



7:00 pm Lover’s Lane UMC



Dr. McGrew is a signature member of the SWS who has won numerous awards from a variety of organizations and exhibitions. He has painted and exhibited with the Cowboy Artists of America and has work in the Cowboy Artists of America Museum.

His portrait work was included in the book, “Splash 9, the Best of Watercolor” and on the cover of “Northlight” magazine. He has been the watercolor professor on the cruise ship, Mercury, and on the Queen Mary II.

Interest and mystery characterize his uniquely poetic portraits and landscapes. He achieves these elements through the unusual and striking use of saved whites, lost edges, linked darks, passages of imaginative color, and keen sense of design.

Jerry McGrew is a retired doctor of medicine, and a professional musician as well an entertaining demonstrator.

Holiday Party at Artists’ Showplace


SWS has initiated a Public Arts Program

(PAP) for the purpose of organizing

opportunities in public spaces for

members to exhibit and sell their art. All

members are invited to join the program;

and as venues become available,

individual Venue Managers will contact

PAP members with venue specific

information. Instructions for joining the

PAP are on the website.

35 members and spouses spend the week-end painting, eating, laughing, paint-

ing.... it was so much fun!

Our first Public Art Program show will open at the UT Southwestern

Medical Center library on October 14th. and will hang through the Christmas

holidays so don’t miss it. Thanks to Jeff Jensen, our venue manager for all of his

hard work putting the show together.

We are still looking for someone to assist Bill Riley in his duties as treas-

urer and for an Education Chairman so if you would be interested in either of

these positions, please let me or one of the board members know.


Page 2

We started the Fall season in a big way. Over

165 members and guests attended our Sep-

tember meeting in the new Asbury Hall at

Lovers Lane Methodist Church and Jean

Grastorf did not disappoint. She was funny

and entertaining, even though her allergies

were giving her fits.

The 50th. Annual Membership

Show is up and open and it may be the best

yet. The awards reception at PFamily was so

nice and I want to thank Gayle Ledbetter and

Gaylord O’Con for doing such a nice job put-

ting the whole thing together.

Congratulations to all of the award

winners. The show will be up until October

18th. So be sure and take your friends out to

enjoy some amazing art.

Ron Bigony received the Tom John-

son memorial award and Michael Holter

received the Harry Shields memorial award

and I want to thank both the Johnson and

Shields families for making the presenta-

tions. I know Ron and Michael are very hon-


Milisa Watt won “Best of Show”.

Way to go Milisa!

I want to recognize the following

members for achieving one of the highest

honors SWS bestows by getting their

“signature” award. They are: Sandra St.

John, J Henderer Burns, Cherrie Giddens,

Muriel Mimura, Sharon Serrago, Gaylord

O’Con, Pattie Bowler, Joseph Blanford, Caro-

lyn Buchmann, Jeane Heartsill, Joan Hogge,

Michael Holter and Sally Meding.

Walt Davis says the Paint Out in

Paris (Texas) is our largest yet. We had over

Michael Archer

SWS President

2013-2014 Board and Committee Chairs

President Mickey Archer Parliamentarian Gaylord O’Con 1st VP – Programs Teta Smith 2nd VP – Membership Ruth Siegel 3rd VP – Workshops Pam Wilson Workshops Assistant / Coordinator Bob Voges 4th VP – Exhibitions Gayle Ledbetter Treasure Bill Riley Recording Secretary Jenny Ackerman Correspondence Secretary Sherry Daerr Painting of the Month Cindy Daunis Paintouts Walt Davis Scene Editor Debra Linker Promotions Ron Stephens Website Manager Steve Miller Historian, By Laws Gaylord O’Con Western Federation Jonesy McConnell Christmas Party Jonesy McConnell Public Art Venue Mickey Archer / Debra Linker Facebook Liana Yarckin Signature / Standards Gail Delger Properties/Videographer Jody Graham Technical Support Judith Pafford Photographers Sherry Daerr, Cindy Daunis Stepping Stones Cindy Daunis Social Linda Bauer Education Laurin Sullivan

April 1—April 30, 2014

Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibition

Hosted by Arizona Watercolor Association

Prospectus is now available online.

