Page 1: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to

your students, securely!

By Kamran Rasul ([email protected])

Page 2: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

About us

What is Blackboard?

How we use it?



Questions & Answers

Page 3: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

About us

Page 4: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

What is Blackboard?

Page 5: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

How we use it?

• Kurzweil files• PDFs (articles, books, notes)• Word/text formatted files• Audio files• Scanned notes• Publishers’ electronic copy(s)

(Multiple files are compressed and delivered)

Page 6: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

How we use it?

1. First contact your on-campus Blackboard administrator to set you up

2. Create the course [ACCESSING HIGHER GROUNDS (DSS-901- F2009]

3. Login/Password

4. Very Important: Set restrictions | Select Control Panel | Select Manage Course Menu | Recommended user modify not remove.

Page 7: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

How we use it?

6. Select Enroll User

7. Select List/Modify Users

8. Select Course Document | Select Edit View (located top right corner)

9. Select Add Item or Folder (these can be combined)

10. Set Adaptive Release restrictions ASAP.

11. Adaptive Release | Scroll to Membership | Select Browse | Pop up window will open

Page 8: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

How we use it?

12. Use Search options to find student(s) | Select Submit (top right corner) | Window will close

13. Returns you back to Adaptive Release options screen | Scroll to the bottom of the screen | Select Submit

14. A message will appears “The Rule was updated successfully” | Click OK

15. When you return back to Course Documents | Edit View “Enabled: Adaptive Release “ will now appear below the file name

16. Use Advanced Release option to remove all Adaptive Release messages

Page 9: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services


On-line Digital Downloads

• Bookshare, Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive and etc…

E-book readers

• Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, Plastic Logic and etc..

Page 10: Office of Campus Life - Disability Support Services Learn how to utilize the Blackboard System to distribute accessible files to your students, securely!

Office of Campus Life - Disability Support ServicesOffice of Campus Life - Disability Support Services

Questions & Answers
