Page 1: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

October 2019 Tidings Edition

First Presbyterian Church of Towanda

5 Court St., Towanda, PA 570-265-5575

Email - [email protected]

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Facebook - Fans of First Presbyterian

Learn to Listen – Listening is an important gift we can give others.

Anne Peterson

Have you ever been in a conversation with others and realized you had checked out? You see their

mouths moving, but aren't engaged? Situations like this make me ask:

Why is it so difficult to stay in the present?

How can we remain engaged when we are in conversation?

How can we become better listeners?

We live in a technological age where people rarely do just one thing at a time.

For instance, I found out the other day that it's possible for a person to be on

the phone with you while texting someone else. No wonder I sometimes have to

repeat things in phone conversations. Our world moves fast, and we're tempted

to hold on while riding at breakneck speed, but at what cost?

People Need to Connect

We live in an age where people are meeting together less and less. Isolation, de-

pression, and loneliness abound. We long for human connection, but we're finding poor substitutes

for community online. So we need to make a concerted effort to make connections when given the


Have you noticed that when you are at a register, the cashier sometimes doesn't even make eye con-

tact? When you're in stores, ask cashiers how their day is, looking directly into their eyes. It's possible

to engage someone even when you have just a few moments. Your engagement will help people feel

that they matter. Sometimes all it takes is asking simple question, "So, has it been busy today?" Peo-

ple are dying to talk. The problem is that no one is really listening.

There Are No Chance Meetings

Sometimes it's easy to go about our days thinking they are insignificant—that each encounter we have

with someone is simply a chance encounter. But Psalm 139:2-3 says, "You know when I sit and

when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you

Page 2: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

are familiar with all my ways." The God of the universe is aware of what you do in your day-to-day

existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that

when we make plans. We get the false sense that we are in control, and then we try to retain that

control when in reality, God is the one in control.

We should keep this in mind as we meet people during the day. God places opportunities to engage

with others, and we must learn to recognize them. Listening matters because the person before us is

someone God loves, someone God values. And we can ask God for his eyes to see people as he sees

them. If my focus is on the person before me, and I see that he or she is of value to God, I will be

less tempted to make every conversation about me.

A perfect example of this is when my dryer stopped working. Initially this surprise irritated me. Even-

tually the repairman arrived, and I watched as he checked for the problem. Then I remembered that

God knew all about the dryer and who would be fixing it. That reminder prompted me to start a

conversation with him. Eventually it led to a conversation about God. I realized later it wasn't about

my dryer at all. God had provided me with an opportunity to share him with the repairman.

Stay in Step with the Spirit

Those who know God personally are filled with the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:25 says, "Since we live

by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." We may not know what the person before us is go-

ing through in his or her life, but God knows. If we are in step with the Spirit, God can lead our con-

versation. And when you remember that God is with you every step you take, you talk to God as

you listen to others. God will tell you what to ask, what to say, and when to keep silent. Being in step

with the Spirit means you are open to his leading, therefore you are not in the driver's seat. When we

are controlling things, we are calling the shots and are tempted to make each conversation about us

and our experiences. Even as the other person shares, we get our next point ready, formulating our

thoughts so they come out just right.

When we are in step with the Spirit, we wait patiently for the other person to communicate. When

we are in tune with the Spirit we realize we are not the reason our listener was blessed, refreshed, or

encouraged. God is the source, and sometimes we get the privilege of being used in the process.

Learn to Listen

God tells us in James 1:19, "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be

quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." We apply this verse when we learn to listen

well. Everyone has the basic need to be heard. God provides opportunities to practice listening every

day. Seeing these opportunities as from God helps us have the right perspective. How different our

interactions would be if we were quick to listen instead of quick to speak. Growing up in a family of

five children, I fought to be heard. It's still difficult when we all get together as some habits are hard

to break. But to become a better listener, I prayed, waited patiently, and learned to respond with

grace. (continued on next page)

Page 3: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

Greetings from Central Florida

August 28, 2019

Hi all!

Greetings from central Florida. We want to write you a final newsletter,

but life is just too complicated right now (smile). So we’re sending this quickie with

the crucial information.

We ARE moved into our new place as of 2 weeks ago! Life is full of boxes,

and lacking several basic furniture items, plus there’s a lot to learn about this retire-

ment community we’re now living in. So it’s been rather chaotic. Here’s the info

you need:

ADDRESS: 4136 Northgate Dr., #8, Kissimmee, FL 34746.

PHONE: We are using Jim’s phone as our main phone number right now, which is: 407-334-3903. Joan’s

carrier has rather poor coverage in this area and we’re planning to change it over to the same carrier as Jim,

hopefully within the next couple of weeks; but until, say, mid-September, it’s safest to use Jim’s number for

both of us. After that, you should be able to reach Joan at 717-803-6130.