Entries due Nov. 8, 2013

SWS Delegate: Jonesy McConnell

email: [email protected]


Page 3

Cindy Daunis, SWS Artist

Cindy grew up in Duncan, Oklahoma and graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in accounting

and later became a CPA. She and her husband, Gene, have lived in Texas for about 23 years and have two grown sons.

Five and a half years ago, after a successful battle with breast cancer, Cindy decided that life was too short not to

do the things your heart yearns to do. So, out came the brushes, paper and paint and she immersed herself in her passion

for watercolor. It was at this time that Cindy joined the Southwestern Watercolor Society . She then began to enter art

shows and has been the recipient of numerous awards. Among her awards are a Best of Show in the Richardson Civic Art

Society Membership Show as well as a Best of Show in the Collin County Adult Art Show. She has also been juried into the

Richardson Regional Art Show four times and the Southwestern Watercolor Society Show twice.

Flowers were Cindy’s first painting subject. As she felt the need to try other subject matter, she turned to land-

scapes without much success. After painting a few animals (birds, cats, and horses) she started to feel a passion for her

subject matter. However, it was when she did her first portrait that she felt she had found her niche. Now she finds she

cannot talk to anyone without thinking about the way the light is falling on their face, the colors she sees and how she

would paint them. She has painted several commissioned portraits. Photography is her other passion and she frequently

has her camera with her and is constantly looking for new subject matter for her paintings.

She doesn’t have the time she would like, and always feels pressured to make every painting count, which tends to

limit her ability to experiment. Her goal, though, is to eventually be good enough to teach lessons and perhaps give por-

trait workshops.

Cindy has served on the SWS Board for the last two years as Recording Secretary and is currently the Painting of

the Month Chairperson and the Stepping Stones Award Chairperson. This has been a very rewarding experience and she

encourages everyone to consider volunteering.

BITS OF SWS HISTORY Paintings of the Month

Page 4

Early Paint-Out Fever

It was a natural happening that Paint-Outs were important to the North Texas Watercolor Society (later re-named Southwestern Watercolor Society). The very first list of officers included a paint-out chairman. The organization had evolved mainly from the Edgar A. Whitney classes, which had been held on location in the Dallas area for about three springs. On class day the students would gather in a parking area under Interstate 35E at the Oak Lawn intersec-tion. The class would caravan to the location preselected and mapped on the mimeograph printing machine by Naomi Brotherton and Mary Hill after searching out places with near by toilet facilities, and possible rain protection.

This plan was used for the Sunday paint-outs in the early stages with Bud Biggs as paint-out chairman. However, announcement in the SCENE and use of telephone commit-tees seemed to work for the local members better. Loca-tions were announced early and the group had no particular schedule so the caravan was no longer necessary.

The first paint-out was in 1964 at the railroad sta-tion in Frisco, at that time out in the country. An iron pot-bellied stove still appeared to be useful inside. Reese Ken-nedy, president, painted a memorable picture of it looking from outside into the waiting room.

Then in July’s 105 degree heat, 25 watercolorists painted at Turtle Creek. Interesting local subjects were found, such as a barn on Spring Valley and the dam area of White Rock Lake. Not to be outdone by bad weather, the Sunday events moved into a shopping mall if necessary.

The first weekend paint-out was May 1964 at Caddo Lake State Park in East Texas where the cabins were only $2.00 per night. Bring your own sheets, please. Pot-luck dinner was part of the game plan there. In November, a weekend at Winnsboro caught some of the fall color.

In this first year, a pattern for the paint-outs was established: local Sunday paint-outs, and occasional week-end paint-outs.

Then there was a member, a winning character, named Guy Kirkpatrick, who became paint-out chairman. Now there is another story.

* to be continued…

Naomi Brotherton SWS NWO TWS WFWS

UT Southwestern Medical Center Show

Take-in for our first Public Art Program show at the UT

Southwestern Medical Center is scheduled for Saturday,

October 12th. with the show opening on Monday, October

14th. The show will be up through the Christmas holidays,

so don’t miss it.

