e cham pionship.'

T. F. Lamber Co......Kimbetty ..................


Ferrymen Set ForHagerman

GLKNNfl FKRRY, Jan. 31 (Spe­c ia l)—C oach K enneth Barrett and his G lenns Perry Csgers were set for Uie tough Hagerman gang here tonight following a week-end that saw them play som e erraUo basket­ball.

T h e local cjub started o t( on Uw wrong foot last Friday as Uiey lost to Shoshone 14-10—Uielr flrnt CIqm D defeat of the season. Iliit Uiey cam e back to down Uie iwwrrful Kimberly squad on the Uiilldogs’ hom e floor on Saturday ntght by a count of 33-10,

T h e’ tOoal-team f<Huid tlie going easy the first ha lf oh the Klmt>rrly court, aud ran up a 10-4 advantage

the first quarter, anil ID-5 at Uie hptlf tim e. ‘H ie. Kimberly club out-

' ' the-locals in Uie second half,

Schaefer Retains W orld’s T itle in 28.2 B illiards

NEW YORK. Jan. 31 OI.R>-Jake Bchaefrr, of Chicago, h e ld both Uie 1B.3 and Uie 28J balkllne billiard cham pionships today.

Schaefer, who won the 182 Utle from Welker Cochrane o f Ban Fran­c isco two weeks ago, successfully de­fended hLi 26.3 worid champion In a 3,600 point m atch which ended last night.

Tho Chicagoan won 10 of Uie 14 blocks played, ending Uie m atch with a 3M-B2 victory last night after Cochran had won the afternoon m atch 30a-330. Schaefer’s margin

r 024 poInts-5,600 to a .m .

Idaho Set for Montana Club

MOSCOW, Jan. 31 (Special) — Ooach Forest Twogood and h is stead ily im proving V andals are pre­paring to g e t revenge on th e U n i­versity o f M onU na basketbaU club here on Friday and Saturday.

T h e northerners handed the local club a pair o f unexpected setbacks on their ow n floor In the first con­ference gam es o f the season and those losses have kept Uie Vandals from a top place In th e northern division Pacific C oast conference sU ndlngs.

Saturday night the Twogood club rang up Its second consecutive vic­tory over Oregon State, th is Ume

a count of 20-20. T lie Idahoans cam e from behind a t th e -sta r t o f the second h a lf to chalk up their win, sparked by sophom ore Gordon Price. D on.Johnson was again high

buln ig h point m an of .Um evening

waa Newell, rangy Ferry forward, wlio colleoted 13 polntji while play­ing only tliree quarters. Freestone topped Kimberly wlUi eight,

In a preliminary gam e Uie local frosh-soph team chalked up a IB- 10 decision over the Kimberly Jun­iors.<1. FERRY Pdi, KiniHERLYR. M o rg ^ _____»• m w i o n tNeweU _____ ___ F . ..liifg lnb A n aaiMnyder ........ .. ....... V . Quranallf lo o d n a n ........ ...... o ....... .... NeeleyH troat......................<1........... lAm M ng

HnbalUMIonsi G lenns Ferry r a m le y , Bergstnmi, Ourtlson and L. Morgan. K In berly-Jam es.


Kechnle's two-year contract calling fnr MO.OOO « ftBT m akes h im the highest-paid m anager la Olncln- nau baseball hUtory.

n O H T U LABKY IN F n J M1 ^ ANOELKB,* Jan. I I — Art

iM ky, one-time ranking heavyw eight

L A O K b ^ L u T L S A D m .NN A M O R , Jan II ~ T h e cap'i

Riggs Wins Over Bitsy G rant in E xhibition Match

TAMPA. Fla., Jan. 31 W.R)—Tlie ten n is rivalry between Robby Riggs o f Los Angeles and Dryan Grant of AUanta was setUed temporarily In favpr o f R iggs today follnwlng nn pxhlbltlon m atch In w hich he show­ed superiority.

The m aU h, won by Riggs, 3-8/ fl-4, 0-4. fl-l, was held yesterday on llie D avis Island coiirU under offlrlsl nanctlon of the U nited Staten ijiw n T enn is association.

Knock Out,BOURNE m .R)-Jusl to dem-

ons(ret« h irp u g llls llo ablJIlles lo his Bweetheart, whom ho had on hU arm . a young m an here reached Itt- ,0 the aoo cage of Leo the Lion and m ocked out the king of beasU wUh k right-hand blow to the Jaw, Wlieli

th e 11 ^ recovered and retaliated, th e police rescued tl»e prospective "white hope" and sent him to a hos­p ita l w ith a badly lacerated arm.


I t Ukea eight mlnutee for Uie ligh t from tha Mm to raaclt th a a a iib , •« we never see the lu n whare It li, bul w h e n I t waa d g h t m iotitea ago^

point m an for Uie Vandals with ninepoints. FVIday night Idaho wcin by acount of 40-34.

U neupe ft>r Hatiirdnv nlsh t’sgame: O.H.O. <281 O V TPPflnfard, rf ...... .....................s 2 8VanclU, I f .... ..........................0 0 0U onler, if .... _______ _____ 0 1 1Htldham, 0 .............................0 1 XMsndio, 0 .... 1 4 0Harris, I f .... .........................0 1 1Romano, Ig .......................... 2 0 4Kebbe, rg .... ......................... 1 S S

_ _ToUU 7 12 28

IDAHO (tO> n P TPIWko, rf ......................... 0 1 1Price, rf ...... ......................... 2 1 DJohnwn, If ............................ 2 B 0Itanrtt, 0 .... .......................... 1 1 3Hamfy, 0 .. ,........................ 0 0 0Kramer, rf . ..........................s 0 0Hmllh. I( ....0 I 1Wlntfr. i | . . 1 2 4_

Tolsla ....0 11 20

Cooper Captures Oakland’s Open Golf Tournament

O AK LAND, C alif., Jan . SI (U.R)—T he w in ter golf tra i l led th e nation’s to u rin g profeasionals to S acram ento today a n d ^ th e $1,200 check fo r f i r s t place in th e Oakland open w aa in th e w allet o f L ig h th o rse H a rry Cooper, th e Chicopee, M ass.,

m aster.Cooper unleashed a g re a t

s tre tc h fin ish to ta k e th e Oakland t i tle y este rd ay w ith a 72^hole to ta l o f 275, fiv e under p a r fo r th e S equoyah C ountry club course.

O n the la st hola of the tou ijia - lent, Co6pcr needed a par to finish Krtid, a birdie to Ue for first, and

an eagle to win.thC M gle. Ha drove down

the middle o f the 4S3-yard 18th hole and using & spoon, placed h is second sh o t within nine feet o f Uie pin.

Dropa P ntt to W in Cooper stepped' to the baU. l e -

^ k e d ‘■here goes th e m oney" and dropped th e putt to win firs t place

Jimmy Hines, w ho led through th r « i rounds with brilliant sub-par performances, slipped on tho last 18 ^ d finished In a tie for second w ith Charley Sheppard, from nearby Pleasanton, with a total o f m H inw , Garden City. L . l .. pro, tobk , a 73, three over par. in th e fin a l 1

S eac?** “ JOther m oney winners, with their


2 7 , $4ao, Paul R unyan. W hite Hogan, FVjrt

T fm Harrison.Vic G hezd,

Deal N . J., 283, *310; Ted Lon*^

Woc^, Vancouver, B . C., 283, H 43.34- A1 Zimmerman, P o r t l a n d 382 I143J3: Johnny R evolta, E vanston’ 283, IH 3J3; BUI Kary,2M, Mark Fry, o ;k la n d 2“ : 156; Sam Snead, W « t Virginia. 288

Henry Picard, Hershey, 28sl

Snead F allsSnead was the defending cham ­

pion but he failed to show the form which m ade him la st w inter's ou t­standing player.

Amateur honora were w on by D on m»ar<lii, p a n Jose, t h o northern CaJllarzuA ehsinpioa, who shot a

7h e .|3 ,o o o Sficramento open lato '• th is week and the $9,000 8 a n P ta n - cisco m atch play open th e fo llow - ' Ing week w ill com plete th e C ali­fornia w l n ^ tournam ent schedule.

Ricks B reaks Even In Two Gaines With A lbion Club

ALBION, Jan. 31 (Special)—I n ­vading Blcks college hoop-m en scor­ed a victory In their Saturday n igh t tu t with the Panthers here to get an even break In Ui® two-gam o series. F inal count In the second tu t was 40-35 In favor of the north­erners. Coach Orvlllo H ull's crew copped the first gam e bV a score of 35-28,

ItoWnson, rangy visiting center. led his team to victory in the final encounter, dropping in le points for his club. Count at the half-tim e was 20-22 for the Invaders.


W e saw a good sam ple o f why Coach K en Barrett's basketbaU toams enjoy so m uch success whUo looking a t the gam e a t Kim berly on Saturday night.

The contest w as th e firs t Class B encounter we w atohed th is year and the rangy Perry ,crew looked to, us as though It would give m ost o f the Class A crews a run for their m oney.

The old ta lk of “pasa and cut. pass and cut.” w as never more thoroughly drilled in to a team tlian i t is to th e Barrett qutat. Their plays don’t seem a t a ll "set," and they are n o t nearly a s clever os som e o ther team s w e have w atched, but they do foUow the first lino o f basketball, “cut and pass.”

Barrett has a vetoran team that was one of the best in th e stote last year, and It should be a favorite for the Class B stoto cham pionship honors th is season.

Speaking o f th a t Klm berly- O lenns Ferry « am e, rem inds us th a t Coach Louis D en ton h as a youngster on h is f irs t string — Quesnell by nam e—w ho h as more f ight In him th a n a pack o f wUd- cats. H e doesn 't stand over 6 feet,3 Inches, but w e saw him parked between tw o G lenns F erry six- footers w hen the ball cam e off the back-board, leap for th e bas­ket, and com e aw ay- w ith the sphere I

A t th is stage of the year there are usually very few —if any—u ndefeat­ed basketball team s around, either boys or girls. B u t to th is exception we m ust add th e nam e of th e Albion m aiden sextet.

The club, coached by Tommy Beall,. A lbion college student and former footbaU and basketoall star at Jerome, h a s a record of six straight wins. T h ey have defeated Acequla 43-40, M alta 30-17 and 35- 24. D eclo 41-11 and 38-17 and Paul 38-30. Those are a ll good Class B schooU and B eall Is to be compU. m ented on turning out such a strong squad In hU fir s t year In th e coach’ Ing game.

t t n U a n num m y-ow klD g ceased w b S S k W A .V .


^ h a v e n sBATTERY CO.

l U K e r t l i l t e t o n e a e M I

. HIIKn-ilK|U>Klt NOWrm « H U IU iH , Jun. 31 -A r k y

VaUBliin, itin I'lrnlrti’ alar shortstop, hBs imrrliuMcl a sheep ranch luCniltoriiiii.

Afflifjiin, tj;o (Ulrym ald rh iim s her Hiiia-crniMi liutter by hanging

Kimt/tklu I'lnuii nn a tripod and tiwinmiig II [„ jfo.

W e have y e t to see M iss Jean Parsons, tho stor Hogerm an hot- sliot In action . But then, from w hat they tell us. It is alw ays nice to save the best thin gs for the last. Therefore w e are going to make every attem pt to get a look at her In action before the season ends.Bhe m ust be good. For tw o years

now she has been one of th e highest scoring forwards In the sU te In girls’ basketbaU, and Friday night she set som eUilng of a record when her team downed K ing H ill 50-30 The record waa the fa ct that Miss Parsons scored a ll 30 of her toam ’s polnU l 'Iliat Is a feat seldom e<iusl. led ond odd enough so th a t w hen It hupjwned In K an sos earl? th is year It was carrlcd on all naUonal press osBoclatlon wires. Jean's feat was put on the wire from T w in F alls, but wo have yet to see w hether It was carried In eastern papers.

Short shots — M a X U Roeen- bloom, form er llght-heavyw elght chuniplon, now play ing sm all paru III moviea. file s to N ew York once a m onth to sm hU m other . . . aom e officia l sU tU tics from the comm issary departm ent of the California - A labam a Hose Bowl gam e, w hich w as attend ed by OOfiOQ persons; 75,000 botUea of soda pop were drank, 40.&81 hot dogs, 4.000 bags of peanuts and 7,000 bags o f popcorn were con- suniBd and 4,000 packages of clg- arettf'A were sm oked I . . .D a v e M c- MllJs}), now coacliing a t U>e U ni­versity o f M lnn esoU and former Id sho Vandal m entor. Is an ex- incmber of the o r liln a l New ITork

, HOT DOGS *10 Inchci Long

a t t h e

COFFEE CUP(Opening Under N ew Man«rement Mooday)

. h a m b u r g e r s ./ ...NICKEL V

MALTS lo<i '(M ald -0 -0 lo»er ico crt-ton)

l.uiichcH Short OrderHA t Drlv«-In M«rk«t

C eltlcs—a bnsketl^all team th a t has been called tho greatest o f all Ume, . .n i e r e are more sw im ­ming pools |>er capltA In Hungary Ulan In any other naUon In the w orld.. .KMla BrannlcJt, New York O lan ls'

secretary, says It takes *100.000 to defray qprhig training cxiienses — and the Terry club Is reported to be the only team hi Uie N ational league able to break even on Uie m oney angle In Uie gnt|>efnill league. The Yanks do It In th e American loop when they have a drawing card surh as Babe Ruth, and now i>osslbty D lM a gg lo ....

CARS Washed & Greased


Browning Auto Co.




%1 1 - " — . . . ........ . - ~ ' --------- - .............. .. - m :

The Classification on Used Implements is a Blessed Event for FarmersW ANT ADS RATES

For PuUlCAtlon In B oth TlmM and M m


BIX d«ya. per Ud« par 6»7~------U e

ROOM to rent, 186 6th Avc. N .

ThTM te ji , per line per (Uy_18o OM d«7. p«r Uae--------- :----- *4c

33 1-3 % D iscount F o r Cash

c u b discount 4lIov«d II tdrer- t l in a e a i Is p4ld tor w lthlo Mvea d i7> o f f ln t iQserUoQ. l«o clasaUled kd token for less thim 80c, Including dlsoounU l in e o f clM slfled advertlstng com* puted on btslB o f flv« medium* leOKtb words per lloe.



HEATEP aleeping roodu. 4 U 2nd Ave. No.

BEDROOM. funiKce h e t t . 413 Sth A v e .2 ) .P h O Q » im .

FURNISHED room, f u in ic e . heat, close In. Also g u « c e . Pb. 1T0T*J.

H E A tE D ileep ln c room. 110 per mo. M9 Snd Ave. No. P h . i7K.

8LEEP1NO roMD. B otrd U deslr*d. U d i u p r e fe m d . F b 1787-W.

PERSONALSMAOAZIKE excb*nffe. Public M u -


APPLE tree stum ps free for hauling »w«y. a m l. W. lU B. Bo. P a r t P b. 0381-R3.

TWO STEAM baUis a week keeps th e body In good condition to re­sist colds and Illness. Try our baths for health . Boom 8, 130 M ain N.

BEAUTV SHOPSPBD -SPR IN O Bpecial-Perm anenta

$1.35 complete. F ifth Ave. Beauty Shop. 419 5th E. Phono IM-W.


