Page 1: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

OCTOBER 25, 2015

The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi 11401 Leesville Road, Raleigh, NC 27613 919-847-8205

Weekend Mass: Saturday: 5:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am 9:30 am

11:30 am 5:30 pm

Daily Mass: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am

St. Mary of the Angels Chapel

See page 7

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Lesson Before


Our Mission Statement

Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all.

Page 2: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

One of my favorite things to do is to look through local bookstores and see what’s there. A few weeks back I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul Bogard. In his book, he writes about how, in many places now, we are no longer able to see more than just a

few stars at night. He goes off in search of “dark sky” places and he finds them in different places such as a park in Quebec, on an island off the coast of England, and in Death Valley, California, where he describes what it’s like to go hiking there at night, to look up, and to see thick clusters of stars all through the night sky.

The book is a sort of lament for a gradual loss of natural darkness and a call to preserve the darkness that already exists in places by more subtle or less use of lighting. I can remember, maybe thirty years ago, going at night to Great East Lake in New Hampshire not far from the Maine border. There was a certain thrill to being there in deep darkness, unable to see anything beyond what was a few inches away, hearing only insects, looking up at the dark sky and seeing stars, feeling the depth and texture of the night sky. One of the most important parts of our spiritual lives is the sense of wonder and awe at the beauty of the world around us.

Sometimes on a weekend night I like to walk around the campus here and one of the most beautiful spots is the columbarium area, with its landscaping lit from below. It feels like a quiet and contemplative place. It was dedicated in 1996 along with our church building. Sometimes, day or night, I’ll see one or two people or a family come up to one of the niches and hold a hand up to it or gather around it. It’s a place for them to remember the person who has died. We have the ashes of nearly 400 people interred in niches in our columbarium. Our church architecture holds reminders of who we are in the Christian life: baptized in the water at the font into the life of Christ, gathered at the table of the Lord for Eucharist, and waiting in hope for life everlasting with God.

If you have been considering pre-purchasing a niche in our columbarium, please be aware that a price increase will take effect on January 15, 2016. For more information, contact our parish office. Finally, this Sunday is our annual Harvest Moon Festival in support of our preschool. It runs from 12:30 to 2:30pm in Clare Fellowship Hall. All are invited. Blessings on your week!


New to the parish?

Contact Sue Mathys [email protected]


Our welcoming spirit comes from the thousands of involved parishioners who invite you to join them in sharing their gifts and talents so generously. Our vibrant ministries and liturgies are, thanks to all of you, helping us to live our mission each day. If you are new to the parish, please contact me and let’s see where the spirit leads us.

Download the parish map

Dylan Thomas Crotty Grayson John Crotty Sons of Matt and Lauren Crotty

Audrey Leona Cuni Daughter of Seth and Amy Cuni

Jackie Hardesty, daughter of Dennis and Susan Hardesty, and Mike Confessore, son of Michael and Susan Confessore

Olivia Lawrence, daughter of Edward and Mary Lawrence, and Brad Stancil, son of Ron Stancil and Carol Fox

Carie McElveen, daughter of Greg and Lisa McElveen, and Ben Kempton, son of Dan and Lisa Kempton

+ Hugh Willard Husband of Ann Willard Father of Nicole Scott

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Understanding Laudato sí Together Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace

A fter the pope’s diagnostic chapter about what’s hap-pening to our “common home,” the second chapter

of the pope’s encyclical argues that our faith convictions can and should motivate Christians to assume their responsibility as caretakers of Crea-tion. It is often the case that many Christians feel that environmental stewardship is secondary or tangen-tial to living out the faith, but the Pope wants to wipe this sentiment away. Science has a role to play in the con-versation about the future of the world but so does our Christian faith. To make this argument, Pope Francis begins by highlighting the many bibli-cal narratives that speak of the love and wisdom of a God who is Creator and sustainer of all Creation. In the biblical narratives, he says, “suggests that human life is grounded in three fundamental and close intertwined

relationships: with God, with our neighbor, and with earth itself” (66). While all of these relationships have been riddled by brokenness in our assertion of power and dominion, our particular calling as people of faith is for wholeness, reconciliation, and peace. This calling will in effect chal-lenge us to be the kind of people who will not let the earth be despoiled and people forgotten.

The pope also meditates on the mys-tery of the universe which he sees as a continuing revelation of the divine, “a gift from the outstretched hand of the Father of all” (76). It is our faith in Christ that “allows us to interpret the meaning and mysterious beauty of what is unfolding” (79). Referencing St. Bonaventure, Pope Francis points to an ancient understanding of the world as the “book of creation,” God’s precious book “whose letters are the


1. According to Pope Francis, the Bible teaches that the harmony between the creator, humanity, and creation was disrupted by our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations. What does it mean to presume to take the place of God? How are our lifestyle and the ethics of our workplace overreaching creaturely limits?

