Page 1: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

Westminster Presbyterian Church October 2016 Newsletter 2343 Knob Creek Rd. Church Office: 423/283-4643

9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Johnson City, TN 37604 e-mail: [email protected]

Worship God, Connect People , Equip Bel ievers , Serve Others , Share Christ Dear Westminster Family, As I write we are just a couple of days from our scheduled major outreach event with Coach Phil Fulmer. If you read that before the event, 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 13, please pray for God’s blessing on that event through Coach Fulmer’s talk. And even if you read this after the event, please pray for our follow-up efforts, including parenting studies that are being offered to those who attend. Also as I write we are only a few weeks away from our national election day. Some have asked my opinion about the presidential race, and my reply has been that for a variety of reasons I do not endorse political candidates, and that I have significant reservations about both of the major candidates for president. Recently Harry Reeder, pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, posted the following on his Facebook page: “For multiple reasons I never endorse candidates, but this election reveals a nation now under Divine judgment & His Church in need of revival.” I am afraid he is right. Over the course of the last few weeks I have read and listened to arguments by Christians for why they believe that Christians should vote for this candidate or that one. I’m sure there are people at Westminster who hold divergent views about whether, and /or how Christians should vote in this election. This morning I read the best article I have seen about how we should respond to these differences. It will not tell you how to vote, but will give some good ideas about how to live with others who may feel different than you do. It was written by Trevor Wax and it appeared on the Gospel Coalition website at It reads as follows:

We are just weeks away from Election 2016, and evangelicals are conflicted about their choices.

• Some will vote for Donald Trump. They consider him the lesser of two evils and hope he will nominate a Supreme Court justice who will protect religious liberty and the rights of the unborn.

• A few will vote for Hillary Clinton. They judge her to be the lesser of two evils because of a wider range of issues.

• Some will vote for a third-party candidate or write in someone’s name. They refuse to vote for Trump or Clinton out of principle or due to their consciences.

Election 2016 is weird. A friend recently told me that he’s voting for Trump because he assumes the man will die in office or be assassinated, and then we’d have Pence. No joke. A guy voting for Trump, hoping he won’t serve his term. We’re not in Kansas anymore, y’all.

The choice of candidates is depressing. So are the online wars between Christians over how to vote this year.


Page 2: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important things in life, truths that unite us across party lines into one body of Christ. Most of the issues we debate at the dinner table must fade away at the Table of our Lord.

So should we resort to publicly shaming people who decide to vote for one of these candidates? Twist the arms of those who, out of conscience, withhold their vote? Pounce on people when something happens you think makes them regret the decision they’ve made? When we blast people who have come to a different ethical conclusion about the best way forward this election cycle, we give the impression that this year’s choice is ultimate. We look just like people on the Right and Left who live and breathe politics because they don’t see anything higher.

This won’t do. I have too many friends and family members and fellow church members on all sides of Election 2016 to let their choice in the voting booth affect my affection for them.

So, I’m trying to do two things, and I hope you’ll join me. 1. GIVE SPACE

First, I want to give space for people to come to different conclusions. Can we all agree that this year’s election options are less than ideal?

Can we agree that there are multiple factors in play? Can we acknowledge faults and problems in every candidate and every course of action?

Can we agree that the ethical considerations are complicated? I’m not saying all options are equal, valid, and right. By all means, we should deliberate, and yes, even debate. But let’s put buffers around that deliberation and debate. Let’s give space for people to disagree and recognize that people may arrive at their choice in a reasonable way, even if ultimately, we think they’re dead wrong.

2. SHOW GRACE Second, I want to show grace to people who take a different approach to this election than I do. I don’t want them to impugn my motives even if they question my wisdom, and so I will try to refrain from doing the same to them.

Can we extend grace to people who disappoint us with their political choices—whether they’re voting Clinton, Trump, or refraining from either?

But the person making that choice doesn’t deserve grace! you might say. Especially because of how they treat me for disagreeing!

To which I respond: Of course, they don’t deserve grace. That would defeat the whole point. Grace means you extend favor to a person who has done nothing to deserve it. You show grace to the person who annoys you, infuriates you, and disappoints you. Grace is powerful precisely when it is least expected.

GRACIOUS CHURCHES This is where the church comes in. Before we can share the message of grace, we ought to show people what grace looks like. What if the world saw Christians debate the merits of different choices this election, but then arm in arm, move forward with brotherly love—not because we agree, but precisely because we know how to show grace when we don’t?

Page 3: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

In January 2017, we will most likely see the inauguration of President Trump or President Clinton. And God will still be on his throne.

Come January, God’s people won’t have a choice; we’ll have a command—to pray for whomever walks into the Oval Office. We must “honor the emperor” as Peter said and “pray for those in authority,” as Paul said. Peter says to “honor everyone,” and that includes the fellow church member who sits across the aisle from you and votes differently. So, during this election season: Give space. Show grace.