For Better Beauty Service Try the A rtis tic B eauty Salon Tw ins F a lls - P b 199-B uh lB eauty A r ts Academy •

Phone 308 136 M ato W.

THE roAH O Barber & Beauty Shop is giving a 15.00 N utrl-tonlc Oil w ave lor M M . Thla w ave is re­conditioning, leaves no broken or f u s y ends. I t is a so lt, lustrous and lasting wave. And special for th is week only. Shampoo and wave, dried for 60c. la i M ato E. Phone 424.



Furnace beat. 413 M ato Mo.

ROOM and board. U l 7th At*. North. Pboo* M l.

ROOM IH blocks from postofflcc. Attractive. Stoker beat. 331 3nd Ave. N.

A P A R T M E N ^ FO R R E N T4-RM . fu m . apt. 103 M ain "W. F b .


APARTMENT for rent. Caledonia hotel.

FOR R ENT; 4-room un fum lib ed apartment. Phone 093-W or 448.

3-R M .. MODERN furnished apt. Bungalow Apts, 2nd Ave. E.

FURNISHED, Justam era : 458 and O asis P b . 071.

Hold Everything!

3-RM . fu m . a p t , comfortable and convenient. Adulta only, a t 3M Blues Lakes N o. P h . 1623.

2-RM . fu m . apt. and aleeping room wlUk- or w ithout board. Stoker heat. 207 BUi Ave. E.

A FEW m om ents spent acannlng th is section w ill o ften prove pi>3f> lUble.

LOW COST and b lgb teadec per* centago m aks these little ads the m ost economical and profitable m arkst in town.

CLEAN 3 rm fu m front apt., stoker heat. Also back apt and new cabin. Tanner A pt, Filer.

O T ST O U killing, 0 tog m eats. Phone 38. Packtog P lan t

L pups. See them a t 1S5 and So., trailer house.

b o s t o n screw te ll puppies. IH ml. eo . o f So. Park store. O. O. Pres­cott.

5-ROOM house for rent. P hone 833.

3 ROOM house. Call a t 381 Polk St.

5 ROOM un fum . house. Call 603-W.

AUTOS FOR SALEFORD truck-. 157 to., dual sU ke

toody. P h . 1788-M. 655 M ato W .

^K POSSESSED cars lo r w hat ii agab u t them . WlUys Sales i i Serv­ice, 314 Sho. E. P h . 1876.

3 ROOM Bemi-modem house. VJrito P . O. B ox 45.

1988 V8 Deluxe touring tudor se ­dan.

1988 O b evn let Coacb.1888 Terraplana Coach.

AUTO MART Ird and M ato W est

1888 Dodge Pickup - .............. 132810391030 Ford C oupe------- ---------- « «01927 Chrysler imP- R«l«t..........« 36

And 40 other good used c a n BAISCH MOTOR CO.


« e ^ BweeVt F um ttut« store.

>XJRN1TURK for sale or trade. All ktods o f good used furniture. Sw eet’s Basem ent Store.

FURNITURE for 4 m s . including oak U bie and chairs, elec. range and O. E. reJrlBcralor. 303 Clh

“ Ave. E. P h . 623.W.

■TTnmi! iB no necessity for unnoed- ed extra furniture to lie to the a ttie w hen a few cents tovested In the Classified SecUon wiU icU II for TOO.

FO R SA LE OR TRADE4-ROOM house for good light panel

or pickup truck. 210 Burna Vls- U St.

f o r r e n t —h o u s e s

BAROAINS galore Ust«d dally In these columns. R ead or us« th e n for profit*.

FOA R EN T— M la u H u u a in

“I think I ought to te ll you. Honey—I ’m expecttog a stork l”

MISCELLANEOUS LIVESTOCK an d POULTRY12 NEW H am pihtra R ed pulUta. 818

Harrison' St.

ring and im ok- 18. Independent

HIOHEST prtces paid far jwor fat chickens and turkeys. I&depend* ent M eat Company.

BBE>LINE alignm ent for auto ftam et. a x lu . hard ateering and tire wear. W heels straightened. Fosa'a.

WANTED to buy springer cows. Ph- 0386J3 or 01SSJ2. H anlon ds Sm ltb. R t. 2, T w to F alls. ,


WHITE Jersey G ian t Cockerels. Crossed w ell w ith a ll breeds. H . O . N ice, IH N o. V.i W . F iler on 80.

APPLES by the bushel or truck. Brown'S Orcbard, 3 m l W. of Eden.

BALE; Cuil spuds. 8 m l. No,, E. o f Curry. Ph. 0294-Jl. Sam Cris- mor.

Baby C hicks. Special 10% to 13^ discount i f o r d e r^ to January for later delivery. 10 breeds. Hayes Hi-Orade Hatchery.

LOST AND FOUNDLOST—U d y ’s white gold wrist

w atch. Ph. 1837. 1139 7Ch E. R e­ward.

TRAILER houses. Oem Trailer Co. 0 . JONES for on

STORAGE space su lU ble for wool or other goods. W illiam s Tractor Co.

DESIRABLE bustoesa location. E. Shoshone to bustoesa d istr ic t Pb, 1876.


SEA FOODS. Publio M arket

ELEC'FRIC fence, ^ l l p M arket

FOR SA L E -18-80 McD. tractor, • foot field cultivator and 8 t>ottom plow. 1800 cash. j . L. Drury. %. mi. So. of C uU eford.

ALFALFA hay. Ph. 01B7'J4-

JENKINS CORNET. K e y -B and A f ln t Phone IjW.

USED piano $40.00. Ph. 1658 0 P. o . BOX 780, Tw in Falla.

GOOD Majeatlo range. 9 ft. by 18 f t congoleum rug. 333 Elm. '

TWO OIBSON banjoa and Gibson mandolin. 348 M ain So.

SEA IX X Inlaid Linoleum. Save 20% a t Sweet’s Furniture Store.

TRAILER houses, company.

Oem Trailer

3 CAVrinc mould lira vulcanising ouirit. Origtoal coat $1300.00. $135 cash. Pratt Sales Co,

W ILL trade car, trailer hom e and pay som e cash for itmall proporty. or w hat have yout 248 Mnin So.


STOVE repairs for a ll makea of Ranges, Heaters and C lrculaton. Sweet's Basem ent Store.

CANVAS o f a il kinds a n d ^ e a S p ^ tloiu and canvas repairing. Tho- m ets Top and Body W orts. Phons

MEN to take up Air Conditioning an d Electric Refrtgeratlon and Iwtler ihemaelvfB, M ust t» m e­chanically Inclined, willing to U ato in spare time to qiiallly. Write, U tilities Inst., care News.

FOR BALE: Large bed and spTlngs, baby bed, Itonlng board, bassto- eitr, rloUica drying rack, break­fast set, chiffonier. Pb. 828.

>. . H E L P W ANTED— MALEW iS T T n T m en w ilh ligh t cars free

to travel. Earnings about aver- a««. S a i l Caledonia Uotel,after 7:80 p . m.

ABLE MAN to dUtribute samplas, handle C offsa Route. U p to $48 first week. Automobile given ns bonus. W rite MilU. 106 'renth S t . Oakland, Oal.


ad on farm . Cook for i New-Tlmea,

SITU A TIO N S W ANTEDWANTED; Custom hay chopping.

Phone 0481-Rl.

CARPENTER: E ip e ilenoaa ' lor flnlshtog a specialty,


EX P. OINOLE m an wants farm work. Oan Irrigate. Write Jacob Thow pecn. Rt. 2. Filer.

EXP. housekeeper desires house' wort. pTacllcal nursing, cooking in prlvata home. » o « 18. News Tim SB.

» BOARD AND ROOMBOARD and lo cm 190 Itta Ava. Na




20 A. RANCH W. o f Hansen, Poor improvements. Write Box 13 New s- Tlmes.



95c down i l .0 0 s W*No carrying charge

Phllco. 6 tube U ble- Folk. S tube tab le_

MajesUo table m o d e l______ 996Atwater K ent, c a b to e t___ 13J6MaJeeUo c o n so le __________M any other models $15.00 up. PhilcM . R . o . A.'a and O nsley'a.

AppUance Departm ent


IN SURANCE8 YEARS- fire to i. on T. F . bom w .

84o per $100. dividends to addl- Uon. K . L. Jenkto^ 14S M ato N .

DweUlnga and contenU &4o for S yrs. Buy your nex t policy w ith J . E. Roberta Agency.

30c per $100.00 under book rate on 8 yr. policies to T. F . Dw el­lings $5.40 per $1,000.00 for 8 yr. See me first. Rm., 9, Fidelity Bank Bldg. Pb. 1135-J. W . E. Banger.

R E A L E STA TE FO R SA LEMODERN Duplex. P hone 893-W.

110 A. $1000 down 8800 yearly. See owner V m i s i4 m l E of Curry.

180 ACRES, highly im pcovcd, IU7A0 per acre. 0-room m odem house on

iThlU*' W ,J. E.

LOT 14. B lk. \W, origtoal town of Twto Falls. a good offer. I am going to se ll. H. H . Higgins, owner. HarUtoe, W ash.


W A N TED TO R E N T8 O R e-ROOM house. Referenoes.

Box 14. ■nmes-News.



W ILL finan ce p o U to deal 30-30 acres share basis. Tw to Falls, Has- elton , Eden dU trlct Call C91.

SPO T CASH for your used furni­ture. stoves, tools. P hone 1298. Sw eet’s B asem ent Store.

WAtTTED; ISO t t . l- to . tope. Ph. 0481-Rl.

uSE" of a piano for its storage to private hom e. P h . 0198-J8.

Bnsiness and Professional


Auto glass—plato and shatterless. Palnttog. Expert body and fender work. Floor senders for r e n t Fosa'a.

BicyclesB IorC L E sales and seiTlce. Blasiua

Cyclery. Phone 181.

Gloyateln Cyclery. 3S8 M ato Ave. So. Bicycles rxrlualvely. "Whera the B est am i Lateit are Fouffll."

F A R M E R S -W h y pay more llisn 4 per cen t on your mortgaKo. See Federal Farm Loan office, Rank and T rust Bldg.

BulUIng Contracttng

OLTl' CASH (or your wool, pelts, hides. Junk and m ixed m sU t o f aU kinda Idaho Jun li House. 183 Sec­ond Ave. S.

l - i o j r i r Dodge, hoU t an d body. A-1 condition.

1—1031 I'^ T F o r d panel.1 -1928 IH T C iievrolet truck with

body.W illiam s Tractor Go.

Montooth A Bona P lan ing M ill and BulIdliiK Contractora. Ph. IT8fW

FU R N IT U R E -N aw and UMd fttnU- turv of all ktoda, coal rangaa, aleo- trio ranges, ooal atorea. olrculatora and oUter household fumlBhttvp, M oon-a Phone 8. 8 t« l« Mo. 1; Phone 816. atora N a I.

IH TON used government wool blankeU. suit*l»U f v aleei blsnk eu . auto robes, horse b L ..- keis; a lso gum ahoes, alioes, and high t«)n shoes. R ato coats, under* wear, tents and tarpa. b la w s wool panU . IM 2nd Ay*. B o , Tw in F alls. Idaho Junk House.



No d iarge for labor tm in g Rla« if you wUl b r t o T « S •asli oc d t t n your car to.

P hone ftMOON’S

I'oal and WoodW arUrg nros. Coal. Ptaon* 348.

CITIZEN’H t ^ s l Ob- Pb. 3 U . I Truck U n e ,

Doctora-DentM tDr. a . I., noyenger, Foot Speolal-

1 st over 0 . o . A ndersw 6 to r a Pb. 888-J.

Pratt’s the biggest oU m ao, tha heaviest roofrr and tha largtai Urtm an to 'l'»ln

Klcctrlcal A p p U a n c fAmerican KlerUlq Co. Parish OaU.

vryUiIni XlecUlcal. PhOM O .

flo o r S a M ln gi^ i^^M ndU ig. H. A . H ald g .

P«irYfy-7’si>»r O o, Inc. P h . lo i .


136 3nd flt SO. Bsck a l 11icEVfl'^sde. BlasiUi Oyti.’f iu U L

M ovlna

M oney to Loan

Plum bing-H eatingIF r r a p l u m b i n g o r iik a t -

IN O , pum ps, siokers, or wntrr «oft- m sra, P hone 363—ulnce 1011. Home

nbing and Heattog Co.

ABBO TT Plum btog and ItrBtlng Co. Pum ps. Stokers. Day I'li. 95; N ight P ij, 1891-W.

R adio RepairingA ll m akes Radloa Rei)ilir<1 and

Berrlcad. Factory Radio Bervlce. Ph. M4. 138 2nd N.

R ea l Estate-lnsuranceX pttk :t r n as Sons. Ph. 111.

S oU b Agencies


WELL Improved 80 a o m . olOM to Twto Falls. $160.00. »7.300j0 F ederal loan. $3,000.00 cash w ill handle. Federal F arm Loan O ffice.


80 acres to Uade on good quarter. 40 acres. $3,400.00. $400.00 cash.40 acrea. $135.00 per acre, im O O

cash.40 acres, $75.00 per acre. Easy tmOM. 219 acres, $25.000X)0. Very easy tsnn a. leO acres. $65.00 per acre, $1^00.00

cash, balance crop paym ents.

F . C. G raves ai\d S w »

O N E 18-30 M cC onnlck-peerint tractor and 3-boltcm Oliver plow, $288.00.

1931 Ford panel, $123.00.1038 C hev. truck body, $88M . Threo 3-way )iorse plows cheap.

W ilHams T racto r Co. 164 3 rd Ave. S.

80 ACRES, a ll good land, fair buildings, potato cellar, 9 m llea from Twto F alls, $300 per acre.

H igh c lass twenty, close to Tw to P alls , good hom e. well, d s te n i. etc.. 86A00.

R eese M. W illiams 125 So. Shoshone S t.



Tractor field tUler Two-bottom turnover plow, good

shape.Reconditioned two-way horsa

plows.600 lb . A nker-H olth cream sep­

arator.E ag le Supply Co.

l a i 3rd Ave. W . Phone 430 Twto Falls. Idaho

S U te of Idaho: C o n X. Btevens, as treasurer and ,ex*offtclo tax ooUector o f aald county: Uw City o f Twto Falls. Idaho, a m mUci- pal corpocaUoo: C h a ik a McSl* wato. as treasorar o f sa id City; American Palls Reservoir District; B ert S . l \ r c o ‘, O atoltoe R«et; K . O . Fargo; Gall B . F a igo; the unknown heirs aod-or derlseas of C. O . Fargo, deoeaaad: th e un­known heirs and/or devisees of HatUe M. Fargo', deeaawd. th e un­known heirs and-or devtaees of M rs. John a Wilson, deceased, formerly the wife o f John H. Wilson; and the un kn ovn owners o f that certata real p r o p ^ . to Twto F ails County, Idaho, de- •cribed as follows: Lot 9 to Block 98 of the City of Twta FaQs. Idaho, defendants.I t ie 8 U ta of Idaho sends greet*

togs to the above nam ed defend­ants:

Y ou are hereby noU fiad th a t a com plaint h as been fUed against you to th e DUtrict Court o f tha B e re n th Judicial Dtetrlct o f the S U te of Idaho, to and for T v to FaUs County, hf tha above nam ed platotlff, and you are hereby dl* rected to appear and plead .to the sa id oomplatot wlthto twenty days o f the service of this summ ons; and y w a n further notified that u n le u you so appear and plead to said com platot within t h e ’ time hereto specified, the platotlff will toke .................................. you a s prayed to

180 ACRES irrigated land, clover and alfalfa. $85 A. Class A graatog perm it. Additional 40 acres for w toter feedtog on th e creek. Claude Campbell, 8 dU. N.W. Ooodtog.