2. How can our attitudes and actions this week be more like Jesus?

multitude of created things present in the universe” (85). In this way, the pope asks us to re-learn how to “read” Creation in order to discover the message and meaning inherent within it. One of the key messages that Pope Francis reads in the “book of creation” is that we are “linked by unseen bonds and together form a kind of universal family” (89). In another place, he echoes this by saying that in God’s created order “everything is connected” (91).

The pope ends this chapter with reference to Jesus who embodies the tenderness, the contemplative awareness, the in-touch-ness with nature and people, the wonder and awe before God’s gifts, and the reconciliation that the Creator so desires for all of Creation.

Laudato sí Summary: Chapter Two

The Gospel of Creation

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All Souls Mass Monday, November 2 7:00pm

During the liturgy we will honor all who have died during the past year. As the deceased’s name is read, a relative or representative will present a photo (5x7 or smaller) to be placed near the altar. After Mass, all photos will be on display for the month of November. If you have a loved one who has died since last October and would like their name to be read at mass, email Tresa Pickup at [email protected].

Memorial Garden Mass Saturday, November 7 9:00am

This beautiful memorial Mass is to celebrate the life and faith of all those inurned or memorialized in the St. Francis Memorial Garden as well as those buried in the St. Francis portion of the cemetery at Raleigh Memorial Park. All are welcome to attend. Mass is held outside in the Memorial Garden so please dress accordingly. Mass will be followed by a cider reception.

Book of Remembrance

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, November has been the month in which we remember our deceased. This November, as in years past we will make available our Book of Remembrance. It will be on display throughout the month for all to view, to remember, and to pray for those whose names are inscribed. This is a wonderful way to honor the dead and demonstrate that truly “life is not ended, but changed.”

To have your loved one’s name added, simply fill out the All Soul’s Offertory envelope or email Tresa Pickup at [email protected]. A new request must be made each year. A small donation is welcome, but not mandatory.

Journeying with Grief Through the Holidays Sunday, November 15, 2:00-4:00pm Anthony Hall Founders Room

If this is your first holiday after the loss of a loved one, please consider signing up for this workshop. Learn to celebrate your loved one and the holidays. Seating is limited. To RSVP, visit or call 919-847-8205x0.

Romans 5:5

Community Prayer Book

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiv-ing, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7

Every time we gather for liturgy we are surrounded by the Body of Christ. Some of the members of Christ’s body are celebrating joys, some facing trials, some experiencing peace and others pain. Wherever we are on our journey, we are called to bring these petitions before God and others. One of the ways we can do this is with our community’s prayer book. This book is located in the sanctuary near the statue of St. Francis and is available for anyone to record their petitions. We will pray for all the prayers listed in this book at each Sunday liturgy.

Prayer Line Ministry

Sometimes the prayers on our hearts are quite personal. For those times, consider enlisting the support of our Prayer Line Ministry.

You can stop by the Steward-ship Center and write your confidential prayer request and drop it in the box. Then it will

be gathered and sent to our team who will pray for your intentions. If you're more comfortable online, you can send your prayer request via our website and it too will be gathered so our team can join their prayers with yours. Look for this icon on the bottom of the St. Francis home-page to submit your request,

November: Month of Remembrance

“Hope does not disappoint”

Page 5: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness


Sharing the Fruits of Ministry

Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness

Experienced. Determined. Creative. Generous. Compassionate. Goal-oriented.

These are all great qualities in a person. Imagine all of these qualities in each person in a team of 32 members! Our Prayer Shawl Ministry highlights all these qualities each and every time they gather.

The experienced members are always willing to share their knowledge and tips with new members. I've watched new members bring in their yarn and needles with no idea how to knit or crochet. Within a few months, they are completing hats, scarves, and afghans!

Determination and goal-oriented go together with this group. Just recently they heard that a delegation from our parish is going to St. Francis Inn. They got to work and they have knitted and crocheted 80 hats and scarves to share with folks in Philadelphia who are cold, 80 hats and scarves for people at Moore Square, and 50 pairs of pajamas to send to Catholic Parish Outreach. Since July, the ministry has donated more than 474 items!

Creative doesn't begin to cover all the color combina-tions of yarn, patterns, and ways to use that last little bit of yarn. There are bright colors for babies, delicate stitches for women’s prayer shawls, and bold colors for men’s laprobes.

Generosity underscored every item. All items are donated. Most yarn and materials are purchased by individual members. The time to make all these items is something that can't be measured, but the joy returned in the thank you cards reflects all the love that is shared between this ministry and all the folks they touch.

If you'd like to be part of this group, consider joining us at our next meeting on November 5, at 12:30pm in Clare Hall Room 202. You're guaranteed to have a great time!

G rief is kind of like back pain. If you move a

certain way and it hurts, you learn to move a different way. Over the last nine months, I’ve learned to “move” in different ways regarding the death of my father. He was part of my everyday life for eight years so there’s a pretty big part of nearly every day that I have to navi-gate in new ways.