There are no commissions required by either UTSWMC or

Southwestern Watercolor Society, so sale of all artwork will

go totally to the artist(s). UTSWMC plans to promote the

exhibit through their intercampus electric bulletin boards

and with flyers posted at various department head bulletin

boards as well as in the research library where the show will


The show is not juried and members wishing to participate

in the show only need to go the SWS website to the Public

Art Program tab, download the Conditions for Participating

page and submit it along with five images of their style of

work to Debra Linker, the Public Art Program chairman. A

folder will be set up for each artist and will be shared with

the Venue Manager for the UTSWMC show as well as future

Public Art shows. Jeff Jensen is the Venue Manager for this

show and will be contacting all members wishing to

participate. Apply now and sell your work. Don’t miss this

great opportunity.

1st—Jeff Jensen, Shanghai Street

2nd— Joe Mraz, Apples and Flowers

3rd— Lisa Perry, Amethyst Heart


NOV. 12,13,14 2013 (3 DAY)



FEB. 11,12,13 2014 (3 DAY)



MAR. 11,12,13 2014 (3 DAY)



APR. 8,9,10 2014 (3 DAY)



SEPT. 9,10,11 2014 ( 3 DAY)

FEALING LIN (SWS show juror)


OCT. 14,15,16 2014 (3 DAY)



NOV. 11,12,13 2014 (3 DAY)



FEB. 12,13,14 2015 (3 DAY)




Page 5



The lineup for the next two years for SWS Workshops promises to bring information and inspiration for every artist. It is not too early to sign up, and make a commitment to yourself, for yourself!

For information and to sign up, contact: Pam Wilson 1086 Hawkwood Way, Allen, TX 75013 (972) 727-1086 [email protected]

Pricing note: Each workshop’s price is for SWS Members; non-members pay an additional $25. Both prices are listed under “Venue”.

Mary Emerson—Tuscan Door Amy M. Erlich—Mt. Fiji

Sometimes, as Editor, I have the pleasure (and space) to highlight a

painting or two from among our members for no other reason than

that they give me pleasure. Here are two such happy instances.

— Debra Linker


Page 6

Gaylord O’Con has completed a commission for the Melrose Warwick Hotel in Dallas. He is cur-rently working on two commissions for the Kickapoo Indian Nation in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Southwestern Watercolor Society Paints Denton: Exhibition of Watercolor Paintings SWS members Nel Byrd, Walt Davis, Jeff Good, Jeanne Heartsill, Gaylord O’Con, Herb Reed, Jo Williams, and Bob Voges have an exhibit of paintings completed at the 2011 Denton paint- out at Sweetwater Grill and Tavern, 115 S. Elm, Denton. The exhibit will run through November 9.

The 10 th ANNUAL GALLERY VIII ARTISTS & FRIENDS STUDIO TOUR is Nov. 2 & 3, 2013 and everyone is invited. Hours are 10 to 5 on Sat. & noon to 5 on Sunday. SWS artists who will be opening their studios are: Sue Alston, Nel Dorn Byrd, Mary Anne Durnin, Joan Hogge, Michael Holter, Priscilla Krejci, Marie Renfro, Bill Wad-ley, Karen White, & Lori Bongiovanni. A map listing all participating artists & the studio ad-dresses can be found at An original work of art will be given as a door prize from every studio.

Signature member Donna Shuford's watercolor painting "In Focus" was accepted into the 40th Annual Rocky Mountain Watermedia exhibi-tion at Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado from September 21- November3,2013.

Jimmy Magouirk had two paintings, "Punt" and "Hard Life" accepted in the Texas Visual Arts Association's "Eye Of The Beholder" show for September at their Downtown Dallas Gal-lery. The show runs from September 2 to 30.

Marian Hirsch had three paintings accepted into the Brush With History plein air competition sponsored by the Dallas Heritage Village. The reception and awards were be held Oct. 4.