PREPARE now for your new hom e by acquirtog one o f Bremer’s large F H A approved residential loca* Uons through your ow n broker a t 8850.00 each. Convenient terms un til you are ready to build may be arranged. Better values than wo offer w ill be hard to find.

r a HAVE a couple good farms that c a n be taken over for about the am ount o f the Federal U m d Bank w hich is again st tlicm. A small down paym ent will give you pos­session o f a hom e with payments th a t you make. These are good farm s at a sacrifice. Write S chm itt tB Whlpkcy, Qoodlng. Idaho.

S E E D AND FEEDBARLEY, ground or whole, Phone

0868.J8. City.

FOR SALE: Hay by load or aUck. F la t house of cemetery.

300 BU . CORN. D (on oats. 400 bu. w h e a t 30 tons hsy. John Silvers, M urtaugh.

ONION SEIED. To grow good onions, plant good seed I YpIIow Spanish. W hite 8{>ahUl). Yellow Globes. W hiie Olobe*. Phone or write. Paul Detw eller, 0180-Jia or C. C. Ram ­sey. Rogerson hoirl, Twin Fsllii.

mraiiiiocitMarketable potatoes on han d aa >

of Jan. 1 In (he 97 la te producing aU tes, including Idaho, sbowad a huge increase over tha num ber on hand a t the same tim e to 198T, tt waa dlscloaed here th is aftam ovn.

T h e figures were contained to t t« ' ports whM t the U n lt ^ S ta tes <le> partm ent of agricultui* sent local potato dealers.

O n Jan. 1 of this year, the reROrt shows, there were 108M8.000 bushels o f potatoes on hand agatost the revised estim ate of 88438,000 bushela on han d on J a a 1.1987.

T ht total o f marfceUUe p oU toei on h an d to each o f the Tartoua s tates w ill be released by tha gOTers- m en t to the im m ediate futUra, tba p otato deak ta w eia totonaed.


9 o f

4-room house - _..$S80J)04*rooDi house and bath,..$1.000.00 8-room house an d bath...$3.100.00 3-acrea and 3-rm . house-.$1^00X)020 acres im p roved _____ $8,000.000 acres u n im proved___41.800.00

J . E . Roberta, R ealtor Phone 663

e M artto ditcher1 3-row Valley Mound com ig.4 F -30 Farm all tractor mowers 1 F -30 Farm all tractor 1 10-30 McD. tractor 1 F . |3 Farm all. used one ss tw n1 18-30 McD. tractor3 P . dc O. McD. bean cults.2 M oitoe bean culta.3 field cults. 8 and V.i-n .1 8*ft. U ndem hdtsa disoT his gives you an idea of what

we h ave to sell.H a rry M usgrave

M dse. M art.

sa id com p latotAnd you are further notified that

th is action is brought by th e plato­t lf f to recovar a Judgment and de­cree o f said court against th e de­fendants. and each of them , a s fol­lows: T h at all (axes and'Or asaess- m en tt o f every kind, character aod- or description levied and-or asses­sed agatost the real property, and each and evary part thereof, hereto- before described to the U tle o f tbU action, prior to the year. 1937, now appearing t o tha office o f th e C ounty Ttaasurer an d ex'Offlclo tax collector o f Twto F alls C ounty, State o f Idaho, ba oanceUed: th a t aU as- aessmenU and-or taxes o f erery

iktod. character and-or description, levied and-or assessed agatost said real property, and each and every part thereof, prior to th e year, 1887. by the City o f Twto Falls, Idaho, be canoelled; th a t the platoU ff la the ownar o f a « d enUUed to th a poa« session o f aald real property, and each and every part thereof, and th a t the Ut)e of the platoU ff there­in and thereto is good an d valid: th a t the defendants, and each of them , h a v e n o estate, r ig h t title , or totereat w b a tev u of. to , o r to said real property, or any part theiaof, a ^ th a t th a tlUe t o la ld ja o p o ty be quieted to the platotlff; and that th e defendants, and each o f them, be forever reetratoed, enjotoed and debarred from asserting a n y claim w hatever of. to. or to said rea l prop­erty, o r an y part thereof, adverse to tha p la to U ff R eference U hereby m ada U aald oom platot on file here­to for furth er particular*.

W itness m y hand and the sesi o f said D istrict Court, this 31st day of January, 1888.


RAY D . AOEE,Attorney for Platotlff. n esi- dence an d Postofflce Ad­dress: T w to FkUs, Idaho.

330 b a p of G reat Northern beans and setttog punlUve damages of $500 and speotai damages for 818M were asked today to a su it fUed to district court by the Charles W. B ar- low com pany agatost K. P . P tison,

T h e bean llrm claim ed th a t P o l- anp refused to honor negotiable warehouse reoetpU plus I380J7 to oash, and would not surrender tha 236 bags. I t asserted It b ad pur­chased tha warehoute tacelpU last Dec. 39 from WUbur Ulrich and Oscar W erner, rancbert.

Stephan and Blandford represents the Barlow company.

Studies a t. Fort V alley. &a.« an d Bcmsack. Va., have resulted to tha developm ent by the bureau-of plant todustry o f a ventilated p a o k w that permits rapid cooling o f peachea w hen they ara pre*oooled In a load* ad refrlgaratloD car..

FOR BALE Oholoe of Yellow Sweet

Spanlih Onion seed. Alin imall lot o f ftoa W hite Spanlnli seed.

Rax W arren, 1 Ml. No. W aahtogtoii Bchool.

P hone 0161-Rl


59 acres Improved. 9 mlteit ROiilh- eaat from Twto Falla. »0 arres in a lfa lfa . Excellent opportun­ity for party wlUi ra ih <l‘>wn paym ent o f $1,200 00. Pull pur­chase price $6,000.00.

60-acra very w<*ll Iniprovfd furin a m ilea sou th frinn lUnaeii.

' Price fS.OOOXK). Down payment re<;ulred a8.800.00. or will ra»h rent for 41,00000,

40 acres toiproved, 7 m lln amiUi- easl from Burley. Idaho. Pur­chase price $9,000.00. Down paym ent rwjuired $7M 00.

40 A. Im prov^ . 6 ml. No. Jer­ome on highway. Price $4,000. Down paym ent $ 1,000,

Inquire W. Grant Kllboume, P . O, Box 961. I'w in Patla or Ph. 0386>JI.

O ne F -30 tractor w ith rubber wheels, reconditioned.

Tw o regular Farm all tractors, steel w heels, reconditioned.

O ne 10-30 tractor, reconditioned.O ne regular Farm all tractor, equip­

ped wltJi Purolator. reconditioned.O ne 16-30 tractor, reconditioned.O ne 13-30 Twto C ity tractor.O ne P . i t O. 4-row beet and bean

cultivator, reconditioned.O ne M oitoe 14-in. tumble plow, re-

O ne P , 6e O. No. 1 two-way plow, reconditioned.

One John D eere 14-ln. two-way hors« drawn plow, reconditioned.

O ne Joh n D eere 16-In. Iwo-wsy horao drawn plow, nearly new.

O ne P . O. 18-to, two-way horte drawn plow, reoondttloned.

Tw o 1 0 - ft P . U O. tractor field oiltlvatorfl, wiUi power lift, recon­ditioned.

Three P . 4e 0 .1 0 - f t . sulky rakea, re­conditioned.

O ne M cOormlck-Deertog one-tow potato p la n ter .'

One 8 - f t Oliver horse drawn mower w ith w lde.w heel^ reconditioned.

O ne e - f t Oliver horse drawn mower wlUi wide wiieels. reconditioned.

O ne M cC orm ick-D evtog No, 7 0-(t. mower.' reoondltloned.

O ne M cCorm lck-Deerlng hBy iireas, 16 to . by 18 to.

All our U sed Im plem ents rrlred w ay down for a quirk nile.

W ILSON BATES APPI.IANOB Ph. 81 -J . *lgaylag Headguait«rs~

T ypew riters• a la ^ ren ta ls aod service. PIl 90.

U pholstering

■ n U N O niiad mattresM s made from jrour old onesi MsttrMsea rm oratad and reoovsred. Wool eardtog. T w to Falla M attrew r»o- (017. r b o o a 81-W .




P iione 177McVoy'fl

'I'wlti Palli.


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice o f Proof Application o f Wa­

ter to Beneficial U se. ^Notice Is hereby givsn that at

10:00 A. M. on the 8th day of Febru­ary. 1938, a t Boise, County of Ada. State of Idaho, before K. B. Bray. Notary Publio, proof will bo aub- m lited of th e application to bene- f lcU i use o f 8 M oubio feet per sec­ond of the waters o f a tunnel tri- bu ury to Rock Creek, to accordance w ith the terms and conditions of Permit No. 18408 heretofore issued by the Commissioner of Reolams' tlon of the S ta te o f Idaho.

The nam e and postofflce address of the person or corporation holding Mtd perm it are Fish and C am e De- linrtment o f the State o f Idaho, Boue. Idaho.

T lie use to which said water has been applied Is fish hatchery pur-IWMS.

T lie am ount applied (o benellclal iiM Is 8M second feet,

T lie place where said water is \wrA to SE U N E U , Sec. 3), T . 10 S. II. 17 E.. B. M.

The nam e of the canal or ditch r other works by which said water

la conducted to aueh place of i« private pipe Itoe.

Tlie right to U ke water frryn tnch works is baMd upon Permit No, 18406,

'Hie source of supply from whirl) Midi water is diverted li a timnel Ulbutary to Rook Creek,

Tlie date o f priority which aald uaer Is prepared to eatablUh U Jiinuary 13, 1917.

r ; w . PARIS. Dommissioner of Reclamation.

NOTICE P O E PUBLICATION D epartm ent of ttva Interior, u . S.

Land O ffice a t Blaokfoot, Idaho, January 7, 1988.N OTICE Is h«r«by given that

V ivian E. Oourtnay, o f Hollliter, Idaho, who, on July 36, 19SJ, made H om estaad antry, 3389 R .S . Aerial, N o. (H808O, for 0EH NW M . EHBWU, N W K B E U , aeoUon 88, Townahlp 12 S .. R ange 18 E., Boise Meridian, haa filed notice o f totentlon to make Three Year Fin al Proof, to eatabllah claim to th e land above dniu-rllwd, before F . S . B ell, U. S . Commit- Bloner, a t T w in F alls, Idaiio, on tha 18th day of February. 19*8.

C laim ant namea aa VitneAan: Virgil Jew ett. Emery Camineron,

both o f HollUUr. Idaho, Alfred lA raen, o f S e r g tt , Idalw . Edward S nider, o f Tw to F a lK Idaho.

FRANK DeKAY,Reglatrr.

SUMMONSIn tha p u t r ic t Oonrt o f tha E isw nth

Judicial D U trlct o f the State of Idaho, In and for Twin F aiu C ounty.

A. D . « (M ir , platotlff, Ti. Sum ner BrowmAii M w ardH srrill; William P . Broeica; Jama* a. Fargo and Louisa n irg o , h is wife; Tw in F^lla C ounty, a legal subdivislco of Uie

Real Eatatfl T ranar«ra

Twin VWto TIUe and Abstract Company

Friday, lan aary 88patent U . S. *A, to U. A. Chance,

E>i NW 4 i W U NK o -li-a o .Deed. H. Xnypatra to A. D . Rotiler,

$1. i^ t 4 Blk 8 Jonea Addn. T . P.Do, D. McBride to 0 . Bhrum $129,

IX)IB 9 and 10 Blk. 18. Oaatlerord.I,eaae, A. B. W ilson to H. Hay-

twum , SESW 84-I0-16,Deed, E. A. Moon to E. C. Rosa.

$10. Lot 7 Blk. la, Bickel Addn. T. P.


woman. Mrs. Janet Cowling, m an- sg e i a large rubber estate and con­trols a large native populatlw aln g le-h an d ed In t h t territory of Papua. British New Oulnea. Slie Is known even to m any of the natives as '’Janet.”

parilam ent voted ,1100.000.000 to th e alava-owners w t i i i sUvary wasaboiUhed throitflM iir (ba Britisb empire to 183)./

c u u d P ratt w sn i u p to Pdcalelld th e other day and ha could find hla old oustom en a ll a lfn g the road. We're salltog lots o f baUdlng Ma­terials as w ell as antenabUa Urea and (nbee and Aifcansas aw tar e<l a ll up and down the Itoe. A s 1 passed through American F alls I could thtok o f so m any of tha good fanners up th a t way th a t trada with us and m y m ind naturally w ent over to Blackfoot and Idaho F alls as the farm ers have come down with big trucks aod loaded them up to full capacity from Pratt'S Bargato Town. Then as 1 csm e down through Rupert we could count up oVer 10 carloads of lumber and baUdlog raa- te ito li th a t w e had shipped to lo R upert. We furnished the largest p a n o f tlie lam ber for the big Lat­ter D ay Sa toU building aa well aa tiie rem odeling of the school a t R up- . ert. Then as we cam e through Bur­ley we couldn’t help but think of the m any, many customers that we have around Buriey. Ab we were riding along In our car with a far­away look In our eyea, I naturally thought of Oakley and, "bless old M urtauglu' hea|t," Ttiere are some m ighty fine farmers arouna there th a t are Claud Pratt's customers.We are reachtog out far and wide and we don't have a single traveling anlexman to represent us. One cus­tomer juxt keeps telling hta neigh- tm- and ao the good new s Just keepa on traveling.

Did you know that every aingle carload of motor o |l Ibat Claud I'rntt has shlpi>ed Into Tw in Falls has been the Arkansas m oior eUT We j iu t ordered. Friday, our 34Ui rarlnnd and the l u t 8 carloads o( Arkar«aaa m oUr e ll has been the im« litoved. Ttie El Dorado o il m an waa in to see UA a few daya ago ^nd told CInud P ia tt that they had spent a m illion and a liaif dollars to im ­prove the Arkansas m eter aU SJid they certainly did a wonderful }ob o(U, f t iias been a wonderful o il from th e very start but now It U more wonderful.

Wo huve a carload of No. 1 la lh coining 111 and If you can poaalbly wait for these laths to srrire we can ■ave you more m on ey 'th an eyer. We're going to iRsatter fbes^ latba (Hii Juai llkn an old tiirashing wa'- chlne ncatters straw.

Wa believe In putting tow p r M on artlrlee so U » t people can iKiy Uiem chesp. We have small windawa liere as w ell aa la it e and ^irtoal so downright cliaap that yoult fsal Uka saying. -ITiank you. Mr. Prati." Wa iiave anotlier eaikM 4 of ah lo flet - dered. Also v t Y t ordering anolbar < c a rto a in jr tiB sa r 9 ly w a a « r < M « l — : over, m en, e o a a oa over. ' ,

Claud C P ra tt Sales Company , .