There are certain places I avoid. There are streets I don’t drive down, stories I don’t tell, even recipes I have tucked away not to use because it hurts when I visit those places or memories. So by modifying my habits, I can almost fool myself into think-ing that I’m doing OK. I miss Dad, but most days my thoughts of him are of happy times and being grateful to have had him in my life for so long.

In fact, I was doing so “well” that I had not realized that this was the first holiday season that Dad wouldn’t be with us. At a recent family dinner, our son Brian asked if we would like to come to his house for Thanksgiving. Excited that he wanted to serve as host, I immediately said yes! It was only later that night that I realized why he had asked. This year is going to be different. This year I won’t be able to move in a way that will stop the pain of missing my Dad. This year my Dad won’t be there in his red turtleneck with the biggest smile in the room.

That’s when I realized that I was able to be grateful for grace. The grace that allowed Brian to so gently alter the way this holiday will be for us. The grace that allowed me to accept before I realized why it was so important to allow this change. The grace that no matter where I have Thanksgiving, my father and mother will be with me, proud that I’m able to celebrate them with our family in a new way.

Grief is different for each of us and there’s no one right way to process grief. If you’d like to be proactive about how grief might affect your holidays, consider joining us for Journeying with Grief through the Holidays. We will gather on Sunday, November 15 from 2:00 to 4:00pm in Anthony Hall Founders Room. The program will offer scripture, information, time to work on a plan for the holidays, and small group discussion. Registration is required so visit us at journeying or call 919-847-8205x0 to save a seat.

Grief and Grace

Prayer Shawl Ministry

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St. Francis Preschool was visited by the Durham Highway Fire Department. The firefighters were here to educate

the children on fire safety and to expose them to the fire safety gear that they have to wear while fighting fires. A few of the children were definitely nervous when the men disappeared under the big fire suit, helmet and mask. They were assured that these brave people are heroes not villains. The most special treat for our young ones was the climb into the giant fire truck, as they got to pretend to be real firefighters for a moment. These brave men and women serve our community and are committed to the protection of life, property, and the environment. May God bless them and keep them safe. For more information, please visit our website at or call Shelley at 919-847-8205x262.

_____________________________________ Harvest Moon Festival and Fall Open House Sunday October 25 12:30-2:30pm

Fire Fighters Visit the Preschool

N ow is the time to be thinking about school for your children for the 2016-2017 school year! We ask you to consider a Catholic education for your child and a Catholic

environment for your entire family. We invite you to join us on Sunday, November 8 from 12:45 to 2:00pm for our Fall Open House.

At the Franciscan School, we provide a quality, stable, faith-filled environment in which Catholic Christian values are taught in Religion class and infused in everything we do from the ball field to the performing arts to time together at Mass to our academic classes. We hope that our focus on developing lifelong learners will generate leaders who will improve the world and live their Christian faith. And we are fortunate to have a very talented and dedicated faculty and staff to guide and teach the children every day.

In the spirit of St. Francis and the mission of our parish, we continually strive to live out His message and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We seek to share God’s love with those around us, growing in holiness, offering hope, and extending hospitality to all. We would be delighted if you and your children would come and be a part of this National Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence winner!

So mark your calendars for our Fall Open House on November 8! Tour the school, meet faculty and staff, and learn more about the curriculum and opportunities available to students in grades K-8. See for yourself how the Franciscan School can make a difference in your child’s life. For more information about the school or Open House, please contact Lura Tysiac at [email protected] or call 919-847-8205x469.

Come to Our Fall Open House!

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Tricia Henry, Coordinator of Community Life


B asketball season is upon us again in the Assisi Community

Center. This year we have 384 athletes registered in our youth programs of 1st through 8th graders and we have

many, many coaches helping these young people throughout the season.

At the beginning of the season, we have a coaches meeting where we explain the league rules and regulations; we go over the community center code of conduct; and we review some drills to help them teach important basketball skills. You know it is a little tricky to teach a 6-year-old how to bounce a ball! Anyway, at that coaches training, we also like to remind the coaches where they are teaching basketball. We remind them they are in the Assisi Community Center of the Catholic Community of St Francis of Assisi. We remind them that coaching at this location means we are a faith-based athletic program and we ask them to help us teach those skills too.

Looking at today’s gospel, I wonder if the coaches can take a little insight from Bartimaeus. One word that I was so struck by today was “sprang.” He sprang up to go to Jesus. With all his faith, he sprang up to go to Jesus.

Then, I recall a memory from the toddler ages: Tigger. Tiggers are made out of springs. They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy…But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one.

I think Bartimaeus saw this too. His faith caused him to spring to Jesus with all the energy and excitement as a Tigger, but he also knew he was the only one created with his gifts. Even the weakest of us can be God’s minister. Each one of us has a gift to give.