I will not try to tell you how to vote in this election. I do hope that you, like I, will pray and try our best to apply Christian principles in the choices we make. Ultimately we should recognize that God is in control, and calls us to bear a consistent witness through life and words regardless of who is elected. Of one thing we may be sure. Christ said He would build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We are called to be a part of that transcendent mission. In the process of waiting and working for its culmination we should take note of the words of Psalm 146:3-6:

Put not your trust in princes,

in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;

on that very day his plans perish.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who keeps faith forever;

Yours in Christ, Pastor Jim Richter

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Dear Friend, We would like to thank you for your participation in this special evening. We want you to be aware we plan to offer some groups that will engage in a 4-week study of parenting principles for those who would like to go deeper in this important matter. We will be emailing info about when those groups will be offered. If you did not register for this event online, please fill out the form below and drop it into a basket if you are interested in receiving this information. Blessings to You Always, Dr. Jim Richter, Senior Pastor Rev. Joshua Light, Assistant Pastor

WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA), 2343 Knob Creek Road, Johnson City, TN 37604

Sunday School: 9:15am

Worship: 10:25am

Wednesday Evening Meal & Bible Study: 5:45pm-7:30pm

NAME: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY OF RESIDENCE: _______________________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________________

Page 5: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

Luke 10:2 And Jesus said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers in his harvest. The following are current opportunities where additional support is needed to reach out to our community. A short description and persons to contact are provided. Continued prayer for each activity is a major need and something we ALL can do.

• Big Event, October 13 – A major outreach opportunity featuring Coach Fulmer followed by a series of small group sessions - Pastor Joshua Light

• Director and teachers to establish a formal ESL (English as a Second Language) Program –

Frank McCollum

• Faith and Finance Training – A financial responsibility course provided on a periodic basis – Frank McCollum

• Melting Pot – Monthly preparation and serving of food at the Good Samaritan Melting Pot – Daniel Johnson

• Food Pantry – Quarterly support for Good Samaritans food pantry - Ruby Caswell

• Disaster Recovery – Efforts to periodically assist communities in recovering from disasters. Currently planning a trip to help flood victims Nov. 9-12 Ray Whiteman

• First Touch Ministry – Greeter ministry each Sunday. Bob Cary and Stephanie Leutbecher

• OASIS – Service focused ministry oriented toward working on our church facility and needs identified within the community. Ray Whiteman

• Dominion Ministry – Support for our neighbor senior living facility through visitation, Bible studies and worship – Bob Cary

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Drywall Tools for Mercy Ministry

In an effort to properly equip our disaster relief ministry team, we have determined that we need dry wall tools. There are two ways that you can become a part of this ministry. First, if you have any of the tools listed below, in good condition, which you no longer need, you can donate them to the church for our use. Second, if you wish to give a monetary gift or buy some of the tools for our use, you can do that. Just put “Disaster Relief Tools” on the subject line of your check and place it in the offering plate, or bring any tools to Bob Cary or Frank McCollum. Thanks for your support. Tools needed and approximate cost: Drywall T-squares - 2 - $12.00 ea. Utility knives - 2 - 2.50 ea. Drywall saw - 2 - 10.00 ea. Surform rasp - 2 - 10.00 ea. Roto-zip saw - 1 - 70.00 Mud pans - 3 - 14.00 ea. Tin snips - 1 - 15.00 Mud mixer - 1 - 16.00 Various putty knives, 10-12.00 ea. 2 of each size: 2”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 12”

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October is Pastor Appreciation Month

The theme this year is “Getting to Know Our Pastors Better”

Watch for details on a display in the Narthex

WPC Cookbook Sales in October and November Cost: $15

Available: Fall Festival, Thanksgiving Dinner, October 22, and November 13

New Event--------“House of Prayer” The praying place where two or more are gathered will begin meeting Friday,

October 14th at 10:00-11:00 at Tanza Henninger’s home. Praying conversationally based on the book,

“Prayer: Conversing with God” by Rosalind Rinker. Please come and bring a friend.

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party Tentative date: November 13

Watch for more details in coming weeks ON-GOING OPPORTUNIES: • Ladies Tuesday Bible Study: Hebrews. 9:30 AM Contact: Linda

Richter • Sewing/Craft Fellowship: a fun and productive time of

fellowship and laughter as we share together while we sew, cut, glue, and create wonderful things. 9 AM-3PM—Bring your lunch, stay as long as you can. October 22, November 5 ; contact Kelly Atkins

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Beautiful weather! Falling leaves!

Pastor Appreciation Month!

And what else?

Return your Library Book Month!

We are SOOOO blessed by the extraordinary library WPC has!

Top-notch Christian Authors Books on parenting, Christian Living, Biographies, Reference books

A wealth of great books for your wee little children (grand children!),

beginning readers, books for teens

and much more.


Too many of these books may not be available for others

because they may still be on your bookshelf. Oops!

Please, look around in your home, return the books

to the bin on the church library desk.

Thank You!

Page 9: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

Kids’ Club is off to a GREAT START With new Teachers: Mary Hogue & Heather Hester,

and teaching again, Elaine DeVusser, and New Youth Group Teacher: Larry Steuck!