Proceedings of the Board of Commis- = . sioners, Twin Falls Counlj Idaho'

(C eallaaed f n m F » c e ,l) been erranemialy m ade, hereby iu< thorlK s caneellBtixm o t «U taxes ex* o m t n e e la l Improvement, a sa ln st l e u 1< and 17. block 7, B lue Lakes

. to Tw in P alls ‘I^w nsite, (oirth e year 1M7.


■ The Board exam ined HoBpJtal Ex­pense Claims, and ordered warrants drawn as follows:

Ballantyne Plbg. U H l«. Co.. re ­pair $6055: C ity F uel Co. fuel, t2J5,47; CUy Waterworks D ept.. water, I53JI; Cloa Book Store, sup­plies, M.95;

Denver Fire Clay Co.. drugs. »48.00; Tom Doty, provisions, » 1 « 5 : D ia­

mond Kdwe. Co., H JI. supp. tl6.86; Oecar Doxrud, provisions, $11.74; Drive In M arket, provisions. $13.01;

Electric Bakery, provisions, $20.80; Home Plbg. ^ H t«. Co.. repair, 75c;

D e p t Store, L td , H . H . Supp, $H J7: W aho Evening Times, Off. BSip. $8.76; Idaho Power Co.. U fh t b powtc, «309.49; Id ea l Bakery, p r o ^ o n a , *74M;

Jerome Co-op Creamery, pro­visions, $141.99: Johnson i t Johnson. Surg. Supp. $30.80:

Kinney W holesale Cp., provisions, $36.78; Kingsbury's Drug Store, drUT, $ 2 3 8 « : ^

Lewsl m g . Co., Sur» Supp.. $83.00; Rex E. Lammers. provisions, $3.37:

. M tn. S U tes Tel. tt Tel. Co.. Tel. service. $53.73; NaUonal U un dry , laundry, $400.76.

Petrolagar U b . drugs, $13£0; Phy­sicians' Supply Co., surgical Supp., $16TJ4; P hy^clans' Supply Co.. equipment. »a55i»; Jamea W . R eeve, Sur*. S u p p , $62.62; Boyal Bakery, provlslotu. m M i

Sharp & Sm iU i. H . U . Supp., ♦ » i 6 ; e im p w n & Co. provlaions.

■ $183^6; BUtfl Insurance Fund. Comp. Ins. Prem. $63.03; Cora E. Sterras. Co. Treat., aaslsned,filalm .. .....

The i^ w e r Co.. Surg. S u ^ M.4B; . * m s u t « u ir . Co., .repair, W aM ;

Vm TKmWe, tn a ld sAlary/ taiW: T . F . Coca C<^a B o tt C o , pnjTlslons.

------t t t t t t - T . - F . - C o . . O e n .. HoaplW .aa lg n ed claim s, «316M ; T. F . Oea. H c ^ tir i, Misc. cash receipts. $100.43;

r . O ^ t y Farm, pn

L E G A L A O V E R T I f iE f ifE N T B

$24.«; McCoy Coal f t Transfer, coal, $S.6S; M agel Automobile Co., car expense, $3.01.

James 0 .;N e lI. provisions. $3.30.O . T. Parkinson, C a physician,

$300.00: H . Ef. Powers,V ins. prem , $328.00; Claud O. P ratt Sales Co., rcpalrr»$18.77.

Frank J . SmlUi. trans. Ind.. $59- .45; Simpson ic Co., provisions, $85- .70: Shrlvcr's Cash Orocety, provi­sions, $82^7; Shell O il Co., coupon books. $20.00: W . O . Shipm an, misc. ca-sli rec.. $17.04; W. O. Shipman, salary, $75D0; Mrs. W . O . Shipman, exUft help, $23X»; S a fe w a r Store No. 7, provisions, $20J»; St. Al- plionsus Hospital, care of Ind., $149- .75; Salvation Army Home, qr. al* lownnce, $76i)0.

Twin P a lls Mortuary, Ind. burial,

N e n y ^ . K ollm cyw ,-H . V. Miller,J, L. O row .'K A m eth Shark.

' i^ lepdale Preeloct E. D. Sllger. Victor W. Nelson.

Frank P. Dcasey, A. J. Davis, Claud Oates, Maurice Hansen, Oeo. An­derson, Wm. Thietlen.

Berber PreclDct Harry Crookham, Leonard Hud-

dieson, O. V. Dougherty, John M.Kirkm an, Geo. B. Parrott, J . M.Humphries, Hugh Dodd, Jr.

CasHeford-Preelnct „ „Trp“ F eed 'a tlce ,‘ prtvisIon3;'^ Quy f . Swope; Twin

?.* 1 [ 10.00: T . F . P lour MUI*. provisions. • Fall.'. No. 4. Mrs. Ruth Wlndle; TV n

L E O A L ADVERTISEMBNTSseveral elecUon pre<?lncta in T w in F alls County a s follows: /

Allendale. Mrs. Elda I^IchliKr: Berger. E. E . Lathrop; CasUeford. Mrs E. D . L t«an: Clover. Mra. Mar­tha Llerman; Dpep Creek. Mrs. Bay W ilkinson: Filer, W. P . Shlan; H an- aen, John Penny: H o llU ter ,4 to . Jo - sle m uameyer; Kimberly, A. J. W il­son; Lucerne, Mrs. S ^ a rt; Maroa. Mrs. Orville Creed; Mur- U uah P. W. W achholU; Rock Creek. Mrs. Chas. Cline; Rogerson. Mrs. ^ c d Clutc; Roseworth. W . N. Glbb- Thomctz. Mrs. C. E. Grieve: Bulil No. 1, Mrs. H. A. DeN eal; Buhl No 2. Loura E. Charlton; Buhl No. 3 Mrs. M ayme Quire: Buhl No, 4. Mrs Adolph M achacek: Twin F alls No 1. Mrs. Jennie W hltsell; Twin Pftlls No, 3, Mrs. M ay Roberts; Twin

il” 1 » I lo.oo: T . tr. n o u r Mills, provisions. • Fall.'* « o . i . n,uui »Ymun;,n « r « S » w H a J i j S A C T. P. Co. Gen. HosplUI. pro- F alls No. B. Mrs. H elen Mlnnlck:

Ivlilons. $58J3: Trollnger-s P h a r -,T w in Palis No. 6. Moses Steams: nolds. Jrfm Meyers. , Texas Co.. cou- Twin Palta No. 7, Mrs. Emma C,

i> ..L. I»n books. $30.00; Tarr Auto W reck-, WJlham.

Joe Simon, Harvey M . Peters, H.E. Hammcrquist, Fred Munyon, Ed­gar Vincent, George Erhhardt.C .O .Thomas. H. W. Kulp, R . J . Sbersole,Frank DeKlotz. A . B . Herron, Wal* --------- j

Ing. car exp.. $9.15; Troy Laundry, f ix in g Ct laundry, $41.43. I U pon i..

U nion M otor Co., car. exp.. $18i5. R ayl. seconded by Commissioner W hite M ortuary. Ind. burial, M5; 1 Barnes, and unanim ously carried,.,11

T. P . W ilson, provisions, $ U J 0 :|w a 3 ordered th a t compensaUon of Warbcrg B ros, coal. $40.«1: Wiley regUtrars bo f tted a t fU U en cents' Drug Co.. drugs, $550: Marls W ll- for each nam ed registered.

|U ) 4 1 ; T. F . F eed f t ic e Co. pro- ■ vtdSM , m .4 3 ; T . F . Olaas 4s F ain t

Tw in ffewa, w te r ip t la B i, 113.00:

T < va» iM sik e$ .««ortilau .— y t n ttiga lan .B t s k .H . .H . . f t i p p ,

ISilO; K yle M . Waite, X -ray Supp. I liO ; B n » , coal, $339.01.

'U n . Dork W U tf,. provlsloa>, 161.80 W e it« m p tk » .te l« r » m s .6 0 e : WUey D n i» C o , X -ray Supp. 7IM ; Toim g^ D airy, provMlaiis, 1161.83,

W ho. Oroceiy^ p ror l^ css.

K K B U C B N 9E (SM N T B DL k e n n for t lt t M le or bottled beer

m a graBtwl t o X . Henrtoclf. nmx idST VOK un

Pursuant iA Seo^ a .^ 1 , Idaho

:■lo U o w : • ■. !

TwlB M b V n e fiw l N«b 1DoD.flKaaonL 6 . 0 . Sbow n, o . B .

B lM b i, a J . SlKer, WOaon RUe. J . aC. Carl D eL oot,Oibb, H . I*. B o o m . O. av ,B u tU )al- ter. Q .V . NordUDc. 0 . IX l lu in p - MO, I n e r t Faraham', J . T . Phipps, Fred W atner, M . X. D ingle, Oeo. Denny, W . L. Gardner, O rofer Hartley.

M b Falla F fte ln e i No. I B. F . M eP tapw n. Cheater Wise,

. O . I L O bincluB ..A . T . ReaW 6 . J. BwltKr, j : H . OlaadoD. L . 0 . M um - power, a L. M ecraokeo, J . O. R as- m UM tt. H . J . Reynoida. Geo. 0 . B ntU iart, Boea P , M asm . C. L. B m lU cO rD tJp h w on . Chaa. W . D u­m as, W. F . Lon*. AlrrW -'W. M ad- land. ir o n o. w. N . Bkinaer.

Tw in F U le Frectnet N e. 8 Herbert Kublm an. J . 8 . MulUna.

lo b n Boouaer, R . O. Evans, J , H. m U /6: s r o . l> oeV , R . s . Sea ls. B . S . Crabtree; S te n e n Boe, M artin JenM n, Lester V . G han, A. c . c o n -

' rad, J , .L , Roup. Bam Elrod, E. L. Black. E. O , Cain, A. 0 . Boone.

Tw in F alls F reeinol No. 4 Peter a Xblera, Chas. D . Miller,

'A. Z. Babbel. ,J. F . Oordes, Roy J. Bvana, O eo. A. Rlgdon. H . R . A ll- red. J . O. Ealingei-. Tom Hlslop, L. B . Arrington. R . F . Bush, Jam es B.

V Cochran, C . T . Bidders, A. L. R on- . e ll, B . J . Aasendrup, T . B . Bandy.

Ii. W. Hyde, M. H . Buck.T w in Falla P m in c t No. 6

Harry Smock, John L. Van Aus- detn, C. L, Adkins, Wm, Hoops, R ar-

> nr Ryan, W . A . Falloon. O. D. Lyda, B , J . eobw ttaar.R obL Bailer, C. A. Blekford, Lea S ^ t b . . Ylolor Stro- b e t t. IM r.B um pbre7. W . B. Hoag, Sjrlveatcr X teffD er. H . W. q u asi.

su b le s .H ansen F red act

' Harold Koenig. Earl Potter, Cle- tus KJutx, W . J. Emery, J . C. Os­good. Raymond Durk, Harokl Hull, AusUn Moore, Robt. Howell. W . E. Hubbard, John Penny. Q . M. W ise­man, W illard McM aster. John W. Pralun, W lllls G. Sam pson. Austin Wafel.

HolUaler Precinct T. J . D ouglas, J . H . Caldwell, Les­

lie D ean. C. A. H um an, W. A, Parley, Richard Carter. Jesse A. G riffiths, Ora Jones.

Kim berly Precinct P . H . W eller, Alva H. Jay, J . M.

Hillegas, R . H . D enton, W. M. Van H outen, I . Fonley. S . H . Proctor, Chaa. F . Brown. N . A. Barr, WUey Ooppinger, D . Jean D ay. Leland F in­ley . WendeU G lenn . Lloyd s . Jones, Ernest Koch. D on W. McKlUip, Her­bert Lambing, J . M. Steelsm ith. Carl nimtnorMm, Ben F . Jansen, B en M e- Creary, Floyd Jones, .Pete Mulder, John S. Gourley, R . Frank Boyd. AJ R . Campbell. J . W. Draper. Frank O n ea r J . £ .H e lfer ty . Geo. W. Jones. Henry M ichaells, Carl D . Irwin.

L sce tM Prechict W ilhelm Oheim , Irven Crisp, O. W.

R big, N els Larsen. R . B. Davis.M aroa Precinct

Elmer Haag, T . S . Nicholson. Stan ley W alters, Lee Ennis, Donald U eK ay , J . O . Winkle, J . M. Jam er-

in ., . .M arU ugb Precinct

Wm. H er»hey..W .,H . West, John Savage. P . J . Fahey, J . D . McFar­land. Henry R ees, Frank Sampson, R oyal T d m an , W . C. Hall, Fran­c is L. Sohnson, Jam es Boyle, Hans c ; Anderson. Geo. Fisher. *«atin R. Olm stead. John W. Silvers, £ . S. True. E . £ . Walker.

B eck Creek Precinct >H. P . Larsen. Marcus Pomeroy.

C has. O . Baker, Carl Hughes, Ira Foster, O . W. 6w alm .

Begerson Precinct 0 . F . W urster, J . W. GreenyR. E.

Davis, L ou is'E arrell, £.' L, VbUn, Berry D un can . T . B. Fausett.

Th om eis Precinct 0 . E. Grieve. Chas. W. Kevan.

H enry O rthel. V. E. Morgan, W. A.


H ie proposed budget for 1938 was considered as to making the Tenta­tive Budget, and not having been cdm pleted, w as continued.

A t th e hour of 6:00 o'clock p, m. a recess w as taken until 10:00 o'clock a . m ., January l l , m a .

JAMES L. BARNES, A ttest: Ohatrmai)

FR AN K J. SMITH. Clerk.Tw in Falls, Idaho January l i , 1938 10:00 o'clock a. m.

BEOULAR JANVABY SESaiON T lie Board m et at thU time mir

su ant to recess, a ll members and the clerk present.

Appointm ent of Constable A petition signed by Wm. A, GUI

a nd m ore than fifteen other rlec' tora of the East End Justice PrC' clnct, requesting the appointment of Sllaa O lven i as constable was filed With th e Board. Upon moUon made by Commissioner Banies. seconded by Commissioner Hart, and unanl-

W am er, salary, 812.00; Mrs. Letha Warner, salary, $8 i» ; Walgreen Drug Co., druga, $759.

Zion's W h a Grocery, provUlons,$107.62.Consideration o f TenlaUve BudgetThe proposed budget for 1038 was o’clock

examined and considered as to m ak-1 Ing the T entative Birdgef, and not Imvlng been completed, was contin­ued.

At the hour of 5:00 o'clock p, m. reccss w as taken until 10:00

o’clock a. m., January 12, 1938,JAM ES L. BARNES,

Attest: . Chairman.PRANK J. SM ITH. Clerk.

T w in Falls, Idaho January 13, 1038 10:00 o’clock a. m.

REGULAR JANUARY SESSION Tlie Board m et at this time pur­

suant to recess, a ll members and the ilcrk present.

C ancellation of Taxes Mrs. Nora E. Pagg petitioned the

Board for cancellation of 1937 U xes upon F iler Acre Tracts No. 30. Upon checking the rccords It was found that continuation of widow's exem p­tion had been allowed In 1936, but that the contlnuaUon slip for 1937 was .not received by M n. Fagg but w as returned to the assessor’s office. Therefore the Board deems th a t as­sessm ent for 1937 was erroneously made, and such taxes, except special assessm ents, are hereby ordered cancelled a s shown ori Tax Receipt No. 6311 for 1937.