So as those coaches are teaching the fundamen-tals of bouncing a ball, I hope they teach the bouncing, springing faithfulness to follow Jesus and teach that each one of us has gifts to give… including themselves!

Thank you, coaches! Welcome to a new season!

Bouncy, Bouncy, Bounce

T his weekend ends the successful three week run of Justice Theater Project’s

production of A Lesson Before Dying. The reviews called this production “poignant,” “timely,” and “superb.” This is the 10th anniversary season of JTP, a ministry founded by parishioner Deb Royals that uses the thea-ter arts to bring to the fore critical social issues in need of discussion for the sake of a more just world.

A Lesson Before Dying, tells the final chapter in the life of a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although clearly innocent, Jefferson has been found guilty of murder and has been sentenced to death. The story follows the final days of Jeffer-son as he and those around him learn some vital lessons about what it means to be a human being of dignity in a world of violence.

As a celebration of their 10th anniversary, JTP returned to their very first production with A Lesson Before Dying. When this play was performed in our church sanctuary ten years ago, North Carolina was still executing men and women on death row, about 5 or 6 people a year. There was immense debate about the ethics of capital punishment, and JTP’s first production of A Lesson

provided a helpful narrative through which our community of faith could consider the debate. Although NC has not executed anyone since 2006, there actually have been a number of legislative actions in our state legislature over the last couple years that have reopened the path towards executing people once again. With this reality before us, the need for public conversation could not be more timely. As Pope Francis reminded us in his speech before Congress, advocating for the abolition of the death penalty is part and parcel of what it means to be pro-life.

As Deb Royals has said repeatedly, the heart of JTP’s vision is to create spaces for deep reflection, honest discussion, and ultimately more truthful action. It is an incredible gift to have this theater company rooted at St. Francis, helping us live out our mission to be salt and light in a world in such need for peace and justice.

Please visit for information. JTP’s next production is their annual holi-day piece called Black Nativity starting on December 19 at NC State’s Stewart Theater. Also, watch for their February production of Tuesdays With Morrie at St. Francis.

A Lesson Before Dying Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace

Page 8: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

Our Abbotswood Eucharistic Ministry is accepting volunteers. Each team meets at Abbotswood once every three weeks to lead a communion service. Training is in-cluded and enjoyment is guaranteed! Contact: Gerry or Karen Collins at [email protected]

Job Connections Ministry Leader(s) Needed: Are you good at networking? Do you enjoy helping people? You’re perfect! This role involves indentifying volunteer coaches to help in the job search process and match the coaches up with job seekers. Contact: Vince Papi, 724-316-2952 or [email protected].

Job Coaches for our Job Connections Ministry: If you’re good at putting your best foot forward, could you help someone else do the same? We need folks to help others with resume development, networking, and inter-viewing skills. Just good at one of these things? Come on anyway. This is a team approach to helping people find their next career. Contact: Vince Papi, 724-316-2952 or [email protected].

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Chris-tian care to people in our congregation and community experiencing challenges in life: grief; loneliness; divorce; hospitalization; disability; job loss; and many other life difficulties. Learn how to become a Stephen Minister or receive care from one. Contact: Kathleen Owen, 919-847-8205x241 or [email protected]

Volunteer opportunity to Mentor Engaged Couples: We invite couples married 10 years or more to join the Fully Engaged Ministry team. Mentor couples; help engaged couples talk about beginning their marriage through guided conversation based on a pre-marriage inventory that the engaged couple has taken. Contact: Jason Lillis, 919-847-8205x244.

Feed the Need: Help provide cooked meals to families in our parish who are adjusting to life’s challenges. Sign up for a date that works for you. Contact: Donna Mariani, [email protected] or 919-326-3768.

Baptism Hospitality Ministry: Love Baptisms? So do we! Our ministry provides a calm, well trained, help-ful person to direct Saturday morning communal baptism ceremonies and to assist the baptizing families leading up to their special celebration. This ministry is a great oppor-tunity for families at any stage – and whole families can volunteer together! Training is provided, time commitment is about 3 Saturday mornings per year. Contact: Jason Lillis, [email protected] or 919-847-8205x244.

AA Meeting: Alcoholic Anonymous, daily at 7:15am in Laverna, (log cabin). Enter through the garage. Al-Anon Meetings: Sun. 7pm, Anthony Hall Rm 403.

Adult Open Play Nights: Assisi Community Center Gym. Visit to contact the ministry leaders for each of our adult open play nights. Always Our Children: Safe, welcoming, confidential place for GLBT persons and family/friends of GLBT persons to discuss issues of personal concern. Meeting Sunday, November 1, 3:15pm, Anthony Hall Room 403. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Support Group: The first Wednesday of the month, 1:00-3:00pm in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center and the third Wednesday of the month, 7:00-9:00pm in An-thony Hall Room 405. Carol Gault, [email protected]. Centering Prayer: Thursdays, 9:35am or 7:30pm in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel.