Congratulations to Bobbye Koncak our newest Signature Member. After the Opening Recep-tion of the show, it was determined that she qualified for signature status this year. Bobbye will receive her Certificate and pendant and will be honored at the next meeting that she will be able to attend. Ron Stephens was awarded a 4th place for his abstract, "Woods Abstract" at the first annual Top 40 juried art exhibition in Forney, TX. The show will be up until October 30th at their gal-lery at Crumbzz in downtown Forney. National Juried Exhibition: The Mitchell Gallery, St. John’s College, Annapolis, MD: May 28-June 15, 2014

Teta Smith [email protected] 214-244-9449 10/13 Beginner & All Levels Water Media & Collage Classes Bill Riley [email protected] 214-810-33630 2/13 Watercolor and Photography Jane E. Jones 972-407-1566 4/13 Michael Borne RA 512-318-1279 4/12 Beginner to Advanced Adult Watercolor classes - Saturdays Wallace Hughes 214-821-0257 4/13 Beginning & Intermediate Watercolor Richland College Sharon Serrago 214-636-4271 [email protected] 9/13


Member Teacher Listings Rate: $25 per year


Less is More: Small Works in a Great Space. Accepting entries in all media. $2,000 Cash awards. Juror: Domenic Iacono, Director, Syracuse University Art Galleries. Entry cost: $40 for up to three JPEGS. Submission deadline: January 31, 2014. To read the Less is More exhibition prospectus:

Ron Bigony and Michael Holter received Signature membership status with the National Watercolor Society.

SUBMIT NEWS FOR HAPPENINGS TO: [email protected] prior to the 24th of the month. Items will be included on a first-come-first served basis as space is available.

2014 SWS Stepping Stones Award

The Stepping Stones Award will pay workshop tuition for two SWS members whose names will be selected from a drawing to be held at our annual Christmas party in December. Two alternate names will also be drawn. You do not have to be present to claim the award.


Any SWS member in good standing who has been a member for two consecutive years. * Previous winners are not eligible. * SWS workshops only and for tuition only. Personal and travel expenses are member’s responsibility. * To be used February 2014 through April 2015, depending on availability. Workshops fill on a first come basis. * One entry per member per year.

Entry Procedure

Entry forms will be available at the September, October and November meetings, along with the drawing box or you may send your Name, E-mail Address and Phone Number to:

Cindy Daunis 1513 Hunters Creek Dr. McKinney, TX 75070

Or email to [email protected]

New Members!

Nanc Gordon Dallas, TX

Carol Peterson Lubbock, TX

Diane Forsyth Van Alstyne, TX

Sandra Johnson Oak Point, TX

Steve Walters Little Elm, TX

Sandra Summerhill-Platt Dallas, TX

Joe Mraz Longview, TX

Nathalie Kelley Snyder, TX

Greta Faulkinberry Bullard, TX

Jackie Haugen Highland Village, TX

Kameshwari Addepalli Irving, TX

Lana and Tip Housewright Dallas, TX

Sue Wolff Racine, WI

Renee Wrenwood McKinney, TX

Terree Stone McKinney, TX

Rosalind Webb Stockbridge, GA

Carmen Prince Coppell, TX

Valerie Saul Washington

Debra Lalumia Kaufman, TX

Cheryl Henry Dallas, TX

Robyn Jorde Cedar Hill, TX


Page 7

2012 SWS Member Exhibit Was Hung By

Hanging Around Texas

Art Installation We offer a variety of fine art services specifi-

cally designed to accommodate your unique

installation needs. Hanging Around Texas

understands that your time is valuable,

therefore, we take great pride in the punctu-

ality of our deliveries and installations. Weekend services are

even available to meet your busy schedule.