EMAIL: We will both be checking [email protected]. Note that there is an underscore character be-

tween “jim”and “farr”. Remember to delete our email addresses that end with “” or “”. They

will no longer be reaching us.

We’re bracing for my (Joan’s) first hurricane this weekend. It’s a bit scary to contemplate, I must

admit, but it’s habitual here so guess I’ll be getting used to it. Appreciate prayers though for God’s peace to

be stronger than all those other emotions! And maybe that God will have mercy on us and redirect it or mini-

mize its strength.

Hopefully we’ll get the other letter done and out to you within the next month.

Hurriedly yours,

Jim & Joan Farr

(continued from previous page)

Too often in conversations, we respond prematurely, frustrating our conversation partners because

their message was not heard. Pray that God will help you be quick to listen—that he will give you

patience to hear others. And when you respond, pray for God's words—words that are drenched in

grace and let the person know that someone is actually listening.

Anne Peterson is a poet, speaker, and freelance author. If she isn't writing she's having fun with grand-

sons, Jude and Charlie. Visit Anne on Facebook or at, where you can read her blog

and listen to her poetry.

Page 4: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we


Sunday, November 3 if you are packing your own shoebox. Please pick up a packing

box from the display in the Narthex. When you finish packing your box, tape your

completed label to the lid of the box, enclose the required postage and secure with a

rubber band. Drop off your box at the CE office.

Suggested Items to include in your own box: toys, pens, crayons, hair bows, head-

bands, socks, T-shirts, school supplies, kid's watches, flashlights with batteries, dolls,

and toy cars. Hygiene items including bars of soap, toothbrushes and washcloths are

also requested. Please put soap in a plastic bag.

Do NOT Include:

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns,

knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks;

drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breaka-

ble items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

For more detailed information use this link:


If you do not wish to pack a box but would like to be a part of this worthwhile

project, consider a monetary donation toward the items purchased for Kids Club

members to pack. We will be packing boxes on Wednesday, November 6.

Page 5: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

You Knew It Was a Snake!

A man started to climb a high, steep mountain when a snake asked the man to carry him along. "But

you're a snake," the man said.

The snake smiled. "Don't worry. I won't bite you."

After days of arduous climbing, the man reached the mountain summit,

whereupon the poisonous snake bit him. As he lay dying, the man cried out,

"You said you wouldn't bite me!"

His reptilian hitchhiker looked at him and said, "Ha! You knew I was a snake

when you picked me up."

This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. We're often tempted to make deals when we shouldn't. If you

trust snakes, you'll get bit. It's impossible to travel with the wrong people and reach the right result . . .

in the high calling of our daily work.

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for

there are some who are ignorant of God — I say this to your shame. (1 Cor. 15:33-34)

Image by Tim Miller. Used with permission. Sourced via Flickr.

October Greeters

6 - Todd & Jacob Carr

13 - Jim & Judy Isaac

20 - Cathy & Dave Guffey

27 - Peggy & Sharon Richards

October Elders

6 - Julie O’Donnell

13 - Dave Guffey

20 - Tom Neilson

27 - Danise Fairchild

October Scripture Readers

6 - Linda Ferrario

13 - Dawn Terascavage

20 - Ray Fleming

27 - Marguerite Fox Picou

Page 6: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

October Birthdays

5 - Ryland Carey

8 - Art Spengler, Dorothy Scott

11 - Marguerite Fox Picou

14 - Nancy Hughey

15 - Brenda Houck

21 - Elizabeth Lightbourn

25 - Baylee Clark

29 - Janice McConnell, Karl Tewksbury

30 - Shaylee Greenland

Farewell to Deb

Thank you for the extraordinary love, commitment and creativity you have given our church family...especially Kid’s Club, as our Christian Ed. Director.

We pray you will go on to find new treasures each day, and that the blessing of Christ will be upon you forevermore.

We will miss you dearly!

Your Faithful Church Friends

Month of October Prayer Items

1. For the children and youth we minister to to take the Gospel message to heart, and seek to

follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. Pray for those of us who are involved in reaching out to them.

2. For our church officers to have discernment as they seek God's best for our congregation. May

the Lord give us a vision for what He wants to accomplish through us.

3. For those suffering from mental illness and addiction to get the help they need. May they turn to

Christ and rest in Him for healing and peace.

4. For our local, state, and federal officials to lead selflessly and wisely. Pray for God's will to be

done in upcoming elections.

5. May the Lord be shaping each of us to grow to share our faith in Christ with others, so they can

be blessed with forgiveness and salvation.