Qaarterly Reports FUed Q uarterly reports o f the Sheriff

and Probate Judge were fUed with and approved by the Board.

B eer License Granted L icense for th e sale of bottled and

draught beer w as granted to Joe M artin N achlondo.

C onsideration o f the TenUUve Bndget

C onsideration of the Tentative Budget for 1938 waa again taken up, and n o t having been completed, was again continued.

A t th e hotjT o f »tOO o’clock p. m, recess was taken until 10:00

o'clock a.-iQ.,'January 14. 1938.'JAMES L. BARNES,

A ttest: Chairman,P R A N K J . SMITH, Clerk.

Tw in Falla, Idaho January 14, 1938 10:00 o’clock a. m.

REGULAR JANUARY SESSION T h e Board m et at this time pur­

su ant t o recess, all members and the clerk present.

H etp lta l Salary Claims Allowed H M pltal salary claims were allow­

ed, an d warrants were ordered draw n a s followa:

-Velm a Argotslnger, nurse, $24.03; M argaret Austin, nurse, $22.50,, HUma Bakken, nurse, $23,60; Cyn- tfiia Bishop, dleUclan, $27,00; Myr­tle Callam . nurse. $24.03; Howard C hoat. m aid. $1503; Gwendolyn Crofts, m aid. $9,72; Ruth Cobb, m aid. $9.73; Ida Clapsaddle, maid,$0.73.

G lad ys DeBeer, iiiprrvlsor, $37,50; l u Drlskcll. malcl. $13,78,M arlon Evaiw, nurse. $27.00,R om a P a lm , maid, $0.73; Ethel

F ltton , supervisor, $27,00,Arllne Gipson, maid, $9.73; Eve

lyn Hanklhs, siii>crvtAnr, 12403; Mil­dred Harmon, malil. $0,72; Mary Lee House, m aid. $7.00,

H. O. Jeppesen, aunt., 140.60,P aul. Kautlmnu, orderly, $9.72;

Evelyn Kltt^lBon, *upetvL■ or, $27.00;Clara Beltn Kline, nurnr, $2403;Tracy Kj»yp»lra. niirw. $'.!3,M.

Joyce lA rkln, nvirae, $2403; M ath- *18.00; Elmer

h - : D et l

m ously carried. Sllaa Givens was ap­pointed Constable of tlie East End JusUce Precinct, said appolnunent to become .effective upon ihe tiling an d approval of his bond as re­quired by slatute.

Beer Licenses tiranU d _________Licenses for the sale of bottled llda Llerman.

beer were granted to Plxton «t C o .,' LIghtfoot, orderly. 112,78; I.ellft Lin and Velma JasiM-r. , i^oln, nurse, $2403; Inna Unk,

Poor Fund Claims Allotted I nurse, $30.85: Cnmllla I.tvlnsnlnn, Tlie Board rxamlned c ln lm s' m old, $0.72; Kntlilrfit I,oulll, nurse,

against Uie Poor Pund niul ordered $32JW; R uth Luke. olJlce help. $10J13.

W ilm a Maklnwin. m sld. $5.00; M axine Mattirson, nurse, $23.50;

__________ D of Tentative B odgetConsideration o f the Tentative

Budget for 1938 w as again taken up. and n o t having been com pleted, was again continued.

•At the hour of 5:00 o’clock p. reccss was taken until 10:00

m.. January 16. 1938. JAMES L. BARNES,

A Jtw t: Chairman.FRANK J . SM ITH, Clerk.

T w in >'all8. Idaho January 15. 1938 10:00 o’clock 4. m.

REGULAR JANUARY SESSION The Board m et a t th is tim e pur­

suant to recess, a ll m em bers and the clerk pfesent.

Beer License Granted License for the sale o f bottled beer

was granted to Elmer Givens. Quarterly I n s j^ t lo n s Made

Quarterly inspectlona were made of the County Court House and Jail, Hospital and Poor Farm. ConaideraUgn ot T enU U ve Budget

Consideration of .th e Tentative Budget w as aga in taken tip. but not having been com pleted, w as con- Unued.

A t the hour, o l 3:00 o’clocl^ p. m. a recess was taken u n til 10:00 o’clock

m . January 17, 1938.JAM ES L. BARNES,

' Chairm anA ttest:

FRANK J. SM ITH , CIcrk.Tw in FalU , Idaho January 17, 1938 10:00 o’clock a. m ..

-REGULAR JANUARY SESSION T he Board m et a t th is tim e pur­

suant to recess, all m m b er s and the clerk present.

Beer U censea Granted U censes for the sale o f botUed beer

were granted to N. W . Schm lt, H . C. W heeler, and A. J . Anderson, agent for Covey’s G as & OU Co.

of D eputy Pl«ld

The appointm ent by J. D . Barn­hart, C ounty Assessor, o f P . H. W il­son as deptity field assessor, was ap­proved by th e Board.C onsiderallen of Tentative B sdget

C onsideration o f the Tentative B u d ^ t for.1838 waa again taken up, and n o t h a f t n f been completed, was continued.

A t th e hour of 5:6o o'clock . a recess Was taken until 10:00 o'clock %. m . January 18, 1938. ■


A ttest:FR AN K J. SM ITH . Clerk.

T w in FalU, Idaho January 18, 1038 10:00 o’clock a. m.

REGULAR JANUARY SESSION 7 )ie Board m et a t this time p u r

Buant to recess, a ll members and the clerk present.

T entative Budget Made T he T entative Budget, wlUi alter­

ation as m ade by th e County Com' m luloners waa filed with the County Budget O fficer.

A pproprtation e* Ponds I t was m oved by Cot

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSB ay’s Texaco Sta.. ear exp., «3J4. Standard O il Co. « f C alif., car

exp.. $7JO; Soden Eleclrlc Co.. lam ps, $7.63; Sym s-York Co., tax toUs ,

* * W n Falls Lumber Co., repair. .58.

Wescbtt o n Co., car exp.. $6J1; W est Publishing Co., law books, $ 9 7 .0 0 .- -

U oaplUl Expense Claims AllowedT he Board examined Hospital E x ­

pense Claims, and ordered warrantsdrawn as follows:

C c . ’Andcrson Co., H H supplies, $43.35; A atell i i Jones, H H su p ­plies. $2.35. .

City Waterworks D ept, water, $60.84.

Tom Doty, provisions. $0.15. Electric Bakery, provisions, $3J0, H. J. Heins, provisions, $67.77. Idaho Nevada Electric. H H aup-

nllcs, $7.19; Idaho Power Co., lig h t and power. $204.35 Ideal Bakery, provisions, $2,00; Independent M eat Co.. provuioan. $17,40; In ter-State Trading Co., equipment, $35.35.

Jerome Co-op Creamery, proyl- .slons, 135.61; H. C. Jeppesen, m ileage. $?3.24.

Klntsbury’s Drug Store, drugs, *289.70; Krci'igcl’s, repair, $1650.

Lewis Mfg. Co.. Eurglcal supplies, $660.12. *

M ^n's Paint tc P um .. H H sup­plies, $67-90; M tn States TCl & Tel Co.. tel service, $59.15.

National Laundry Co.. laundry, $114.00: North Coast C hem 6e S oep Wks., repair. $14.00.

C, Penney Co., H H supplies, J172.60.

Sclcntific Supplies, lab supplies, $13.20; Slmrp Sm ith, equipm ent, $182.06; Sm ith Paua Drug Co., drugs, $98.49; So. Idaho Lab., lab work, $56 00; Bert A. Sw eet F u in ., equip­ment, $22.60; Sw ift as^Co., H H su p­plies, $59.60.

T. F. Coca Cola Co., provisions, 55; T. F.Co, Farm, provisions. $24.90;

F. Co. Oen. Hospital, assigned claims, $29.10.

Vottel-s, provUlons. $19.99.Warberg Bros., coal, $96.40; Mrs.

Dora Watts, provisions, $2450. Young's Dairy, provisions, $41.12. Zion's W holesale Qroccrx, provi­

sions. $127J»7.Poor Fund CUims Allowed

The Board e x a m i n e d claim s agaiTut the Poor Fund, and ordered warrants drawn a s follows

Consumers Market, provisions, $5.00.

Intcrmtn Seed tc F uel Co., coal, $38.60; Independent M eat Co., provi­sions, $54.63.

Kimberly Drug, drugs, $825; K u lp Coal Yard. coal. 813.8L

Majestic Pharm acy, drugs, $86.98. Pratt Sa les Co., lumber, $34.99. Stowe’s P hannacy. drugs, $43.10;

Simpson & Co. provisions, $83X8. O V hlte Mortuary. Ind. burlaU, $15.00; R. G. Wilson, provUions, $3250.

Apportionmeat o f S ta te Liqaor Control Fonda

The Board ordered S ta le Liquor Control Funds, in the am ount of $7,235.48, apportioned as follow s: Twin P alls CUy $3,479.45; B u hl City $531J4; FUer City $285.39: Kim berly Village $183.85; H ansen VUlage, $106.94; and HollUter V illage $31.87. Sam e w as apportioned by thi Auditor as show n on Auditors Certi­ficate No. 2374.

. Approval o t . A ppointm ents A ppom tm ents by J. D . Barnhart

C ounty Assessor, o f R . R. N eale and G . E. Byard as D eputy Field Assessors, were approved by the Board.

B eer Ucensea GrantedLicenses for the sa le o f bottled

beer were granted to S . P . H ahn and Harry Applebaum, and W. B . Hoag F ixing M ileage R ale for PrivaUly

Owned Cara M ileage for privately ow ned cars

w as se t a t six cent* per m ile while used for public p u r ] ^ s , upon m o­tion m ade by Commissioner Bar-

seconded by



DBTVSB—O tU e: 9,450; markel ttcKdy to lower: Iwet t(««n $S to tSJO; cowi $S t9 tS.S0; b«ir«n »S (o calvcaH to t i l ; fMdcn and itocXen »S to

)$7.10: bull! t s .ta IS.7S.CHICAOO.-J«n. 91 (OP)-W be*t n i - ; Hofi: 1.000; market lOc to U c lower: irM mov*d nRrrowly aroued Batur- top |SM ; bulk t t to II.M: packlog

.ty'a cloalDB I«tcU on tb« Cblcago mw* MJS to I4.7S. board of (n d e today.. ' fibeep: 7.000: market itcady to 2Jo

At lb« cloia wheat waa lie to l i e lower; fat lamb* HJO to *7.40. blKber. eom S e to '.ie tower, aad ofta '‘b« to Ue lower.

Tradere heeluted to make cpmmlt- raenta. awatUm further rvporta on tba condlUon of tbo winter wbeat cro^. Abeence of moUture-lD the MuthwMt and colder w*atb«r over tb# week-end contributed to tb* unceruiotj. Pra- dlcted moUture tor I(anu4 faUed to appear.

Th* market waa hlgber at the op«n- iK on buyiag by. commlulon hoiuM.

Demand w u llsbt and price* wer* ten- iltiv* to buyint In la a ii amouou.

ltd under

p e a ^ to btve given up waltlog for better quotaUon* tbroueb a pickup In export bustne** aad bad decided to part with iraln at pr«*«Dt price*.

GRAIN TABLBCRICAOO-Oraln ranse:W bcal: Open Ulsb Lew CI»m

Lay ................... i ? Jn>,i .82% .93*iJu ly __________ B7!i .8S»i .S7>* .8S\e- ' -7% ,#SV4 .rr<« .*S

May July ,

________ S9ii .S9H .stn .60 i .59',i Mih M y, Mih

July Z Sept.

J l ',4 .31 .Jl.»,29</t .21!;, OBTi

ailCA O O LIVESTOCKOaiCAaO-Hosa: 23,000: market

•Ten; Iso to 2Se nlgher; eopte 30e tc . . . up: bulk 150 to 300 ibi. w . 8 0 to t>: top %S: aio to 380 lb*. to |S-7S: 3 0 u SU Iba. S7.70 to U: packing eowa around SScblgh^n bulk medium weight* and heaviei tS.M to »WS; Vgbtwelgbta $7.» and better. '

Cattle; 19.000; calve* 1.SOO; geaeral market very tlow; not enough tteera ■old to cttablUh a market; genrralderton* 3S« or mora lower; b e l fe n ___eowa #1 * 0 tanded lower: eatly top fat atMr* a»: load or ao at I7.W to M.3S; ■toek calve* and thin atocker* iceady; bull* and vealera vmr scarce, iteady: top uuiage buUe' fS.7S; realen |13 down.

Bbeep: U,000; fat lamb* slow: mid* aea*on sale* around tteady to 3J« low­er; *om« bid* off more; talkte down, ward from t7.7S on good aqif choice offerings; early top H on cbolc* double bandywelgbt to imall ' kUlers; abeep stMdy to easier; 123 lb. sl*u|bt«r

____ .73U .73»i .73zrrS?.-“''

. . . . BAN PKANCaSCO-HoBs: 300; lop $9.3i oa JMd and half gooa tc choice 180 to 215 lb. butchers; good packing sows $1J i .

Cattle; 1.200: eeveral loads good fed a lf t n 17; bulls U.SO,

Sheep: 9.700: double good 81 lb. Utah

subsldlaiy. reported for IWT i oorae equal to *348 a (bar*, against • a share In m e . lu wtakn*** surted rumors tbat the dlrtdeod wa* In Jeopardy.

The W annual payment had been kept intact through the deprwslon. but traderw said the undlauibuted'proflu t*» prevented building up of a surplu*.

Dow Jones cleelDg stock avcrsg**; in ­dustrial I2l.»7. up 1.73; tall 37.9fl. up Oil: utility IBJI. up 0-19.

Stock sales approximated 780 0 0 0 share*, the smaUeat since July 1 . it}), and compared with 199,000 abate* Fri­day.

1 N.Y. STOCKS ImrW TOIIK. Jan. 31 (UP)-Th* mar­

ket closed Irregularly lower.Alaska Juneau ........ . ........... ..... ijilAllied Chemical _ _ ____ i m 'AlIU ChUmeni ...............................American Can ........ ...... ...........Amercan Radjaior __________ ir . H itAroendaii Smelting ____________ 4 7

I fed lamia ’top'pvd early at 18-

.1.04 I,04>i 1.04 1 04',:Soy Beau:

fctoy,______J u ly ______

CASH GRAIN OHIQAOO-Wheat: No. 2 hard ll.OO'.L.

No. 3 bard 07Uc, No. 4 bard 91c to 99c. No. 9 hard 88c. sample grade Sl'.ic to 92c. No. 3 mixed 88c.

Com: Mo. 4 mixed 54>ic to M>ic. No. 5 mixed 52li0 to 94‘ '4C. No. 3 seUow S«\M to S7HC. No. 4 yellow S4e to JSc. No. 9 yeUow Ho to M^ c. No. 3 wblte 39c. No. 3 Whit* 53 o to M> c, aample grade Uc. ,

Oata: No. 1 wiilt«.3Sc. No. a wblte 33\;a to 34c. No. 3 whlt« 3Zi c. No/ 4 white 32c. ssmple grad* 91c to 3U]C.