Join us, we are learning about JESUS, growing, and having fun together!

YG FAB/Bible Studies continue to be well attended, spiritually edifying, and fun.

Join us and make real connections this year in small group Bible Study every second and fourth Sundays. 4-5:00 p.m. Fun Stuff, 5-5:45 Dinner,

5:45-7 p.m. Girls’ Bible Study & Guys’ Bible Study

Our First Parent Powwow was informative & fun! Thank you, Abby Darlington, Margaret Siglin, & Hannah & Daniel for sharing

about what youth programs have meant to you.

Thank you Youth Group for your help at the Fall Festival. Your help made the activities run smoothly.

Your winsome presence was a blessing to our community. You all seriously rock!

Coming Soon October 7: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe October 12: Fields of Faith October 13: Phil Fulmer October 14: KID FAB October 16 & 30: YG FAB October 19: First Children’s Christmas Musical October 28: FALL YOUTH PARTY

October 2016 [email protected]

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MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Sunday, November 13


Page 11: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

Our goal is to fill 100 boxes! All of these items are available at Dollar Tree stores. Look for multi-packs for many of these: 75 small pkgs tissues (usually in 3-packs) 80 adult-size toothbrushes 20 child-size toothbrushes 100 toothbrush holders 100 tubes toothpaste 100 washcloths (“Magic” shrink-wrapped or regular) 100 bars soap (buy low-fragrance, like Ivory, in packs) 430 pencils 290 ink pens (40 need to be click-style) 80 tiny note pads (around 3”x5”) 160 decorative erasers, 80 pencil end erasers 100 pkgs hard candy or chewing gum 20 rolls/pkgs Lifesavers candy 85 combs (multi-pack) 50 hair brushes 25 flashlights & 25 pkgs AA batteries 25 pairs men’s socks 25 pairs women’s socks 50 pairs boys’ socks 50 pairs girls’ socks 25 pairs men’s sunglasses 25 pairs women’s sunglasses 25 pairs boys’ sunglasses 25 pairs girls’ sunglasses 50 solar calculators 100 lip balms 40 yo-yos 140 lizards/bugs 50 pair pointy-end scissors 30 pair blunt-end scissors 55 harmonicas 50 set of boy-type stickers 50 sets of girl-type stickers 40 balsa wood airplane gliders 75 small bouncy balls (50 soccer style preferred, 25 girl type) 25 pkgs color markers

Page 12: October 2016 E-Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · Online Wars Christians, of all people, should remember that politics is not ultimate. There are more important

25 pkgs color pencils 50 pkgs 24-count crayons (no larger) 300 hair ties, 50 headbands, and/or 200 tiny hair clips 40 nail files (emery sand-type) 60 small beanie-baby type stuffed animals 25 thin coloring books for older girls 15 thin coloring books for boys 15 thin coloring books for girls 20 thin coloring books for young boys/girls 10 toddler-style trucks or cars (about 3” long) 20 rubber duckies Also needed: Christmas wrapping paper Old shoeboxes (larger shoe size if possible) If you buy a very large amount and would like to save money on the sales tax, ask Donna Viens to give/email you a copy of the church tax exemption form.

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OVERVIEW: Effort coordinated through Appalachia Service Project (ASP) which provides the projects, housing, and meals. Location – Rainelle, West VA. Project – Repairing homes & building new homes. Need – At least 6 more volunteers REQUIREMENTS: Age 14 or older (First 12 to commit unless more bed space becomes available.) Up-to-date tetanus shot Personal health insurance ASP forms (To be provided) Willingness to sleep on an air mattress Minimum expense anticipated KEY DATES: Oct 16 – Short information meeting, Church Parlor, after worship. Oct 23 – Commitment deadline. Nov 9 – Van and truck depart church at 1:00 pm 10-12 Nov – Work in Rainelle area Nov 12, after dinner meal – Depart for home If you are interested in this trip and desire to be kept informed, coordinate with Bob Cary or complete the following and place in the collection plate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name _____________________________________________ Preferred telephone # _________________________________ Email address _______________________________________

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Upcoming Special Events at WPC in 2016

OCTOBER Fall Festival 10/1 Guest Speaker-Fulmer 10/13 @ 7 pm Jt. Reformation Service 10/30 NOVEMBER Thanksgiving dinner 11/16 DECEMBER Timeless Treasures Party 12/8 6pm Christmas Cantata by Choir 12/11 10:30 am Christmas Dinner & Musical 12/14 ELP Christmas Program 12/15 6pm Candlelight Remembrance 12/18 Christmas Eve Service 12/24 5pm Christmas Morning Service 12/25 10:30 a.m. (no Sunday School) 12/25


If you think of anything we missed, Notify the office

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AUGUST $40,223 $54,791 $62,248YTD $470,822 $478,440 $497,983

FAITHPROMISE AUGUST $2,931 $13,200 $13,200

YTD $94,552 $106,200 $106,333



October Food Drive

For Good Samaritan Ministries Pick up a food list from a table in the center of the narthex

Nov Newsletter Deadline is

Monday, Oct 24th