Community Center Classes: Regular exercise classes and parent/child classes run on a weekly basis. Community Garden: Saturday mornings,10:00 am. Call Pat or Paul Kelly at 919-413-8833, email [email protected] or just drop by.

Divorce Care: Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00pm in the Padua Rm. of the Assisi Community Center. Confidential, co-ed healing from separation and divorce by people who understand and want to help you heal. $20 one time fee. Contact Bill Morgan at [email protected]. Exercise Programs: Men’s Ministry: Breakfast, Monday, November 2, 7:00am, Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center. Visit for details. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Thursday, November 5, Clare Hall Room 202, 12:00noon-2:00pm. Contact Regina Sisinni at 919-803-6444 or Cindy Cardello at 919-846-8825.

Rosary Ministry: Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30pm, St. Mary of the Angels Chapel.

55+ Adults Group: Monthly potluck luncheons through-out the year and monthly game days September through May in Clare Fellowship Hall. Contact Carole Warner, 919-321-1289. The St. Francis Single/Single Again Ministry: Activities include game night, service projects, monthly birthday dinners and nights on the town. Contact Kathy Duckworth for more information at [email protected] Third Option: A marriage skills-building small group, Young Adults Community: (20’s and 30’s) Weekly Bible study every Wed.,7:00pm, Anthony Hall Rm. 403.

Welcome Coffees: Our next welcome coffee will be on Sunday, November 15 after 9:30am Mass. Contact Trina Sugrue at 919-847-8205x245, [email protected]. Register at 10

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Diocese of Raleigh News Holy Hour for Vocations: Friday, November 6 at 7:00pm at Saint Joseph Parish, Raleigh. The Holy Hour for Vocations provides an opportunity to come together as a deanery and pray before the Blessed Sacrament for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. All are invited to join Bishop Burbidge in this celebration. A reception will follow the Holy Hour.

World Priest Day is Sunday, October 25 Worldwide Marriage Encounter thanks all of our priests for their loving service to God’s people. Join thousands of other Catholics worldwide in taking a day to especially recognize the priests who so faithfully serve us by providing the sacraments, spiritual guidance, education and love as a daily gift. Please tell your parish priest how much you love him!

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Formation Returning Catholics Fr. David McBriar 847-8205x261 Rite of Christian Initiation-Adults Gabriele Monetti [email protected] Christian Initiation of Children Gabriele Monetti [email protected] Intergeneration. Fam. FF (FIRE) Gabriele Monetti [email protected]

Family Life AAMEN Ministry Leon Cooke 740-7515 Baptism Preparation Bill & Regina McCrorie 847-6757 Family & Marriage Enrichment Steve & Cecy Becker 870-0694 Marriage Preparation Team Theresa & Mark Baumgartner 848-3383 Men’s Ministry Steve Becker 870-0694 San Damiano House Marc Kielty 847-8205x266 55+ Adults Group Carole Warner 919-321-1289 Senior Monthly Potluck Joe & Kate Corsaro 554-4498 Single/Single Again Kathy Duckworth [email protected] Kathy Reynolds [email protected] Young Adults Melissa Misko [email protected]

Community Life Youth Basketball Rich Wessel 870-1643 High School Basketball Tim Burns 949-4472 Youth Volleyball Mary Arleth 847-8205x379 Adult Summer Basketball Tim Burns 949-4472 Adult Gym Nights Tricia Henry 847-8205x375 Community Center Programs Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Summer Camps Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Parish Community Events Tricia Henry 847-8205x375 Assisi Café Volunteers Ashley Watson 847-8205x444 Assisi Café Entertainment Diogenes Ruiz 847-8205x271 Babysitting Co-Op II Ute Feger [email protected]

Liturgy Altar Servers & Thurifers Bob Kaczynski [email protected] Marie Kaczynski [email protected] Assisi Scripture Study Barbara Efird [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Mailbox [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word Jackie Kelly 896-6297 Play and Pray Niamh Crotty [email protected] Church Keeping Beverly Saunders 846-5795 Cross Bearers Tresa Pickup 847-8205x488 Deaf Ministry Jean Cooke-Byrne 412-8365 Environment & Art Theresa Baumgartner 848-3383 Eucharistic Ministers Deb Rodi 803-3304 [email protected] Funeral Ministers Lisa Gianturco 845-9718 Lectors Mike Wrzesien 624-1592 Shawn Bayle Master of Ceremonies Michael & Julie Ducatte 622-8883 [email protected] Music Ministry Joyce Petzka [email protected] Parking Ministry Steve Burdett 845-2714 Ushers John Cuomo 931-4308 Troy Chaput 665-7194 Wedding Directors Judy Ferraro 395-3005

Administration Collection Counters Pat Kowite 847-8205x229 Columbarium & Mem. Plaques Joan Port 847-8205x249 Volunteer Receptionists Sue Mathys 847-8205x222 Webmaster Tricia Downs 847-8205x234Campus Beautification Spring/Fall Jim Anderson 847-8205x263