Bye: No. J. 78V4c.^ r ley : Feed 4So to e2c; malting 71cS oy ^ n s : No. 3 yellow ll.OHi- Clover: Red 32c to 37c: eweet |1D to

•lOJO.Timothy: 83.M to 13.

OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA-Uop: 5S0; I5o to lie hl»h-

!r: top 18.50.CatUe; e»0; calvM 500; slow, weak;


BAN FRANCISCO-Butter: -9J spore 33».4c. 91 aoore 33c. 90 score i3c, 89 score 32tke.

Cbee*«: Wboles*ls flaU 17c. trlpieU ie>>o. Jobbing price*, nau 18c to l»c.

Bgp: Larga ts>bc, large standard* medium 1 8 \jc. small Ifl^jc.

cinCAGO CHICAOO—%gs; Uarket firm; re>

MipU 9.132 cas**; fte*b graded llr*U. cars. 19c; leas than car*. I8>ic: extr* XUit*. car*. » u c : le«* than ears l»c; cbeck* J6c; dlrtie* n c; current receipt* 18'iC

Butter: Uarket steady: recelpu S98,- 143 gros* lb*.: exua flrsU M to ,« l l ‘i soor* 320 to 33)ic: extras M acoraS S / '.S S a U u.34c: ceatralUed 89 aoor* 9t)>c; cea- Ualised BS score 31c.

ObMe: Twins iS ;o to 18c; daUle*jeu o u l« \io i longboms to iS'.ic.

aackaj; HI. yelloi^ lU ? to |l.S5 (*tre


. . . , warrants drawn as follows.Falte l ^ l a e t No. « i j , y , Arrington, houw rent $500

W hite, B l- H elen O, Atwood, ealary, »lo.oo J o n l u . O eo. Bradley, P aul O harlott B. Armstrong, iiiiraing ind.

” "‘ '#ia.M.M w e lle r . B, a . PItiw aU r, Roy Hill, L. Prater, n . B. DeWItt, Lee

JB u tw ell, Oal Lindsay, Prank Schu- iH i i W . B . Lawrence, W. O. Jaoky, 1. J . O ib um , H . R. Sweet, Archie POI^ R . H . Walker.

T w in Valla Preelnel N e. 1 a . O. W alk , L . A. Hanaen. fl. P.

■M aher, R lehatd D iam ond, Pred BoUflliar, O. P . Bowlea. W . A. Baai, Wnaalfl O n n t , nu sse li P olU r, Owen R . Adamik A. B. Reams, B . P . K au -

Ohaa. Piowerdew^ Oart BletD, f . O. Boone, Pred Beer, Prank

" M lcvn ie . Ed Outtery. U s te r Black, t . D . W blte.

B iA l PTMinol No. 1 , _ O io a r Oreen. * . Bordewlck, Ted

. X arl yaiilnger, R . R . Love,


Buat(n« .ZM l bavU , Prank M . & H unt, L. W . Love-

. .. ll P iM lnel N e. S n B in D te r , D . B, Burkry. A. A.

—- “ U O rem , Perry Howard, Jam ea G annon. Joh ii

r. B m u u m . a . J . DeShaw , n , W, A. Olasgow, , J . J . Boyd. P . A.

I. X U u ,_______Darreli O,

I, Xarl L B o w -

0 . D . Boring Drug O o, drugs, %!•

Newty Matlicw.i. luirne, I33.M; llau McCarty, malil, »0.7',l; Kather­ine McParlmitl. miivrivlsnr, 127,00;

.78: Harry Barry Agency, In*. Prem .,' oraoo M ltchfll. nmia, llB.OO; Lcoiia1183.40; Buhl Pharmacy, <lrugn. 17- .M; D ella Bullock, hm iu rent, la.OO; Benson Goal di Bervlcr, coal, t30.80; Helen E. Brown, aalnry. 110.60.

City W ayrworks Dept., water, •L80: Ohlldnn'a llm nc. ()r. allow- ance, |300.06; Continental Oil Co., coupon booka, *3q<W; Central Serv­ice Bta,, car expense, rj.lfl; ColgalA Palm olive pent, »up|illM, 130 30; CUy Puel Oo„ coal, ■•131,12; Concrete Pipe C o , repair, l is e o ; Clicster A Sheldon, brace, 110.00; OoKiwell Tire dt Bervlee, car exp., tBO OO.

M arjorU Durkett, salary, 113.80; Pred B. Drake, Ind. burial, |is.00 .

Pllor Elevator, coal,O leim a Oee, iiutAlng Ind., 140.00. Home Lbr. Ae Coal, coal. gai.Ol, M argretta Harmon, nalary, 140.00;

R . W. Ham pton, extra help, HO.OO.Idaho Dept. Utore, pmvlilons,

»M.7a; Idaho Power Co., light andto w er , I7400; Ideal Bakery, pmv|. alons, IM.7Q; Idaho Qrocery Co., iro cerle i, IM.30.

Jerom e Co-Op, Croamary, provl-

CheeUr K inney Wholesale Co., nrovUlons I319M ! Kimberly Klcvator, coal,•ip.W ; M. A King Co, H. H. sup­plies, t740.-Ji«Uw-flm«rTn, * Tel, oo„-tot. ^ I c e , |U .8 l;U aJeiU o Pharmacy,

® U ooonb 'a Market.' provlTlonsi «iM:- M odem D ra i Bliop, drugs.

Mohr. ane.‘>tliDllnt, t37.M); Bara Moore, m aid, W,73; Una Morgan, nurae, »33,80.

M argaret Ncedlr.i, muiie, 133.80; Mary Newvlnr. nurne, Clar­ence Noble, orderly, liuno.

o ece lla Oatr». MiprrvlM.r, M3.03;' Mrs. M . E. Oliver, n>nk, II3&0.

H elen PoUIriii'. niirar, I'i'J ftO; Har­ry Prattler, ciiBlurpr, liiOOe,

M argaret Hlco, nurse, I33.M. Hom er Baxon, lab, u d i„ »atB7;

Amy Btoddard, nir, rlk. X>rny t<H;li. 131,00; Either Htorvr. nnrnn. 123.80; G race Blrawirr, iniiAr, (2403; Jes- nle Hutton, nut/ie, linoD.

M arian Turner. ln>okkfi'per, >31,00, 'r, P . Co. a m , lleisiiUal, aulgned

cUUnn, 171.73.O rrtnide VIrl, irti, duty nurse.

131.80,Uevrrly Wce<ili. mnlil, 10,73; Marie

Wulnchleger, iuii;ie. $33 BO.Bear Llrenira (iranted

Uoenaea (or the m Ib o( iKittlrd beer wore grnnlwl to V. 11, Mc<Jro and A, A, Vombaur; llcensa lor salo of BotUed and drauslit beer was granted to P . W, Dodda.

q oar leriy Report Approved Quarterly reiwrt Auditor, Oletk

and ItMordar, w it (ilad with and approved by Uio Do ‘0 Board.

It of BeiUtran

Bam ea and eeconded by Comm ls- .iloner Rayl that ,not more than tweirth o f alt salaries as set forth in thr I ’entatlve Budget, and not to ex - cred ten per cen t o f Uie B Olaaslfl- catlons, be appropriated and set nsliie for expenses for the month of January, 1038. Upon roll call the vote waa unanimous.

Order to Draw Warrant T lie County Auditor waa aiitlior-

lr«d to draw warrant on the Poor l-'iind In tlie am ount of >3,840,73 In iBvor of Sta te of Idalio Dept, of Pub­lic A aslsU nce, In paym ent of pen­sions for January, 1038,

Approval ot Bond Bond of S ila s Olveiui, as Constable,

In Uie am ount ot >300,00, with llart- lord A ccident and Indemnity Co„ waa approved by the Board.

A t Ute hour o( 8:00 o'clock p. m.It r«cess was taken until 10:00 o clock u m. January 3 1 ,10S8.

JAMES L. BARNR8, Chairman

A ttest:PRANK J . S M in r , C lerk .'

Twin ntllfl, Idnlio January 31, 1018 10:00 o'clock a. m.

R K Q U lJill JANUARY HIMNION The Board m et a t this tim e pur­

suant to recess, a ll m em ben and the Irrk preaent.C^urrenk Eapenaa Ctalma Allowa«

UeST)The Board e x a m i n e d claim s

aga liu t the Current Expense Fund, and ordered warranU drawn a i fo l­lows;

Riira A llen, extra help, 812.W: Arme Hanllary Supply Co., Jail sup- li1le.\ IlSJiO; 0 . O, Anderson Oo., Jail supplies, >10.33,

lliih l Hardware, equipment, IIO.M; n u rgeu Publishing Co,, supplies, H.47,

Continental OU Oo., car eap.. tJO.33; M ay Cook, reporting, M.40; U rn A. Chapin, los. prem.,Cloa Book Store, supplies, «3Sa.lO,

Pnia H am eaa Shop, equipment, >8 38:

Idaho Service Bi«., car s ip ., l i t JO; Im perial O aibon Oo,, T.W . rtbboas, 1880. ,

Helen M adland. extra help. l4>em llla iL .Q e. library, >1.64; Mao iettio Phannaoy; iuppliea, K M ,

George M .P f t '

P ursuant to Heotlon la-TOi Idaho Code A nnoU ted, tlie Board at this tim e appointed Reglitrars for the


Piem ., w a M : U . E. P d m s , lo | . prem,, tIT-M- '

R ayl, and unanimously carried.Order Setting Salariea

Salaries for a ll deputies and clerks in the various offices w as set as follows, until changed by the commissioners, upon m otion made by Commissioner Hart, seconded by Cwnmlsstoner Barnes, and unani­mously carried.

Tom B. Lucas, Deputy Treasurer, >130,00 per m onth; R R, W hltsell, Deputy Treasurer, >13300 p t r m onth; Faye WllUams, C lerk ,Treas­urer, >03,00 per m onth; O eorge M. Paulson. Deputy Prosecuting Atty,, >100.00 per m onth; Marian Dunn, County Stenographer. >03.00 per m onth; J. M. Shank. Probation O f­ficer, >13«.0(rper m onth; M arjirle 0 . Black, Probate Clerk, >100.00 per m onth; Lenore DIebolt, Deputy Re­corder. >113.00 per m onth; Paul □ordon. Deputy Clerk. >130.00 per inontli; Lora Roberts, Deputy A udi tor, >138.00 per m onth; R uth Be. tiolt. Clerk. Recorder, W8.00 per m onth; Mildred Ramsey. Clerk, Supt., >00.00 p n m onth: Ruby W ein­berger, Clerk, County Agent, >03.00 per m onth; Mary Owens, Deputy Assessor, 1130.00 jwr m onth; O u o Quire, Deputy Assessor, >110,00 per m onth; H elen Taylor. Deputy As- tessor, lU iM ^ r m onth; Marie Bltacnburg, Clerk, Sheriff, |D8i>0 per m onth; W. W. Lowery, Deputy Sh er iff, $14000 per m onth; A . 0 . Parker, Deputy Sheriff, >UO.OO per m onth; I<e*»s P. • J o n e s ,' Deputy Auditor, IlMOO p*r m onth.

Order Set U n i Salary ot Bailiff Balarlea' at Janitors were act as

follows, upon m otion made by Oom- miasloner H art, seconded by Com- mlaaloaer Barnes, and unanlmoualy carried:

A / I. Roea, 1108.00 per m onth; Pay A. Rogers, W9.00 per m onth.

o U e r Betting Salar y ef Baitirf Upon m otion made by OommUs-

loner Kart, seoonded bv O om m hs- oner Barnes, and unanimously car­

ried, thk aalanr of BaUlff w m set a t «M.OO per month.M U e ^ e l Pre»a«le*l OTfker Set

Upogi m otion made by O om m lu- Icmer Barnes, eedonded toy com - mUaloner Hart,' and unanlmotuly U rr led , m ileage for Uie prlvauly ow ned car o f the Probation Officer w as M t a t sU oenU per m ile while uaed (or puUlo purposes, but said m lleace n f v m w t to exceed HS.oo per m onth.M is rer P lw W a f a t n o r a r ew d *

T he BMtrd klf<Uibi-time took up (er oensW e«IJto,bW a lor piuAbIng t o be i M t i ^ ftt'th e Ctounty pair Oranad. -Vpoa due lO ^ d e r a tto n iS t B o w d found the told o f Pred

g g a S S S■ ilh MWfilflm>Htn> aa attached, be

waa seconded

by Commissioner Rayl. and upon roll call carried unanimously.

Transfer of P tuds ' The County Auditor appeared be­fore th e Board by letU r and atated that certain county funds have a balance o f more than Is necessary to retire the obllgaUons o f those

and requested authorization

rs around

OGDEN LIVESTOCKOODEN-H02S-..SM: sUadr ...........Igher; early top tS.75 on choice drive-

..ts; mixed welthts and gr*d«s |7J0 I S8.M: packlDC sows tS.M to IS.

Csttl*: eoo: steers slow: other classi fairly active, steady to strong: 23 head medium and good drUeln helfe 7M lb*. 88; load tnedlum welgli j ja ; few odd loU M.J5 U> I . .............plain light steers SS.2S; few lots medium and good cows 14.23 to II.IS; cutter ■Qd common cows *333 to t1: few low cutters around S2.7S: bulls |4,7» to'MiS; few good veaUra (8 to »8 ,J0 : medium kinds 17 to 87.W.

Bheep: none sold early; S6.7S bid .«*t offerlnga drlvelns. <8 bid on oi receipts 1,SOO, for market.


1,318 direct: lOe lower than week ago, or strong to 13e higher than Prlday's limited trade;. goocLjo choice 189 to 210 pound drUeIn* >£^ly «9; car.lo*d loU up to S9.2S: 239 to 380 pounds taJO to 18,79; light lights maiUy»8.S0. few up to $8.73; packing *ows |7 8T.U: few feeder pigs IS.7S.

Cattle: 1.000: calve* 123; very lltUe done, scattered sales, and most bids steady to weak; asking strong to shade higher; b«*t fed steen held above *8.23; bulk of 'supply eligible to sell around *S u *7; seTeral loads heifers held around >e to W.IS; odd common grade» *4 . 7 3 to. »3J0; low cutter and cutter cow* SJ.75 to *OJO; lew good beef cows <3 to «3J3; aome held hlghec: vealer* steady; good to choice gr*des *6 to *1 0 .

a&eep: 2.300: scattered early salt* and bids fat lambs 23o lower: few awe* 30o lower with many unsold; few Joadii 83 to 9t lb. ted lamb* *7; *om* lield higher: odd yearlings *8 dovhl'lead fairly good ewe* *1 .

WdoLBOSTON-Wool tr*dlng was slow In

Boston today, th* U. 5. agriculture de­partment reported.

While nominal quotations ranged 87 -J 70 c«nu.. scoured basis, fdr good lYench comblDg length flu* Territory

l^lnal b a ^ oflerl^ -----irlng* wer*t « r to 68larger than \

Oablea to prlvst* conccrns reported Jsp*n buying freely In Australian and New Zealand matkeu with price* show. Ini little chsngs.


to transfer m oneys to the Current Expense Fund as follows; B ond m t, ds Red. >,7l: W arrant Red. C. B. >300.17; Judgm ent' « 3 J 0 ; Treas, N ote Red. Ml.lO; and N ote St W arrant Red. >U7a.0C. Transfer w as authprlied as requested.

