Page 1: Offense in Depth A Developer’s Perspective on Hacker Tradecraft

Offense in Depth

A Developer’s Perspective on Hacker Tradecraft

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• Introduction / Terminology• How to get a foothold• Identifying and Defeating Defenses

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The Take Away…

If you know how something works…you can defeat it

this applies to offense and defense

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Who am I?• Solo Entrepreneur

(I sell red team software)• Armitage and Cobalt Strike Dev• Previously… • DARPA CFT Performer• Red Team Svc to DoD agency• WordPress grammar checker• USAF Security Researcher

• Exercises• CDX, *CCDC, ISTS, etc.

• Primary Skill: Developer

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The Take Away…

If you know how something works…you can defeat it

this applies to offense and defense

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Attack Surface

• What can we, as attackers, manipulate or touch?

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• What is a client-side attack?–An attack against application used to view

attacker controlled content.• Why client-side attacks?

Client-side Attacks

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How to get a foothold

1. Map client-side attack surface2. Create Virtual Machine for testing purposes3. Use Virtual Machine to select best attack4. Configure and disguise the attack5. Email attack package to victim

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• A web application (target must visit it)• Discovers client-side applications• Discovers internal IP address


Reconnaissance: System Profiler

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Hacking with features?

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Features to abuse…

• Java Signed Applet• Disguise Windows Executable• Microsoft Office Macros

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Spear Phishing

1. Create a target list2. Create a template3. Choose mail server to send through4. Send the message…

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Spear Phishing Templates

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TemplatesClick Reply -> View message source

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Sending the message…

telnet [ip address] 25HELO whatever.comMAIL FROM: [email protected] TO: [target email here]DATA[paste template file (remove headers first)].QUIT

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Now, walk this minefield…

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• Mail Defenses• Host Anti-virus• Application Whitelisting• Egress• Payload Staging• Stay Low and Slow

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Sender Policy Framework

• Defense verify senders IP to detect email spoofing

• Attackget message to user regardless…

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Defeating SPF

• Register a typo of domain of interest• Use a webmail provider and send attack from

their servers• Spoof another domain

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Mail Anti-Virus Gateway

• Defense check messages for bad stuff before delivery

• Attacksend something that passes check

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Mail Defense Recon

1. Create an attack package2. Send it to a non-existent user3. Make sure MAIL FROM address is an address

you control4. Wait for non-delivery notice5. Review non-delivery notice for your

report card

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Non-Delivery Notices

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Host Anti-virus

• Defense check for known bad and stop it

• Attacksend unknown bad that passes check

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Defeat Host Anti-virus

1. Find out or guess which anti-virus is in use– DNS Cache Snooping – Information Gathering– Social Engineering

2. Put anti-virus on test Virtual Machine3. Select undetected attack or modify

existing attack

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DNS Cache Snooping?


The command:dig @server domain A +norecurse

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How does Anti-virus work?

• Check for known signature• Apply heuristic to detect bad behavior• Emulate binary to defeat packers and crypters

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• False positives are bad • Non-intrusive(?)• Only checks file at certain points– When loaded in browser– When written to disk

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Getting Past AV

• Client-side Exploits…– Change strings in module– Write your own implementation of the attack

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Application Whitelisting

• Defense do not allow unapproved applications

• Attackget agent into memory using a white-listed application.

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Defeating App Whitelisting

• Powershell–

• MS Office Macro• Java– Create a DLL with your agent– Have program extract DLL– Call System.loadLibrary(“evil.dll”);

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Establish C2

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Establish C2

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Establish C2 – The Pain

• Deny all outbound traffic• Allow egress only through a proxy device– Attack traffic must conform to expected protocol– Must pass other checks as well…

• Attacker Limitation: Staging!

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Payload Staging…

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Payload Staging

• Stage 1– Must be small. Exploit used limits space– Encoded with Framework encoder

• Stage 2– Payload DLL goes over the wire as-is– Trivial to write IDS signature for

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Payload Staging

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Payload Staging

• windows/meterpreter/reverse_https– Staging process happens over SSL

• EnableStageEncoding and StageEncoder– Metasploit Framework option to encode stage

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Riddle me this… Batman

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Asynchronous C2

• Stay Low and slow– Target phones home, asks for tasks– Sleep time? 1 hour, 1 day, 1 year?– C2 tries to look like normal traffic

• Life line into a network– Use to execute commands– Upload / download files– Spawn “active” sessions to another server

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Asynchronous C2 - Beacon

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Asynchronous C2 – Bro RAT


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The Take Away…

If you know how something works…you can defeat it

this applies to offense and defense

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