Other Organizations Knights of Columbus Mike Wrzesien [email protected] Marriage Encounter Charlie Abbott Angela Abbott 556-7401 Boy Scouts Pete Oertel 781-8055 Cub Scouts ( Chris Triplett [email protected] Girl Scouts Jamie Johnson 847-8205x379 Secular Franciscan Order Joanne Jacovec


First Contact New Parishioner Contact: Sue Mathys 847-8205x222 Stewardship—Get Involved Sue Mathys 847-8205x222 The Way of Francis Sue Mathys 847-8206x222

Care and Wellness Resurrection Ministries Consolation & Care Celesta Carlson 818-4122 Emmaus Ministers Kathleen Owen 847-8205x241 Funeral Receptions Celesta Carlson 818-4122

Eucharistic Ministries EMs to Abbotswood Gerry & Karen Collins [email protected] EMs to the Homebound Pat Spencer 706-5324 EMs to the Magnolia Glen Erica Schaab Emerson 617-7765 EMs to the Meadows Andrea McVerry [email protected] EMs to Rex Hospital Edward Gilmartin [email protected] EMs to Springmoor Mary Papi 381-6764

Ministries to the Infirm, Sick, and Hospitalized Transportation to Mass Stephanie Smith 302-0080 Cancer Companions Lisa Cilento [email protected] Caregivers Carol Derrenbacher 554-2578 Caregivers 402 Line 847-8205x402 Medical Facility Visitation Sharon Holland [email protected]

Ministries of Care & Presence Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Carol Gault [email protected] Linda Tucker 900-8280 Caring Casseroles Donna Mariani 326-3768 Divorce Care William Morgan [email protected] Feed the Need Donna Mariani 326-3768 Life After Loss Cindy Nackashi 247-3632 Job Connections Vince Papi 926-7193 Project Rachel [email protected] 852-1021 Stephen Ministry Kathleen Owen 847-8205x241 Special Needs Ministry Heather Lisk [email protected] Karen Ondejko [email protected]

Ministries of Prayer & Faith Sharing Centering Prayer Alice Stanford 781-5860 Prayer Line Susan Stamey [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Regina Sisinni 803-6444 Cindy Cardello 846-8825 Rosary Ministry Judy Newell 977-9058

Justice and Peace Education and Advocacy Ministries Advocacy Task Force Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 JustFaith Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 Justice Theater Project Deb Royals-Mizerk 272-1551

Service Ministries AIDS Care Team Tom Zimmerman 870-1379 Blood Drive Tom & Elaine Dupree 577-6901 Brown Bag Ministry Nanette Kirsch [email protected] Tricia Downs [email protected] Catholic Parish Outreach (873-0245) Sue Hand 846-7954 Climate Change Sheila Read [email protected] Community Garden Pat & Paul Kelly 413-8833 Curbside Care Andrew Rinderer 559-2733 Duke Children's Hospital Ginny Winckelmann 848-8791 Film Night Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 Gabriel Project Kip Moffett [email protected] Gay & Lesbian Ministry Jane Paris 847-7431 Chris O’Neill 210-5319 Gay & Lesbian Parent Support Kathryn Cox 609-8425 Habitat for Humanity Diane & Bob Steinbeiser 846-8026 Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (250-0043) Suzanne Szymendera 845-4885 Migrant Ministry Bruce Cartier [email protected] Passage Home (834-0666) Peg Cavender 985-5950 Prison Pen Pal Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 Ronald McDonald House Julie & Jason Huckaby 624-5065 Sister Parish - Guatemala Carie Gunnell [email protected] St. Francis Feeds Donna Mariani 326-3768 St. Francis Inn, Philadelphia John Budway 305-205-5104 Support Circles Ellen Ferrone 381-5509 Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Ron Smith 455-7786

Page 12: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

FRANCISCAN FRIARS 226 Fr. Steve Kluge, O.F.M., Associate Pastor 261 Fr. David McBriar, O.F.M., Associate Pastor 224 Fr. Steve Patti, O.F.M., Pastor 249 Joan Port, Assistant to the Pastor

FORMATION MINISTRIES 473 Trish Adamkowski, Administrative Specialist 264 Martina Dumberger, Administrative Specialist 239 Dawn Eagan, Coordinator of Family Formation-Children 238 Jennifer Fiduccia, Coordinator of Family Formation 289 Terri Layer, Admin. Specialist-Family Life 244 Jason Lillis, Coordinator of Family Life 489 Alex Mancuso, Coordinator of High School Formation 269 Jennifer McCourt, Administrative Specialist 236 Matt Merry, Coordinator of Family Formation-Youth 488 Tresa Pickup, Administrative Specialist 230 Jim Wahl, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music