A t th e hour of 0:00 o’clock p. a recess w as taken im til 10:00 o'clock

January 34, 1038.JAMES L. BARNES,

Chairman Attest:

PRANK J, flM ITlf. Clerk,. 'tVdn P alls, Idaho

January 34. 1038 10:00 o ’clock a, m.

RKdIJLAR JANUARY BB88ION The Board m et a t th is tim e pur­

suant to iTcesa, a ll membera an(l Uie clerk pre.ient.

Warrant Ordered Drawn W. N . Olbb, W atermasUr

o u t . No. « , waa allowed feca for th e year 1937 In Uie am ount of >004.88, and the County Auditor was ordered to draw warrant a c ­cordingly.

Appointment of D e p u ^ Field

The aiijKjliitment by J. D . Uarn- harl. Comity Assessor, o f M avtius Sandinrn and J, E. Pohlman aa D epiily Field Assessors, w as ap ­proved by the Board.

C ancellatloa o t Taxea J. D. Harnlwtt, County Assessor,

uppearrd before the Board b^ le t ­ter and mated that an a sse a m e n t for Imjirovements waa made again st land of Deep Creel; Orange through

iir. Biul requested a cancelU tlon llio umouiit o l >0.83, aa show n

»>y IV* Receipt N o. n U for 1038. Cuncriiatlnn w u ordered as re- qtie»tfd.

Oancellailoa o t Taxea - , naruhart. County Asseaaot,

ajiiiearcrt before the Board by letU r and sU ted Uiat tw o aasessmeiitn hail brrn made on Uie sam e place "f huslneaa; one m ade on th e K it Kat Chill and Ihe pther on the Tap Room, IxiUi located In the sam e room. Cancellation o f Personal Tax waa rtquMiwt on Receipt No. 1778 aa It rtifers to K it K at Club as U x Imd k e n paid on tha Tap Room. CanceliBiion waa flrdered as re- qiwaleil.

Order le Draw W arrant Tlifl Oouiity Auditor WM author-

iMrt to draw warrant in the am ount o f >S3 38 In favor of S U te of Id a ­ho l>epi, of Publlo AaaUtance, in payment of pensions aa lupplem en- tary ptyfolj for January.

At the iHMir of 0:00 o'clock P- a receao waa taken until 10:00 o'clwk a, m, January M, iw e ,

JAMES U BARNES,' Chairm an

A ttw t; - nUNK J. BMITH, Clerk.

FUTURE POTATO TRADES (QootaUona furnished by Budler, Wegener A Co.)

March delivery: no salts; cicesd *1.43

BiroaR FUTURsa March 83.34 lo *3.33; May *3 38 t.

.38; July *3J8 to *3.20; Beptemt>er 3.3# to *2.30. ^

IDAHO » ALI.H POTaTOKBIDAHO FAlitt-l'olato markst ......

Saturday. Temperatur* 19>33. partly cloudy; wir* Inquiry light, demand lUlit.

Cash to dealer*, lusded ctrs—tl. 8. Ho, 1, few sslss SJc to fl3>be; U. B, No, 3. mosU^ 40c; occasional car lowtr.

a. NO, 3 . J3o I

o m o A o o -w itiiro 4: shlnmcnu oib. amvsia uo. 1 348; supplies llbeial, practlcilly .. iradiog acoouiii com weather, market alx>ut steady; Oolo, RmI McClur**, 1 car cotton sacks. *1.41; I car, butlap sank*. •l.M; WU. Round While* 'HumsI DurbaiUu. no ea ported; lale Balutday. I<ar *1.3J>,k. I rar *1.30; sale* reporled; sUeet ssle* noclda p«r bmhel crste nilM Triumpn few sales No. (l.M; Mo. 3. *



Auburn Motors ..... .........Baltimore i t Ohio . Bendlx Aviation ___

■ Cor': B4Chi.. MU.. St. PaulChrysler Corp........Coca Coin ............Commercial Solvenl _ __Commonwealth & Southern___ 1'ConUnental Oil of Delaware 3*iCom Producu

Pacific.____...san.— .... -........ 113

Du Pont de Nemours ..Eastman XodsK .......... .Electric Power i t Light .. General Electrlo , Oeneral Poods _


Goodyear Tlr* ................. .InleruBtlonal Har%e*ler .. iQterantlonal Telephone ..John* Manvllle ...............Rcunecott Copper ...........Loew's Inc. ......... ...... .....Montgomery Ward ..........Nash Kelvlnator .............National Dairy Producu >New York Central ...........Packard Motor* ........ .....Paramount Pictures ........Penna. R. B . ............Pure Oil .....................lUdlo Corn...............Radio Keith Orpheum Reynold* Ty>bacco B ..Sear* Roebuck______Shell Union O U ____Simmons CSocony Vacuum- _ Southern Pacino . Btandard Brand*^ndard OU of Calif. .


Trans-Americ* ... ......................Union Oarbld* i t Carbon ...... , ll',.Union Pacific _____________ _ 78

United Alrttaft ...................... 22UUnlt«d Corp............ ............. ....... JJ;U. 8, Steel, com .....................:___ 3H.Warner Broa, ..................______ 6ViWestern Union ........................... 341s?^?^oSw otth**a> .“ S*iAmerican Rolling WUU__________ 1 9Armour S»iAtlantic Refming ............ ............ 2 mBoeing ........................................... . 39UBriggs Uanufactuiing Co. 31UJ.K_.1.. 11,.,.,.. ...Curtiss Wright ........ ........Sectrlc Auto Lite ...........Houston Oil ....................National Distiller* ..........North American AviationSafeway Store* .............. .Schenley DUUUer* .....—Btudebaker ....... ............. ..Urilted Airlines.................White Moioti .................Chicago Pneumatlo ToolOhio o n ...........................Phillips Petroleum ..........Republio Steel ...............



?•/.. lO’k’''

N. V. CURB KXCHANOe "American Super Power ..............Cltlra Service, com ................Elertrlo Bond Sc Share ..................Ford Motor LUI......................... .... ii

SPECIAL, WIRECoarteay of

Sudier-W egener A Company Elka Dldg.—I’hone SIO

INVEKTMINT TRUSTS»nmd. liiv..................................Fund. Trust. A. .......................Corp. Ttiut . ..Quar. Inc. . .....................

MININd 8TUCKSBunker illll and Huiilvsn .......Mtn. Oily Cornier l>arK <'lly Oonsolhtsted Bllver King Caalltloii ..fiiiiulilne MliiKi .........Tlntlo Otandard

.. (fl.13 ..33c-36‘ iiT......*7,373.. 113 373 I1.13.*3 30

I Local Markets | • ------------------------------------------------•

B uy ing Prices

■II.VKB ^ 1/*# P»h-J'lS peiirs an ouno*. Oaswt

wmparefl » n, „ « o*nu on Halur- ‘IHer waa qooted at leu iwncs Rii (iiiiice, unohangtd.

NRW YOIlk-T<ida«‘a cuiLom amslt- p.*r m.t*l* <0 *nu

Tinf‘*r “ "•'>™lrlln 1 0 ; siport #,eiS.*0 \», nominal,

, £ " 5; ,; ............... . . . I -SAW. Jim nn»ii,f • IQ ■ast St. I.o(il*

lbs. I <> *J, Idollar* p*r lt>.i

J4, ?ofH’iui, ' duty paid, a »

MarkclH at a Glanceouu. ....

W hS? V" “ «"«* a bal*.

(Quotation* given dally by fira.e beau dtaleia In Twin ralU),

Uonis dealers nut DiiyUig.U, B. llreal NnrUierii*. No. 1 ____U, N, Ureat Norlhetns Ho, i ___Smsll R»da No. I .................... -Bmall n*ds No. 3 . . .Bmsll Ileds, Nn, I .... ................—Bmall Red*. N» 3 ---- ----------

rUTATOKS Na, Is, hulk to gmwers .... ......

Uolored h*ns, over S Itis. ........ ..Oolured liens, oVsr e lbs..............Colored hens, under 4 Iba. .. ......l.«*hcirn hens ....................... ......Onlored roaster* ...................Ookw*d fr»»r* _ _ _Old i

r* for A arari! . l l l S - ; r ‘”

wtut«*. medium - —

Choice light butoh»r*. ISO lo SOepounder* ... ................. ...... .......atJS

O rerw ^ght butcher*, 310 to IW0?e*rw»l«M butch*T*rw"to' 100 ’

-iiS E

Bran, MO pound* ...... -Stock fewl. 100 iKxmda

Tallow iw **! apantoh. • »o •

T*l"«V ir*et'


H o n ^ , January 81» 1988



Superin tendent

Jap a n ese governm ent v..- presBed profound re g re t over th e slapping o f U n ited S ta tes C onsul John M. Allison a t N a n k in g today , and prom ised “ adequate punishm en t” of th o se responsible.

T he re g re ts .were expressed to U nited S ta tes A A bassador Jo sep h C. Grew by K ensuke H orinouchi, vice m in is te r fo r fo re ig n affa irs . ‘ ‘

A fte rw ard , a fo reign 'office spokesm an said t h a t -Grew told H orinouchi he was satia- f ie d w ith th e explanations givao , and th e spokesm an ad­ded th a t th e incident was now closed.

2a dlJcuaslJV l i e Japanese cxpres- ' ilOQ o f regret and the promise to

puniBh “adequately” thoee rcsponsl- ' ble, th6 spokesman said th a t a (or-

n « I itatdDBDt would be given to Japanese oewspapera. A s to the fa il­ure o f Japanese newspapers to men* tlOQ n n n ilses o f punishm ent In pr«T loa Incidents o f the kind, the spokesm an bi^ th a t the newspapers inOlvldually b ad suppressed th is fea­ture.

Three Foliita ExplainedA fonn al foreign o ffice sta.tement|

issu ed tonight, w as M roUows:

• M o f i onU90 th e Jananese vice m lz u n a xorSeSifffitn » three points a t th# f o r d jn m to -

might b »™ t .ton

S " t S r 5 f f i S i M m S t t B S u i H

S b « * . i w - »»«">■ •-<»rol Ih. JW M i* >"««

it to tto T OjtiEeTiiiti to tiia m it«i tsaMm-

S S rS e p M on tl..

S S i « r t « S 5 * ^ “ “ i » »lound w < t <or tW« oocupMe.

• M w a t e r m l i b w l ' T . n m « w «< u>«

t o o j t l » to ind m t t t o

fennca trtn en <5*In ttw eoottlKlnt

. up to

S s i S H E /s'.Si£!Sfg5.Sr^A;r■j^-?s«uijs5?sr

u t« r Oate.''


DMember oodectlon c f 1937 taxes totalled »67a.ai0.18, according to a form al report m ade b y County Treasurer Cora Btevens to County Auditor Trank J. Bmlth. T h e collec- ti«o eiteBded through th e secozuS M onday o f January. Previously,«6S;000 had been lurhed lh as of Noyember.

Major appoiilotunenta o f the cur­rent tax collection for December were announced a t thtf auditor's o f­fices today. R em ittanoer w hich w ent out over th e week>end Includedfunds in addition to th e December . - ---------- —Intake, but apportlcquncnts Usted «monles, beard Tom m y aod took f«r-D eoem bef coDeotion only were: *■'* —

ClUes and v iU ages-T w ln FaUs clly . Buhl, tl5.3M.7a;FUer, $1,761.14; Kim berly, « a ^ .3 e ;Hansen. t«09.3S: HoiUseer, M78.08.

Highway dIstrlcU — T w in F»Us.|40,3M M ; Buhl. m fiV I .n : FUer,|1 ,4 » M ; U urtaugb. H.OTB.27; Rock Creek. I7M.17.

School distrlcta—T w in FaUs (in­dependent No. I ) . $07^10.63; Kim ­berly. I10.25S.48; Buhl. 114.430^.T h e other tndependenta and the two rural higha In le o e r amounts.

American M i l resetroir district, and in terest aeoouat» |5(V9MJ0.

<«snwUso” Ma<sO ha X m m F rm Shanghai bu- niSiSwlSrtfiStt.ami IJW-

u n i ) K m v m r U r ntha n a i ^ tlw Japaoese spoke**

. Bua^Jr^ebrreotton" of. the " ttoo tbs" spokesman'maoe w

niunday that Onltwl BtaMi OOU' m l AHlMn a t Hanking adoptad ^ ''inioleal'' atUtude toward iba aol' d tett tnrolred In Ms slappU)t>

now wished' to mike It . tan m iaa .K lo p trt . "»U1" »t-t lt ic la , t l » • ! « « » b O H -M IgM rra b m io e . Jtp u u u un- tasaador to Obina, arrived home to-> day, In keeptof with the govern meni's now policy ol bating no deal, ingi with t&a CDiloese gorertuneat. Ho left ft QounNlor la charge at ahanghal.

‘1 am convinow) that Japan should never deal with the Ohlang Kal. ahek (Chinese) fovemment.'* he


U rs. A. C . W illiam s le ft Tuesday tor UlsMUla. Mont., where th e wUi visit ralaUves.

U ra. Oeorge K. D enm an enter . U U u d the a, E. du b Tue«lay a t two tables o f bridge and dessert. Mrs. Oscar W eldon received the high score priie. Mre. Fred Judevlne will be hostess a t th e n e x t m eeUng onA b . e.

Unlvfralty G uild m et a t the hom e o f M iss M arth Hansen Tuesday, y h e n M n . L. J . R adlotf w as in ohargt e t the program. M rs. O. L. BcroU i' m ie w e d “The G r e a t Ofddwyn" br Alva Johnson, and Mrs. A . S . O d ^ n and M rs. Charles M oDooald directed th e library U ble tUiBHSslnn o f the Japanese boycott as a rt forth In a recen t iu u e of Header's tM gest MIS. K . O, Barlow wlU be bostass a t th s Veb. 6 meeUng.

M rs. XUen Larson conducted tike•ooial asrvioe meeUng o f th e First W ard R ellet society Tuesday a f t .

T h e AA.O.W., trUolty brand), m et a t fra d 's cafe in R u i ^ Saturday. Lunobson Was served U> members

A Albloo, Burley and Rupert.



TOKYO, Jan . 81 (U.R)—T he

Her. G lena a r t/M b w in speak dally at 11:19 a. m . and 7:S0 p. m . a t (he Nasarene m lalstcrt' con> T cnllon' lit B ah l Wednesday, T h ond ay and Friday. Feb . t (o 4. B er. GrlffJiJi, o f N junps. b Idabo-Orejon distriet raperln* tendent. Rev. O. A. Crafford. Buhl N atarene pastor, w ill i>« host for the convention.

iM W CASES.msraiiyflii

Criminal cases In district court here for 1937 toU lIed 58. accordbig ta tabulaUon subm itted to th e fedr eral bureau of the cen sus by F r i ^ J. fimllh, court clerk. The census lurvey deals w ith erim inal case status.

Tlie M cases Included n o m urder or manslaughter trials. Th irty-three defendants pleaded guUty. three were dUmlssed, five were deat](d by Jury­men and 11 were decreed guUty by jurlu. Six cases were on th e pend­ing list as l» i8 arrived.

