Page 1: Office 365 Saturday Europe - Self-Service Business Intelligence with Power BI

Office 365 Saturday Europe

Meeting #1


Hosts: Matthew Hughes & Rene Modéry

Page 2: Office 365 Saturday Europe - Self-Service Business Intelligence with Power BI

Office 365 Saturday Europe

Meeting #1

Self-Service Power BIMarius Constantinescublue-infinity SA, Geneva Switzerland

MVP SharePoint Server

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1. Understand Microsoft vision of self-service business intelligence (BI)

2. Introducing features and tools1. Self-Service BI in Excel

Discover & Combine with Power Query Model & Analyze (Power Pivot) Visualizations (Power View, Power Map)

2. Power BI for Office 365

What shall we talk about today

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The World of Data is Changing

“By 2015, organizations integrating high-value, diverse, new information types and sources into a coherent information management infrastructure will outperform their industry peers financially by more than 20%.”

– Gartner, Regina Casonato et al., “Information Management in the 21st Century”

Consumerization of IT

10x increase every five years

85% from new data types

Data explosion

4.3 connected devices per adult

27%using social media input

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Self-Service BI for Office 365Collaborate in Office 3651 in 4 enterprise customers on Office 365

Insights in Excel1 Billion Office Users

Analyze Visualize Share Find



Scalable | Manageable | Trusted

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Data Steward – a new role in your organization

How to identify them ? Normally business users with expert knowledge of business

processes Able to validate the accuracy, completeness of data within a certain

business context

A data steward is primarily responsible for: Identifying and acquiring new data sources. Creating and maintaining consistent reference data and master data

definitions. Publishing relevant data to appropriate users in an organization, and

monitoring the published data sources for usage/relevance/quality feedback.

Creating and managing business metadata for published data sources to ensure that it is easily discoverable, and meaningful to information workers.

Resolving data integrity issues across stakeholders. Analyzing data for quality and reconciling data issues.

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BI Center sites or Power BI sites

BI Center site

Power BI site

Available on SharePoint Enterprise Online and On-PremisesPre-configured lists and libraries, features to share BI content (reports, KPI, dashboards)Limits set by at Web Application level

Only available on Power BI for Office 365

Visual appealing, uses tiles concepts

Add “featured” reports for ease of access

Power BI is an Cloud-App, doesn’t require a new site

File size limited to 250 Mb

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Power QueryPower Query is an add-in for Excel that you can use to discover lots of different data sources (internal and/or public), combine and shape data.

Power PivotCreate a powerful Data Models with one or more tables of data, relationships between tables that come from different data sources.

Power View Create interactive views, reports, scorecards, and dashboards.

Power Map Visualize data on a three-dimensional (3D) globe and show how data trends over time in a particular geographical area.

Power BI sites Power BI sites SharePoint site into a visual (using thumbnails), dynamic way to view and share Excel workbooks.

Power BI Windows Store App

Use it to view and interact (filter with slices, charts) with Excel workbooks store on Office 365 on a Windows tablet.

Power BI on Office 365

Powerful, self-service BI solution with loads of features

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Power Query Discover, combine, and refine

data for better analysis in Excel

Public search feature (for now mainly intended for use in the US only)

Pre-requirements Microsoft Office 2013

Professional Plus Office 365 ProPlus Excel 2013 Standalone Excel 2010 – requires Software

Assurance for Office Professional Plus through Volume Licensing

Available for download at

1/ Access data sources that aren't readily available in Power Pivot, such as Facebook, MySQL, Azure HDInsight (Hadoop), Web Api results (OData, JSON)2/ Perform Inline transformations with ease - built-in transformations (splitting columns and un-pivoting data are two popular tasks) that can help square up data prior to modeling in Power Pivot while showing a nice recap of Steps3/ Materialized tables (Use "Append" and "Merge" functions to bring into a single table multiple different databases)Limitations

▪ SharePoint based refresh in SharePoint Online / On-Premises are not yet supported.

▪ You can’t import an Excel Data Model you created with Power Query into a tabular model (in SS Data Tools)

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Create relationships between tables (VLOOKUP is now obsolete).

Add formulas with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). Create key performance indicators (KPIs) in Power Pivot. Set table and column properties to improve the experience of

designing in client tools such as Power View and Power Map. Organize fields in hierarchies (supporting drill-down

scenarios, making easier for user to navigation across common paths of data, e.g. Region>Country>City)

Create perspectives (custom views targeting particular user group/business scenario for easier navigation of large data sets).

! Not enabled by default – check File > COM Add-Ins section

Power Pivot

Enrich your data model with Power View

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Business Intelligence Semantic Model

The BI Semantic Model - a single source for reporting, dashboards, analysis, and predictive analytics.