CATHOLIC EDUCATION MINISTRIES The Franciscan School 255 Marie Leone, Receptionist (Main Number) 233 Jennifer Bigelow, Principal 254 Michele Northington, Assistant Principal, K-5 253 Donna Sincock, Bookkeeper, Franciscan School 251 Joanne Sullivan, School Nurse 469 Lura Tysiac, Coordinator of Marketing and Admissions 314 Laureen Wacenske, Guidance 651 Mike Watson, Assistant Principal, Middle School

St. Francis Preschool 240 Cathy Ashton, Assistant Principal for Preschool 262 Jennifer Benik, Marketing Specialist 262 Shelley Freeman, Administrative Specialist Cardinal Gibbons High School 919-834-1625

PASTORAL MINISTRIES 268 Jackie Adamo, Admin. Specialist-Care and Wellness 267 Becky Cawley, Justice and Peace Specialist 241 Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness 270 Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace

FINANCE AND PLANNING 228 Charlie Abbott, Financial Administrator 229 Pat Kowite, Coordinator of Finance and Administration 243 Rob Neppel, Director of Finance and Planning

PARISH OPERATIONS 263 Jim Anderson, Facilities Manager 234 Tricia Downs, Database/Web Specialist 265 Toni Hammes, Admin. Specialist-Stewardship 375 Tricia Henry, Coordinator of Community Life 227 Marc Kielty, Director of Parish Operations 222 Sue Mathys, Coordinator of Stewardship 271 Diogenes Ruiz, Coordinator of Communications 245 Trina Sugrue, Admin. Specialist-Safe Environment & Welcome

Staff email address: [email protected]

OUR PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Cathy Ashton, Jennifer Bigelow, Amy Challgren, Barb Dobner, Nicole Gass, Darren Harris, Gail Hemedinger, Trey Morris, Liz Mosler, Heather Lisk, Steve Patti, O.F.M.

OUR FINANCE COUNCIL Delynn Alexander, Jennifer Bigelow, Betty Camp, Rebecca Daumen, Steve Dilger Julio de la Rosa, Ron Doggett, Tim Hrehor, Steven Joseph, Bill Laxton, Robert Longley, Mike Keleher, Marc Kielty, Pat Kowite, Adam McCarthy, Tom Mense, Robert Neppel, David Nerz, Steve Patti O.F.M. Bob Randolph, John Smith

OUR SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Jennifer Bigelow, Jim Carr (co-chair), Patty Carr (co-chair), Mike Keleher, Robert Neppel, Michele Northington, Phil Strand, Lisa Tomaino, Steve Patti, O.F.M.

OUR PASTORAL COUNCIL Jim Carr, Patty Carr, Julia Earnhardt, Thomas Graham, Robert Longley Alberto Lopez, Sue Mathys, Liz Mosler, Jane Paris, Steve Patti, O.F.M.

Page 13: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul

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Eric D. Challgren, MD, Parishioner

Gregory J. Wilmoth, MDMargaret B. Boyse, MD

Laura D. Briley, MDTracey S. Cloninger, PA-C


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Page 16: OCTOBER A Lesson Before Dying - St. Francis of …...I found a book called “The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.” The author is Paul


Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all. Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all.


This Week and Next... Donations may be dropped off at the rental truck in our parking lot the next weekend, November 7/8. Adult and youth volunteers are also needed to distribute bags and accept donations. To volunteer go to: Thank you for any help you can provide! Needed items: Rice and maseca flour, dried beans, canned tomatoes, canned vegetables, canned fruit, macaroni and cheese, canned meats, peanut butter and jelly, dry soup packages, juice, oat-meal or dry cereal, diapers (all sizes). Grocery store gift cards are also a great option. Checks made out to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish are very much appre-ciated as well. For more information, contact Ron or Judy Newell at [email protected], 919-977-9058.

November 7 Misa Jarocha Raleigh Premiere! Saturday, 7:00pm, in church. This free concert will feature Misa Jarocha, an original setting of the Mass in Spanish based on traditional “Son Jarocho” music from Veracruz, Mexico and the classical choral tradition, written by our very own Coordinator of Liturgy and Music, Jim Wahl. The pieces, including Señor Ten Piedad, Gloria, Santo, Aclamación Conmemorativa, and Cordero de Dios (all sung in Spanish) are set for SATB choir and accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. Joining us from Minnesota will be guest soloist Tom Speckhard as well as members of our music ministry program.

November 7-11 Used Cell Phone Collection Drive Conducted by the Knights of Columbus, in support of HopeLine. HopeLine pro-vides ways for individuals to take action against domestic violence by donating no longer used cell phones, batteries, chargers, and accessories in any condi-tion from any service provider.

October 25 The Harvest Moon Festival 12:30 - 2:30pm. The Harvest Moon Festival is the Preschool’s largest fundraiser with all proceeds going to programs that provide exceptional support and learning opportunities for our students.