Jane E. Jones Art Studio

S.W.S., T.W.S., N.W.S., A.C.A., W.F.S., N.W.O., W.C.W.S

2013-2014 CRITIQUE: Fridays, 9:30-12:00 or 1:30-4:00; Nov. 1, Dec. 6, Jan. 17, Feb 21, Mar. 21, May 16; Jane’s Home; $120



(3 days); 9:30-3:30; Artists’ Showplace;$234


(5 days); Jane’s Studio; $390

BROKEN COLOR/LIGHT: February 17-20 (4 days); 9:30-3:30; Artists’ Showplace; $312

EXPERIMENTAL: March 17-20 (4 days); 9:30-3:30; Artists’ Showplace; $312

LAKE CITY EXPERIMENTAL WC/Acrylic: Aug 14-17 (4 days0; 9:00—3:00, Jane’s L.C. Studio, $475 supplies included

PELHAM ART LEAGUE: August 28-Sept. 1 (5 days); Canada; contact Mary Powley 905-892-4625

ABSTRACTING NATURE: November 3-7 (5 days); 9:30-3:30; Artists’ Showplace; $390

Individual Critiques Available

Artists’ Showplace, 15615 Coit Rd Dallas

Visit Jane’s web site

For information call 972.407.1566


PRESIDENT Mickey Archer 972 974 2660 [email protected] 1014 Means Farm Rd.

Garland TX 75044


Teta Smith 214 244 9449

[email protected] 7100 Chase Oaks Blvd.

Plano, TX 75025

2nd VP - WORKSHOP CHAIR Workshop Sign Ups, Payments and

Scheduling Pam Wilson 972 727 1086

pamwilson.allen@gmail 1086 Hawkwood Way

Allen, TX 75019

3RD VP - MEMBERSHIP CHAIR New Members, Address Changes

and Membership Dues Ruth Siegel 214 351 1009

[email protected] 3739 Waldorf Dr

Dallas, TX 75229

4th VP - EXHIBITION CHAIR Gayle Ledbetter 972 562 6726 [email protected] 211 S. Westpark McKinney, TX 75070

PAINT-OUT CHAIR Walt Davis 903 886 2711 [email protected] 3915 FM 1568 Campbell, TX 75422


Steve Miller

[email protected]

TREASURER Bill Riley 214 810 3363 [email protected] 10263 Better Dr. Dallas, TX 75229

SCENE EDITOR News Articles, Happenings & Ads

Debra Linker

972 345 6311

[email protected]

2421 Champlain Way

McKinney, TX 75070

View the SCENE in full color at


Southwestern Watercolor Society (SWS)


Full Page $100

Half Page $80

5” x 5” $70

4” x 5” $60

4” x 4” $50

3.5” x 3.5” $35

2.25” x 3” $25

Payment for SCENE ads must be received no later

than the 10th of the month prior to publication.

Please mail check made out to SWS to Debra

Linker, SWS Editor, 2421 Champlain Way, McKin-

ney, TX 75070.

Send your proofed copy to:

[email protected] by the 20th of the month

prior to publication.

Artists’ Showplace 2013

Carrie Burns Brown; September 23-27 Collage

Janet Rogers; October 21-24 Figures and Flowers, Watercolor

Carol Nelson; November 4- 6 Acrylic Abstract

Michael Holter; December 3-5 Watercolor Portraits


Doug Walton, January 6 – 9 Acrylic & Mixed Media

Jo Moncrief, January 30 – February 1 How to Finish a Painting

Ellen Soderquist; February 28-March 1 Gesture Techniques &

Figure Drawing with Models

Julie Gilbert Pollard; March 27-29 Watercolor Fresh and Bright

Joyce Hicks; May 6-9 Transforming the Landscape in Watercolor

Richard Stephens; June 3-6 Watercolor with Humor and Passion

Sterling Edwards; December 1-5 Abstract and Landscape


Send $75 deposit to Artists’ Showplace

15615 Coit Rd., #230 Dallas, TX 75248


Rivers and Mountain Scenes

Watercolor/Acrylics $150

Thursdays 10:00 – 1:00

Sept. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17

Collage as Texture in Paintings $150

Thursday Classes 1:00 – 4:00

Sept. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17

Beginning Watercolor

Monday Evenings 6:00 – 9:00

Classes are ongoing. Enter anytime. $25/class