B ok ben CttDvktedEach of tbe three robbery cases

tried brought a verd ict o f guUty.The tabluaUon a s subm itted to

the federal bureau hy Mr; Sm ith showed:

Jtobbery; found guilty 9.Assault, 1: pleaded guUty.Burglary,.ia; acQUltted, l ; pleaded

guUCy, 9; found guUty. 9.larceny. 8; pleaded guilty 3.Automobile theft, l ; pleaded guil­

ty.Fraad Caae*

Embezilement and fraud, 4; dis­missed. 2; found guilty, 3.

Stolen property, 3; dismissed, 3; pleaded guilty, 1.

Forgery, 17: dismissed. 1; acquit­ted. 1; found guilty. 14; pending. 1.

Rape, 3; pleaded guilty, 1; pend­ing, I.

Non-support, 1; pleaded guilty.Uquor laws. 4; pending, 4.Driving while Intoxicated, 3;

pleaded guilty. 3.Perjury, 1; acquitted.

New Orleans B oy, 12, Hailed as Great Tenor

NEW ORLEANS (UJ9 — Because 12-year*old Tommy Scanlon, a po­liceman's son. liked to cheer people In the neighborhood w ith h is tenor voice he will have a chance to sing before New York, Chicago and H ol­lywood talent scouts.

Tommy, who h as a voice rated by experts as equal to th a t o f Bob­by Breen, was alw ays obliging and sang at neighborhood entertain­m ents; One night George McQueen, local songwriter and m aster o f cer-

him under h is tutelage.A New Orleans phllanthn

Irish countryside.” ‘n i e sportsm an, asooymously. Is se a d lo f the boy on a tour CD w hich b e w ill have chance for national recognition ..

There are 334 bird refuges super- vised tv Uie biological survey.

t M U K T A U G H T

W.C.T.U. ladles m et Friday at the hom e o f Mrs. F . A. Wtnslors. D e-. votkm als were led by M iss R uth Srtfwnt w ith group tinging accom ­panied by Mrs. I* Turner. F lag salu te w as led by Mrs. Gladys Har­bor. M rs. Edgar Moorman had charge o f the porgram on the “LU- Uan Stevens Fund's." I t was voted to sen d a contribution to the n a - t iooa l fund. A discussion was held on Armament arid Peace. The next WX^.T.U. m eetbig will be held at tho hom e o f Mrs. A. M. Hoover's Feb. 34.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Briggs and son. Kermeth, and Mr. and Mrs. George M oats and two daughters, Elisabeth and Georfta, have re< turned from a four week's trip to th s east where they visited friends and relatives.

Mrs. Laura Puckett, teacher In th s B«ehlve d a ss of the PHmary asso­c iation entertained Uie girls o f the ojasi a t a dinner a t her ho ia s Wednesday and Uien took them to a show a t Twin Falls.

Mrs. Mae Perkins entertained 14 members of the R elief society a t bar hom e Tuesday afternoon.

A v a lm oney for new athletlo equipm ent for the .girU was presented Ptlday evening. The following students par* tldp ated; Margaret U ndau, Bessie Randall, Bessie OoodmAn. Harold Byard, Alvin Bctmurle, O livia ArsteU), Cecil Walker, Lnrna DavU, DeLoris Adamson, Maxle Harrison, Blllle Clawson, n ita b etli Davis, Carlena

>ge, Ada Hestbeck, Gladys mWn, Leora IK»e, Clara Graff,

Juanita Decker, Konclla Hoover, Cordell Tum rr, Juno Prck, Dale Snow, Robert Lee, Morrln McBarlln,

and D ean E w i. Ora Egbert. Dorothy Turner, Annabell MItchel and Mrs. Albert Corless. M iss Iva Nalt o f KUnberly also presented a number, -

llerm aa Melville, author of "Moby Dick,’' w ent to sea at n and was cap­tured by cannibals in Uw, SouUi


Harsh pUls and purnUvts p»l*o ttver-fUmulaie your In te it ln e e . . . . and leave tliem weak and IUUms,

Kyouroon.tli)aUoTrtsot U » common type Uiat U

. due to tnsufflclent iHilk, Uiere's a better w ■

allmlaaUcD. But AU-Bran ^ MIH more. It oontaloi

} ) ^ w ' t o . u , y i 5 3 £

Nebraska Postman Gives U. S. Lesson in Making Mail Prqfit


fan Valin. Nelson, Neb., postm an, gave posimaster General Jam es A. Parley a lesson today on how to make a profit out of the m alls.

in 1933 Van Valin was a stam p broker and, like Farley since has, he was operating a t a deficit. How he figured out a way to ' turo his business Into a profltabieocpterprlse was &o simple It amaxed postal of­ficials.

I t was so ingenious, l a fact, that the internal revenue bureau decid­ed to have s close look at It. The board of tax appeals called on Van Valin to te ll how h e m ade a sizable net profit in 1933 and i m .

FerfeeUy U g a l Tho board heard h is story and

then Issued a U -p age decision de­claring h is n o v d m ethod o f m aking a living to be perfectly leg«L Van Valin's business even helped F V ley ;ut down h is post office deficits.

H b plan worked like this:He secured appointm ent frem the

postoffice departm ent'as.sp ed al d e ­livery m essenger for Nelson and also for nearby Elk City, Cadany, Bost- wlck and Strang.

I h e government agreed to pay him at>out eight cents for delivering each special delivery letter.

B oys Stam ps Van Valin p u r c h a ^ several th ou ­

sand commemorative stam ps, ;nQstly twos, threes and fives. H e placed them on letters in blocks of four and s ix and m ailed the letters to friends in the nearby towns.

He would address as m any as 1,000 special delivery letters to a friend In, for instance,^Bostwlck. l l i e n he would rush to Bostwick and deliver the letters, receiving about |6 0 for the Job. » . ' ■

The friend, ^ y prearrangemCnt would give him back a ll th e letters, w ith the stamps cancelled. Van Valin would save th e stam p s until th a t particu lar'issue w en t ou t of sale. ^

H e then would se ll th e cancelled blocks to collectors, o ften a t more than .their face value. T h us he would not only m ake a proQt on the stam ps but would have 180 from the government for dtUverlng the le t­ters.

Nei FrofltsV an Valin’s records show«d he

m ade a net profit, a fter deductUig opcritlng expenses, of 11.308 In 1933 and 16.061 In 1934. lA ter records ha- * not been presented to the tax b r u d .

in 1933, according to records veri­fied by th e postoffice department. V an Valin m ailed and deUvered B«a.- 377 Jetterr-and postcards. H e re­

ceived mes-senger fees o f *37,154 and had an Income of »31JW from the sale o ( cancelled stamt>s th a t cost him »58J38.

Business, was better the nex t year, ./hen he handled 014^68 letters. In that year be received measenger fees of $41,345. had an Income of 833,773 from sale of stam ps costing him «7,813.

Semester H onors Told a t R ichfield

RICHFIELD, Jan . 91 /S pecia l)— Honor rolls for th6 R ichfield schools during the past sem ester as an ­nounced by Supt. Hiram D . Fry are: High school, A lta Su san Youngkln. Melba Jotuuon, S t ta L ee Shockley, Bertha Shockley, V irginia M cln - tajh, Howard D eeds, Jiine Newby, Darlene Skelton, Freda Simpson, LoretU Vaughn, Lois M anwni, Beth Deeds,

ElgiiU) grade. Norma Conner. Zet- ta Cooper. Mary Crowther, BUlie Reynolds, Marylee Schw aner, Mur­iel Sorenson. M argaret Sw inney.

Seventh grade, E dna Newby, Cliarlotte Hufflngton, M eta Cooper, RoseJIfl Conner.

Sixth grade, A nton K odesh, Rob­ert Conner. Pern H ubsm ith, R alph Smith, EdIUi M cKisslck..

Grades five and four, Lunetta Shockley. Vivian Cooper, V em Sweat, Mary Lou F lavel. R alph Vaughn. Reba SlippSQn, M ary Sor­enson.

Third grade, D olores J o h n ^ i Ua ManwUI. Lorene A nn Shockley, Margaret Speedy, Bonnie Jean T re-Iren.

Second grade, B e r ^ o a Johnson. Lonnie Woods, P atsy M eek^ A las Johnson, Mary Kodesh.

First ^ d e , Bertalee Coffm an. Roberta Cooper, Lois ;«esblt, Ray Hubbard.

Largest CoinLONDON O lta -A new ''world’s

largest coin" Is now recognized by numismatists. T h e coin, a Sw edish 8 daler o f 16S0. h as been brought to London to be auctioned. I t m eas­ures approximately 1 by 3 fee t and ;s of solid copper, bearing, th e royal mint mark In e a ch com er.


W e kn ow th a t T r o y - N a t io n a l L a u n d r y se rv ic e is b e tte r b u t do y o u , a s a hom e m an ag er, k n o w i t ? A l l w e a sk i s a n op­p o rtu n ity to p r o v e th k t m odern , sc ien - t f i c la u n d ry se rv ic e is ch eap er a n d b e tte r th a n hom e o r o rd in - ^ m ethods.


C o m p a rla o n la I h e f in a l p r o o f o f v a lu e l A l t h e T r o y -N a t lo n iil y o u r d o t h e a a r e In d lv id u n lly n e t te d a n d R c n lly t u m ­b le d in a KUHhing tor* r e n t o f p u r e , r a in tMift w a te r a n d c lou d n o f h i l- llo i) b u b b le au d a . A c o n - U n u o u a f lo w o f c r y n ta l c le a r w a te r f lo o d s a w a y • v e r y tr a c e o f Hoap a n d • o i l , le a v in g y o u r c lo lh e a p u r e a n d a n o w y w h it e .

49fLATO nly fcecause we w an t you to know

the advantages o f modern lau n d ry

service a re w e willinij; to establish

th is new .lbw cost service. "49 F la t ”

provides fo r in d ividual net^xiasbing

o f a ll w hite f la t w ork and fin ish in g

w ith the f lo t w ork Ironer.



—And Only 5c For

Each Additional Poundl

Let Us Pay For A Demonstration




Febru­ary1 9 .

We’ll Take The Risk-We don't w ant you to U ke rhancD on try ln t som ethinff ne« We w ant to take the risk In prov­ing the superiority of Troy-Na- llonal nervlMt, ThU coupon entitles you to 4 iMunds of fla t work abso- Uilely free wiu> a minimum, bundle of 10 pounds. Clip thU r«upo»^)»ow and call 00 or IW.' Only one coiijwn will b« accepted Irom each customer.NAMK ......................

4 Pounds

F R E i;

ADDHKHS .. ....................Thla Coupon Will Be R^aemeil' WHh « Minimum

10 Lb. Bundle.

Phone66 -



F O R W ri^ L ab or U avaltable through ,WPA for construction of sanitary privies toeom p ly w ith tne recent'w dinance p a ^ in T w in F a lu , It was an­nounced here today by Harry Hult, forem an In charge o f the Tw in Palls ehop for d^ tric t N o. 3. General su­pervisor for the district Is Herb E. Ander50n„Twln Palls.

Process Involved in securing the free labor, H u lt said . Is sim ple. Res­idents w hose locatio!v come under tb e ordinance m ay contact Hult or their local lum ber-dealer, or both, and th e labor will be arranged. Lmnber m ust be bought locally,

T h e ordinance, pal^(!d la st.D ec . 20 here, provides that "no privy sh all be erected or constructed with­in th e c ity lim its, exccpt tlic same m ay be constructed In that part of th e c ity n o t wlU iln a sewer district," In w hich case It m ust be built in accordance w ith specifications of the U . 8 . pubUo health service.. U nder the sanitation pro^am sponsored through WPA. more than 1,500 san itary privies have ijeen erected in T w in F alls county since the work began sli«ht)y more than tw o years ago. H u lt said. The Twin F alls workshop Is located In the sec­ond block on F ifth avenue west.

D istrict three o f the program, headed by M r.’ Andersoi^ Includes

sia, M inidoka. Jerom e. Oooding and Lincoln countlej. T h e project l? start ioon In Camas and Blaine counties.


* tioodin^ College ^Mrs. M artha Bow ler.' director

of dram atic, announced tb e fo l­lowing cast for th e c o m i n g D elU P sl play. "Lady o f L et­ters" to be presented Peb . 36 a t College hall: E laine H u nt. Oooding. as the “Lady of Letters" an d oppo­site her, B lythe Clemm ons, a lso of Oooding; Ivan Johnson, T w in Palls: Ed Scanlon, Oooding: K ay G olf. T w in Palls; R u th R (chards._G ood- Ing; Alice Tam m eny. Gooding; H ugh n e lso n and B oscoe D alU n«oci. Fair­field; Helen Ouy, Caldw ell, and Joy Hugh, Eden. Further announcem ents will be m ade a t a later date.

T he three oae -ac t plays, "Swamp Spirtc:" “Wrong Numbe™»" and “Bmokescreen" w hich were to have b e « given' Friday even ing, have, been postponed imtU Peb . 4 due to illness of a num ber of th e p lay casta. . M iss Geraldine B ach o f Oregon, who has been attend ing Oooding college, will leave th is w eek for her home. M iss Bach, w ho h as been ill, wUl return to school w ith in a few weeks.

Chandler O rtfflth . o f Portland, Ore., returned to O ooding college after spending the past tw o m onths w ith his parents.

P resident W . P . Shaw le ft ‘early last week for C hicago w here h e will attend to Im portant business. He will return the' second w eek o f Feb­ruary. .

'On Thursday even ing th e girls of Barrett hall serenaded th e Tenny haU m en. A c c o m ^ lm e n t was pro-, vided by Edythe Trunkey on the guitar.

P lans for the w o n d series of fine arts program under..tl3e direction of Prof. B. B. Harris are now under way. and Will be presented this week.



E ogerson Phone 33D

Services Honor Rupert Resident

R UPERT. JUL St (S p w U l) — Funeral services for Arles w ho died a t the hom e o f tals' p a n n U . Mr, and Mrs. A D . A ^ . Tuesday even ing were held PHday afternoon In the Trtnity l^ W p a l church w ith n ey . E. le sU e R olls coD ducU sf tha ceremony.

Muslo was furnished by a Udles* trio composed o f Mrs. Forrest D ar- row, Bdrs. Oeorge Hawk. ] r , and Mrs. Jam es R o ^ a c c o m p a iiM .^ M rs. S lncU lr Of Burley at th e organ, ' who sang "Peace, P erfect P eace” and 'M y F aith Looks U p to T h ee.”

PaDbearers were Carl U p p s, Ted LIpps, Lee Parker. H ugh Redford, WUliam fihlllington, H . B . R eynolds. Interm ent w as in the R u p en cem e­tery under the direcUoq of th e Goodman mortuary.


Out eidce', M Complete

Our service is augment^

ed by the most modetn

/acililiea an d an e//i-

c ie n t s t a ff w ho p a y

s/m pafA efjc homage

and deletenee to Ibose.


One More Last Chance!To Enter The BigACCORDION






Boys, Girls, G row nups

B ring No M oney. . . T here is N othing to Buy. We F u rn ­ish the Instrum ent and Give You the Lessons. It is the Chance of a Lifetime, for B eginners of All Ages.

Yott may win uii Accordion And yon have a (rhancc to

will a trip to Italy With all ex" peiisi'iH j)aid. Eiu’oU now and lie haj>|)y ever after.


t h e ex clu siv e



