Page 1: Office of Educational Technology

November 3, 2010

Office of Educational TechnologyTell us what you want to know •

Robert G. Fainter, PhD, Jean L Merenda, MS

Recording Power Reporting Power

Our 500 lb Gorilla

Class recording has long been a Distance Ed tool for the College of Allied Health.Since Fall 2006 the College has been using Mediasite to capture lectures for both DE students and face to face students. Starting out with about 20 recordings in Fall 2006 we now are recording over 40 classes every week.  It is used not only for lecture capturing, but also instructional videos and even teleconferencing with faculty in Kuwait.

With Mediasite we have successfully captured well over 10,000 hours of instructional content. We have customized the players, used schedules and generated countless reports of user access for our faculty.

Reports can be customized to instructor or student user or overall week, month or semester viewing.