Essentially a data model is nothing but a group of tables tied together by a set of relationships with some calculated fields, and possibly some calculated columns.

Obtained via Power Query, Power Pivot, Excel tables

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DemoVisualize and interact with reports & charts in Power BI windows store app

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Not a sophisticated charting environment - its purpose is to let you create charts very quickly and look at data in different formats in a simple way.

Originally viewed as an additional reporting system in SQL Server Reporting Services integrated with SharePoint 2010

Only works with Power Pivot data model ! If you don’t see it after installation – check

COM Add-Ins section

Power View Pre-requirements Microsoft Office

2013 Professional Plus Office 365 ProPlus Excel 2013 Standalone Excel 2010 – requires

Software Assurance for Office Professional Plus through Volume Licensing

(For now) Power View requires the Silverlight component to be installed on your system.

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Incompatible reports types1. RDLX (Power View) vs. RDL Reports (in

Report Builder / Designer)2. Neither can open reports made with the

other tool

Power View vs. Report Builder & Report Designer

Which one should I use now?

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Power View tips

Get started on the right foot

Before creating a new Power View visualization1. Update field aggregations (default is Sum, maybe you wish

or Average, Count, etc.)2. Change already Title, Image, and Identifier for each table as

well for fields in your model – changing afterwards will result in loss of information

3. Determine how duplicate values are handled in Power View reports

4. Hide tables, fields, and measures you don’t want to be used by report creators – hiding does NOT delete nor break any formulas depending on them

5. Set the default fields for a table so that when you click on a table in Power View, all of the default fields will be simultaneously added to the report

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Relationship Points Lines Points & Lines Bars

Nominal comparison

Avoid Avoid Avoid Either horizontal or vertical bars

Time series When there is a need to narrow the scale and in so doing remove zero from its base.

Categorical subdivisions on X axes, quantity values on Y axes. The emphasis should be on the overall pattern

Categorical subdivisions on X axes, quantity values on Y axes. Mutual emphasis on overall pattern and individual values.

Categorical subdivisions on X axes, quantity values on Y axes. Emphasis on individual values.

Ranking When there is a need to narrow the scale and in so doing remove zero from its base

Avoid Avoid Either horizontal or vertical bars

Part to whole Avoid Avoid Avoid Either horizontal or vertical bars

Deviation Avoid Known as a frequency polygon with the emphasis on the overall pattern

Avoid Known as a histogram with emphasis primarily on individual values

Single distribution


Multiple distribution

Used to mark the median in a box plot

Used for up to five distributions

Avoid Used in the form of range bars and box plots

Correlation Known as a scatter plot Avoid Use as a trend line Either horizontal or vertical bars

Power View chart types and data series

Few recommendations when choosing charts

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Natural Language Query

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DemoIntroducing Power View

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Power Map Visualize your data in a geographic context

Uses Bing map tiles (allow for zoom in/out)

By default data is displayed as Dots (size depends on attached measure).

Multiple series generate pie-charts by default

Do not work in the Power BI windows store app

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Power BI Windows Store App

Interact with charts using slices

Visualize correlated data

View multiple reports sheets

Share reports with ease using Windows 8 charms

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Power BI Windows store app capabilities

Scrolling within a visualization.

Related data highlighting (cross-filtering) – tapping elements in one visualization to highlight related data in another visualization (same page).

Filtering with slicers, across the whole sheet (or “view”) and individual visualizations.

Column resizing in views (tables, matrix ).

Sorting charts by the different fields in the chart.

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DemoVisualize and interact with reports & charts in Power BI windows store app

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Recommendations• Supported Objects

• Tables, Charts (Column, bar, line, scatter, and bubble charts)• Text boxes• Slicer

• Use meaningful names on sheets, cannot reorder sheets• Exposes Objects (PivotTables, PivotCharts, charts, tables, and named ranges)

not spreadsheets

To Avoid• Not yet supported

• Matrix, Tiles, Multiples, Maps, • Play axis in scatter and bubble charts• Hierarchies and drill-down

Power BI Windows store app tips

Tips for great visualization & interaction experience

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Future steps

The journey continues…

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all •Download and

install the MS Data Management Gateway•Requires Local Administrator

•Work only on Windows 7, 8.x, Windows Server 2012




•Define new Gateway•Decide secure credentials storage

•Establish access restrictions (users and roles)



r •Certificate•Power BI generated Or Existing

•Endpoint•Protocol, Port•(e.g. HTTPS 8051)

•Data Source•Create connections in Power BI Admin center

Microsoft Data Management Gateway

Expose on-premises data sources as OData feed for cloud-access

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Thank you for attending

Office 365 Saturday Europe

Hosts Matt Hughes & Rene ModéryPresenter Marius Constantinescu (blue-infinity SA, Geneva, Switzerland)