Page 7: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we


Make the effort. Wake them up early. Fool with the belts and the buckles and the fancy hair bows. Endure the

sleepy, grumpy faces and the misplaced shoes. Run around like a mad woman gathering everybody’s every-

thing and trying to get out the door on time. Hop to the car with a shoe in each hand. Give those babies a pop-

tart and some milk and let ‘em eat it in the car. If its raining, get wet. If its cold, get a jacket. If you’re tired, go

tired. But take those babies to church. You know why?

Because Jesus is there.

He’s there. And He’ll meet them there. And you too, Mama. He’ll be there in the sweet smile of their Sunday

School teacher as she greets them into their room. He’ll be there in the goldfish and the apple juice and the fill-

ing of their little bellies and hearts. He’ll be there in the hug from a sweet friend and the encouraging smile that

assures you that they “just barely made it” too. He’ll be there in the sacred words read from the Bible speaking

truth to their little impressionable hearts. He’ll be there in the worship and the raised hands and the watery

eyes and whispers of praise.

So take them. Carry all of their Bibles and drawings and toilet paper tube creations. Sit by them in worship.

Open your Bible and open theirs. Show them how to find the scripture the pastor is preaching from. Show

them how to worship. Explain to them why He’s worthy of worship. Let them see you laugh and cry and praise

and study. Forgive their wiggles and paper rustles and know that they’re listening even when it seems like they

aren’t. Ask them questions and answer the ones they ask you. Introduce them to Jesus. Tell them of His great-

ness - his power - his faithfulness. Tell them with your words and show them with your life. Tell them what

he’s done for you and how you’ve been changed by His grace and forgiveness and goodness and love. Tell them

how they can be too. Point them to Jesus. Over and over and over again.

Take your kids to church. They’ll love it there. It’s the

only place where they can go and just be themselves.

They don’t have to “be” good enough or smart enough

or athletic enough. They don’t have to perform for ap-

proval or achievement. They just get to go and hear

how much God loves them. Just because they’re them.

Just because He created them, they’re valued. Wanted.

Their worth isn’t based on the grades they make or

their ability to throw a curveball. Its not dependent on

their performance or skill level. And they need a little

more of that, don’t you think? A little more grace and

a little less pressure. A little more love and a few less


Take them to church. Before you take them to the ballfield or the gym. Before you take them on vacation or to

grandma’s or to the backyard to play. Take them to church. Let them know its a priority. Show them it has

eternal value. Let them see you set aside schedules and extra curricular activities and work and busy-ness to be

present with the Lord in His house. I promise you won’t regret it. I promise you it won’t return back void.

Take them to church.

--Author unknown

Page 8: October 2019 Tidings Edition · existence. You make your plans, but God knows how it will all turn out. We sometimes forget that when we make plans. We get the false sense that we

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 Prayer Grp. and

Bible Study

12:30 Worship Team

1:00 Seekers Study

2 Day of Prayer

8:00 H.H @ Cup

6:00 Kid’s Club

7:30 Choir

3 4

5th Quarter

Towanda Home

Football Game


6 Communion

10:00 Worship

11:30 Flourishing


5:00 Girl Scouts


6:30 Ladies B.S.

6:30 Boy Scouts

8 Pastor

9:00 Prayer Grp. and

Bible Study

1:00 Seekers Study

9 Rachel

6:00 Kid’s Club

7:30 Choir

10 on study 11 leave



10:00 Worship

11:30 Sunday


6:00 - 7:30 Youth

Group at Community

Alliance Church

14 Columbus Day

5:30 Outreach Team

6:30 Ladies B.S.

6:30 Boy Scouts

15 Pastor Rachel return from study leave

9:00 Prayer Grp. and

Bible Study

1:00 Seekers Study

5:30 Community



1:00 Bible Study @

Peggy Richards

6:00 Kid’s Club

7:30 Choir

World Food Day

17 18 19


10:00 Worship

11:30 Sunday School

5:00 Girl Scouts


6:30 Ladies B.S.

6:30 Boy Scouts


9:00 Prayer Grp. and

Bible Study

1:00 Seekers Study



6:00 Kid’s Club

7:30 Choir


United Nations Day

25 26

Fellowship Team

decorate Patterson


27 Founder’s Day

10:00 Worship

11:15 Founder’s Day

Luncheon in

Patterson Hall

Reformation Sunday


6:30 Ladies B.S.

6:30 Boy Scouts


9:00 Prayer Grp. and

Bible Study

1:00 Seekers Studyh


6:00 Kid’s Club

7:30 Choir

31 Halloween

October 2019

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

― Albert Camus