October 25 Very Last! Registration/Information Meeting for First Eucharist 4:30-5:15pm in Anthony Hall Founders Room. Preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist is a two-year proc-ess. Parents with children in the second year of preparation must attend this meeting. For more info, contact Dawn Eagan at 919-847-8205x239, [email protected] or Jen McCourt at 919-847–8205x269, [email protected].

October 27 The San Damiano Cross Spoke to St. Francis and Is Speaking to Us A mini retreat with Fr. Steve Kluge. Two sessions on Tuesday, October 27, 9:30-10:30am in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center and 7:00-8:00pm in Anthony Hall Founders Room. Childcare available for the evening session in Clare Hall Room 204. Light refreshments served at both sessions. Visit to register.

October 28 The 55+ Adult Group Pot Luck Luncheon Join us on Wednesday in Clare Fellowship Hall. Menu # 1 A thru D - Main Dish E thru M - Dessert / Bread or Rolls N thru Z - Salad / Side Dish

November 3 Flag Retirement Ceremony The Knights of Columbus and Boy Scout Troop 352 will hold a flag retire-ment ceremony Tuesday, November 3 at 7:30pm. Please bring old flags to the Stewardship Center on the weekends of October 24 and 31. Please contact John Buico at [email protected] with any questions.

November 6-8

Men’s Retreat with Fr. Steve Kluge Join Steve Kluge, O.F.M., and other men of faith on this great weekend away from the city! Our fall retreat will offer time to build your relationship with God, hear from other men how they are developing their prayer lives, and listen to thoughtful presentations on the life of St. Francis of Assisi. The retreat begins on Friday night with a short opening prayer and reflection by Fr. Steve, and concludes with lunch after Mass on Sunday. More information and registration at mensministry.

November 7/8 Our Lady of the Rosary Food Drive Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Louis-burg, NC has the main food pantry in this poor and rural community where approximately 23.7% of the population live below the poverty line. Hundreds of people each month have trouble stretching their income to cover food, they depend on this pantry for help. Food bags will be handed out after all masses, October 31/November 1.

HopeLine will also accept broken phones as their parts can still be used. HopeLine, in partnership with Verizon, connects survivors of domestic violence to vital resources and fund organizations nationwide. Please drop off any of these items in a collection box located in the Stewardship Center after all weekend Masses, November 7/8 and through November 11. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Azzopardi at [email protected].

November 8 Fall Open House At the Franciscan School and St. Francis Preschool. See page 6 for details.

November 14 December 5 Habitat for Humanity Build Days There are currently three Building on Faith homes in various stages of con-struction and two more that will begin soon. As a part of the Catholic Coalition, St. Francis has committed to the these workdays. We need 15 volunteers to work 8:30am - 4:00pm on November 14 and December 5. We look forward to seeing you!

December 5 St. Francis Feeds at Oak City Outreach Center The Oak City Outreach Center, 215 S. Person St., Raleigh, serves individuals experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity every weekend of the year as part of the Raleigh-Wake Coalition to End and Prevent Homelessness. Volun-teers prepare and serve meals to our brothers and sisters in need. Thank you for any help you can provide! To sign up:

For a complete listing of Parish Events, visit

Coming soon...

9 9

December 15 Mass of Anointing Two Masses are scheduled each year, one in Advent and one in Lent. This year's Advent date will be Tuesday, December 15 at 9:00am Mass.

Art & Environment Ministry We are looking for people to help with set up and clean up of the church space during various liturgical events throughout the year. Theresa Baumgartner, who leads our Art & Environment Ministry will be there to lead and direct. We just need some people to do some manual labor. No special talent or training needed. Just show up and lend a helping hand. To sign up for a date, visit

On-Going Toiletries Drive Many of our low income brothers and sis-ters within our community and those we reach out to, find that their monthly in-come just can’t stretch far enough beyond food and rent to cover basic toiletry needs. On an on-going basis we will col-lect toiletries here at St. Francis to be given to struggling folks. Please drop off new (and new-ish) travel size or any size soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, creams, shaving gear, etc. in the bins in Clare Hall and our Preschool. Every contribution no matter how small will make a difference in someone’s life. Thank you!

The Play and Pray Sunday morning ministry is currently accepting applica-tions for a childcare provider position in our 2-year-old room. Play and Pray is our faith formation nursery during the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses on Sunday mornings. The goal of Play and Pray is to partner with parents of young children to provide an opportunity for them to attend Mass and for their children to begin to hear the stories of Jesus, and learn about our Catholic Traditions using language and activi-ties that are age appropriate. Providers play with the children, sing songs, and read Bible stories with them. A strong candidate will have experience working with young children, have a strong faith that they are excited to share with our toddlers and preschoolers, and be will-ing to obtain Diocese of Raleigh Safe Environment level C certification. If interested, please send a cover letter and resumé to Niamh Crotty at [email protected]. Email Subscription to the Bulletin Get the bulletin emailed to you every week. Click the mail icon at
